Alle de brieven. Deel 9: 1692-1694
(1976)–Anthoni van Leeuwenhoek–Published in:
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Summary:The microscopical structure of the feather. A view of univocal generation. | ||||
Remark:L. inserted a contemporary Dutch translation of parts of the letter in Letter 126 [76], of 15 October 1693, pp. 206-218 in this volume. | ||||
A Letter From Ric: Waller R.S. Secr.
Sr yrs of ye 12 of Aug. & 16th of Sept. lastGa naar voetnoot2) were read in a meeting of ye R. Soc: to ye satisfaction of ye Persons present yr observations on ye wings ofGa naar margenoot+ ButterflysGa naar voetnoot3) and ye delicate structure thereof are curious and ye figures as at all other times accurate of ye structure of ffeathers in general you will find a very exact account in Dr Hookes Micrographia Observ: 36 p. 168 with a conjecture at ye cause of their various colours, the beauty and brightness wherof he says proceeds from ye exceeding smalness and fineness of ye Reflecting parts, so that it may be worth ye tryal of yr excellent microscopes whether you can discover any difference in ye Textures of the several parts of ye single thred if J may so call it of a feather, whence it appears of different colours, as whether for instance that wch shews red be of a different texture from that part wch is black or whiteGa naar voetnoot4). Ga naar margenoot+As to what you affirme in yr other letter touching univocal Generation Jam wholely of yr opinion, that there is and can be none without a Parent animal, the truth of which assertion is more and more evinced dayly by ye discoverys wch ye industry of yr selfe and other curious Observers of Nature presents us with, when we still find all those Creatures are generated in a | ||||
regular & univocal manner wch ye Jgnorance and lazyness of former Ages thought ye Products of corruption to ye great affront of Nature for if chance & Corruption can produce so curious a Machine as a fly or Mite why all that apparatus of generative parts to bring forth an Horse or sheep indeed a larger but therfor a less nicely contrived animal: and when ever ye Vanity of men has put them upon Experiments of Equivocal Generation if any Jnsect has perhaps bin found by them it has bin by not taking sufficient precaution to keep out ye chance Eggs of Jnsects that are sometimes so small as to be carryed in ye Air. for when ever by stopping ye vessel or ye like this has bin sufficiently provided for they have wearyed their Eyes and Patience in a fruitless search of non entitys; as is attested by several Experiments upon our RegistersGa naar voetnoot5). Our Endeavours will certainly be more successfull when we proceed in examineing ye formation of all ye parts and in experiments of Generation univocal, and tho ye task be great yet were right methods taken not insuperable and Jmay venture to say more of truth has bin discovered in this searching Age than in ye disputeing numbers of Ages preceeding; this Quest of Nature was doubtless ye worke designed for new created man and possibly when we shall have bin so | ||||
happy and successfull to have discovered all ye workes of our great Creator in this world, when there is no more worke for mankind here to do, this shall be changed into a new systeme of beings for ye entertainment of ye restless inquisitive MindGa naar voetnoot6). but J ramble too far therfor end with desireing ye permission of inserting some of yr observations in ye Philosoph: TransactionsGa naar voetnoot7).
yr very humble servt
P:S. Jhave spent some time in examineing and figureing several of our grasses. and here send you ye draught of one of ye Oate grasses as it appeared in my microscopeGa naar voetnoot9) |