Oeuvres complètes. Tome IV. Correspondance 1662-1663
(1891)–Christiaan Huygens–
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No 1138.
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sively cold, and extremely pleasant and refreshing; nor would the relator himself, nor any that he had heard of, venture to give a reason for it. We made a trial of Monsieur Zulichem's experiment, where indeed it succeeded so far, that with the pumping, that was used about it, the water would not descend, though J am very confident, if the pump had been longer plied, the event would have been much otherwise; and we shall this next weekGa naar voetnoot5) try with a pipe of five or six foot long, whether it will remain suspended or not. We have latelyGa naar voetnoot6) likewise tried two other experiments: the one was, there were two boltheads full of water inverted into restagnating water, out of which, when the air was extracted, there remained in each a small bubble at the top: into the place of one of the bubbles of extracted air as much common air was put, and then both of them set aside and observed. The event was, that both the bubbles vanished into the water, but that of the common air remained longest. Since thatGa naar voetnoot7), we exhausted the air out of one of those boltheads, and put common air in the place of it; then the other was filled with common water, and a bubble of air, equal to that in the other, was put into it, and it was found, that the air was vanished into the exhausted water, but that the other remained almost intire in bulk. J am taking order about the engraving of my microscopical pittance, which J hope will be very well done. J this week observed a creature newly come out of the egg, which by comparing it with the biggest old one J have seen of that kind, J found to be above 130000 times less than the bulk it was likely to come to, if it survived; of which, J believe, we shall not find many other examples in nature. J have now procured the new Jamaica nuts; and had J not been advertised, that your return would be either this Saturday, or the following Monday, they had been sent you by, Right honourable,
J have sent a small bag of the nuts, understanding by Mr. Wh's letter, that you will not be here till Thursday. The two foot perspective J also sent, the box | |
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was delivered to the carrier the last week before he went away. Mrs. Kuffler is very earnest to know, when you will give order about the engine, and seems to be a little angry, and wonders you should be worse than your word, and such kind of speeches; though J had given her the reason, why you could not do it before you went hence. |