Oeuvres complètes. Tome V. Correspondance 1664-1665
(1893)–Christiaan Huygens–No 1300a.
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[pagina 558]
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genious and worthy to be prosecuted and of ye author, concerning whom I forgot to tell you formerly, that I was not a little proud to receiue in his letterGa naar voetnoot3) to Sir R. Moray, from so competent a Judge so favorable a Character of my Trefles about colorsGa naar voetnoot4). And as for what he mentions of ye Iris producible betwixt 2 pieces of flat Glasse without ye assistance of a liquor, I am much obliged to him for ye mentioning it. But though I had severall times observed it, before my Book came out; yet by reason of certain scruples, I had about ye cause of it, I purposely forbore to take notice of that and another Phaenomenon somewhatt of kin vnto it. And as for ye Question, He desires to haue of Sir J Finch concerning the Blind manGa naar voetnoot5), as I think myselfe obliged to Mister Zulichem for ye occasion of it, so by ye Circumstances of Sir JohnGa naar voetnoot6), related to me of ye Extraordinary Care, he tooke not to be imposed upon, I am invited to exspect, that He will be able to giue a satisfactory answer to itGa naar einda). |