De Tweede Ronde. Jaargang 22
(2001)– [tijdschrift] Tweede Ronde, De–
[pagina 175]
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Uit: ‘De elfenkoningin’ (I iv 21-23)Ga naar voetnoot*
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[And by his side rode loathsome Gluttony]And by his side rode loathsome Gluttony,
Deformèd creature, on a filthie swyne,
His belly was up-blowne with luxury,
And eke with fatnesse swollen were his eyne,
And like a Crane his necke was long and fyne,
With which he swallowed up excessive feast,
For want whereof poore people oft did pyne;
And all the way, most like a brutish beast,
He spuèd up his gorge, that all did him deteast.
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[pagina 176]
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[Vervolg Nederlands]Zij droeg met recht een kleed van wingerdblad,
Want andere kledij was haar te heet,
Terwijl ze van klimop een krans op had;
Daaronder droop haar tronie van het zweet.
Intussen at zij voort terwijl ze reed,
Met in haar rechterhand de volle kan;
En hoe ze zich daar ook tegoed uit deed,
Ze blijft in 't zadel, zwalkend nu en dan;
Een monsterdier, daar heeft zij nog het meeste van.
Tot aardse taken is zij niet in staat,
En 't is een wonder dat ze steeds nog rijdt;
De koning stelt het graag zonder haar raad,
Zolang ze zich aan vraat- en drankzucht wijdt;
Vijand of vriend, zij maakt geen onderscheid;
Haar blauwe lijf is vol van averij,
Maar waterzucht is waar ze 't meest aan lijdt
Vooral daardoor, en door haar dorst, zwelt zij
Steeds meer op, Gulzigheid, de tweede in die rij.
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[Vervolg Engels]In greene vine leaves he was right fitly clad;
For other clothes he could not weare for heat,
And on his head an yvie girland had,
From under which fast trickled downe the sweat:
Still as he rode, he somewhat still did eat,
And in his hand did beare a bouzing can,
Of which he supt so oft, that on his seat
His drunken corse he scarce upholden can,
In shape and life more like a monster, then a man.
Unfit he was for any worldly thing,
An eke unhable once to stirre or go,
Not meet to be of counsell to a king,
Whose mind in meat and drink was drownèd so,
That from his friend he seldom knew his fo:
Full of diseases was his carcas blew,
And a dry dropsie through his flesh did flow:
Which by misdiet daily greater grew:
Such one was Gluttony, the second of that crew.