Oeuvres complètes. Tome IV. Correspondance 1662-1663
(1891)–Christiaan Huygens–
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No 1128.
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ye King of France hath bestowed a largesseGa naar voetnoot10) of 80000 livres upon severall learned men, but most Poets and Romancers, except Huygenius and Hevelius, and La ChambreGa naar voetnoot11); having neglected Roberval, Fermat, Frenicle, Rohaut, OzouGa naar voetnoot12), and such like, qui colunt Musas severiores. This friend sheweth himselfe so much concerned for you, that he writeth thus: Il faut plus attendre de Monsieur Boyle, à mon advis, que de tous les autres ensemble: c'est pourquoy je suis fort affligé de ce qui le menaceGa naar voetnoot13). Exhortez le puissemment à avoir soin de sa santé: je suis persuadé, que s'il s'y applique, il fortifiera sa constitution, et se garentira d'une maladie lente. Un de mes amis, avec qui je plaignois ce malheur, m'a assuré, qu'un seigneur Anglois, menacé de mesme, fut conseille de passer en France, ou l'air seul restablit si bien sa santé apres quelque sejour, qu'il retourna en Angleterre, sans qu'il retombat de sa vie en aucun peril de sa premiere maladie. Proposez luy la chose: il pourra philosopher partout, et faire provision de santé pour philosopher plus long temps. You see, Sir, his kindnes for ye advantage of your health, though such absence would turn to ye disadvantage of your friends here, pro tempore. He prayeth me, to entreat you to communicate unto him, if it may be, ye way, which Dr. WillisGa naar voetnoot14) mentions in his treatise de FermentationeGa naar voetnoot15), page 64. (supposing, your curiosity hath prompted you to get it from ye said author) videlicet to draw without any corrosive, solo calore lento, the tinctures of bodies with all their vertu. I dare engage for him, as well as for myselfe, that it shall remain a secret, if it be one. There is going for France a friend of mine, by whom I could send a good packet, with safety; if you should think fit to present Monsieur ThevenotGa naar voetnoot16), ye author of ye late voyagesGa naar voetnoot17) in French, with one of your booksGa naar voetnoot18), of ye Usefulnes of natural philosophy, be understanding English pretty well; I intend also, | |
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God willing, to send him one of your Latin replyGa naar voetnoot19) to LinusGa naar voetnoot20) and another to Monsieur Martel, the writer of ye forementioned discourse of heat. For this cause, have I taken two or three exemplars of this latter piece from Mister CrookGa naar voetnoot21), supposing your leave to do so; that I might not neglect so fair an opportunity of sending, as is now offred to,
your very humble and faithfull servant H. Oldenburg.
The friend, that is going for France, purposeth to go hence on Friday next.
To his Noble friend
Robert Boyle Esqer
Leese. |