Oeuvres complètes. Tome IV. Correspondance 1662-1663
(1891)–Christiaan Huygens–
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No 1136.
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being not much above an hour. My lord BGa naar voetnoot5) Sir R.M.Ga naar voetnoot6) and Monsieur Zul.Ga naar voetnoot7) were very inquisitive when you would return. There was an account read of Monsieur Le Fevre'sGa naar voetnoot8) trial to volatilize salt of tartar with burnt alum, which you have long since heard. Monsieur Zulichem tried his own experiment, but it succeeded not, though he confessed the engine was very tight, and it will be tried again the next day according to his ordering. The accounts which J acquainted you with the last week, were not brought in as was expected. Sir R.M. gave in the measureGa naar voetnoot9) of an infant of sixteen weeks old, which was sent him out of Scotland, a pattern whereof J have here enclosed. There is a meeting of the council upon MondayGa naar voetnoot10) where your presence is much expected and longed for. There is very little in Doctor Power'sGa naar voetnoot11) microscopicall observations but what you have since observed; only there is a pretty experiment he tried with the leeches in vinegar, that survived the freezing of the vineger they lived in; and another pretty experiment he has in his philosophicall reflectionsGa naar voetnoot12) upon his observations, which is of making a certain kind of coals kindle into a fire and flame, by throwing water on them, when newly dug out of the mine. J am sorry to see, that he intends to publish several experiments about colours, which J am consident might be originally yours. He will likewise publish the experiment of freezing an eye, to find the shape of it, whose invention he ascribes to another. There is not much more besides, that is very considerable in it, and therefore J shall refer the further account of it till your return, till when J shall keep the book by me. J have made a microscope object glass so small, that J was fain to use a magnifying glass to look upon it, but it did not succeed so well as J hoped; but J suppose it might be, because this being the first J had made, the tool was not very true, nor my hand well habituated to such an employment. And therefore J de- | |
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spair not of better success in my next attempt. Mr. LowerGa naar voetnoot13) was to have waited on you, and was sorry to miss you here in town. He had Dr. Willis'sGa naar voetnoot14) service to have presented to you, whose bookGa naar voetnoot15) he tells me is within a little while to come forth, and he added, that Dr. Wren had drawn the pictures very curiously for it; and J am glad to hear it will afford such considerable discoveries, which J doubt not but you know. J question not, but that Mr. Oldenburg has acquainted you with the news, that is extant in this enclosed, and therefore J shall not trouble you with that particular. Nor has there occurred any thing else since my coming worth your knowledge; otherwise it should have been sent you by, Honoured Sir, your most affectionate most faithful, and most humble servant
Rob. Hooke.
J suppose Mister MurrayGa naar voetnoot16) has told you, that Mister Nicolls desires to speak with you. J just now received a letter from Mister Whit. to send down the horse; but it is so lame, that it is altogether unable to perform a journey. |