Oeuvres complètes. Tome VII. Correspondance 1670-1675
(1897)–Christiaan Huygens–No 2010.
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[pagina 418]
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wherein I shall shew several useful Contrivances and Inventions about the same, and particularly about this and some other Experiments of motion, which was the cause of the Invention thereof by me long since, in the year 65. Upon which occasion, I cannot but take notice of a Publication, made by Christianus Hugenius Zulichemus Consi. F. in his Book call'd, Horologium Oscillatorium sive demotu Pendulorum ad Horologia aptato demonstrationes Geometricoe; containing a short Description of a circular Pendulum, with somewhat about the Explication of itGa naar voetnoot3), without naming me at allGa naar voetnoot4), as concern'd therein, though I invented it, and brought it into use in the year 1665; and in the year 1666Ga naar voetnoot5), I communicated it to the Royal Society, at their publick Meeting, both as to TheoryGa naar voetnoot6) and Practick thereof, and did more particularly explain the Isocrone motion of the Ball of a Pendulum, in a parabolical Superficies, and the Geometrical and Mechanical way of making the same move in such a Superficies, by the help of a Paraboloeid, which I caused also to be made and shew'd before the same Society, upon several days of their publick Meeting, where besides many of the Society, were divers strangers of forreign parts. This many of the Royal Society can bear me witness, and the publick Registers thereof do testifie and make appear, and I was told by Sr. Robert MorayGa naar voetnoot7) that he did then write to Monsieur ZulichemGa naar voetnoot8) concerning the same. But of this more hereafter, when I examine some other things in that Book, about finding the descent of heavy BodiesGa naar voetnoot9), and of finding the Longitude of placesGa naar voetnoot10), and publish some more certain and practicable ways of doeing them. |