Alle de brieven. Deel 11: 1695-1696
(1983)–Anthoni van Leeuwenhoek–Korte inhoud:L. deelt aan Magliabechi mee dat hij besloten heeft de Arcana Naturae Detecta aan hem op te dragen (zie Brief 152 in dit deel). Hij maakt melding van het bezoek van de keurvorst van de Palts. | |
Opmerkingen:De hier afgedrukte tekst is gebaseerd op een niet eigenhandige brief van L. (zie aant. 1). De brief is als volgt geadresseerd: Seer Doorlugtige Aldergeleerste En Seer Vermaarde Heer d'Heer Antonio Magliabechi in Florencien. | |
Letter No. 153
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Summary:L. informs Magliabechi that he has decided to dedicate the Arcana Naturae Detecta to him (see Letter 152 in the present volume). He mentions the visit of the Elector Palatine. | |
Remarks:The text as here printed is based on a letter not written by L. himself(see note 1). The letter is addressed as follows: the Most Illustrious, Most Learned, and Very Famous Mr. Antonio Magliabechi in Florence. | |
Illustrissimo, Celeberrimo, Doctissimo Domino Antonio Magliabechi
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek S:P:D.Ga naar voetnoot1)
Ante hac, Vir Illustris, Tibi, per R: P. Danielem a Papenbroek, e Societate Jesu Sacerdotem, misi litteras a me ad Regiam Societatem Londinensem datas, et Latine versasGa naar voetnoot2). Quum autem reliquae a me scriptae epistolae nunc etiam Latino idiomate sint impressae (ut Viri Docti, cum in Italia, tum alibi, participes reddantur vilium meorum laborum, qui in exteris regionibus pluris fiunt, quam sperare unquam sustinueram) mihique visum fuerit eas Celeberrimo Tuo nomini inscribereGa naar voetnoot3); statui hisce Te hujus rei certiorem facere. Quoniam vero sub finem Octobris navis Roterodamo Liburnum profectura est, ea occasione, nisi forte melior se mihi interim obtuleritGa naar voetnoot4), Tibi libros, in dedicatione memoratos, missurum me recipio. Non possum quin his addam, ante aliquot hebdomadas serenissimum Electorem PalatinumGa naar voetnoot5), una cum Augustissima sua Conjuge et Genitrice, variisque Viris Illustribus, me eo inaltasse honore, ut domi meae se aliquot mearum detectionum contemplatione oblectare voluerint. Denique, ut hisce meis conatibus, utpote a Celeberrimi Tui nominis devotissimo et obstrictissimo cliente profectis, aequi bonique consulere velis, etiam atque etiam rogo. Vale Vir Illustris, ac mihi fave.
Dabam Delfis Batavorum XVII Kalendas Septembris.
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To the Very Illustrious, Famous, and Learned Mr. Antonio Magliabechi many greetings from Antoni van LeeuwenhoekGa naar voetnoot1).
Before this, Illustrious Sir, I sent You letters through the intermediary of the Reverend Daniel van Papenbroek S.J., which letters had been sent by me to the Royal Society in London and had been translated into LatinGa naar voetnoot2). But since the other letters written by me have now also been printed in the Latin language (in order that the Scholars both in Italy and elsewhere may become acquainted with my trifling labours, which are esteemed more in foreign countries that I should ever have dared to hope) and I thought fit to dedicate them to your famous nameGa naar voetnoot3), I have resolved to inform you of it herewith. Since towards the end of October a ship is bound from Rotterdam to Livorno, I promise to send You the books mentioned in the dedication on that occasion, unless perhaps a better occasion meanwhile presents itself to meGa naar voetnoot4). I must add to this that a few weeks ago the most serene Elector PalatineGa naar voetnoot5), together with his August Spouse and his Mother and several Distinguished Gentlemen did me the honour of diverting themselves at my house with the contemplation of some of my discoveries. Finally I urgently request you to accept herewith favourably these my efforts, as originating from a servant who is most devoted and endebted to Your Famous name. Adieu, Illustrious Sir, and be favourably disposed towards me.
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P: S. Si quas Tibi, Vir Illustris, ad me dare placuerit litteras, eas, hac inscriptione notatas: Aan Antonij van Leeuwenhoek
ordinario tantum tradas veredario, nec dubites, quin mihi hoc pacto in manus sint venturae. | |
P.S. If you should be pleased, my Lord, to write a letter to me, then give it, provided only with this address: To Antonij van Leeuwenhoek
to the ordinary messenger, and then you need not doubt but it will reach me in this way. |