Alle de brieven. Deel 9: 1692-1694
(1976)–Anthoni van Leeuwenhoek–Summary:Acknowledgment of the receipt of two letters from L.; request for a research on the colours of birds' feathers and for an observation of the presence of spermatozoa in the egg. | |
Remarks:The text as here printed is based on the copy in the Letter Book Original. | |
A Letter to Mr Anth: Van Leeuwenhoek
Lond. Ian. 31. 1693/4
yr two Letters came safe to our hands, the former containing your observations of ye generation of ye flea; the other those of ye Mite and other small creaturesGa naar voetnoot1), wherin the subjects are prosecuted wth yr usual curiosity & exactness, fully illustrateing proving I think satisfactorily univocall generation, as you have formerly don, in several other subjects both animal and Vegetable, and indeed the opinion of spontaneous generation, (the creature that we recieved being from ye mud of Nile)Ga naar voetnoota) looses credit dayly and dwindles in the Repute of ye more nice Examinen of NatureGa naar voetnoot2). Sr By order of ye R. Soc.Ga naar voetnoot3) I return thankes for the communication of yr discoverys, and desire ye continuance therof. and quere if ItGa naar voetnootb) might not be worth yr trouble to make some microscopical Observations of ye difference of colours particularly of feathers as I proposed in my last to you, as likewise of other coloured bodys; possibly the same thread of silke, dyed of different colours, might be examined to see what alteration is made in the outward or inward parts therof, wch causes that different reflexion of Light giving those colours; possibly painters Colours may be fit subjects, and possibly the several disguises of Mercury in white, red, yellow and the like might give different appearances of ye constituent parts in the microscope, which I leave to yr choiceGa naar voetnoot4). If you have ever bin so happy as to observe the Animalcule of ye Male-sperme in the Egg of the female, the communication therof would be very acceptable to us, & possibly the Eggs of Insects are the fittest subjects to looke | |
for this Animalcule in, as being less than ye Eggs of other creatures, and therfor you have not so far to seeke for the AnimalculeGa naar voetnoot5). A small parcel of ye Philos. Transact. being all that have bin publisht since the last you recieved, shall be sent you to Rotterdam and left wth yr kinsmanGa naar voetnoot6) as you direct by the first opportunity wch you are desired to accept off from
Sr yr most humble servant