Friesche rymlerye
(1681)–Gysbert Japicx–
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Specimen Antiquae Linguae Frisonicae. Ex Ms. nostro in folio.
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Specimen Antiquae Linguae Frisonicae. Ex Ms. nostro in quarto.
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]Engels, and iv clene. hi ach bote, and nene eth en bete and onbrinscze. So hwam soma smith mith yrsene. on zijn hand, jefta mith holte slayth. Ofhine ther efter snithe schel. Soe aech hi thes snithes een pund, zoe scel hy op swerra aen ethe, thet hy thine snithe den habbe. umbe nene fia fulleygae. mer umbe sine sunde en bete and onbrinscze. Thet in re anda hande fior panninga mijn than xxix enza. xxxiv engels, twam clena mijn. en bete, and onbrenscze. jef thi mansprect thet hi tha fiardela erra sie an sine hande soe scil hi habbe en pund an en bete. Sprecht hi thet hi tha thremdele errase. so ach hi twa pund. en bete. Thiffe thria pundem winth hi mith thrim & hum. en bete. and onbrinscze. Thio forme Wirsen kerf x scillinga sexta half engels, and thredda half clena. Thio vresta vi scillinga. fior Engels. and fior clena. thera allerlick an eth to unswarrane. en bete. Hwaso thio Wirsne truch slain werth an thet been, andma hith nath scouwia ne mei. thet hith glida moghe. soe is thio wresta en pund. thio other ix enza. xi half engels, and oer hal clena. Thio thredda en half pund. jefta thet dolgheth alingo ther wirsne and thio wersne nath to korven is. so ach hi nath mara bote, than hith se jelkis oen dae felle thri bete. and onbrinscze. Aegh bre kerf and thi ben breke binitha tha breyne an sine haude. and in re in tha nose. and in thin Snaul. and thi ben breke in tha tzjacke. and di tusch-breke thes unberna benis, and thio wer breke. also feer so thio were, alle fan tha cothem is. so ach hi enis wer breckis bote, and en in redis in sen mund, and enis wlite wimmelsa. so is thera allerekis bote viii penninga mijn tham x enza. xxxiii engels, twam clena mijn. theth dolch scelma beta ney sijner meta, jef hit ane doem buten standane hath ander were, soe ach hit thes werbrekis nauth bote. Dolch, jesta blodresna ander tungha ascha jelkis and tha felle thri bete, jef thio Spreke bynimmen werth. soe is thio bote x pund. so ne mey hine mer onswarra than tha thre delan. En bete, and onbrinscze. jeff en man thio Syone and tha aghe tha fiardela erra is. soe ach hy xxx enzena to bote. tredda half pund. en bete, and onbrinscze. jef thio Syone tha haldele erra is. Zoe ach hy vijf pund. en bete, and onbrinscze. Sprecht hy thei hi tha thre delan urlerren hab. soe is thio bote viii half pund en bete, dan onbrinscze. jef him thio | |
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[Ex Ms. in Quarto.]xii pennich. and thria enza. fior engels, and fior clena. hi ach bote, and nene eth. en bete, and onbrenze. so hwane soma siot mit Yserne. ant sijn hant. ista mit holte sclait. of hine der efter snida schil. so ach hi des snidis en pund. so schil hy swerra an ene ede, dat hy des snide deen n'abbe om nene fia fullingha, mer om sine sunda, en bete, and onbrenze. Dy inride in da hande fior pennig mijn dan niogen and xx enza. fior an xxx engels. twam clena men. en bete, and onbrenze. jef der man di spreck, dat hy da fiarude te erra je an sine hande, soe scil hy habba en pund. en bete. sprect hi dat, hy da thrimdele erra se. so ach hy twa pund. en bete, spreckt hy dat, se hem da haldele erra se. so ach hy tria pund. Diffe tria pund wint hy mith threm edum. en bete. and onbrenze. Dio forme wersen-kerf tiane scilling. en hael pund. Dio oder achte scilling. sexta halfengels. and tredda hael clena, Dio oder achte scilling, sexta half engels, and tredda hael clena, Dio vriste sex scilling, fior engels, and fior clena. thera allerlick, en eth onswerra. en bete. Hweerso dio wersene truch slain is an that been, and ma hit naut scawla mey, dat hit glida moghe. so is dio verste en pund. Dio oder niogen enza. allifta hael engels, and oer hael clena. Dio thredde en half pund. jeef dat dolch geth ollengha der wersen, and dio wersene naut to koren is. so ach hy naut mara bote dan his elkis in da felle thri bete, and onbrenze. Ach breinkerf. and di been breke bynyda breine an sine haude. and in ride inder nose and inder snal. and dy ben breke in da stiake. and dy thusk breke des onberna benis. and dy weer breke. also fire so dio were tille fan da that hem is. so ach hy enis weer brekis bote, and enis in ridis an sine mund. and enis wlite wamesa. so is thera allerekis bote achte pennig mijn dan tian enza. fior and xxx engels. twam clena mijn. Deth dolch schelma beta mey sijner meta. jeff hith anne dom buta stoddane hath ander were so ach hith des weerbrekis bete naut. Dolch jefta bloedresene ander tunghe ascha ielkis anda felle thri bete, jeff dio spreke by nimmen wert so is dio bote tian pund. so ne. mey mer onswarra dan da thre delan. en bete. and onbrenze. jefta monne dio sione anda agha da fiar dadele erra is. soe ach hy xxx ensena to bote. thredda hael pund. en bete, and onbrenze. jeffhim dio sione da haldele erra is. soe ach hy vijff pund. en bete and onbrenze. spreck hy dat hy dae thre delen urlerren | |
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]Syone al wth is. soe is thio bote x half pund. jef him thi aegh-appel al wht tha haude is. soe send x pund. Sulch boeck halt thet xv pund. mer bitha sithe. zoe zend xxii punda. en bete. and onbrinscze. Thet ferra aghe mith xiv pundum to betane. Thet Winnestre aghe mith xiii pundum. By da sijda fen ayderem fior grete merck sunder walo. jef him thio nose of is. soe send vi pund. By tha zyde xxxii punda. thri bete. Al ther ther tha manne thet are af is viii panninga. and xiv enza. li engels. thre clena mijn, thri bete. Al ther thi man thruch thet are scath werth viii panninga mijn than x enza. xxxiv engels. twam clena mijn. thri bete. Truch thine aerleppa fior scilling ix half engels. ene hala clena mijn. thri bete. Thruch thet are so fir soe thi gerstelis. sex scilling xiii engels. fijff clena mijn. en bete. and onbrenscze. jef thi man thet sprect thet him thio here se fanda ara. soe is thio bote viii and xiv enza. xvii engels. ene clene mijn. en bete. and onbrenscze. Thet hlith wey buppa an tha haude xviii enza. xxi engels. and thre clena mijn. en bete. Theth hlith wey up tha haxlze viii panninga. and xiv enza. xvii engels. ene clena mijn. Sulch boech halt viii pund. and vii riuchte en bete. Blod-resne thruch thine hals, jef truch tha zijde. thiingung viii panninga. and twa enzc. thi wtgung also fula. thet were to gadere vi half engels. and thredda half clena, en bete. Dolg ander selver stoeth ayder fior panninga mijn than fijf enza. thet is tho gadere xi engels, and fijf clena, en bete. jefta thi hals-sijne ala twa. is xviii enzo. oer hal pund. en bete. Lith-wey en benbreke onder axle. and hlitwey itta ermboge. and benbreke buta ermbogum thera allerlijck is acht panninga mijn than x enza. xi engels. and fijff clena. Ander arm-scheyd thi beenbreke acht panninga. and xiv enza. sawentene engels en clene mijn. en bete. Thi hlith-wey anda handwerst, fior panninga. and vii enza. ix half engels. en hala clena mijn. Thi benbreke. and thi hlitwey. also fula ander hand blede. and thet hlitwey and tha knockes. and thet hand breke fior panninga mijn than fif enza. sexta half engels. and thredda half clena. Thi benbreke and hlitwey. also fula. een bete. Thet hlitwey xii panninga. and thria enza. fior engels. and fior clena. Hlitwey an tha urest a lethe. an da fingeren viii panninga. and | |
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[Ex in Ms. Quarto.]habba. soe is dio bote achtenda hael pund. en bete. and onbrenze. jeff hem dio sione alle wt is. soe is dio bote tianda half pund. jeff hem dy ach-appel al ut da haûd is. soe sint tian pund. Sulck boeck halt xv pund. mer by dafijde sint twa and xxx punda. en bete. and anbre nze. Deth ferre aghe mit fiortene pundum. to betane. Dat Winstere mit xiii pundum. By dasijda fan ayderem fijf greta merc sonder walt. jeff hem dio nose off is. so sent sex pund. By dae sijde twa xxxii pundum. thri bete. Al der da moe ne det der off slayn is achte pennig. and fierteen enza. en and fijftich engels. thrim clens myn. thi bete. Al der dy mon thruch dat aer scetten wert. achte pennig myn dan tian enza. xxxiv engels. twam clena myn. thri bete. Thruch dyne aer-lippa fior scilling niogenda half engels. en hala clena myn. thri bete. Thruch dat are so fijr so dygerstet is. vi scillinge. xiii engels. fijf clena myn. en bete. and onbrenze. jeffdy man dat sprect, dat hem dio here offe se anda ara. so is dio bote achte pennig. and fiortena enza. sawentene engels. en clena myn, en bete. and onbrenze. Dy hlithwey buppa in da haude. achtena enza. en and xx engels. and thria clena myn. en bete. and onbrenze. Thi Hlitswei wppa da hals knape achte pennig. and fiorteen enza. sawenteen engels. ena clena myn. Sulck hoeck hath achte pundum. and onriuchte. Bloetresene truch thine hals. jeff truch da syda thi ingung achte pannig. and twa enza. Di wtgung alzo fula, det were tho gadere sexum half engels. and thredda hael clena. en bete. Dolch ander selver stoet. ayder ende fior pennich mijn dan fijf enza. to gader allewa engels. and fijf. en bete. jeff thit Hals-sijne an twa is. achtene enza. oer hael pund. en bete. Hlitwey. and benbreke ander axle. and Hlitwey itta ermboge and beenbreke buta ermboge. thera allerlijck is. achte pennig. myn dan tian enza. allerwa engels. and fijf clena. Ander erm-sced dy ben breke. achte pennig. and fiorteen enza. and sawenteen engels. ena clena myn. en bete. Thi Hlith wey ander hand werst. fior pennig. and vii enza. ix half engels. en hala clena myn. Dy benbreke and hlitwey. also fula an der hand blede. an thi hlitwey an da knockum. and dy hand breke fior pennig. myn dan v enza, sexta half engels. and tredda hael clena. Dy beenbreke and lithwey also fula. en bete. Dy lith itta middel knoc- | |
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]twa enza. tre engels. thrim clena myn. Sulck boech halt viii pund. and twa enza. Benbreke. and Hlithwey. also fula. Theth Hlithwey ander tha neyle also fula. en bete. Neil kerf fior panninga. and vii enza. ix engels. en hala clena mijn. jef en manna thet uresta lith bi tha neyle of is, soe send thet twa pund. by tho pliga xxxi punda and fan tho othera fingherum also fula. jef thi manne tha thumma al offe is. so send vi pund. jef thi scot fingher al offe itta knocle. soe send iv pund. jeff hi him al offe is. sexta half pund. Sulck boech halt v pund. jef thi langesta finghera illa knocles of fe is. fior pund. jef thi gold fingher al offe is. fijfte half pund. jef tha littha finger ilja lithe offe is. twa pund. alsoe thio othere. jef hi alle offe is. viii pund. Sulck Boech halt fiouwer pund. jef thio hand al offe is xiv pund. jef thi erm itta ermboga, offe is, xvi pund. jefta thi erm itter axla al offe is xviii pund. jef thi manne tha thumma lam is. soe is thio bote thria pund. en bete and on brinsze. jef thi thet sprect. thet hi him tha haldel erra se. soe is thio bote xviii enza. xxi scillinga. en bete. Hlithwey itta truich scunke. and itta kne-bolla viii panninga. myn than x enza. xi engels. and fijf clena. Ther on thi beenbreke also fula. en bete. Hlithwey itta onclewe fior panninga. and vii enza. Thi beenbreke aldeer also. ayder ix half engels. en hala clene. an myn. and onbrinscze. Thet Forma lithwey itta tanum allerlick. fior panninga. myn than fijf enza. vi half engels. and thredda half clena. Benbreke. and Hlithwey also fula, en bete. Thet nest an tha tanum thet Hlithwey xii panninga. and thria enza. fior engels. and fior clene. Thi benbreke. and thi Hlithwey also fula. Thet ureste Hlithwey an tha tanum viii panninga. and twa enza. Ther on thi Ben-breke also. ayder thre engels. threm clena myn. en bete. and onbrinscze. Soe twa thet queth. thet him sijn scunck tha baldele erra se. so scel hi swora en eth. soe ach hi ethes. en pund. en bete. and onbrinscze. soe Hwa soe queth. thet him sijn scunck thia siardele erra se. soe scel hi mith ene ethe swora an eth. soe ach hi the ethes. en pund. en bete. en onbrinscze. soe Hwa soe qucth thet hem sijn scunck alle lam is, soe scel hi swora an eth. soe ach hi thes ethes. en pund. soe winth hi mith threm ethum thria punda. Thet siarda en mey hy nath wynna umbe theth hi nath offe is. | |
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[Ex in Ms. Quarto.]lum and been breke. and lithwey. xii. penning. and thria enza. fior engels. and fior clena. Lithwey anda utersta lethc. anda fingherem achta penning. and twa enza. thre engels. thrim clena mijn. Sulck boeck half achta pund. and twa enza. Benbreke and Lithwey also fule. Dy Litwey onder da neyle also fule. en bete. Neyl-kerff fior penning. and sawen enza. niogenda half engels. en hala clena mijn. jeff da monne det wterste lith by da neyle off is. so sent thet twa pund. by da pliga twa and xxx punda. and fan da oer fingeren also fula. jeff da monne dy thumma off is by da knocle. so send fior pund. jef thi thumma alle of is. sex pund. jef dy scoetfinger of is itta knocle. soe send fior pund. jef hy hem alle of is. sexta hallif pund. Sulck boeck hat fijf pund. jef dy Gold finger alle of is. fysta half pund. jeff dy liteka finger itta lede of is. twa punda. Sulck boeck hath fior pund. jef dio hand of is. fiortene pund. jef thi erm itta ermboga of is. sextene pund. jef thi erm itter axle of is. achtene pund. jef tha monne thi thumma loem is. soe is dio bote thria pund. en bete. and onbrense. jef hy dat sprect. thet hy hem tha haldele erra se. so is dio bote achteen onza. en and xx scillinge. en bete. Hlitwey itta trach scunken. and tian enza. allewa engels. and fyf clena. Deer on dy Beenbreke also fula. en bete. Dy Hlibtwey itta anclowe fior pennig. and sawen enza. Dy beenbreke alder. also. ayder niogenda half engels. en hala clena myn. and onbrenze. Dy forma Hlithwey itta tanum allerlick fiouwer penning myn dan fyf enza. sexta half engels. and thredda half clena. Benbreke. an da Hlithwey. alzo fule. ebete. Der nest an da tanum di Hlithwey tolif pennig. and thria enza. fior engels. and fior clena. Dy Benbreke anda Lithwey also sule. Dy wtriste Hlithwey anda tanum. achte pennig. and twa enza. Der on dy Benbreke also. ayder tre engels. tre clena myn. en bete. and onbrenze. so hwa so queth. dat hem syn sconck. da fiafindele erra se. soe scil hi mit ene ethe swerra. so ach hy thes edes. en pund. en bete. and onbrenze. so hwa so queth. dat hy se da baldele erra se. so sal hy swerra ene eth. so ach hy des edis. en bete. and onbrenze. so hwa so queth. dat him syn skunk al lam se. so schil hith ene eth swora. so ach hy des edis. en pund. so wint hy mith threm edum thria pund. Det siarda mey hy nauth winne. umbe thet hy hem naut off is. Alzo is 't in da erme. also ind skuncke. Det by wint | |
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]Ga naar voetnoot* in tha scunke. Thet hi mith thrim ethim winth thria pund. en bete. Hwam so werth sijn foeth of slain in eenre fry kase twiska tha foeth werst. and tha tane. jefta sijn hand. thio bote is fijf merck by xii scillinga. Thet aghe also fula jef hy aller syone onmir. Aldus is thi Wilker in tha Lande. fan aghum. fan bandum. and fan fothem. and fan gersfallich Lethum scelma betha bi Landis Wilkere. also ith hir eftir bescrion is. Ghersfallich Lith bethima mith xxxii pundum. mer al ther en manne thet are af slayn is. viii panninga and xiv enza. xvii engels. en clena mijn. Lamlith. and brein wunda. ayder mith xxvii pundem tho betane. Thi Beenbreke. Truch gungende delg. truch hand-bleth. truch tinne erm. and truch tinne foeth. and truch tinne scunck. so îs allerlikis bote en pund. bihala Benbreke truch fingher. truch tana. en hala pund. thri bete. by thes Landis wilker, zo is allerlikes bote. thi ingung xviii enza. and thi wtgung also fula. and thinne hals also allerlikes thria pund. thri bete. Thes Dus slekis bote uppa sinne frya hals. fijf finghera breyd. twiscke wede and sced. viii panninga. fior enza. en and fijftich engels. thrim clena mijn. en bete. and onbrinscze. Swem slekis bote fior panninga. and fijf enza. thet is Landis wilker xviii enza. and onbrinscze. vi half pund. soe scellet swerra twene jef three man. thet hjaet oen seghe. thet hi swomma leghe. jefta fior sum onswora xxi engels. Therna dus slech also. sulck boech halt ayder xix enza. jef en manne mannigera dolch. jefta Blod resna deen werth. than en mey hyse bispanna. soe scelma se alle beta. jef hy swera wille. thet se hem alle den werde ith ene stethe. jefta ith ene sleke onbrinscze. jef en man en dolch swera wolla. so ne moth hy nath onswerra. hit ne habba aller weykis ena meta. so mothma hith umbe meta bi tha egge. and lewa. then fiardel. soe achma tha thre delan tho betane thri bete. jef hi soerd swerra wolle ene lamethe. soe scelma that bete en bete. Hath is en riucht ingung. and wtgung? Thet is en riucht ingung and wtgung. Soe wer soe twiscka twene endam. en mete is en bete. Bena wtgung. jef hit swerra wolle. soe moet hy anda dolgha witta thrira sinena kerf. and benbrekam. and thrira benena wtgung. swerra. ferra ne mey hy. jef thi man nene and otherne spreka tham thera thira benena wtgung. and thrira rebbe breka. and thria sinen kerf. en bete | |
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[Ex in Ms. Quarto.]mit trim edum tria punda en bete. Hwam so wert sijn foet of stayn in enre fri kase. twiska da foet werst and da tana. jef sijn hand. dio bote vyff merck by toliff scillinge. Dat aghe also fule, jef hy aller sion onmist. Aldus ist dy Wilkoer in da lande. fan agenen. fan bandem. en fan foetem. and fan gerst falligha ledum beta by Landis Wilkoer. Also is hijr efter byscrioun. Gerstfallich lith bethma mit twa and xxx pundum mer al der da monne det are of slayn is. achte pennig. fiorteen enza. sawenteen engels. en clena mijn. Lam lith. and Breyn wonda. ayder mith sawen and xx pundum ti betane. Dy Ben breke truch gungande dolch. truch hond bled. so truch dine erm. so truch dine foet. so truch dine skunck. so is aller ekis bore en pund. by hala Benbreke truch finger and truch tana. en half pund. by des Landis wilkoer. so is aller ekis bote. dy ingung achteene enza. and dy wtgung also fule. an dyne hals fijf fingera bret twiska wede and sced achte pennig. and fior enza. en and fijftich engels. thrim clena mijn. en bete. and onbrenze. Swim slekis bote fior pennig. and fijf enza. dat iz Landis wilkoer. achtene enza. and onbrenze. vi half pund. ende scillat swerra tweer trouwe maen. dat hjat onsaghe. dat hy swijma leghe. jefta fiouwera sum ont swerra. en and tuntig engels, Therua dust slec also. sulck hat ayder niogentena enza. jeft ena monne mon negera dulch. jefta bloetresene deen wert dan en mey hy se byspanne. soe scelma se alle bota. jef hy swera wille. dat se hem alle den werde it ene stete. jefta it ene sleke onbrenze. jef ene mon en dulch den wert. and it gerstvallich swera wille. sone moth hith. naut onswera. hit ne habbe aller weykis ena meta. so mothma hit umbe meta. by daigge. and lewa. den fiarndel. so achma da tridelen to betane thri bete. jef hit foert swero wille ene lammede. so scilma da beta en bete. Hoth is en riucht ingung. and wtgung? Let is en riucht ingung and wtgung. soe hwer foe twiscka tweer endem en metens. en bete. Bena wtgung. jef hit swera wolle. so moth hy an da Dolg wita therra sinena kerf. and Benbrenbreke. and thaira benena wtgung swera. ferre ne mey dy mon nene deda an otherne sprecka. dan der thrira wtgung. and tria rihbo breke. and thrira sinena kerff. en bete and onbrenze. Des forma benis wtgung achte pennich mijn dan tian enza. allewa engels. and fijf clena. Des oderis benis wtgung fior pennig mijn dan fyfenza. | |
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]and onbrinscze. Thes letteres bene wtgung iv panninga. mijn than fijf enza. sexta half engels. and thredda half clena. Thes forma bene wtgung viii panninga. min than x enza. xi engels. and v clena. Thes thredda benis wtgung viii panninga. and twa enza. thre engels. threm clena mijn. thera allerlyck ach ene eth on tho bringane. jef math bekanna wille en bete, and onbrinscze. Rebbis breke. en half pund. Thes otheres. also. Thes thredda. also. en beteand. onbrenscze. sine kerf. also fula. Thrira rebba breke. and thrira sine kerf allerlich ach eneth ontibrengane. Blodresna onder tha onletene. en pund. en bete. Blod-resna in re in then buch. fior panninga myn. tham xxix enza. xxiv engels. twam clena myn. en bete. and onbrinze. Metedolgh in thin buch xxxiii enzena. xxxix engels. thrim clena myn. Wapel-dranck and balsraf. and ned mund. soeallerlikes bote. x enza. and acht pund. fiortundesta thrimen penninga. thet were to gadere en bete. x scilling. and vi half engels. ene sextendele dis clena mijn. jefta xii sum onswerra. en bete. Thet is en riucht wapelidranch. ther werd worpen in en onwed wetter, ther by ne moghe bor mith handem, ner mith fothem ihine grund reka. ner mith aeghnum thine himel syaen ner mith arathine ruft hera. soe schelma him beta mitter by name da bote. thethis riucht Liudwerdene. en bete. and onbrinscze. jef en man sprecth. thet hi alra sundena nath ne habba ther hi methe bernd and op waxande was. therma him mey by kanth hath. soe scelma hit beta mith xkiv pundum. jef hi nauth ne kanth. so ne. mey hi ferra onfwera than tha thre delan. jefen man an otherne dulgat mith saxe. soe is thio bote thri bete. jef en man en otherne bith. soe thio bote thri bete. and thi man is wether thine Dekan ban scildich. Thi brand also stor bihalva thes thet hi with thine Dekan nath ban schildich ennis. thine brand achma umbe thi methane. enis mannis riuchte bjeld send fior enza. and vyfteen pund. Tha fyfteen pund. tha fyfteen pund were xviii half scilling engels. and twene engels. fior clena myn than fior enza. fyf engels. fyf clena myn than fior enza. fyf engels. fys clena myn. en bete. ene Baedjeld xxix enzena. xxxix engels. and thre clene. en bete. and onbrinscze. jefma an man foghed fry on thes Frana wald. ann halt hinne an heftene. and an hera bendum. dey ande nacht. soe scelma him beta mith ther Liudwerdene. jefta xii sum | |
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[Ex in Ms. Quarto.]Sexta half engels. and thredda half clena. Des thredda benis wtgung. achte pannig. and twa enza. tre engels. thrim clena mijn. Therra allerlyck ach anne eth on to brengane. jeff mat bikanna wille. en bete. en onbrinze. Ribbis breke en half pund. des oderis. also. des threddis. also. en bete. and onbrenze. Sijn kerf alfo fule. Der thrira ribbenna breke. and thrira sinena kerf allerlick ach annen eth on thi brengane. Bloetresene onder da onleten. en pund. en bete. Bloetresene in rede in den bwc. fior pennich myn niogen and tuntich enzena. fior and trijttich engels. twam clena mijn. en bete. and onbrenze. Mete dolch in den bwc tria and tritich enzena. niogen and tritich engels. thrim clena myn. Wapeldranck. and Hals-raeff. and nedmund. so is allerlick bote. tian enza. and achte pund. fiouwertuntigsta thremede panninga. Dat wer to gadere en bete. tian scilling. and sexta half engels. ene sextandele dis clena myn. jefta tolewa sum untswera. en bete. Dat is en riucht wapel-dranck. der wert werpen in en onwad wetter. der by ne moghe bader mit handum. ner mith foetum thene grund. ner mit aghenem den hymel syan. ner mit ara den roft hera. so scelma him beta mither benameda bote. dat is riucht liod werdena. en bete and onbrenze. jeffen man sprect dat hy aller a sundena naut n'abbe, der hy mede bern. and opwaxende was. hy bykanth hith. so scelma het beta mit fiouwer and fiortegha pundum. jef hy naut ne kant. so ne mey hy ferra unswerra. dan da tre delan. jef en man oderen dulget mit saxe. so is dio bote thri bete. jef en man oderem bit. so is dio bote thri bete. and thi man thyne Deckan ban scieldich. Dy brand also scoer. by halva des dath hy wer den Deckan nauth ban scieldich is. den brand achma umbe to mettane. enis mannis riuchte jeld sent fiouwer enza. and fyfteen pund. Da fysteen pund were achtenista half scilling. and twene engelsche. fior clena mijn. en bete ene Dathjeld nioghen and tuntig ensena. fiouwer and tritich engels. and thria clena. en bete. and onbrenze. jefma ene mon fiucht fri one thet frana wald. and halten an hefte. and in her bendum. dey and nacht. soe scelma hem beta mitter Liudwerdene. jefta tolewa sum onswera. Aller mannalick ach zijn boet to delan with zijne brother. so langhe soe hia men bede lat sint jef hy sijn sex lithan gans habbe. da aghena. da handa. da foe- | |
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]onswerra. Allermannalith ach to delana with sinne brother. soe langhe soe hja men belad send, jef hi sine sex lithan gans habbe tha neg hne tha hande tha fothan. Dolghet thet ros enne man. and tyadere, jefta and keppele. jefta ansine stalle. so ne thorma hith nath beta. hir ne standa an Hera wey kepplad. jefta an smethes husdem bunden. jawelikes fias dolg, scelma beta al der hith leghith, laepth. And this hondis bite hit ne thet hit nachtis dwee. jefta alsma op hine staept. jefta hine slayt. alder hi leith in sine damne. soe thormeth hit nath bota fan thissem allem spreckath hia antwa. soe schilleth thet wita sowen sinra bura. jefta enis mannis ros. ther hi uppa sith dolghet en otherne man. soe schel hit beta also dyore soe hith selve deen habbe mith sinne handem. Thesoxa and jouwelickes rether, schettis bote and thes swines. thes hona. thes katta dolg. mith haelre bote schelmath beta. jef hia then unwilla. and tha wanwith seepe ther stath heftich by fwerra willath. Aldus ist fan dae hunda. hit ne se, hit dwe. als hyr to fara is by scriuwen. soe ist sunder bote. Mer dwaeth this binaemeda dier hors and oderne dyare. soe scelmath beta lich jeftet thi man selve dwe. Supra dicta emenda fient si animalia nocuerunt. Si laeduntur animalia inferius expressum est. jefta enis mannis Hors dulghets werth ther mith lerim byleyth hath. jefta mith tame halt. soe schelma hit beta astha hem selm den were. ferra moth hy nauth in caya. mer wel moth hi kestigia umbe sine scatha. jef thet Hors dulgat ane man aft sine here hine mith tame halt. and mith lere bileith hath. soe scel hit beta as tha hit self den hethe. ney hit were buta sin witsceppe her schijn. and wr sin wald ronne. Hoth soe thes mannes ayn fya doth. theth scel hy beta aldus. en bethe. and dulghat hit en dyar. jefta deth. thene scada half ti betane. and nene frethe herim ner lyodem. en bete and onbrinscze. Thi thiach merck. and ermmerch. and breynpanna. burst been. sculder-been. thi ben-brekis thera alre ekis bote viii panninga. and xiv enza xvii engels. en clena mijn. also fyr soe thio bote mara ne se tham viii enza. and thria pund. thet is stryth-heftich sceth. Ist strid-werdith. and hy wrwonnen werdith. soe scel hi beta herum. and liodum. en bete and onbrenscze. Regghis ben breke. en pund. thri bete. Soe hwame syoth truch sinne buch. soe achma hine to metane bi ther syda ther hit korthera is. and twiska twer endam bi this thummis kathe. so achma | |
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[Ex in Ms. Quarto.]ten. Dulghet dat ros enen man anda tiader. jeffta an keppele. jefta an sijn stalle. So ne thorma hit naut beta. hit ne stande an her-wey keppelat. jeffta it smedes hwzebonden. jowelickes fias dolch scelma beta al dir hit leghet, hlapet. and des hundis bijte. hit ne se dath hit nachtis dwe. jefta alsma op bine staept. jefta hyne sclayt al der hy leyt in syne damne. So thorma hit naut beta fan dissem allem. spreckath hia a twa. so scen dat wyta sawen synra bura. jeff enis mannis ros der uppa sit dulgheth enen oderem man. so scil hi beta also duerre so hit selve mit zyn handem den habbe. Des oxa and jowelikis rether scettis boete. and des swines. des bona. des katta dolch mit haler bote schelmat beta. jeff hia des onwilla. and da wanwitscipe der scat heftich by swora willet. Aldus ist fanda hunde. hit ne se, dat hit dwe. ist hyr to fara is byscrioun. So ist sundir boet. jeffma enis mannis hors dulghet. der hy mit leer byleyth hat. jefta met tame halt. soe scelma hit beta as tha hem sellef deen wer. Ferra moet hi naut in taia. mer wel moet hi kestigya umbe zine scada. jeff dat ros dulgheth ane man als sin Hera mit tame halt: ende mit lere byleyth hath. soe scil hit beta as tha hit sellef deen hede. ner hit wer buta sin witscipe herscin. and wr sine wald ronne. Hoth so des mannis ayna fia deth. dat schil hi beta. aldus. en bete. And dulgheth het en diar. jefta dath. denne scada half ti betane. and nenne ferdem herim ner liodem. en bete. and onbrenze. Dath thiach merich. and erm-merich. and breyn-ponna. burst-been. schulder ben. Dy been breke aller ekis bote achta pennig. and fiorteen enza. sawentene engels. ena clena myn. also fir. so dio bote mara ne se dan achta enza. and tria pund. dat is. tribeftich scet. Ist stridwerdtth, and hi wrwonnen wirde. so scil hi beta herum and liodum. en bete. and onbrenze. Benbreke des reghes. en pund. tri bete. so hwasoma scoet, truch sine buck. so achma hyne to mettane bi der syda der hit kortera is. and twiska da tweer endem. by thes thumma kate. so achma hy ne to gewane ayder thumma kate fiower pennig myn dan fyf enza. sawentene engels ene clena myn. Dene in rede al der to. jef thi man sprect. dat hi wr al syne leda da thre delan wrlerren, habbe. bykanthma hit. so ift acht pund. and thri bete. en bete. and onbrenze. Benbreke an der foetwerst. allerlijck acht pennich bin- | |
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]him ti gewane ayder thumme kathe fior panninga myn than fyfenza. xvii engels. en clena myn. Thene in rethe al der toe. jef thi man sprect, thet hi wr all zyn lethe tha thre delan wrlerren habbe, and hi thin fiardel behalden habbe. bikant ma hith. soe ist viii pund. and thri bete, en bete and onbrinscze. Ben-breke ander fothwersch alallerlyck. viii panninga. bynnem x enzem. xi engels. and v clena. en bete. and onbrinscze. Hwerzo thi man stothem werth truch zine machtem. truch dat fel thio bote. en pund. hith ne se thet hi ferra spreka. soe mey hi habba thria sine-kerf. Thio aersta, thio sciapsine. and thio wald-sine. and thio fruchtsine. hir moth hi fan tigia thria onnameda morth tha achma allerlick toe betane also dy ora alze an manslachta. jefta xii sum onswerra. Hwam soe werth of snethan sinGa naar voetnoot* Hotham. thio riuchte bote umbe thene ferra. sex pund. umbe thene wenstra sexte half pund. werth him sin pinth of sneyn. viii pund. hine wirde eth wivet ther bekanth. so ach hi nene bote umbe thet manslike. umbe thine peynth offe seynth. sulck Boech halt xviii pund. en bete. Blicande Blod-resna binna clanem. en scilling. and ix enza. xi engels. and vii clena. jefta thre ethan Mete-dolch binna clanum. xii scillinge. ix half engels. jefta thre ethan. mete-dolch in re in thine buch xxxiv anza. xxxviii engels. and iv clena. Sulck Boech halt xxix enzena. xxxiv engels. sex clena myn. Meta delch buta clanum x enza. and viii panninga. jefta ethan. xii engels, and fior clena. Thrira Lescka allerlick fyff scillinge. fiarda half engels and ene clena. Ere scredene iv enza. fior engels. and ena clena myn. sin kele alsoe. Thrira ben breke xii scillinge mith en ethe ti haliane. ix half engels. en hala clena myn. Hwazo dulgheth werth truch erm. and truch scunk. truch foeth. truch handa. hwer soe is twiska tha twa dolg helis fellss thrira finghera breed. soe agh hi thes ingunges xviii enza. and thes wtgung hes also fula. thet were tho gadere thria pund. Thio Wapel depene binne thes konniges mercken. binna tha Se-burch fior panninga mijn than xxix enza. Theth Sendriuchte bote by wisere the grand scriweris. thes onder na wtgung xii scillingen. Thi in renne this blodis xlviii scillingen. Hwazo otherne dulgets mith saxe. jefta mith ermborsta. jefta mith boga. tha send thria bete ti betane. Dayeth hi thene dath al der on mith ene jeldum ti jeldane. and twam ferdum. hit ne se then in tha loeghum | |
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[Ex in Ms. Quarto.]na tian enza. allewa engels, and fyf clena. en bete and onbrenze. Hwaso dy man scetten wert truch sine machta truch thet fel. dio bote en pund. hit ne se. dat hi ferra wil sprecka. so mey hi habba thrial syn-kerff. Dio arste. dio seip-syne. and dio wald-syne. and dio frucht-syne. hyr moet hy tygia tria unnomede mort. da achma allerlick to betane. also diore als an monslachtajeffta tolewa sum untswerra. Hwaso wert offe sneden sine hathan.Ga naar voetnoot* dio riuchte bote umbe dine ferra sex pund. umbe dine winstera sexta hael pund. wert him sin pint offe sneden. achte pund. hene werde ith wywem ther by kanth. so ne ach hy nene bote umbe thet manslike. umbe thene pijnth offe seith. Sulch boeck hath xviii pund. an bete. Blikande boetresene binna cladum en scilling. and niogen enza. allewa engels. and fyff clena. jefta tre edan. methe dolch binna cladum. toliff scillinge. niogenda half engels. jefta tre edan. Meta dolch in rede in den buck. tria and tritich enzena. ach and tritich engels. and fior clena. Sulch boeck halt xxix enzena. fiower and tritich engels. sex clena myn. Mete duth buta clanum tian enza. and achte pennich. jefta edan. toleff engels. and fiower clena. Trira Leseka allerlick. fyf scillinge. fiarde half engels. and en clena. Bre scirdene fior enza. fiower engels. fyff clena myn. sinkele alzo. Thrira bennena breke. toliff scillinge met ene ethe to halljane niogenda half engels. en hala clena myn. Hwaso dolget werth truh erm. and scunck. truch foet. and handa. hwerso is twisscha da thwa dolch hellis fellis trira fingera bred. so agh hi des ingunges achtene enza. des wtgunges also fula. det wer to gadere tria pund. Dio wapel-debene bynna des konniges merck. bynna da Se-burch. fiower pennich myn dan xxxix enzena. Thit sind riuchta boeta by wysene des grand scriwer. Des onderna wtgung toliff scillinge. Dy in ryde des blodis acht and fiortich scillinge. Hwaso otherne dolghet met Saxe. jefta met armberste. jefta met, boghe. that sent tri bete. te betane. ende dayt hy den dath alder on met ene jeldum to jeldane. and twom ferdum. hit ne fe deen in da logum. der da trin jelden to biscrioun fint. Hals-sleck twiscka wede and scede achte pennich, and fiortene | |
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]ther tha therne jeld te byscriuwen send. Hals slach twiscka wede and sced ach panninga. and xiv enza. Een swem-sleech fior pund. and fyf enza. Thet is Wilker des Landis xviii enza. Theth in re in or theth lyf buppa da reffe. thio botha is xxviii tunan. Thi benbreke ander breyn panna viii panninga and xiv enza. Thes forma benis wtgung also fula. Thes otheris fior panninga. and vi enza. Thes thredda xii panninga. and thria enza. Theth in re in thet haûda. fior panninga myn tham xxix enza. Thio erghene viii pund. Thio dawethe fior pund. Theth hi sprect ut supra. Thi wlite onder tha and letene fior panninga mijn tham xxix enzena. Thes onberna benis nachte nene bote. Theth is benis wtgung. ther wbe cote geyganna hande. jef ene manna thio tunge of sneyn is. soe is thio bote ene twede jeld. Bladresne truch tha tunge xxx scillinge. and onbrenscze. Hwerth emman in zin hals dulgeth theth hi wrigande gunge x half pund. Hwerther en man in thin stroth bolla bawijn. jefta stath. and wert him dio sprake thio fiardele erra. so ach hi iv pund. werth se tho haldele erra. vi pund. is tha thre delan hawey. x pund. allerlick on ti brengane mith sonderga ethe. Fander here theth selve riucht. and ther syone. and fander tungha thet selve. Thes felles onslecht vii scillinge. sin res wt also stur. Thre swemslekam. and thre erd-fallen. and thria wapel-pina habbet ena bote. and ene riucht. Thi hagesta swim-slech xviii enza. Thi midresta. xxvi scillinga. thi mijnresta xiv scillinga. tha lada vi ethan. Abel ad incepta x scillinga butha ethe. heeth and kyelde x scillinga. ayder mith ene etha thi hatiane. Therra fijf senne aller ekis bote xxxvi scellinga. Visus. auditus. gustus. odoratus. tactus. Theth wr-lid thes agha vii scillinga. theth nedersta lith v scillinge. Ongneyles in scatenga kxxvi scillinge. Berd of branth. jefta kanep of barnd. werth fiarda half pund. tha latha sex ethan. Lamma thana. Lamma fingerum. achma to betane mith threm pundum. Hwazo otherne sin clana to ranth on sin wille. and this otherne onwilla. soe is thio bote iv panninga myn than fif enza. Theth is sexta te half engels. and thredda half clena. Halth hi thine cop. an swengheth hine mith tha biere thio bote is. twin scillingen. thets is oerhal engels. other half clena. Hwam soma mith wald bisered. jefta frowen hiara It Freslan offe kerth. soe betamet hemman mith thwam enzem. and mith acht pundem. and mith fiortundesta thrimen panninga. thet | |
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[Ex in Ms. Quarto.]enza. een swim fleck fiower pund. and fyf enza. Dat is kere dis landis achte enza. Dy ben breke ander breyn-ponna. achte pennich. and fiorteen enza. Des forma benis wtgung. alzo fula. Des oderis fiower pannig. and fawen enza. Des thredda toliff pannig. and tria enza. Dy in ryde in da haude fior pennig myn dan xxix enzena. Dio ergane achte pund. Dio dawende fior pund. Deth hy sprect, ut supra. Dy wlite under da onletten fiower pennich myn dan niogen and tuntich enzena. Des ouberna benis wtgung ach nene bote. Dat is bena wtgung der ute tute geyganna haude. jeff ene manna thio tunge of sneyn is. so is dio bote en twede jeld. Truch da tunghe bloetresene xxx scillinge. and onbrenze. Wether emma in sin hals dolgheth. dat hy wrigian gunge. tiande half pund. Werther en man in den strothbolla hawen. jefta silayn. jefta staet ende werth hem dio spreke da siarndele erra. so ach hy fiower pund. wer se hem da haldele erra. sex pund. sineth hy da tre delan wey. tian pund allerlick on ti brengane mit sunderlingha ede. Fander here. dat se lef riucht. and fander sione. and fander tungha dat selve. Des fellis of een sawn scillinge. sin res ut. also scur. Thire swim scleken and thire erdfallen. and da wapel-pyna. habbeth ene bota. end en riucht. Dy middelsta sex and tuntich scillinge. Dy minsta fiowertene scillinge. da lada sex edan. Abel ad incepta. tian scillinge buta ede. hitte and kilde tyan scillinge ayder mit ene ede thi hallyan. Derra fijf senne aller ekis bote sex and xxx scillinge. Visus. auditus. gustus. odoratus. tactus. Det ure hliet des agha sawen scillinge. Det neder hlied fyff scillinge. Ongneitis in scathengha sex an trijttich scillinge. weder waulinga fiower and tritich scillinge. Bird of barnd. jefta knap of barnd werth. fiarda hael pund. da lada sex edam. Lamme tana. lamme fingharem achma to betane mith trim pundum. so hwa so oderem sin claet to rant wr sin willa. so is dio bote fiower pennich myn dan fyf enza. dat is sex half engels. and threda hael clena. Hwam soma mith wald byscerrid. jefta frowen hiara frustelan of kerst. so betma himmen mit twam onsem. and mith achte pundum. and mit fiortensta thremna pennich. thet is allifta half scilling. sundir ene hala engels. Hwaso otherne hauth sijn hand. sijn foet. is x enza. and x pund. and fiorteensta thrimna pennig. dat threttenista half scillinge. and oder | |
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[Ex Ms. in Folio.]is xii half scillinge. zonder ene hala engels. Hwae soe otherum sengeth sin hand. sin bote is x enza. and x pund. and fiortundista thrimen panninga. thet is xiii half scillieg. and other half engels. and fyfte half clena panninga. Hwa soe otherne werpth mith koppe. and mith tha byare under tha aghene. thio bote is fior panninga myn than fyf enza. thet is vi half engels. and thredda half clena.
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[Ex in Ms. Quarto.]hael engels. and fyfta hael clena panninga. Hwaso oderem mith koppe. and met da byare onder sijne aghena werpth. dio bote is fiower panninga myn dan fyff enza. dat is sexum half engels. and thredda hael clena. Halt hine cop and swinth hyne mitta biare dio bote twene scillinge. dat is oder half engels. and oder hale clena.
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