26 ←01 05 1608 Ged., dl. 1 p. 6
Deze grap staat mogelijk in dezelfde traditie als dit epigram van Thomas More (The complete works, dl. 3,ii p. 266-267 nr. 254):
Medicinae ad tollendos foetores anhelitvs provenientes a cibis qvibvsdam.
Sectile ne tetros porrum tibi spiret odores,
Protinus a porro fac mihi cepe uores.
Denuo foetorem si uis depellere cepae,
Hoc facile efficient allia mansa tibi.
Spiritus at si post etiam grauis allia restat,
Aut nihil, aut tantum tollere merda potest.
(remedies for ending the foul breath which results from certain foods.
So that your chopped leeks may not waft their loathsome odors, take my advice and eat an onion right after the leeks. Then again if you want to get rid of the foul smell of the onion, the chewing of garlic will easily accomplish that for you. But if your breath remains offensive even after the garlic, then either it is incurable or nothing but shit will remove it.)