| |
| |
| |
| |
‘Aas’ (as a weight) 293. |
Abdomen, corn-moth 289. |
*Accademia del Cimento 201. |
Action, pepper 237. |
Air, in blood 335. |
Air, in bloodvessels 199. |
Air, -bubbles 199, 335. |
Air, -pump 335. |
*Air-chamber function aorta 153. |
*‘Anatomia et contemplatio’ 181. |
*‘Anatomia seu interiora rerum’ 181. |
Anatomist 145. |
*Andersen, K. Th. 317. |
*Anguilla anguilla Linn. 73. |
*Animalculistic theory 15. |
*Animal soul 111. |
*Animal soul spirit 185. |
Anvil 83, 243. |
Apple-blossom, worms 323. |
Arguments 143. |
*Aristotle 111. |
Arteries 145-151. |
Arteries bat 157-167, 201. |
Arteries bream 51. |
Arteries carp 105-107. |
Arteries eel 69-79. |
Arteries fish 41-49, 55 |
Arteries frog 23-39, 55. |
Arteries perch 97-99. |
Arteries pike 101. |
Arteries rabbit, ear 195. |
Arteries roach 51, 101-105. |
Arteries shrimp 107-109. |
Arteriole 103, 147. |
Attestation by notables 55. |
*Auricles, bat 163. |
*Avena 339. |
Awns, grasses 339. |
| |
Back of a knife (as a measure) 225. |
Bacon 157. |
*Baker, H. 93. |
Bakers 277, 287, 307, 2311. |
Bamboo 263. |
Bark, worm's egg 313. |
Base 143. |
Bat, auricles 163. |
Bat, blood-vessels 161-169. |
Bat, circulation blood 157-161, 201-203. |
Bat, claws 201, 203. |
Bat, congealing of blood 159-169. |
Bat, ears 163. |
Bat, *ear-covers 163. |
Bat, *echo-localisation 163. |
*echo-localisation flight 169. |
*echo-localisation head 163. |
*echo-localisation heart 167. |
*echo-localisation membranes 57-163. |
*echo-localisation *tragi 163. |
*echo-localisation wings 155, 163, 169, 171, 203. |
Beer, small 229, 337. |
*Bellini, L. 147. |
Belly, frog 21, 27. |
*Bender, E. 289, 305. |
*Bernard, Ch. 253. |
Betel 263. |
*Bibio marci (Linn.) 323. |
*Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Florence 173. |
Bird, egg 325. |
Bishop of London 181. |
*Black, E.A. 317. |
Black rust, in corn 183. |
Black rust, *in wheat 183. |
Bladder 231. |
Bladders 265. |
| |
| |
| |
Bladder-stone 225-227, 231-233, 337. |
Blaeu, Johannes 189. |
Blaeu, Pieter 189. |
Blaeu, Willem 173, 189. |
*Blankaart, S. 131, 199, 203. |
Blisters 265. |
*Blois, A. de 121. |
Blood, thinning 263. |
Bloodcorpuscles 29. |
Bloodless creature 111. |
Blood-vessels 199-201. |
Blood-vessels base of hair 197. |
Blood-vessels bat 161-169, 203. |
Blood-vessels eel 69-77. |
Blood-vessels fish 41-49. |
Blood-vessels frog 37. |
Blood-vessels membrane 53, 79. |
Blood-vessels perch 97-99. |
Blood-vessels pike 101. |
Blood-vessels wall 81, 97-99. |
Blood-vessels wattle of cock 195. |
Body, corn-moth 303. |
Body, human 219. |
*Boitet, R. 89. |
Bones, fish 129. |
Bones, flounder 113. |
Bones, tail frog 35. |
*Book lice 318. |
*Bontekoe, C. 263. |
Boyle, R. 63, 65. |
*Boyle- letters 67. |
Bran 207. |
Branches 145, 147. |
Brass 83, 85, 87. |
Bream, circulation blood 51. |
Bream, scales 51. |
Bream, tail-fin 51. |
*Bronckart, J.J. 137, 139. |
Buds, blossom 323, 325. |
| |
Cabbage-butterfly, eggs 323. |
Cabbage-butterfly, worm 323. |
Calander 315-317. |
Calculation 293. |
Calendar, Gregorian 193. |
Calendar, Julian 193. |
*Cantharidine 265. |
*Cantharis 265. |
*Capillaries, blood 53, 115, 217, 247. |
Caput mortuum, long pepper 247. |
Caput mortuum, spanisch flies 269 |
Caput mortuum, tea 259-261. |
Caput mortuum, tophi 221-223. |
Caput mortuum, white pepper 251. |
*Carbone, D. |
*Cardide contraction, abnormal 39. |
Carp, circulation of blood 105. |
Carp, heart 105. |
Carp, tail-fin 105. |
Caterpillars, apple-blossom 323. |
Causes of death, fish 125. |
Cavity, intestines 207. |
Chaff 339. |
Chalk, gouty 215, 225, 229. |
Chalk, -stones 337. |
Change, black flies 325. |
Change, cheese-fly 327. |
Change, lice 279, 283. |
Change, wolf 279, 283 |
Cheese-fly, change 327. |
Cheese-fly, cocoon 327, 329. |
Cheese-fly, eggs 327, 329. |
Cheese-fly, maggots 325-329. |
Cheese-fly, pupa 327, 329. |
Cheese-fly, worms 327. |
Cheese-merchant 329. |
Chervil-seeds, urine 335, 337. |
*Chironimus 321. |
*Chomel, N. 11, 247, 265, 295. |
Chyle 205, 261-263, 337. |
Chyle-vessels, opening into intestine 203-207, 337. |
*Cilates 321. |
Circulation of blood 57, 61, 65, 69, 123, 145-151, 193, 335. |
Circulation of blood bat 157-161, 201-203. |
Circulation of blood bream 51. |
Circulation of blood carp 105. |
Circulation of blood continuous course 35. |
Circulation of blood crab 111. |
Circulation of blood eel 69-81. |
Circulation of blood fish 41-55, 127. |
Circulation of blood flounder 111-113. |
Circulation of blood flying fishes 125. |
Circulation of blood frog 21-39, 55. |
Circulation of blood perch 95. |
Circulation of blood pike 99. |
Circulation of blood plaice 111-113. |
| |
| |
| |
Circulation of blood rhythm 33. |
Circulation of blood roach 51, 101. |
Circulation of blood shrimp 107-109. |
Circulation of blood speed 131-141. |
Circulation of blood wattle of cock 195. |
Claw, bat 157, 201-203. |
*Clay R.S. 89, 93. |
*Clothes-moth 309. |
*Club-cells, skin fishes 95. |
Coagulation, salt 227. |
Coagulation, stomach and intestines 247, 261. |
Coagulation, stone 227. |
Coal, burnt dead 251. |
*Coccygeal gland, aquatic birds 151. |
Cockerel, blood-vessels 195. |
Cockerel, circulation of blood 195. |
Cockerel, comb 195. |
Cockerel, wattle 195. |
Cocoons, cheese-fly 327-329. |
Cocoons, corn-moth 295. |
Cocoons, wolf 283-287. |
Coffee 227. |
*Cohen Stuart, C.P. 253. |
Colcothar, tophi 221-223. |
*Cole, F.J. 3, 67, 119, 147, 273. |
Combatting, corn-moth 293. |
Completeness 325. |
Congealing, blood 73-79, 97, 103. |
Congealing, bat 159-169. |
*Continuatio epistolarum 63, 65. |
Continuous blood-vessel 79, 101. |
Continuous course of blood 155. |
Contradictors 141. |
Copperplate, engraver 217. |
*Corbet, A.S. 277. |
Corn 311, 313, 317, 337. |
Corn-loft 283, 287-297, 311. |
Corn-merchants 277, 279, 307, 309. |
Corn-moth, see also Wolf 277-315. |
Corn-moth, abdomen 289. |
Corn-moth, body 303. |
Corn-moth, butterfly 285. |
Corn-moth, caterpillar 279. |
Corn-moth, combating 293. |
Corn-moth, eggs 287-289, 293, 297-301, 311. |
Corn-moth, egg-shell 301, 309. |
Corn-moth, feathers 285, 303. |
Corn-moth, feelers 303. |
Corn-moth, females 287, 305. |
Corn-moth, legs 303. |
Corn-moth, males 287, 305. |
Corn-moth, mating 305, 309. |
Corn-moth, ovary 287-289. |
Corn-moth, oviposition 289-291. |
Corn-moth, *ovipositor 291. |
Corn-moth, pupation 281. |
Corn-moth, rind of egg 301. |
Corn-moth, wings 285, 303-305. |
Corn-moth, wing-scales 303. |
Corn-weevil, propagation 277. |
*Cotton, R.T. 319. |
*Court, T.H. 89, 93. |
Crab, blood 111. |
Creature, flying 285, 307, 309, 321. |
Creature, living 325. |
*Crose, J.C. de la 3. |
Cup (on eel spy-glass) 89, 91, 93. |
| |
Death, fish 131. |
*Demonstration-microscopes 89. |
Demonstrations 143. |
*‘Den waaragtigen omloop des bloeds’ 61, 181. |
*Descartes, R. 199. |
*Development, frog's egg 11. |
Diameter 141. |
*Diarrhoea, cattle 183. |
*Dijksterhuis, E.J. 145. |
Dilatation, vessels 75. |
Dilatation, water 201. |
*Dioscorides, P. 241. |
Distillation, dry, long pepper 247. |
Distillation, tophi 219. |
*Dobell, C. 273, 321. |
Doctor of medicine 145. |
Draughtsman 19, 21, 87, 287, 299, 301. |
Ducklings, course of blood 203. |
Dung, wolf 209. |
| |
*Ear-covers, bat 163. |
Ears, bat 163. |
Ears, rabbit 195-197. |
East-indian seas 123. |
East-indies 251. |
*Echo-localisation, bat 163. |
| |
| |
| |
Eel 69-81, 91-95, 135-137, 185-186. |
Eel blood-vessels 69, 73. |
Eel circulation blood 69-81. |
Eel head 77, 91. |
Eel heart 73, 135. |
Eel *pectoral fin 71. |
Eel procreation 185-187. |
Eel slime, skin 95. |
Eel speed, circulation blood 135-137. |
Eel tail-fin 69-81, 93. |
Eel spy-glass, construction 81-93. |
Eggs, bird 15. |
Eggs, cabbage-butterfly 325. |
Eggs, cheese-fly 327. |
Eggs, corn-moth 287-289, 293, 297-307, 311. |
Eggs, fly 323. |
Eggs, frog 7-17. |
Eggs, moth 313. |
Eglantine 339. |
Elector of Bavaria 181. |
Emptiness 155. |
*Enchelyscopium 89. |
*Endothelial cells 153. |
*Epiphysis 129. |
*Erythrocytes 199. |
*Erythrocytes bat 161. |
*Erythrocytes bird 53. |
*Erythrocytes fish 53, 115. |
*Erythrocytes frog 25, 29, 33. |
*Essential oil, pepper 247. |
Excrements, wolf 279, 301. |
Extension 163, 171. |
External gills, frog 21-25. |
Extinguisher 295. |
Extract, tophi 223. |
Eyes, frog 21, 27. |
Eyes, moth 235. |
| |
Fatigue, fish 127. |
Feathers 151. |
Feathers corn-moth 285, 303. |
Feathers moth 325. |
Feelers, corn-moth 303. |
Feelers, moth 325. |
Feelers, shrimp 109. |
Females, corn-moth 287, 305. |
Fermentation 197-199. |
*Fin-rays 115. |
Fins, flounder 113. |
Fins, flying fish 125. |
Fire 247, 295. |
Fire hot 219. |
Fire strong 217, 257. |
Fish, blood-vessels 41-49. |
Fish, bones 129. |
Fish, causes of death 125. |
Fish, circulation blood 41-43, 51, 127. |
Fish, death 131. |
Fish, fatigue 127. |
Fish, fin-bone 45. |
Fish, growth 129. |
Fish, heart 41. |
Fish, mode of feeding 129. |
Fish, structure 47. |
Fish, tail-fin 41-49. |
Fish, *trek 127. |
Fish, ulceration 125. |
Fish-baskets 131. |
Fish-like parts, heart 135. |
Fish's spine 45. |
Fixing 85. |
Flies, black 323, 237-329. |
Flies, cheese 327. |
Flies, common 265. |
Flies, spanish 263-269. |
Flight, bat 169-171. |
Flounder, bones 113. |
Flounder, circulation blood 111-115. |
Flounder, fins 113. |
Flounder, tail 113. |
Flour, pepper 237, 239. |
Flying fishes, circulation blood 125. |
Flying fishes, fins 125. |
Flying fishes, flight 123-125. |
Flying fishes, *floating movement 125. |
Flying fishes, mortification 125. |
Flying fishes, wings 125. |
Force 141. |
Fountains 207. |
Fowl, feathers 303. |
Frog, 7-37, 139. |
Frog, belly 27. |
Frog, blood-vessels 37. |
Frog, bone, tail 35. |
Frog, brown 7. |
Frog, circulation blood 21, 27-41. |
Frog, eggs 7-17. |
| |
| |
| |
Frog, eyes 21, 27. |
Frog, *gills, external 21-25. |
Frog, green 9. |
Frog, head 21. |
Frog, heart 27-37. |
Frog, *heart-rhythm 27. |
Frog, intestines 27 |
Frog, *metamorphosis 17. |
Frog, mouth 21, 27. |
Frog, *olfactory clefts 21. |
Frog, spawn 7, 9. |
Frog, system of blood vessels 35. |
Frog, tail 21, 27, 37. |
Frog, teeth 25. |
Frog, turning back of blood 29. |
Frog, worms 7, 13-41. |
Frog, yolk 13. |
*Fulton, J.F. 3. |
| |
Generatio spontanea, repudiation 185. |
Genitals, moth 325. |
Gentleman (-men), from East-indies 251. |
Gentleman (-men), prominent 225, 227. |
Gentleman (-men), prominent learned 35, 37. |
Gentleman (-men), very noble 313. |
*Gills, external, frog 21-25. |
Globules 217. |
Globules blood 11, 13, 19, 25, 29, 43, 99, 111, 149, 151, 161, 207. |
Globules fat 77. |
Globule-like parts 215. |
Gnat, sting 7. |
*Goodfield, G.J. 143. |
Goodness, tea 261. |
*Graaf, R. de 147. |
Grain 313. |
Grain of corn 291. |
*Grain-moth 277. |
Grass 337. |
Grass seed 337, 338. |
Grass spikelet 337-339. |
Gravel 227-229. |
Growth, fish 129. |
| |
Hair's breadth (as a measure) 73, 103. |
Hair's beard 203. |
Hair's head 75, 79, 97, 109, 159, 167, 195, 201. |
Hair's horse 315. |
Handling, corn 291. |
*Hanke, K. 281. |
*Harting, P. 93. |
*Hartsoeker, N. 3, 67, 119, 213, 235, 273. |
Harveus (Harvey, W.) 17, 131, 199. |
*HCN 297. |
Head, bat 163. |
Head, eel 77, 91. |
Head, frog 21. |
Head, moth 325. |
Head, wolf 279, 283. |
Health 297. |
Heart 133-141, 153-155. |
Heart bat 167. |
Heart carp 105-107. |
Heart eel 135, 137. |
Heart fish 41, 45. |
Heart fish-like parts 135. |
Heart frog 27-37. |
Heart pike 101. |
Heart roach 105. |
Heat, pepper 237, 243, 245. |
Heinsius, A. 57, 61. |
Helmet 219. |
*Hering, M. 289. |
*Heymans, C. 137, 139. |
*Heyne, K. 241, 263. |
Hibernation, wolf 283. |
*Hooke, R. 231. |
*Hoole, S. 3, 67, 119, 191, 213, 235, 273 |
Huygens, Ch. 81, 89. |
Hydrostatics circulation of blood 141-149. |
| |
Injection, mercury 147. |
Injection, syringe 147. |
Instruments 81, 87, 91, 93, 115. |
Intestines, frog 27. |
Irregularity 245. |
| |
*James, II 181. |
*Jansonius, H.H. 239. |
*Journal de médicine 61. |
| |
| |
| |
*Kaempfer, E. 263. |
Kidneys 227, 229. |
Kidney-stone 227-229 |
*Kiliaen, C. 7, 9, 73. |
King of Great Britain 181. |
*Kroonevelt (-veld), H. van 3, 67, 119, 121, 191, 213, 235, 273, 333. |
| |
*Langerak, J.A. 3, 67, 119, 213, 235, 273, 333. |
‘Last’ (as a weight) 293. |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van 55, 173. |
Legs, bat 157. |
Legs, shrimp 109. |
Legs, wolf 299-303. |
Leibnitz, G.W. 181. |
*Lemery, N. 265. |
Lemons 319. |
*Leniger, H.A. 253. |
*Leucocytes 25. |
Lice, change 321. |
Lice, corn-lofts 319-321. |
Lice, eggs 319. |
Lice, feelers 319. |
*Lieberkuhn, J.N. 93. |
Limestones 337. |
Living soul 111. |
*Lung-trouble,cattle 183. |
*Lyons, Sir Henry 187. |
*Lytta vesicatoria (L.) Fabr. 265. |
| |
*MacGillavry, D. 265. |
*Macromeres 11, 13. |
Maggots, cheese 325-329. |
Magic 211. |
Magliabechi, A. 173, 181. |
Magnifying glass 71, 85, 87, 91, 99, 103, 113, 133, 135, 165, 195, 209, 217, 239, 243, 255-261, 265, 283, 285, 289, 299-303, 319, 323, 335, 337. |
Males, corn-moth 287, 305. |
*Malpighi, M. 147. |
Man, common 323. |
*Mandibels, wolf 277. |
Market gardeners 323. |
Mating, corn-moth 205, 309. |
Mating, frog 9. |
Mating, micro-organisms 321. |
*Maximilian II, Emanuel 181. |
*Mechanistic lines 237. |
Medicament 129, 229. |
Membrane, bat 157-163. |
Membrane, blood-vessel 53, 79, 149-151,155, 167. |
Membrane, milk-vessel 203, 207. |
Mercury, injection 147, 151. |
Mercury, strong pressure 149. |
*Mesenchyma cells 19. |
*Metamorphosis, frog, 17. |
*Methyl bromide, 297. |
*Micromeres 11. |
Microscope 187, 217. |
Microscope 187, 217. |
Microscopium 335. |
Micturition 231. |
Milk-vessels 203-207. |
Mist 279. |
Mite, on calander 315-321. |
Mode of feeding, fish 129. |
Modena 184. |
*Moll, J.W. 239. |
Mortification, flying fish 125. |
Mortification, tail carp 107. |
Mortification, tail pike 99. |
Moth 325. |
Moth corn-moth 277-315. |
Moth eggs 313. |
Moth *wing-scales 129. |
Mouth, frog 21, 27. |
Moxa 225. |
*Mucin 94. |
Muscle, frog 39. |
Muscle, man 209. |
*Musschenbroek, J. van 89. |
| |
Nails, brass 83. |
*‘Natuurs verborgentheden ontdekt’ 121. |
Nerves, frog 13, 35, 39. |
*Nuclei, cellular 13. |
*Nucleo-albumin 95. |
| |
| |
| |
Oat-grass 339. |
Obstruction 205. |
Offshoot 103. |
Oil 219, 221. |
Oil long pepper 247. |
Oil spanish fly 267-269. |
Oil tea-leaf 257. |
Oil white pepper 251. |
Ointments 265. |
*Oldenburg, H. 187. |
*Olfactory clefts, frog 21. |
*Operculum 25. |
*Orders of change 17. |
Organ, bat 163. |
Organ, shrimp 109. |
Organ, wolf 301. |
Ormus 263. |
Ovary, corn-moth 287, 289. |
Oviposition, corn-moth 289-291. |
*Ovipositor, corn-moth 291. |
| |
‘Paling’, see Eel 73. |
Papenbroek, D. 181. |
Parallelograms 251. |
*Pectoral fins, eel 71. |
People, poor 231, 337. |
People, of very modest means 231. |
Pepper, action 237. |
Pepper, bark 249, 269-271. |
Pepper, black 239, 241, 249, 269-271. |
Pepper, caput mortuum 247, 251. |
Pepper, common 241, 243, 249. |
Pepper, dry distillation 247. |
Pepper, flour 237, 239. |
Pepper, floury substance 243. |
Pepper, heat 237, 243, 245. |
Pepper, oil 247, 251. |
Pepper, pod 243. |
Pepper, prickling 237. |
Pepper, salt 187. |
Pepper, salt parts 243-251. |
Pepper, seed-capsule 243. |
Pepper, silique 243. |
Pepper, spirit 247, 241. |
Pepper, white 241, 249-251, 269-270. |
Perch, blood-vessels 97-99. |
Perch, circulation blood 85-97. |
Perch, seize 131. |
Perch, tail-fin 95-97. |
Persia 313. |
Persons, podagric 337. |
Persons, rich 231. |
Persons, well-to-do 231. |
*Petri, R.J. 93. |
*Pharmacopoea, Netherlands 265. |
*Philips, J.C. 89. |
Philosophic eye 73. |
Philisophical Transactions 5, 65, 67, 121, 187, 191, 213, 235. |
Physicians 197, 203, 208-211, 227, 229. |
*Pieris 323. |
Pig's hair 203-205. |
Pig's hair (as a measure) 203, 209. |
Pike, circulation blood 99. |
Pike, heart 101. |
Pike, seize 131. |
Pike, tail-fin 99-101. |
*Piophila casei (Linn.) 327. |
*Piper betle Linn. 262. |
Piper longum Linn. 241. |
Piper nigrum Linn. 241. |
Piper retrofractum Vahl 241. |
*Piperine 237, 239, 241, 245. |
Piston 141. |
Plaice, circulation of blood 111-113. |
*Plankton 129. |
Plaster 265. |
Plates, brass 85, 87. |
Plates, silver 85, 87. |
Pocket 167, 279, 299, 305, 307, 319, 327. |
Pod, pepper 243. |
Pot, earthenware 295. |
Pound, Delft 293, 297. |
Pressure 141, 143, 145. |
Prickling, pepper 237. |
Procreation, caterpillars 233. |
Procreation, eel 185-187. |
Procreation, wolf 313. |
Professor of anatomy 203. |
Prominent (learned) gentlemen 25, 49, 81. |
Propagation, corn- weevil 277. |
Propagation, worms in cheese 325, 329. |
Propulsion, blood, 149, 153. |
Propulsion, bat 159. |
| |
| |
| |
Propulsion, eel 69, 71, 77 |
Propulsion, fish 45. |
Propulsion, frog 33. |
Propulsion, shrimp 109. |
*Psocids 319. |
*Puccinina graminis Pers. 183. |
*Pungites pungites (Linn.) 41. |
Pupae, cheese-fly 327-329. |
Pupae, wolf 283-285. |
Push of blood, frog 23, 35, 39, 41. |
Putrefaction 279, 325. |
Putrefaction water 125. |
| |
| |
Rabbits, ears 195-197. |
Rabbits, hairs 195-197. |
Rain-water, micro-organisms 321. |
Rain-water cistern 321. |
Ramazzini, B. 173, 183. |
*Rana esculenta Linn. 9. |
Rana temporaria Linn. 7. |
Reproduction, corn-moth 293. |
Reproduction, worm in corn 185. |
Resistance 97-99. |
Rhythm, bloodcirculation 33. |
Rhythm, bloodpropulsion 153-155. |
Rind, egg corn-moth 301. |
Rind, grass, outer 339. |
Rind, internal 339. |
*Riolanus, J. 199. |
River Mosa 73, 101. |
Roach, circulation blood 51, 101. |
Roach, congealing blood 103. |
Roach, heart 103. |
Roach, scales 51, 103. |
Roach, tail-fin 51, 101-103. |
*Römer, L.S.A.M. 3. |
*Rooseboom, M. 3, 89. |
*Rosa rubiginosa Linn. 339. Royal Society 13, 185-187, 335. |
Running back, blood 161, 167. |
Rye 311. |
| |
Salt, common 221, 223, 257, 269. |
Salt, pepper 187. |
Salt, solid 221, 247, 249, 259, 269. |
Salt, tea 253-261. |
Salt, volatile 248, 257, 259. |
Salt-figures 221-225. |
Salt-figures spanish flies 267-269. |
Salt-figures tea 255, 261. |
Salts-parts (-particles) 219-255. |
Salts-parts irregular 249. |
Salts-parts pepper 243-251. |
Salts-parts sharp 215. |
Salts-parts spanish flies 267-269. |
Salts-parts tea 255-261. |
Sands 205, 207. |
Sand (as a measure) 31, 33, 99, 113, 187, 199, 203, 207, 215, 217, 229, 255, 289, 319, 321, 323. |
Scales, bat 159. |
Scales, bream 51. |
Scales, *fishes 95. |
Scales, roach 51, 103. |
*Scaphognats, shrimp 109. |
*Schaak, J. van 93. |
Shears, wolf 277. |
*Schierbeek, A. 3, 59. |
Schravesande, C. 57. |
Screw 85, 87, 91. |
Sea-shark 25. |
Seed, male 15. |
Seed-capsule, pepper 243. |
Serum 161, 165. |
*Seters, W.H. van 89, 93. |
Sex, female 231. |
Sex, male 231. |
Shagreen-leather 11. |
Shell, egg, cabbage-butterfly 323. |
Shell, corn-moth 301, 309. |
Shoots, plum-like, grass 337. |
Shrimp, blood-corpuscles 111. |
Shrimp, circulation blood 107-109. |
Shrimp, feelers 109. |
Shrimp, leg 109. |
Shrimp, *scaphognaths 109. |
Shrimp, tail 107. |
Shrimp, *telson 107-109. |
Shrimp, *trek 127. |
Shrubbery 127. |
| |
| |
| |
Silique, pepper 243. |
Silversmith 117. |
*Sirih 263. |
Slime, eel-skin 95. |
Smell, sulphur 293, 297. |
Smoke, sulphur 293, 297. |
Smut, in corn 183. |
Smut, *kernel 183. |
Smut, *naked 183. |
*SO, 297. |
*Sodium urate 219. |
Soul, living 329. |
Spanish flies 263-169. |
Spanish flies caput mortuum 269. |
Spanish flies legs 265. |
Spanish flies salt-parts 267-269. |
Spawn, frog 7, 9. |
Speculation 285. |
*Speaking tempo, Leeuwenhoek 133. |
Speed, blood in arteries 133, 139. |
Spices 187, 263. |
Spirit, long pepper 247. |
Spirit, spanish flies 267-269. |
Spirit, tea-leaf 257. |
Spirit, white pepper 251. |
*Spiritus animalis 185. |
Spring, brass 83, 87, 91. |
Stanley, W. 181, 193. |
*Star, P. van der 91. |
Stevin, S. van 145. |
Stickle-backs 7, 41. |
Stickle-backs *ten-spined 41. |
Stiffness, wings bat 163, 171. |
Stiffness, wing moth 325. |
Stinging 243. |
Stirring, corn 291. |
*St. Lucas Guidhall, Delft, 89. |
*Stone-cutters 227. |
Structure, fish 47. |
Study 41, 219, 223, 247, 249, 255, 257, 281, 285, 305, 307, 311, 319. |
*Style, new 193, 335. |
*Style, old 193, 331, 335. |
Substance, chalk-like 217, 119. |
Substance, floury 243. |
Substance, glue-like 215, 217. |
Suctionforce, thorax 155. |
Suction-pad, frog 19. |
Sulphur 293-297, 311. |
Sulphurize, corn-lofts 297. |
Sulphurize, wine-casks 295. |
*Sulphur-match 295. |
Surgeons 197, 225, 229. |
Swammerdam, J. 15, 17, 147. |
*Swammerdam-Nachlass 59. |
*Synchronism heart and eye-movement 27. |
System of bloodvessels, frog 35. |
System of bloodvessels, tail-fin fish 47. |
| |
Tail, flounder 113. |
Tail, frog 21, 27, 37. |
Tail, shrimp 107. |
Tail-fin, bream 51. |
Tail-fin, carp 105. |
Tail-fin, eel 69-81, 93. |
Tail-fin, fish 41-49. |
Tail-fin, perch 95. |
Tail-fin, pike 99-101. |
Tail-fin, roach 51, 101-103. |
*Tams, W.H.T. 277. |
Tapestry 155. |
*Targioni-Tozzetti, G. 173. |
Tavernier, J.B. 313, 315. |
Tea, black burned 259. |
Tea, *composition 253. |
Tea, goodness 261. |
Tea, investigation leaf 257-261. |
Tea, salt 253-257. |
Tea, salt-parts 255-261. |
Teeth, frog 25. |
Teeth, sea-shark 25. |
*Telson, shrimp 107-109. |
*Temperature, lowering 127. |
*Temperature, rising 127. |
Tendon, wound 209-211. |
Thevenot, M. 59, 61. |
Thinning, blood 261. |
*Thoracic duct 205. |
Threads, silver 339. |
Thumb (as a measure) 239. |
*Tilletia tritici (Bjerk.) Wint. 183. |
*Tinaea biselliella Hummel 309. |
Tinaea granella Linn. 277-314. |
*Tinaeidae 301. |
Tongue 245. |
Tongue stinging 243. |
Tools 117. |
| |
| |
| |
Tools wolf 279. |
Tophi 215-225. |
Tophi caput mortuum 221-223. |
Tophi colcothar 221-223. |
Tophi cure 225. |
Tophi dry distillation 219. |
Tophi extract 223. |
*Tragi, bat 163. |
*Trek, fish 127. |
*Trek, shrimp 127. |
Triangle, equilateral 251. |
*Troctes divinatoria Mull. 319. |
Trouble 195. |
*Truncus arteriosus 39. |
*Tschirch, A. 237, 239. |
Tube, hollow leaden 15. |
*Tunica media 153. |
Turning back, blood 39. |
*Tyropgyphus farinae Linn. 317. |
| |
*Uffenbach, Z.K. von 89. |
*Ukers, W.H. 253, 263. |
Ulceration 205. |
Ulceration fish 125. |
*Unitaristic principle 15. |
Ureter 231. |
Urethral opening 231. |
Urine 231. |
*Ustilago tritici (Pers.) Jens. 183. |
| |
*Valk, E. 273. |
Vallensis, C. 57. |
Valves 149. |
*Vandevelde, A.J.J. 3, 67, 119, 191, 213, 235, 273. |
*Veer, K. van der 241, 263. |
Veins 145-151. |
Veins bat 157-167, 201. |
Veins bream 51. |
Veins carp 105-107. |
Veins ear rabbit 195. |
Veins eel 69-79. |
Veins fish 41-49, 55. |
Veins frog, 23-37, 55. |
Veins perch 97-99. |
Veins pike 101. |
Veins roach 51, 101-105. |
Veins shrimp 109. |
Venous branch 103. |
*Verkolje, J. 211. |
*‘Vervolg der Brieven’ 181. |
Vessels, wing moth 325. |
*Voorstad, A. 3, 67, 119, 121. |
*Vriend-Vermeer, W. 3. |
| |
Wall, bloodvessel 53, 81, 97-99, 149-153. |
*Waller, R. 187, 331, 333, 341. |
*Wares-moth 309. |
Water, dilatation 201. |
Water, fresh 321. |
Water, steeled 337. |
Water, strong 227. |
Water-weight 145. |
*Watt, Sir George 241. |
Wax 149, 151. |
Weather, misty 311. |
Wheat 277-283, 295, 301, 309, 311, 315, 317. |
Whitehall 193. |
Whombs, eel 187. |
Wine-casks 295. |
Wine-merchants 295. |
Wine-vinegar 229. |
Wings, bat 155, 169-171, 203. |
Wings, corn-moth 285, 303, 305. |
Wings, flying fish 125. |
Wings, moth 325. |
Wing-scales, corn-moth 303. |
Wolf 277-317. |
Wolf change 279, 283. |
Wolf cocoons 283-285. |
Wolf combating 293. |
Wolf dung 309. |
Wolf excrements 279, 301. |
Wolf head 279, 283. |
Wolf hibernation 283. |
Wolf legs 299-301. |
Wolf *mandibels 277. |
Wolf moth 285-289. |
Wolf organs 301. |
Wolf pupae 283-285. |
Wolf shears 277. |
Wolf spunfilament 279, 283. |
| |
| |
| |
Wolf tool 279. |
Wolf worms 277-283, 287, 299-313. |
*Wolf-moth 277. |
Word, four-syllabe 133. |
‘Worken’ 9, 15, 39. |
World of learning 329. |
Worm, apple-blossom 323. |
Worm, cheese 325-329. |
Worm, frog 7, 13-29, 33, 37. |
Worm, rain-water 321. |
Worm, wolf 277-283, 287, 299-313. |
Wound 209. |
Wrappings, corn-moth 294-296. |
Writingpaper, tickness (as a measure) 99. |
| |
Yolk 13. |
*Yolk-platelets 13. |
| |
- Marked with an asterisk are the names of persons and subjects not mentioned by Leeuwenhoek, but occuring in the notes.