Het Luikse diatesseron
(1970)–Anoniem Luikse Diatesseron–
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1Ic grute alle deghene die dit lesen selen ende hoeren lesen in onsen Here 2Ihesum Kerste, ende bidde hen dat si bidden vor mi. Ens tijds so bat mi een 3mijn lieue vrint, dat is dewangelie trokke uten latine in didscher talen 4ende ic vten texte van den vire ewangelisten makde ene schone historie 5van den wesene ende van den leuene ons Heren Ihesu Christi, dat hi leidde 6op ertrike van din tide dat hi van der heileger magt onser vrowen sente 7Marien wart ontfaen ende gheboren, tote an din tide dat hi sendde sinen 8Heilegen Gheest sinen ijongeren in hen te bliuene ende met hen te sine. 9Dese bede ontfingic gerne om de lieuede mijns vrinds diese dede met groten 10ernste, ende om den hope<din>ic ontfinc van baten dergherre die dit lesen 11ende horen souden, ende om den hope van den beden di si vor mi tonsen Here souden don. 13Mar dat makic aldenghenen cont die dit bestaen te lesene, dat hir toe 14groete pine behoert, want de vire ewangelisten en schinen nit concorderende 15in allen staden. Ende dat deen scrijft, en scrijft onderwilen dander nit. 16Onderwilen conkorderense alle vice: Johannes, Matheus, Lucas ende 17Marcus. Onder wilen concorderen dese drie: Matheus, Marcus ende Lucas. 18Onderwillen dese drie: Matheus, Lucas ende Johannes. Onderwillen dese 19drie: Matheus, Marcus ende Johannes. Onderwillen dese tuee: Matheus, 20Marcus. Onderwillen dese tuee: Matheus, Lucas. Onderwillen dese tuee: 21Matheus, Johannes. Onderwillen dese: Lucas, Marcus. Onderwillen dese: 22Lucas, Johannes. Onderwillen so scrijft oc een allene dis dandre drie nin 23scriuen. Ende hir omme seggic dat en podersam werc es tuschen dese discor-24dancien, die dewangelisten schinen hebbende onder hen, vt allen den ewan-25gelien te rapene ende te ghederne ende oc tegader te uugene enen proces ende 26ene historileke vertrekkinge van den gebenediden wesene Jhesu Christi. 27Want hir omme salic dikke vore moten setten, dat bat na schene uolghende, 28ende na, dat bat schene vore staende; ende en dadic des nit, so mostic onder-29willen achter laten dat nit goet en ware gelaten <ende> dat tit werc sere 30onssienen soude. 31Om ene andre sake es tit werc oc swar dat is ondersta, want in vele | |
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1I greet all those who shall read this or hear it read in our Lord Jesus 2Christ, and pray them that they pray for me. Once I was asked by a dear 3friend of mine that I should draw the Gospel out of Latin into the Dutch 4language, and that I should coippose out of the text of the four evangelists 5a beautiful story of the existence and of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. 6which he led upon earth from the time that he was conceived and born by 7the Holy Virgin our Lady St. Mary until the time that he sent his Holy 8Ghost to his disciples to remain in them and to be with them. This request 9I received with pleasure because of my love for the friend who made it in 10great earnest, and because of the hope which I conceived of benefiting 11them who would read and hear it, and in hope of the prayers which they 12would send up for me to our Lord. 13But I make it known to all those who undertake to read this that this 14[work] involves great difficulty, as the four evangelists do not seem to agree 15in all places. And that which one writes another sometimes does not write. 16Sometimes all the four of them agree, John, Matthew, Luke, and Mark. 17Sometimes these three agree: Matthew, Mark, and Luke, sometimes these 18three: Matthew, Luke, and John, sometimes these three: Matthew, Mark, 19and John, sometimes these two: Matthew, Mark, sometimes these two 20Matthew, Luke, sometimes these two: Matthew, John, sometimes these: Luke, 21Mark, sometimes these: Luke, John. Sometimes also one only writes some-22thing of which the other three write nothing. And for this reason I say that 23it is a difficult work, among these discordances which the evangelists appear 24to have between them, to glean and collect and put together a continuous 25narrative and an historical account of the blessed existence of Jesus Christ. 26For owing to this I shall often have to put that first which, it would seem, 27had better follow later, and to put that later which, it would seem, had 28better come first. And if I had not done this, I should sometimes have had 29to omit a thing which it were not good to leave out and which [if left out] 30would greatly impair this work. 31There is still another reason why this work that I undertake is so difficult. 32For in many | |
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1staden es de text van der ewangelien also donker dat men den sin van den 2war-(1v)den <nin> can begripen noch wale verstanen sonder glose ende 3expositien. Dar omme arbeitten willen de heilegen Augustinus, Jheronimus, 4Gregorius, Beda ende vele andre goeder liede om <dewangelie> cler te 5makene, ende makdender of grote bueke ende grote <ghescreften> die 6vele meerre sijn dan de text van der ewangelien alte male. Ende hir omme, 7alsic te din steden come, so salic ochte met glosen ochte met expositien die 8donkerheit vercleren, so ic best ende cortelecst mach. Want kirdic de blote 9wart also in didsche alse si in den texte gescreuen sijn, so bleue dit werc alte 10donker in uele steden, ende oc souden de wart die ic screue in somen steden 11schinen iegen redene ende iegen onse gheloeue, alse in die stat daer onse 12Here segt: Si oculus tuus scandalizat te, etc. 13Nu biddic v allen die dit lesen ende horren selt, dat gi dese wart ghanslec 14verstaet ende sonder begrijp onfaet ende leest ende hoert met reuerentien, 15alsoe ghelijc alse ten warden van der heileger ewangelien behoerlec es. 16Ende ochtic in enegher stat mesgripe in te uele te seggene ochte te lettel, 17ochte in anders te seggene dan ic soude ochte dan der edelheit van der 18materien wel betamede, dat biddic dat ghi mi vergheft, want ic wale life 19dat ic alsosten werc te volbrengene noch wijs noch goet gnoch en ben. Mar 20die alle goede werke volbrengt, hi mote dit oc also volbrengen te sinen 21loue, dat ter oc aldeghene of gebetert moten sijn diet met ghoeder willechheit 22ende met ghoeder ernstechheiden selen lesen ende ontfaen. Amen. 23Johannes Sente IJan de ewangeliste, die onder de vire ewangelistenGa naar margenoot+ 24sonderlinghe ghelijct es den vligenden are, om dat hi hoger uloegh met 25kinnisse ende met uerstannissen in de ombegrijpleke heimlekheit der gotheit 26dan dandre daden, hi beghint sine ewangelie aldus: In principio erat uerbum. 27In den beghinneGa naar margenoot* was dat wartGa naar margenoot**, ende dat wart was met Gode, ende 29Got was dat wartGa naar margenoot*. Dat was inden beghinneGa naar margenoot** met Gode. Alle dint sijn met 30din warde ghemakt, ende sunder dat en es nit ghemakt. Dat ghemakt esGa naar margenoot* 31dats in hemGa naar margenoot** en leuen, ende dat leuenGa naar margenoot*** was licht der menschen, ende dat 32lichtGa naar margenoot* scheen in den demsternessen, ende de demsternessenGa naar margenoot** en beghrepens nit. 33Lucas (2r) Het was in den tide des conings Herodes en pape, die hitGa naar margenoot+ 34Zacharias, ende hadde ene vrowe van Aarons geslechte, die ghenamt was 35Elisabet. Dese twee wares beide gherecht vor Gode, houdende alle de 36gebode Gods sonder dage, mar sine hadden en gheen kint, omdat Elisabet 37ondrechtech was ende si beide oude liede wares ende verre voert hadden | |
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1places the text of the Gospel is so obscure that one cannot very well grasp 2nor understand the meaning of the words without glosses and explanations. 3For that reason in the olden days the saints, Augustine, Jerome, Gregory 4Bede, and many other good men labored to make the Gospel clear, and 5wrote big books and lengthy treatises about it which are much larger than 6the text of the entire Gospel. And therefore, when I come to those places, I 7shall, either with glosses or with explanations, clear up the obscurity as well 8and as briefly as I can. For if I turned the mere words into Dutch such as 9they are written in the text, this work would remain all too dark in many 10places, and also the words which I wrote would seem, in some places, [to be] 11against reason and contrary to our belief, as in that passage where Our 12Lord says: Si oculus tuus scandalizat te, etc. 13Now I pray all of you who will read and hear this that ye fully understand 14these words and receive them without carping, and read and hear them 15with reverence as it is seemly for the words of the holy Gospel, and if I 16should anywhere mistake in saying too much or too little or in saying 17otherwise than I should or than became the nobility of the matter, I pray 18you forgive it me, for I readily confess that for the accomplishing of such 19a work I am neither wise enough nor good enough. But may he who accom-20plishes all good works accomplish this also to his praise, so that all those 21may also be improved by it who shall read and receive it with good intention 22and with good earnest. Amen.
23Ga naar margenoot+ Saint John the Evangelist, who among the four evangelists is especially 24compared to the flying eagle, because he flew higher with knowledge and 25with understanding into the unfathomable mystery of the Godhead than did 26the others, (he) begins his gospel thus: In principio erat verbum. 27In the beginningGa naar voetnoota) was the WordGa naar voetnootb) and the Word was with God, and 28GodGa naar voetnootc) was the WordGa naar voetnootd) that was in the beginningGa naar voetnoote) with God. All things have 29been made with that Word, and without it nothing has been made. That 30which has been madeGa naar voetnootf) is in himGa naar voetnootg) life. And the lifeGa naar voetnooth) was the light of men. 31And the lightGa naar voetnooti) shone in the darknessesGa naar voetnootj), and the darknesses comprehended 32it not. 33Ga naar margenoot+There was in the days of King Herod a priest who was called Zacharias 34and had a wife of Aaron's tribe who was called Elisabeth. These two were 35both righteous before God, holding all the commandments of God without 36reproach. But they had no child, because Elisabeth was barren and they 37both were old people and were far advanced | |
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1gegaen in haren daghen. Doe gheschiede op enen tijt dat Zacharias in der 2stonden dat hem behoerende was, sijns ambachts soude plegen in den tem-3ple. Ende alse hi comen was in den temple ende hi stont ghereet sijns 4ambachts te plegene ende tofferne wiroc op den outare nade ghewoente 5sijns ambachts ende dat volc buten stont ende bedde, in dire seluer uren so 6uertogde hem die ingel Gods Zachariase ende stont ter rechter siden van 7den outare. Ende alsen Zacharias sach, so wart hi veruert ende menschleke 8vrese uil in hem. Doe sprac hem dingel aldus toe: <En> onssich di nit, 9Zacharias, want dine bede es gehort ende dijn wijf Elisabet sal di enen Bone 10dragen, ende du sout dat kint heeten IJan. Van desen kinde soutu blischap 11hebben ende vroude, ende vele liede selen verblischen in den tide van sire 12geborten, want dese sal groet sijn vor Gode. Ende hine sal drunken noch wijn 13noch andren dranc die drunken maken mach, ende hi sal oc veruult werden 14van den Heilegen Gheest in sire moeder lichame, ende hi sal oc bekiren vele 15des yolks van Israhel te haren Gode wert. Ende hi sal gaen vor hem in den 16Gheeste ende in der cracht Helie, te kinne de herten van den vadren ane 17de kinder ende dongheloeueghe te brengene ter wijsheit der <gerechter> ende 18to gereidene Gode en volmakt volt. Doe antwerdde Zacharias den ingel 19Ga naar margenoot* ende seide: Hoe magic geweten dat dit waer si, want is ben out ende mijn 20wijf es verre voert gegaen in haren daghn? Doe sprac die ingel noch voert 21ende seide: Ic ben Gabriel die sta vor Gode, ende ic ben hir gesendt om 22to sprekene iegene di ende dese bodschap ane di te doene. Ende du sout 23stom bliuen ende en sout nit mogen spreken totin dage dat dit sal gheschin, 24om dat du (2v) nin gheloeues minen werden, die toe selen comen in haren 25tide. Mettesen werden vor die ingel van hem. Ende alt folc stont buten 26ende beidde, ende hen allen wonderde waromme dat hi so lange merrede 27in den temple. Ende alse hi uten temple quam, so was hi al stomp ende en 28conste den volke nit toe gespreken. Doe merkdense wale dat hi een uisioen 29ghesien hadde in den temple. Ende aldus bleef hi al stomp. Ende alse de tijt 30van sinen ambachte leden was, so ghinc hi te sins selues hus. Ende dar na 31so ontfinc Elisabet sijn wijf ene vrocht, ende doe si vernam dat si onfaen 32hadde, so barch si hareGa naar margenoot* ende schiwde hare van den volke ende seide aldus 33tote har seluen: Dit werc heft Got ane mi gewarcht in den daghe dat hi 34ghewerdegde mi quite te makene dis lasters din ic hadde onder tfolc van 35ertrike - DitGa naar margenoot* seide die heilege wrowe, om dat die wrowen die ondrechtech 36waren, in Moyses wet hiten uermaledijt onder die menschen - | |
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1in (their) days. Then it happened upon a time that Zacharias, at the hour 2that was assigned to him, should perform his office in the temple. And when 3he had come into the temple and he stood ready to perform his office and to 4offer incense upon the altar after the custom of his office, and the people 5stood outside and prayed, in that same hour the angel of God appeared unto 6Zacharias, and stood on the right side of the altar. And when Zacharias saw 7him, he became frightened and human fear fell upon him. Then the angel 8spoke thus to him: Be not afraid, Zacharias, for thy prayer has been heard, 9and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call the child 10John. Of this child thou shalt have gladness and joy, and many people shall 11rejoice at the time of his birth. For this one shall be great before God, and he 12shall drink neither wine nor other beverage that can make drunk, and he 13shall also be filled with the Holy Ghost in his mother's womb. And he shall 14also convert many of the people of Israel to their God. And he shall go 15before him in the spirit,and in the power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the 16fathers to the children, and to bring the unbelieving to the wisdom of the 17just, and to prepare for God a perfect people. Then Zacharias answered the 18angel and said: How may I know that this is true, for I am old and my wife 19is far advanced in her days? Then the angel spoke still further and said: 20I am Gabriel who stand before God, and I am sent here to speak to thee, 21and to bring thee this message. And thou shalt remain dumb and shalt not 22be able to speak until the day that this shall happen, because thou believest 23not my words, which shall come to pass in their time. With these words the 24angel departed from him. And all the people stood outside and waited, and 25it surprised them all why he tarried so long in the temple. And when he came 26out of the temple he was entirely dumb and could not speak to the people. 27Then did they perceive that he had seen a vision in the temple. And thus he 28remained dumb. And when the time of his office was, past, he went to his 29own house. And after that Elisabeth his wife conceived a fruit. And when 30she realized that she had conceived, she hid herselfGa naar voetnoota) and avoided the people, 31and spoke to herself thus: God has wrought this work in me on the day that 32he deigned to clear me of this reproach which I had among the people of 33the earth-The holy woman said this because the women who were barren 34in Moses' law were called cursed among men - | |
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1Lucas In de seste maent na din dat Elisabet hadde ontfaen, so wartGa naar margenoot+ 2gesendt dingel Gabriel van Gode in ene stat van Galileen, die heett Nazareth, 3tere magt die was ghesekert an enen man, die was ghenamt Ioseph, ende 4de name der magt was Maria - Dese manGa naar margenoot* ende dese magt waren beide van 5Dauids geslechte - Ende alse dingel quam daer die magt was, so grutte 6hise aldus: Aue - dat lut also vele alse sonder we - die vol best van gracien, 7Got es met di: du best gebenedijt bouen de wrowen van ertrikeGa naar margenoot*. Alse 8Maria dese gruete hadde ontfaen, so wart si geturbeert in hare seluen ende 9began te peinsene welkerhande dese gruete mochte wesen. Doe sprac hare 10noch dingel toe ende seide aldus: En ontsigh di nit, Maria, want du hefst 11uonden gracie vor Gode; du sout ontfaen ene vrocht in dinen lichame ende 12sout bliuen ens kinds, ende dis kinds name soutu heten Jhesus. Dese sal 13groet sijn, want hi sal heten sone des almegtegs Gods, ende onse Here Got 14sal hem gheuen te besittene den stoel Dauids sijns vader, ende hi sal regneren 15bouen Iacobs gheslechte ewelec, ende sijns rijks en sal engheen inde sijn, 16Doe antwerdde Maria den ingel ende seide aldus: Hoe sal dit mogen sijn, 17want ic noit (3r) mans schuldech en was?Ga naar margenoot* Doe antwerde dingel ende seide: 18De Heilege Gheest sal van bouen comen in di ende de cracht des almegtegs 19sal di beschaden, <ende> dar omme dat van di geboren sal werden, sal 20heeten Gods sone. Ende dat heue tere prufnessen, dat Elisabet dine nichte 21heft ontfaen en kint in haren ouden dagen, ende nu eist in de seste maent 22dat si dat kint ontfinc die al haren tijt ondrechtech hadde gewest, want 23Gode en es engheene dinc ommogenlec die hi doen welt. Doe antwerdde 24Maria: Jc ben de derne Gods; also mote mi geschin alse du hefs gesegt. 25Na din warde so uoer dingel van hare. 26In din tide so stont op Maria ende ghinc met hastechheiden op denGa naar margenoot+ 27berghe in de stat dar Elisabet woende, ende quam in Zacharias hus ende 28gruttede harre nichten Elysabet. Ende also schire alse Elisabet hoerde 29Marien, so began dat kint dat si droch, te verblijschene in haren lichame, 30ende ElisabetGa naar margenoot* selue wart veruult van den Heilegen Gheest ende rip met 31groter stemmen ende seide: Du best gebenedijt onder de vrowen ende 32gebenedijt es de vrocht dijns lichamen. Wanen comt mi dat, dat mijns 33Heren moeder gewerdegt te mi te comene? Also schire alse de stemme van 34dire gruten quam in mine oren, so verblijschde dat kint in minen lichame, 35dat ic drage. Ende du best salech die gheloueds den ingel, want het sal 36geschin dat di gesegt es van Gods haluen. Doe antwerdde Maria ende seide 37aldus: Mine zile loft Gode ende mijn gheest verblijscht in Gode minenGa naar margenoot+ | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+In the sixth month after Elisabeth had conceived, the angel Gabriel was 2sent by God into a city of Galilee, which was called Nazareth, to a virgin 3who was betrothed to a man who was called Joseph; and the name of the 4virgin was Mary. This man and this virgin were both of David's kin. And 5when the angel came where the virgin was, he greeted her thus: Ave, that 6is as much as (to say) without woe, (thou) who art full of grace, God is with 7thee, thou art blessed above the women of the earthGa naar voetnoota). When Mary had 8received this greeting she became troubled within herself, and began to 9consider of what kind this greeting might be. Then the angel spoke to her 10further and said thus: Be not afraid, Mary, for thou halt found grace before 11God. Thou shalt receive a fruit in thy body and shalt be delivered of a child, 12and thou shalt call the child's name Jesus. He shall be great, for he shall be 13called son of the Almighty God. And our Lord God shall give him to sit 14upon the throne of David his father. And he shall reign over Jacob's house 15for ever, and of his Kingdom there will be no end. Then Mary answered 16the angel and said thus: How will that be possibleGa naar voetnootb), for I never knew a man. 17Then the angel answered and said: The Holy Ghost shall come from above 18into thee, and the power of the Almighty shall overshadow thee, and 19therefore that which shall be born of thee shall be called God's son. And 20have this a proof that Elisabeth thy kinswoman has conceived a child in her 21old days, and it is now in the sixth month since she conceived a child, (she) 22who had been barren all her time; for to God nothing that he pleases to do 23is impossible. Then Mary answered: I am the handmaiden of God, may it 24happen unto me as thou hast said. After that word the angel departed 25from her. 26Ga naar margenoot+ At that time Mary rose and went in haste up the mountain into the town 27where Elisabeth dwelt and came into Zacharias' house, and greeted her 28kinswoman Elisabeth. And as soon as Elisabeth heard Mary (speak), the 29child which she carried began to rejoice in her womb; and Elisabeth herself 30became filled with the Holy Ghost, and cried with a loud voice and said: 31Thou art blessed among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. 32Whence cometh this to me that my Lord's mother deigneth to come to me? 33As soon as the voice of thy greeting came into my ears, the child in my 34womb which I carry rejoiced: And thou art blessed who believedst the angel, 35for it shall come to pass, which was told thee on God's behalf. Then Mary 36Ga naar margenoot+ answered and said thus: My soul praises God and my spirit rejoices in 37God my | |
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1behoudere, want hi heft versin die oedmudechheit sire dirnen, so dat van 2desen tide voert ane mi salech heeten selen alle de generacien die toe te 3comene sijn. Want sine mogentheit heft ane mi getoegt hi die mechteg es 4ende dis name heilech es ende dis ontfarmechheit van eewen tewen durende 5es in alle di sine vreese hebben in hen. Hi es die sine mogentheit heft in 6sinen arme; hi es die de houerdege onder drijft na sijns herten wille. Hi 7sett den houerdegen van sinen stoele; hi hoegt den oetmoedegen. Hi veruult 8den hongerghen met allen goede ende den riken laett hi al idel. Hi heft 9Israhel sinen knecht ontfaen tegenaden in den dage dat hem gedachte sire 10ontfarmhertechheiden, also ghelic alse hi gelofde wilen onsen vordren 11Abrahame ende sinen (3v) gheslechte dat na hem comen soude toten inde. 12Dar na so bleef Maria met harre nichten omtrent drie maende ende doe 13kirde si weder te harre woningen wert. 14Doe de tijt was comen dat Elysabet bliuen soude, so bleef se ens soens.Ga naar margenoot+ 15Ende alse hare ghebure ende hare maghe vernamen dat onse Here sine 16ghenaden hadde ghedaen an hare, so waren sijs blide ende dankdens Gode. 17Ende alst quam op den achtenden dach, so quamense dat kint te besnidene 18na den gebode van der wet ende hietent Zacharias na sinen vader. Doe 19sprac dis kinds moeder ende seide: Hen sal also nit heeten, mar het sal 20heeten IJan. Doe antwerddense der moeder ende seiden: Waromme saelt 21IJan heeten? Heil es nimen in dinen geslechte die also heett. Doe teekendense 22sinen vaderGa naar margenoot*, wat namen dat hi woude dat men den kinde gaue. Doe isch 23de uader ene tafle ende screef in die tafle aldus: IJan es sijn name. Alse 24dat ghelesen was, so wonderde hen allen sere. Mettin so wart oc Zacharias 25mont ontploken ende sine tonge ontbonden, ende hi began te sprekene 26ende te lovene onsen Here. Doe vil ene ureese op alle hare gheburen, ende in 27alle die gheburte so wart dit verkundegt. Ende en igewelc die dit seggen 28hoerde, peinsde in sinen moede wat menschen dat kint werden soude, want 29de Gods gracie was in hem. Ende Zacharias sijn vader wart veruult van den 30Heilegen Gheest ende began te profeterne ende seide aldus: Gebenedijt siGa naar margenoot+ 31die Here ende Got es des uolcs van Israhel, want hi it nu geuisiteert heft ende 32sine verloessenesse toe heft bracht ende op heft gherechtt den horen van onser 33behoudenessen, die behorende sijn ten rike Dauids sijn kinds. Also gelike alse 34hi wilen sprac ouermids sinen propheten ende sinen heilegen die wilen 35waren: Gebenedijt si die ons gesendt heft enen verloessere van onsen vienden 36ende van al der gherre handen die ons haetden, ende die sine ontfarmechheit 37sal kiren an onse vorderen ende din sal gedinken sijns heilegs testaments ende | |
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1Saviour, for he has perceived the humility of his handmaiden, so that from 2this time onwards I shall be called blessed by all the generations which are 3to come, for he has manifested his power in me, he who is mighty and 4whose name is holy, and whose mercy endures for ever and ever in all who 5have in them the fear of him. It is he who has his strength in his arm, it is 6he who subdues the proud according to his heart's desire. He puts down the 7proud one from his seat, he exalts the humble one, he fills the hungry man 8with everything good and leaves the rich man all empty(-handed). He has 9received Israel his servant into(his) mercy on the day that he remembered 10his compassionateness, even as he promised of yore our forbears, Abraham 11and his race that would come after him unto the end. After that Mary 12remained with her kinswoman about three months, and then she returned 13again to her house. 14Ga naar margenoot+When the time had come that Elisabeth should be delivered, she was 15delivered of a son. And when her neighbours and her kinsfolk heard that 16our Lord had done his mercy to her, they were glad of it and thanked God 17for it. And when it came to the eighth day, they came to circumcise the 18child according to the commandment of the law, and called it Zacharias 19after its father. Then the child's mother spoke and said: It shall not be so 20called, but it shall be called John. Then they answered the mother and 21said: Why should it be called John? there is none of thy kindred that is so 22called. Then they made signsGa naar voetnoota) to its father what name that he wished 23that one should give to the child. Then the father asked for a tablet and 24wrote on the tablet thus: John is his name. When that was read, they all 25marveled greatly. At that same moment Zacharias' mouth was opened and 26his tongue loosened, and he began to speak and to praise our Lord. Then a 27fear fell upon all their neighbours, and in all the neighbourhood this was 28made known. And every one who heard this said pondered in his mind what 29(sort of) man that child would become; for the grace of God was in him. 30And Zacharias his father was filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to 31prophesy and said thus: Blessed be he who is Lord and God of the people of 32Ga naar margenoot+Israel. For he has now visited it and has brought it his redemption; and he 33has raised up the horn of our salvation, (for us) who belong to the kingdom 34of David his child. Even as he spoke of yore through his prophets and his 35saints who were before: Blessed be he who has sent us a deliverer from our 36enemies and from the hands of all those who hate us, and one who will turn 37his mercy to our forbears, and who shall remember his holy covenant and | |
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1sijns eeds din hi suor wilen Abrahame onsen vader, daer hi hem ghelofde 2dat hi hem seleun ons gheuen soude om ons te uerloessene van onsen vienden 3ende om hem te dinne sonder vrese in heilechheiden ende in gerechtegheiden 4alle de dage die wi leuen (4) souden. Dar na so bekirt die heilege man 5die prophecien te sine kinde wert ende sprekt aldus: Ende du kunt, du 6sout heete prophete des almegteges, want du sout gaen vor sijn anschin 7ende hem ghereiden sine wege ende du sout vor hem gaen, om te geuene 8sinen volke ene leeringe van harre salegheit ende om tontfane absolucie 9van haren sunden. Dit sal sijn ouermids dontfarmegheit onss Heren Gods 10die ons geuisiteert heft van boven vten orientenGa naar margenoot*, om te uerlichtene deghene 11die sitten in demsternessen ende in den schade van der doet ende om te 12Ga naar margenoot+bekerne onse voete in den wegen des ewelecs vreden - Dit was Zacharias 13profetie die hi <profeterde> van onsen Here ende van sinen kinde sente 14IJanne - Dar na so segt dewangeliste dat dat kint op wis beide na den 15lichame ende in den gheeste, ende alst op quam, so gingt in der wstinen ende 16bleeft daer totin tide dat hi hem vertogde den volke van Israhel. 17Matheus Continuacio Nv late wi hir van sente IJanne ende seggen 18voert van der geborten onss Heren Ihesu Christi. Sente Matheus hi bescrijft 19in den beginne uan sire ewangelien onss Heren geslegte uan Abrahams 20tide hir of tote Josephe die onser vrowen brudegoem was, ende segt aldus: - 21Dit est geslegte Ihesu Christi, die sone es Dauids ende Abrahams. Abraham 22wan Ysaak, Ysaac wan Jacob, Jacob wan Judam ende sine brudere, Judas 23wan Phares ende Zaram ane ene wrowe die hit ThamarGa naar margenoot*, Phares wan 24Esrom, Esrom wan Aram, Aram wan Amminadab, <Amminadab> wan 25Naason, Naason wan Salmon, Salmon wan Booz an ene wrowe die hit 26RaabGa naar margenoot*, Booz wan Obet an ene wrowe die hit RuthGa naar margenoot**, Obeth wan Jesse, 27Jesse wan Dauid den koninc, Dauid de coninc wan Salomone ane BersabeeGa naar margenoot* 28die VriasGa naar margenoot** wijf hadde ghewest, Salomon wan Roboam, Roboamwan Abiam, 29Abia wan Aza, Aza wan Josaphat, Iosaphat wan Joram, Joram wan Oziam, 30Ozias wan Joatham, Joatham wan Achaz, Achaz wan Ezechiam, Ezechias 31wan Manassen, Manasses wan Ammon, Ammon wan Josiam - Dese waren 32Ga naar margenoot+alle coninge van Dauid hiraf. Mar Dauid ende Salomon waren coninge 33bouen alt Israhelsche volc, ende dandre waren coninge van Iherusalem 34bouen de tuee geslegten Juda ende Beniamin - Josias wan Jechoniam ende 35sine brudere in den tide dat (4v) Nabugodonosor destruerde Iherusalem 36ende eat uolc uurde in Babilonien. Dar na wan Jechonias Salatiel, Salatiel 37wan Zorobabel, Zorobabel wan Abiud, Abiud wan Eliachim, Eliachim | |
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1his oath which he swore in the past to Abraham our father, when he promised 2him that he would give himself to us to save us from our enemies and in 3order that we should serve him without fear, in holiness and in righteousness 4all the days that we should live. After that the holy man turns the prophecies 5towards his child and speaks thus: And thou, child, thou shalt be called prophet 6of the Almighty, for thou shalt go before his face and make ready his 7ways for him. And thou shalt go before him to give his people a teaching of 8their salvation, and that they may receive absolution of their sins. This shall 9be because of the mercy of our Lord God, who has visited us from above out 10of the OrientGa naar voetnoota) to lighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of 11death and to turn our feet into the ways of eternal peace - This was 12Zacharias' prophecy which he prophesied about our Lord and about his 13child Saint John - After that says the Evangelist that the child grew up 14both in body and spirit, and when it was grown up it went into the desert and 15remained there until the time that he showed himself to the people of Israel. 16Ga naar margenoot+Now we leave off here [telling] about Saint John and pass on to the birth 17of our Lord Jesus Christ. Saint Matthew describes in the beginning of his 18gospel our Lord's generation from Abraham's time down to Joseph who was 19our lady's bridegroom, and says thus: - This is the generation of Jesus 20Christ who is [the] son of David and of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac, 21Isaac begat Jacob, Jacob begat Judah and his brethren, Judah begat Phares 22and Zaram of a woman who was called ThamarGa naar voetnootb). Phares begat Esrom, 23Esrom begat Aram, Aram begat Amminadab, Amminadab begat Naason, 24Naason begat Salmon, Salmon begat Boaz of a woman who was called 25RahabGa naar voetnootc), Boaz begat Obed of a woman who was called RuthGa naar voetnootd), Obed begat 26Jesse, Jesse begat David the king, David the king begat Solomon of Bersha-27beeGa naar voetnoote), who had been Uriah'sGa naar voetnootf) wife, Solomon begat Rehoboam, Rehoboam 28begat Abijah, Abijah begat Asa, Asa begat Joshaphat, Joshaphat begat 29Joram, Joram begat Uzziah, Uzziah begat Jotham, Jotham begat Ahaz, 30Ahaz begat Hezekiah, Hezekiah begat Manasseh, Manasseh begat Ammon, 31Ammon begat Josiah. These were all kings from David down. But David 32and Solomon were kings over all the Israelitish nation, and the others were 33kings of Jerusalem over the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Josiah begat 34Jechoniah and his brethren at the time that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed 35Jerusalem and carried the people into Babylon. After that Jechoniah begat 36Shealtiel, Shealtiel begat Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel begat Abiud, Abiud 37begat Eliakim, Eliakim | |
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1wan Azor, Azor wan Sadoch, Sadoch wan Achim, Achim wan Eliud, Eliud 2wan Eleazar, Eleazar wan Mathan, Mathan wan Jacob, Jacob wan Joseph, 3Ga naar margenoot+Marien brudegoem, dar Ihesus Christus of geboren wart - Dit es dat 4gheslegte daer onse Here Ihesus Christus af quam, ende al en gewaght dewan-5geliste onser vrowen nit mar Josephs, dar nes nit ane belanc, want die willen 6de geslegten plagen te <bescriuene>, sine plagen der vrowen nit te gewagene, 7ende din sede hilt hir Matheus. Mar alle die hir ghenumt sijn, si waren 8vordren onser vrowen also wale alse Josephs, want Joseph ende onse vrowe 9waren van enen geslegte ende deen den andren na belanc. Lucas Sente 10Lucas dewangeliste makt oc ene historie van dergheborten Ihesu Christi 11ende van sinen gheslegte opwert clemmende, also alse sente Matheus doet 12nederwert gaende. Continuatio Mar want dire vele es ghenumt van 13sente Matheuse, so nes nit tedoene dat mese hir hernoeme. Aldus dan so 14sprekt Lucas: Jhesus Christus was beghennende omtrent van dertech ijaren 15out dat men wende dat hi Josephs sone hadde ghewest; dar na so be-16scrijft hi de ghene daer hi af comen was tote Adame onsen irsten vader, 17ende daer na so gheft hi sine conclusie ende segt aldus: die Gods sone was. 18Matheus Mar die na sente Matheus historie onss Heren generacie <be-19kennen> welt, hi vindt ter van Abrahame tote Dauid virtine, ende voert 20toter vart van Babilonien xiiij, ende van der vart van Babilonien oc virtine 21tote onsen Here - 22Matheus In din tide dat Ioseph hadde ghesekert Marien, IhesussGa naar margenoot+ 23moeder, eerse tegader quamen, so wart Ioseph geware dat si ene vrocht hadde 24ontfaen. Ende want hi en gherecht mensche was, so ne woude hise nit in 25sijne gheselscap ontfaen, mar pinsde dat hi al uerholenlec hare soude ontflin 26Ga naar margenoot+ - want hi nit oppenbar maken en woude dat met hare also stonde, om 27dat de wet geboet dat mense steinen soude die van andren mannen ontfingen 28dan van den haren, ende dis hi wale wiste, alse de heilegen seggen, dat si 29alre manne onschuldech was ende nochtan nit oppenbare en wiste hoege-30daenre wijs ende wat si hadde ontfaen. Om dat hi gherecht was, so ne 31woude hi die heimelekheit nit oppen-(5r)baren, ende om datGa naar margenoot* si ontfaen 32hadde, so ne woude hi met hare nit bliuen ende daer omme so woude hise 33al heimelec laten - Matheus Ende alse hi dit gepeinst hadde, so oppenbarde 34hem de <heilege> ingel in sinen droeme ende seide hem aldus: 35Joseph, Dauids sone, en onssich di niet te nemene Marien dire brut, want 36dat si ontfaen heft, dats van den Heilegen Gheeste. Sisal bliuen ens soens 37ende du sout sinen name heeten Ihesus, dat luddt also vele alse verloessere, | |
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1begat Azor, Azor begat Sadoc, Sadoc begat Achim, Achim begat Eliud, Eliud 2begat Eleazar, Eleazar begat Matthan, Matthan begat Jacob, Jacob begat 3Joseph, Mary's bridegroom, of whom Jesus Christ was born - This is the 4generation of which our Lord Jesus Christ was descended and, although the 5Evangelist does not mention our Lady but Joseph; that matters little, for 6those who formerly used to describe the generations did not use to mention 7the women, and Matthew upheld that custom here. But all those who have 8been named here were forbears of our Lady as well as of Joseph. For Joseph 9and our Lady were of one house and the one was closely related to the other. 10Saint Luke the Evangelist also tells a story of the nativity of Jesus Christ 11and of his generation going upward even as does Saint Matthew going 12downward. But since many of them have been named by Saint Matthew, 13it is not necessary that they are renamed here. Luke, then, speaks thus: 14Jesus Christ, [when] beginning was about thirty years old, when it was 15supposed that he was Joseph's son. After that he describes those of whom 16he was descended up to Adam, our first father, and after that he gives his 17conclusion and says thus: who was God's son. But he who wants to learn the 18generation of our Lord according to St. Matthew's story will find fourteen 19of them from Abraham to David, and again fourteen until the carrying 20away to Babylon, and also fourteen from the carrying away to Babylon 21to our Lord - 22Ga naar margenoot+At that time when Joseph had betrothed Mary, Jesus' mother, before 23they came together, Joseph became aware that she had conceived a fruit. 24And because he was a righteous man he would not receive her into his 25companionship, but cogitated that he should secretly flee from her - for he 26did not want to make public that it stood thus with her, because the law 27commanded that one should stone them who conceived by other men than 28their own (husbands); and because he knew well, as the saints say, that 29she was innocent of any men, and yet did not know clearly in what manner 30and what she had conceived, he, being righteous, would not divulge the 31secret. And because she had conceived, he would not remain with her and 32therefore he cogitated to dismiss her secretly - And when he had pondered 33this, the holy angel revealed himself in his dream, and said to him thus: 34Joseph, David's son, fear not to take Mary thy bride, for that which she 35has conceived is of the Holy Ghost. She shall be delivered of a son, and 36thou shalt call his name Jesus, that is to say, Redeemer, | |
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1want hi sal sijn volk verledegen van haren sunden. Dit was al vorghesegt 2van den prophete Ysayase, die willen sprac aldus: Ene magt sal ontfaen in 3haren lichame ende sal bliuen ens kinds, ende sijn name sal sijn Emmanuel, 4dat ludt also vele alse Got met ons. Ende alse Ioseph onsprongen was, so 5stont hi op ende dede dat hem dingel geheeten hadde, ende nam Marien 6met hem. 7Lucas In din seluen tide so was en gebot gedaen van den keiser AugustuseGa naar margenoot+ 8dat men al de werelt bescriuen soude. Dese irste bescriuinge dede een 9richtre, di hit Cirinus, die in din tide dat lant van Sirien hadde te berichtene. 10Ende om dis gebods wille so ghingen die leide van den dorpen ten steden 11daer si onder waren, om daer te uernoeme har geslechte. Doe ghinc oc 12Ioseph van Galileen ute Nazareth daer hi woende, ende quam jnt lant van 13Judeen in Dauids stat die heett Bethleem, want hi was van Dauids gheslechte, 14om daer te uernoemene sijn gheslechte ende Marien sijns wifs. Ende alse 15Ioseph ende Maria daer quamen, so mosten si bliuen sonder herberge om des 16volks wille, dat daer versament was. Jdoch so vondense ene loge van riseren 17gemakt in ene strate, daer vele volks in gheghedert was, ende daer namen si 18hare herberghe. Ende alse si daer waren, so quam de tijt dat Maria bliuen 19soude, ende si bleef hars kinds. Ende alse si bleuen was, so bewant si dat 20kint in dukelkine ende leidt in ene kerbbe die daer stont, want si andre stat 21en hadde in der logen, daer sijt leggen mochte. 22Op din seluen tijt so waren herden in die geburte, die wakden endeGa naar margenoot+ 23hudden har vee, ende de heilege ingel quam van bouen ende ginc staen 24beneuen hen, ende de clarheit Gods bescheen se, so dat de nacht wart al 25verclert, ende die herden (5v) worden harde sere verssagt ende veruert. 26Doe sprac hen die ingel toe ende seide: <En> onssit v nit: jc come v bodschapen 27ene grote blischap die alt volk verblischen sal, want op dese vre 28es v geboren v behoudere, Christus de Here, in Betleem, Dauids stat. Ende 29dit seldi hebben teenen littekene: ghi selet tkint uinden bewonden in 30duekelkene ende ghelegt in ene krebbe. Ende alse dit dingel gesproken hadde, 31so quam ene groete hemelsche schare van inglen, die alle Gode lofden ende 32seiden: Glorie si Gode in sinen hogsten trone ende in ertrike si vrede den 33mensche die van goeden wille sijn. Mettin so voeren dingle op te hemele 34wert. Doe onderspraken hen die herden ende seiden: Ghawi tote Bethleem 35ende vernemen van din dat daer <gheschit> es ende ons Got heft goppen-36bart. Doe ghingense met hastegheide tote Bethleem ende vonden Marien 37ende Josephe ende dat kint liggende in die krebbe. Ende alse si dat sagen, | |
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1for he shall release his people of their sins. All this was predicted by the 2prophet Isaiah, who spoke thus in the past: A virgin shall conceive in her 3womb and shall be delivered of a child, and its name shall be Emmanuel, 4which is to say God with us. And when Joseph awoke he arose and did 5that which the angel had commanded him, and took Mary unto him. 6Ga naar margenoot+In this same time a decree was made by the Emperor Augustus that all 7the world should be enrolled. This first enrolment was made by a governor 8who was called Cirinus, who at that time had to govern the land of Syria. 9And because of that decree the people of the villages went to the towns 10under which they were, there to record their family. Then Joseph also went 11from Galilee out of Nazareth where he lived, and came into the land of 12Judea in David's city, which is called Bethlehem, for he was of David's 13family, there to record his family and [that] of Mary his wife. And when 14Joseph and Mary came there, they had to remain without lodging, because 15of the people that had collected there. However, they found a shed made 16of twigs in a street in which many people were gathered. And there they 17took their lodging. And when they were there, the time arrived that Mary 18should be delivered; and she was delivered of her child. And when she had 19been delivered, she wrapped the child in swaddling clothes and laid it in a 20manger that stood there. For she had no other place in the shed where 21she might lay it. 22Ga naar margenoot+At that same time there were shepherds in that neighbourhood who 23watched and guarded their cattle, and the holy angel came from above 24and stood beside them. And the brightness of God shone on them, so that 25the night became all illumined. And the shepherds became very much 26frightened and scared. Then the angel spoke to them and said: Be not 27afraid, I come to announce to you a great joy which shall rejoice all the 28people. For in this hour your saviour Christ the Lord is born to you in 29Bethlehem, David's city. And ye shall have this for a token: Ye shall find 30the child wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. And when 31the angel had said this a great heavenly host of angels came who all praised 32God and said: Glory be to God in his highest throne, and on earth be peace 33to men who are of good will. Forthwith the angels went up to heaven. Then 34the shepherds spoke among themselves, and said: Let us go to Bethlehem 35and inquire about that which has happened there, and which God has 36revealed to us. Then they went in haste to Bethlehem and found Mary and 37Joseph and the child lying in the manger, and when they saw that | |
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1so kindensi datt vaer was dat hen van din kinde was ghesegt. Ende alle die 2die herden hoerden spreken, worden verssagt van wondere dat si daer 3vernamen. Ende Maria behilt alle die wart ende vestese in har herte ende 4in hare memorie. Dar na so kirden weder die herden, louende ende dankende 5Gode van allen din dat si hadden ghesin ende gehoert. 6Ende alst quam op den achtenden dach dat men dat kint soude besniden,Ga naar margenoot+ 7so gaf men hem den name ende hitt Jhesus; dat was die name die hem 8gegheven was van den ingel, eert in sire moeder lichame wart ontfaen. 9Lucas Ende alse de tijt quam dat de moeder des kinds hare purgacieGa naar margenoot+ 10soude don na dat gebot van Moysess wet, so drogense dat kint te Iherusalem 11in den temple ende offerdent Gode also ghelijc alse in der wet gescreuen 12was, die geboet dat die kneplekine die der moedre irste vrocht waren, 13Gode goffert mosten sijn. Dar so dede men oc mettin kinde alselke offrande 14alse de wet geboet, dat was te uerstane en paer tortelduuen ochte twe 15ijonge andre duuen. Te din tide so was en man in die stat (6r) van Iherusa-16lem, die was genamt Symeon; dese man was en gherecht mensche ende 17en godeuruchtegh ende hakende na den troest van Israhel, ende de Heilege 18Gheest was in hem. Dese hadde ontfaen ene antwerde van den Heilegen 19Gheeste, dat hi die doet nin soude bekoren, lone soude tirst Kerste hebben 20ghesien. Dese heilege man quam bi vertognessen van den Heilegen Gheest 21in den temple. Ende alse Ioseph ende Maria dat kint hadden bracht in 22den temple om te doene dat de wet geboet, so naemt Symeon in sine erme 23ende gebenedijde Gode ende seide aldus: Nu laets du, Here, dinen knegt 24in paise na den geloue dat du mi hads gedaen, want mine ogen hebben 25gesien dinen troest din du gereet hefst in alle der werelt ogen, ende dat licht 26dat de werelt verlichten sal, ende de glorie dins volks van Israhel. Ende alseGa naar margenoot+ 27Ioseph ende Maria alle dese getuugnessen hoerden van din kinde, so won-28derde hen ilanc so meer. Dar na so benedijedse Symeon ende sprac aldus 29toter moeder des kinds: Dese es gesett te valle ende topherstannessen 30menegs menschen des volks van Israhel ende tenen teekene dat men 31wederseggen sel. Ende dijns selues zile sal dorgaen dat suert - vanGa naar margenoot* scharpen 32sere - om sine wille ende dan selen vele herten peinsingen werden goppen-33baert. 34Jn din tide so was ene vrowe in din stat, die hit Anna, dochter Phanuels;Ga naar margenoot+ 35dese was van den gheslegte Azers ende was ene prophetinne. Dese vrowe 36was out van dagen ende hadde wilen gheseten bi haren man .vij. ijar, ende 37dar na so bleef se wedue tote haren vire ende tachtegsten ijare. Dese vrowe 38vas gewoenlec in den temple ende dinde Gode met bedene ende met 39vastene vfenlec beide be nachte ende be dage. Dese quam oc tire seluer | |
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1they realized that it was true what had been said to them about the child. 2And all who heard the shepherds speak became scared with wonder [at] 3that which they heard there. And Mary kept all those words, and fastened 4them in her heart and in her memory. After that the shepherds returned, 5praising and thanking God for all that which they had seen and heard. 6Ga naar margenoot+ And when it came to the eighth day when the child should be circumcised, 7they gave him the name and it was called Jesus. That was the name which 8had been given him by the angel before he was conceived in his mother's 9womb. 10Ga naar margenoot+ And when the time came that the child's mother should do her purification 11according to the commandment of Moses' law, they carried the child to 12Jerusalem into the temple, and offered it to God even as was written in the 13law which commanded that the little boys which were the mother's first 14fruit, should be offered to God. There they also did with the child all such 15offerings as the law commanded, that was to say a pair of turtle doves or 16two other young pigeons. At that time there was a man in the city of Jerusalem 17who was called Simeon. This man was a righteous man and a godfearing, 18and longing for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Ghost was in him. 19This [man] had received an answer from the Holy Ghost that he should not 20taste death unless he should first have seen Christ. This holy man came by 21the revelation of the Holy Ghost into the temple. And when Joseph and 22Mary had brought the child into the temple to do what the law commanded, 23Simeon took it into his arms, and blessed God, and said thus: Now lettest 24Thou, o Lord, Thy servant [depart] in peace, according to the promise 25that Thou hast made me. For mine eyes have seen Thy consolation, which 26Thou hast prepared in the eyes of all the world; and the light that will 27Ga naar margenoot+ illumine the world and the glory of Thy people of Israel. And when Joseph 28and Mary heard all these testimonies about the child it made them marvel 29all the more. After that Simeon blessed them and spoke thus to the mother 30so of the child: This one is set for [the] falling and for [the] rising up of many 31a man of the people of Israel and for a token which shall be spoken against. 32And the sword of sharp sorrow shall pierce thine own soul for his sake, 33and then the thoughts of many hearts shall be revealed. 34Ga naar margenoot+ At that time there was a woman in that city who was called Anna, a 35daughter of Phanuel. She was of the kin of Aser and was a prophetess. This 36woman was old in days and had formerly sat by her husband seven years 37and after that she remained widow until her eighty-fourth year. This woman 38was usually in the temple, and served God with praying and with fasting 39regularly both by night and by day. She also came at that same | |
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1vren in den temple, ende alse si dat kint sach, so began si oc getugnesse hem 2to gheuene ende al oppenbare van hem te sprekene vor al dat volk dat daer 3versament was. Ende alse die offrande was voldaen, so kerde weder Maria 4ende Ioseph tenlande wert van Galileen ter stat van Nazareth - 5Continuacio Nu hebwi bescreuen den proces van der geborten Ihesu 6Christi. Nu (6v) selewi wider kiren ende seggen van den koningen diene 7besochten ende van der persecucien des conings Herodess. Van derre 8materien sprekt sente Matheus ende segt aldus: - 9Matheus In den tide Herodess des connigs, doe onse Here gheboren wasGa naar margenoot+ 10in Bethleem, so quamen de connighe ut orienten te Iherusalem ende vragden 11waer der IJoeden coninc ware, die niwelinge ware geboren. Wi sagen, 12spraken si, sine sterre in orienten ende wi comenne anebeden. Alse dat hoerde 13Herodes, so wart hi verssagt ende al de stat van Iherusalem met hem. Doe 14dede Herodes alle de wise papen ende de meestre van der stat tegadre comen 15ende uragte hen, waer Christus soude geboren werden. Ende si antwerdden 16hem alle ut enen monde ende seiden: Jn Bethleem Jude, want also vonden si 17gescreuen in den prophete: Du Bethleem, stat staende int lant van Judeen, 18du ne best nit van den minsten staden des lands, want ut di sal comen die 19richtre die berichten sal mijn volc van Israhel. Doe nam Herodes die 20conninge op hoer ende sprac hen heimelec toe ende vragde hen met groten 21enrste van der sterren die si hadden gesien in haren lande, ende na den tijt 22dat hen die sterre wart vertoent, ende seide hen aldus: Vart te Bethleem 23ende vragt ernstelec om dat kint dat gi sukt, ende alse ghijt vonden hebt, 24so latet mi weten, dat ict oc moge comen anebeden. Doe schiden si van 25den connic ende voren te Bethleem wert. Ende alsi quamen op ten wech, 26so verbaerde hare die sterre die si hadden ghesin in orienten ende ghinc vor 27hen al toter stat daer dat kint was. Ende alsi die sterre sagen, so worden si 28verhoegt met herder groter blischap. Doe ghingense in dat hus ende vonden 29dat kint dat si sochten ende Marien sire <moeder>, ende alsi toten kinde 30quamen, so vilense op hare knin ende anebeddent. Dar na so ontploken si so 31hare tresore ende offerden den kinde hare offeranden die si met hen hadden 32brachtt: gout, wiroec ende 33mirreGa naar margenoot*. Ende alst quam des 34nachts dar na, so wart hen 35vertogt in haren drome, dat si ten connic Herodese nit weder en soude keren. 36Ende alsi onsprongen waren, so laden si dat hen geboden was (7r), ende 37uoeren al ene andren wech te haren lande wert. | |
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1hour into the temple; and when she saw the child she also began to give 2him testimony and all openly to speak of him before all the people who 3were gathered there. And when the offering had been fulfilled, Mary and 4Joseph returned to the country of Galilee, to the city of Nazareth - 5Now we have described the story of the nativity of Jesus Christ. Now we 6shall go back and tell of the kings who visited him and of the persecution 7of king Herod. Of this matter St. Matthew speaks and says thus: - 8Ga naar margenoot+ In the time of Herod the king, when our Lord was born in Bethlehem, 9the kings from the east came to Jerusalem, and asked where was the king 10of the Jews who lately was born. We saw, they said, his star in the East, 11and we come to worship him. When Herod heard that he became afraid, 12and all the city of Jerusalem with him. Then Herod made all the wise priests 13and the scribes of the city come together and asked them where Christ 14should be born. And they all answered him out of one mouth and said: In 15Bethlehem of, Juda, for thus they found written in the prophet: Thou 16Bethlehem, city standing in the land of Judea, thou art not [one] of the 17least cities of the land, for out of thee shall come the ruler who shall govern 18my people of Israel. Then Herod took the kings aside and spoke to them 19privily, and asked them with great earnest about the star which they had 20seen in their country and about the time that the star was shown to them, 21and said to them thus: Go to Bethlehem, and inquire carefully for the 22child that ye seek. And when ye have found it, let me know that I also 23may come and worship it. Then they parted from the king and journeyed 24to Bethlehem. And when they came on to the road, the star revealed itself 25which they had seen in the east, and went before them to the place where 26the child was. And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with very great 27joy. Then they went into the house and found the child that they sought, 28and Mary its mother. And when they came to the child, they fell on their 29knees and worshipped it. After that they opened their treasures and offered 30so the child their offerings which they had brought with them, gold, frankincen-31se, and myrrhGa naar margenoota). And when it came to the night after that, it was revealed 32to them in their dream that they should not return to king Herod. And 33when they awoke, they did that which had been commanded, and journeyed 34by another way to their country. | |
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1Ende alse de connige enweghe waren, so quam dingel ende vertoghdeGa naar margenoot+ 2hem Joseph in sinen drome ende sprac hem aldus toe: Stant op ende nem 3dat kint ende sire moeder, ende vlie met hen in Egypten ende blijf daer 4totin tide dat ic di late weten dat te weder coms, want hets te geschiene dat 5Herodes sal tkint doen suken om te uerderuene. Alse dit Ioseph hadde 6uernomen, so stont hi op benachte ende ram tkint ende de moeder ende 7voer in Egypten ende bleef dar wonende also lange alse Herodes leuede. 8Al dus so wart veruult die profecie die willen hir of was geprofetert, die 9al dus segt: Vte Egypten ontboedic minen sone. 10Ende alse Herodes vernam dat die coninge nit weder en in quamen teGa naar margenoot+ 11hem, so wart hi harde erre, ende altehant so sendde hi sine knechte te 12Bethleem ende geboet hen dat si souden doeden alle die kinder die si vonden 13to Bethleem ende in alle degeburte omtrent, die tweijaregh waren ende dar 14order na den tijt din hi vernomen hadde van den connigen. Doe was die 15prophecie toe comen die wilen Jeremias hadde geprofetert, die aldus sprac: 16En groet gekrijt van weenne ende van schreijene sal werden gehoert in 17Rama: Rachel sal weenen om hare kinder ende en sal engheenen troest 18willen ontfaen van hen, want si njn sijn. 19Daer na so geuil dat Herodes starf ende doe vertoegde hem weder dingelGa naar margenoot+ 20Josephe in Egypten in enen drome ende seide aldus: Stant op ende nem 21dat kint ende sire moeder ende vaer weder int lant van Israhel, want si 22sijn doet die tkint verderven wouden. Doe stont op Ioseph na dat hem 23gheheeten was ende wrde weder dat kint ende de moeder int lant van 24Israhel, ende alse hi quam in din lande ende hi vernam dat Archelaus 25regnerde in Iherusalem in sijns vader stat, so ne dorste hi darwert nit varen. 26Doe quam die ingel ende wijsde hem in sinen drome dat hi soude varen int 27lant van Galileen in die stat van Nazareth. Ende also dede Joseph ende 28voer wonen te Nazareth, ende also wart volcomen die prophecie die wilen 29seiden dat hi Nazareus heeten soude. 30Lucas Alse dat kint te Nazareth comen was, so naemt toe in wasseneGa naar margenoot+ 31ende was vol van wijsheiden ende de gracie Gods (7v) was in hem. Ende 32alle ijare so plagen Joseph ende Maria te gane te Iherusalem ter feesten van 33den Paschen. Ende op enen tijt doe Ihesus was tuelef ijarech, so ghingen 34si te Iherusalem na de costume van harre gewoenten. Ende alse die feeste 35dage leden waren, so kirden si weder te lande wert, ende dat kint Ihesus 36bleef te Iherusalem achter hen, ende sine wistens nit, want si waenden 37datt in de geselschap hadde geweest van den volke dat van der feesten | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+ And when the kings were gone, the angel came and appeared to Joseph 2in his dream and spoke to him thus: Arise and take the child and his mother 3and flee with them into Egypt and remain there until the time that I shall 4let thee know that thou [must] come back. For it is to happen that Herod 5will have a search made for the child to destroy it. When Joseph heard this, 6he arose in the night and took the child and the mother and journeyed into 7Egypt and remained there as long as Herod lived. Thus was fulfilled the 8prophecy which whilom was prophesied concerning this, saying: Out of 9Egypt did I call my son. 10Ga naar margenoot+ And when Herod saw that the kings did not come back to him, he grew 11exceedingly wroth, and forthwith he sent his servants to Bethlehem and 12commanded them that they should slay all the children that they found at 13Bethlehem and in all the district roundabout, those of two years and under, 14according to the time which he had learnt from the kings. Then was fulfilled 15the prophecy which whilom Jeremiah prophesied, who spoke thus: A loud 16cry of weeping and mourning shall be heard in Rama, Rachel shall weep 17for her children and shall not wish to receive any comfort for them, because 18they are not. 19Ga naar margenoot+ After that it happened that Herod died and then the angel appeared 20again to Joseph in Egypt in a dream and said thus: Arise and take the 21child and his mother and journey back into the land of Israel, for they are 22dead who would destroy the child. Then Joseph arose as he was bidden, 23and carried the child and the mother back into the land of Israel. And when 24he came into the land and heard that Archelaus was reigning in Jerusalem 25in his father's place, he dared not go thither. Then the angel came and 26showed him in his dream that he should journey into the land of. Galilee 27into the city of Nazareth. And Joseph did so and went to live at Nazareth. 28And thus was fulfilled the prophecy which whilom said that he should be 29called Nazareus. 30Ga naar margenoot+ When the child was come to Nazareth, he increased in stature and was 31full of wisdom and the grace of God was in him. And every year Joseph 32and Mary used to go to Jerusalem to the feast of the passover. And one 33time, when Jesus was twelve years old, they went to Jerusalem according 34to the manner of their customs. And when the feast days were past, they 35returned to the country and the child Jesus remained behind them at 36Jerusalem; and they did not know of it, for they imagined that he was in 37the company of the people that came from the | |
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1quam. Ende alsi enen dach hadden gegaen ende sijs gemesseden, so sochten 2sijt onder hare magheGa naar margenoot* ende 3onder hare gebure. Ende alse 4sijs daer nin vonden, so kerden si 5weder te Iherusalem ende sochtent daer, ende alse sijt dridage hadden 6gesocht, so vonden sijt telesten in den temple, sittende onder de meestre 7van der wet, horende die meestre ende vreghende. Lucas Matheus 8Marcus Ende alle dine horden spreken, hen wonderde van sire wijsheit 9ende van sinen antwerden die hi daer gaf. LUCAS Doe sprac sijn moeder 10tote hem ende seide: Lieue kint, waromme hefs du dit gedaen? Dijn vader 11Ioseph ende ic hebben bedruft gewest om di ende hebben di gesogtt. Doe 12antwerde Ihesus ende seide: Waromme soghtti mi? En wistti nit dat mi 13behoert te werkene de werke mijns vaderGa naar margenoot* ende daer in besech te sine? 14Mar des wards <en> verstonden si noch doe nit. Doe stont hi op ende ginc 15met hen te Nazareth daer si woenden, ende was hen onderdaen. Ende Maria 16sijn moeder behilt alle dese wart ende vestese in har herte. Ende Ihesus 17wis op in ijaren ende in wijsheidenGa naar margenoot* ende in gracilekheiden, beide vor 18Gode ende vor de menschen - 19Lucas Continuacio Nu late wi hir van din kinde, want in der ewangelienGa naar margenoot+ 20en vinde wi nemmeer ghescreuen van sire kinscheit noch van sinen wesene 21dis hi plach tote sinen dertech ijaren, ende seggen voert van sente Jjanne 22ende van din ghetuge dat hi onsen Here gaf. Van derre materien so spreken 23drie ewangelisten: Lucas, Matheus ende Johannes, ende segt Lucas aldus: - 24In den viftinden ijare Tyberij des keisers, doe Pontius Pylatus procureerde 25dat lant van Judeen ende Herodes tetrarkeGa naar margenoot* was van Galileen, ende Philips 26sijn bruder tetrarke was van Itureen ende Traconiten ende Lisanias <tetrar-27ke> was (8r) van Abilinen, ende Annas ende Caiphas besschope waren van 28Iherusalem, so quam dwart Gods ende de Gheest onss Heren op IJanne, 29Zacharias sone, in der wstinen. DoeGa naar margenoot* ginc hi vter wustinnen ende quam in 30die geburte daer de Jordane loept, ende began te predikene ende dat volk 31to stirne ten doepsele wert van penitencien om verloessenesse te verlangene 32van haren sunden, ende sprac aldus: Doet penitencie, want hemelrike es v 33nakende. Dits die selue man daer wilen Ysaias of profeterde ende seide aldus 34Het sal ene stemme gehoert werden eens die roepen sal in der wustinen, 35ende wat sal hi roepen? Alle de daleGa naar margenoot* selen veruult werden, ende alle de 36bergeGa naar margenoot* selen genedert werden, ende de quade wege selen gebetert werde | |
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1feast. And when they had gone a day ['s journey] and they missed him, they 2looked for him among their kinsfolkGa naar voetnoota) and among their neighbours. And 3when they found him not there, they turned back to Jerusalem and looked 4for him there, and when they had searched for him three days, they found 5him at last in the temple, sitting among the masters of the law, listening to 6the masters and asking [questions]. And all those who heard him speak 7were amazed at his wisdom and at his answers which he there gave. Then 8his mother spoke to him and said: Dear child, why hast thou done this? 9Thy father Joseph and I have been grieved about thee and have sought 10thee. Then Jesus answered and said: Why sought ye me? Knew ye not that 11it behoves me to work the works of my fatherGa naar voetnootb) and to be busy therein? 12But they understood not yet that word. Then he arose and went with them 13to Nazareth where they lived and was subject unto them. And Mary his 14mother retained all these words and fastened them in her heart. And Jesus 15grew up in years and in wisdomGa naar voetnootc), and in grace both before God and 16before the people - 17Ga naar margenoot+ Now we leave off here [telling] about the child, for in the gospel we find 18nothing more written of his childhood, nor of the existence that he led 19until he was thirty years [old] and [we] tell on about Saint John, and of the 20testimony that he gave our Lord. Of this matter three evangelists speak 21Luke, Matthew, and John, and Luke says thus: - 22In the fifteenth year of Tiberius, the emperor, when Pontius Pilatus was 23procurator of the land of Juda, and Herod was tetrarchGa naar voetnootd) of Galilee, and 24Philip his brother was tetrarch of Ituroe and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was 25tetrarch of Abiline and Annas and Caiaphas were bishops of Jerusalem, the 26word of God and the spirit of our Lord came upon John the son of Zacharias 27in the wilderness. Then he went out to the wilderness and came into the 28region where the Jordan runs, and began to preach and to steer the people 29toward the baptism of penitence to obtain remission of their sins, and spoke 30thus: Do penitence, for the kingdom of heaven is approaching for you. 31This is the same man of whom whilom Isaiah prophesied and said thus 32A voice shall be heard of one who shall cry in the wilderness; and what 33shall he cry? All the valleysGa naar voetnoote) shall be filled, and all the mountainsGa naar voetnootf) shall 34be made low, and the bad ways shall be made better | |
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1ende donneffene - selen geslegt werden, ende alle ogen selen sien den trocst 2Gods. DitGa naar margenoot* was die selue man die quam om getugnesse te geuene van den 3ligteGa naar margenoot*, so dat bi din ligte tfolc geloeuech mochte werden. Hine was nit dat 4ligtGa naar margenoot*, mar hi was getuge van din lichte. Dat licht es dat gewarege licht, dat 5werclertGa naar margenoot* elkenmensche die in dese werelt lijf ontfeet. Dit licht was in de 6werelt, ende de werelt was bi hem gemakt, ende de werelt <en> kennes nit. 7Hi die dit gewarege licht es, quam in sijn propre eigen ende desineGa naar margenoot* en 8ontfingens nit. Mar allen den ghenen diene ontfingen, gaf hi macht Gods 9kinder te werdene, die ghelouen in sinen name ende die nit van der genughten 10des bloeds ende des vleeschs, mar van Gode geboren sijn. Dit es dat wartGa naar margenoot* 11dat vleesch gemakt esGa naar margenoot* ende quam wonen ende wesen met ons, ende wi 12sagen sine glorie alse de glorie ens enegs soens die comt van den vader, vol 13van gracien ende van wareiden. Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas DitGa naar margenoot* 14was die man de onsen Here Jhesu Christo aldosten getughe gaf ende seide 15aldus: Dits degene daer ic v of plege te seggene: Die na mi comen sal, dieGa naar margenoot* 16vor mi gemakt es, want hi was eer ic was. Johannes Ende van sire volheit 17hebwi alle ontfaen gracie bouen gracie, want de wet was gegeuen ouermids 18Moysese, mar gracie ende waerheit sijn ons comen ouermnids Ihesum Christum. 19Johannes Matheus Lucas Gode en sach noit mensche, mar die eenege 20sone des va-(8v)der, hi es dire ons af segt. Matheus Marcus Dese heilege 21man hadde en cleet ane van kemels hare gemakt ende en gordel van enen 22pelse our sine linden, ende sine spise dat waren eerhande spelt hanen ende 23bosch hoenech. Ende alse men vernam van sire predekaden, so quam 24te hem alt folc van Iherusalem ende alt volk van Judeen ende alle die 25woenden op die Jordane, ende werden gedoept van hem ende bichtten 26hen van haren sunden. 27Matheus Lucas Ende alse hi sach dat vele van din Phariseusen ende 28van din Saduceusen te smen doepsele quamen, so sprac hi hen toe ende 29seide aldus: Wat segdi, slangen kinder, wie wijsde v te vliene vander toe-30comender abolgen? Doet gerechte penitencie di v vromlec si, ende en segt 31nit: onse vader es AbrahamGa naar margenoot*, want is seggv dat Got megtech es van desen 32steenenGa naar margenoot** te makene Abrahams kinder. Ende oc seggic v dat nu dat bijl 33gesett es an de wortele van den bome, ende elc boemGa naar margenoot* die goede vrocht nit 34en dregt, sal of gehowen werden ende geworpen int vir. LUCAS Doe vragde 35hem de gemeinte van den volke ende seide: Wat sele wi dan doen? Ende 36hi antwerdde aldus: Die tuee rokke heft, hi gheue den eenen den ghenen 37die engheenen en heft, ende die spise teuerteerne heft, hi doe als gelike. | |
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1and the uneven ones shall be smoothed; and all eyes shall see the consolation 2of God. This was the same man who came to give testimony of the lightGa naar voetnoota), 3so that by that light the people might become believing. He was not the 4lightGa naar voetnootb), but he was a witness of the light. That light is the veritable light 5that illuminesGa naar voetnootc) every man who receives life in this world. This light was 6in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knows him 7not. He who is this veritable light came into his own, and his own onesGa naar voetnootd) 8received him not. But to all those who received him he gave power to 9become God's children, [to them] who believe in his name, and who were 10born not of the delights of the blood and of the flesh, but of God. This is 11the wordGa naar voetnoote) that was made fleshGa naar voetnootf) and came to live and be with us. And we 12saw his glory as the glory of an only Son who comes from the Father, full 13of grace and of truth. This was the man who gave this testimony to our 14Lord Jesus Christ, and said thus: This is he of whom I am used to say to 15is you: He who shall come after me who was made before meGa naar voetnoote), for he was 16before I was. And of his fullness we all have received grace above grace. 17For the law was given because of Moses but grace and truth came us because 18of Jesus Christ. God never a man saw [Him], but the only Son of the Father 19is [the one] who tells us about him. This holy man had a raiment on, made of 20camel's hair and a girdle of a pelt round his loins; and his food was a kind of 21locusts, and forest honey. And when news came of his preaching all the people 22of Jerusalem and all the people of Judea and all who lived on the Jordan 23came to him and were baptized by him, and confessed their sins. 24Ga naar margenoot+ And when he saw that many of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees came 25to his baptism, he spoke to them and said thus: What say ye, serpents' 26children, who showed you to flee from the wrath to come? Do righteous 27penitence that be helpful to you, and say not: Our father is AbrahamGa naar voetnooth); 28for I say to you that God is mighty to make of these stonesGa naar voetnooti) Abraham's 29children. And I also say unto you that now the axe is set at the roots of the 30so tree, and every treeGa naar voetnootj) that bears not good fruit shall be hewn down and 31cast into the fire. Then the multitude of people asked him and said: What 32then shall we do? And he answered thus: He who has two coats let him give 33one to him who has none. And he who has food to consume let him do 34likewise. | |
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1Doe quamen oc die ambachts liede ende daden hen doepen ende vragden 2oec: Meester, wat behort ons te doene? Ende hi antwerdde hen: Nemmeer 3en doet dan v geboden esGa naar margenoot*. Doe vragden hem oc de ridderen wat si souden 4don, ende hi antwerdde hen aldus: Nimene <en> veronrechtt noch en 5quetst, mar laett v genugen met vwen ssoute. Ende alse dat volc sach dat 6suare leuen dat IJan Baptiste leidde, ende hoerde die castijnge die hi hen 7allen toe sprac al ongespart, so quam ene opinie onder tfolc dat hi ware 8Christus, ende daer omme senddenGa naar margenoot* de IJoden van Iherusalem papen 9ende leuiten om hem te vragene wie hi ware, ende alse sijs hem vragden, 10so lijde hi dat hi nin ware Christus. Doe vragdense hem noch voert: Bestu 11dan Helias? Ende hi antwerdde: Nenic. Ende si vragden noch voert: Bestu 12en prophete? Ende hi antwerdde: Nenic. Doe seiden si noch voert: Sege 13ons wie du best, dat wi ene sekere antwerdde mogen weder brengen den 14ghenen die ons (9r) hir sendden. Wat segs du uan di seluen? Doe antwerdde 15IJan Baptiste din boden aldus: Jc ben de stemme des roepends in der 16wustinen. Gereidt den wech Gods, also alse wilen seide Ysaias de profete. 17Ende die dar waren gesendt, waren van den Phariseusen. Doe vragden si 18hem noch voert: Wat doeps du dan, och tu nin best Christus noch Helias 19noch profete? Doe antwerdde hen IJan Baptiste: Jc doepe inden watre in 20penitentien vor de sonden. Mar die na mi comen sal, hi es starker dan ic 21ben, ende in ben nit werdech hem tontbindene den rieme van sinen schoe. 22Hi steet ende gheet onder v ende ghine kennes nit. Hi es degene die v 23doepen sal in den Heilegen Gheeste ende in den vire. Hi heft sinen waijere 24in sine hant ende hi sal kerien sinen vloer ende hi sal ghedren sine tarue 25in sine schure, ende dat kaf sal hi verbernen in den eeuleken vire. Dit 26ende des gelike so predecte IJan Baptiste den volke, ende dit was in Bethania 27ouer die Jordane daer hi dat volk doepde an din tide. 28Matheus Jn din seluen dagen so quam Ihesus van Galileen ter JordanenGa naar margenoot+ 29daer IJan Baptiste doepde ende woude oc gedoept sijn van hem. Ende IJan 30Baptiste weigereds hem <ende> seide: Jc moste van di gedoept sijn, ende du 31coms tote mi? Doe antwerdde hem Ihesus ende seide aldus: Laet dit geschin, 32want aldus behoert ons te volbrengene alle geregtegheitGa naar margenoot*. Lucas Matheus 33Johannes Marcus Doe gestades IJan Baptiste ende doepdene. Ende alse 34hi gedoept was, so ginc hi vten watre, ende also schire wart hem de hemel 35ontploken, ende IJan Baptiste sach den Gheest Gods in ere duuen ghe-36likenesse comen op hem ende bliuen in hem. Ende doe quam oc ene stemme 37uten hemele, die seide aldus: Du best mijn lieue sone, an di hebbic mijn | |
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1Then the publicans also came and had themselves baptized and also asked: 2Master, what behoves us to do? And he answered them: Never do more 3than is commanded youGa naar voetnoota). Then the soldiers also asked him what they 4should do and he answered them thus: Do not injustice nor injury to any 5one, but be satisfied with your pay. And when the people saw the heavy 6life that John the Baptist led and heard the reproof which he addressed to 7them all without sparing them, a belief arose among the people that he was 8Christ, and therefore the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and levites to ask 9him who he was, and when they asked it him, he confessed that he was not 10Christ. Then they asked him still further: Art thou then Elijah? And he 11answered: No, I am not. And they asked still further: Art thou a prophet? 12And he answered: No, I am not. Then they said still further: Tell us who 13thou art, that we may carry back a definite answer to them who sent us 14here. What sayst thou of thyself? Then John the Baptist answered the 15messengers thus: I am the voice of the one who is calling in the wilderness. 16Prepare the way of God even as whilom Isaiah the prophet said. And they 17who had been sent there were of the Pharisees. Then they asked him still 18further: Why then baptizest thou if thou art neither Christ nor Elijah nor a 19prophet? Then John the Baptist answered them: I baptize in the water in 20penitence for sins. But he who shall come after me is stronger than I am; 21and I am not worthy to untie for him the thong of his shoe. He stands and 22goes among you, and ye know him not. He is the one who shall baptize 23you in the Holy Ghost and in the fire. He has his fan in his hand, and he 24will sweep his floor, and he will gather his wheat in his garner, and the 25chaff he will burn in the eternal fire. These and similar things John the 26Baptist preached to the people; and this was in Bethania across the Jordan 27where he baptized the people at that time. 28Ga naar margenoot+ In those same days Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan where John 29the Baptist baptized and wished also to be baptized by him. And John the 30Baptist refused it him and said: I should be baptized by thee, and thou 31comest to me? Then Jesus answered him and said thus: Let this be done, 32for thus it becomes us to fulfil all righteousnessGa naar voetnootb). Then John the Baptist 33agreed to it and baptized him. And when he had been baptized, he went 34out of the water, and immediately the heaven was opened to him; and John 35the Baptist saw the Spirit of God in the semblance of a dove come upon 36him and remain in him; and then a voice also came out of heaven, which 37said thus: Thou art my beloved son; on thee I have | |
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1behagen gelegt. Doe gaf IJan Baptiste sijn getuge ende seide: Jc sach den 2Gheest Gods comen van den hemele in ghelikenessen van eere duuen ende 3bliuen op hem, ende ine kennes nit, mar die mi sendde dat volc te doepene 4in den watre, hi seide mi: Matheus Marcus Lucas Op wien dat tu siest 5den Gheest comen ende bliuen op hen, dats deghene die doepen sal in den 6Heilegen Gheest. Ende ic sagene ende ic ghetughe dat hi es de sone Gods. 7Matheus Lucas Alse Ihesus gedoeptt was, so wart hi gheleiddt van denGa naar margenoot+ 8Heilegen Gheest in der wustinen om bekort te werdene van den (9v) euelen 9gheeste. Ende alse hi gheuastt hadde virtech dagen ende virtech nachte, 10so hungerde hem. Doe quam die euele gheest an hem ende sprac hem aldus 11toe: Bestu, segt hi, Gods sone, so sege dat dese stene werden ghewandelt in 12brode. Doe antwerdde hem Ihesus aldus: Hets gescreuen: nit allene in den 13broede en es des menschen leuen, mar in allen din warden die comen vten 14monde Gods. Doe namene die euel gheest ende uurdene in de stat van 15Iherusalem ende settene op dat verwelfte van den temple dat hope stont 16van der erden, ende seide aldus: Bestu Gods sone, so laet di neder wallen, 17want hets gescreuen dat hi sinen inglen geboden heft van di dat si di behue-18den in allen dinen wegen, ende si selen di ontfaen in haren handen, so dat tu 19nin souds stoten dinen voet an die stene. Doe antwerdde hem Ihesus noch 20andewerue: Hets gescreuen: du en sout dinen Here ende dinen Got nit 21bekoren. Doe namene de euele gheest ende uurdene op enen berch die 22harde hoge was ende toegde hem alle die lande van der werelt ende alle 23hare glorie ende seide aldus: Alle dese verwentheit sal ic di gheuen, weltu 24vallen vore mi ende anebeden mj. Doe antwerdde hem noch Ihesus: Vlie 25van mi, Sathanas; hets gescreuenGa naar margenoot*: dinen Here ende dinen Got soutu 26anebeden ende hem allene soutu dinen. Doe lietene die euele gheest, ende 27dingle quamen ende dinden hem. 28Johannes Op enen dach daer na so stont IJan Baptiste ende twe vanGa naar margenoot+ 29sinen ijongren met hem, ende daer hi versach Ihesum gaende, so sprac hi 30aldus: Dat es dat Gods lamp, dats degene die de werelt verloessen sal van ha-31ren sunden. Ende alse dat hoerden die twe ijongren, so volgden si Iesum. 32Doe kirde hem Ihesus ende sach se hem volgen ende vragde hen aldus: Wat 33sukdi? Ende si antwerdden: Rabbi - dat ludt also vele alse meester - waer 34woenstu? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen: Comt ende sieds. Do ghingen se 35met hem ende bleuen met hem din dach ouer; omtrent der tinder vren | |
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1laid my pleasure. Then John the Baptist gave his testimony, and said: I saw 2the Spirit of God come from heaven in the semblance of a dove, and remain 3upon him; and I know him not, but he who sent me to baptize the people 4in water said to me: He on whom thou seest the Spirit come and remain 5upon him, that is the one who shall baptize in the Holy Ghost, and I saw 6him and I testifie that he is the Son of God. 7Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had been baptized, he was led by the Holy Ghost into the 8wilderness to be tempted by the evil spirit. And when he had fasted forty 9days and forty nights, he was hungry. Then the evil spirit came to him and 10spoke to him thus: If thou art, says he, God's Son, say then that these stories 11be changed into loaves. Then Jesus answered him thus: It is written: Not 12only in the bread is the life of man, but in all the words that come out of 13God's mouth. Then the evil spirit took him and carried him into the city 14of Jerusalem; and set him on the roof of the temple, which rose high from 15the ground, and said thus: If thou art God's Son, then let thyself fall down, 16for it is written, that he has commanded his angels concerning thee that 17they [should] protect thee in all thy ways; and they shall receive thee in 18their hands, so that thou shouldst not dash thy foot against the stones. Then 19Jesus answered him again: It is written: Thou shalt not tempt thy Lord 20and thy God. Then the evil spirit took him and carried him up to a mountain 21that was very high, and showed him all the countries of the world, and all 22their glory, and said thus: All this splendor I will give thee if thou wilt 23fall down before me and worship me. Then Jesus answered him again: Flee 24from me, Satan. It is writtenGa naar margenoota): Thou shalt worship thy Lord and thy God, 25and him alone shalt thou serve. Then the evil spirit left him, and the angels 26came and ministered unto him. 27Ga naar margenoot+ After this, one day John the Baptist was standing and two of his disciples 28with him and as he saw Jesus walking, he spoke thus: That is the lamb of 29God; that is the one who shall redeem the world from its sins. And when 30the two disciples heard that, they followed Jesus. Then Jesus turned and 31saw them following him, and asked them thus: What seek ye? And they. 32answered: Rabbi, that is to say Master, where abidest thou? And Jesus 33answered them: Come and see. Then they went with him, and remained 34with him all that day: about the tenth hour | |
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1van den dage so quamen si ane hem. Ende deen van hen tween die Ihesum 2geuolgt waren, dat was Andreas, Symon Peters bruder. Johannes MatheusGa naar margenoot+ 3Marcus Lucas Dese vant talre irst Symonem sinen bruder - dat was senteGa naar margenoot* 4Peter, die onder wilen es genamt Symon Johannis, onder wilen Symon 5Bariona, onderwi-(10r)len Symon Petrus - ende seide hem aldus: Wi 6hebben vonden Messiam, dat ludt also vele alse Christus. Doe leidde 7Andreas Petre sinen bruder dar Ihesus was. Ende alsen Ihesus sach, so 8sprac hi hem ane ende seide aldus: Du best Symon, sone Johanna; <du> 9sout heeten Cephas, dat ludt also vele alse Petrus. 10Johannes Des anders dags dar na so kirde Ihesus weder te GalileenGa naar margenoot+ 11wert, ende onder wegen vant hi Philippum ende seide hem: Volch mi. 12Dese Philippus was van Betsaida, daenen Symon Petrus ende sin bruder 13Andris waren. Doe quam Philippus ende vant Nathanael ende seide: Din 14Moyses screef in der wet ende daer de propheten af wilen screuen, din 15hebwi vonden: Ihesum, Iosephs sone van Nazareth. Doe antwerdde hem 16Nathanael: Mach van Nazareth it goeds sijn? Ende Philippus antwerdde: 17Com ende sighs. Doe Ihesus sach Nathanael comen, so sprac hi aldus van 18hem: Siet daer ghewarlec enen Israhelite daer en gheene loesheit in en es. 19Doe antwerdde Nathanael: Waer kins du mi? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem 20aldus: Eer di Philips toe sprac, doe du stonds onder den vigheboem, so 21kendic di. Doe sprac Nathanael aldus: Rabbi,meester, du best Gods sone, 22du best coninc van Israhel. Doe antwerdde hem Ihesus: Om dat ic seide: 23ic sach di ondet den vigheboem, so gheloefstv ane mi. Mar ic segdi dattu 24noch meerre dinc sout sien, want ouer waer so seggic v dat gi selt sien 25den hemel ontploken, ende dingle Gods op uarende ende neder comende op 26des menschenGa naar margenoot* sone. 27Lucas Matheus Marcus Johannes Dar na so ginc Ihesus in der crachtGa naar margenoot+ 28sijns gheests ende quam in lant van Galileen. Ende alse hi int lant comen 29was, so lip die nimerde van hem in alle die geburte, want in den steden 30daer hi quam, so ginc hi in hare synagoghen ende predecte din volke. 31Ende al dat hi seide, dat wart geprijst ende gheloft.van den volke. Lucas Op 32enen dach so quam hi te Nazareth daer hi op gheuudt was, ende dat was 33op enen saterdach, ende hi ginc in de synagoghe ghelijc dat hi plach tedoene, 34ende men brachte hem enen boec dat was de prophecie Ysaie des (10v) 35propheten. Doe ontploec Ihesus din boec ende quam ten irsten male op 36die prophecie die Ysaias wilen propheteerde ende scref van hem, dewelke 37prophecie sprekt aldus: De gheest Gods es in mi, die mi heft bestreken | |
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1of the day they came to him. And one of those two who had followed Jesus 2was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. This one found first of all Simon his 3brother - who was Saint Peter, (and) who sometimes is called Simon 4Ga naar margenoot+ Johannis, sometimes Simon Bariona, sometimes Simon Peter - and said to 5him thus: We have found Messiah, that is to say Christ. Then Andrew 6brought Peter his brother where Jesus was; and when Jesus saw him, he 7spoke to him and said thus: Thou art Simon, the son of Johanna. Thou shalt 8be called Cephas, that is to say Peter. 9Ga naar margenoot+ The next day after that, Jesus returned to Galilee, and on the way [there] 10he found Philip and said to him: Follow me. This Philip was of Bethsaida, 11whence Simon Peter and his brother Andrew were. Then Philip came and 12found Nathanael, and said: We have found him [of] whom Moses wrote 13in the Law and of whom the prophets wrote of yore, Jesus, Joseph's son of 14Nazareth. Then Nathanael answered him: Can there be anything good 15from Nazareth? and Philip answered: Come and see. When Jesus saw 16Nathanael, he spoke of him thus: Behold there, indeed an Israelite in whom 17there is no guile. Then answered Nathanael: Where [by] knowest thou me? 18And Jesus answered him thus: Before Philip spoke to thee, when thou stoodst 19under the fig tree, I knew thee. Then Nathanael spoke thus: Rabbi, master, 20thou art God's Son, thou art king of Israel. Then Jesus answered him: 21Because I said, I saw thee under the fig tree, thou believest in me; but I 22say to thee, that thou shalt see still greater things; for I tell thee forsooth, 23that thou shalt see the heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending 24and descending upon the Son of manGa naar margenoota). 25Ga naar margenoot+ After that Jesus went in the power of his spirit, and came into the land 26of Galilee, and when he had come into the land, the fame of him ran in all 27that region, for in the cities where he came he went into their synagogues 28and preached to the people, and everything that he said was praised and 29lauded by the people. One day he came to Nazareth where he had been 30brought up, and that was on a Saturday. And he went into the synagogue 31as he used to do, and they brought him a book that was the prophecy of 32Isaiah the prophet. Then Jesus opened the book and came at once upon 33the prophecy which Isaiah whilom prophesied and wrote about him; which 34prophecy speaks thus: The Spirit of God is in me, who has anointed me | |
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1met sire olien ende die mi heft gesendt te predekene den armen van gheesteGa naar margenoot* 2ende den geuangenen hare verloessenesse ende den bliden hare ver clernesse 3ende den ghequetstden hare gesunde ende oc te predekene dat volle ijarGa naar margenoot* 4Gods ende den dachGa naar margenoot* daer men igewelken sinen loen in gheuen sal. Ende 5alse hi dit gelesen hadde, so loec hi den boec weder toe ende gavene op 6in eens hant diene ontfinc van hem. Doe ginc hi neder sitten, ende alle 7die in die synagoghe waren, sagen te wondere op hem. Doe sprac hi tote 8hen allen ende seide: Dese selue scrifture die gi <mi> hir leuen hoert, es nu 9op desen tijt toe comen ende veruultGa naar margenoot*. Matheus Dar na so began hi te 10predekene ende te seggene: De tijt es comen ende hemelrike begint te 11nakene. Doet penitentie ende gheloeft der ewangelien, want Gods rike 12es v nakende. 13Matheus Op enen dach so wandelde Ihesus neuen de zee van GalileenGa naar margenoot+ 14ende sach twee ghebrudre, Symon die heet Peter ende Andrise sinen 15bruder, hare nette worpende in der zee, want si waren veschren. Ende 16Ihesus sprac hen ane ende seide: Comt na mi, ic sal van v maken vescheren 17om liede te uane ende menschen. Ende altehant so lietensi beide nette ende 18schep, ende volgden hem. Doe ginc hi voert ende sach twe andre ghebrudre 19IJacobpe ende IJanne, die Zebedeuss kinder waren, met Zebedeuse haren 20vader hare netten hermakende, ende hi ripse ende hitse hem volgen. Ende 21si liten altehant beide vader ende netten ende volgden hem. 22Lucas Doe geschide oc op enen dach dat hi stont bi enen waree, datGa naar margenoot+ 23hit van Genezareth, ende en groet volc quam te hem om te hoerne dwart 24Gods. Ende dar hi stont, so sach hi twee schepe staen an den oeuere, want 25vischren te lande comen waren, die stonden ende dwogen hare netten. 26Doe ginc Ihesus in een schep dat Peters was, ende bat hem dat hijt en 27lettel stirde van den lande, ende also sat hi (11r) int schep ende leerde 28tfolc dat stont op den ouere. Ende alse hi sinen sermoen hadde ten inde 29brachtt, so sprac hi tote Peetre: Sstir din schep ten diepen wert ende werpt 30v nette in der vloet omme it teuane. Doe antwerdde hem Peter ende seide: 31Mester, wi hebben al desen nacht garbeitt, ende en hebben nit gheuaen; 32nochtan om dijns gebods wille so salic noch mijn nette werpen. Ende alse 33dat geworpen was, so uingense der vesche so uele, dat se har nette nin 34conste gedragen, want het schorde ende brac ontue. Doe ripense hare 35ghesellen die int antler schep waren, dat se hen quamen tehelpen, ende 36si quamen ende wulden beide die schepe van veschen, so dat se beide 37welna versonken waren. Alse dat sach Symon Petrus, so vil hi op sine | |
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1with his oil, and who has sent me to preach to the poor of spiritGa naar margenoota), and to 2the captives their release, and to the blind their illumination, and to the 3injured their health, and also to preach the full yearGa naar voetnootb) of God and the dayGa naar margenootc) 4on which every one shall be given his meed. And when he had read this, 5he closed the book again and gave it up into the hand of one who received 6it from him. Then he went and sat down and all who were in the synagogue 7looked in wonder at him. Then he spoke to them all and said: This same 8Scripture which ye hear me read here, has now at this time come to pass 9and been fulfilledGa naar margenootd). After that he began to preach and to say: The time is 10come, and the kingdom of heaven begins to approach. Do penance and 11believe the gospel, for the kingdom of God is approaching you. 12Ga naar margenoot+ One day Jesus was walking by the sea of Galilee and saw two brothers, 13Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting their nets into 14the sea, for they were fishers; and Jesus spoke to them and said: Come after 15me, I shall make of you fishers to catch people and men. And immediately 16they left both nets and ship, and followed him. Then he went on and saw 17two other brothers, Jacob and John, who were Zebedee's children, with 18Zebedee their father remaking their nets, and he called them and told 19them to follow him; and they straightway left both father and nets, and 20followed him. 21Ga naar margenoot+ Then it also happened one day that he stood by a [sheet of] water that 22was called of Genezareth, and a large multitude came to him to hear the 23word of God; and where he stood, he saw two ships standing on the beach, 24for fishers had come to land who stood and washed their nets. Then Jesus 25went into a ship that was Peter's, and asked him to steer a little away from 26the land; and thus he sat in the ship and taught the people that stood on 27the beach. And when he had brought his sermon to an end, he spoke to 28Peter: Steer thy ship toward the deep and cast thy net into the stream to 29catch something. Then Peter answered him and said: Master, we have 30labored all this night, and have not caught anything; however, because of 31thy command I shall again cast my net. And when it had been cast, they 32caught so many fish that their net could not carry them; for it tore and 33broke in two. Then they called [to] their companions that were in the other 34ship, that they should come to their aid; and they came and filled both the 35ships with fish, so that they both had well-nigh sunk. When Simon Peter 36saw that, he fell upon his | |
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1knin vor Ihesum ende seide: Here, ganc van mi, want ic en besundegt men-2sche ben. Dit seide hi in ere verdarntheit van herten, want en groet wonder 3vil in hem van din mirakelleken vanghe ende also dedt IJacope ende 4IJanne, die Zebedeus kinder waren ende Peters ghesellen. Ende aldenghenen 5die daer waren, wonderde van din dat daer was geschit. Johannes Doe 6seide Ihesus tote Petre: En onssigh di nit; van derre vren soutu menschen 7wesen vaende. Johannes Daer begonsten sine ijongren te gheloeuene ane 8hem. Alse die schepe te lande quamen, so liten si schep ende al ende volghdn 9hemGa naar margenoot*. 10Johannes Matheus Lucas Ende alse Ihesus bat voert quam, so sachGa naar margenoot+ 11hi enen tolnere sitten in sijn tolhus, die Matheus hit. Den ghenen sprac 12hi toe ende seide: Volgh mi. Doe stont hi op ende lit tol ende al ende volghde 13hem. Johannes Matheus Lucas Dar na so quam Ihesus met sinen ijongren 14in Iudeen ende daer bleef hi en stukke tijds met hen, doepende de ghene 15die te hem quamen. Jn din tide so was IJan Baptiste in Ennon bi ere stat 16die heet Salim. Daer was goet koeuer van watre daer hi dat volc in doepde, 17want noch doe en was hi nit geuaen ghelegt in den kerkre. 18Johannes Tin tiden so quam ene questie onder de ijongren IJan BaptistsGa naar margenoot+ 19ende de IJoden van der purificatien des doepsels ende welc beter ware, 20so Ihesus doepsel so IJan Baptists. Doe quamen (11v) IJan Baptists ijongren 21tote haren mester ende wrugden Ihesum van sinen doepene ende dagden 22haren mester ouer hem ende seiden aldus: Mester, deghene die metti was 23ouer de Jordane ende daer du af gafs dijn getuge, hi doept nu ende alt folc 24loept te hem. Doe antwerdde IJan Baptiste sinen ijongren ende sprac 25aldus: De mensche en heft nemmeer dan hem van bouen uten hemele 26ghegheuen werdt. Ghi selue sijt dis mine getugen, dat is seide dat ic Christus 27nin ware, mar dat ic gesendt ware vor hem. Die de brutGa naar margenoot* heft, dats de 28brudegoemGa naar margenoot**, mar des brudegoems vrintGa naar margenoot* die bi hem steet ende hoerten 29spreken, hi es die verblijscht werdt van der stemmen des brudegoems. 30Dese blischap es toe comen ende veruult in mi. Deghene moet voert ane 31wassende sijn ende ic mindrende. Die van bouen comt, hi es bouen alle 32menschen. Die van der erden es, hi sprekt van der erden, ende die van 33hemelrike es, hi es bouen al, ende dat hi gesenn ende gehoert heft, dat 34getught hi, ende sijn getugnesse en wertGa naar margenoot* nit ontfaen. Mar diet ontfeet, | |
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1knees before Jesus, and said: Lord, go from me, for I am a sinful man. This 2he said in a stupefaction of heart, for a great amazement fell in him at the 3miraculous catch, and even so it did to Jacob and John, who were Zebedee's 4children and Peter's companions. And all those who were there wondered 5at that which had happened there. Then Jesus said to Peter: Be not afraid; 6from this hour on thou shalt be catching men. There began his disciples to 7believe in him. When the ships came to land they left ship and all, and 8followed himGa naar voetnoota). 9Ga naar margenoot+ And when Jesus came further on, he saw a publican sitting in his toll-10house, who was called Matthew. He spoke to him and said: Follow me. 11Then he rose and left toll and all, and followed him. After that Jesus came 12with his disciples into Judea, and there he remained with them for a period 13of time baptizing those who came to him. At that time John the Baptist 14was in Ennon, near a city which was called Salim, where there was good 15abundance of water, in which he baptized the people; for then he was not 16yet taken nor laid in prison. 17Ga naar margenoot+ At that time a question came up between the disciples of John the Baptist 18and the Jews about the purification of (the) baptism, and [as to] which was 19better, whether Jesus' baptism or John the Baptist's. Then came John the 20Baptist's disciples to their master, and accused Jesus of his baptizing, and 21complained to their master about him, and said thus: Master, he who was 22with thee beyond the Jordan and of whom thou hast given thy testimony, 23is now baptizing, and all the people go to him. Then John the Baptist 24answered his disciples and spoke thus: Man has no more than that which 25is given him from above out of heaven. Ye yourselves are my witnesses of 26this that I said that I was not Christ, but that I had been sent before him. 27He who has the brideGa naar voetnootb) is the bridegroomGa naar voetnootc) but the bridegroom's friendGa naar voetnootd) 28who stands by him and hears him speak, is the one who is gladdened by 29the voice of the bridegroom; this gladness has happened, and is fulfilled in 30me. He must henceforth be growing and I [must be] decreasing. He who 31comes from above is above all men. He who is of the earth speaks of the 32earth, and he who is of the kingdom of heaven is above all, and to that 33which he has seen and heard he bears testimony, and his testimony is not 34acceptedGa naar voetnoote). But he who accepts it | |
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1hi es, die bekent dat Got en gheft hem nit sinen gheest met matenGa naar margenoot*. De 2vader mintene ende alle dinc heft hi ghegeuen in sire ghewout. Die gheloeft 3in den sone Gods, hi behoert ten eweleken leuene; ende die nin gheloeft 4den Gods sone, hi ne sal des ewelecs leuens nit sien ende de Gods abolghe 5sal bliuen op hem. 6Matheus Jn din tide doe Ihesus vernam dat IJan Baptista was gheuaenGa naar margenoot+ 7ende ghekerkert ende dat de Phariseuse van hem nimerde daden loepen, dat 8hi meer ijongren makde ende meer volks doepde dan IJan Baptista hadde 9ghedaen, so lit hi dat Iant van Judeen ende kirde weder ten alnde van 10Galileen ende makde sine woninghe in ene stat die heet Capharnaum, 11ende lit die stat van Nazareth daer hi wilen plach to woenne. Ende dat 12dede hi om die prophetie te volbrengene die wilen propheteerde Ysaisa, 13ende seide aldus: Dat lant van Zabulon ende van Neptalim dat legt op der 14zee ouer der Jordanen int lant van Galileen: dat volc dat sat in demster-15nissen, dat sach ene grote clerheit. Den ghenen die woenden in den scha-12r) 16Ga naar margenoot+ de van der doet es op geghaen en ghewarech ligt - Dit profeterde Ysaias 17van hem, want die stat van Capharnaum si steet in den termten van Zabulon 18ende van Neptalim. Desen was dat ghewarege light verschenen, doe die 19Gods sone daer quam wonen - van daer so om ghinc Ihesus alt lant van 20Galyleen ende leerde in hare synagoghen ende predekde deewangelie 21van den rike Gods ende gansde alle qualen ende alle sikheiden des volks. 22Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Doe begonste sine opinie groet teGa naar margenoot+ 23werdene ende de liede sprake van hem te meerne, so dat men van hem 24sprac in alt lant van Sirien, ende alle dage so brachte men hem toe alle 25die hen qualec geuulden van sikheiden ende van tormenten ende die besetenGa naar margenoot+ 26waren van den euelen gheesten ende die ut haren ghereke waren, ende die 27ghensde hi alle. Ende om dat so volgde hem en groet volc van Galileen 28ende van din lande dat men heett Decapolis ende van den lande van Judeen 29ende van Iherusalem ende van ouer de Jordane. Lucas Matheus Ende 30om die cracht van din miraclen so haddene elke stat daer hi toe quam, 31gherne onthouden, ende hi antwerdde daer op dat hi andren staden moste 32also wale ewangelizeren dat rike Gods, want hi daer toe ghesendt ware. 33Matheus Marcus Lucas Op enen dach So sach Ihesus dat hem enGa naar margenoot+ 34groet volc na volgde, ende alse hijt versien hadde, so ghine hi op enen 35hogen berchGa naar margenoot*. Ende alse his 36gheseten was, so rip hi te hem 37die hi woude, ende doe si bi | |
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1is the one who realizes that God does not give him his spirit by measureGa naar voetnoota). 2The Father loves him, and he has given all things into his power. He who 3believes in the Son of God belongs to the eternal life; and he who does not 4believe the Son of God shall not see the eternal life, and God's wrath shall 5remain opun him. 6Ga naar margenoot+ At the time when Jesus heard that John the Baptist was taken and impri-7soned, and that the Pharisees circulated rumors that he made more disciples 8and baptized more people than John the Baptist had done, he left the land of 9Judaea, and returned to the land of Galilee, and made his dwelling in a 10city that is called Capharnaum; and left the city of Nazareth where he 11whilom used to live. And this he did to fulfil the prophecy that whilom 12Isaiah prophesied and said thus: The land of Zabulon and of Neptalim, 13which lies on the sea beyond the Jordan in the land of Galilee; the people 14that sat in darkness saw a great clarity. To those who dwelled in the shadow 15of death has a true light arisen - This Isaiah prophesied concerning him; 16for the city of Capharnaum stands on the borders of Zabulon and of Nepta-17lim. To these the true light had appeared, when the Son of God came to 18dwell there - From there Jesus went about in all the land of Galilee, and 19taught in their synagogues, and preached the gospel of the kingdom of God, 20and heales all ailments and all sicknesses of the people. 21Ga naar margenoot+ Then began his fame to become great and the people's talk about him to 22increase, so that they spoke of him in all the land of Syria; and every day 23they brought to him all who felt themselves sick with diseases and with 24torments, and those who were possessed of the evil spirits, and those who 25were paralysed, and he healed them all. And therefore a great multitude 26followed him from Galilee, and from the land that is called Decapolis, and 27from the land of Judaea, and from Jerusalem, and from beyond the Jordan. 28And because of the power of those miracles each city to which he came 29would fain have kept him. And he answered thereto that he must also preach 30to other places the gospel of the kindgom of God, for he had been sent for 31that purpose. 32Ga naar margenoot+ One day Jesus saw that a great multitude followed him; and when he 33had noticed it, he went upon a high mountain. And when he was seated, 34he called to him whom he wished, and when they came | |
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1hem quamen, so koes hire ut 2twelue die bi him bliuen souden, 3dieGa naar margenoot* hi apostlen hit. Dat waren 4dese:Ga naar margenoot* SymonGa naar margenoot** din hi Peter 5hit, ende Andris sijn bruder; 5 6JJacobGa naar margenoot*, Zebeduss sone, ende 7IJan sijn bruder, die hi hit 8kinder des donres; PhilipsGa naar margenoot*; 9Berthelmeus; Matheus de tolnereGa naar margenoot*; 10Thomas; IJacob, Al-11pheus sone; Symon die ghe-12namt es Zelotes; Judas, IJacops 13sone, ende Judas Scharioth diene sider vercochte. DeseGa naar voetnoot* quamen te hem 14ende hi ontploecGa naar margenoot* sine ogen op hen ende sinen montGa naar margenoot** ter leeringen ende 15seide aldus: SalechGa naar margenoot* sijn die arm sijn van gheeste, want hemelrike es hare. 16Selech sijn die saghtmudeghe, want si selen ertriks gheweldech sijn. Salech 17sijn (12v) die weenen, want si selen werden ghetroest. Salech sijn deghene 18din hongert ende dorst na gheregheit, wan si selen ghesaedt werden. SelechGa naar margenoot* 19sijn die ontfarmhertege, want si selen ontfarmegheit verlangen. SelechGa naar margenoot* 20sijn die suuer ende reine sijn van herten, want si selen Gode sien. Selech 21sijn die vrede maken, want si selen heeten Gods kinder. Selech sijn die 22Ga naar margenoot+ persecutie doegen om ghereghtegheit, want hemelrike es hare*. SelechGa naar margenoot** 23si di alse v de liede maledien ende haten ende persecutie don ende spreken 24al quaet van v ende v beligen ende v scheeden van een ende v verwiten v 25wesen ende vwen name onwerden omme des menschenGa naar margenoot* sone. Jn din dage 26sijt blide ende vro, want v loen es groet in hemelrike. Want also ghelike 27alse v die quade persecutie don, so daden hare vordren persecutie den 28propheten die waren vor v. Lucas So wee v die rike sijt, wan gi hir op 29ertrike hebt vwe genugte. Wee v die nu laght, want gi selt suchten ende 30wenen. Wee v alsu de liede prisen vwe quaetheit ende v bedrigen met 31haren valschen loue. Also daden wilen vwe vordren haren propheten die 32hen propheterden na haren wille. Matheus Marcus Lucas Mar v sprekicGa naar margenoot+ 33noch toe, die mine ijongren sijt ende mi ghehoert. Ghi sijt dat sout van 34ertrike, ende ochte dat sout sine macht verliest, waer op sal ment souten? 35Hen es dan nirgen toe goet dan wech te werpene ende vertorden te sine 36onder der liede voete. Ghi sijt dat licht van ertrike. De stat die op den 37berg steet, en mach nit verborgen sijn. NimenGa naar margenoot* en sett dat licht, alst <ont- | |
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1to him, he chose from them twelve who were to remain with him, [and] 2whom he called apostles. They were these: Simon whom he called Peter, 3and Andrew his brother, Jacob Zebedee's son, and John his brother, whom 4he called children of the thunder, Philip, Bartholemew, Matthew the 5publican, Thomas, Jacob Alpheus' son, Simon who is called Zelotes, Judas 6Jacob's son, and Judas Scarioth, who afterwards sold him. These came to 7him and he opened his eyes upon them and his mouth to teach and said 8thusGa naar margenoota): Blessed are they that are poor of spirit, for the kingdom of heaven 9is theirs. Blessed are the meek, for they shall be in possession of the earth. 10Blessed are they that weep, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they 11that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed 12are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are they that are 13clean and pure of heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are they that make 14peace, for they shall be called God's children. Blessed are they that suffer 15persecution for righteousness' sake, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. 16Blessed are ye when the people curse and hate and persecute you and speak 17all [manner of] evil of you, and lie about you, and part you asunder, and 18reproach your behaviour, and revile your name because of the Son of manGa naar voetnootb). 19Be glad and joyful in that day, for your reward is great in the kingdom of 20heaven; for even as the wicked persecute you their forbears persecuted the 21prophets who were before you. Therefore woe unto you that are rich, for 22ye have your joy here on earth. Woe unto you that laugh now, for ye shall 23sigh and weep. Woe unto you when the people praise you for your wickedness 24and deceive you with their false praise. Even so did your forbears of yore 25to their prophets who prophesied for them according to their wish. But I 26Ga naar margenoot+ speak still further unto you who are my disciples, and [who] listen to me. 27Ye are the salt of the earth: and if the salt loses its strength, with what 28shall one salt it? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown away, and 29to be trodden down under the people's feet. Ye are the light of the earth. 30The city that stands on the mountain can not be hid. No one sets the light, 31when it is | |
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1funct> es, order dat corenvat noch onder dat bedde noch in ene verborgene 2stat, mar op den candelere so sett ment, om datt lichten sole allen den 3ghenen die int hus sijn. Also doet v licht schinen vor de menschen, dat si 4anesien vwe goede werke ende louen vwen vader die es in den hemele. 5Matheus En went nit dat ic si comen omme de wet tontmakene ende deGa naar margenoot+ 6prophecies. Jn ben nit comen om die tontmakene, mar om die te vol-7makene ende te volbrengeneGa naar margenoot*, want ouerGa naar margenoot** waer seggic v: also lange alse 8de hemel ende de erde duren, so en sal ene lettre van der wet nit achter 9bliuenGa naar margenoot*, hen sele al gheschin (13r) dat dar in ghescreuen es. So wie dan 10dat brekt een der minster gebode van der wet ende leert den volke also 11te doene, hi sal heeten een der minster in hemelrikeGa naar margenoot*. Mar die duet ende leert, 12hi sal heten groet in hemelrike. Ende oc seggic v: hen si dat vwe ghereg-Ga naar margenoot+13tegheit meerre si dar der Phariseuse ende der meestre van der wet, ghi 14ne selt nit comen ten rike Gods. Matheus Ghi hebt wel ghehoert dat 15verbot van der wet dat men wilen plach te leerne, dat sprekt aldus: Du ne 16sout nimene doeden, ende die andren doedt, hi es wert dis dat men ne 17ordeele. Mar ic segg v dat een die hem errt op sinen euenkersten, es dis wert 18dat menne ordeele, ende die te siren euenkersten segt: Racha - datGa naar margenoot* 19en teken es van onwerden - es dis wert dat menne den gherichte leuere, 20ende die sinen euenkersten heet dore, es wert der hellen. Brengs du dan 21dine offerande toten outare, ende ghedinkt di daer dat dijn euenkersten es 22besuart van di, laet daer dine offerande vor den outare ende ganc tirst dinen 23euenkersten setten te vreden, ende dan com ende offer dine offrande. 24Matheus Lucas Wes gehingende dinen aduersaris euen lanc dat du metGa naar margenoot+ 25hem best op den weghe, dat di dijn aduersaris nin leuere den richtre ende 26die rightre den ghenen die di worpe in den kerkre, want ic segge di: comstu 27daer in, du ne souter nit ut uerledegt werden tote dire uren dattu vergouden 28Ga naar margenoot* hefs den lesten virdonc - Dese aduersaris dats de Heilege Scrifture, die 29aduerseert allen den ghenen die qualec willen. De wege daer wi in moten 30gaen, dat sijn de gebode Gods. Mettesen aduersarijs mote wi ouer een 31dragen ende ghehinklec wandelen in den wegen der gebode Gods, ochte 32ons moet gheschin dat dar na volgt, dats dat wi moten gheleuert sijn ter 33pinen van den helschen kerkre - 34Matheus Dar na so sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seide aldus: Ghi 35hebt wel gehort dat verbot van der wet, dat aldus segt: du en sout en 36ghenen kefsdom don, mar ic seggv: so wie en wijf ane siet met quader 37beghertenGa naar margenoot*, deghene heft se ghekefscht in (13v) sijn herte. Gheuallet dan | |
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1kindled, under the corn vat, nor under the bed, nor in a hidden place, but 2one sets it on the candlestick, that it may light all those that are in the house. 3Even so make your light to shine before men, that they behold your good 4works and praise your Father who is in heaven. Think not that I am come 5Ga naar margenoot+ to unmake the law and the prophecies: I am not come to unmake them, 6but to complete them and to fulfil them. For verily I say unto you, as long 7as heaven and earth endure, not one letter of the law shall be omittedGa naar margenoota), 8but everything shall happen that is written therein. Whosoever then breaks 9one of the least commandments of the law, and teaches the people to do 10likewise, shall be called one of the least in the kingdom of heavenGa naar voetnootb): but 11he who does and teaches, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 12Ga naar margenoot+ And I also say unto you, unless your righteousness be greater than that of 13the Pharisees and of the masters of the law, ye shall not come to the kingdom 14of God. Ye have heard the prohibition of the law that used to be taught of 15yore [and] which speaks thus: Thou shalt not kill any one, and he that kills 16others deserves that he be judged. But I say unto you that one who is angry 17with his fellow-christian deserves that he be judged; and he that says to 18his fellow-christian, Racha, which is a token of contempt, deserves that he 19be delivered to the court; and he that calls his fellow-christian fool, deserves 20hell. If thou bringest thine offering to the altar and thou rememberest there 21that thy fellow-christian has been grieved by thee, leave thine offering there 22before the altar, and go, first placate thy fellow-christian and then come 23Ga naar margenoot+ and offer thy gift. Be yielding to thine adversary while thou art on the way 24with him, lest thine adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge to 25him who might cast thee into prison. For I say unto thee: If thou comest 26in there, thou shalt not be released from it until the hour when thou hast 27repaid the last farthing - This adversary is the Holy Scripture, which 28opposes all those that are inclined to evil. The ways in which we must go 29are the commandments of God. With this adversary we must be in accord 30and compliantly walk in the ways of the commandments of God, or that 31must happen to us which follows after it, that is, that we must be delivered 32to the pains of the hellish prison - 33After that Jesus spoke still further and said thus: Ye have heard the 34prohibition of the law which says thus: Thou shalt not commit adultery. 35But I say unto you: Whosoever looks on a woman with evil lustGa naar margenootc), has 36committed adultery with her in his heart. If then | |
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1dat di dine rechte oghe scandalizeert, stecse ut ende worpse van di, ende 2scandalizeert di dine rechte hant, snijdse af ende worpse van di, want hets 3beter met ere oghen ochte met eere hant ochte met enen uoete te hemelrike 4comen dan met <gheheelheit> van lichame gheworpen te sine in dat vir 5Ga naar margenoot+ van der hellen - Dese wart sijn also te uerstane, dat die ghnugten van de 6sunden die toe comen ouermids den leden des lichamen van buten, ende 7die bose begherten sijn of tesnidene, dats vromelec tewederstane, nit dat 8imen sinen lichame si schuldech te minkene, want dat iegen redene ware 9ende iegen dat verbot van den scrifturen - 10Matheus Dar na so sprac hi noch ende seide: Ghi hebt wel ghehortGa naar margenoot+ 11dat men wilen leerde, die sijn wijf laten woude, dat hi hare gheuen soude 12ene karte van din scheedene. Mar ic seggv: so wie sijn wif laett, hen si dat 13se kefsche met andren manne, hi es oksun van haren valle, ende so wie dat 14wijf nemt die en ander ghelaten heft, hi doet ouerhoer. GhiGa naar margenoot* hebt wel 15ghehoert dat men wilen seide: du-en sout nit versweren, mar volbrenc 16vor Gode dinen eet. Mar ic seggv dat gi nit en suert noch bi den hemele, 17want dats de troen Gods, noch bi der erden, want dats dat schemel van 18sinen voeten, noch bi Iherusalem, want dats de stat des hogsts konings, 19noch bi dijns selfs hoefde en soutv sueren, want du ne canst een hare ghe-20maken wit ochte suart. Mar vwe redene si ija ende neen, ende dats meer 21es, dat comt van boesheiden. Ghi heb oc ghehoert dat men wilen seide: oghe 22omme oghe, tant om tant. Mar ic seggv: ghine moett nit weder striden iegen 23deghene die v quadt doen. Mar die di sleet ane dine rechte wanghe, bied 24hem toe de slinke, ende die di welt dinen roc nemen, laet hem oc den 25mantel, ende die di perssen welt te gane ene mile, ghanker andre twe. 26Die di bidt te gheuene, ghef hem, ende die di bidt te leenne, leen hem, 27ende also alse ghi wilt dat v de leide don, also ghelike doet hen. Ghi hebtGa naar margenoot+ 28oc wel ghehoert dat men wilen seide: du sout lief hebben dinen (14r) vrint, 29ende haten dinen vient. Mar ic seggv: hebt lief vwe viende ende doet 30goet den ghenen die v haten, ende bidt ouer deghene die v persecucie don, 31so seldi kinder sijn ws vader die in den hemele es, die sine sonne doet schinen 32op de quade ende sinen regen doet vallen op de gherechte ende op de 33ongherechte. Wat lone hebdi dis dat ghi deghene allene lief hebt die v lief 34hebben? en doen also de liede van der werelt? Ende wat lone hebdi dis dat 35ghi den ghenen goet doet di v weder goet don? en doen also de sunderen 36ende de quadien? Ende wat lone verdindi dat ghi den ghenen leent dar 37ghi an hopt te winne? want deen persemir leent den andren om die ghelike | |
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1thy right eye offends thee, put it out and cast it from thee. And if thy right 2hand offends thee, cut it off and cast it from thee. For it is better to come 3to the kingdom of heaven with one eye or with one hand or with one foot, 4than whole of body to be thrown into the fire of hell - These words are to 5be understood thus, that the pleasures of the sins which are brought about by 6the members of the body from outside and the evil lusts are to be cut off, 7that means to resist bravely, not that one should be obliged to maim one's 8body. For that would be against reason and against the prohibition of the 9Scriptures - 10Ga naar margenoot+ After that he spoke again and said: Ye have heard that it was taught of 11yore, he who wanted to send away his wife should give her a card of the 12divorce. But I say unto you, whosoever sends away his wife, unless she 13commit adultery with other men, is cause of her fall; and whosoever takes 14the wife whom another has sent away, commits adultery. Ye have heard 15that it was said of yore: Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but perform thine 16oath before God. But I say unto you that ye shall not swear neither by 17heaven, for that is the throne of God; nor by the earth, for that is the footstool 18of his feet, nor by Jerusalem, for that is the city of the highest King; nor 19shalt thou swear by thine own head, for thou canst not make one hair white 20or black. But let your speech be yea and nay, and that which is more than 21that comes of evil. Ye have also heard that it was said of yore, [an] eye for [an] 22eye, [a] tooth for [a] tooth. But I say unto you: Ye must not resist those that 23do you evil. But whosoever smites thee on thy right cheek, offer him the left 24one. And whosoever wants to take thy coat from thee, let him also [take] the 25cloak. And whosoever wants to press thee to go a mile, go two more. Give 26to him who begs thee to give and lend to him who begs thee to lend. And 27as ye would that the people do to you, do ye to them likewise. Ye have also 28Ga naar margenoot+ heard that it was said of yore: Thou shalt love thy friend and hate thine 29enemy. But I say unto you: Love your enemies and do good to them that 30hate you, and pray for them that persecute you; so shall ye be children of 31your Father who is in heaven, who makes his sun shine upon the wicked 32and makes his rain fall upon the just and the unjust. What reward have ye 33thereof that ye love only them that love you? do not likewise the people of 34the world? And what reward have ye thereof that ye do good to them that 35do good to you in turn? Do not likewise the sinners and the wicked? And 36what reward deserve ye because ye lend to them by whom ye hope to gain? 37for one usurer lends to the other in order | |
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1weder van hem te trekkene. Ende ochte gi vwe vrint grutt allene, wat 2lone sal v daer af comen? en doen der hellen kinder al dat selue? Mar v 3seggic noch: hebt lief vwe viende ende doet hen goet ende leent hen sonder 4hope van haren weder lone; so sal v loen groet sijn ende so seldi sijn kinder 5des almegtegs Gods, want hi es goedertiren den quaden ende den ghenen 6die sire goedertirnheit onwerdech sijn. Sijt dan ontfarmhertech, want vGa naar margenoot+ 7vader Got ontfarmhertegh es. Sijt volmakt, want v vader volmakt es. 8Mar nemt ware dat ghi vwe ghereghtheit nin besegt vor demenschen op 9roem ende om te sine gheprijst van den volke, want dar met souddi ver-10liesen den hemelschen loen vs vader die in den hemele es. Alse du dan 11dine almosene wels gheuen, en dogh nit blasen metter businen vor di, alse 12de ypocriten don in den synagoghen ende in den straten, om dat si willen 13gheert sijn van den volke; ouer waer seggic v dat si hebben hir ontfaen 14haren loen. Mar alse du ghefs dine almosene, so ghefse also, dat dine slinke 15hant nin wete wat dine rechte hant doet, so dat dine almosene bliue ver-16borghen; also soutu verdinen den loen dijns vader die in der verborghenheit 17siet al dat men doet. Ende alse ghi bedt, so ne seldi nit beden alse de ypocriten 18don, die gaen staen op den hornec van der straten, om dat si van den volke 19willen sijn ghesien; ouer waer seggic v dat si hir haren loen (14v) hebben 20ontfaen. Mar du, alse du beds, ganc in dine kamere ende slut dine dore 21ende daer anebede dinen vader van hemelrike; ende dijn vader die in 22der verholnheit siet, sal di loenen dijn ghebet. Matheus Lucas Ende 23alse ghi bedt, so ne sprekt nit vele wart, alse de ypocriten don, die waenen 24ghehoert sijn om de voeleheit van haren warden; al so en seldi nit don, 25want v vader weet wale wis v behoeft, eer ghine anebedt. Lucas Doe sprac 26een sire ijongren to hem ende seide: Here mester, leer ons te bedene also 27ghelike alse Ijan Baptiste sine ijongren leerde te bedene. Ende Ihesus 28antwerdde: Alse ghi bedt, so segt: Matheus Lucas Dit es de pater noster 29Onse vader die best in den hemele, ghegheilegt si dijn name, toe comende 30si dijn rike, gheschin mote dijn wille beide in hemelrike ende in ertrike; 31onse daghliksche broet verleene ons, ende verghef ons onse schout, also 32ghelike alse wise vergheven den ghenen die ons schuldech sijn, ende en beghef 33ons nit in onsen koringen, mar verlose ons van arghe. Matheus Marcus OcGa naar margenoot+ 34seggic v: vergheft vwen euenkersten, so sal v v vader Got vergheuen, ende 35en verghefdi nit, so ne sal v Got nit vergheuen. Ende alse ghi vast, en vast 36nit alse de ypocriten don, die hare anschin al willens verderuen, om dat si 37willen sijn ghesien van den volke; ouer waer seggic v dat si hir haren loen | |
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1to get from him as much again. And if ye greet your friends only, what 2reward shall come to you therefrom? Do not the children of hell just the 3same? But I say further unto you: Love your enemies and do good to them, 4and lend to them without hope of their requital, and your reward shall be 5great, and ye shall be children of the almighty God. For he is kind to the 6Ga naar margenoot+ wicked and to them that are unworthy his kindness. Be ye therefore merciful, 7for God, your Father, is merciful; be ye perfect, for your Father is perfect. 8But take heed that ye use not your righteousness before men for glory, and 9to be praised by the people. For thereby would ye lose the heavenly reward 10of your Father who is in heaven. If then thou wants to give thine alms, 11do not make [them] blow [with] trumpets before thee, as the hypocrites do 12in the synagogues and in the streets, because they want to be honored by 13the people. Verily I say unto you, that they have received their reward 14here. But when thou givest thine alms, give them so that thy left hand know 15not what thy right hand does, so that thine alms remain secret. In this way 16thou shalt earn the reward of thy Father who in secret sees all that one 17does. And when ye pray, ye shall not pray as the hypocrites do, who go 18[and] stand at the corner of the street because they want to be seen by the 19people. Verily I say unto you, that they have received their reward here. 20But thou, when thou prayest, go into thy closet and shut thy door, and 21there pray to thy Father of the kingdom of heaven; and thy Father who 22sees in secret shall reward thy prayer. And when ye pray, do not speak many 23Ga naar margenoot+ words as the hypocrites do, who think that they are heard for the multitude 24of their words. Ye shall not do likewise, for your Father knows well what ye 25need before ye pray to Him. Then one of his disciples spoke to him and said: 26Lord Master, teach us to pray even as John the Baptist taught his disciples 27to pray. And Jesus answered: When ye pray, say: [this is the Pater noster] 28Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom be 29coming, may thy will be done both in heaven and on earth. Grant us 30our daily bread; and forgive us our debt, even as we forgive them that are 31indebted to us and forsake us not in our temptations, but deliver us from 32Ga naar margenoot+ evil. I also say unto you: Forgive your fellow-Christian, and your Father 33God will forgive you, and if ye forgive not, God will not forgive you. And 34when ye fast, do not fast as the hypocrites do who disfigure their faces on 35purpose, because they want to be seen by the people. Verily I say unto you, 36that they have received | |
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1hebben ontfaen. Mar du, alse du uasts, bestrijc dijn hoeft met ungemente 2ende duach dijn anschin, so dat de menschen nin weten van dinen vastene, 3mar dijn vader die in den hemele es; so sal di dijn vader die in der verholnheit 4siet, gheuen dinen loen. Lucas En onssit v nit, cleine conuent, want v vaderGa naar margenoot+ 5sal v gheuen sijn rike. Verkoept dat ghi hebt ende gheft almosne. Makt 6cledere die nin versliten, ende ghedert den schat die nin mindert. Lucas 7Matheus Marcus En legt nit vwen schat in derde, daer hi rosteghen moge 8ende daer die motten dar toe mogen gheraken ende daer de dieue wandelen, 9diene mogen ut grauen ende stelen. Mar legt vwen schat in den hemel, 10daer noch (15r) rostegheit noch motte din en moghe ergren noch daerne die dieue en conen ut gegrauen noch ghestelen. Daer dijn schat es, dars dijn 12herte. Matheus Lucas Dat lichtGa naar margenoot* dijns lichamen, dats dine ogheGa naar margenoot**. Es dine 13oghe simpel, so sal al dijn lichameGa naar margenoot* cler sijn, ende es dine oghe quaet, so 14sal al dijn lichame donker sijn. Ende ochte dat licht dat in di es, donkerheit 15es, hoegedaen sijn dan de demsternessen? NimenGa naar margenoot* en mach tween herenGa naar margenoot+ 16dienen, ochte hi moet den enen haten ende den andren lief hebben, ochte 17hi moet den enen lief hebben ende den andren verkuschenGa naar margenoot*. Gine mogt 18nit Gode dienen ende der quader verwentheit. Dar omme seggic v: en 19sijt nit alte sorfeghtech om vwen lichame war met dat ghine uuden ende 20cleeden selt. En es vwe zile nit beter dan spise, ende v lichame dan cleeder? 21Siet ane de vogle die vliegen in der locht: sine saijen nit noch sine ogsten 22nit noch sine ghedren nit in schuren, ende nochtan uudt se vwe hemelsche 23wader. <En> sidi nit werder vor Gode dan si sijn? Wie es van v allen, die 24hem seluen mach langer maken enen uoet dan ne nature hef gemakt? 25Ende och gi nin cont ghedon dat Gode so cleine es te doene, war omme 26si di besorgt van din dat hem toe behorrende es? Ende waromme sorgdi 27omme cleder tuwen lichame? Siet ane de lilien die wassen inden velde: 28noch sine pinen, noch sine spinnen; nochtan so seggic v dat Salamon, 29in alle sire glorien en es also wale nit gecleedt alse ene van hen. Ende 30ochte dat gars ende die bloeme, die heden es ende margen werdt gewor-31pen in den ouen om te verbernne, Got also wale cleedt, wis onssiedi v 32dan, volc van cleinen gheloeue? En sijt dan nit alte sorfeghtech noch en 33segt nit: wat selewi eten, wat selewi drinken, wat selewi ane don? want 34v vader die in den hemele es, weet wale dat gi alles des behoeft. Mar sukt 35talre irst dat rike Gods ende sine gereghtegheit, ende al dit sal v toe ge-36worpen werden. En sijt nit dan sorgende om den margen, want de mar-37gen (15v) sal sorgen vor hem seluen: elken daghe es gnoch sijns selues | |
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1their reward here. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thy head with ointment 2and wash thy face, so that the people know not of thy fasting, but thy Father 3who is in heaven; and thy Father who sees in secret shall give thee thy 4Ga naar margenoot+reward. Fear not, little congregation, for your Father will give you his 5kingdom. Sell that ye have, and give alms. Make clothes that do not wear 6out, and gather the treasure that decreases not. Lay not thy treasure in 7the earth, where it may rust and where the moths may get at it, and where 8the thieves prowl who may dig it up and steal it. But lay thy treasure in 9heaven, where neither rust nor moth may corrupt it, and where the thieves 10can not dig it up and steal it. Where thy treasure is, there is thy heart. 11The light of thy body is thine eyeGa naar voetnoota). If thine eye be simple, thy whole bodyGa naar voetnootb) 12shall be clear. And if thine eye be evil, thy whole body will be dark. And 13if the light that is in thee be darkness, what then are the darknesses like? 14Ga naar margenoot+No one can serve two masters; either he must hate the one and love the 15other, or he must love the one and despise the other. Ye can not serve God 16and wicked wealth. Therefore I say unto you: Be not too much concerned 17about your [soul, what ye shall eat; nor about your] body, wherewith ye, 18will feed it and clothe itGa naar voetnootc). Is not thy soul better than food, and thy body 19[better] than clothes? Behold the fowls that fly in the air, they sow not, 20neither do they reap, nor do they gather into barns; and yet your heavenly 21Father feeds them. Are ye not worth more before God than they are? 22Who is [there] among you all that can make himself longer [by] one foot 23than nature has made him? And if ye can not do what is so little for God 24to do, why are ye concerned about that which belongs to him? And why 25are ye concerned about clothes for your body? Behold the lilies that grow 26in the field; they toil not, neither do they spin. Yet I say unto you that 27Solomon in all his glory is not so well arrayed as one of them. And if God 28clothes so well the grass and the flower, which is to-day and to-morrow is 29cast into the oven to burn, of what are ye then afraid, people of little faith? 30Therefore be not too much concerned, nor say: What shall we eat? What 31shall we drink? What shall we put on? For your Father who is in heaven 32knows well that ye need all this. But seek first of all the kingdom of God 33and his righteousness, and all this shall be thrown unto you. Therefore be 34not concerned about the morrow, for the morrow will take care of itself. 35Unto each day is sufficient the care of itself. | |
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1sorge. Matheus Marcus Lucas En ordeelt nit, so ne seldi nit gheor-Ga naar margenoot+2deelt sijn. Jn wat ordeele dat ghi ordeelt, seldi geordeelt sijn. Lucas En 3verdumt nit, sone seldi nit verdumt sijn. Vergheft, so sal men v vergheuen. 4Gheft, so sal men v gheuen. Jn wat maten dat gi mett, sal men v weder 5meten: Matheus Lucas ene goede mate ende ene volle ende ene op 6gehoepte ende ene oueruloijende sal men v ghiten in vwen schoet. Wat 7siestu dan en kafGa naar margenoot* <in> dijns euenkerstens oghe, alse du nin sies den blocGa naar margenoot** 8die in dijns selues oghe es? Matheus Lucas Ende hoe mach stu dinen 9euenkersten gheseggen: Beide, laet mi di dat kaf ut dire ogen don, euenlanc 10dat du den bloc hefs in dijns selues oghe? Ypocrite, doch tirst den bloc sit 11dire oghen, ende dan so maghstu dat kaf don sit dijns euenkerstens ogen. 12Matheus En gheft v heildomGa naar margenoot* nit den hondenGa naar margenoot** noch en worpt vwe 13margariten nit vor de swijnGa naar margenoot*, dat sise nin verterden ende v seluen nin 14verschoeren. Wie es van v allen die enen vrint heft? Lucas Deghene salGa naar margenoot+ 15gaen te middernachte te sijns vrinds hus ende sal hem seggen: Vrint, leene 16mi drie broet, want een mijn vrint es comen ouer mi, ende ine hebbe nit 17dat ic hem moghe vore leggen. Ende deghene sal van binnen antwerdden: 18Laet mi met vreden; de dore es besloten ende de kinder van den hus sijn 19op hare bedden; jn can nit op ghestaen noch dine bede ghehoren. Ende 20deghene die buten steet, hi sal bliuen roepende ende cloppende vor die 21dore. Jc seggv: al en steet deghene nit op om de urinschap die hi ten andren 22heft, nochtan so sal hi op staen omme des anders besegheit die hi makt met 23roepene ende met cloppene, ende sal hem gheuen also menech broet al hi 24eischt. Lucas Matheus Also ghelike seggic v: bidt, ende men sal v gheuen; 25sukt, ende ghi selt vinden; clopt, ende men sal v ontpluken. Want elc die 26bidt, hem sal werden ghegheuen, ende die sukt, hi sal vinden, ende die 27clopt, hem sal werden ontploken. WieGa naar margenoot* es van v allen din sijn kint bidt 28(16r) broet, ende hem ouer broet sal gheuen enen steen? Ende din sijn kint 29bidt enen visch, ende hem ouer enen visch sal gheuen enen serpent? Ende 30din sijn kint bidt en ei, ende hem ouer en ei sal gheuen enen schorpion? 31Of ghi dan die quaet sijt, cont ghoede ghichten gheuen vwen kindren, 32<en> sal dan v vader die in den hemele es, nit gheuen goede ghichten 33den ghenen die hem bidden? Matheus Lucas Al dat ghi wilt dat v de liede 34don, dat doet hen; in desen seldi ueruullen de wet ende de profeten. Pijnt v 35in te gane dor de inghe porte, want wijt es de porte ende breet es de wech 36die leidt ter verdoemnessen wert, ende vele es der gherre die dor die wide 37porte gaen. Ende inghe es die porte ende smal es die wech die leidt ten | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+Judge not, and ye shall not be judged. In what judgment ye judge, ye shall 2be judged. Condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive, and ye 3shall be forgiven; give and it shall be given unto you. In what measure ye 4measure, it shall be measured to you again: a good measure, and a full, 5and one that is piled up and running over, shall be poured into your lap. 6Why seest thou, then, a huskGa naar voetnoota) in thy fellow-Christian's eye, when thou 7seest not the beamGa naar voetnootb) that is in thine own eye? And how canst thou say to 8thy fellow-Christian: Wait, let me get that husk out of thine eye, while 9thou hast the beam in throe own eye? Hypocrite, take first the beam out 10of thine eye, and then thou canst remove the husk out of thy fellow-Christian's 11eye. Give not your sanctumGa naar voetnootc) unto the dogsGa naar voetnootd), neither cast your pearls 12Ga naar margenoot+before the swineGa naar voetnoote), lest they trample upon them and rend yourself. Who is 13[there] among you all that has a friend. He shall go at midnight to his 14friend's house and shall say to him: Friend, lend me three loaves, for a 15friend of mine has come upon me, and I have nothing that I can lay before 16him; and he shall answer from within: Leave me in peace; the door is shut, 17and the children of the house are in their beds; I can not rise, nor listen 18to your request; and he who stands outside shall keep calling and knocking 19in front of the door. I say unto you: Although he does not rise for the sake 20of [the friendship that he has for the other, yet he will rise for the sake of] 21the other's stir that he makes with calling and knocking, and will give him 22as many loaves as he requires. Even so I say unto you: Ask and it shall be 23given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For 24to every one that asks shall be given, and he that seeks shall find, and to him 25that knocks shall be opened. Who is [there] among you all, whom his child 26asks for bread and he shall give him, instead of bread, a stone? And whom 27his child asks for a fish, and he shall give him, instead of a fish, a serpent? 28And whom his child asks for an egg, and he shall give him, instead of an 29egg, a scorpion? If then ye that are evil can give good gifts to your children, 30will not your Father who is in heaven give good gifts to them that ask him? 31Whatsoever ye wish that men should do to you, do that to them; herein 32shall ye fulfil the law and the prophets. Exert yourselves to enter through 33the strait gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to dam-34nation; and many is [the number] of those that go through the wide gate. 35And strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to | |
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1ewleken leuene wert, ende lettel es der gherre die din wech houden. MatheusGa naar margenoot+ 2Hudt v vor de ualsche profeten, die comen tu in abite van simpelheiden, 3mar binnen sijnt gripende wolue. Ane hare werke seldise kennen. Matheus 4Lucas Mach men lesen wijnberen van den dorne ende vighen van den 5distelen? Alle goede bome maken goede vrocht, ende alle quade bome 6dragen quade vrocht. EnGa naar margenoot* goet boem en mach enghene quade vrocht 7draghen, noch en quaet boem en mach enghene goede vrocht dragen. 8En goet mensche brengt dat goede uten goeden schatte sijns herten, ende 9de quade mensche brengt dat quade uten quaden schatte sins herten, 10want uter volheit des herten so sprekt de mont. Alle die bome die nin 11dragen goede vrocht, die sal men af howen ende int vir worpen. Dar omme 12seggic v: ane hare vrocht seldise bekennen. Matheus Lucas Johannes Nit 13alle die mi heeten Here, Here, en selen comen te hemelrike; mar die leuen 14na den wille mijns vader die in den hemele es, si selen comen te hemelrike. 15Matheus Lucas Jn din daghe so selen de menege seggen: Here, wi sijnGa naar margenoot+ 16deghene die in dinen name profeterden ende in dinen name de euele gheeste 17verijagden ende in dinen name vele (16v) miraklen daden. Ende dan salic 18hen antwerden dat ic se nie en kende, ende sal seggen: Gaet van mi, gi die 19warchtt de werke van der boesheit. Matheus Lucas So wie dan dat hort 20die leeringe die ic leere ende dar na werkt, denghenen salic geliken den 21wisen man die sijn hus heft ghestichtt op enen vasten steen. Het vil de 22regen, het quamen de vloede, het waiden de winde ende stiten alle op dat 23hus; ende en vil nit, want het ghestichtt was op enen vasten steen. Ende 24so wie so hoert mine leeringe ende dar na nin werke, deghene es ghelic den 25doeren man die sijn hus heft gestichtt op dat sant. Het vil de regen, het 26quamen de vloede, het waide de wint ende stiten dat hus terneder; ende 27groet was dis hus val. Matheus Marcus Lucas Ende alse Ihesus deseGa naar margenoot+ 28wart hadde gesproken, so wonderde den volke van sire leeringen, want 29sine <leeringe> was mechtech alse des gheens die almechtech was, ende 30si en gheleec nit der leeringen der Fariseuse ende der mestre van der wet. 31Doe isch Ihesus sine tuelef ijongren te hem ende gaf hen macht ende sendese 32prediken dat Gods rike ende seide aldus: En dragt nit met v ende en gaet 33nit onder dat heidene volcGa naar margenoot* noch in den steden van Samarien, mar gaet 34tirst ten verlornen schapen van Israhel. Matheus Gaet ende predekt ende 35segt dat hemelrike nakende es. Ghansst die sik sijn, suuert die lazers sijn, 36verledegt die uan den euelen gheest beseten sijn. Sonder loen hebdi ontfaen, 37sonder loen gheft weder ut. En dragt met v noch gout noch seluer noch en | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+the eternal life, and few is [the number] of those that take that way. Beware 2of the false prophets that come to you in clothing of simplicity, but inwardly 3they are ravening wolves. By their works ye shall know them. Can one 4gather grapes of the thorns, and figs of the thistles? All good trees make 5good fruit, and all bad trees bear bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad 6fruit, neither can a bad tree bear good fruit. A good man brings forth that 7which is good out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings 8forth that which is evil out of the evil treasure of his heart: for out of the 9fullness of the heart the mouth speaks. All the trees that bear not good 10fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire. Therefore I say unto you: 11By their fruit ye shall know them. Not all those that call me Lord, Lord, 12shall come to the kingdom of heaven; but they that live according to the 13will of my Father who is in heaven, they shall come to the kingdom of 14Ga naar margenoot+ heaven. In that day many will say to me: Lord, we are those that in thy 15name prophesied, and in thy name cast out the evil spirits and in thy name 16did many miracles. And then I shall answer them that I never knew them; 17and I shall say: Go from me, ye that wrought the works of iniquity. Whosoever 18then hears the teaching that I teach and works accordingly, I shall liken 19him unto the wise man who has built his house upon solid stone. The rain 20fell, the floods came, the winds blew, and all beat upon that house; and it 21fell not, for it was built upon solid stone. And whosoever hears my teaching 22and works not accordingly, he is like the foolish man who has built his 23house upon the sand. The rain fell, the floods came, the wind blew, and 24Ga naar margenoot+beat the house down, and great was the fall of that house. And when Jesus 25had spoken these words, the people wondered at his teaching. For his 26teaching was mighty as of him who was almighty, and it was not like the 27teaching of the Pharisees and of the masters of the law. Then Jesus sum-28moned his twelve disciples to him, and gave them power, and sent them to 29preach the kingdom of God, and said thus: Carry nothing with you, and 30go notGa naar voetnoota) among the heathen people nor into the cities of Samaria, but go 31first to the lost sheep of Israel. Go and preach, and say that the kingdom 32of heaven is approaching. Heal them that are sick, cleanse them that are 33lepers, release them that are possessed of the evil spirit. Without reward 34have ye received, without reward give out again. Carry with you neither 35gold nor silver, nor | |
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1hebt ghelt in bigordeleGa naar margenoot**, noch 2en dragt noch scherpe op den 3wegeGa naar margenoot* noch broet, noch twee 4rokke, noch geschoite, noch en dragt roede in vwe hantGa naar margenoot*, want de werkman 5es went sire spisen. Matheus Marcus Lucas In wat stade ende in wat poerte 6dat gi comt, wragt wie daer werdech si gracie tontfane, ende mettin blijft 7daer toter wilen dat gi wech wilt gaen, Lucas <ende> daer ett ende drinkt 8dis dat men v vore brengt; daer blijft ende en gaet nit van huse te huse. 9Matheus Marcus Lucas Ende alse gi comt in en hus, so benediet (17r) 10ende segt: Vrede si in dit hus. Ende es dat hus ende dire in sijn, werdech vs 11paijss, so sal v pais op hen bliuen, ende en es dis nit, so sal v pais weder tv 12kiren. Ende so waer dat men v nit ontfaen en welt, noch daer men vwe 13leeringhe nit horen en welt, daer gaet uten hus ochte uter stat, ende schudt 14dat ghestubbe van vwen uoeten op henGa naar margenoot* in getugnesse dat si v nit ontfaen 15<en> wouden. Matheus Lucas Mar ic seggt v ouer waer dat gemakleker sal 16sijn den volke van Sodomen ende van Gomorren in den dage des ordeels 17dan dire stat die v nin welt ontfaen. Matheus Lucas Jc sendu alse lammerGa naar margenoot+ 18onder wolue, ende daer omme so sijt wijs alse serpente ende simpel alse 19duuen. Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Hudt v vor de liede, want si 20selen v vaen ende leueren den gherichte ende si selen v gheecelen in hare 21synagoghen, ende vor de richtren ende vor de coninge so seldi moten 22gheleidt werden om minen wille, in ghetugnesse horre quaetheit. Matheus 23Marcus Lucas Ende alse men v leidt in de synagoghen voert mesterschap 24ende vor de potestate, en sijt nit besorgt hoe ende wat ghi hen antwerden 25mogt, want in dire vren sal v gegheuen werden dat gi antwerden selt. 26Want ghi ne selt nit sijn die spreken selt, mar de gheest vs vader sal spreken 27in v. Matheus Marcus Dan sal deen bruder den andren verraden ende 28leueren ter doet, ende de vader sijn kint ende de kinder haren vader, 29ende deen sal den andren doeden, ende dan sal v al de werelt haten om 30minen wille. Mar die volstaen sal toten inde, die sal behouden bliuen. 31Matheus Alse men v dan persecucie doet in deene stat, so vliet in dandre, 32want ouer waer seggic v dat ghi nin selt comen tallen den staden van 33Israhel, eer des menschen sone hem weder vertoegen sal. Matheus Lucas 34Johannes Nin es de ijongre boven den mester noch de knecht bouen sinen 35here. Het mach den ijongre wale genugen dat hi si alse sijn meester, ende den 36knecht dat hi si alse sijn here. Matheus Heetense dan den here Beelsebuc, 37wat wondere dat si sine knechte also haten? Daer (17v) omme so seggic v dat | |
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1have money in [your] girdle-pouchGa naar voetnoota), nor carry a scrip on the wayGa naar voetnootb), nor 2bread, nor two coats, nor any footwear, nor carry a stave in your hand 3for the workman is worthy of his food. In whatsoever city and in whatsoever 4town you enter, enquire who there is worthy to receive mercy; and remain 5there with them until the time that ye want to go away. And there eat and 6drink of that which is set before you; stay there and go not from house to 7house. And when ye come into a house, bless it and say: Peace be in this house; 8and, if the house and they that are in it be worthy of your peace, your peace 9shall remain upon them. And if this is not [so], your peace shall return to 10you. And wheresoever they will not receive you, nor will hear your teaching, 11go thence out of the house or out of the city, and shake the dust off your 12feet upon them for a testimony that they would not receive you. But I say 13unto you verily, that it will be easier for the people of Sodom and of Gomor-14rah in the day of (the) judgment than for that city that will not receive you. 15Ga naar margenoot+I send you as lambs among wolves; and therefore be wise as serpents, and 16simple as doves. Beware of the people, for they will seize you and deliver 17you to the court, and they will scourge you in their synagogues, and ye 18shall have to be led before the governors and before the kings for my sake, 19for a testimony of their wickedness. And when they lead you into the 20synagogues before the magistrate, and before the powers, be not concerned 21[as to] how and what ye may answer them; for in that hour it will be given 22you what ye shall answer; for it will not be ye that will speak, but the spirit 23of your Father shall speak in you. Then one brother shall betray the other 24and deliver him to death, and the father his child, and the children their 25father. And one shall kill the other, and then shall all the world hate you 26for my sake; but he that shall persist to the end shall be saved. If then they 27persecute you in one city, flee into the other, for verily I say unto you that 28ye shall not come to all the cities of Israel until the Son of man shall appear 29again. The disciple is not above the master, nor the servant above his lord. 30It may well suffice for the disciple that he be as his master, and for the 31servant that he be as his lord. If then they call the lord Beelzebuc, what 32marvel [is there] that they call his servants likewise? Therefore I say unto 33you that | |
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1ghise nin onssit. Hen es en ghene dinc so werborghen, sine sele vertoegtGa naar margenoot+ 2werden, noch so verholen, sine sele goppenbart werden. Dat ic v segge in 3demsternessen, dat predekt in der clerheit, ende dat ic v rune in vwe ore, 4dat predekt oppenbare. Matheus Ende oc seggic v die mine vrint sijt: 5En onssiet nit deghene die den lichame doeden mogen, want de zile en 6conen si nit ghedoeden, mar onssit den ghenen die macht heft beide lichame 7ende zele te versinkene in die helle. En wetti nit dat men twe muschen 8Matheus Lucas copt om even virdonc? ende nochtan en valter ene ter 9erden nit sonder dat ghehinknesse vs vader die in den hemele es. Wis 10onssiedi v dan? want gi selt weten dat al dat haer dat gi opt hoeft hebt, 11es ghetelt. En onssiedu dan nit, want vele muschen en sijn also went nit vor 12Gode alse ghi sijt. So wie dat mijns lijen sal vor de menschen, des gheens 13salic lijen vor mijnen vader die in den hemel es, ende vorGa naar margenoot* sine ingle. Ende 14so wie, mijns loeghent vor de menschen, des ghens salic loghenen vor minen 15vader die in den hemele es, ende vor sine ingle. Matheus Lucas EnGa naar margenoot*Ga naar margenoot+ 16went nit dat ic ben comen omme paisGa naar margenoot** te makene in ertrike. Jn ben nit 17comen omme pais te sendene onder tfolc, mar en suert. WantGa naar margenoot* voert ane 18daer si viue selen sijn in een hus, de drie selen sijn iegen de twe, ende de 19twe iegen de drie, wantGa naar margenoot* ic ben comen scheeden den sone van den vader 20ende de dochter van der moeder ende des soens wijf van harre sweger, 21ende des menschen viende dat selen sijn sine husghenote. DieGa naar margenoot* sinen vader 22ende sire moeder mint bouen mi, hine es mijns nit wert; ende die sinen 23sone ende sire dochter mint bouen mi, hi ne es mijns nit wert. Ende die 24sijn cruceGa naar margenoot* nin nemt op sinen hals ende volgt mi, hine es mijns nit wert 25noch hi en mach mijn ijongre nit sijn. Matheus Lucas Johannes Die 26sine zile welt vinden, hi verlist se; ende die sine zileGa naar margenoot* verlist om minen 27wille, hi sal se vindenGa naar margenoot*. Matheus Lucas Marcus Johannes (18r) Die v 28ontfeet, hi ontfeet mi seluen; ende die mi ontfeet; hi ontfeet denghenen dieGa naar margenoot+ 29mi heft ghesendt. Die ontfeet enen profete in ens profeten name, hi sal 30ontfaen ens profeten loen. Ende die ontfeet enen gherechten mensche 31omme sine gherechtegheit, hi sal ens gheregts menschen loen ontfaen. 32Ende so wie dat drinken gheft enen nap vol cauder fontainen enen van 33desen minsten in den name ens ijongers, ic seggv dat hi sinen loen nit 34verliesen en sal. 35Matheus Ende alse Ihesus alle dese wart hadde volsproken, so ghincGa naar margenoot+ 36hi van daer ende sendde sine tuelef ijongren din volke te predekene ende 37dat te leerne. Ende die ijongren ghingen predeken in den steden den volke 38dat si penitencie daden. Ende alle de sike die hen vore quamen, die bestreken 39si met olien ende ghansdense, ende vele der gherre die beseten waren | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+ you fear them not. There is nothing so covered but it shall be revealed, 2nor so hidden but it shall be published. That which I say to you in darkness, 3that preach ye in the light; and that which I whisper into your ears, that 4preach ye openly. And also I say unto you who are my friends: Fear not 5them that can kill the body, for they cannot kill the soul. But fear him that 6has power to plunge both body and soul into hell. Know ye not that two 7sparrows are bought for one farthing, and yet not one of them falls on 8the ground without the permission of your Father who is in heaven. Of what 9are ye then afraid? For ye must know that all the hair that ye have on the 10head has been counted. Be not afraid therefore, for many sparrows are not 11worth as much before God as ye are. Whosoever shall confess me before 12men, him will I confess before my Father who is in heaven, and before his 13angels. And whosoever denies me before men, him will I deny before my 14Ga naar margenoot+Father who is in heaven, and before his angels. Think not that I have 15come to make peaceGa naar margenoota) on earth. I have not come to send peace among the 16people but a sword: for henceforth, where there shall be five in one house 17three shall be against two, and two against three. For I have come to part 18the son from the father, and the daughter from the mother, and the son's 19wife from her mother-in-law, and a man's foes shall be his home companions. 20He that loves his father and his mother above me is not worthy of me, and 21he that loves his son and his daughter above me is not worthy of me, and 22he that takes not his crossGa naar voetnootb) upon his neck and follows me, is not worthy 23of me, neither can he be my disciple. He that wants to find his soul loses 24Ga naar margenoot+it, and he that loses his soulGa naar margenootc) for my sake shall find itGa naar margenootd). He that receives 25you receives myself, and he that receives me receives him that has sent me. 26He that receives a prophet in a prophet's name shall receive a prophet's 27reward. And he that receives a righteous man because of his righteousness 28shall receive a righteous man's reward. And whosoever gives to drink a cup 29of cold water to one of these least ones in the name of a disciple, I say unto 30you that he shall not lose his reward. 31Ga naar margenoot+And when Jesus had finished speaking all these words, he departed thence 32and sent his twelve disciples to preach to the people and to teach them. 33And the disciples went to preach to the people in the cities that they should 34do penance. And they anointed with oil all the sick that came to them and 35healed them, and they released | |
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1van den euelen gheesten, die verledegden si van harre quelnessen 2Johannes Op enen dach so was ene brulocht in ene stat die heet Chana,Ga naar margenoot+ 3int lant uan Galileen, ende daer was Marie, Ihesus moeder. Al daer so 4was oc Ihesus ende sine ijongren, ghenoedt ter brulocht: Jn dire brulocht 5so gheuil dat daer wijn gebrac. Doe sprac Ihesus moeder te hem ende seide: 6Hen geberst wijn. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hare: Wijf wat es mi ghemeins 7Ga naar margenoot+ met di? Mine vre en quam noch nit - Dese wart sijn anders te verstane 8dan si luden. Want dat hi sire moeder die magt was, wijf hit, dat was na 9de manire van sinen sprekene, want in andren staden houdt hi die selue 10manire. Die wart die dar na volgen: Wats mi gemeins met di, dinen also 11vele alse of hi seide: Du bids mi dat ic mine mirakelleke werke toege die 12te mire gotheit behoren. Jn din dat ic dis macht hebbe, so nes mi nit ghe-13meins met di, want van di en <hebbic> nit el dan mine menscheit, die de wer-14ke van mirakelleken dingen van hare seluen nit volbrengen en mach. Mar 15mine vre sal comen dat is steruen sal an den cruce; dan sal goppenbart 16werden wat ic hebbe van di, dats (18v) die menscheit die is ontfinc van 17di - Doe sprac sijn moeder den ghenen toe die daer dinden, ende seide: 18Al dat hi v segt, dat doet. Al daer so stonden steinne kroeghe sesse, die daer 19ghesett waren na der Ij oden ghewonte, die hare purificacie in so ghedanen 20vaten plagen te doene, die hilden te tween mensuren ochte te drien. Doe 21seide Ihesus din dinren: Uult die kroege met watre. Ende si daden also 22ende uuldense toten ouersten kanten. Doe sprac Ihesus ende seide: Schept 23nu ende dragt den hushere, ende si daden also. Ende alse die hushere ghe-24smakde dis wijns die van watre was ghemakt, ende nit ne wiste hoe dat 25was gheschit, mar die dinren wistent wale die die kroege met watre hadden 26gheuult, so isch die hushere din brudegoem ende seide hem aldus: Elc 27mensche plegt tirst den besten wijn te gheuene, ende dar na, alse men 28des ghedronken heft, so gheft hi sinen wijn die kranker es, mar du hefs 29dinen besten wijn ghehouden tote noch. Dit was ene der irsten miraklen 30die Ihesus dede in Chana van Galileen, ende daer vertogde hi sine gotleke 31macht ende dar met so werden sine ijongren ghesterkt in den gheloeue. 32Matheus Marcus Lucas Ende alse Ihesus danen ghinc, so volgde hemGa naar margenoot+ 33en groet volc. Ende en lazers mensche quam ende vil vor hem op sine 34knin ende anebeddene ende sprac al dus: Here, est dijn <wille>, so magic 35werden geghanst. Ende Ihesus recte sine hant ende ghereen din besikden ende 36seide: Hets mijn wille, wes geganst. Ende altehant wart hi ghesuuert van 37sire lazerien. Doe sprac Ihesus toten ghenen ende seide: Sich dat du des | |
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1of their torments many of those that were possessed of the evil spirits. 2Ga naar margenoot+One day there was a wedding feast in a city which was called Chana, in 3the land of Galilee, and there was Mary, Jesus' mother. Jesus and his 4disciples were also called there to the feast. It happened at this wedding 5that there lacked wine. Then Jesus' mother spoke to him and said: They 6lack wine. And Jesus answered her: Woman, what have I in common with 7thee? Mine hour is not yet come - These words must be understood 8otherwise than they sound. For as to his calling his mother, who was a 9virgin, ‘woman’, that was according to his manner of speaking. For in 10other places he uses that same manner. The words that follow thereafter: 11‘What have I in common with thee’, mean no more than if he [had] said: 12Thou prayest me that I show my miraculous works which belong to my 13divinity. In so far as I have power thereto, I have nothing in common with 14thee, for from thee I have nothing else than my humanity, which by itself 15cannot accomplish the works of miraculous things. But mine hour shall 16come when I shall die on the cross; then shall be revealed what I have 17from thee, that is the humanity which I received from thee - Then his 18mother spoke to those that were serving there and said: Whatsoever he 19says to you, do that. There stood six stone jars, which had been set there 20after the manner of the Jews, who used to do their purification in such 21vessels. Those held as much as two or three measures. Then Jesus said to 22the servants: Fill the jars with water. And they did so and filled them to 23the brim. Then Jesus spoke and said: Now scoop and carry it to the master 24of the house, and they did so. And when the master of the house tasted of 25the wine that had been made of water, and knew not how it had happened, 26but the servants knew it well, who had filled the jars with water, the master 27of the house asked for the bridegroom and said to him thus: Every man is 28wont to give first the best wine, and after that, when they have drunk of 29this, he gives wine of his which is weaker, but thou hast kept thy best wine 30until now. This was one of the first miracles that Jesus did in Chana of 31Galilee, and there he revealed his divine power, and therewith his disciples 32were strengthened in the faith. 33Ga naar margenoot+And when Jesus departed thence, he was followed by a great multitude. 34And a leprous man came and fell before him upon his knees and worshipped 35him and spoke thus: Lord, if it is thy will I can be healed. And Jesus stretched 36out his hand and touched the sick man, and said: It is my will, be healed. 37And immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. Then Jesus spoke to him 38and said: See that thou say | |
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1nimene en segs, mar ganc ten papen van der wet ende vertoegh di hen 2ende offer hen alselke offerande alse Moyses gheboet in der wet den ghenen 3tofferne die van lazerien worden geghanst. Mar deghene die geghanst was, 4makde dat werc dat an hem gewarcht was so oppenbar onder dat volc, 5dat Ihesus om de persse van den lieden en mochte nit oppenbare wandelen 6in den steden, ende (19r) dar omme so hilt hi hem in den wstinen, ende 7daer ghederde dat volc te hem van allen staden. 8Matheus Lucas Johannes Op enen dach so quam Ihesus te Caphar-Ga naar margenoot+9naum, ende daer so quam en hoge man die hondert ridderen hadde onder 10hem, ende bat Ihesum ende seide aldus: Here, is hebbe enen knecht die in 11mijn hus legt sik van den fledercine ende dogt groet ongemac. Ende Ihesus 12antwerdde hem: Jc sal comen ende ganssen dinen knecht. Doe sprac die 13hoge man: Here, in ben nit werdech dat tv coms onder mijn dac, mar 14seghe dinen wille met enen warde, ende mijn knecht sal genesen. Want 15ic ben en mensche die metter wereltleker macht veronledegt ben, ende 16hebbe onder mj riddren, ende ic segge den enen: Ganc, ende hi gheet, 17ende den andren: Com, ende hi comt, ende minen knecht seggic: Doch 18dit, ende hi doecht. Ende alse Ihesus dat hoerde, so sprac hi alse ut enen 19wondre toten ghenen die hem volgden: Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* seggic v dat ic aldos 20groet geloeue noch nin vant onder dat volc van Israhel. Matheus Lucas 21Dar omme seggic v dat mensch mensche sal comen van dar de sonne op gheet 22ende van daer si onder gheet, ende selen rosten met Abrahame, met Ysaake 23ende met Jacope in hemelrike, ende de kinder des rijks selen gheworpen 24werden in die eweleke demsternessen, daer sal sijn geschrei ende krijsselinge 25van tanden. Doe sprac Ihesus totin hogen man: Ghanc ende nadinen 26gheloeue so geschie di. Ende op die selue vre so genas sijn knecht. Ende 27alse die hoge man thus quam, so vant hi sinen knecht al gesont. 28Marcus Op enen dach sat Ihesus ende leerde in ene <synagoge>. AldaerGa naar margenoot+ 29was en mensche die beseten was van den quaden gheeste. Alse degene Ihesum 30hoerde spreken, so riphi met luder stemmen ende sprac aldus: Wats ons 31ghemeins met di, Ihesu Nazarene: Du coms omme ons teuerijagene! Jc 32weet wale dat tu de Gods sant best! Doe schoutene Jhesus ende seide: 33Suigh ende vaer ut din lichame. Doe warp die quade gheest (19v) din 34mensche ter neder ende voer ut. Alse dat sagen die daer waren, so worden 35si veruert, ende si begonsten onderlinge te sprekene ende te seggene: Wat 36mach dit dinen dat dese aldus met gewoude gebidt din quaden gheesten 37dat si ut varen? | |
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1nothing of this to any one, but go to the priests of the law and show thyself 2to them, and offer to them such offering as Moses in the law commanded 3them to offer that were healed of leprosy. But he that had been healed, 4made the work that had been done to him so public among the people that 5Jesus, because of the press of the people, could not openly walk in the cities; 6and therefore he abode in the desert. And there the people gathered round 7him from all places. 8Ga naar margenoot+One day Jesus came to Capharnaum, and there a high officer who had a 9hundred soldiers under him came and besought Jesus and said thus: Lord, 10I have a servant who in my house lies sick of the gout, and suffers great 11pain. And Jesus answered him: I will come and heal thy servant. Then 12the officer spoke: Lord, I am not worthy that thou comest under my roof. 13But say thy will with one word and my servant shall recover. For I am a 14man who is occupied with the secular power, and have under me soldiers, 15and I say to one: Go, and he goes, and to the other: Come, and he comes, 16and to my servant I say: Do this, and he does it. And when Jesus heard 17that, he spoke as if in amazement to them that followed him: Verily I say 18unto you that I have not yet found such great faith among the people of 19Israel. Therefore I say unto you that many a man shall come from where 20the sun rises and from where it sets, and [they] shall rest with Abraham, with 21Isaac, and with Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, and the children of the 22kingdom shall be cast into the eternal darknesses, there shall be crying and 23gnashing of teeth. Then Jesus spoke to the officer: Go and according to thy 24faith be it done to thee. And in that same hour his servant recovered. And 25when the officer came home he found his servant entirely healed. 26Ga naar margenoot+One day Jesus sat and taught in a synagogue. There was a man that 27was possessed of the evil spirit. When he heard Jesus speak, he cried with a 28loud voice and spoke thus: What have we in common with thee, Jesus of 29Nazareth? Thou comest to expel us. I know well that thou art the saint 30of God. Then Jesus rebuked him and said: Be silent and go out of the body. 31Then the evil-spirit threw down the man and went out. When they that 32were there saw that, they became frightened. And they began to speak 33among themselves and to say: What can this mean that he thus with power 34commands the evil spirits to go out? | |
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1Matheus Marcus Lucas Dar na so quam Ihesus in Peters hus endeGa naar margenoot+ 2aldar so uant hi Peters sueger liggende sik uan den rede. Ende die daer 3waren, si baden hem ouer hare. Doe nam se Ihesus metter hant ende 4rechtese op, ende si genas ende stont op, ende dinde Ihesu ende sinen 5ijongren. 6Lucas jn din dagen so quam Ihesus in ene stat, die heet Naim, endeGa naar margenoot+ 7met hem so quamen sine ijongren ende ene grote schare uan volke. Ende 8alse hi quam bi der porten van der stat, so droch men ut enen doeden, 9dat hadde ghewest en enech sone ere weduen van der stat, ende met hare 10so quam oc en groot volc van der stat. Ende alse Ihesus die moeder sach, 11so ontfarmde hem hars, ende sprac hare ane ende seide: En weene nemmeer. 12Doe ghinc hi toter baren ende ghereen die met sire hant. Doe bleuen stille 13staende die se droegen. Ende Ihesus sprac aldus: Ijongelinc, ic segge di: 14stant op. Doe rechte hem op die doet hadde gewest, ende sat al rechte ende 15began te sprekene. Ende also leuerdene Ihesus weder leuende sire moeder. 16Ende alse deghene die daer waren, die grote mirakle sagen, so worden 17si veruert ende verssagt, ende si loueden alle Gode, want Got heft sijn 18volt geuisiteert. Dese nimerde lip dor alt lant van ludeen ende in alle 19die geburten ende die lande dar omtrent. 20Matheus Marcus Lucas Des auonds dar na so brachtemen ene groteGa naar margenoot+ 21menege van lieden uor hem, die beseten waren van den euelen gheesten 22ende die mengerhande ander ongemac hadden. Ende die ghansde hi alle 23ende de quade gheeste verijagde hi met enen wardeGa naar margenoot*. Ende vele quader 24gheeste die ut uoeren, riepen ende seiden dat hi Godes sone ware, ende hi 25scoutse ende verboet hen dat si nin seiden dat hi Christus ware. Ende also 26wart veruult de prophecie die wilen profeterde Ysaias, die seide aldus: 27Hi es die onse qualen ons (20r) of sal nemen ende van onsen sikheiden 28ons sal verledegen. 29Matheus Ende alse Jhesus sach die grote menege die hem volgde, soGa naar margenoot+ 30hit hi sinen ijongren dat si voeren ouer dat water dat daer lip. Aldaer so 31quam te hem een der mestre uan der wet ende seide aldus: Mester, ic sal 32di volgen warwert dat te henen ghees. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem: De 33vosse si hebben hole, ende de voghele hebben neste dar si in schulen, mar 34Ga naar margenoot+ des menschen sone en heft nit daer hi sijn hoeft op resten mach - Dese 35wart sijn also teuerstane: mine oedmudecheit <en> vindt in dine houerdege 36herte enghene stat dar si rastelec in bliuen mach - 37Lucas Doe sprac Ihesus tenen andren ende seide: Volgh mi. Ende de-Ga naar margenoot+ | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+After that Jesus came into Peter's house; and there he found Peter's 2mother-in-law lying sick of the fever, and they that were there besought 3him on her behalf. Then Jesus took her by the hand and raised her up, 4and she recovered and arose, and served Jesus and his disciples. 5Ga naar margenoot+In those days Jesus came into a city that was called Naim; and with him 6came his disciples and a great multitude of people. And when he came by 7the gate of the city they carried out a dead [man], who had been an only 8son of a widow of the city. And with her came also a great multitude from 9the city. And when Jesus saw the mother he had compassion on her, and 10spoke to her and said: Weep no more. Then he went to the bier and touched 11it with his hand. Then they that carried it stood still. And Jesus spoke thus 12Young man, I say unto thee, arise. Then he that had been dead raised 13himself up and sat upright, and began to speak. And thus Jesus delivered 14him alive again to his mother. And when they that were there saw the great 15miracle, they became frightened and aghast and they all praised God, for 16God has visited his people. This rumour ran through all the land of Judaea, 17and in all the districts and the regions thereabout. 18Ga naar margenoot+The evening after that they brought a large multitude of people before 19him, who were possessed of the evil spirits, and who had various other 20diseases. And he healed them all, and he expelled the evil spirits with one 21word. And many of the evil spirits that went out cried and said that he was 22God's son; and he rebuked them and forbade them to say that he was 23Christ. And thus was fulfilled the prophecy which Isaiah prophesied of 24yore, who said thus: He is (the one) who shall take our diseases from us, 25and shall release us from our sicknesses. 26Ga naar margenoot+And when Jesus saw the large multitude that followed him, he commanded 27his disciples that they should cross over the water which ran there. There 28one of the masters of the law came to him and said thus: Master, I will 29follow thee wheresoever thou goest. And Jesus answered him: The foxes 30have holes and the birds have nests in which they shelter; but the Son of 31man has not whereon he may rest his head - These words are to be under-32stood thus: My humility finds no place in thine overbearing heart where 33it may restfully remain - 34Ga naar margenoot+Then Jesus spoke to another and said: Follow me. And he | |
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1ghene antwerdde hem: Here, laet mi tirst gaen grauen minen vader die doet 2es. Ende Ihesus antwerdde ende seide: Volgh mi du, ende laet de dode 3grauen here doede; mar du, ganc ende predeke dat rike Gods. Doe quam 4en ander ende seide: Here, ic sal di uolghen, mar gedoegh dat is tirst thus 5moge gaen ende spreken mine vrint. Ende den ghenen antwerdde Ihesus: 6So wie sine hant sleet an de ploech ende dan achterwert siet, die en es nit 7wert hemelrijks. 8Matheus Marcus Lucas Alse Ihesus in dat schep was met sinen ijongren,Ga naar margenoot+ 9so hif en migel storm in de zee, so dat dat schep wart van den vlagen sere 10bestoten ende bedrukt. Al die wile So lath Ihesus in dat echterste inde 11van den schepe ende Slip. Doe quamen die in dat schep waren, tote hem 12ende wekdenne ende ripen op hem ende seiden: Here, behout ons onse leuen, 13wi verdrinken! Ende Ihesus antwerdde: Wis onssiedi v, liede van cleinen 14gheloeue? Doe stont hi op ende geboet den winden ende den watre dat si 15nemmeer en stormden. Ende also schire alse dat geboden was, So was die 16storm al uergaen ende dat water wart gestillt. Alse dat sagen die daer 17waren, so worden si beuaen met groten wondre ende spraken onderlinge al-18dus: Wie mach dese grote here sijn, die gebidt den winden ende den watre, 19ende si sijn hem onderdaen? 20Matheus Marcus Johannes Ende alse Ihesus was (20v) comen ouer datGa naar margenoot+ 21water in en lanschap, dat was ghenamt van Gerasenen, dat legt ouer iegen 22dat lant van Galileen, so quamen twee menschenGa naar margenoot* iegen hem die beseten 23waren van tueen quamen gheesten, die wreet waxen ende vreeslec vter-24maten. Dese plagen te schuelne.in den grauen van doden lieden, want 25nimen en dorst Se ontfaen in sijn hus noch nimen en dorste hen gheneken. 26Lucas Marcus Mar die een van den tueen hi hadde lange beseten ghe-27west, ende dese en droch en ghene cleder ane noch nimenGa naar margenoot* en constene 28gebinden met ketenen, want dikke hadde hi met uetren ende met ketenen 29gebonden gewest ende altoes hadde hise te broken, noch nimen en constene 30ghetemmen met eneger lijst, ende dar omme was sine woninge in den 31grauen ende in den berghen. Al daer so lip hi roepende ende hem seluen 32slaende ende schorende met stenen. Dese, alse si sagen Ihesum van verren 33comen, So lipen si iegen hem ende ripen met groter stemmen aldus: Wats ons 34metti ghemeine, Ihesu, des almechtegs Gods sone? Du best comen ons 35quellen vor onsen tijt! Ende Ihesus antwerdde den ghenen die dar sprac, 36aldus Var ut, onreine ghest. Seghe, wat namen hefs du? Ende deghene ant-37werdde: Legio, wantGa naar margenoot* onser es vele - Dit legio ludt also vele alse en getal dat | |
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1answered him: Lord, let me first go bury my father, who is dead. And Jesus 2answered and said: Follow thou me, and let the dead bury their dead; but 3go thou and preach the kingdom of God. Then another came and said 4Lord, I will follow thee. But let me first go home and speak to my friends 5And Jesus answered him: Whosoever puts his hand to the plough and then 6looks back, is not worthy of the kingdom of heaven. 7Ga naar margenoot+When Jesus was in the ship with his disciples, a great tempest arose in 8the sea, so that the ship was much battered and pressed by the gusts. All 9the while Jesus lay in the rear end of the ship and slept. Then they that 10were in the ship came to him and awoke him, and called to him and said: 11Lord, save us our lives, we are drowning. And Jesus answered: Of what are 12ye afraid, ye men of little faith? Then he arose and commanded the winds 13and the water not to storm any more. And as soon as that had been com-14manded, the tempest was all gone, and the water was calmed. When they 15that were there saw that, they were seized with great amazement, and spoke 16among themselves thus: Who may this great lord be that commands the 17winds and the water, and they are subject to him? 18Ga naar margenoot+And when Jesus was come across the water in a country that was called 19[the land] of [the] Gerasenes, which lies opposite the land of Galilee, twoGa naar voetnoota) 20men met him who were possessed of two evil spirits, which were cruel and 21exceedingly terrible. These used to hide in the tombs of dead people; for 22no one dared receive them in his house, nor dared any one approach them. 23But one of the two had been possessed for a long time, and he wore no 24clothes, nor could any one bind him with chains; for often he had been 25bound with fetters and with chains and he had always broken them asunder. 26Nor could any one tame him with any ruse, and therefore his dwelling was 27in the tombs and in the mountains. There he ran crying and beating himself 28and gashing himself with stones. When these [two] saw Jesus coming from 29afar they ran towards him and cried with a loud voice thus: What have 30we in common with thee, Jesus, son of the Almighty God? Thou art come 31to torment us before our time. And Jesus answered him that spoke there 32thus: Go out, unclean spirit. Say, what name hast thou? And he answered: 33Legion, for of us [there] are many - This legion means the same as a 34number that | |
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1heft ses dusentech ses hondert sesse ende sestech, ende dar omme seidense: 2Onser es vele - Doe badense Ihesum datGa naar margenoot* hise nin verijagde uten lande ende 3datGa naar margenoot* hi hen nin gebode dat si voeren ter hellen wert. Al daer bi so stont 4en kudde suijn ende weidde. Doe baden hem die quade gheeste ende seiden: 5<Werps> du ons ut, so ghef ons orlof teuarne in die swijn. Ende Ihesus ant-6werdde: Hebbes orlof. Doe voeren die euele gheeste vten menschen ende 7voeren in die swijn, ende ijagden die swijn in die zee met groten gerusche 8ende verdrenkdender in dat water toterGa naar margenoot* summen van tueen dusentegen. 9Ende alse dat sagen die die swijn hudden, so vlowen si ter stat (21r) went ende 10makden dat kundech in die stat ende ouer al daer omtrent. Doe lipen ut 11alle die van der stat iegen Ihesum, ende alse sine sagen ende die menschen 12bi hem, die beseten hadden ghewest, al gesont, so worden si verssagt ende 13baden hem dat hi ghinge ut harre geburten. Ende Ihesus dede also. EndeGa naar margenoot* 14alse hi weder gescheept was, so bat hem die mensche die van allen din 15quaden gheesten beseten hadde gewest, dat hi met hem mochte uaren. 16Ende Ihesus <en wouds> nit ontfaen, mar hi antwerdde hem: Ghanc in 17dijn hus, ende telle dinen vrinden dat goet dat di Got heft gedaen, want 18hem dijns heft ontfarmt. Ende deghene dede also ende ginc in dat <lan-19schap>, dat heett Decapolis, ende gaf allen din volke te verstane wat goede 20Ihesus hem hadde gedaen. Ende alle die dat horden, worden met groten 21wondre beuaen. 22Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Alse Ihesus ouer dat water geuarenGa naar margenoot+ 23was, so quam hi in die stat dar hi wonechtegh wasGa naar margenoot*. Aldaer quamen si 24vire ende brachten gedregen op 25en dragebedde enen mensche, 26die alle sine lede verloren hadde 27van den fledercine. Ende alse 28deghene toten hus quamen dar 29Ihesus in was, so ne consten si 30din siken nit in dat hus gebrengen om dat bedranc van din volke dat omtrent 31dat hus was. Doe clommen si bouen op dat hus, ende doe dat dac van 32den hus so liten sine neder metten dragebedde vor Ihesum daer hi sat. 33Ende alse Ihesus anesach hare gheloue, so sprac hi totin siken ende seide: 34Mensche, getroste di, dine sunden sijn di vergheuen. Doe begonsten te 35pensene die scriben ende die Phariseuse ende aldus te seggene in hen seluen: 36Wie es dese die sprekt blasphemien? Wie mach die sunden vergheuen 37sonder allene Got? Ende alse Ihesus ane sach hare quade peinsingen, so | |
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1has six thousand six hundred six and sixty, and therefore they said: Of us 2[there] are many - Then they begged Jesus that he should not expel 3them from the country, and that he should not command them to go to 4hell. Close by a herd of swine stood and grazed. Then the evil spirits besought 5him and said: If thou cast us out, give us leave to enter into the swine. 6And Jesus answered: Ye have leave. Then the evil spirits went out of the 7men and went into the swine, and chased the swine into the sea with a 8great noise and drowned of them in the water to the number of two thousand. 9And when they that guarded the swine saw that, they fled to the city and 10made it known in the city and everywhere there about. Then all those of the 11city ran out to meet Jesus; and when they saw him, and with him the men 12that had been possessed all sound, they became afraid, and prayed him 13that he might go out of their neighbourhood. And Jesus did so. And when 14he was embarked again, the man that had been possessed of all those evil 15spirits prayed him that he might go with him. And Jesus would not receive 16him, but he answered him: Go into thy house, and tell thy friends the good 17that God has done thee, for he has had compassion on thee. And he did so, 18and went into the district that is called Decapolis, and told to all the people 19what good Jesus had done to him. And all who heard it were seized with 20great wonder. 21Ga naar margenoot+When Jesus had crossed the water, he came into the city where he livedGa naar voetnoota). 22There four [men] came carrying on a stretcher a man that had lost all 23his limbs through the gout. And when they came to the house, where Jesus 24was, they could not bring the sick man into the house, because of the throng 25of people that was around the house. Then they climbed on to the top of 26the house, and through the roof of the house they let him down with the 27stretcher in front of Jesus where he sat. And when Jesus saw their faith, he 28spoke to the sick man and said: Man, be comforted, thy sins are forgiven 29thee. Then the scribes and the Pharisees began to ponder, and to say within 30themselves thus: Who is this that speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive 31the sins but God alone? And when Jesus saw their evil ponderings, | |
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1antwerdde hi daer op ende sprac aldus: Waromme laetti die quade pin-2singen comen in vwe herten? Welc es lichter te seggene: dine sunden sijn 3di vergheuen, ochte: stant op ende wandele? Om v dan kundech te makene 4dat des (21v) menschen sone heft maght de sunden te vergheuene, so salic 5hem seggen: stant op ende wandele. Doe sprac Ihesus din siken toe ende 6seide aldus: Jc segge di: stant op ende nem dijn bedde, ende ghanc thus 7wert. Doe stont deghene op altehant, toesiende allen den ghenen die daer 8waren, ende nam sijn bedde op sinen hals, ende ghinc thus wert louende 9Gode ende dankende. Ende alle de ghene die dat sagen ende hoerden, 10worden verssagt ende veruert, ende si loueden alle Gode die soegedane 11macht den menschen verleent, ende spraken oppenbare dat si groet wonder 12hadden ghesin. 13Johannes Op enen dach so quam Ihesus in Chana Galilee, daer hi vanGa naar margenoot+ 14watre wijn hadde gemakt. Aldar so quam te hem <en> vorsteGa naar margenoot* dis sone 15sik lach in Capharnaum. Dese quam te hem ende bat hem dat hi quame 16ende ghansde sinen sone. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem: Hen si dat gi die 17miraklen siet metten ogen, so ne ghelouedi nit. Ende die vorste bat noch 18ende seide: Here, com, eer mijn kint verscheedt. Ende Ihesus antwerdde 19hem: Ganc, dijn kint es genesen. De ghene ghelouede den warden die 20Ihesus hadde ghesproken, ende haestte hem thus wert. Ende alse hi bi hus 21quam, so quamen sine knechte iegen hem ende seiden hem dat sijn sone 22ghenesen ware. Doe wragde die here na die vre dar sijn sone in ghenas, 23ende si antwerdden: Ghistren in der seuender vren van den daghe so 24begauen die rede. Doe bekende die vader dat dat die selue vre was, in 25welker dat Ihesus hadde gesegt: Ghanc, dijn kint es genesen. Ende altehant 26so wart hi geloeuech ende alle deghene die behoerden te sire maisniden, met 27hem. 28Lucas Jn din tide dat Matheus de tolnere, die oc hit Leui, JhesussGa naar margenoot+ 29ijongre worden was, so ghaf hem Leui ene grote maeltijt in sijn hus. Matheus 30Marcus Ende alse Ihesus in dat hus comen was, so waren ghinder vele 31ghemeinder liede ende sonderen verghedert die dis dags daer aten met 32Ihesum ende met sinen ijongren, ende ocGa naar margenoot* was (22r) vele dergherre die met 33Ihesum daer quamen. Ende alse de scriben - datGa naar margenoot* waren de mestre van 34der wet - ende de Phariseuse dat sagen dat hi met gemeinen lieden ende 35met sunderen at ende dranc, so spraken si tote sinen ijongren: Waromme ett 36ende drinkt v mester met gemeinen lieden ende met sunderen? Alse Ihesus 37dat hoerde, so antwerdde hi hen al dus: Die ghesont sijnt, en behoeuen des | |
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1he answered thereto and spoke thus: Why let ye those evil ponderings come 2into your hearts? Which is easier, to say: Thy sins are forgiven thee, or: 3Arise and walk? In order, then, to make it known to you that the Son of 4man has power to forgive (the) sins, I shall say to him: Arise and walk. 5Then Jesus spoke unto the sick man and said thus: I say unto thee, Arise, 6and take thy bed, and go home. Then that man arose immediately, [while] 7all those that were there [were] looking on, and took his bed upon his neck, 8and went home praising and thanking God. And all those that saw and 9heard it became frightened, and afeared; and they all praised God who 10grants such power to men, and said openly that they had seen great wonder. 11Ga naar margenoot+One day Jesus came into Chana [of] Galilee, where he had made wine 12of water. There a princeGa naar voetnoota) came to him, whose son lay sick in Capharnaum. 13This [man] came to him and besought him that he would come and heal 14his son. And Jesus answered him: Unless ye see the miracles with the eyes, 15ye do not believe. And the prince besought [him] still and said: Lord, 16come ere my child die. And Jesus answered him: Go, thy child is cured. 17He believed the words that Jesus had spoken and hastened homeward. And 18when he came near [his] home, his servants came towards him and told him 19that his son was cured. Then the lord asked for the hour in which his son 20recovered; and they answered: Yesterday at the seventh hour of the day 21the fever left him. Then the father knew that it was the same hour in which 22Jesus had said: Go, thy child is cured. And immediately he became a 23believer and all those that belonged to his household with him. 24Ga naar margenoot+ At the time that Matthew the publican who was also called Levi became 25Jesus' disciple, Levi gave him a great banquet in his house. And when Jesus 26was come into the house, many common people and sinners were gathered 27who that day ate there with Jesus and with his disciples and there were 28also many of those that came there with Jesus. And when the scribes - 29these were the masters of the law - and the Pharisees saw that he ate and 30drank with common people and with sinners, they said to his disciples 31Why does your master eat and drink with common people and with sinners? 32When Jesus heard that, he answered them thus; They that are well have 33no need of | |
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1phisicins nit, mar die sik sijn. Ghaet dan, ende leert wat dat bedidt dat die 2scrifture segt, die sprekt aldus: Matheus Marcus Lucas Jc hebbe lieuer 3ontfarmechheit dan offrande. In ben nit comen om degherechte te ganssene, 4mar om de sunderen van haren sunden te verledegene. 5Doe spraken hem deghene noch ane ende vragden hem: WarommeGa naar margenoot+ 6vasten IJan Baptists ijongren ende beden vele, ende der Phariseuse, ende 7dine ijongren eten ende drinken, ende en vasten nit? Ende Ihesus antwerdde 8hen: Hoe souden des brudegoems kinder hare vastinghe mogen gehouden 9euen lanc dat die brudegoem met hen es? Mar de tijt sal comen dat si dis 10brudegoems gemessen selen, ende dan selen si vasten in din daden. Doe 11sprac noch voert Ihesus ende prufde sine redene met ere ghelikenessen 12ende seide aldus: Nimen en sal bestaen tenaijene niwe scroeden in ene oude 13schore; ende dade imen dat, so soude dat niwe scoren van den ouden 14ende die schore soude merre sijn dan si teuoren was. Ende nimen en sal 15ghiten niwen wijn in oude uate; ende dade imen dat, die niwe wijn soude 16don bersten die oude uate ende die wijn soude storten. Mar niwen wijn 17Ga naar margenoot+ moet men don in niwe uate, so bliuen behouden beide uate ende wijn - Dits 18also te uerstane dat men de rude menschen ende die veroudert sijn in den 19sunden, nit alte sere en sal verladen met geboden van niwer leringen tote 20an din tide dat si verniut werden metter gracien des Heilegs Gheests, ende 21dats wale bedidt in den warde (22v) dat dar na volgt, dat sprekt aldus: - 22NimenGa naar margenoot* die ouds wijns gewone es, <en> laett gerne saen den ouden om 23den niwen, want hem doude beter dunkt - Die oude wijn dats oude 24gewonte die men nit gerne en can hastelec gelaten om de niwe - 25Matheus Lucas Alse Ihesus dit hadde gesproken, so antwerdden dieGa naar margenoot+ 26scriben ende die Phariseuse ende seiden aldus: Mester, wi willen en mira-27kellec teken sien van di. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus:Ga naar margenoot* De 28quadé mensche ende dongelo-29uege sukt tekene, ende hem en 30sal gheen teken ghegheuen 31werden dan dat teken Ione 32des propheten. Want also alse 33Ionas lack in den buke eens 34veschs verslonden drie dage ende drie nachte, also ghelike sal des menschen 35sone liggen in der erden drie dage ende drie nachte. Die Niniuitten selen 36op staen in den dage des ordeels iegen de generacie die nu es, ende selense 37verordeelen, want si penitentie daden, doe hen Ionas predekde, ende hir | |
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1the physician, but they that are sick. Go then and learn what that means 2which the Scripture says that speaks thus: I rather have mercy than offering. 3I am not come to heal the righteous, but to release the sinners of their sins. 4Ga naar margenoot+ Then they spoke to him again and asked him: Why do John the Baptist's 5disciples fast and pray much, and [also] those of the Pharisees, and thy 6disciples eat and drink and do not fast? And Jesus answered them: How 7should the children of the bridegroom be able to hold their fast as long as 8the bridegroom is with them? But the time shall come when they shall miss 9the bridegroom, and then they shall fast in those days. Then Jesus spoke 10still further and proved his talk with a similitude and said thus: No one 11shall undertake to sew new patches on to an old rent, and if any one did 12that, the new [piece] would be torn off the old one, and the rent would 13be bigger than it was before. And no one shall pour new wine into old vessels, 14and if any one did that, the new wine would burst the old vessels and the 15wine would be spilled. But one must put new wine into new vessels, and 16both vessels and wine will be preserved - This must be understood to 17mean, that the uncivilized and they that have grown old in sins, should 18not be burdened too much with commandments of new teaching until the 19time when they are renewed by the grace of the Holy Ghost. And that is 20made quite clear in the word that follows thereafter [and] which speaks 21thus: No one who is used to old wine will soon leave with pleasure the old 22for the new; for the old [wine] seems better to him- The old wine means the 23old habit that one can not gladly and quickly leave off for the new one - 24Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had said this, the scribes and Pharisees answered and said 25thus: Master, we want to see a miraculous token from thee. And Jesus 26answered them again thusGa naar voetnoota): The wicked man and the unbelieving seeks 27tokens; and to him no token shall be given but the token of Jonah the prophet. 28For even as Jonah lay swallowed in the belly of a fish three days and three 29nights, even so shall the Son of man lie in the earth three days and three 30nights. The Ninivites shall arise on the day of judgment against the genera-31tion which is now, and shall condemn it; for they did penitence when Jonah 32preached to them, and here | |
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1es dat merre es dan Ionas. De koninghinne van Saba sal op staen in den 2dage des ordeels iegen dese generacie ende salse verordeelen, want si quam 3uan den inde van ertrike horen dewijsheit Salamoens, ende hir es dat 4meerre es dan Salamon was. Doe sprac Ihesus noch vort ende seide aldus: 5AlseGa naar margenoot* die quade gheest vert ut enen mensche, so wandelt hi in droegen 6staden ende die sonder water sijn. Al dar sukt hi sine raste, mar hine vindter 7dar nit. Dan so seght hi iegen hem seluen: Jc sal weder kiren te mire her-8bergen daer ic vt voer. Dan so vert hi weder ende vint dat hus gekert met 9enen besseme. Ende dan so nemt [hi] met hem seuen andre gheeste die 10quader sijn dan hi selue es, ende vert met hen weder in dat vat daer hi ut 11geuaren was, ende daer blijft hi wonende met hen, ende dan so es dis 12menschen inde arger dan sijn begin was. Also saelt sijn met terre quader 13generacien die in u es. Lucas Alse Ihesus dese wart gesproken hadde, soGa naar margenoot+ 14hif op hare stemme en wijf die daer stont (23r) onder dat volc, ende sprac 15aldus: Salech es die lichame die di droech, ende salech sijn die borste die 16du sogs. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hare aldus: Ende oc sijn salech die horen 17dat Gods wart ende dat behouden ende dar na werken. 18Matheus Marcus Lucas Jn dire wilen dat Ihesus aldus sprac den volkeGa naar margenoot+ 19toe, so stonden sijn moeder ende sine brudereGa naar margenoot* buten ende begherden te 20sprekene iegen hem. Doe seide een mensche van din volke tote hem: Dijn 21moeder ende dine brudere staen ghinder buten ende begheren te sprekene 22iegen di. Ende Ihesus antwerdde den ghenen aldus: Wie es mijn moeder ende 23wie sijn mine brudre? So wie dat mijns vader wille doet die in den hemele 24es, dats min bruder ende mijn suster ende mijn moeder. 25Matheus Marcus Lucas Al die wile dat Ihesus aldus den volke toeGa naar margenoot+ 26sprac, so quam en prinche van der synagogen, die Jairus was genamt, tote 27hem ende anebeddene ende seide aldus: Here, mine dochter legt nu opt 28henen kiren; mar com ende lege dine hant op hare, so salse weder leuende 29werden. Doe stont op Ihesus ende ginc mettin man, ende sine ijongren 30volgden hem. Aldaer hi ghinc, so quam en wiif die tuelef ijar sik hadde 31gewest van den bloed euele, so dat dat bloet vloide van hare algedads. 32Dese hadde al hare goet ghegheuen den mestren van ersetrien, mar so si 33meer gaf, so si wers hadde. Dese quam achter hem ende ghereen de vesen 34van sinen clede, want si seide aldus ieghen hare seluen: Mochtic gherinen de uese 35uan sinen cleede, so waric genesen. Ende also saen alse si die vesen hadde 36gherenen, so was si al genesen van din ongemake. Doe kirde hem Ihesus | |
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1is that which is greater than Jonah. The queen of Sheba shall arise on the 2day of judgment against this generation, and shall condemn it, for she came 3from the end of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and here is that 4which is greater than Solomon was. Then Jesus spoke still further and said 5thus: When the evil spirit goes out of a man, he walks in dry places and [in] 6such as are without water; there he seeks his rest, but he finds none there. 7Then he says to himself: I will return to my lodging from which I came out. 8Then he goes back and finds the house swept with a besom, and then he 9takes with him seven other spirits which are more wicked than himself, and 10enters with them into that vessel again from which he had gone out. And 11there he remains with them; and then that man's end is worse than was his 12beginning. Even so shall it be with this wicked generation which is now. 13Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had spoken these words, a woman who was standing there raised 14her voice among the people and spoke thus: Blessed is the womb that bore 15thee, and blessed are the breasts that thou suckedst. And Jesus answered her 16thus: And also blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it and work accordingly. 17Ga naar margenoot+ While Jesus was thus speaking to the people, his mother and his brothersGa naar voetnoota) 18were standing outside and desired to speak to him. Then a man of the 19people said to him: Thy mother and thy brothers are standing yonder 20outside and desire to speak to thee. And Jesus answered him thus: Who is 21my mother and who are my brothers? Whosoever does the will of my 22Father who is in heaven, is my brother and my sister and my mother. 23Ga naar margenoot+ While Jesus was thus speaking to the people, a ruler of the synagogue 24who was called Jairus, came to him and worshipped him and said thus: 25Lord, my daughter is now on [the point of] passing away; but come and 26lay thy hand upon her, and she will become alive again. Then Jesus rose 27and went with the man, and his disciples followed him. As he went, there 28came a woman who had been sick for twelve years of the blood disease, so 29that the blood flowed from her continually. She had given all her good to 30the masters of medicine, but the more she gave, the worse she felt. She came 31after him and touched the hem of his garment for she said to herself thus: 32If I could touch the hem of his garment, I should be cured. And as soon 33as she had touched the hem, she was entirely cured of the disease. Then 34Jesus turned | |
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1omme tin volke wert dat hem volgde, ende sprac aldus: Wie was die mi 2ghereen? Doe sprac Peter ende die met hem waren: Mester, de scharen van 3den volke stoten di ende verdringen di, ende du vrags wie di ghereen? 4Ende Ihesus antwerdde: Mi heft imen gherenen, want is gheuule dat cracht 5van mirakelleken werke ut mi es comen. DoeGa naar margenoot* sach hi na dat wijf die dat 6hadde gedaen. AlseGa naar margenoot* (23v) dat wijf sach dat dat werc nit verholen bliuen 7en mochte, so quam si voert al veruert ende al beuende ende vil hem te 8voeten ende seide oppenbare vor al dat volc om wat saken dat si ne hadde 9gherenen, ende dat si al ghenesen was op die wile dat sine ghereen. Doe 10sprac Ihesus aldus totin wiue: Dochter, dijn gheloeue heft di gheholpen; 11ganc in vreden ende wes gesontGa naar margenoot* ende verledegt van dire plagen. Al die 12wile dat Ihesus stont ende sprac din wiue toe, so quam een ten prinche 13van der synagogen ende seide: Dijn dochter es verscheeden, du en darfs 14den meester nit vorder muden. Alse Ihesus dat hoerde, so sprac hi totin prin-15che ende seide al dus: En onssigh di nit, gheloef allene, ende si sal weder 16ghenesen. DoeGa naar margenoot* en lit hem Ihesus nimene volgen sonder Petre ende IJanne 17ende IJacope IJans bruderGa naar margenoot* ende den vader ende de moeder des kinds. 18EndeGa naar margenoot* alse hi quam in dis princhen hus, so vant hi daer volc versament, 19dat weende ende dat schreide ende sere mesberde. Den ghenen sprac Ihesus 20toe aldus: WarommeGa naar margenoot* weendi ende meslaett v? GaetGa naar margenoot** <en> wege; de 21<ijonfrowe> en es nit doet, mar si slaeptGa naar margenoot*. Ende di dat hoerden, bespotten 22Ihesum, want si wale wisten dat si doet was. Doe dede Ihesus ut gaen alle 23die daer versament waren, ende ginc metten vader ende metter moeder daer 24die ijonfrowe lach, ende hi nam se metter hant ende sprac aldus: Thabita 25cumi, dat ludt also vele alse: <ijonfrouken>, ic segge di, stont op. DoeGa naar margenoot* quam 26har gheest weder in hare ende si stont op altehant ende began te wandelne. 27Dit ijonfrouken was en kint van tuelef ijaren. Doe dat sagen die daer waren, 28so wonderde hen utermaten sere, ende Ihesus geboet hen harde starklec 29dat si des nimene en gewoegen. Ende alse dat kint weder te hem seluen 30comen was, so gheboet Ihesus dat men hem gaue tetene. Van derre miraklen 31so doruloegh die nimerde al die geburte ende al dat lant. 32Matheus Lucas Doe Ihesus van danen ghinc, so volgden hem tueeGa naar margenoot+ 33menschen die blint waren. Dese ripen op hem ende seiden: Ontfarm (24r) 34onss, Ihesu, Dauids sone! Ende Ihesus vragde hen ende sprac aldus: Ghe-35loefdi dat ic v siende moge maken? Ende si antwerdden: IJa wi, Here. 36Doe ghereen Ihesus hare ogen ende sprac aldus: Also alse ghi gheloeft, 37motu gheschin. Doe worden hare ogen ontploken ende si worden siende. 38Ende desen so verboet oc Ihesus dat sijs nimene en seiden, mar deghene | |
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1round to the people that followed him and spoke thus: Who was it that 2touched me? Then Peter spoke and they that were with him: Master, the 3crowds of the people push thee and throng thee, and thou askest who touched 4thee? And Jesus answered: Some one has touched me, for I feel that [the] 5power of miraculous work has issued from me. Then he looked for the 6woman who had done that. When the woman saw that the thing could not 7remain concealed, she came forward all afraid and trembling and fell at 8his feet, and said openly before all the people for what cause she had touched 9him, and that she was cured the moment she touched him. Then Jesus said 10to the woman thus: Daughter, thy faith has helped thee, go in peace and 11be healthy and freed from thy pains. While Jesus stood and spoke to the 12woman, some one came to the ruler of the synagogue and said: Thy daughter 13has passed away, thou needst not trouble the master any further. When 14Jesus heard that, he spoke to the ruler and said thus: Fear not, believe only, 15and she shall recover again. Then Jesus let no one follow him except Peter 16and John and Jacob, John's brother, and the father and the mother of the 17child. And when he came into the ruler's house, he found there many 18people gathered, who wept and cried and made a great moan. Jesus spoke 19to them thus: Why do ye weep and wail? Go away, the girl is not dead 20but she sleepsGa naar voetnoota). And they that heard it mocked Jesus, for they well knew 21that she was dead. Then Jesus made all go out that were gathered there, 22and went with the father and with the mother where the girl lay, and he 23took her by the hand and spoke thus: Thabita cumi, that means the same 24as: Little girl, I tell thee, arise. Then her spirit returned into her, and she 25arose immediately and began to walk. This little girl was a child of twelve 26years. When they that were there saw that, they were greatly amazed 27beyond measure. And Jesus commanded them very strongly that they 28should not speak of it to any one. And when the child had come to herself 29again, Jesus commanded that they should give her to eat. The news of this 30miracle flew through all the neighbourhood and all the land. 31Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus went thence, two men that were blind followed him. These 32called to him and said: Have mercy upon us, Jesu, David's son. And Jesus 33asked them and spoke thus: Believe ye that I can make you see? And they 34answered: Yea, we [do], Lord. Then Jesus touched their eyes and spoke 35thus: Even as ye believe may it happen to you. Then their eyes were opened 36and they became seeing. And these also Jesus forbade to tell of it to anybody, 37but they | |
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1en litens daer omme nit, sine ghingen achter lande ende makden dat kun-2dech in al dat lant. 3Matheus Lucas Alse die blinde sienden waren werden, so quamenGa naar margenoot+ 4liede ende brachten gheleidt enen mensche die blintGa naar margenoot* was ende die stompGa naar margenoot** 5was ende die van den quaden gheest beseten was. Den ghenen gansde 6Ihesus altehant. Ende alse die quade gheest ut geworpen was, so sach die 7blint hadde geweest, ende sprac die stomp hadde ghewest. Ende alse dat 8volc dat sach, so wonderde hen allen ende si spraken aldus: Des ghelike 9en wart noit ghesien in Israhel. En es dit nit Ihesus, Dauids sone? Johannes 10Ende de selke seiden: Dits en gherecht prophete ende dandere seiden: Dit es 11Christus. Mar de selke wederseiden dat ende spraken aldus: Sal Christus 12comen van Galileen? En segt de scrifture nit dat Christus comen sal van 13Dauids geslechte ende uter stat van Bethleem, danen Dauid was? Ende 14aldus so was en tuist onder dat volc van hem. Matheus Marcus LucasGa naar margenoot+ 15Mar die Phariseuse ende de scribenGa naar margenoot* die dat hoerden, si seiden aldus: 16Jn Belsebucs name, die prinche es van den quaden gheesten, verijagt hie 17die euele gheeste. Alse Ihesus hare quade peinsingen vernam, so sprac hi 18aldus: Elc lantschap ende elc rike, dat in hem, seluen van een gescheeden 19es, dat sal gedestruert werden ende dat sal tegaen, ende deen hus sal dat 20ander terneder vallen. Ende ochte Satanas in hem seluen van een ghescheden 21es, hoe mach dan sijn rike bliuen staende? EnGa naar margenoot* mach nit bliuen, mar het 22moet tegaen. Eist dat ic in sinen name uerijage de quade gheeste ende ochtic 23in Belsebucs name vt ijage de quade gheste, in wat namen ijagense vt vwe 24kinderGa naar margenoot* (24v) Hir omme so seggic v dat si vwe rechtren selen sijn. Mar 25gheloefdi dat ic metten vingre GodsGa naar margenoot* verijage die quade gheste, so behort 26v toe dat rike Gods. AlseGa naar margenoot** en starc manGa naar margenoot* die ghewapent es, hudt sine 27plache, so hudt hi met vreden aldat hi heft. Mar comt een die starker esGa naar margenoot** 28ouer hem, deghene drijften onder ende nemt hem alle sine wapene daer hi 29hem op verlit, ende duingt hem af al dat hi heft, ende bekiret daer hi welt. 30Die met mi nin es, hijs iegen mi, ende die met mi nin ghedert, hi schedt.Ga naar margenoot+ 31Matheus Marcus Dar omme seggic v: <en> dragt des Heilegs Gheests 32were den quaden gheest nit ane, want sunde ende blasphemie mach ver-33gheuen werden, mar de blasphemie die men werkt iegen den Heilgen 34GheestGa naar margenoot*, en sal nit vergheuen werden. Ende die mesdoet iegen des menschen 35sone, het mag hem vergheuen werden. Mar die blasphemie segt iegen den 36Heilegen Gheest, hen sal hem nit vergheuen werden, noch in dese werelt, noch 37in dandre. Slangen kinde, hoe mochtti goet gheseggen, want ghi selke quaet | |
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1did not fail on that account to go all through the land and make it known 2all over the country. 3Ga naar margenoot+When the blind men had become seeing, people came and brought along 4a man who was blind and dumb and who was possessed of the evil spirit. 5Jesus healed him immediately. And when the evil spirit had been cast out, 6he who had been blind and dumb saw and spoke. And when the people 7saw that, they were all amazed, and they spoke thus: Such a thing was 8never seen in Israel. Is this not Jesus, David's son? And some said: This 9is a real prophet, and others said: This is Christ. But others gainsaid that 10and spoke thus: Shall Christ come from Galilee? Does not the Scripture 11say that Christ shall come from David's kin and out of the city of Bethlehem 12whence David was? And thus there was a quarrel about him among the 13Ga naar margenoot+ people. But the Pharisees and the scribes who heard it said thus: In the 14name of Belzebuc, who is a prince of the evil spirits, he casts out the evil 15spirits. When Jesus understood their evil thoughts, he spoke thus: Every 16region and every kingdom which is divided within itself shall be destroyed, 17and it shall perish; and one house shall throw down the other, and if Satan is 18divided within himself, how then can his kingdom remain standing? It can 19not endure, but it must perish. If I cast out the evil spirits in his name and 20if in Belzebuc's name I cast out the evil spirits, in what name do your 21childrenGa naar voetnoota) cast them out? Therefore I say unto you that they shall be your 22judges. But if ye believe that I cast out the evil spirits with the finger of 23GodGa naar voetnootb), the kingdom of God belongs to you. If a strong manGa naar voetnootc) who is armed 24guards his place, he guards with peace all that he has. But if one who is 25strongerGa naar voetnootd) comes upon him, that man subdues him and takes from him all 26his arms on which he relied, and extorts from him all that he has, and goes 27Ga naar margenoot+ whither he likes. He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathers 28not with me divides. Therefore I say unto you: Do not ascribe the work 29of the Holy Ghost to the evil spirit. For sin and blasphemy may be forgiven, 30but the blasphemy that one commits against the Holy Ghost, shall not be 31forgiven. And he that does amiss against the Son of man, it may be forgiven 32him; but he that speaks blasphemy against the Holy GhostGa naar voetnoote), it shall not be 33forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the other. Children of serpents, 34how could ye say [anything] good, for ye are evil | |
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1sijt? De mont sprekt na der volheit des herten. De goede mensche sprekt dat 2goet es, ende de quade sprekt dat quaet es. Mar ic seggv dat van allen den 3idelen warden die de mensche spreken, so selen si redene gheuen in den 4daghe des ordeels. Want ut dinen warden soutu gherecht ghepruft sijn, 5ende ut dinen warden soutu oc gheordeelt sijn. 6Lucas Mettesen warden so quam Ihesus gaende in enen casteel, endeGa naar margenoot+ 7en wijf, die Marte hit, ontfinkene in har hus. Dese hadde ene suster, die 8hit Maria, die ghinc sitten vor sine voete ende hoerde na die wart die hi 9sprac. Mar Martha ghinc onledech achter huse om die herberghe temelec 10to bereidene. Dese quam te Ihesum ende seide: Here, en achts dus nit dat 11mi mijn suster laett allene dinen? Seghe hare dat si mi helpe. Ende Ihesus 12antwerdde hare ende sprac aldus: Martha, Martha, du best besegh ende 13besorgs vele dings, mar een dinc es alre orborlekstGa naar margenoot*; Maria heft dat beste 14deel ghe(25r)kosen, dat hare nimen nemen en sal. 15Matheus Lucas Jn din tide so lath IJan Baptista gheuaen in den kerkereGa naar margenoot+ 16Herodess. Aldaer so horde hi spreken van den werken die Ihesus warchte. 17DoeGa naar margenoot* isch hi tuee sire ijongren te hem ende geboet hen dat si ghingen tote 18Ihesum ende vragden hem van sinen wegen aldus: Bestu deghene die te 19komene es, ochte hake wi ens anders? In dire vren dat die <ijongren> quamen 20daer Ihesus was, so was hi besegh met ganssene vele siker liede van sikheiden, 21van quetsingen, van euelen ghesten te verijagene ende van blinden siende 22temakene. Ende alse Ihesus die bodschap hadde gehoert, so sprac hi totin 23boden ende seide aldus: Ghaet ende vertrekt IJanne dat gi ghesien hebt ende 24gehoert: die blinde werden siende, de manke werden rechte gaende, de 25larzerse werden ghesuuert, de doeue werden hoerende, de doede werden 26leuende; die arm sijn van gheeste, si werden metter ewangelien gheleert 27ende van binnen verclert, ende salech es die in mi nin werdt geschandali-28zeert. Alse die boden weder gekirt waren, so begonste Ihesus te sprekene 29van IJanne Baptisten totin volke ende seide aldus: Wat ghingdi sien inder 30wustinen? En riet dat de wint ijagt warwert dat hi waijt? Mar wat gingdi 31sien? Enen die met behagelen cledren gecleedt was? Die met behaghelen 32cleedren gecleedt sijn, die sijn in der koninge houe. Mar wat ghingdi sien? 33Enen prophete? Ouer waer seggic v: ijaghi, ende meer dan enen prophete, 34want dit es deghene daer of gescreuen es: Jc sal senden minen ingel vor 35dijn anschinGa naar margenoot*, die dinen wech ghereiden sal vor di. Want ouer waerGa naar margenoot** seggicGa naar margenoot+ 36v dat onder der vrowen kinder van ertrike en stont noit op die meerre was | |
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1yourselves. The mouth speaks according to the fulness of the heart. The 2good man speaks that which is good, and the evil man speaks that which 3is bad. But I say unto you, that of all the idle words which men speak, they 4shall give account in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be 5proved just, and by thy words thou shalt also be judged. 6Ga naar margenoot+ With these words Jesus came into a town and a woman who was called 7Martha received him into her house. She had a sister who was called Mary, 8who sat down before his feet and listened to the words that he spoke. But 9Martha went busily about the house to prepare proper accommodation. 10She came to Jesus and said: Lord, dost thou not care that my sister lets me 11serve alone? Tell her that she [must] help me. And Jesus answered her and 12spoke thus: Martha, Martha, thou art busy and takest care of many things, 13but one thing is most needful of allGa naar voetnoota). Mary has chosen the better part, 14which no one shall take from her. 15Ga naar margenoot+ At that time John the Baptist was lying imprisoned in the dungeon of 16Herod. There he heard mention made of the works that Jesus wrought. 17Thereupon he summoned two of his disciples and commanded them to go 18to Jesus; and they asked him on his behalf as follows: Art thou he who is 19to come, or do we yearn for another? At the time the disciples came where 20Jesus was, he was busy with curing many sick people of sicknesses, of injuries, 21with dispelling evil spirits and with making the blind to see. And when 22Jesus had heard the message, he spoke to those messengers and said thus: 23Go and report to John that which you have seen and heard: the blind 24become seeing, the crippled become straight-going, the leprous become 25cleansed, the deaf become hearing, the dead become alive, those who are 26poor in spirit are instructed with the gospel and enlightened from within, 27and blessed is he who is not scandalized in me. When the messengers had 28gone back, Jesus began to speak of John the Baptist to the people and said 29thus: What did ye go to see in the wilderness? a reed which the wind chases 30whither it blows? But what did ye go to see? one who was clothed with 31pleasing clothes? those who are clothed with pleasing clothes are at the 32courts of the kings. But what did ye go to see? a prophet? forsooth, I tell 33you: Ye did, and more than a prophet; for this is the one of whom it is 34written: I shall send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare thy way 35Ga naar margenoot+ before thee. For verily I say unto you that among women's children of the 36earth there has arisen none who was greater than John the Baptist; yet he 37who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater | |
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1dan IJan Baptiste. Nochtan, die minst es in hemelrike, es meerre dan hi es. 2Dat ghemeine volc dat hoerde gherne sine leringe ende dat lofde Gode 3van sire leringen, ende dat (25v) wart gedoept van hem. Mar de Phariseuse 4ende de meestre van der wet si versmedden den raet ende den wille Gods 5ane hemGa naar margenoot*, want sine wouden nit gedoept sijn van hem. Oc seggic v dat 6van IJan Baptists tide tote nu hemelrike verkregteght es, ende die hem 7gewout don, si winnent. WantGa naar margenoot* alle de profeten ende de wet profeteerden 8tote IJan Baptists tide, ende wildijs ghelouen: hi es Helyas die tecomene 9es. Die oren heft te hoerneGa naar margenoot*, hi hoere ende versta. Mar wien magic geliken 10dese generacie die nu es? Si es ghelijc den kinderen die sitten op de markt, 11die spreken iegen hare gesellekene ende seggen aldus: Wi <hebben> v 12ghesongen, ende ghine hebt ons nit ghesprongen; wi hebben v gheweent, 13ende ghi ne hebt ons nit ghereert. Want IJan Baptista quam al vastende, 14sonder eten, sonder drinken, ende si seiden: hi heft den quaden gheest in 15hem. Des menschen sone comt etende ende drinkende, ende si seggen: het 16es en verslendere ende en wijn drenkere ende vrint der pubplicane ende 17der sunderen. Mar wat si van mi seggen, die gherechtheit blijft dat si es, 18ende de wijsheitGa naar margenoot* es ghereght ghepruft van den kinderenGa naar margenoot** der gheregh-19tegheit. DoeGa naar margenoot* begonste hi te uerwitene den steden dar hi vele sire mirakelle-20ker werke in hadde ghetogt, dat si engheene penitentie en hadden ghedaen, 21ende sprac aldus: So wee di Corozaym, so wee di Bethsaida, want hadden 22te SursGa naar margenoot* ende te SaijetteGa naar margenoot** die werke ghewarchtt gewest, die in v ghewargt 23sijn, si hadden ouer lanc in haeren ende in aschen penitentie ghedaen van 24haren sunden. Dar omme seggic v dat den volke van Surs ende van Saijetten 25sachter sal sijn in den daghe des ordeels dan den volke dat in v es. <Ende> 26duGa naar margenoot* Capharnaum, du waens climmen toten hemele, mar du sout genedert 27werden toter hellen, want waren in Sodoma die werke ghewarchtt die in 28di ghewarcht sijn, si hadde maschin tote noch ghestaen. 29Marcus Lucas (26r) Doe quamen die apostlen die hi gesendt hadde teGa naar margenoot+ 30predekene, ende vertrokken hem die gheuarnesse van haren predekene 31ende van haren werken. Marcus Ende Ihesus sprac hen weder toe aldus: 32Comt ende laett ons gaen in der wustinen uten uolke; dar sel di v rosten, 33want gi vermudt sijt. Doe leidde hise ut ter wustinen wert, want des volks 34dat quam ende ghinc, was so vele dat si spacie nin hadden te etene noch 35it hars selues te plegene. Lucas Dar naGa naar margenoot* so koes Ihesus uten ghenen die hem 36volgden, andre tuee ende seuenthech ende sendese vor hem tue ende tuee 37tesamen in allen den staden daer hi toe te comen was, ende seide hen | |
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1than he is. The common people heard this teaching gladly, and praised 2God for his teaching; and they were baptized by him. But the Pharisees 3and the masters of the law despised the counsel and the will of God in him, 4for they would not be baptized by him. I also say unto you that from John 5the Baptist's time until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, 6and those who do it violence win it. For all the prophets and the law pro-7phesied until John the Baptist's time. And if ye will believe it, he is Elijah 8who is to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear and understand. 9But to what may I compare this generation which is now? It is like the 10children that sit in the market place; that speak to their companions and 11say thus: We have sung to you, and ye have not danced to us; we have 12wept to you, and ye have not mourned for us. For John the Baptist came 13fasting, without eating, without drinking, and they said: He has the evil 14spirit in him. The Son of man comes eating and drinking and they say he 15is a glutton and a winebibber, and a friend of the publicans and of the 16sinners. But whatever they say of me, righteousness remains what it is, and 17wisdomGa naar voetnoota) has been proved righteous by the childrenGa naar voetnootb) of righteousness. The-18reupon he began to upbraid the cities where he had shown many of his mira-19culous works, because they had not done any penitence, and spoke thus: 20Woe unto thee, Corozaym, woe unto thee, Bethsaida; for if at Surs and at 21Sayette those works had been wrought that were wrought in you, they had 22long since done penitence for their sins in haircloth and in ashes. Therefore 23I say unto you that it shall be easier for the people of Surs and of Sayette 24on the day of judgment than for the people that are in you. And thou, 25Capharnaum, thou thinkest to climb unto heaven, but thou shalt be lowered 26to hell. For if in Sodoma those works had been wrought that were wrought 27in thee, they had, maybe, stood until now. 28Ga naar margenoot+ Then came the apostles whom he had sent to preach, and told him the 29happenings of their preaching and of their works. And Jesus spoke again 30to them thus: Come and let us go into the desert away from the people; 31there ye shall rest, for ye are tired. Thereupon he led them away toward 32the desert, for there was so great a crowd coming and going that they had 33no time either to eat or in any way to care for themselves. Thereupon Jesus 34chose from among those that followed him others [to the number of] seventy-35two and sent them two by two together ahead of him in all the places whither 36he was to come, and said to them | |
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1aldus: Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes DieGa naar margenoot* v hoert, hi hoert mi, ende 2die v versmedt, hi versmedt mi, ende die mi versmedt, hi versmedt den 3ghenen die mi in ertrike heft ghesendt. Lucas On lange dar na so quamen 4die tuee ende seuentech met groter vrouden weder te hem ende seiden: 5Here, de quade gheeste sijn ons onderdanech worden in dinen name. 6Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Jc sach Sathanase alse ene blixeme 7vallen van den hemele. Jc hebbe v macht gegheuen te terdene op de serpente 8ende op de schorpione ende op alle de cracht des uiends, ende nit en sal v 9mogen deren. Nochtan dar omme en verblijscht nit te sere dat v de gheeste 10onderdanech sijn, mar dar omme sijt blide ende vro dat vwe name ghe-11screuen screuen sijn in hemelrike. 12Matheus Lucas Jn dire uren so veruroudde hi in den Heilegen GheesteGa naar margenoot+ 13ende sprac aldus: Jc danke di, vader, here van hemelrike ende van ertrike, 14dat du verborgen hefs dine verholnheit den vroeden ende den wisenGa naar margenoot*, 15ende hefs se vertoegt den cleinen ende den oedmudegen. IJa, vader, dit 16hefs du gedaen, want het behagde di aldus. Matheus Lucas Johannes 17Doe sprac hi noch voert ende seide: Alle dinc sijn mi ghegheuen van minen 18vader. Ende oc seggic v dat (26v) den sone nimen en kent dan <de> uader, 19noch den vader en kent nimen dan de sone ende deghene dinne de sone te 20kenne gheft. DoGa naar margenoot* bekirde hi hem te sinen ijongren wert ende seide: ComtGa naar margenoot** 21te mi, alle die arbeitt ende die verladen sijt, ende ic sal v hermaken. Legt 22mijn ijoc op vwen hals ende leert ane mi dat is saghtmudech ben ende 23oedmudech van herten, ende also seldi raste uinden turen zilen behoef, 24want mijn ijoc dat es sachte ende mine bordne die es licht. Matheus LucasGa naar margenoot+ 25Es imen die temi welt comen, ende nin haett sinen vader ende sire moeder 26ende sijn wif ende <sine> kinder ende sine brudre ende sine sustre ende 27daer toe sine zileGa naar margenoot*, die ne mach mijn ijongre nit sijn; ende die nin nemt 28sijn cruce op sinen hals ende volgt mi, dine mach mijn ijongre nit sijn - Dits 29also te uerstane dat wi minnen moten dat si sijn, want wi nit allene dese, 30mar alle menschen ende oc onse viende sijn schuldech te minne na sijns 31selues gebot, mar wi sijn schuldech te hatene ane hen dat si ons sijn lettende 32in den wegen van onser selegheit. Dar na so continueert hi sine redene ende 33segt voert aldus: - WieGa naar margenoot* es die mensche van v allen die ene borch welt 34maken, ende nin sett tirst ende rekent den cost din hire ane leggen moet, 35ende visirt of hi die borch met sire toedaet volmaken mach ende toe brengen, 36dat hi namaels, alse hi sijn fondament ghelegt heft ende nin can volbrengen 37sijn werc, van aldenghenen die dat sien, nin werde bespott ende dat men | |
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1thus: He who hears you hears me, and who despises you despises me, and 2he who despises me despises him who has sent me upon earth. Not long 3after that the two and seventy came back to him with great joy and said: 4Lord, the evil spirits have become subject to us in thy name. And Jesus 5replied to them thus: I saw Satanas fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. 6I have given you power to tread upon the serpents and upon the scorpions 7and upon all the force of the enemy, and nothing shall be able to harm 8you. However, do not rejoice too much, because the spirits are subject to 9you, but be glad and joyful for this reason that your names are written in 10the kingdom of heaven. 11Ga naar margenoot+ In that hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and spoke thus: I thank thee, 12Father, Lord of the kingdom of heaven and of earth, that thou hast concealed 13thy mystery to the wise and the prudentGa naar voetnoota), and hast revealed it to the little 14ones and the humble. Yea, Father, this hast thou done, for it pleased thee 15thus. Thereupon he spoke yet further and said: All things have been given 16me by my Father. And I also say unto you that no one knows the Son save 17the Father, nor does any one know the Father save the Son, and him to 18whom the Son makes him known. Then he turned towards his disciples 19and said: Come to me, all who labor and are burdened, and I will restore 20you. Lay my yoke upon your neck and learn from me that I am meek 21and humble of heart; and thus shall ye find rest to your souls' need; for 22Ga naar margenoot+ my yoke is easy and my burden is light. If there be any one who wishes 23to come to me and does not hate his father and his mother and his wife 24and his children and his brothers and his sisters and his soulGa naar voetnootb) as well, that 25one cannot be my disciple; and he who does not take his cross upon his 26neck and follow me, he cannot be my disciple - This must be understood 27in this way that we must love that which they are; for we ought to love 28not only these but all men, and even our enemies according to his own 29commandment; but we ought to hate in them that they binder us in the 30ways of our salvation - After that he continues his speech and says further 31thus: Who is the man among you all who wants to make a castle and does 32not first sit down and calculate the cost that he must lay out upon it, and 33does not consider whether he can complete and finish that castle with his 34resources, lest afterwards, when he has laid his foundation and cannot 35complete his work, he be ridiculed by all those who see it, and men | |
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1nin segge: dese mensche heft begonnen te stichtene, ende en can sijn gestichte 2nit volbrengen? Ende wie es die coninc die welt varen orlogen iegen enen 3andren coninc, ende nitt sett tirst ende peinst ende versiet of hi met hen tin 4dusentegen moge uaren iegen den ghenen die met hen tuintech dusentegen 5comt iegen hem? Ende en can hi dis niet gedoen te sinen wille, so sendt hi 6sine boden te sinen aduersarijsGa naar margenoot* die wile dat hi noch verre van hem es, 7ende doet hem bidden om-(27 r)me pals ende omme soene. Also ghelike 8seggic v dat so wie so nin vertijt alles des dat hi heft, die en mach mijn 9Ga naar margenoot* ijongre nit sijn - Op dit wart segt de glose dat bi der stichtingen vander 10borgh ende bi den verweruene van der soenen es ons betekent dat vertijen, 11daer hi of segt dat wi alles our sinen wille vertijen moten. Dits dan also 12vele te seggene, alse of hi seide: nit te meer dan de borgh volmakt <en> 13mach werden sonder toedaet van coste, ende nit te meer dan de coninc 14sijn orloge en mach toe brengen sonder toe doen van helpen ende ghelijkheit 15van machte, nit te meer en mogdi mine ijongren werden sonder vertijen 16alles dis dat ghi hebt. Dits te uerstane van volmakder ijongerschap - 17Lucas Matheus Marcus Op enen saterdach so geuil dat Ihesus ende sineGa naar margenoot+ 18ijongren leden dor coren dat stoat op en velt; ende sine ijongren plukden 19van din korne ende wreuent tuschen hare hande ende atent. Alse dat 20sagen somege van din Phariseusen, so berespden si die ijongren ende spraken 21aldus: Waromme doedi dat nit gheorloft en es te doene des saterdags? 22Ende Ihesus antwerdde ende seide: En hebdi nit ghelesen wat Dauid dede, 23doe hem hungerde, ende deghene die met hem waren, hoe dat hi quam 24in en Gods hus ende nam dat broet dat Gode ghoffert was, ende aets selue 25ende ghafs den ghenen die met hem waren? Ende si aten van din brode dar 26nimene of ghorloft en was tetene dan allene den papen van der wet? Ende 27en hebdi oc nit ghelesen in de wet dat de papen op den saterdach in den 28temple breken de virte - in dinGa naar margenoot* dat si dat quic doeden dat men offert 29ende de kinder besniden - ende nimen en berespt se daer af? Jc segge v 30dat hir es dat meerre es dan die tempel. De saterdach es ghemakt om den 31mensche, nit de mensche om den saterdach. 32Lucas Matheus Marcus Op enen andren saterdach so ghinc IhesusGa naar margenoot+ 33in ene synagoghe ende leerde dat volc. Al-(27v)daer so was en mensche din 34sine rechte hant verdorret was, so dat hire nit met werken en mochte. 35Ende de scriben ende die Phariseuse die daer waren, wachtten ende speiden 36ochte bi imene ghanssen soude, want het saterdach was, om oksun te 37uindene iegen hens ende omme hem te wrugene. Mar Ihesus, die wale wiste | |
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1say: This man has begun to build and cannot complete his building? And 2who is the king who wants to go warring against another king and does not 3first sit down and consider and calculate whether he with ten thousand can 4march against him who comes to meet him with twenty thousand? And if 5he cannot do this as he would wish, then he sends messengers to his adversary 6while he is still far from him, and begs him for peace and for reconciliation. 7Even so I say unto you that whosoever does not renounce all that he has, 8may not be my disciple. - On this word says the gloss that by the building 9of the castle and by the obtaining of the reconciliation is signified to us that 10renunciation of which he says that we must renounce everything for his 11sake. This is then as much to say as if he said: Just as little as the castle can be 12completed without the means to pay the cost, and just as little as the king 13can bring his war to an end without assistance and equality of strength, 14just so little can you become my disciples without renouncing all that you 15have. This is to be understood of perfect discipleship - 16Ga naar margenoot+ Upon a Saturday it so happened that Jesus and his disciples went through 17corn that stood upon a field; and his disciples plucked from that corn and 18rubbed it between their hands and ate it. When some of the Pharisees saw 19that, they rebuked the disciples and spoke thus: Why do ye that which is 20not allowed on the Saturday? And Jesus answered and said: Have ye not 21read what David did, when he was hungry and those who were with him, 22how he came into a house of God and took the bread that had been offered 23to God, and ate of it himself and gave of it to those who were with him? 24And they ate of that bread of which no one was allowed to eat save only 25the priests of the law. And have ye not also read in the law that the priests 26upon the Saturday break the holy day in the temple by killing the animal 27that is offered, and by circumcising children, and no one rebukes them for 28that? I say unto you that here is that which is more than the temple. The 29Saturday was made for man, not man for the Saturday. 30Ga naar margenoot+ On another Saturday Jesus went into a synagogue and taught the people. 31There was a man there whose right hand was withered so that he could 32not work with it. And the scribes and the Pharisees who were there waited 33and watched whether he would heal any one, for it was Saturday, in order 34to find evidence against him and to accuse him. But Jesus, who well knew | |
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1hare quade pinsingen te hem went, hi sprac totin mensche die de hant 2verloren hadde, ende seide: Stant op ende ganc hir staen in midden onder 3ons. Ende deghene dede also. Doe sprac Ihesus totin Phariseusen: Jc vrage 4v weder ghorloft es op den saterdach so goet te doene so quaet, so des 5menschen lijf te behoudene so te verderuene? Ende die Phariseuse suegen 6al stille ende en antwerden hem nit. Ende alse Ihesus al omme hadde 7ghesien ende nimen en antwerdde, so sprac hi toten ghenen metter quader 8hant ende seide: Stec voert dine hant. Ende deghene dede also ende stac 9voert sine hant. Ende also schire alse hise voert stac, so was si al ghenesen 10ende ghelijc der andre. Doe sprac Ihesus noch totin scriben ende totin 11Phariseusen ende seide aldus: Wie es van v allen die en schaep heft ende 12siet dat sijn schaep in enen putte valt op enen saterdach ende sijn schaep 13laett ut te trekkene, om datt saterdach es? En es doch en mensche nit beter 14dan en schaep? Des saterdags en es nit verboden wale te doene. 15Alse dat hoerden die Phariseuse, so tornden sijs hen ende spraken onderGa naar margenoot+ 16hen tesamen, wat si Ihesu doen souden, war met dat si sijns quite waren. 17Ende hi, die dat wale wiste, ghinc en weghe ter zee went ende schit van 18hen. Matheus Al darwert so volgde hem ene grote meneghe van volke 19dat gheganst begerde te sine van menegerhande ongemake, ende Ihesus 20ganssedse allegader. Ende hen allen geboet hi dat sijs nimen en seiden, 21om de profecie te ueruulne die Ysaias wilen profeterde van hem ende 22sprac aldus - in den persoenGa naar margenoot* des vader: - Jc sal v senden mijn (28r) 23kint dat ic verkoren hebbe ende dar ic mijn behagen in hebbe ghelegt. 24Jc sal minen gheest gheuugen in hem, ende hi sal den volke van der werelt 25verkundegen mijn ordeel. Hi ne sal nit schilden noch roepen, noch in den 26straten en sal <nimen> horen sijn gheluut. Dat ghekrokde riet en sal hi nit 27breken, noch dat roekende hout en sal hi nit bleschen, toter wilen dat 28sijn ordeel te uictorien comen sal. Ende in sinen name so sal dat volc van 29ertrike hopende sijn. 30Matheus Lucas Marcus Jn din tide so ghinc Ihesus op enen berghGa naar margenoot+ 31doen sijn ghebet; ende aldaer so bleef hi bedende al din nacht ouer. Ende alse 32de dach uerschenen was, so nam hi sine ijongren met hem ende ghinc weder 33ter zee wert. Ende al daer so quam en groet volcte hem, so dat hi in en 34schep moste gaen sitten, ende al dat volc stont in den oeuere; ende hi ontploec 35sinen mont ende sprac din uolke toe in parabolen, dats in ghelikenessen, 36Ga naar margenoot* ende seide aldus:Ga naar margenoot* Een saijere 37ghinc vt saijen sijn saet, ende | |
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1their wicked thoughts towards him, spoke to that man who had lost his 2hand and said: Rise up and go and stand here in our midst. And he did so. 3Then Jesus spoke to the Pharisees: I ask you whether it is allowed to do 4good upon the Saturday or [to do] evil, whether to save man's life or to 5destroy it? And the Pharisees were all silent and did not answer him. And 6when Jesus had looked all round and no one gave answer, he spoke to the 7man with the bad hand and said: Stretch forth thy hand. And he did so 8and stretched forth his hand, and as soon as he stretched it forth, it was 9all healed and like unto the other. Then Jesus spoke yet to the scribes and 10to the Pharisees and said thus: Who is there of you all who has a sheep and 11sees that his sheep falls into a pit upon a Saturday, and fails to pull it out 12because it is Saturday? And is not a man better than a sheep? On Saturday 13it is not forbidden to do well. 14Ga naar margenoot+ When the Pharisees heard that, they were indignant and spoke among 15themselves what they should do to Jesus, wherewith that they might be rid of 16him. And he, who knew it well, went away to the sea and parted from them. 17Thither followed him a great multitude of people who wished to be healed 18of all sorts of diseases. And Jesus healed them all; and he commanded them 19all not to tell any one about it, in order to fulfil the prophecy which Isaiah 20prophesied of him of yore, and spoke thus in the person of the Father: I 21shall send you my child whom I have chosen and in whom I have laid my 22pleasure. I shall unite my spirit in him, and he shall proclaim my judgment 23to the people of the world. He shall not rail nor call out, nor shall any one 24hear his sound in the streets. He shall not break the bent reed, nor shall 25he extinguish the smoking wood, until his judgment shall come to victory. 26And in his name shall the people of the earth be full of hope. 27Ga naar margenoot+ At that time Jesus went upon a mountain to say his prayer; and there 28he remained praying all through the night. And when the day had appeared, 29he took his disciples with him and went back toward the sea. And there 30came a great multitude towards him so that he had to go and sit in a 31ship, and all the people stood upon the beach; and he opened his mouth 32and spoke to the people in parables, that is in similitudes, and said thusGa naar voetnoota): 33A sower went out to sow his seed, and | |
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1alse hi saijde, so uil som dat 2saet neuen den weghe; aldar 3wardt vertorden ende de voghe-4le quamen ende atent op. En 5ander deel van din sade vil op 6en steeneghtech lant, daert sine 7wortele nit geplanten en conste 8omme ghebreke van goeder 9erden. Ende alse dat ut ghe-10schoten was, so quam de sonne 11ende verbroijet ende dedt ver-12dorren, want het sonder wortele ut gheschoten was. En ander deel van 13din sade vil onder dorne, ende alse die dorne op wiessen, so verdructen 14si dat saet, so datt nit ghewassen en conste. En ander deel van din sade vil 15in goet lant ende dat wis op ende brachte vrocht, somech hondert foldege, 16somech sestech uoldege ende somech dertechuoldeghe. Doe Ihesus dit 17hadde gesproken, so rip hi ende seide: Die oren heft, hi hoere. 18Matheus EneGa naar margenoot* andre gelikenesse so vertrac hi din volke ende seideGa naar margenoot+ 19al dus: Ghelijc es hemelrike din man die saide en goet saet op sijn lant. Mar 20des (28v) nachts, alse die liede sleipen, so <quam> sijn vientGa naar margenoot* ende saide 21op dat seuue lant nacht crokke onder dat goede saet. Ende alse hi dat ghe-22daen hadde, streek hi enwege al heimelec. Dar na, alse dat coren begonste 23te wassene, so ginc oc vt die nacht crokke. Doe quamen dis mans knechte 24ende seiden haren here: En saijestu, here, en goet saet op dijn lant? Wanen 25comen die nacht crokken onder dat coren? Ende die here antwerdde: 26Mijn uient heft dat gedaen. Ende sine knechte spraken noch tote hem 27ende seiden: Weltu dat wi gaen ende trekken vt die nacht crokken metter 28wortelen? Ende die here antwerdde hen: Nenic, want gi mochtt die tarue ut 29trekken metter nacht crokken. Mar laett se beide wassen toten ogste, ende 30alst comt ten ogste, so salic seggen den ogstren: Ghedert tirst die nacht 31crokken ende bindt se te samen omme te werpene int vir ende te verbernne; 32ende de tarue ghedert ende uurt se in mine schure. 33Matheus Marcus Lucas Ene andre gelikenesse so vertrac hi noch dinGa naar margenoot+ 34uolke ende seide aldus: Win salic gheliken hemelrike ende wat gheliknessen 35salic hem gheuen? Het es ghelijc den senep sade, dat nam en man ende 36saijet in sinen hof. Alse men dat saijt, so est een der minster sade, ende alst 37op wast, so werdet groet, so datte vogle mogen sitten op sine riser. Matheus | |
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1when he sowed some of the seed fell by the wayside; there it was trodden 2upon, and the birds came and ate it up. And another part of the seed fell 3upon a stony land, where it could not plant its roots for lack of good soil; 4and when it had shot up the sun came and scorched it and made it wither, 5because it had shot up without roots. Another part of that seed fell among 6thorns, and when the thorns grew up they choked the seed, that it could 7not grow. Another part of that seed fell upon good land and it grew up and 8bore fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold. When 9Jesus had said this he called out and said: He who has ears, let him hear. 10Ga naar margenoot+He told the people another similitude, and said thus: The kingdom of 11heaven is like unto that man who sowed good seed upon his land. But in 12the night, when the people slept, his enemyGa naar voetnoota) came and sowed upon that 13same land night-tares among the good seed. And when he had done that 14he stole away secretly. After that, when the corn began to grow, the night-15tares also came up. Then the servants of that man came and said to their 16master: Didst thou not sow good seed in thy land, Master? whence come 17the night-tares among the corn? And the master answered: Mine enemy 18has done that. And his servants spoke again to him and said: Wilt thou 19that we go and pull out the night-tares with the roots? And the master 20answered them: No, I do not, for ye might pull out the wheat with the 21night-tares. But let them both grow until the harvest; and when it comes 22to the harvest, I shall tell the harvesters: Gather first the night-tares and 23bind them together to throw them into the fire and to burn them; and 24gather the wheat and carry it into my barn. 25Ga naar margenoot+He told yet another parable to those people and said thus: Wherewith 26shall I compare the kingdom of heaven, and what similitude shall I give 27to it? It is like to the mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his 28garden. When one sows it, it is one of the smallest seeds, and when it grows 29up it becomes tall, so that the birds may sit upon its branches. | |
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1Lucas Noch ene andee geliknesse so vertrac hi din volke ende seide aldus 2Ghelijc es hemelrikeGa naar margenoot* den heueGa naar margenoot** din en wijfGa naar margenoot*** nam ende leidene in 3drie korne melsGa naar margenoot*, tote din male datt al geheuen wasGa naar margenoot**. 4Matheus Marcus Alle dese parablen sprac Ihesus totin volke ende met 5desen ende mer des gheliken so leerde hi dat volc, na dat si sine leringe moch-6ten verstaen. Ende sonderGa naar margenoot* parablen en woude hi din volke nit toe spreken, 7omme te ueruulne die profecie die Dauid wilen profeterde van hem, doe hi 8sprac in sinen persone ende seide aldus: Jc sal ontpluken minen mont in para-9blen, ende dat donker heft ghewest, dat salic vercleren met ghelikenessen. 10Matheus Marcus Lucas (29r) Doe quamen sine ijongren te hem ende uraghden 11hero: Warumme spreks du din uolke toe in parablen ende in ghelijcnessen? EndeGa naar margenoot+ 12Ihesus antwerdde hen aldus: V es gegheuen te kinne de verholenheit van 13den rike Gods, mar den andren en es dat nit verleent. Dar omme sprekic 14hen toe met parablen, want si waenen sien, ende sine sien nit, ende si 15waenen horen, ende si ne hoeren nit noch en uerstaen. Ende hir omme 16so werdt veruult in hen die prophecie die Ysaias wilen profeterde van hen, 17die seide aldus: Ghi selt horen, ende ghi en selt nit uerstaen dat ghi hoert; 18ende ghi selt sien, ende ghi en selt niet bekinnen dat ghi siet. Want des 19volks herte es vergroft, ende het hoert suarlec metten oren, ende sine oghen 20heuet ghesloten datt nin sie, ende sine oren gheloken datt nin hore noch 21en versta, ende datt hem nin bekire ende ict nin ghansse van smen mes-22quamen. DoeGa naar margenoot* baden hem die ijongren ende seiden: Ontbint ons die 23parable van den sade. Ende IhesusGa naar margenoot* antwerdde hen ende sprac aldus: En 24uerstadi derre parablen nit, hoe seldi alle dandre parablen dan verstaen? 25NochtanGa naar margenoot* seggic v dat salechGa naar margenoot** sijn vwe oghen, want si sien, ende vwe oren, 26want si hoeren. Want ouer waerGa naar margenoot* seggic v dat vele coningeGa naar margenoot** ende profeten 27ende heileger liede begerden te siene dat ghi siet, ende en sagens nit, ende 28te hoerne dat ghi hoert, ende en hoerdens nit. Ghi dan, verstaet de parableGa naar margenoot+ 29van den saijere ende van den sade. Matheus Marcus Lucas Dat saet es dat 30Gods wart. Dat saet dat ualt neuen den wege, dat sijn die hoeren dat Gods 31wart. Dar na so comt de quade gheast ende raept op dat daer ghesait was, 32datt nin becliue in den gheloeue. Dat ander saet dat op dat stenechtege 33lant uil, dat sijn die dat Gods wart hoeren ende blideleke dat ontfaen. Mar 34want dat saet engheene wortele en heft in har herte, So en caent in hen nit 35becliuen, want ter liden so ontfaen si dat gheloeue ende in den tide van 36suarheiden harre koringen so laten (29v) sijt uaren ende bliuen in din dar si 37tirst in waen. Dat ander saet dat onder de dorne uil, dat sijn die dat Gods | |
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1He told the people yet another parable, and said thus: The kingdom of 2heavenGa naar voetnoota) is like unto the leavenGa naar voetnootb) which a womanGa naar voetnootc) took and put it into 3three measures of flourGa naar voetnootd) until the time that it was all leavenedGa naar voetnoote). 4All these parables Jesus spoke to the people and with these and similar 5ones he taught the people according to their ability to understand his 6teaching. And without parables he would, not speak to the people, so as to 7fulfil the prophecy which David whilom prophesied concerning him, when 8he spoke in his person and said thus: I will open my mouth in parables, 9and that which has been dark, I will make clear with similitudes. 10Ga naar margenoot+Then his disciples came to him and asked him: Why do you speak to 11the people in parables and in similitudes? And Jesus answered them thus: 12To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. But 13to the others that has not been given. Therefore I speak to them with 14parables, for they think that they see and they do not see; and they think 15that they hear, and they do not hear, nor do they understand. And hence 16is fulfilled in them the prophecy which Isaiah whilom prophesied concerning 17them, who spoke thus: Ye shall hear and ye shall not understand that which 18ye hear; and ye shall see and ye shall not know that which ye see; for the 19people's heart is coarsened; and it hears with the ears with difficulty, and 20it has shut its eyes so as not to see, and it has shut its ears so as not to hear 21nor to understand, and lest it should convert itself and I should cure it of 22its diseases. Then the disciples asked him and said: Explain to us the parable 23of the seed. And Jesus answered them and spoke thus: Do ye not understand 24that parable? how then shall ye understand all the other parables? However 25I say unto you, that blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for 26they hear. For verily I say unto you that many kings and prophets and holy 27persons desired to see that which ye see, and they did not see anything of 28Ga naar margenoot+it, and to hear that which ye hear, and they heard nothing of it. Understand 29then the parable of the sower and of the seed: The seed is the word of God. 30The seed that falls by the wayside, that are those who hear the word of 31God; after that comes the evil spirit and catches up what had been sowed 32there, that it should not last on in faith. The other seed, which fell upon 33stony land, that are those who hear the word of God and gladly accept it; 34but because the seed has no root in their hearts, it can not last in them, for 35they accept the faith in passing, and in the time of the pressures of their 36temptation they let it go, and remain in that in which they were at first. 37The other seed which fell among the thorns that are those who hear the | |
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1wart horen, mar donlede van der werelt ende de rijkheit ende de verwent-2heit verdrukken dat saet ende en latent nit op wassen, ende also bliuet 3sonder vrocht. Mar dat saet dat op dat goede lant uil, dat sijn deghene die 4dat Gods wart horen ende verstaen; ende metten werken die si daer na 5werken, so dragen si vrocht, deselke hondert foldege, de selke sestechuoldege 6ende de selke dertechfoldege. 7Marcus Doe Ihesus dese gelikenesse ontbonden hadde, so vertrac hiGa naar margenoot+ 8noch din volke ene andre ende sprac aldus: Also es hemelrikeGa naar margenoot* alse ochte 9en menscheGa naar margenoot* worpe en saetGa naar margenoot** op sijn lantGa naar voetnoot*** ende dar na sliepeGa naar margenoot**** ende 10stonde op be nachte ende be dageGa naar margenoot*, ende dar binnen dat saet wisse al die 11uuile dat deghene elre omme peinsde. Want dat corenlant daert saet op 12ghesaijt es, dat brengt dat saet ut; tirsten siet men dat crutGa naar margenoot*, dar na die 13aerGa naar margenoot** ende dar na dat goede korenGa naar margenoot***. Ende alse dat coren ripe es, so doet 14hijt met sikkelen aue snidenGa naar margenoot*, want detijt van den ogstene dan toe comen es. 15Matheus Alse Ihesus dese parablen hadde uertrokken, so kirde hi wederGa naar margenoot+ 16ende ghinc in en hus. Aldaer so quamen sine ijongren te hem ende spraken 17hem toe ende seiden aldus: Ontbint ons de parable uan der taruen, uan 18der nacht kroken ende uan den velde. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen aldus 19Die dat goede saet sait, dats des mensche sone. Dat velt dats de verelt. 20Dat gode saet dat sijn de uerkorne. De nacht crokken dat sijn de quade. 21Des mans uient die se sait, dats de quade gheest. De ogst es dat inde uan 22der verelt. De ogstren dat sijn die ingle. Also ghelike dan alse men die 23nacht crokken ghedert ende worpt se int uir ende <uerbernt> se, also 24sal gheschin in den dage des ordeels. Des menschen sone sal senden sine 25ingle, die selen ghedren alle de quade ende die in quaethei-(30r)den daer 26uonden selen werden, ende selense werken in dat helsche uir; daer sal 27sijn gescrei ende krisselinge uan tanden. Dan selen de gherechte schinen 28alse de sonne in dat rike hars uader. Die oren heft te horne, hi hoere ende 29uersta. 30Matheus Dar na so uertrac hi noch ene andre parable ende seide aldus:Ga naar margenoot+ 31Ghelijc es hemelrikeGa naar margenoot* den schatte die gheborgen legt in den uelde; ende 32degene die din schat uindt, hi bergten noch bat, ende met groter urouden 33so gheet hi ende verkoept al dat hi heft ende koept dat uelt. Noch es hemel-34rike ghelijc den koeman die te koepe sukt goede margariten, ende alse hi 35uonden heft ene goede margarite, so gheet hi ende uercoept al dat hi heft, 36ende coept die preciose margarite. Noch es hemelrike ghelijc der segenen 37die gheworpen es in der zee ende die ghedert uan alrehande maniren uan | |
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1word of God; but the vanities of the world and wealth and luxury bear 2down upon the seed and do not let it grow up, and so it remains without 3fruit. But the seed that fell upon the good soil that are those who hear and 4understand the word of God; and with the works which they do afterwards 5they bear fruit, some a hundredfold, others sixtyfold, and others thirtyfold. 6Ga naar margenoot+When Jesus had unfolded this similitude, he told the people yet another, 7and spoke thus: The kingdom of heavenGa naar voetnoota) is such as if a manGa naar voetnootb) cast a seedGa naar voetnootc) 8upon his landGa naar voetnootd) and after that sleptGa naar voetnoote) and rose byGa naar voetnootf) night and by day, and 9meanwhile the seed grew all the time while that man was thinking about 10something else. For the corn-land upon which the seed has been sowed, 11brings out the seed; first one sees the stalkGa naar voetnootg), after that the earGa naar voetnooth), and then 12the good cornGa naar voetnooti). And when the corn is ripe he has it cut off with sicklesGa naar voetnootj), 13for the time of the harvest has then arrived. 14Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had told these parables, he turned back and went into a 15house. There his disciples came to him and spoke to him and said thus 16Unfold to us the parable of the wheat, of the night-tares and of the field. 17And Jesus answered them thus: He who sows the good seed is the Son of 18man; the field is the world; the good seed are the elect; the night-tares are 19the evil ones; the man's enemy who sows them is the evil spirit; the harvest 20is the end of the world; the harvesters are the angels. Therefore, even as 21one gathers the night-tares and casts them into the fire and burns them, 22even so shall it happen on the day of judgment. The Son of man shall send 23his angels, who shall gather all the evil ones and those who shall there be 24found in iniquities, and shall cast them into the fire of hell; there shall be 25weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine as the sun 26in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear and 27understand. 28Ga naar margenoot+After that he told yet another parable and spoke thus: The kingdom of 29heavenGa naar voetnootk) is like unto the treasure that lies hidden in the field; and he who 30finds that treasure hides it still better, and with great joy he goes and sells 31all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like 32unto the merchant who seeks for purchase good pearls; and when he has 33found a good pearl, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that precious 34pearl. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto the net which is cast into 35the sea and that gathers all sorts of | |
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1ueschen. Ende alse die seghene uol es, so comen die vescheren ende trek-2kense ut, ende gaen sitten beneuen din oeure, ende kisen ut die goede 3uesche ende leggen se in hare uate ende die quade werpense en weghe. Also 4saelt sijn in den daghe des ordeels. Dan selen comen dingle ende selen 5scheeden de quade uten goeden ende selense worpen in dat helsche uir; 6dar sal sijn gheween ende krisselinge uan tanden. Hebdi aldit uerstaen? 7Ende si antwerdden: IJawi. Ende hi sprac noch uoert ende seide: So wie so 8gheleert es ende andre leert, hi sal ghelijc sijn din wisen hushere die ut sinen 9tresore brengt voert beide niwe ende out. Ende alse Ihesus alle dese parablen 10hadde gesegt, so ghinc hi denen ende quam weder in sijn lantschap. 11Matheus Marcus Johannes Ende alse Ihesus quam in dat lant daerGa naar margenoot+ 12hi op geuudt was, so ghinc hi in die synagogen ende leerde dat volc. Ende 13alse dat volc hoerde sine leeringe, so wonderde hen allen, so dat si onder-14linge worden sprekende uan hem <ende> seiden aldus: Wa-(30v)nen 15comt desen die wijsheit die hi heft ende die grote cracht uan mirakelleken 16werken di hi werkt? En es dit nit Iosephs des smeds sone? En es sijn moeder 17nit Maria, ende sine brudereGa naar margenoot* Jacobus ende Ioseph ende Symon ende 18Iudas? Ende sine sustre, en wonense nit hir met ors? Wanen comi hem 19dan al dat wi sien ende horen uan hem? Ende aldus wart dat volcgeschan-20dalizert in hem. Ende alse. Ihesus dat uernam, so gaf hi din volke antwerdeGa naar margenoot+ 21ende sprac aldus: GhiGa naar margenoot* mogt seggen te mi alse men plegt te seggene: Ersetre, 22ghansse di seluen; also uele alse wi horen seggen dat tu hefs ghewarchtt 23in Kapharnaum, so werk hir in dijn lantschap. Matheus Marcus Lucas 24Johannes Ouer waerGa naar margenoot*. seggic v dat en gheen prophete en es gheert in 25sinen lande. Ende omme die ongheloeuegheit dis volks so ne warchte hi 26daer nit uele mirakelleker werke ende lettel sike ghansde hi aldaer omme 27hare <ongeloeueheit>, mar bi berespese uan harre hartheit ende sprac 28aldus: Lucas Jn den dagen dat Helyas was in Israhel, so waren uele weduen 29in den lande, alse de hemel ghesloten was drie ijar ende ses maent ende 30die grote honger was in al dat lant; ende tergheenre uan allen din <en> 31was Helyas ghesendt, mar buten lands teere weduen die woende te Sarepten 32int lant uan Sydonien. Ende vele lazerser liede waren in Israhel in He-33lyseus tide, ende engheen en wart gheganst uan allen din mar allene Naaman, 34Ga naar margenoot+die uan Sirien was - Dits also uele te seggene alse of hi seide: Nit te meer 35dan de propheten wilen hare miraklen en warchten an dongheloeuege 36uan haren lande, mar an degheloeueghe van andren landen, sone salic 37mine werke hir toegen order v, omme vwe ongheloeueheit, nit om mine | |
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1fish. And when the net is full, the fishermen come and pull it out, and go 2and sit by the side of the beach, and select the good fishes and lay them in 3their vessels, and the bad ones they throw away. Even so shall it be on the 4day of judgment. Then shall come the angels and shall sever the bad from 5the good, and shall cast them into the fire of hell; there shall be weeping 6and gnashing of teeth. Have ye understood all this? And they answered: 7Yes, we have. And he spoke yet further and said: He who has been taught 8thus and teaches others, will be like unto the wise householder who out of 9his treasure brings forth both new and old. And when Jesus had said all 10these parables, he went thence and came back into his country. 11Ga naar margenoot+And when Jesus came into the land where he had been brought up, he 12went into the synagogues and taught the people; and when the people heard 13his teaching, they were all amazed, so that they began to talk about him 14among themselves, and said thus: Whence comes to this man the wisdom 15that he has and the great power of miraculous works that he works? Is 16this not the son of Joseph the carpenter? Is not his mother Mary, and 17his brothersGa naar voetnoota) Jacobus and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And do not 18his sisters live here with us? Whence then comes to him all that we see and 19Ga naar margenoot+hear of him? And thus the people were offended in him. And when Jesus 20heard this he gave answer to the people and spoke thus: Ye may say to me 21as one is wont to say: Physician, heal thyself; as much as we hear say that 22thou bast wrought in Capharnaum, work here in thy country. Verily I say 23unto you, that no prophet is honoured in his country. And because of the 24unbelief of the people he did not perform there many miraculous works; 25and few sick ones did he heal there because of their unbelief. But he rebuked 26them for their hardness and spoke thus: In the days when Elijah was in 27Israel, there were many widows in the land, when the heaven was shut 28three years and six months and the great famine was in all the land; and 29unto none of them was Elijah sent, but out of the country to a widow who 30lived at Sarepta in the land of Sidonia. And many leprous people were in 31Israel in Elisha's time, and none of all those was healed but only Naaman, 32who was from Syria. - This is as much to say as if he said: No more than 33the prophets of old wrought their miracles upon the unbelieving of their 34country but upon the believing of other countries, shall I show my works 35here among you because of your unbelief, not | |
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1ommo-(31r)gentheit - Ende alse Ihesus dit ghesproken hadde, so wor-2den vergramt ende vererrt alle die dat hoerden, ende stonden op al ghe-3meinlec ende namen Ihesum ende leiddene uter stat op dat hangende 4uan den berghe dar hare stat op stont ghefondeert; aldar wouden sine 5neder werpen uan din berghe. Mar Ihesus leet dor hen ende ontghinc hen, 6Ga naar margenoot+so dat si nin wisten waer sine uerloren - In somen staden es ghescreuen 7dat die bergh ontploec ende makde hem stat dore telidene, mar want dis 8de ewangelisten nin scriuen, so late wi dat al ongeconfirmeert. 9Matheus Marcus Lucas Nu sele wi bescriuen waromme ende hoe datGa naar margenoot+ 10IJan Baptista gheuaen was ende ghehoefdt. Uan derre materien spreken 11drie ewangelisten: Marcus, Matheus ende Lucas, ende sprect Marcus 12aldus: - 13Jn din tide so sendde Herodes de tetrarcha sine boden ende dede vaen 14IJanne Baptisten ende dedene leggen in enen kerkre om Herodiasen, die 15Philips sijns bruder wijf was ende die hi sinen bruder hadde ghenomen. 16Want IJan Baptiste berespde Herodese uan dire quader daet ende seide 17aldus: Di en es nit ghorloft te nemene dijns bruder wijf. Ende omme die 18sake so haettene Herodias ende haddene gherne don doeden, mar sine 19conste, want Herodes die vale wiste datt en gherecht man was, hi onssagene 20ende hiltene ende dede uele dinge met sinen rade ende hoerdene gherne. 21Ende op enen tijt so gheschide dat Herodes op dat ijarghetide uan sire 22gheborten hilt hof ende hadde ontboden de princhen ende de rechtren ende 23de vorste uan den lande uan Galileen. Al daer so quam Herodiasen dochter 24ende balerde ende spranc vor dat volc, so datt behagde Herodese ende 25allen den ghenen die daer waren. Doe rip Herodes die ijonfrowe te hem 26ende seide aldus: Bidde mi dat tu wels ende ic (31v) saelt di gheuen. Doe 27suoer die coninc dat hi hare gheuen soude wat si hem bade, al bade si 28hem half sijn koningrike. Doe ghinc se ut ende vragde harre moeder ende 29seide: Wat salic bidden? Ende de moeder antwerdde hare ende seide: 30Du sout bidden IJan Baptisten hoeft. Doe ghinc si met hasten vor din 31koninc ende bat hare bede ende sprac al dus: Jc wille dat te mi nu saen 32ghefs IJan Baptists hoeft in enen platele. Alse die coninc dat hoerde, so 33wart hi bedruft, mar om den eet din hi ghesuoren hadde ende om dat 34uolc dat daer uersament was, sone woude hise nit bedruuen, mar sendde 35altehant enen, die IJanne Baptisten sijn hoeft of sloch ende brachtt in enen 36plateele ende ghaeft der ijonfrowen, ende de ijonfrowe ghaft harre moeder. 37Alse dat uernamen sine ijongren, so namen si din lichame ende bestaeddenne 38ter erden, ende darGa naar margenoot* na quamen si te Ihesum <ende> seiden hem die | |
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1because of my lack of power. - And when Jesus had spoken this, all who 2heard it became angry and incensed; and rose up all together and took 3Jesus and led him out of the town upon the slope of the mountain on which 4their town stood founded; there they wanted to throw him down from the 5mountain. But Jesus passed through them and escaped them, so that they 6did not know where they lost him - In some places it is written that the 7mountain opened and made room for him to pass through. But since the 8evangelists do not write anything hereof, we leave it unconfirmed - 9Ga naar margenoot+Now we shall describe why and how John the Baptist was taken and 10beheaded. Three evangelists speak of this matter, Mark, Matthew, and 11Luke; and Mark speaks thus: - 12At that time Herod the tetrarch sent his messengers and caused John 13the Baptist to be taken, and had him laid in a dungeon for the sake of 14Herodias, who was the wife of Philip his brother, and whom he had taken 15from his brother. For John the Baptist rebuked Herod for this wicked deed 16and said thus: It is not allowed thee to take thy brother's wife. And for that 17reason Herodias hated him and would fain have had him killed, but she 18could not; for Herod, who well knew that he was a righteous man, stood 19in awe of him and kept him, and did many things with his advice and listened 20to him gladly. And upon a time it happened that Herod on the anniversary 21of his birth held court, and had summoned the princes and the judges and 22the rulers of the land of Galilee. There came the daughter of Herodias and 23danced and skipped before the people, so that it pleased Herod and all 24those who were there. Then Herod called the damsel to him and said thus: 25Ask me what thou wilt, and I will give it thee. Then the king swore that 26he would give her what she should ask him, though she should ask for half 27his kingdom. Then she went out and asked her mother and said: What 28shall I ask? And the mother answered her and said: Thou must ask for 29John the Baptist's head. Then she went in haste before the king, and made 30her request and spoke thus: I wish that thou givest me at once John the 31Baptist's head in a dish. When the king heard that, he became sad: but 32because of the oath that he had sworn and because of the people that were 33assembled there, he did not want to disappoint her; but sent at once a man 34who cut off John the Baptist's head and brought it in a dish and gave it to 35the damsel; and the damsel gave it to her mother. When his disciples heard 36this, they took the body and interred it; and after that they came to Jesus 37and told him | |
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1gheuarnesse. Dar na so gheuil dat Herodes hoerde de fame uan Jhesuse 2ende watGa naar margenoot* werke dat hi warchte, ende hem wonderde dar af, om dat selke 3wouden seggen dat IJan Baptista ware op ghestaen van der doet; ende andre 4seiden dat Helyas weder comen ware; ende andre seiden dat een uan din 5ouden profeten weder op ghestaen ware. Doe sprac Herodes ende seide: 6IJanne BaptistenGa naar margenoot* hebbic donGa naar margenoot** hoefden; wie es dan dese dar ic dit wonder 7af hore? Doe stont Herodes dar na dat hi Jhesum gherne ghesien hadde. 8Matheus Lucas Johannes Alse Ihesus dat uernam, so sat hi in enGa naar margenoot+ 9schep ende uoer ouer dat water ende ghinc in der wstinen. Aldaer so ghederde 10en groet folc te hem te uoet uten steden; ende aldaer ghansde hi deghene 11dis behoefden. Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Alst quam des auonds, 12so quamen sine ijongren te hem ende seiden: Laet dat volc gaen ten steden 13ende ten dorpen dar si spise mogen copen, want wi hir sijn (32r) in ene 14wvstine. DoeGa naar margenoot* hif Ihesus sine ogen op ende sach en migel groet folc. Ende 15alse hi dat volc ghesien hadde, so sprac hi tote Philipse: Warmet sele wi 16broet coepen dat dit volc eten sal? Dat seide hi om hem te pruuene, want 17hi selue wiste wale wat hi te doenc hadde. Doe antwerdde hem Philippus: 18Om tuehondert penninghe en soude men nit copen so uele brods dats elk 19en lettel hebben mochte. DoeGa naar margenoot* uragde hen Ihesus: Hoe menech broet hebdi? 20Ende eenGa naar margenoot* sire ijongren, Andreas, Symon Peters bruder, antwerdde aldus: 21Hir es en kint dat heft uif gherstene broet ende tuee uische, mar wat sal 22dat onder sos uele volcs? henGa naar margenoot* si dat wi gaen in den steden ende copen 23noch dar toe spise tallen den uolke. Ende IhesusGa naar margenoot* seide aldus: Brengt mi 24haere die broet ende doet sitten dat uolc op dat grune grars met honderden 25ende met uiftegen tesamen. DoeGa naar margenoot* nam hi die vif broet ende die tuee uesche 26ende hif sine ogen op ten hemele wert ende benedijese ende brac se ende ghaf 27se sinen ijongren; ende sine ijongren ghauense voert den uolke ende aldat uolc 28at uan din uif broeden ende uan din tueen ueschen, so dat si alle worden ghe-29saedt. EndeGa naar margenoot* alse si gnoch hadden gheten, so sprac Ihesus te sinen ijongren 30ende seide aldus: Ghedert dat relief dat ouer bleuen es, din uolke dat gheten 31heft. Ende si daden also ende uulden tuelf corue mettin relieue. Nochtan 32so was der gherre die daer gheten hadden omtrent uan uif dusentegen, 33sonder de wijf ende de kinder. 34Matheus Marcus Dar na so geboet hi sinen ijongren dat si ghingenGa naar margenoot+ 35in en schep ende voeren ouer dat water te Bethsaiden wert, ende hi soude 36bliuen totire wilen dat dat uolc gescheeden ware. Ende dat uolc, alst sach 37dat groete teken dat Ihesus hadde ghewarght, so seidt al met enen acorde: 38Ghewarglec es dit die profete die te comene es in de werelt. Doe droegense | |
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1what had happened. After that it befell that Herod heard the fame of Jesus 2and what works he wrought and he was amazed thereat, because some 3would say that John the Baptist had arisen from death; and others said 4that Elijah had come back; and others said that one of the old prophets 5had arisen again. Then Herod spoke and said: John the Baptist have I 6beheaded; who then is this one of whom I hear this miracle? Then Herod 7insisted that he would fain have seen Jesus. 8Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus heard that, he sat in a ship and crossed the water and went 9into the wilderness. There a great multitude gathered to him on foot from 10the towns; and there he healed those who needed it. When it came to 11eventide, his disciples came to him and said: Let the people go to the towns 12and to the villages where they may buy food; for here we are in a wilderness. 13Then Jesus raised his eyes and saw a very great crowd; and when he had 14seen the crowd he spoke to Philip: Wherewith shall we buy bread, that 15these people may eat? He said that in order to test him, for he himself 16knew quite well what he would do. Then Philip answered him: For two 17hundred pence one would not buy so much bread that everyone might 18have a little. Then Jesus asked them: How many loaves have ye? And 19one of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, answered thus: Here 20is a child that has five barley loaves and two fishes; but what does that 21amount to among so many people? unless we go into the towns and buy 22in addition food for all the people. And Jesus said thus: Bring me those 23loaves here, and make the people sit down on the green grass by hundreds 24and by fifties together. Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and 25raised his eyes up heavenward, and blessed them and broke them and gave 26them to his disciples; and his disciples passed them on to the people, and all 27the people ate of those five loaves and of those two fishes, so that they were 28all satisfied. And when they had eaten enough, Jesus spoke to his disciples 29and said thus: Collect the remnants that are left over to the people who 30have eaten. And they did so, and filled twelve baskets with the remnants. 31Howbeit, those who had eaten there were about five thousand, without the 32women and the children. 33Ga naar margenoot+ After that he commanded his disciples that they should go into a ship 34and cross the water towards Bethsaida, and he would stay until the people 35had dispersed. And when the people saw the great miracle that Jesus had 36wrought, they all said with one accord: Verily, this is the prophet who is 37to come into the world. Then they agreed | |
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1ouer een dat (32v) [sine] met crachte nemen souden ende makenne coninc 2bouen hen. Ende alse Ihesus dat wiste, so ontflo hi hen ende ghinc op enen 3berch don sijn ghebet. 4Matheus Marcus Lucas Ende alst quam in der nacht, sine ijongrenGa naar margenoot+ 5die uore waren gheuaren, quamen in Capharnaum. Ende alse sine daer 6nin uonden, scheepden si wederGa naar margenoot* ende voeren iegen hem. Ende Ihesus 7was allene bleuen. Ende alse die ijongren ghescept waren, so hif en groet 8storm in der zee ende har schep wart sere ghestoten uan den baren, want 9die wint was hen contrarie. Ende alst quam na der middernacht in der 10uirder uigilien uan der nacht, want hi wiste dat si in pinen waren, so ghinc 11[hi] <te> hen wert al wandelende op dat water. Ende alse hi quam bi 12hen, so dede hi ene ghelike alse ochte hi ouer woude liden. Ende alsen 13die in schep waren, sagen also wandelen op dat water, so worden si geturbert 14ende drogen ouer een ende seiden datt en fantasme ende en onghehir 15ware dat si sagen. Doe begonsten si te roepene uan vresen. Ende alse Ihesus 16dat hoerde, so sprac hi hen toe ende seide aldus: Hebt troest; jc bent, en onssit 17v nit. DoeGa naar margenoot* antwerdde hem Peter ende seide: Here, bestv dat, so ghebiet 18dat ic te di moge comen opt water. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder 19ende seide: Com. Doe ghinc Peter uten schepe ende wandelde op dat 20water ende ghinc te Ihesum went. Ende alse hi bi hem quam, so sach hi 21comen ene groete ualge iegen hem. Doe begonste hi hem teueruerne ende 22mettin begonste hi oc onder te gane. Ende alse hi sach dat hi onder gaen 23soude, so rip hi op Ihesum ende seide: Here, help mi! Doe stac Ihesus 24voert <sine> hant ende ghegrepene ende traken weder ut ende seide aldus: 25Mensche uan cleinen gheloue, warumme tuiuelestu? DoeGa naar margenoot* ginc Ihesus in dat 26schep, ende also saen ghelach die wint. Ende datGa naar margenoot* schep was op die selue 27ure te lande in die stat (33r) daer si wesen wouden. AlseGa naar margenoot* dat sagen die in 28dat schep waren, so quamen se ende anebeddene ende seiden: Ghewaerlec, 29du best de Gods sone! 30Matheus Marcus Lucas Alse Ihesus ende sine ijongren ouer waren,Ga naar margenoot+ 31so warense int lant uan Genesareth. Ende alse dat uolc uan din lande 32uernam dat hi daer was, so senddense tallen staden in dat lant ende daden 33comen alle die sieke, ende baden hem dat si doch de uesen uan sinen cledren 34mochten gherenen. Ende alle diene gherinen, worden gheganst. 35Johannes Des anders dags na din dat hi dat uolc hadde ghesaedt inGa naar margenoot+ 36der wustinen, dat selue uolc dat noch in die wustine daer was, alst uernam 37dat des dags teuoren nemmeer schepe en hadden aldaer ghewest dan | |
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1that they would seize him by force and make him king over them. And 2when Jesus knew that he fled from them and went up into a mountain to 3say his prayer. 4Ga naar margenoot+ And when it came to the night, his disciples, who had gone ahead, came 5into Capharnaum. And when they did not find him there, they took ship 6again and sailed towards him. And Jesus had remained alone; and when 7the disciples had taken ship a great storm arose on the sea. And their ship 8was sore beaten by the waves; for the wind was contrary to them. And 9when it came to after midnight, in the fourth vigil of the night, for he knew 10that they were in trouble, he went towards them, walking upon the water. 11And when he came to them, he made semblance as if he would pass by. 12And when they who were on board saw him walk upon the water, they 13were perturbed, and agreed and said that it was a phantasm and a spook 14that they saw. Then they began to cry with fear. And when Jesus heard 15that, he spoke to them and said thus: Be comforted; it is I, be not afraid. 16Then Peter answered him and said: Lord, if it be thou, command that I 17may come to thee upon the water. And Jesus answered him back and said: 18Come. Then Peter went out of the ship and walked upon the water and went 19towards Jesus. And when he came to him, he saw a great wave come towards 20him. Then he began to be afraid, and at the same time he began also to go 21under. And when he saw that he would go under, he called to Jesus and 22said: Lord, help me! Then Jesus stretched forth his hand and seized him 23and pulled him out again, and said thus: Man of little faith, why dost 24thou doubt? Then Jesus went into the ship, and presently the wind subsided. 25And the ship was in that same hour at the place where they wanted to be. 26When those who were in the ship saw that, they came and worshipped him 27and said: Verily, thou art the Son of God. 28When Jesus and his disciples came on the other side, they were in the land 29of Genesareth. And when the people of that country learnt that he was 30there, they sent to all places in the country and made all the sick come, 31and prayed him that they might touch the fringes of his clothes; and all 32who touched him were healed. 33Ga naar margenoot+ The next day after he had satisfied the people in the desert, those same 34people who were still there in the desert, when they heard that on the day 35before no more ships had been there save | |
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1allene dat schep dar die ijongren mede en wech gheuaren waren, so won-2derde hen allen waer si Ihesum uerloren hadden, want si wale wisten dat 3hi met sinen ijongren nin was ghescheept. Doe saten si in andre schepe 4die dis dags waren comen uan Tiberien, al daer ter stat daer si gheten 5hadden van din broden, ende voeren ouer ende sochten Ihesum te Caphar-6naum. Ende alse si quamen daer hi was, so spraken si hem toe ende seiden: 7Mester, wanneer quams tu hir? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen aldus: Jc 8seggv ouer waerGa naar margenoot*: dat gi mi sukt, dan en es nit om die miraklen die gi 9hebt ghesien, mar om dat, dat ghi hebt gheten uan minen brode, so dat 10ghi wordt ghesaedt. Mar is seggv wat gi doet: Staet na die spise die onuer-Ga naar margenoot+11ganclec es ende die ewelke duren sal, die v des menschen sone gheuen sal, 12want dar toe heften de vader ghesendt. Doe spraken si hem noch ane ende 13seiden: Met welkerhande dinge sele wi werken de werke Gods? Ende 14Ihesus antwerdde hen aldus: Dats dat Gods werc, dat ghi gheloeft an den 15ghenen din hi v ghesendt heft. Johannes Matheus Marcus Doe spraken 16si noch voert ende seiden: (33v) Wat teekene togs du ons, dat wi sien mogen 17ende weten dat ons behoert te gheloeuene an di? Wat canstu werken? 18OnseGa naar margenoot* vordren aten hemelsch broet wilen in der wustinen, also alse wi 19ghescreuen winden: Broet uan den hemele sendde hen Got tetene. Ende 20Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* seggic v dat Moyses en 21gaf v nit dat hemelsch broet, want dats dat broet Gods, dat comen es uan 22den hemele ende houdt de werelt leuende. Doe spraken si noch voert ende 23seiden: Here, dis broeds ghef ons gnoch altoes. Matheus Marcus Lucas 24johannes Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen aldus: Jc ben dat broet des leuens. 25Die te mi comt, hem en sal nit hungren, ende die in mi gheloeft, hem en sal 26nemmermeer dorsten. Dar omme seggic v dit, want gi mi siet ende aneGa naar margenoot+ 27mi nin gheloeft: Johannes AlGa naar margenoot* dat mi mijn vader ghegheuen heft, dat 28sal te mi comen, ende den ghenen die te mi comt, en sal ic nit ut ijagen, 29want ic ben comen uan den hemele nit om minen wille te doene, mar den 30wille mijns uader die mi hir neder ghesendt heft. Ende dats de wille mijns 31uader dat ic nin late uerloren werken dat hi mi ghegheuen heft, mar dat ict 32doe weder op herstaen in den ijoncsten daghe. Ende dats de wille mijns uader, 33dat igewelc die siet den sone ende ane hem gheloeft, hebbe dat ewleke leuen, 34ende ic salne don op herstaen in den ijoncsten dage. 35Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe begonsten die IJoden te mur-Ga naar margenoot+36merne onder hen uan din dat hi ghesegt hadde: Jc ben dat broet dat comt uan | |
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1only the ship with which the disciples had gone away, they all wondered 2where they had lost Jesus: for they well knew that he had not embarked 3with his disciples. Then they sat in other ships which that day had come 4from Tiberias to the place where they had eaten of the loaves, and sailed 5across and sought Jesus at Capharnaum. And when they came where he 6was, they spoke to him and said: Master, when camest thou here? And 7Jesus answered them thus: I tell you verily, that ye are seeking me is not on 8account of the miracles that ye have seen, but because ye have eaten of my 9Ga naar margenoot+bread until ye were satisfied. But I tell you what to do: Strive for the food 10which is imperishable and which shall last for ever, [the food] which the 11Son of man will give you, for the Father has sent him for that purpose. 12Then they spoke to him again and said: With what sort of thing shall we 13perform the works of God? And Jesus answered them thus: This is the 14work of God that ye believe in him whom he has sent you. Then they spoke 15still further and said: What tokens showest thou us that we may see and 16know that it behoves us to believe in thee? What canst thou work? Our 17ancestors ate heavenly bread of yore in the desert; as we find written: 18God sent them bread from heaven to eat. And Jesus answered them again 19thus: Verily, I say unto you that Moses did not give you heavenly bread; 20for that is the bread of God, which is come from heaven and keeps the 21world alive. Then they spoke still further and said: Lord, give us always 22enough of that bread. And Jesus answered them thus: I am the bread of 23life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall 24Ga naar margenoot+never thirst. I tell you this because ye see me and do not believe in me. All 25that my Father has given me shall come to me, and him who comes to me I 26shall not expel, for I am come from heaven not in order to do my will, 27but the will of my Father who has sent me down here. And that is the 28will of my Father that I do not allow that to perish which he has given 29me, but that I make it to arise again on the last day. And that is the will 30of my Father that whosoever sees the Son and believes in him may have 31eternal life and I will make him arise on the last day. 32Ga naar margenoot+Then the Jews began to murmur among themselves on account of that 33which he had said: I am the bread that comes from | |
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1den hemele, ende spraken aldus: En es dit nit Ihosefs sone, dis uader ende 2moeder wi wale kennen? Wat meint hi dan dar met dat hi segg: Jc ben 3comen van den hemele? Op dese wart so antwerdde Ihesus ende sprac 4aldus: Johannes En murmureert nit onder v van minen warden, want 5ic seggv noch meer, dat nimenGa naar margenoot* (34r) en mach te mi comen, mijn uader die 6mi ghesendt heft en trekkene te mi, ende din hi te mi trekt, din salic don 7op herstaen in den ijoncsten dage. Hets ghescreuen in den propheten dat 8alle de liede noch selen sijn Gods leerkinder. So wie so Gods leerkint es ende 9sine leeringe hoert, dats deghene die te mi comt. Nit dat den vader ie imen 10ghesach dan de ghene die uan Gode es ghesendt; hi es die den uader ghesien 11heft. Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* seggic v: Die ane mi gheloeft, hi sal hebben dat eeweleke 12leuen. JcGa naar margenoot+ ben dat broet des leuens. Vwe uordren aten dat manna in der 13wustinen, ende nochtan sijn si doet. Mar hir es dat broet dat uten hemele 14comen es, ende so wie so dis broeds eten sal, hi en sal nit steruen. Jc ben 15dat leuende broet dat uan den hemele comen es, ende so wie so van desen 16broede eten sal, hi sal eeuleke leuen, ende dat broet dat ic gheuen sal 17om der werelt leuen, dats mijns selues uleesch. Doe begonsten die IJoden 18onder hen te tuistene uan din warden die Ihesus hadde ghesproken, ende 19seiden aldus: Hoe mach ons dese sijn vleesch gheuen tetene? Ende Ibesus 20antwerdde hen ende seide aldus: Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* seggic v dat gi engheenGa naar margenoot+ 21leuen en selt hebben in v, hen si dat ghi ett dat vleesch uan des menschen 22sone. Die mijn uleesch ett ende mijn bloet drinkt, die sal hebben dat eeuleke 23leuen, ende ic salne don op herstaen in den ijoncsten dage. WantGa naar margenoot* mijn 24vleeschGa naar margenoot** dats ene ghewarege spise ende mijn bloet dats en ghewarech 25dranc. DieGa naar margenoot* mijn vleesch ett ende mijn bloet drinkt, hi woent in mi, ende 26ic in hem. Also ghelike alse mi ghesendt heft de leuende uader ende ic 27leue in den uader, also sal die mi eten sal, leuen in mj. Dits dat broet dat 28uan den hemele hir af comen es; dit en es nit ghelijc den broede dat vwe 29uordren (34v) aten die doet sijn, want die dit broet eten sal, hi sal eeuleke 30leuen. 31Dese wart sprac Ihesus in de synagoghe daer hi dat volc leerde in Caphar-Ga naar margenoot+32naum. Mar en groet deel van den ghenen die hem plagen te uolgene, alse 33si dese wart hadden ghehoert, so seiden si aldus: Dits ene harde tale; wie 34mach sosgedane redene hoeren? Mar Ihesus, die wale wiste dat si hir af 35murmurden, hi sprac hen toe ende seide aldus: Warumme schandalizeern 36v dese wart? Wat seldi dan seggen, alse ghi selt sien des mensche soneGa naar margenoot* 37op varen daer hi tirst was? Johannes Matheus Marcus De gheest es die | |
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1heaven; and they spoke thus: Is this not Joseph's son, whose father and 2mother we know well? What does he mean then by saying: I am come from 3heaven? To these words Jesus answered and spoke thus: Do not murmur 4among yourselves about my words; for I say unto you yet more, that no 5one may come to me unless my Father who has sent me draw him to me; 6and I shall cause him whom he draws to me to arise on the last day. It is 7written in the prophets that all the people one day shall be disciples of God. 8Whosoever is a disciple of God and hears his teaching, that is the one who 9comes to me. Not that any one ever saw the Father, except him who was 10sent by God, he is the one who has seen the Father. Verily I say unto you: 11He that believes in me shall have eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your 12ancestors ate manna in the desert, and nevertheless they are dead. But 13here is the bread that has come from heaven, and whosoever shall eat of 14this bread shall not die. I am the living bread that has come from heaven, 15and whosoever shall eat of this bread, shall live eternally; and the bread 16that I shall give for the life of the world is my own flesh. Then the Jews 17began to dispute among themselves about the words that Jesus had spoken, 18and said thus: How may this one give us his flesh to eat? And Jesus answered 19Ga naar margenoot+them and said thus: Verily I say unto you, that ye shall have no life in you 20unless ye eat the flesh of the Son of man. He that eats my flesh and drinks 21my blood shall have eternal life and I will make him arise on the last 22day, for my flesh is a veritable food and my blood is a veritable drink. He 23that eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwells in me and I in him. Even 24as the living Father has sent me, and I live in the Father, even so shall he 25that shall eat me live in me. This is the bread that has come down here 26from heaven; this is not like unto the bread that your ancestors ate, who 27are dead; for he that shall eat this bread shall live eternally. 28Ga naar margenoot+Jesus spoke these words in the synagogue where he taught the people in 29Capharnaum. But a large part of those who used to follow him, when they 30had heard these words, said thus: This is a hard saying; who can hear 31this kind of talk? But Jesus, who knew well that they murmured of this, 32spoke to them and said thus: Why do these words offend you? What then 33shall ye say when ye see the Son of man go up where he was at first? It is 34the Spirit | |
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1leuende makt, dat vleesch en es nirgren toe goet. Die wart die ic u gesegt 2hebbe, dats en gheest ende en leuen. Johannes Mar hir sijn deghene 3onder v, die minen warden nin gheloeuen. Want hi wiste wale van beghinne 4wie deghene waren die gheloeuech bliuen souden, ende oc wie deghene 5was diene uercopen soude. 6Johannes Matheus Marcus Doe sprac hi noch voert ende seide aldus:Ga naar margenoot+ 7Hir omme waest dat ic v seide dat nimen te mi comen en mach, hen si hem 8ghegheuen uan miner uader. Na dire uren so trocken achter uele sire 9ijongren ende en wandelden nemmeer met hem. Johannes Matheus 10Marcus Lucas Doe sprac Ihesus toten tueleuen: Wildi oc enwege gaen? 11Ende Symon Petrus antwerdde ende sprac aldus: Here, te wien sele wi 12gaen? Du hefs de wart des eeulecs leuens ende wi gheloeuen ende kennen 13dat tu best Christus, Gods sone. Johannes Ende Jhesus antwerdde aldus: 14En hebbic u tueleuen nit ghekosen, ende en wetti nit dat een van v en 15duuel es? Dit seide hi van Iudase Symoens Schariots. Dese was een van 16den tueleuen, die ne sider verrit. 17Lucas Matheus Alse Ihesus dese wart ghesproken hadde, so bat hemGa naar margenoot+ 18en Phariseus dat hi quame eten met hem, ende Ihesus dede also. Ende 19alse hi gheseten was, so begonste die Pharise-(35r)us te peinsene in hem 20seluen warumme dat hem Ihesus nit ghedwegen en hadde vor den etene, 21wantGa naar margenoot* de Phariseuse ende die IJoden en eten nit, sine hebben tirst dikke 22hare hande geduagen, ende dat houdense uan haren vordren; ende alse si 23comen uan der markt, so ne eten si nit, sine hebben hen tirst geduagen; 24ende oc houden si uan haren vordren dat si sere duaen hare nappe, hare 25potte ende hare andre uate, ende oc pare beddecledre duaen si dikke; dit 26ende des ghelike houden si uele. Lucas Matheus Alse dat die Phariseus 27hadde ghepeinst, so antwerdde Ihesus sire peinsingen ende sprac aldus: 28Ghi Phariseuse, ghi duaet ende suuert harde degerlec dat butenste uan 29den nappe ende uan den cadine, ende v binnenste dats uol van ghiregheiden 30ende uan roeue ende uan alre quaetheit. En heft God also wale nit ghemakt 31dat binnenste alse dat butenste? Mar ic segg v wat gi doet: gheft almossne 32om Gode, so sal v butenste ende v binnenste al ghesuuert sijn. 33Marcus Matheus Op enen andren tijt so gheuil dat somege van denGa naar margenoot+ 34Phariseusen ende uan den scriben die quamen uan Iherusalem went; 35sagen somege van Ihesuss ijongren met onghewasschen handen eten. Dese 36quamen te hem ende begrepen dit ende spraken aldus: Warumme breken 37dine ijongren de ghebode onser vordren? want sine duaen hare hande nit, 38eer si eten. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen ende seide aldus: Warumme brekdi | |
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1that quickens, the flesh is not good for anything; the words that I have 2spoken to you, they are a spirit and a life. But here are those among you 3who do not believe my words. For he well knew from the beginning who 4were those that would remain faithful, and also who was the one that 5would sell him. 6Ga naar margenoot+Then he spoke still further and said thus: It was for this reason that I 7said to you that no one can come to me unless it be given to him by my 8Father. After that hour many of his disciples drew back and walked no 9more with him. Then Jesus spoke to the twelve: Will ye also go away? 10And Simon Peter answered and spoke thus: Lord, to whom shall we go? 11thou hast the words of the eternal life; and we believe and know that thou 12art Christ, the Son of God. And Jesus answered thus: Have I not chosen 13you twelve, and know ye not that one of you is a devil? This he said of 14Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot; this was one of the twelve, who afterwards 15betrayed him. 16Ga naar margenoot+When Jesus had spoken these words, a Pharisee begged him that he 17should come and eat with him, and Jesus did so. And when he was seated, 18the Pharisee began to think within himself, why Jesus had not washed 19himself before the meal, for the Pharisees and the Jews do not eat unless 20they first have often washed their hands, and they keep that from their 21ancestors; and when they come from the market, they do not eat unless 22they have first washed themselves. And they also keep from their ancestors 23that they wash their dishes, their pots and their other vessels thoroughly, 24and they also wash their bedclothes often; they keep many such and suchlike 25[customs]. When the Pharisee had thought this, Jesus replied to his thoughts 26and spoke thus: Ye Pharisees, ye wash and clean very thoroughly the 27outside of the dish and of the pot, and your inside is full of covetousness 28and of rapine and of all wickedness. Has not God just as well made the 29inside as the outside? But I tell thee what to do: give alms for God's sake, 30then thy outside and thy inside shall be all cleansed. 31Ga naar margenoot+At another time it happened that some of the Pharisees and of the scribes 32who came from Jerusalem saw some of Jesus' disciples eat with unwashed 33hands. These came to him and reproved this and spoke thus: Why do thy 34disciples break the commandments of our ancestors? for they do not wash 35their hands before they eat. And Jesus answered them, and said thus: Why 36do ye yourselves break | |
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1selue de ghebode Gods om vre ghebode wille? Want Gods gebot dat segt 2aldus: Eere dinen uader ende dire moeder, ende die maledijt sinen uader 3ochte sire moeder, hi heft des lijfs verbort. Ende gi duingt de kinder dar toe 4met vwen gheboden dat si moten seggen haren vadren ende haren moedren: 5mine ghighten die ic andi leggen moet om di tehelpene, die soudic ghoffert 6hebben. Ende in desen dat ghise hir toe duingt, So doedi hen bre-(35v)ken 7dat ghebot Gods om vre ghebode wille, want si nin eeren uadre ende 8moedre, mar onteeren met din verwiteleken warden. Ende aldus brekdi 9de gebode Gods om vre ghebode wille. Hypocriten! wale propheteerde 10Ysaias van v, doe hi seide: Dit volc eert mi metten monde, Matheus mar har 11herte es uerre uan mj. Mar te uerghefs dienense mi. Si leeren leringen ende 12ghebieden ghebode, Marcus mar si laten de gebode Gods ende houden 13hen an de ghebode der menschen. DoeGa naar margenoot* rip Ihesus dat volc te hem ende 14seide aldus: Hoert ende verstaet: dat ten monde in gheet, dan beulekt den 15mensche nit, mar dat uten monde comt, dat beulekt den mensche. Doe qua-16men sine ijongren te hem ende spraken aldus: En wetstu nit dat die Phariseu-17se van desen warden sere gheschandalizeert sijn? Ende Ihesus antwerdde 18aldus: Alle die planten die mijn hemelsche uader nit geplantt en heft, selen 19metter wortlen ut gheworpen warden. Laetse uaren: si sijn blint ende leidren 20der blinder. Matheus Lucas Mar alse de blinde den blinden leidt, so uallense 21beide in den putte. Matheus Marcus Dar na, alse Ihesus quam terherber-22gen uten volke, so wragde hem Peter wat die wart bedidden die hi din volke 23hadde ghesegt. Ende Ihesus antwerdde aldus: Si di selue noch sonder ver-24stannesse? En uerstadi nit dat al dat ten monde in gheet dat comt in den 25buc ende van daer lidet dor de condute van den lichame? Mar dat uten 26monde gheet, dat comt uter herten, ende dats dat den mensche beulekt. 27Want uten herten comen quade peinsingen, manslachte, ouerhoere, kefsdoe-28me, dieften, valsche getugnessen, ghiregheit, quaetheit, loesheit, onreinegheit, 29boes ghelaet, blasphemie, houerde, doerheit. Dit sijn de dinge die den men-30sche beulekken, mar met ongheduegenen handen eten dan beulekt den 31mensche nit. 32Matheus Marcus Jn din tide so ghinc Ihesus van (36r) daer ende quamGa naar margenoot+ 33int lant van Tyre ende van Sydonien. Al daer so quam en wijf uten lande, 34die van Chanaans gheslechte was. Die rip op hem ende sprac aldus: Ontfarm 35di mijns, Here, Dauids sone, mijn dochter es beseten van den euelen <ghees-36te> die se <ijammerlec> tormentt. Ende Ihesus en antwerdde hare nit. | |
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1the commandments of God for the sake of your commandments? For God's 2commandment says thus: Honor thy father and thy mother, and he that 3curses his father or his mother has forfeited life; and ye force the children 4with your commandments to say to their fathers and their mothers: My 5gifts which I must bestow upon thee to assist thee, of these I ought to have 6made an offering. And by forcing them to this, ye make them break the 7commandment of God for the sake of your commandments. For they do 8not honor father and mother but dishonor [them] with those reproachful 9words. And thus ye break the commandments of God for the sake of your 10commandments. Hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied well of you when he said: 11This people honors me with the mouth, but their heart is far from me. 12But they serve me in vain; they teach teachings and command command-13ments; but they leave the commandments of God and mind the command-14ments of men. Then Jesus called the people to him and said thus: Hear 15and understand: that which enters the mouth does not defile man, but 16that which comes out of the mouth defiles man. Then his disciples came 17to him and spoke thus: Knowest thou not that the Pharisees are greatly 18offended by these words? And Jesus answered thus: All the plants that my 19heavenly Father has not planted shall be cast out with the root. Let them 20go, they are blind and leaders of the blind. But if the blind man leads the 21blind, they both fall into the well. After that, when Jesus came to the inn 22away from the people, Peter asked him what the words signified which he 23had spoken to the people. And Jesus answered thus: Are ye yourselves still 24without understanding? Do ye not understand that all that goes into the 25mouth comes into the belly, and goes from there through the conduit of 26the body? But that which goes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and 27that is what defiles man. For out of the heart come wicked meditations, 28manslaughters, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witnesses, covetousness, 29wickedness, craftiness, uncleanness, evil conduct, blasphemy, pride, 30folly; these are the things that defile man, but to eat with unwashed hands 31does not defile man. 32Ga naar margenoot+ At that time Jesus went from there, and came into the land of Tyre and 33of Sidon. There came a woman from the country, who was of the race of 34Canaan. She cried unto him and spoke thus: Have mercy upon me, Lord, 35son of David, my daughter is possessed of the evil spirit which torments 36her grievously. And Jesus did not answer her. | |
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1Doe quamen sine ijongren ende baden hem vor dat wijf ende seiden 2Ontkommer dat wijf, want si roept na ons. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen 3ende sprac aldus: Jn ben ghesendt mar ten verlornen schapen van Israhel. 4Doe quam dat wijf ende anebeddene ende seide: Ai here, ontfarmdi mijns 5ende help mi. Ende Ihesus antwerdde din wiue ende sprac aldus: En es nit 6temelec dat men nemt der kinder broet ende gheuet den honden; laet 7tirst de kinderGa naar margenoot* ghesaedt werden. Doe antwerdde dat wijf: Here, also est 8alse du segs, mar de hundekene eten wale van de broesemen ende van den 9brokken die vallen van harre heren tafle. Doe antwerdde Ihesus hare: O 10wijf, hoe groet es dijn gheloeue! Also gheschie di alse du beghers. Ende 11op die selue vre was hare dochter al ghenesen. 12Marcus Uan daer so ghinc Ihesus dor Sydonien ende lit Tir, dat nuGa naar margenoot+ 13Surs es ghenamt, ende quam ter zee van Galileen tuschen de termte van 14den lande, dat beet Decapolis. Al daer so brachte men hem iegen enen die 15doef was ende stompt; ende dine brachten, baden hem dat hi sine hant 16op hem leide. Ende Ihesus nam den ghenen op hoer uten volke ende stac 17sinen vinger in sine oren ende met sire spekelen bestreec hi sine tonge. 18Ende doe hif hi sine ogen op te hemele went ende versuchtte ende sprac 19aldus: Effeta, dat ludt also vele alse: ontplukt. Ende also schire worden 20sine oren ontploken ende de bant van sire tonge wart ontbonden, ende hi 21wart ghereklec sprekende ende vale horende. EndeGa naar margenoot* Ihesus gheboet hen 22dat si des nimen en seide, mar so hi hen meer gheboet dat si suegen, so 23sine meer (36v) loueden ende so hen meer wonderde uan sinen werken 24ende seiden: Wale doet hi al dat hi doet hi doet; de doeue hoeren ende 25de stomme spreken. 26Johannes Dar na so behoerde hem te lidene dor dat lant van SamarienGa naar margenoot+ 27ende quam in ene stat, die es genamt Sichar, beneven dire hoeuen die Iacob 28wilen ghaf Iosephe sinen sone. Aldaer so stont en putte din men hit Jacobs 29putten. Ende Ihesus, die was uermudt uan den wege, hi ghinc sitten beneuen 30din putte; ende dat was omtrent sexte tijt uan den daghe. Aldaer Ihesus 31gheseten was, so quam en wijf uan Samarien putten borne utin putte. 32Ende Ihesus sprac din wiue toe ende seide aldus: Ghif mi drinken. Al die wile 33waren sine ijongren in de stat gegaen omme spise te copene. Alse Ihesus 34din wiue drinken hadde gebeden, so antwerdde hem dat wijf aldus: Hoe 35soudstu uan mire hant ghenemen dattu dronks, want is en samaritaensch 36wijf ben, ende du en IJoede best? Dit sprac dat wijf om dat de IJoeden 37ende de Samaritane en hebben en ghene ghemeinschap te gadre. Doe | |
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1Then his disciples came and begged him on behalf of the woman, and said: 2Relieve the woman, for she cries after us. And Jesus answered them and 3spoke thus: I am sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. Then came the woman 4and worshipped him and said: O Lord, have mercy upon me and help me. 5And Jesus answered the woman and spoke thus: It is not meet that one 6takes the children's bread and gives it to the dogs; let first the children be 7satisfied. Then the woman answered: Lord, it is as thou sayest: but the 8little dogs eat indeed of the crumbs and of the pieces that fall from their 9masters' table. Then Jesus answered her: O woman, how great is thy faith; 10may it happen to thee as thou desirest. And in that same hour her daughter 11was all cured. 12Ga naar margenoot+Thence Jesus went through Sidon and left Tyre, which is now called 13Surs, and came to the Sea of Galilee within the confines of the land that is 14called Decapolis. There they brought to him one who was deaf and dumb; 15and those who brought him begged him that he might lay his hand on him. 16And Jesus took the man aside, away from the people, and put his finger 17in his ears and touched his tongue with his spittle. And then he lifted up 18his eyes heavenward and heaved a sigh and spoke thus: Effeta, that means 19so much as: Be opened. And just as quickly his ears were opened, and the 20tie of his tongue was untied, and he was speaking properly and hearing well. 21And Jesus commanded them that they should say nothing of this to any 22one; but the more he commanded them to be silent, the more they praised 23him and the more they marveled at his works and said: He does well all 24that he does; he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak. 25Ga naar margenoot+After that he had to pass through the land of Samaria; and he came to a 26place which is called Sichar, close to the farm which Jacob gave of yore to 27Joseph his son. There stood a well, which people call Jacob's well. And 28Jesus, who was wearied with the journey, went and sat by the side of the 29well; and that was about the sixth hour of the clay. Where Jesus was sitting, 30a woman of Samaria came to draw water from the well. And Jesus spoke 31to the woman and said thus: Give me to drink. Meanwhile his disciples 32were gone into the town to buy food. When Jesus had asked the woman 33for a drink, the woman answered him thus: How shouldst thou accept from 34my hand that thou wouldst drink, for I am a Samaritan woman and thou 35art a Jew? The woman said this because the Jews and the Samaritans have 36no dealings together. Then | |
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1antwerdde Ihesus din wiue ende seide aldus: Wists tu de ghichte Gods 2ende wie deghene es die di segt: Ghef mi drinken, du hads hem maschin 3ghebeden ende hi hadde di ghegheuen leuenden borne. Doe antwerdde hem 4dat wijf: Hoe soudstu dat ghedoen? want dune hefs hir nit dar du met 5putten mochts, ende oc es de putte dip. Wanen comt di dan leuende borne? 6Bestu dan meerre dan Iacob onse uader die ons dese putte ghaf, ende hi 7dranker af ende sine kinder ende sijn quic? Ende Ihesus antwerdde din wiue 8aldus: So wie so van dese borne drinken sal, hem sal noch dorsten. Mar die 9drinken sal van din borne din ic hem gheuen sal, hem en sal nemmermeer 10dorsten, mar die borne din ic hem gheuen sal, dat sal werden in hem en 11quikborne springende ende gheuende den dranc des eeulecs leuens. Doe 12sprac (37 r) dat wijf noch voert ende seide: Here, ghef mi des borns, dat mi 13nemmeer <en> dorste, noch noet en si here te comene omme borne te 14puttene. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hare ende seide al dus: Ghanc ende doch 15haere comen dinen man. Ende dat wijf antwerdde hem weder ende seide: 16Jn hebbe engheenen man. Doe sprac Ihesus ende seide aldus: Du hefst 17waer ghesegt in din dat tu segts: ine hebbe en gheuen man, want wijf man 18hefstu gehadt, ende din du nu hefs, dan es dijn man nit. Jn desen hefstu waer 19gesegt. Doe antwerdde hem dat wijf ende seide aldus: Here, ic sie wale 20dat tu en prophete best. Nu berecht mi dan hir af: onse vordren anebedden 21Gode in desen berghe, ende ghi segt dat in Iherusalem es die stat daer men 22beden moet. Doe sprac Ihesus totin wiue ende seide aldus: Wijf, gheloefs 23mj dat die tijt comen sal dat ghi noch op desen berghe noch in Iherusalem 24en selt anebeden den uader. Ghi ne wett nit wat gi anebedt, mar wi wetent 25wale <wat> wi anebeden, want de saelde die comt van den IJoeden. Mar 26die vre comt, ende dats nu, dat gewarege anebederen selen anebeden den 27vader in den gheeste ende in der warheit, want de vader sukt deghenen 28diene also anebeden. Got es gheest ende dar omme so moet menne anebeden 29in den gheeste ende in der warheit. Doe sprac dat wijf noch voert ende 30seide: Jc weet wale dat Messias te comen es, die Christus heett, ende alse 31hi comt, hi sal ons alles berechten. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hare ende seide 32aldus: Jc bent die spreke iegen di. Doe quamen sine ijongren ende wonderden 33hen van din dat hi iegen dat wijf sprac. Nochtan en seide harre nienegheen 34totin wiue: Wat suks tu? noch tote hem: Wat sprekstu iegen hare? Doe 35lit dat wijf hare cruke daer staen ende liep in de stat ende seide din lieden 36van (37v) der stat: Comt ende siet enen man die mi heft gesegt al dat mi es 37geschit. En es dit nit Christus? Doe ghingen ut die liede uan der stat ende | |
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1Jesus answered the woman and said thus: If thou knewest the gift of God, 2and who it is that says to thee: Give me to drink, thou wouldst perhaps 3have asked him, and he would have given thee living water. Then the 4woman asked him: How shouldst thou do that, for thou hast nothing here 5wherewith thou mightst draw [water], and, besides, the well is deep. Whence 6then comes to thee living water? Art thou then greater than Jacob our 7father, who gave us this well, and he drank of it, and his children, and his 8cattle? And Jesus answered the woman thus: Whosoever shall drink of this 9water shall still thirst: but he who shall drink of the water which I shall give 10him, shall never thirst again; but the water that I shall give him shall 11become in him a living water, welling up and yielding the drink of eternal 12life. Then spoke the woman still further and said: Lord, give me of that 13water, that I shall never thirst any more, nor have need to come here to 14draw water. And Jesus answered her and said thus: Go and make your 15husband come here. And the woman answered him again and said: I have 16no husband. Then Jesus spoke and said thus: Thou hast said truly in that 17thou sayest, I have no husband; for thou hast had five husbands, and the 18one thou hast now, is not thy husband: in this thou hast said truly. Then 19the woman answered him and said thus: Lord, I see, indeed, that thou 20art a prophet. Now tell me of this: our ancestors worshipped God on this 21mountain, and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where one must pray. 22Then Jesus spoke to the woman and said thus: Woman, believe me, that 23the time will come when, neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, shall 24ye worship the Father. Ye know not what ye worship; but we know it well 25what we worship; for salvation comes from the Jews. But the hour is coming, 26and that is now, when true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit 27and in truth; for the Father seeks those who worship him thus. God is 28spirit, and therefore one must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Then 29the woman spoke still further and said: I know, indeed, that Messiah 30is to come which is called Christ, and when he comes he will tell us everything. 31And Jesus answered her and said thus: I am he who speak to thee. Then his 32disciples came and were amazed that he spoke to the woman. However, 33none of them said to the woman: What seekest thou; nor to him: What 34talkest thou to her? Then the woman left her jar standing there, and ran 35into the town and said to the people of the town: Come and see a man 36who has told me all that has happened to me; is this not Christ? Then 37the people of the town went out and | |
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1quamen te hem. Doe spraken sine ijongren te hem ende seiden: Mester, 2com eten. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen ende seide: Jc hebbe ene spise tetene 3dar gi nit af en wett. Doe spraken die ijongren onderlinge: Heft hem imen 4hir tetene brachtt? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen aldus: Mine spise dat es 5dat ic doe den wille des gheens die mi ghesendt heft ende volwerke sijn 6werc. Ghi segt onder v dat noch vire maent sijn toten ogste, mar is seggv 7datt nu ogst es. Heft op vwe ogen ende siet: dat coren steet al wit ende al 8ripe op den wele. Die dat coren sniden sal, hi saelt ghedren in die schure 9des eeulecs leuens; dan selen tesamen vroude hebben beide die dat coren 10saijt ende die dat sneet. Dit es en waer waert, want en ander es die dat 11coren saijt, ende en ander es die dat snijdt. Jc hebbu ghesendt te snjdene 12dat ghi nin saijet. Andre vor v arbeitten in den saiiene ende ghi sijt gegaen 13in haren arbeit. Ut dire stat so gheloefden ane hem vele liede van din 14Samaritaenschen volke om dis wijf getughnesse die seide: Hi heft mi 15ghesegt alle mine gheschinnesse. Ende alse die Samaritane te hem quamen, 16so baden si hem dat hi daer bleue met hen. Ende hi dede also ende bleef 17dar tuee dage onder hen. Ende alsen die Samaritane hoerden selue spreken, 18so gheloefder vele an hem ende spraken totin wiue: Nu gheloeue wi an hem, 19nit om dire talen wille, want wi horen selue ut sinen monde, war bi dat wi 20weten ende kinnen ghewarechlec dat hi es der werelt uerloessere. 21Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Dar na so gheuil dat de IJodenGa naar margenoot+ 22hadden ene feeste, ende Ihesus ghinc te dire feesten ende quam te Iherusa-23lem. In din tide so was to (38r) Iherusalem ene piscine die hadde vif paruise. 24Jn din paruisen so plach geduas te liggene ene grote menege uan sinen 25lieden, die som waren blint, som houtende ende manc, som verdorret van 26den fledercine. Jn din tide so plach dingel te comene van den hemele ende 27dat water van der sisternen te rurne; ende so wie so dan tirst conste ghe-28comen in die piscine, na din dat dal water gherurt was, die wart gheghanst 29van sire sikheit so welkertiren dat si was. Aldaer so lach en man die sesseGa naar margenoot* 30<ende> dertech ijaer hadde ghewest in ere sikheit. Alse Ihesus den ghenen 31sach, die wale wiste dat hi langen tijt sik hadde ghewest, so vragde hi hem 32ende seide aldus: Weltu ghesont werden? Ende di sieke antwerdde weder 33ende seide: Here, in hebbe nimene, alst water gherurt es, die mi helpe dat 34ic in die piscine moge comen, want alse ics mi pine, so comt en ander ende 35gheet vor mj. Doe sprac Ihesus totin sinen ende seide: Nem dijn bedde Op 36dinen hals ende ghanc dire straten. Ende also saen alse dat ghesproken | |
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1came to him. Then his disciples spoke to him and said: Master, come [and] 2eat. And Jesus answered them and said: I have food to eat of which ye 3know nothing. Then the disciples spoke among themselves: Has any one 4here brought him [something] to eat? And Jesus answered them thus: My 5food is that I do the will of him who has sent me and complete his work. 6Ye say among yourselves that there are yet four months until the harvest; 7but I say unto you that now is the harvest. Lift up your eyes and see; the 8corn stands all white and ripe upon the field. He who shall cut the corn 9shall gather it in the barn of eternal life; then both he who sows the corn 10and he who cuts it shall have joy together. This is a true word, for one is 11he who sows the corn and another is he who cuts it. I have sent you to cut 12that which ye do not sow; others before you labored in the sowing, and ye 13are gone into their labor. From that city many of the Samaritan folk believed 14in him because of the woman's testimony, who said: He has told me all 15that happened to me. And when the Samaritans came to him, they besought 16him that he would remain there with them. And he did so, and remained 17there two days among them. And when the Samaritans themselves heard him 18speak, many believed in him, and spoke to the woman: Now we believe 19in him, not because of thy word; for we ourselves hear out of his mouth, 20whereby we know and truly recognize that he is the Saviour of the world. 21Ga naar margenoot+After that it happened that the Jews had a feast, and Jesus went to that 22feast and came to Jerusalem. At that time there was at Jerusalem a fishpond 23which had five porches. In those porches a great multitude of sick people 24used to lie meekly, some of whom were blind, some halting and lame, some 25withered by the gout. At that time the angel used to come from heaven 26and to move the water of the cistern; and whosoever could first get into 27the pool after the water had been moved, was cured of his sickness of what-28soever kind it was. There lay a man who for six,Ga naar voetnoota) and thirty years had been 29in a sickness. When Jesus saw that man, well knowing that he had been 30sick a long time, he asked him and said thus: Wilt thou become whole? 31And the sick man answered back and said: Lord, I have no one, when 32the water has been moved, to help me to get into the pool; for when I am 33doing my best, another comes and goes before me. Then Jesus spoke to 34the sick man and said: Take thy bed upon thy neck and go thy way. And 35as soon as this was spoken, | |
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1was, so was die mensche al ghenesen, ende hi nam sijn bedde op sinen 2hals ende ghinc en weghe. Dit was op enen saterdach. Doe spraken die 3IJoden toten ghenen die ghenesen was, ende seiden: Het es heden saterdach; 4dine es nit ghorloft dijn bedde tedragene. Ende deghene antwerdde hen 5weder aldus: Die mi ghansde, hi gheboet mi dat is name mijn bedde ende 6drogt en weghe. Doe vragden hem die IJoden wie deghene ware, die hem 7hadde gheheten sijn bedde en wech dragen. Ende deghene die ghesont 8worden was, en consts hen nit berechten wie dat hadde ghewest, want 9Ihesus was ghegaen op hoer vten volke. Dar na so vanten Ihesus in den 10tempel, ende aldaer so sprac hi den ghenen toe ende seide: Du best nu 11ghenesen, hud ti voert (38v) ane uan sunden, dat di namaels nit argers en 12gheschie. Doe ghinc die mensche toten IJoden ende seide hen datt IhesusGa naar margenoot+ 13ware, diene ghesont hadde ghemakt. Dit was een der oksune <ende> der 14saken waromme datten de IJoden haeten, dat hi sosgedane werke warchte 15op den saterdach. Ende alsen de IJoden hir af berespden, so plach hi 16tantwerddene aldus: Mijn uader heft tote nu ghewarght, ende nu werkic. 17Ende hir omme so wouden sine doeden, want hi nit allene en brac de 18uirte van den saterdaghe, mar om dat hi seide dat Got sijn wader ware, 19ende dat hi hem ghelijc makde Gode. Alse dit de IJoden hem verweten, so 20antwerdde hen Ihesus op ene wile ende seide aldus: Jc seggv ouer waerGa naar margenoot* 21dat de sone nit van hem seluen en werkt, mar dat werkt die sone dat hi den 22vader werken siet, want dat de uader vore werkt, dat werkt de cone na. 23Want de uader mint den sone, ende al dat hi werkt, dat toght hi hem, 24ende noch meerre dinghe sal hi hem vertoeghen, daer v noch meer of 25wondren sal mogen. Want also ghelike alse de vader doet opherstaen dieGa naar margenoot+ 26doede ende maktse leuende, also makt de sone leuende die hi welt. Noch 27de vader en ordeelt nimene, mar al sijn ordeel hef hi de sone ghegheuen, 28om dat alle menschen solen eeren den sone also ghelike alse si eeren den 29vader. Die den sone nin eert, hi ne eert nit den vader diene heft ghesendt. 30Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* segg ic v: Di mine wart hoert ende gheloeft an den ghenen di mi 31ghesendt heft, <hi> sal hebben dat ewleke leuen ende hine sal int ordeel 32nit comen, mar hi sal liden dor de doet ten leuene wert. Noch seggv ouerGa naar margenoot+ 33waer dat die vre comt, ende dats nu, dat de doede selen hoeren de stemme 34des Gods soens, ende die se hoeren, si selen leuende werden. Want also ghelike 35alse de vader heft dat leuen in hem seluen, al-(39r) so heft hi den sone 36ghegheuen leuen te hebbene in hem seluen, ende macht heft hi hem ghe-37gheuen te ordeelne, want hi ens menschen sone es. Mar des en wondre v | |
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1the man was all cured; and he took his bed upon his neck and went away. 2This was on a Saturday. Then the Jews spoke to the man that had been 3cured and said: It is Saturday today; it is not permitted to thee to carry 4thy bed. And the man answered them again thus: He that healed me com-5manded me that I should take my bed and carry it away. Then the Jews 6asked him who that man was that had commanded him to carry away his 7bed. And the man who had become whole could not tell them who he was; 8for Jesus had gone away from the people. After that Jesus found him in the 9temple, and there he spoke to the man and said: Thou art now cured; 10beware henceforth of sins, that afterwards nothing worse happen to thee. 11Ga naar margenoot+Then the man went to the Jews and said to them that it was Jesus who 12had made him whole. This was one of the occasions and causes why the 13Jews hated him, that he performed such works on the Saturday. And when 14the Jews rebuked him for this, he used to answer thus: My Father has 15worked until now, and now I am working. And for this reason they wanted 16to kill him, for he not only broke the observance of the Saturday, but 17because he said that God was his Father, and because he made himself 18equal to God. When the Jews rebuked him for this, Jesus answered them 19one time, and said thus: I say to you verily, that the Son does not work 20On his own account, but the Son does that which he sees the Father do; 21for that which the Father does first, the Son does after him. For the Father 22loves the Son, and all that he does he shows to him; and he will show him 23Ga naar margenoot+yet greater things, at which ye may marvel even more. For even as the 24Father makes the dead arise and makes them alive, even so the Son makes 25alive those whom he will. And the Father does not judge any one, but 26he has given all his judgment to the Son, that all men shall honor the 27Son, even as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son, does 28not honor the Father who has sent him. Verily I say unto you: He that 29hears my words and believes in him that has sent me, he shall have eternal 30life; and he shall not come into the judgment, but he shall pass through 31Ga naar margenoot+death toward life. I also say to you, verily, that the hour is coming, and it 32is now, when the dead shall hear the voice of God's Son, and those who hear 33it shall become alive. For even as the Father has life in himself, even so 34has he given the Son to have life in himself; and he has given him power 35to judge because he is a man's Son. But do not marvel at this, | |
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1nit, want die vre sal comen dat alle die in den grauen liggen, selen sine 2stemme hoeren ende selen op herstaen, die goede werke ghewarchtt hebben 3in opherstannessen <des> eeulecs leuens, ende die quade werke gewarchtt 4hebben in opherstannessen der eeuleker verdoemnessen. Jn mach van miGa naar margenoot+ 5seluen nit werken noch doen. Na dat is hoere, dar na ordeele ic, ende mijn 6ordeel es gherech. Gheuic ghetugnesse van mi seluen, het schijnt dat mijn 7ghetugnesse nit waer en si. Mar en ander es die ghetugt uan mj, ende is 8weet dat sijn ghetugnesse waer es, dat hi ghetugt van mi. Ghi sendet te 9IJanne Baptisten ende hi ghaf ghetugnesse der warheit. Jn ontfa nochtan 10nit allene ghetugnesse van den menschen, mar dese wart seggic v, om dat 11is begbere dat ghi behouden blijft. IJan Bapuista was en licht bernende 12ende lichtende, ende ghi verblijschet enen corten tijt in sire clerheit. Mar 13ic hebbe meerre ghetugnesse dan hi dede, want de werke die mj mijn vader 14ghegheuen heft te werkene, die gheuen ghetugnesse dat ic ben din de vader 15ghesendt heft; ende de uader die mi sendee, hi selue heft ghetugt van mi. 16Noch sine stemme en horedi noit noch sijn anschin en sagdi noit, noch sijn 17wart en <hebdi> nit in v bliuende, want ghine gheloeft den ghenen nit din 18hi ghesendt heft. Besukt die scrifturen dar gi in went winden dat eeuleke 19leuen, ende si sijn nochtan die ghetugnesse gheuen van mi; nochtan en 20wildi te mi nit comen om dat eeusche leuen te verweruene. In suke nit der 21menschen lof, mar is kenne v wale ende weet wale dat ghi de minne Gods 22nin hebt in v. Jc ben (39v) comen in mijns vader name, ende ghine hebt mi 23nit ontfaen; comt en ander in sinen name, din seldi onfaen. Hoe mochtti 24mi gheloeuen, die vwe gloriacie ontfaet deen uan den andren, ende de glorie 25die van Ghode allene es <nin> sukt noch en beghert? En went nit dat is 26v wrugen sal vor den vader; en ander sal v wrvgen, dats Moyses dar gi op 27hopt, want gheloeuedi Moysese, so souddi maschin mi oc gheloeuen, want 28hi screef in sinen boeken van mi. Ende ochte ghi sinen ghescrefte nin ghe-29loeft, hoe souddi dan minen warden gheloeuen? 30Matheus Marcus Alse Ihesus dese wart ghesproken hadde, so lit hi datGa naar margenoot+ 31lant uan Iudeen ende ghinc weder ter wstinen wertGa naar margenoot*. Aldaer so quam en 32groet volc tote hemGa naar margenoot*. Ende alse 33Ihesus drie daghe dat volc 34hadde gheleert in der wstinen, 35so rip hi sine ijongren te hem 36ende seide aldus: Mi ontfarmt 37dis volks, want si drie daghe | |
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1for the hour is comming when all who are lying in the graves shall hear-his 2voice and shall arise again; those who have done good works in resurrection 3of eternal life, and those who have done evil works, in resurrection of eternal 4Ga naar margenoot+damnation. I can neither work nor do of my own self; according to what 5I hear I judge; and my judgment is just. If I give witness of myself, it seems 6that my witness is not true. But it is another who witnesses of me, and I 7know that his witness which he witnesses of me is true. Ye sent unto John 8the Baptist and he gave witness to the truth. I receive, however, not only 9testimony from men, but I say these words unto you because I wish that 10ye be saved. John the Baptist was a light burning and shining, and ye 11rejoiced a short time in his brightness. But I have greater witness than he 12did; for the works which my Father has given me to do give witness that 13I am he whom the Father has sent; and the Father who sent me has himself 14witnessed of me. Ye never heard his voice nor ever saw his face, nor did ye 15keep his word abiding in you, for ye believe not him whom he has sent. 16Examine the Scriptures in which ye think ye will find eternal life, and they 17are nevertheless they that give witness of me; yet ye will not come to me 18in order to obtain eternal life. I seek not the praise of men, but I know you 19well, and I know well that ye have not the love of God in you. I am come 20in my Father's name and ye have not received me; if another comes in his 21name, him ye will receive. How could ye belive me, ye who receive your 22praise one from the other, and who seek and desire not the glory which 23comes from God alone? Do not think that I shall accuse you before the 24Father; another shall accuse you, that is Moses, in whom ye trust; for if ye 25believed Moses, ye would perhaps also believe me; for he wrote in his 26books of me. And if ye do not believe his writings, how then should ye 27believe my words? 28Ga naar margenoot+When Jesus had spoken these words he left the land of Judea, and went 29back towards the desertGa naar voetnoota). There came a great multitude to himGa naar voetnootb). And 30when Jesus had taught the people three days in the desert, he called his 31disciples to him and said thus: I pity these people, for they have been here 32with me for three days | |
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1hir met mi hebben ghewest ende sine hebben hir nit tetene; ende lat ic se 2gaen al vastende, so selen si verderuen onder weghen, wantGa naar margenoot* de someghe 3sijn van verren comen. Ende sine ijongren antwerdden hem: Wanen soude 4ons hir comen alse vele broeds in der wstinen alse dar wi al dit volc met 5mochten ghesaeden? Ende Ibesus antwerdde ende vragde hen aldus: Hoe 6menghh broet hebdi? Ende si seiden: Seuene, ende lettel vesche. Doe 7gheboet Ihesus den volke dat si ghingen sitten, ende hi nam die seuen 8broet ende die vesche ende benediedse ende brac se ende ghaf se sinen 9ijongren; ende sine ijongren ghauensse voert den uolke ende al dat volc 10at van din seuen broden, so dats ighewelk gnoch hadde ende si alle worden 11ghesaedt. Ende alse die maeltijt was ghedaen, so ghingen sine ijongren ende 12ghederden dat relif dat daer ouer bleuen was, ende uulden seuen manden 13mettin relieue. Ende nochtan so was dis volks uir (40r) clusentech men-14schen, sonder de wijf ende de kinder die van din seuen broden hadden 15gheten. 16Matheus Marcus Alse die maeltijt was ghedaen, so sat Ihesus altehantGa naar margenoot+ 17in en schep ende voer ouer in lant dat beet Magedan. Ende alse hi ende 18sine ijongren ouer quamen, so ghedachte sinen ijongren alre irst dat si en 19gheen broet en hadden brachtt met hen ende nemmeer broeds en hadden 20dan een, want sijs hadden uergheten te coepene. Ende alse Ihesus met 21sinen ijongren ouer was comen, so sprac hi hen ane ende seide aldus: 22Hudt v, dat v nin gheneke van din heue der Phariseuse ende der Saduceuse 23ende van Herodess heue. Doe dat die ijongren hoerden, so peinsden si dat 24si hen hadden uersumt, dat si engheen broet met hen en hadden brachtt. 25Ende Ihesus, die wale wiste har ghepens, hi sprac hen noch toe ende seide 26aldus: Wat peinsdi onder v, liede van cleinen gheloeue, dat ghi en gheen 27broet en hebt brachtt? En uerstadi nit noch en ghedinkt v nit der vif brode 28ende der vif clusentech dire of aten, ende hoe meneghn corf vol reliefs dat 29ghi ghederet daer af? Ende si antwerdden: Tueleue. Ende Ihesus vragde noch 30voert: En ghedinkt v oc nit der seuen broet ende der uire clusentechen dire of 31aten, ende hoe meneghe mande uol reliefs dat daer ouer bleef? Ende si 32antwerdden: Seuene. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder ende sprac aldus: 33War omme en uerstadi dan nit dat is nin meinde dat broet dat men ett, 34doe is seide: En laett u nit gheneken van din heue der Phariseuse ende 35der Saduceuse? Doe uerstonden si dat hi nin meinde den heue dar men 36dat broet met heffen doet, mar dat hi bi din heue meindde dat si hen huden 37souden van der leeringen der Phariseuse ende der Saduceuse. 38Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Uan daer so quam (40v) IhesusGa naar margenoot+ | |
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1and they have nothing to eat here; and if I let them go fasting, they will 2perish on the way; for some have come from afar. And his disciples answered 3him: Whence would come to us here so much bread in the desert that we 4could sate there with all these people? And Jesus answered and asked them 5thus: How many loaves have ye? And they said: Seven, and a few fishes. 6Then Jesus commanded the people to sit down; and he took the seven 7loaves and the fishes and blessed them and broke them and gave them to 8his disciples; and his disciples gave them to the people, and all that people 9ate of those seven loaves, so that each one had enough, and all were satisfied. 10And when the meal was finished, his disciples went and gathered the 11remnants that had been left over, and filled seven baskets with the remnants. 12And yet there were four thousand people of this multitude, besides the 13women and the children that had eaten of those seven loaves. 14Ga naar margenoot+When the meal was finished Jesus embarked at once in a ship, and went 15across to a land that is called Magedan. And when he and his disciples 16were come across, his disciples remembered for the first time that they had 17not brought any bread with them, and had no more bread than one [loaf]; 18for they had forgotten to buy any. And when Jesus with his disciples was 19come across, he spoke to them and said thus: Beware that ye do not let the 20leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees come near you, nor Herod's leaven. 21When the disciples heard that, they thought of their neglect to bring any 22bread with them. And Jesus, who well knew their thoughts, spoke to them 23again and said thus: What do ye think among yourselves, men of little faith, 24of not having brought any bread? Do ye not understand, and do ye not 25remember the five loaves and the five thousand who ate of them, and how 26many baskets full of remnants ye gathered thereof? And they answered: 27Twelve. And Jesus asked yet further: Do ye not remember either the seven 28loaves and the four thousand who ate of them, and how many baskets full 29of remnants were left over there? And they answered: Seven. And Jesus 30answered them again and spoke thus: Why then do ye not understand 31that I did not mean the bread that one eats when I said: Do not let the 32leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees come near you? Then they 33understood that he did not mean the leaven with which one makes the 34bread rise, but that he meant by the leaven that they should beware of the 35teaching of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. 36Ga naar margenoot+From there Jesus came | |
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1in die gheburte daer die stat steet, die heet Cesarea Philippi. Aldaer so 2uragde hi sinen ijongren ende sprac aldus: Wat seggen deliede van des 3menschen sone wie hi si? Elide si antwerdden ende seiden: Selke seggen dat 4to best IJan Baptista; selke seggen dat to best Helyas; selke seggen Iheremias 5ochte een uan den propheten. Ende Ihesus uragde noch voert ende seide: 6Wat segdi gi selke van mi wie is si? Doe antwerdde Symon Petrus ende 7seide: Du best Christus, des leuends Gods sone. Ende Ihesus antwerdde 8hem weder aldus: Salech bestu, Symon Bariona, want noch vleesch noch 9bloet en heft di dat verwijst, mar mijn uader die es in den hemele. Ende ic 10segge di dat te best Peter, ende op desen Steen salic stichten mine kerke, 11ende de porten van der hellen en selen hare nit mogen ghederen. Ende 12di salic gheuen deslotele uan hemelrike. Ende al dat te binds in ertrike, 13dat sal ghebonden sijn in hemelrike, ende al dat te ontbinds in ertrike, 14dat sal ontbonden sijn in hemelrike. 15Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe gheboet hi sinen ijongren dat si nimeneGa naar margenoot+ 16en seiden dat hi Christus ware. Ende dar na so began hi te vertoegene sinen 17ijongren dat hi moste gaen te Iherusalem, ende daer moste hi vele doegen 18van den senioren ende van den scriben ende van den princhen, ende dat 19menne al daer doeden soude, ende dat hi des derds dags soude op herstaen 20van der doet. Doe namene Peter op hoer ende begonstene te kastijene 21ende seide aldus: Here, des en peins nemmeer te doene, noch des en soutu 22nit laten gheschin. Matheus Marcus Ende Ihesus kirde hem te Peter wert 23ende sprac weder al dus: Vlie achter mi, Sathanas, du best mi ene schan-24dele, want du en geuroeds nit wat Gods wille es, mar wat ten menschen 25ghenuglec es. 26Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe rip Ihesus dat volc ende sine ijongren 125 27altesamen ende (41r) seide hen aldus: Die na mi comen welt, hi uertije 28sijns selues ende neme sijn cruce ende volghe mi, want die sine zile behouden 29welt, salse verliesen, ende die sine zile uerlist om minen wille, hi salse 30weder uinden. Wat holpt den mensche dat hi alde werelt wonne, ende hi 31sine zile uerlore? Ende wat wisselingen mach de mensche ontfaen ouer sine 32zile? Want des menschen sone sal comen in der glorien sijns vader met sinen 33 inglen, ende dan sal hi igewelken gheuen na sine verdinte. Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* 34seggic dat selke van den ghenen die hir sagen, en selen der doer nit ghe-35smaken tote dire wilen dat si selen sien comen des menschen sone in sinen 36Expositio rike - In sinen rike, segt de glose, lots in dire clerheit die hi sal hebben 37na den loge des ordeels, ochte in siren rike comen, dats sine mirakeleke 38werke doegen in de heilge kerke. Van dire clerheit dar ne some sine ijongren 39in sagen al in desen liue, spreken die ewangelisten aldus: - | |
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1into the neighbourhood where stands the town that is called Caesarea 2Philippi. There he asked his disciples and spoke thus: What do the people 3say of the Son of man, who he is? And they answered and said: Some say 4that thou art John the Baptist; some say that thou art Elijah; some say 5Jeremias or one of the prophets. And Jesus asked them yet further and 6said: What say ye yourselves of me who I am? Then Simon Peter answered 7and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered 8him again thus: Blessed art thou, Simon Bariona, for neither flesh nor 9blood has revealed that to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I 10say unto thee that thou art Peter, and upon this stone I shall found my 11Church, and the gates of hell will not be able to harm it. And I shall give 12thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and all that thou bindest on earth, 13shall be bound in the kingdom of heaven, and all that thou loosest on 14earth, shall be loosed in the kingdom of heaven. 15Ga naar margenoot+Then he commanded his disciples that they should say to no one that 16he was Christ. And after that he began to reveal to his disciples that he 17must go to Jerusalem, and there he must suffer much from the elders and 18from the scribes and from the princes, and that they would kill him there, 19and that he would arise from death on the third day. Then Peter took him 20aside and began to rebuke him, and said thus: Lord, never think of doing 21this; nor shouldst thou let this happen. And Jesus turned towards Peter and 22spoke back thus: Flee behind me, Satan; thou art an offence unto me, for 23thou understandest not what God's will is, but what is pleasing unto men. 24Ga naar margenoot+Then Jesus called the people and his disciples together, and said to them 25thus: He who will come after me, let him deny himself and take his cross 26and follow me; for he who will save his soul shall lose it; and he who loses 27his soul for my sake shall find it again. What would it profit man that he 28should gain all the world and lose his soul? and what exchange may man 29receive for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father 30with his angels; and then shall he give to every one according to his desert. 31Verily I say that some of those that stand here shall not taste death, until 32that hour when they shall see the Son of man come in his kingdom. - In 33his kingdom, says the gloss, that is, in the glory which he shall have after 34the day of doom; or, come in his kingdom, that is, show his miraculous 35works in the holy church. Of that glory in which some of his disciples saw 36him already in this life the Evangelists speak thus: - | |
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1Matheus Marcus Lucas Ouer sess daghe dar na so nam Ihesus PetreGa naar margenoot+ 2ende IJacope ende Ijanne, sinen bruder, ende leidese op enen hogen bergh 3op hoer utenGa naar margenoot* andren omGa naar margenoot** sijn ghebet daer te doene. Ende al die wile 4dat hi dede sijn ghebet, so wart hi ghetransfigureertGa naar margenoot* ende sijnGa naar margenoot* anschin 5ontfinc ene andre ghedente, want sijn anschin dat wart verclert ghelijc 6der sonnen ende sine cleeder worden wit ghelijc den snee ende witter ende 7clerre dan se eenech mensche ghemaken mochte. Al daer so quamen Moyses 8ende Helias ende spraken iegen hem oppenbare van din dat hi soude 9moten doeghen in Iherusalem. DoeGa naar margenoot* sprac Peter te hem ende seide aldus: 10Here, het es hir goet wesen. Weltu, wi selen hir maken drie tabernacle, 11di eenen, ende Moysese eenen, ende Helyase eenen. Aldie wile dat Peter dit 12(41V) sprac, so quam ene clere wolke ende bedekkese met haren schade. 13Ende uter wolken so sprac ene stemme die seide aldus: Dit es mijn lieue 14sone in welken dat ic mijn behagen hebbe ghelegt; hem hoert ende weest 15onderdaen. Ende alse die ijongren dat horden, so vilen si ter neder ende 16worden harde sere ueruert. Doe quam Ihesus te hen ende ghereense ende 17sprac aldus: Staet op ende en veruert v nit. Doe hiuense op hare oghen ende 18en sagen nimene dan allen Ihesum. Doe leidese Ihesus weder van din 19berghe neder ende gheboet hen ende sprac al dusGa naar margenoot*: Nimene en segt van 20desen uisione tote dire wilen dat des menschen sone si op herstaen van 21der doet. 22Doe vragden hem die ijongren ende seiden: Want wi dine glorie hebbenGa naar margenoot+ 23ghesien, wat es dan dat de scriben seggen dat Helyas tirst moet comen, eer 24Christus sal werden ghesin in sire glorien? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen 25ende seide aldus: Dats waer dat Helyas noch te comen es, ende alse hi 26comt, so sal hi herniwen alle dinc. Nochtan seggv dat Helyas nu comen es, 27ende de menschen uan ertrike en kendens nit, mar si daden met hem dat 28si wouden. Also ghelike selen si don met des menschen sone, want van hen 29sal hi werden gheleuert ter doet. Doe uerstonden sine ijongren dat hi 30ghemeint hadde IJanne Baptisten ende dat hi ware Helyas dar hi hen 31af sprac. Ende alse Ihesus weder quam tin volke, so vant hi describen 32disputerende met tin volke. Ende alse dat volc Ihesum sach, so worden si 33alle verssagt ende si ghingen iegen hem ende boden hem hare gruete. 34LUCAS Ende Ihesus vragde hen wat si hadden ghedisputeert onder hen. 35Aldaer so quamen selke van din Phariseusen te hem ende spraken aldus:Ga naar margenoot+ 36Vlie van henen ende (42r) ghanc ut Herodes gewout, want wi hebben 37uernomen dat di Herodes doeden welt. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+Six days afterwards Jesus took Peter and Jacob and John his brother, 2and led them up a high mountain away from the others in order to do his 3prayer there. And while he was doing his prayer, he was transfigured and 4his face received a different appearance; for his face was illumined like 5unto the sun, and his clothes were white as the snow, and whiter and brighter 6than any man could make them. There came Moses and Elijah and spoke 7to him openly of that which he should have to suffer in Jerusalem. Then 8Peter spoke to him and said thus: Lord, it is good to be here; wilt thou, 9we make here three tabernacles, for thee one, and for Moses one, and 10for Elijah one. While Peter was saying this, a bright cloud came and covered 11them with its shadow; and out of the cloud there spoke a voice, which 12said thus: This is my beloved Son, in whom I have laid my pleasure; hear 13him and be obedient. And when the disciples heard that, they fell down 14and were very much afraid. Then Jesus came to them and touched them, 15and spoke thus: Arise and be not afraid. Then they lifted up their eyes 16and saw no one but Jesus alone. Then Jesus led them down again from the 17mountain, and commanded them and spoke thus: Do not speak of this 18vision to any one until the Son of man has arisen from death. 19Ga naar margenoot+Then the disciples asked him and said: Since we have seen thy glory, 20what is it then that the scribes say that Elijah must come first, before Christ 21shall be seen in his glory? And Jesus answered them and said thus: That 22is true that Elijah is yet to come, and when he comes he shall renew all 23things. Nevertheless I say unto you that Elijah is come now, and the people 24of the earth did not know him; but they did with him whatsoever they would. 25Even so shall they do with the Son of man; for by them he shall be delivered 26unto death. Then his disciples understood that he had meant John the 27Baptist, and that he was [the] Elijah of whom he spoke to them. And when 28Jesus came back to the people, he found the scribes disputing with the 29people; and when the people saw Jesus, they all became afraid; and they 30went towards him and offered him their greetings. And Jesus asked them 31what they had disputed among themselves. 32Ga naar margenoot+There some of the Pharisees came to him and spoke thus: Flee hence, 33and go out of Herod's power, for we have heard that Herod will kill thee. 34And Jesus answered them back | |
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1aldus: Ghaet ende segt din <vosse> dat ic ijage de quade gheeste uten ghenen 2die beseten sijn ende dat is ghansse de ghene die onghesont sijn; ende 3aldosghedaen were so behoert mi te werkene heden ende margen, ende 4des derds dacs sal ic hebben uoldaen. Jdoch salic moten wandelen heden 5ende marghen; ende oc est nit behorlec dat enech prophete werde ghdoedt 6Ga naar margenoot+buten Iherusalem - Dits also te uerstane alse ochte hi seide: Dat mi Herodes 7dreigt te doedene, dats te uerghefs, want totir wilen dat de tijt uan mire 8passien comen sal, so sal ic werken [die werke] van der verloessnessen der men-9schen, ende also langhe alse dese tijt duren sal, so ne est in Herodes macht nit 10dat hi mi moghe doeden; ende alse die tijt van mire passien comen sal, 11so sal ic werden ghedoedt in Iherusalem, daer Herodes oc enghene macht 12en heft, mar Pylatus. 13Lucas Matheus Marcus Des anders dags dar na so quam en mensche 129 14ende vil Ihesum te uoeten ende rip op hem ende sprac al dus: Here, ont-15farmdi mijns soens, want hi es mi en eenech sone, ende de quade gheest 16heften beseten ende werpten dikke ter neder ende doeten spumen ende 17kiijsselen metten tanden; ende met suaren tormenten so werdt hi dikke 18ghetorment ende ghequellt, want dikke worpt hine int vir ende dikke int 19water ende dikke doet hine criten ende selden laett Mine onghequellt. 20Ende <ic> bat diner ijongren dat sinen verledegden van din quaden gheeste, 21ende sine constens nit ghedon. Doe antwerdde Ihesus ende sprac aldus: 22O ongheloeueghe ende verkirde generacie, hoe langhe salic met v sijn? 23hoe langhe salic vwe ongheraktheit verdragen? (42v) Brengt hare te mj. 24Ende alse deghene quam vor hem ende hine sach, so begonsten altehant 25die quade gheest te tormentene ende warpene ter neder, ende aldaer so 26lach hi al wintelende ende spumende metten monde. Doe vragde Ihesus 27sinen uader ende seide aldus: Hoe langhe es leden van din tide dat hem dit 28gheschide? Ende de ghene antwerdde weder al dus: Here, het quam hem 29are in sire kinschheit; mar befstus macht, so help ons ende ontfarmdi onss. 30Ende Ihesus antwerdde weder aldus: Mochts du gheloeuen, di soude 31gheholpen werden, want alle dine sijn mogenlec den gheloeuenden. Doe 32rip dis kinds uader al weenende ende sprac aldus: Here, ic gheloeue dat 33tus macht hefs, ende es mijn gheloeue te cranc, so help dat het si ghesterkt. 34Ende alse Ihesus sach dat dat volc toe quam lopende, so sprac hi totin 35onsuueren gheeste ende seide aldus: Doeue ende stomme gheest, is ghe-36beiddi dat du ut vaers ende nemmeer en coms weder in desen lichame. | |
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1thus: Go and tell the fox, that I expel the evil spirits out of those who are 2possessed, and that I heal those who are unsound; and such work it behoves 3me to perform to-day and to-morrow, and on the third day I shall have 4fulfilled [it]. However, I shall have to walk to-clay and to-morrow; and 5also it is not fitting that any prophet be killed outside of Jerusalem - This 6is to be understood as if he said: That Herod threatens to kill me, that is in 7vain; for until the time of my passion comes, I shall work for the salvation 8of men; and as long as this time shall last, it is not in Herod's power to kill 9me; and when the time of my passion shall come, I shall be killed in Jerusa-10lem, where Herod, moreover, has no power, but Pilate - 11Ga naar margenoot+The next day after that there came a man and fell at Jesus' feet, and 12called to him and spoke thus: Lord, have pity upon my son, for he is to me 13an only son, and the evil spirit has possessed him, and often throws him 14down, and makes him foam at the mouth and grind his teeth; and with 15heavy torments is he often tormented and plagued. For often he throws 16him into the fire, and often into the water, and often he makes him cry, 17and seldom leaves him unplagued. And I begged thy disciples that they 18should release him of the evil spirit, and they could not do it. Then Jesus 19answered and spoke thus:, O faithless and perverse generation, how long 20shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer your imperfection? Bring [him] 21here to me. And when he came before him and he saw him, the evil spirit 22began at once to torment him, and threw him down; and there he lay 23wallowing and foaming at the mouth. Then Jesus asked his father and 24said thus: How long ago is it since the time that this happened to him? 25And he answered thus: Lord, it came to him in his infancy; but if thou 26hast power, do help us and have compassion on us. And Jesus answered 27thus: If thou couldst believe, help would be given thee; for all things are 28possible to the believing. Then the child's father cried out weeping and said 29thus: Lord, I believe that thou hast power to [do] it; and if my belief is 30too feeble, help that it be strengthened. And when Jesus saw that the people 31came running towards them, he spoke to the unclean spirit and said thus: 32Deaf and dumb spirit, I command thee that thou goest out and never more 33comest back into this body. | |
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1Doe vor die quade gheest ut al critende ende lit din mensche liggen gheliker 2wijs dat hi hadde ghewest al doet, so dat de someghe seiden dat hi ware 3al doet. Doe namen Ihesus metter hant ende rechttene op; ende <de> 4ghene stont op ende was al ghenesen ende volgde sinen uader. 5DoeGa naar margenoot* quamen de ijongren te Ihesum al uerholenlec ende vragden hemGa naar margenoot+ 6ende spraken aldus: Waromme <en> conste wi din quaden gheest nit uer-7driuen? Ende Ihesus antwerdde aldus: Omme vwe cranke gheloeue, 8want ic segg v ouer waer: haddi also vele gheloefs alse de groetheit van 9den senepsade, ghi soudt seggen desen berghe: Ghanc van hir elre staen, 10ende hi soudt don, ende nit <en> soudu onmoghenlec sijn. NochtanGa naar margenoot* so 11seggic v dat dese manire van quaden (43r) gheestenGa naar margenoot* en mach nit uerdreuen 12werden, hen si met vastene 13ende met bedinghen. 14Matheus Marcus Lucas JnGa naar margenoot+ 15din tide dat Ihesus ende sine 16ijongren waren in dat lant van 17Galileen, so uertoegde [hi] hen noch dat menne leueren soude den gherichte 18ende dat menne doeden soude ende dat hi des derds soude op herstaen 19uan der doet. Alse dat sine ijongren hoerden, so worden si harde sere 20bedruft van din warde. Ende op enen dach alse Ihesus quam te Caphar-21naum, so quamen die den tol plagen tontfane te Petre ende spraken hem 22toe aldus: V mester en heft nit vergouden sinen tol. Ende Peter antwerdde 23weder: Alse est alse ghi segt. Ende alse Peter ter herbergen quam, so sprac 24hem Ihesus tirst ane ende seide aldus: Wat dunkt di, Peter? de heeren 25uan ertrike, van win nemense tol ochte tsens, van haren kindren ochte 26van den vremden? Ende Peter antwerdde: Van den vremden. Ende Ihesus 27antwerdde weder aldus: So sijn dan de kinder toluri; nochtan, dat wise 28nin schandalizeren, ghanc ter zee ende worp dijn hingen ende den irsten 29vesch din du vees nem, ende ontplukt hem dekele ende dat te daer binnen 30vinds, nem ende ghef hen vor mi ende vor di. 31Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe quam IJan tote sinen meester ende spracGa naar margenoot+ 32aldus: Meester, wi sagen enen mensche in dinen name uerijagen de quade 33gheest, ende wi verboden hem, want hine volgt di nit met ons. Ende Ihesus 34antwerdde hem aldus: En uerbiedes hem nemmeer, want nimen en es die 35in minen name goede werke werkt ende moge schire quat spreken van mi. | |
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1Then the evil spirit went out crying, and left the man lying as if he had been 2dead; so that some said that he was dead. Then Jesus took him by the hand 3and raised him up; and he rose up and was entirely cured, and followed 4his father. 5Ga naar margenoot+Then the disciples came to Jesus privately, and asked him and spoke 6thus: Why could not we cast out that evil spirit? And Jesus answered thus: 7Because of your feeble faith; for I say unto you verily, if ye had as much 8faith as the size of the mustard seed, ye would say to this mountain, go 9hence [and] stand elsewhere; and it would do so, and nothing would be 10impossible to you. Howbeit I say unto you, that this kind of evil spiritsGa naar voetnoota) 11cannot be cast out except with fasting and with prayers. 12Ga naar margenoot+At the time when Jesus and his disciples were in the land of Galilee, he 13told them again that he would be delivered to the tribunal, and that he 14would be killed, and that on the third [day] he would arise from death. 15When his disciples heard this, they became exceedingly sorry at that word. 16And one day, when Jesus came to Capharnaum, they that used to receive 17the tribute money came to Peter and spoke to him thus: Your master has 18not paid his toll. And Peter answered: It is as ye say. And when Peter came 19to the inn, Jesus spoke to him first and said thus: What thinkest thou, 20Peter? of whom do the lords of the earth take toll or tribute? from their 21children or from strangers? And Peter answered: From strangers. And 22Jesus answered thus: Then are the children free from toll. Notwithstanding, 23lest we offend them, go to the sea and cast thy hook and take the first fish 24that thou catchest; and open his throat and take that which thou findest 25therein, and give it to them for me and for thee. 26Ga naar margenoot+Then John came to his master and spoke thus: Master, we saw a man 27casting out the evil spirit in thy name, and we forbade him, for he follows 28thee not with us. And Jesus answered him thus: Do not forbid it him again; 29for there is no one who does good works in my name, and can hastily speak 30evil of me. | |
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1Matheus Marcus Lucas Jn dire seluer urenGa naar margenoot* so vragde Ihesus sinenGa naar margenoot+2Ga naar margenoot* ijongren wat si hadden ghe-3trakteert onder hen, eer si ter 4herbergen quamen, op den 5weghe. Ende si suegen, want 6si hadden onder hen ghe-(43o)trakteert welk harre dat de meeste ware. 7EndeGa naar margenoot* Ihesus, die wale wiste waraf si onderlinge ghesproken hadden ende 8wale kende har ghepins, hi rip en kint te hem ende sette dat kint in midden 9Ga naar margenoot* onder hen allen ende sprac aldus: Ouer waer* seggic v: hen si dat ghi v 10bekirtGa naar margenoot* van vre groetheit van herten ende werdt ghelijc desen kinde, ghine 11selt te hemelrike nit mogen comen. Ende so wie so hem oedmudegt ghelijc 12desen kinde, die sal de meeste sijn in hemelrike. DieGa naar margenoot* de vorste welt sijn, 13dat sal dechterste sijn van allen den andren ende der andre knecht. Ende 14so wie so ontfet eer van desen cleinen kindren in minen name, hi ontfeet 15mi, ende so wie so schandalizeertGa naar margenoot* eenen van desen minsten die ane mi 16gheloeuen, hem ware beter dat men hinge enen molensteen an sinen hals 17ende dat menne worpe in dat diepe van der zeeGa naar margenoot*. SoGa naar margenoot** wee der werelt 18om de schanden die dar <binnen> sijn. NochtanGa naar margenoot* so moten deschanden 19comen, mar so wee din mensche bi welken dat si comen. Dar omme seggic 20v, alsic eer seide: gheuallet dat di dijn voet ochte dine hantGa naar margenoot** schandalizeert, 21snijd se af ende worpse van 22di, want hets di beter dat tu 23verminkt ochte al houtendeGa naar margenoot* 24coms te hemelrike dan dat te 25met tween handen ochte met 26twee voeten voers ten helschen uireGa naar margenoot*. Ende schandalizeert di dine oghe, 27stec se vt ende werpse van di, 28want hets di beter dat tu met 29eere ogen toms te hemelrike 30dan du met tween oghen vors ter hellen, daer die worm nit steruen en sal 31ende fiat vir nemmeer gheblescht warden sal. Siet dar dar ghi nin uersmedt 32eer van desen kindren, want is seggv dat hare ingele in den hemele altoes 33beschowen dat anschin mijns vader die in den hemele es. Want des men-34schen sone es comen omme te sukene ende te (44r) behoudene fiat uerloren 35was. 36Doe brachte hi hirtoe ere ghelikenesse ende sprac aldus: Dits also alseGa naar margenoot+ 37en manGa naar margenoot* die heft hondert schaep, plegt te doene: gheuallet fiat eer van | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+In that same hourGa naar voetnoota) Jesus asked his disciples what they had discussed 2among themselves on the way, before they came to the inn. And they were 3silent, for they had discussed among themselves which of them was the 4greatest. And Jesus, who well knew of what they had spoken among them-5selves, and who well knew their thoughts, (he) called a child to him and 6set the child in the midst of them all, and spoke thus: Verily I say unto you, 7unless ye convert yourselves from your pride of heart and become like this 8child, ye shall not be able to come into the kingdom of heaven. And who-9soever humbles himself like to this child, he shall be the greatest in the 10kingdom of heaven. He who wants to be the first, shall be the last of all 11the others, and the servant of the others. And whosoever receives one of 12these little children in my name receives me; and whosoever offendsGa naar voetnootb) one of 13these least ones that believe in me, had better have a millstone hanged on 14his neck, and be thrown into the depth of the seaGa naar voetnootc). Woe therefore unto 15the world because of the offences that are in it. Nevertheless, the offences 16are bound to come, but woe to that man by whom they come. Therefore I 17say unto you, as I said before: If so be that thy foot or thy handGa naar voetnootd) offend 18thee, cut them off and cast them from thee; for it is better for thee that thou 19comest maimed or halting to the kingdom of heaven, than that with two 20hands or with two feet thou farest to the fire of hellGa naar voetnoote). And if thine eye offend 21thee, put it out and cast it from thee; for it is better that thou with.one eye 22comest to the kingdom of heaven, than that, with two eyes, thou shouldst 23fare to hell, where the worm shall not die and the fire shall never be extin-24guished. Look ye then that ye do not despise one of these children; for I say 25unto you, that their angels in heaven always behold the face of my Father 26who is in heaven. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that 27which was lost. 28Ga naar margenoot+Then he applied to this a similitude and spoke thus: This is even as a 29man is used to do who has a hundred sheep; if so be that one of | |
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1din hondert schapen gheet buten wegs daert uerloren werdt, wat dunkt v, 2en sal die man nit laten die andre neghene ende neghentech op den berghe 3ochte in der wustinen daer si weiden, ende sal gaen suken sijn schaep dat 4verdoelt es? Ende gheuallet dat hi sijn schaep weder vindt, hi nemet op 5sinen hals met vrouden ende dreget thus. Ende alse hi thus comt, so versament 6hi sine vrint ende sine gheburen elide sprekt aldus: Sijt blide met mi, want 7ic hebbe vonden mijn schaep dat verloren was. Ouer waer seggic v, dat 8alsogelike meerre blischap sal sijn in den hemele omme eenen sundere die 9hem bekirt met berowenesse van sinen sunden dan van neghene ende 10hnegentech gherechten die penitencien nin behoeuen. WantGa naar margenoot* hen es nit 11metten willeGa naar margenoot* vs vader die in den hemele es, dat enech verloren bliue van 12desen minsten. OchteGa naar margenoot* es en wijf die heft tine dragmenGa naar margenoot** gouds, ende 13gheuallet dat si eene dragme verlist' wat dunkt v' en sal si niet ontsteken en 14lich ende sal omme werpen al dat in hus es ende sal met ernste suken ouer 15al die dragme die si verloren heft, totin male dat sise weder windt? Ende 16alse sise vonden heft, so uersament si hare vrindinnen ende hare gheburinnen 17elide sprekt aldus: West blide met mi, want ic hebbe weder vonden mine 18dragme die verloren was. Also ghelike seggic v dat blischap es onder 19dingle Gods in den hemele omme enen sundere die met penitencien werdt 20van sinen sunden bekirt. Dit confirmerde hi noch met ere andre ghelikenesse 21ende sprac aldus: 22Lucas (44v) Een man was die hadde tuee kinder: ende quam die ijongreGa naar margenoot+ 23sone toten uader ende seide aldus: Uader, ghef mi mijn deel goeds dat mi 24behorende es. Ende de vader dede also ende deilet die ghebruderen har 25goet. Ende onlange daarna so nam die ijongre sone ende samende al dat hi z s 26hadde, ende streek en weghe uerre sit sinen lande in en ander lant; aldaer 27so ijagde hi ouer sijn deel goeds in ouertollegheiden ende met quaden 28wiuen. Ende alse al zijn goet ouer was, so quam en groet dire tijt in dat lant, 29ende deghene begonste breke te hebbene. Doe ghinc hi ende dede hem 30an enen der protren uan din lande; ende deghene senddene in sijn dorp 31ende beual hem te huedene sine suijn. Al daer hadde hi so groten honger 32dat hi begherde sinen buc te uulne van din semelen daer die suijn af aten; 33ende hem en mochter nit of werden, want men ghafer hem nit. Doe quam 34hi weder in hem seluen ende sprac tote hem seluen sl dus: Hoe menech 35ghemidt knecht heft planteit van brode in mijns vader hus, ende ic sterue 36hir van hongre? Jc sal op staen ende sal gaen te minen vader ende sal hem 37seggen: Vader, ic hebbe mesdaen vor Gode ende iegen di, elide in ben dis | |
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1those hundred sheep strays from the way where it becomes lost; what 2think ye, will not that man leave the other ninety-nine upon the mountain 3or in the desert where they graze, and go seek his sheep that is gone astray? 4And if so be that he finds his sheep again, he takes it upon his neck with 5joy and carries it home. And when he comes home, he calls together his 6friends and his neighbours, and speaks thus: Rejoice with me, for I have 7found my sheep which was lost. Verily I say unto you, that even so there 8shall be greater joy in heaven over one sinner who with repentance converts 9himself from his sins than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repent-10ance. For it is not with the will of your Father who is in heaven that any 11be lost of these least ones. Or there is a woman who has ten drachmasGa naar voetnoota) of 12gold, and it happens that she loses one drachma; what think ye? will she 13not kindle a light and upset all that is in the house, and earnestly seek every-14where for that drachma that she has lost, until she has found it again? 15And when she has found it, she calls together her women friends and neigh-16bours, and speaks thus: Rejoice with me, for I have found again my drachma 17which was lost. Even so I say unto you, that there is joy among the angels 18of God in heaven over one sinner who with repentance is converted from his 19sins. He confirmed this with yet another similitude, and spoke thus: 20Ga naar margenoot+There was a man who had two children; and the younger son came to 21the father and said thus: Father, give me my portion of the property that 22belongs to me. And the father did so and divided the brothers' property. 23And not long thereafter the younger son took and gathered all that he had, 24and went away far from his country into another country; there he squander-25ed his portion of the property in luxuries and with bad women. And when 26all his property was gone, a great dearth came in that land; and he began 27to be in want. Then he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of 28that country; and he sent him to his farm and ordered him to keep his 29swine. There he was so hungry that he longed to fill his belly with the husks 30on which the swine fed; and he got nothing of these, for they gave him 31nothing thereof. Then he came back to himself and spoke to himself thus: 32How many a hired servant has plenty of bread in my father's house, and I 33perish here with hunger. I will arise and will go to my father, and will say to 34him: Father, I have sinned before God and against thee; and I am not | |
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1nit wert dat ic heete dijn sone; mar doch mi ghelijc enen van dinen ghe-2midden knechten. Doe ston hi op ende ghinc te sinen vader wert. Ende alsen 3die vader van verren comen sach, so ontfarmde hem sijns ende ghinc iegen 4hem, ende namene om sinen hals ende kusdene vor sinen mont. Doe sprac 5die sone toten vader: Vader, is hebbe mesdaen vor Gode ende iegen di, 6ende in ben nit went dis dat ic heete dijn sone. Doe sprac die vader tote 7sinen knechten: Ghaet vollec ende haelt hem en niwe cleet ende cleedttene 8dar merle, ende (45r) gheft hem en vingerlen in sinen uinger ende schoen 9ane sine uoeten, ende haelt en uet kalf dat ghemestt si ende slaedt ende 10laett ons eten ende blide sijn, want mijn sone was doet ende hijs leuende 11worden, hi was verloren ende hijs weder vonden. Al die wile was sijn 12houdste sone in den akker ende alse hi thuswert ghinc ende hus nakde, so 13hoerde hi de synphonie ende den dans, ende hi rip enen van den knechten 14ende vragde wat dat bedidde. Ende deghene antwerdde hem aldus: Dijn 15bruder es comen ende dijn vader heft don slaen en uet ghemestt half, ende es 16blide om dat hi ghesont comen es. Doe dit deghene hoerde, so hadt hem 17onwert ende en woude in hus nit comen. Doe ghinc de vader te hem dar 18buten ende bat hem dat hi in quame. Ende deghene antwerdde sinen 19vader aldus: Jc hebbe dos menech ijar ghedint, ende in dede noit iegen 20dijn ghebot, ende dune ghafs mi noit een huken dat is hadde gheten met 21minen urinden. Mar alse dijn sone die met quaden wiuen sijn goet ouer heft 22gheijagt, weder quam, so ghafstu hem en ghemestt half. Ende die vader 23antwerdde weder aldus: Sone, du best algedads met mi, ende al dat is 24hebbe dats dijn. Mar nu moste wi eten ende blide sijn, want dijn bruder 25die was doet, ende hi es leuende worden; hi was verloren, ende hi es weder 26vonden. 27Lucas Matheus Na desen warden so sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seideGa naar margenoot+ 28aldus: Siet vor v seluen; gheuallet dat din bruder mesdoet iegen di, ghanc 29ende berespene tuschen di elide hem allene; ende doet hi dinen raet ende 30berout hem sire mesdaet, vergheft hem, ende aldus soutu winnen dinen 31bruder. Ende en welt hi di nit ghehoren, so nem met di noch eenen ochte 32hen (45v) tueen, so dat din ghetugnesse ligge in harre tueere ochte in harre 33drire mont. Ende en welt hi di ende hen dan nit ghehoren, so segt der 34heilger kerken; ende en ghehort hi de heilge kerke nit, so sal hi di sijn alse 35en uerwatene ende en pubplicaen. Noch seggic v: Wat dat ghi bindt op 36ertrike, dat sal ghebonden sijn in hemelrike, ende wat dat gi ontbindt in 37ertrike, dat sal ontbonden sijn in hemelrike. Ende nochGa naar margenoot* seggic v: Daer | |
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1worthy to be called thy son; but make me as one of thy hired servants. 2Then he arose and went towards his father. And when the father from afar 3saw him come, he had compassion of him and went towards him, and 4embraced him and kissed him on his mouth. Then the son spoke to the father: 5Father, I have sinned before God and against thee, and I am not worthy 6to be called thy son. Then the father spoke to his servants: Go at once and 7fetch him a new robe and clothe him therewith; and give him a ring on 8his finger, and shoes on his feet; and fetch a fat calf that has been fattened, 9and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for my son was dead and has come 10alive; he was lost and is found again. All the while his eldest son was in the 11field; and when he went home and approached the house, he heard the 12music and the dance; and he called one of the servants and asked what 13that meant. And he answered him thus: Thy brother is come, and thy 14father has had a fatted calf killed, and is merry because he is come back. 15sound. When he heard this, he was angry and would not come into the 16house. Then the father went to him outside, and begged him to come in. 17And he answered his father thus: I have served thus many a year, and I 18never acted against thy command, and thou never gavest me a kid that I 19might have eaten with my friends; but when thy son, who has squandered 20his property with bad women, came back, thou gavest him a fatted calf. 21And the father answered back thus: [My] son, thou art continually with me, 22and all that I have is thine. But now we must eat end be merry, for thy 23brother was dead and he has become alive; he was lost and is found again. 24Ga naar margenoot+After these words Jesus spoke yet further and said thus: See for yourselves; 25if it happens that thy brother trespass against thee, go and rebuke him 26between thee and him alone; and if he follows thy counsel and repents of 27his trespass, forgive him and thus shalt thou win thy brother. And if he 28will not obey thee, take with thee yet another one, or two; that thy testimony 29may lie in the mouths of the two or the three of them. And then, if he will 30not obey thee and them, tell it to the holy church; and if he does not obey 31the holy church, he shall be as a cursed one and a publican. I also say 32unto you, Whatsoever ye bind upon earth, shall be bound in heaven; and 33whatsoever ye unbind on earth, shall be unbound in heaven, And I also 34say unto you; | |
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1si tuee over een dragen van welkerhande dingen dat si bidden willen, dat 2si bidden, dat sal hen gegheuen werden van minen vader die in den hemele 3Ga naar margenoot+ es - Dit moet men verstaen van din beden die behoren ter menschen 4salegheiden, want die bidt dat tesire onsalegheit behoert, sine bede en es 5nit <ontfanclec>, mar die bidt dat behort te sire salegheit, sine bede es ont-6fancklec, ende hem sal werden ghegheuen ochte dat hi bidt ochte dat 7hem orborleker es. Dit concludeert Ihesus in din warde dat daer na volgt, 8want hi segt aldus: - Harre tueer bede sal sijn gehort, want so waer dat si 9tuee ochte si drie sijn verghedert in minen name, daer ben ic in midden 10onder hen. Matheus Lucas Doe quam Peter voert ende sprac aldus: 11Here, alse mijn bruderGa naar margenoot* iegen mi mesdoet, hoe dikke salict hem vergheuen? 12tote seuen weruen? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem aldus: Jn segdi nit tote 13seuen weruen, mar tote scuene ende seuentech weruen. Dit confirmeert 14hi met ere ghelikenessen ende sprect aldus: 15Matheus Hir omme seggic v dat ghelijc es hemelrike enen here, enenGa naar margenoot+ 16koninc, die woude rekeninge horen van sinen knechten. Ende alse men 17hadde begonnen te rekenne, so quam een vor hem die hem schuldech was tin 18dusentech pont. Ende om dat deghene nin hadde war met dat hijt vergelden 19mochte, so gheboet die here (46) dat men verkochte hem ende sijn wijf 20ende sine kindre ende al dat hi hadde, ende dat men daer met goude sin 21schout. Doe uil die knecht sinen here to voeten ende sprac aldus: Here, 22kire dine ghenaden ane mi ende is sal di ghelden met staden dat is di 23schuldech ben. Doe ontfarmde din here sijns knechtts ende lieten gaen, 24ende al dat hi hem schuldech was, dat schout hi hem quite. Doe ghinc die 25knech ut ende ontmoette enen van sinen ghesellen die dis selues heren 26knech was, die din gheselle was schuldech hondert penninghe. Doe greepen 27deghene ane ende hiltene ende worgdene ende sprac aldus: Ghilt dat te 28mi schuldech best. Doe uil hem deghene die sijn gheselle [was], te voeten 29ende bat hem ende seide aldus: Kire dine ghenaden te mi wert; ic sal di 30gherne ghelden dat is schuldech ben. Ende deghene en wouds nit don, mar 31hi ghinc ende leide sinen gheselle in den kerkere, omme daer te bliuene 32totire willen dat hi hem vergouden sin schout. Alse dat sagen die andre 33knechte, hare ghesellen, so werden si harde sere ghetornt, ende si ghingen 34ende telden haren here alle die gheuarnesse. Doe ripene sijn here te hem 35ende seide hem aldus: Quade knecht, is schout di quite alle die schout 36die du mi schuldech wars, om dat tus mi baeds; en mosts te dan also ghe-37likleke nit ontfarmen dijns ghesellen alse mi dijns ontfarmde? Doe leuerdene | |
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1If two agree as to what things they shall pray for, that for which they pray 2shall be given to them by my Father who is in heaven - This must be 3understood of those prayers which belong to the salvation of men; for he 4who prays for what belongs to his perdition, that man's prayer is not accep-5table; but he who prays for what belongs to his salvation, that man's prayer 6is acceptable; and to him shall be given either the thing he prays for, or 7that which is better for him. This is Jesus' conclusion in the word that follows 8after it; for he says thus: - The prayer of those two shall be heard; for 9wheresoever two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst 10of them. Then came Peter forward and spoke thus: Lord, if my brotherGa naar voetnoota) 11trespass against me, how often shall I forgive it him? till seven times? 12And Jesus answered him thus: I say not unto thee, until seven times, but, 13until seventy-seven times. This he confirms with a similitude, and speaks thus: 14Ga naar margenoot+For this reason say I unto you that the kingdom of heaven is like unto a 15lord, a king, who would hear a reckoning of his servants. And, when they 16had begun to reckon, one came before him who owed him ten thousand 17pounds. And because he had not wherewith he could repay it, the lord 18commanded that they should sell him and his wife and his children and all 19that he had, and that therewith his debt should be paid. Then the servant 20fell down at his lord's feet and spoke thus: Lord, turn thy mercy to me and 21I will pay thee gradually that which I owe thee. Then the lord had com-22passion on his servant, and let him go, and forgave him all that he owed 23him. Then the servant went out and met one of his companions who was a 24servant of that same lord, [and] who owed that companion a hundred pence. 25Then he seized him and held him and choked him and spoke thus: Pay 26what thou owest me. Then the other fell at his companion's feet, and 27besought him saying thus: Turn thy mercy to me, I will gladly pay thee 28what I owe thee. And he would not do it; but he went and laid his companion 29in prison, to remain there until he repaid him his debt. When the other 30servants, their companions, saw that, they became very much incensed; 31and they went and told their lord all that had happened. Then his lord 32called him to him and said to him thus: Wicked servant, I forgave thee 33all the debt that thou owedst me, because thou besoughtest me for it; and 34shouldst thou not even so have compassion on thy companion as I had 35compassion on thee? Then the lord, | |
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1die here met erren moede den richtren, dat sinen houden souden in gheuanknesse 2totir vren dat hi soude vergouden alle die schout die [hi] schuldech 3hadde ghewest. Also sal v mijn hemelsche vader doen, hen si dat gi vergheft 4igewelc sine bruder uan herten dat hi hem heft mesdaen. 5Matheus Marcus (46v) Doe Ihesus dese wart hadde ghesproken, so 138 6ghinc hi uten lande uan Galileen ende quam in den termten van Iudeen 7ouer die Iordane. Ende aldaer so volgde hem en groet volc, ende die sik 8waren, die ghansde hi aldaer. Doe quamen die Phariseuse tote hem omme 9hem te bekorne, ende spraken aldus: Meester, mach imen sijn wijf laten 10ende van hare scheeden omme eengherhande sake? Ende Ihesus antwerdde 11hen aldus: <En> hebdi nit ghelesen dat in den beghinne, doe Got man ende 12wijf hadde ghemakt, dat hise tesamen gheuugde? ende Adam seide: Omme 13dese gheuugtheit so sal de mensche laten vader ende moeder, ende sal 14bliuen met sinen wiue, ende si tuee selen sijn ghesament in eenen vleesche? 15So sijn dan man ende wijf nit tuee vlesche, mar een vleesch. Dat Got dan 16tegader heft gheuugt, dat en pine hem de mensche nit te scheedene. Doe 17antwerdden die Phariseuse: Waromme gheboet dan Moyses dat en man 18die sijn wijf laten woude, dat hi hare ghaue ere karte van din scheidene, 19ende dan schide van hare? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen aldus: Omme 20vwe grote hartheit uan herten die ghi hebt in v, so ghorlofde v Moyses 21dat ghi mochtt laten vwe wijf; mar vormals en waest also nit. Dar omme 22seggic vGa naar margenoot* dat so wie so sijn wijf laet, hen si dat si kefsche met andren mannen, 23ende bouen sijn wijf en ander wijf nemt, deghene doet ouerhoer, ende die 24ghene nemt die en ander ghelaten heft, hi doet ouerhoer. DoeGa naar margenoot* spraken 25sine ijongren ende seiden: Est al dus tusschen man ende wijf, so est en suar 26dinc wijf te nemene. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Alle de 27liede en weten den sin van desen warden nit, mar deghene (47r) allene 28din hi werwijst werdt. Want het sijn selke liede ghekastreertGa naar margenoot*, die also 29gheboren warden van harre moeder, ende het sijn selke liede ghekastreert, 30die uan andren lieden also ghemakt sijn, ende someghe liede sijn die hen 31seluen hebben ghekastreert om den loen van hemelrikeGa naar margenoot*. Die dit verstaen 32mach, hi uerstaet. 33Matheus Marcus Lucas Alse Ihesus dit ghesproken hadde, so quamenGa naar margenoot+ 34liede ende brachten kinder vor hem, ende baden hem dat hi sine hant 35op hen leide ende dat hise benedijde. Alse dat sager sine ijongren, so schou- | |
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1in angry mood, delivered him to the judges, that they should hold him in 2prison until he should repay all the debt which had been owing. Even so 3shall my heavenly Father do unto you, unless from your hearts ye forgive 4every one his brother what he has trespassed against him. 5Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had spoken these words, he went out of the land of Galilee 6and came into the territory of Judea beyond Jordan. And there a great 7multitude followed him; and those who were sick he healed them there. 8Then the Pharisees came to him in order to tempt him, and spoke thus: 9Master, may a man leave his wife and part from her for any reason? And 10Jesus answered them thus: Have ye not read that in the beginning, when 11God had made male and female, he joined them together? and Adam said: 12Because of this bond shall a man leave father and mother, and shall remain 13with his wife, and the two of them shall be joined in one flesh. Hence husband 14and wife are not two but one flesh. That which God has joined together, 15let not man endeavour to part. Then the Pharisees answered: Why then 16did Moses command that a man who wanted to leave his wife, should give 17her a card of that divorce, and then part from her? And Jesus answered 18them thus: Because of the great hardness of your heart which ye have in 19you, Moses allowed you to leave your wives. But formerly it was not so. 20Therefore I say unto you: Whosoever leaves his wife, unless she commit 21adultery with other men, and beside his wife takes another wife, commits 22adultery; and he who takes her whom another has left commits adultery. 23Then his disciples spoke and said: If it be thus between husband and wife, 24it is a grave thing to take a wife. And Jesus answered them back thus: All men 25do not know the meaning of these words, but those alone to whom it is 26revealed. There are some people castratedGa naar voetnoota) who were so born from their 27mother; and there are some people castrated who were made so by other 28people; and there are some people who have castrated themselves for the 29reward of the kingdom of heavenGa naar voetnootb). He who can understand this, let him 30understand it. 31Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had spoken this, people came and brought children before 32him, and besought him that he should lay his hand upon them, and that 33he should bless them. When his disciples saw that, they rebuked | |
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1den si deghene die dat daden. Doe sprac Ihesus sinen ijongren toe ende 2seide aldus: Laett de kinder te mi comen ende en uerbiedes hen nit, want 3hemelrike dats hare. Ende alse hi sine hande op hen hadde ghelegt, so 4ghincGa naar margenoot* hi van daer weder te Galileen wert, ende en woude an din tide 5nemmeer wandelen int lant van Iudeen, want de IJoden begonsten oksun 6te sukene omme hem tedoedene. 7Lucas Jn din tide so quamen liede utin lande van Galileen ende uerteldenGa naar margenoot+ 8hem hoe dat PylatusGa naar margenoot* hadde 9don doeden liede van din lande 10aldaer si offerden hare offerande, 11ende dede minghen dat bloet 12van din doeden metten blode 13van din offerandenGa naar margenoot*. Alse Ihesus dat hoerde, so antwerdde hi den ghenen 14die dat hadden ghesproken, ende seide al dus: Wendi dat deghen die daer 15har lijf verloren, meerre sunderen waren dan dandre van din Galileusche 16volke, om dat si also har lijf verloren? Neen si, dat seggicv, mar en si dat 17ghi selue penitencie doet vor vwe sunden, ghi selet also wale ontghelden 18alse deghene achtine daden, dar de kasteel van Siloa op vil ende ver-19bleschese. Wendi dat die achtine meerre sunderen waren dan alle dandre 20van (47v) Iherusalem? Neen si, dat seggic v; ende v seluen saelt also quaet 21gheschin, ghine doet penitencie vor vwe sunden. Dar na so confirmeerde 22hi dit met eere ghelikenessen ende seide aldus: 23En man was die eenen uigheboem hadde staende in sinen wijngart.Ga naar margenoot+ 24Op eenen tijt so quam die man ende sochte uighen op din boem, ende hine 25vanter nit op. Doe seide hi tote sinen wijngart man: Jc ben drie ijar tender 26een comen ende hebbe uighen ghesocht op desen boem, ende ine uinder 27nemmeer nit op. Hir omme heetic di dat tune aue hous; wat besteet hi 28hir? Doe antwerdde deghene sinen heere aldus: Here, laten staen noch 29dit ijar ouer, ende ic salne hir binnen ornmegrauen ende me meste omme-30leggen; ende alst comt tandre ijare, dregt hi urocht, laten staen, ende 31dregt hi engheene urocht, dan doch en aue howen. 32Lucas Op enen saterdach so sat Ihesus ende leerde dat uolc in ene 33synagoghe. Aldaer so was en wijf die ene sikheit hadde ghehadt achtin 34ijar, ende si hadde den rugge so gekrumt dat si nit op wert ghesin en conste. 35Ende alse Ihesus dat wijf uersach, so rip hise te hem ende seide al dus: 36Wijf, wes ontladen uan dire sikheit. Lucas Matheus Marcus Doe leide 37hi sine hant op hare, ende alte hant so rechtte si hare op ende dankde 38Gode. Alse dat sach de prinche van der synagogen, so tornde hi hem dat 29Ihesus dat hadde ghedaen op den saterdach; ende dar omme so sprac hi | |
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1them who did that. Then Jesus spoke to his disciples and said thus: Let the 2children come to me, and forbid them not; for theirs is the kingdom of 3heaven. And when he had laid his hands upon them, he went thence, back 4to Galilee. And he would not walk any more at that time in the land of 5Judea; for the Jews began to seek an opportunity to kill him. 6Ga naar margenoot+ At that time people came from the land of Galilee and told him that 7PilateGa naar voetnoota) had caused people of that country to be killed where they offered 8their offerings; and had the blood of the dead mixed with the blood of the 9offeringsGa naar voetnootb). When Jesus heard that, he answered those who had spoken 10that and said thus: Do ye believe that those who lost their lives there, were 11greater sinners than the others of the Galilean people, because they thus 12lost their lives? They were not, I say unto you, but unless ye yourselves do 13penitence for your sins, ye shall suffer just as much as did those eighteen 14upon whom the castle of Siloah fell, and destroyed them. Do ye think that 15those eighteen were greater sinners than all the others of Jerusalem? They 16were not, I say unto you; and to you yourselves shall a like fate befall, 17unless ye do penitence for your sins. After that he confirmed this with a 18similitude and said thus: 19Ga naar margenoot+ There was a man who had a fig tree standing in his vineyard. Upon a 20time the man came and looked for figs on that tree and he did not find any 21on it. Then he said to his vineyard man: I have come continually for three 22years and have looked for figs on this tree and I never find any on it; for 23this reason I command thee to cut it down; to what purpose does it remain 24here? Then he answered his lord thus: Lord, let it still stand this year 25through; and I shall dig about it in that [time] and lay dung around it; 26and if next year it bears fruit, let it stand; and if it does not bear fruit, 27then have it cut down. 28On a Saturday Jesus sat and taught the people in a synagogue. There 29was a woman there who had had a sickness eighteen years, and her back 30was so much bowed that she could not look up. And when Jesus perceived 31the woman, he called her to him and said thus: Woman, be relieved of 32thy sickness. Then he laid his hand upon her, and immediately she straigh-33tened herself and thanked God. When the ruler of the synagogue saw that, he 34was angry, because Jesus had done that on the Saturday; and therefore 35he spoke | |
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1toten volke ende seide: Sijn ses daghe in der weken in welken dat ghorloft 2es te werkene; op die daghe so comt ende doet v ghanssen, ende nit op den 3saterdach. Doe antwerdde Ihesus den ghenen ende seide aldus: Ypocriten, 4en ontbindt vre igewelc nit sinen esel ochte sinen osse op den saterdach 5van sire krebben ende leidten te watre? Ende dese Abrahams doch-(48r)ter 6die Satanas hilt ghebonden achtin ijar tenden een, en moste mense nit 7ontbinden van haren banden op den saterdach? Ende alse Ihesus dat 8ghesproken hadde, so schaemden hen ende worden confus alle die sine 9aduersarise waren; ende aldat volc lofde Gode met groter vrowden uan 10allen din dat si hem sagen werken ende hoerden spreken. 11Johannes Op enen tijt so was ene feste nakende die de IJoden heetenGa naar margenoot+ 12Schenophegia. Doe spraken sine brudre tote hem ende seiden aldus: Ghanc 13van henen ten lande wert van Iudeen ende vertog dinen ijongren die daer 14sijn, de werke die du werks. Want nimen en werkt gherne uerholenlec dat 15hi werkt, mar die oppenbare werke werkt, hi werkt se gherne in oppenbaren 16staden. Dit spraken si ut enen ongheloeue, wan die selue die sine nasten 17waren, noch doe nit wale en gheloefden an hem. Ende Ihesus antwerdde 18hen weder aldus: Mijn tijt en quam noch nit, mar v tijt es altoes ghereet. 19De werelt en mach v nit haten, mar si <haett> mi, want ic ghetuge van 20hare dat hare werken quaet sijn. Ghadi ter feesten; jne wille met v ter 21feesten nit gaen, want mijn tijt en es noch nit uolcomen. Ende alse dit 22ghesproken was, so bleef hi in Galileen. Ende si ghingen ter feesten wert; 23ende alse si enweghe waren, so ghinc hi na tire feesten wert, nit oppenbarlec 24mar al heimelec. Ende op din feestedach so sochtenne de IJoeden ende 25spraken deen ten andren aldus: Waer es deghene? Ende uele murmuringen 26was van hem onder dat volc, want desomege seiden: Hi es goet, ende 27dandre antwerdden: Hine es, mar hi bedriget tfolc. Nimen nochtan en 28dorste oppenbare spreken van hem om de vreese van den IJoeden. 29Op eenen dach van din feeste-(48v)dagen so ghinc Ihesus in den tempelGa naar margenoot+ 30ende began te leerne dat uolc. Doe dat hoerden die IJoeden, so wonderde 31hen uan sire leeringen ende spraken onderlingen aldus: Hoe comt dat dese so 32wale gheleert es, die noit ter scholen en ghinc omme letter te leerne? Ende 33Ihesus antwerdde hir op aldus: Mine leeringe en es mine nit, mar des ghens 34die mi ghesendt heft. Es imen die na sinen wille leuen welt, die sal kennen 35van mire leeringen, weder si uan Gode si ende ochtic ute mi seluen spreke. 36Die ut hem seluen sprekt, hi sukt sijns selues gloriacie, mar die sukt de 37glorie des gheens diene ghesendt heft, die es ghewarech ende in hem en es 38engheene ongherechtheit. En ghaf v Moyses de wet, ende nimen van v | |
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1to the people and said: There are six days in the week on which it is per-2mitted to work; come on those days and have yourselves healed, and not 3on the Saturday. Then Jesus answered him and said thus: Hypocrites, 4does not each of you loose on the Saturday his ass or his ox from his stall 5and lead him to the water? And ought not this daughter of Abraham, 6whom Satan held bound continually for eighteen years, to be unbound 7from her bonds on the Saturday? And when Jesus had spoken that, all 8those who were his adversaries were ashamed and confounded; and all the 9people praised God with great joy for all that they saw him work and 10heard him speak. 11Ga naar margenoot+ Upon a time a feast was approaching which the Jews call Schenophegia. 12Then his brethren spoke to him and said thus: Go hence to the land of 13Judea and show thy disciples that are there the works that thou doest. For 14no one likes to do in secret what he does; but he who does public works 15likes to do them in public places. They said this out of unbelief, for the 16very men who were his nearest, did not then as yet really believe in him. 17And Jesus answered them back thus: My time is not yet come, but your time 18is always ready. The world cannot hate you; but it hates me, for I testify of 19it, that its works are evil. Go ye to the feast; I will not go to the feast with 20you; for my time is not yet accomplished. And when this had been spoken, 21he remained in Galilee. And they went to the feast; and when they were 22gone, he followed them to the feast, not openly but in secret. And on the feast 23day the Jews sought him, and spoke one to the other thus: Where is he? And 24there was much murmuring concerning him among the people, for some 25said: He is good; and the others answered: He is not, but he deceives the 26people. No one, however, dared openly speak of him for fear of the Jews. 27Ga naar margenoot+ Upon a day of the feastdays Jesus went into the temple and began to teach 28the people. When the Jews heard that, they marveled at his teachings and 29spoke among themselves thus: How comes it that this man is so very learned, 30who never went to school to learn letters? And Jesus answered hereto thus: 31My doctrine is not mine, but his who has sent me. If there be any one who 32will live according to his will, he shall know of my doctrine, whether it be 33from God and whether I speak out of myself. He who speaks out of himself 34seeks his own glorification, but he who seeks the glory of him who has sent 35him, is true and in him is no unrighteousness. Did not Moses give you the 36law, and none of you | |
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1allen en makt andre wet? Waromme wildi mi dan doeden? Doe antwerdde 2hem dat volc ende seide: Du hefst den diuel binnen; wie weltti doeden? 3Ende Ihesus antwerdde weder aldus: Jc hebbe een werc ghewarchtt ende 4v allen wondert dar af. Moyses hi bescreef v in de wet hoe men de kinder 5soude besniden; nit dat die besnidinghe quam uan hem, mar van den 6ghenen die vor hem waren; ende ochte en mensche ontfeet sine besnidinghe 7op den saterdach ende daer met de wet nit te broken en werdt, waromme 8wetti mi dis ondanc dat ic ghansse enen mensche altemale op den sater-9dach? En ordeelt nit na danschin van buten, mar ordeelt na de gherechteg-10heit. Doe spraken de someghe die dat hoerden van din Iherusalemschen 11volke: En es dit nit dese din si dreigen te doedene? Nu sprekt hi oppenbare, 12ende nimen en doet hem nit. Hebben nu de princhen verstaen dat dit 13Christus es? Mar wi weten wale waren dese es; ende alse Christus comt, 14nimen en sal weten waren hi si. Doe sprac Ihesus al oppenbare (49r) aldaer 15hi leerde in den temple ende seide aldus: Ende mi kendiGa naar margenoot* ende waren ic 16ben dat wettiGa naar margenoot*; nochtan en comic van mijns selues haluen nit, mar hi es 17ghewarech, die mi ghesendt heft, din ghi nit ne kent. Mar ic kennene, 18want van hem benic ende hi heft mi ghesendt. Ende seidic dat ics nin kende, 19so waric en loegenere, ghelijc dat ghi sijt. Doe Ihesus dit hadde ghesproken, 20so haddenne de IJoeden gherne ghehouden, mar nimen en dede de hant an 21hem, wantGa naar margenoot* sine vre en was nochtoe nit comen. NochtanGa naar margenoot** so gheloefden 22vele liede uten ghemeinen volke ane hem ende spraken onderlinge aldus: 23Christus, alse hi comt, sal hi meer mirakelleker werke werken dan dese 24werkt? 25Lucas Doe quam een van din volke tote Ihesum ende sprac aldus:Ga naar margenoot+ 26Meester, seghe minen bruder dat hi come te deilingen iegen mi van onsen 27gherfnesse. Ende Ihesus antwerdde deghenen weder aldus: Mensche, wie 28heft mi ghemakt richtre ende deilre ouer v? Doe sprac hi noch woert totin 29volke: Hudt v ende sijt v van alre ghiregheit, want in den ghebrukene van 30erderscher rijkheit noch in vele hebbene van vergankleken dingen en es 31des menschen leuen nit. Dit confirmeerde hi met eere ghelikenessen ende 32seide al dus: En rike man was op enen tijt, dis coren dat wale gherakt was 33op den velde. Doe sprac deghene iegen hem seluen in sire peinsingen 34aldus: Wat magic don, dat ic nit schuren gnoch en hebbe mijn koren 35in te leggene? Dit salic don: jc sal breken mine oude schuren ende sal meerre 36maken, ende darin salic ghedren al dat coren dat mi ghewassen es ende 27sal mj seluen troesten al dus: Nu hefstu uele goeds meer dan du mochts 28verteren in vele ijaren; nu restt di ende ett ende drinc ende wes te ghemake. | |
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1all makes another law? Why then will ye kill me? Then the people answered 2him and said: Thou hast the devil within; who wants to kill thee? And Jesus 3answered back thus: I have done one work and ye all marvel at it. Moses 4prescribed for you in the law how one should circumcise the children (not 5that the circumcision came from him, but from those who were before him); 6and if a man receive his circumcision on the Saturday, and thereby the law 7be not broken, why do ye blame me for healing a man every whit on the 8Saturday? Judge not according to the outward appearance, but judge 9according to righteousness. Then spoke some of the Jerusalem people who 10heard that: Is this not he whom they threaten to kill? Now he speaks openly, 11and no one does to him anything. Have the rulers now learnt that this is 12Christ? But we know well whence he is; and when Christ comes no one 13shall know whence he is. Then Jesus spoke openly where he taught in the 14temple, and said thus: And ye know meGa naar voetnoota), and ye knowGa naar voetnootb) whence I am; 15yet I come not on my own account, but He is true who has sent me, [He] 16whom ye know not. But I know him, for I am from him and He has sent me. 17And if I said that I knew not of him, I should be a liar even as ye are. When 18Jesus had spoken thus, the Jews would fain have held him, but no one laid 19hand on him, for his hour was not yet come. Nevertheless many folks from 20among the common people believed in him, and spoke among themselves 21thus: Will Christ, when he comes, work more miraculous deeds than this 22one does? 23Ga naar margenoot+ Then one of the people came to Jesus and said thus: Master, tell my 24brother to come and divide our inheritance with me. And Jesus answered 25him back thus: Man, who has made me judge and divider over you? Then 26he spoke still further to the people: Take heed and beware of all covetousness: 27for neither in the enjoyment of earthly riches nor in much possessing of 28transitory things is man's life. He confirmed this with a parable and said 29thus: There was once upon a time a wealthy man whose grain had thriven 30well upon the field. And he said to himself in his meditations thus: What 31can I do since I have not barns enough to store my grain in? This will I 32do: I will demolish my old barns and and will make larger ones, and therein 33will I gather all the grain that I have grown. And I will console myself 34thus: Now thou hast many more goods than thou couldst spend in many 35years. Now rest thyself and eat and drink and be at ease. | |
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1Alse deghene (49v) dat peinsde, so quam ene stemme van Gods haluen 2die hem toe sprac ende seide aldus: Onsaleghe doere, op desen nacht so 3sal dine zile ghescheeden werden van dinen lichame; ende dat te gheghedert 4hefs, win sal dat bliuen? Al dus est metten ghenen die alteenen 5ghedert ende oplegt ende die in Ghode nit rike en es. 6Marcus Matheus Lucas Dar na so ghinc Ihesus vten temple; endeGa naar margenoot+ 7alse hi quam op den weghe, So quam een ende uil vor hem op sine knin 8ende sprac aldus: Ghoede meester, wat goede werke sal ic werken dar ic 9ane moghe verdienen dat eeuleke leuen? Ende den ghenen antwerdde 10Ihesus aldus: Wat vragstu mi van goede? NimenGa naar margenoot* en es goet dan alleneGa naar margenoot** 11een, Got. Mar weltu ten eeuleken leuen comen, so hout de ghebode. Doe 12vragde de ghene: Welke ghebode? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem al dus: DuGa naar margenoot* 13en sout nit manslacht don, duGa naar margenoot* en sout nit kefschen, du en sout nit stelen, du 14en sout nit en gheen ualsch ghetughe dragen, eere dinen vader ende dire 15moeder ende minne dinen euenkersten ghelijc di seluen. Doe antwerdde hem 16die ijonghelinc ende sprac aldus: Alle dese ghebode hebbic gehouden van 17minen kinschen daghenGa naar margenoot*; wat ghebrekt mi noch? DoeGa naar margenoot** sach Ihesus 18lieflec op hem ende seide aldus: Eene dinc ghebrekt di; weltu volmakt sijn, 19so ghanc ende verkoep dat tu hefs ende gheft den armen, ende com ende 20volgh mi, so soutu vinden enen schat in hemelrike. Alse dat die ijonghelinc 21hoerde, so ghinc hi enwege al bedruft, want hi was harde rike ende hadde 22vele possessien. DoeGa naar margenoot* sach Ihesus al omme ende sprac te sinen ijongren 23aldus: HoeGa naar margenoot* pinlec saelt denghenen sijn die rijkheit hebben, te comene in 24hemelrike. Ende noch seggic v datt lichter es enen kemel te crupene dor 25dat gat van eere na(50r)elden dan eenen riken te comene in hemelrike. 26Matheus Marcus Lucas Alse dat hoerden sine ijongren, so wonderde 146 27hen harde sere ende spraken aldus: Wie sal dan mogen behouden bliuen? 28Doe sach Ihesus op hen ende antwerdde hen weder aldus: Den menschen 29es dit ommogenlec, mar Gode sijn alle dinc mogenlec. Doe sprac Peter 30ende seide aldus: WiGa naar margenoot* hebben al ghelaten ende sijn di gheuolgt; wat sele 31wijs tebat hebben? Doe antwerdde hem Ihesus: OuerGa naar margenoot* waerGa naar margenoot** seggic v 32dat ghi die mi gheuolgt sijt, in der opherstannessen, alse des menschen 33sone sal sitten op den trone van sire moghentheit, so seldi sitten op tuelef 34trone ende ordeelen de tuelef gheslegten van Israhel. Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* so seggic 35v: so wie so laett hus ochte bruder ochte sustere ochte vader ochte moeder 36ochte wijf ochte kinder ochte lant om minen wille ende om de ewangelieGa naar margenoot*, 37het sal hem hir hondertfout uergouden werden ende in dandre werelt sal | |
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1As he thought thus, there came a voice on God's behalf which spoke to 2him and said thus: Wretched fool, in this night thy soul shall be parted 3from thy body; and that which thou hast gathered, to whom shall it go? 4Thus it fares with him who hoards and lays up [treasure], and who is not 5rich in God. 6Ga naar margenoot+ After that Jesus went out of the temple; and when he came upon the road, 7one came and fell before him on his knees and spoke thus: Good master, 8what good works shall I work by which I may earn eternal life? And Jesus 9answered him thus: What askest thou me about good? No one is good but 10one alone, God. But if thou willt come to eternal life, keep the command-11ments. Then he asked: What commandments? And Jesus answered him 12thus: Thou shalt not commit manslaughter, thou shalt not commit adultery, 13thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, honor thy father and 14thy mother, and love thy fellow-Christian as thyself. Then the youth 15answered him and spoke thus: I have kept all these commandments from 16the days of my childhood: what do I lack yet? Then Jesus looked upon him 17lovingly, and said thus: One thing thou lackest: if thou wishest to be perfect, 18go and sell that which thou hast and give it to the poor, and come and 19follow me: so shalt thou find a treasure in the kingdom of heaven. When 20the youth heard that, he went away all grieved; for he was very rich and 21had many possessions. Then Jesus looked all round and spoke to his disciples 22thus: How hard shall it be for those who have riches to come into the kingdom 23of heaven. And I say to you also that it is easier for a camel to creep through 24the hole of a needle, than for a rich man to come into the kingdom of heaven. 25Ga naar margenoot+ When his disciples heard that, they were very much astonished and spoke 26thus: Who then can be saved? Then Jesus looked upon them and answered 27them back thus: This is impossible for men; but all things are possible to God. 28Then Peter spoke and said thus: We have left all and have followed thee; in 30what shall we be the better for it? Then Jesus answered him: Verily I say 31unto you, that ye who have followed me, in the resurrection, when the Son of 32man shall sit upon the throne of his power, ye also shall sit upon twelve 33thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. Verily I say unto you: Whosoever 34leaves house or brother or sister or father or mother or wife or children 35or land for my sake and for [the sake of] the gospel, it shall be repaid to 36him here an hundred fold, and in the other world he shall | |
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1hi dat eeuleke leuen besitten. AlseGa naar margenoot* dit hoerren de scriben die ghiregh 2waren, so bespotten si Ihesum. Ende Ihesus sprac hen toe ende seide aldus: 3Ghi sift die v ghereght makt vor den mensche, mar Got kent vwe herten, 4want dat den menschen grott dunct, dats ene onwerdegheit vor Gode. Dar 5na so konfirmeerde hi dit met ere ghelikenessen ende seide al dus: 6Lucas Jn enen tide was en mensche die rike was ende die met purpreGa naar margenoot+ 7ende met bokrane ghecleedt was, ende die alle daghe hilt grote maeltide. 8Al daer so was oc en arm man, die Lazarus hit, die lath vor dis rijks mans 9dore al vol van waklen ende begherde tetene van den brokken die uilen van 10dis rijks mans taflen, ende niman en ghauer hem. Mar die honde quamen 11(50v) ende lakden sine wakle. Dar na so gheschide dat die arm man starf, 12ende die ingle quamen ende uurden sine zile in Abrahams schoet. Dar 13na starf die rike man ende sine zile wart gheuurt in der hellenGa naar margenoot*. Ende alse 14hi was in din tormente, so hif hi op sine oghen ende sach Abrahame uan 15verren ende Lazarum sitten in sinen schoet. Doe rip hi op Abrahame ende 16seide aldus: Vader Abraham, ontfarm di mijns ende sende Lazarum hir te 17mi, ende ghebied hem dat hi nette dat uterste van sinen vingre in en water 18ende daer mede uerkuele mine tonghe, want ic sere ghetorment ben in 21derre valmmen. Doe antwerdde hem Abraham aldus: Sone, laet di ghe-20dinken dat te hads dine ghenugte in dinen leuene, ende Lazarus armoede 21ende onghenugte. Daer omme so es hi nu in troste ende in ghenugten, 22ende du best in tormente. Ende bouen aldit so es ene grote of gronde tuschen 23ons ende v, so dat deghene die van henen willen te comen, dis nin comen 24ghedon, noch deghene die van daer haere tons willen comen, dis oc nin 25connen volcomenGa naar margenoot*. So biddic di 26dan, vader, dat tune sends in 27mijns uader hus, want ic hebbe 28daer noch uiue brudre, dat hise warne dat si nin comen in de stat van 29desen <tormente>. Doe antwerdde hem noch Abraham: Si hebben Moysese 30ende de propheten, hoerren die. Ende deghene sprac noch voert: Neen, 31vader Abraham, mar comt imen die doet heft ghewest ende sprekt hen toe, 32so selen si penitencie don. Ende Abraham antwerdde den ghenen aldus: 33En horense nit Moysese ende depropheten, so en selensi nit gheloeuen dat 34imen moghe hen <gheseggen> die op herstaen es van der doet. 35Lucas Dar na so sprac Ihesus te sinen ijongren ende seide aldus: In enenGa naar margenoot+ 36tide (51r) was en rike manGa naar margenoot* die hadde enen meijereGa naar margenoot**. Ende die meijere | |
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1possess eternal life. When the scribes who were covetous heard this, they 2derided Jesus. And Jesus spoke to them and said thus: Ye are those who 3make yourselves righteous before man; but God knows your hearts; for that 4which seems great to men is an indignity before God. After that he confirmed 5this with a parable and said thus: 6Ga naar margenoot+ Once upon a time there was a man who was rich and clothed with purple 7and buckram, and who every day held great banquets. There was also a 8poor man who was called Lazarus, who lay in front of that rich man's door 9all full of sores and longed to eat of the pieces that fell off the rich man's 10table and no one gave him thereof. But the dogs came and licked his sores. 11Thereafter it happened that the poor man died, and the angels came and 12carried his soul into Abraham's bosom. Afterwards the rich man died, 13and his soul was carried into hellGa naar voetnoota). And when he was in torment, he lifted 14up his eyes, and saw Abraham from afar and Lazarus sitting in his bosom. 15Then he called to Abraham and said thus: Father Abraham, have pity 16upon me and send Lazarus here to me, and command him to wet the tip 17of his finger in water and to cool therewith my tongue; for I am sorely 18tormented in this flame. Then Abraham answered him thus: Son, remember 19that thou hadst thy pleasant things in thy life, and Lazarus poverty and 20unpleasant things. Therefore he is now in comfort and in pleasures, and 21thou art in torment. And above all this, there is a great abyss between us 22and you, so that they who want to come hence to you cannot do that, 23neither can they who thence want to come hither to us accomplish thatGa naar voetnootb). 24Then I pray thee, father, that thou sendest him into my father's house, for 25I have there yet five brothers, that he warn them, lest they come into the 26place of this torment. Then Abraham answered him again: They have 27Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. And he spoke yet further: 28Nay, father Abraham, but if one comes who has been dead and speaks to 29them, they will do penance. And Abraham answered him thus: If they 30hear not Moses and the prophets, they will not believe what some one 31may say to them who is arisen from death. 32Ga naar margenoot+ After that Jesus spoke to his disciples and said thus: Once upon a time 33there was a rich manGa naar voetnootc), who had a stewardGa naar voetnootd). And the steward | |
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1wart beruchtGa naar margenoot* vor sinen here dat hi sijn goet qualec hadde bekirtGa naar margenoot**. Doe 2ontboetGa naar margenoot* die here sinen meijere ende sprac hem ane ende seide aldus: 3Waromme vernemic dese ontrowe van di? Ghef mi rekeninge van dire 4meijerienGa naar margenoot**, want du ne machst 5nit langer meijer sijnGa naar margenoot*. Doe 6sprac die meijer iegen hem 7seluen ende seide al dus: Wat magic don, want mi mijn here mine meijerie 8nemen welt? In can nit grauen ende ic schame mi te biddene. Jc hebbe 9mi bepenst wat ic don sal, dat mj mijns heren schulderen selen ontfaen in 10hare herberghen, alsic van mire meijerijen sal werden ghedaen. Doe ontboet 11hi alle sijns heron schulderen vor hem ende vragde den irsten: Hoe vele 12bestv minen here schuldech? Ende deghene antwerdde: Hondert amen 13olien. Doe sprac die meijer toten ghenen: Nem hir dine lettren ende sete 14neder vollec ende scrijf viftegh. Doe vragde hi den andren: Ende du, hoe 15vele bestv schuldech? Ende deghene antwerdde: Hondert mudde taruen. 16Doe sprac die meijere toten ghenen: Nem hir dine letteren ende scrijf taghten-17tech. Alse dat die here vernam, so prijsde hi din quaden meijereGa naar margenoot* van din 18dat hi wijslec hadde ghedaen. 19Hir ane mach men uerstaen dat 20der werelt kinder wiserGa naar margenoot* sijn in 21harre generacien dan de kinder GodsGa naar margenoot*. Ende hir omme seggic v: Makt 22u urint uan der quader rijkheit, die v ontfaen in hare eewleke herberghen 23alse ghi van ertrike scheeden selt. Die ghetrowe es in den cleinen, hi es ocGa naar margenoot+ 24getrowe in den groten, ende die onghetrowe es in den cleinen, hi es oc 25ongetrowe in den groten. Ende ochte gi dan dese vergankleke rikheiden 26nit wale en dispenseert, wie sal v <deeuleke> rikheit ghe-(51v)uen? Ende 27ochte gi in din dat v nin besteet, onghetrowe sijt, wie sal v gheuen dat <vwe > 28es? Ende oc seggic v dat die knecht die sijns heren wille weet ende daer na 29nit ne werkt, die sal volcslage ontfaen. Mar die knecht die sijns heren wille 30nit ne weet ende werkt buten sinen wille, die sal min slaghe ontfaen, want 31din men uele beuolen heft, men sal hem uele eischen, ende din men min 32beuolen heft, men sal hem min eischen. Matheus Lucas En wetti nit dat 33ic en uir hebbe bracht in ertrike? ende wat willic el dan datt <berne >? 34Jc hebbe noch touerlidene en doepseleGa naar margenoot*, ende hoe sere salic gheturbeert 35moten sijn, eert ouer leden sal werden. Dar na so sprac hi noch one ghe-36likenesse ende seide aldus: 37Matheus Ghelijc es hemelrikeGa naar margenoot* ene hushere, de ut ghinc des margens 150 | |
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1was accusedGa naar voetnoota) before his master that he had mismanagedGa naar voetnootb)Ga naar voetnootb) his goods. Then 2the master summonedGa naar voetnootc) his steward and spoke to him and said thus: Why 3do I hear this faithlessness of thee? give me account of thy stewardshipGa naar voetnootd), 4for thou mayest no longer be stewardGa naar voetnootd). Then the steward spoke to himself 5and said thus: What can I do? for my lord will take my stewardship from 6me. I cannot dig and I am ashamed to beg. I have bethought myself of 7what I shall do, that my lord's debtors may receive me in their houses, 8when I shall be discharged of my stewardship. Then he summoned all his 9lord's debtors before him, and asked the first: How much dost thou owe 10my lord? And he answered: One hundred measures of oil. Then the steward 11said to him: Take here thy bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty. Then 12he asked the other: And thou, how much owest thou? And he answered: 13One hundred bushels of wheat. Then the steward said to him: Take here 14thy bill and write eighty. When the lord heard of this, he praisedGa naar voetnootf) that 15bad steward, because he had done wisely. Hereby may one understand 16that the children of the world are wisersGa naar voetnootg) in their generation than the children 17of Godh. And for this reason I say unto you: Make now friends of the 18wealth of the wicked who [will] receive you in their eternal habitation 19Ga naar margenoot+ when ye shall depart from the earth. He who is faithful in little things is 20also faithful in great things; and he who is unfaithful in little things is also 21unfaithful in great things. And if ye do not dispense these transitory riches 22honestly, who shall give you the the eternal riches? And if ye are unfaithful 23in that which does not belong to you, who shall give you that which is 24yours? And I also say unto you that the servant who knows his lord's will 25and does not work in accordance with it, shall receive many blows. But 26the servant who knows not his lord's will and works against his will, shall 27receive fewer blows; for much shall be required from him to whom much 28has been entrusted; and less shall be required from him to whom less has 29been entrusted. Know ye not that I have brought a fire upon earth? and 30what else do I desire than that it burn? I have yet to undergo a baptismGa naar voetnooti), 31and how sorely shall I have to be troubled, before it shall be undergone. 32After that he spoke yet a parable and said thus: 33Ga naar margenoot+ The kingdom of heavenGa naar voetnootj is like a householder who went out early in 34the morning | |
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1te prijmtide huren werkliede die werken souden in sinen wijngart. Ende 2alse hi sine vorwarde hadde ghemakt <met> hen dat si hem dinen souden 3omme enen daghelikschen penninc, so sendde hise in sinen wijngart. Ende 4alset quam te tercitide, so ghinc hi noch ut ende vant andre staende op de 5markt al ledech, ende den ghenen sprac hi toe ende seide: Ghaet ende 6werkt in minen wijngart, ende ic sal v gheuen dat redene es. Ende deghene 7daden also ende ghingen in den wijngart. Dar na so ghinc hi vt te sexte tide 8ende te noentide uan den daghe, ende dede also ghelike die hi vant gaen 9te sinen wijngarde wert. Ende alst quam ter ellefter urenGa naar margenoot* van den daghe, 10so ghinc hi noch ut ende vant andre staende; ende denghenen sprac hi toe 11ende seide: Wat stadi hir al den dach ledech? Ende si antwerdden: Om dat 12ons nimen en heft ghehurt. Ende den ghenen sprac hi toe aldus: Ghaet in 13minen wijngart (52r). Ende alse het quam des auonds, so sprac die here 14tote sinen drossate: Doch comen die werkliede ende ghef hen haren loen, 15ende beghin an de leste ende also ghanc voert toten irsten. Ende alse deghene 16voer quamen die ter ellefter vren van den daghe waren comen, so namen 17si te penninghe. Dar na so quamen de irste ende waenden dat men hen 18meer soude hebben gegheuen; ende hen was oc gegheuen te penninghe. 19Ende alse si sagen dat men hen nemmeer en ghaf dan den andren, so 20bekroenden si hen uan din hushere ende spraken al dus: Dese leste en 21hebben mar eene ure uan den daghe ghewarchtt, ende du hefst se ons 22ghelijk ghemakt, die debordene hebben ghedregen van den daghe ende 23van der hitten? Doe antwerdde die here den eenen van hen ende seide 24aldus: Vrint, ine doe di en gheen onrech: en makestu dine vorwarde 25iegen mi nit om enen penninc? Nem dat dine es ende ghanc dire straten. 26Jc wille desen lesten also uele gheuen alse di. En magic nit don dat ic wille? 27Waromme werdstu gherghert van din dat ic goet ben? Al dus selen [de] 28leste werden dirste, ende dirste de leste, want uele es dergherre die ghe-29Ga naar margenoot+ roepen sijn, mar lettel es der gherre die ut uerkoren sijn - Dese ghelikenesse 30ontbinden de scrifturen van den heilegen ende de glosen in ere maniren 31aldus: Die te prijmetide in den wijngart werken gaen, dat sijn die in harre 32kinscheit hen te Gode bekiren. De tercitijt dats de tijt van der ijogt. De 33sexte tijt dats de tijt van der manlekheit alse de mensche volwassen es. 34De noentijt dats de tijt van den af nemene van ouderdome. De ellefte vre 35dats de leste tijt van des menschen (52v) leuene. Jn allen desen tiden so 36werden de Gods werkliede ghemaent te werkene in den wijngart, dats 37metter gratien Gods ghestirt te werkene de werke uan harre salegheit; | |
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1to hire laborers who should work in his vineyard. And when he had made 2his contract with them, that they should serve him for a daily penny, he 3sent them into his vineyard. And when it came to the third hour, he went 4out again and found others standing in the market all idle, and he spoke 5to these and said: Go and labour in my vineyard, and I shall give you that 6which is reasonable. And they did so, and went into the vineyard. After 7that he went out at the sixth hour and at the ninth hour of the day, and 8likewise made those whom he found go towards his vineyard. And when 9it came to the eleventh hourGa naar voetnoota) of the day, he went out again and found 10others standing; and he spoke to them and said: Why stand ye here all 11the day idle? And they answered: Because no one has hired us. And he 12spoke to them thus: Go into my vineyard. And when evening came the 13lord spoke to his steward: Make the laborers come, and give them their 14hire, and begin at the last and so go on to the first. And when those appeared 15who had come at the eleventh hour of the day, they received each a penny. 16After that the first came and imagined that they should have been given 17more; and to them also a penny each was given. And when they saw that 18they were not given more than the others, they complained to the householder 19and spoke thus: These last have worked only one hour of the day, and thou 20hast made them equal to us, who have borne the burden of the day and 21of the heat? Then the lord answered one of them and said thus: Friend, I 22do thee no wrong: didst thou not make thy contract with me for a penny? 23Take what is thine and go thy way; I will give to these last as much as to 24thee. May I not do what I will? Why art thou angered, because I am 25good? Thus the last shall become the first, and the first the last: for many 26there are of those that are called, but few there are of those that are chosen - 27The writings of the saints and the glosses explain this parable in this manner: 28Those who at the first hour go to work in the vineyard are they, who in 29their childhood are converted to God. The third hour is the time of youth. 30The sixth hour is the time of manhood, when a man is grown up. The ninth 31hour is the time of the decline of old age. The eleventh hour is the final 32time of man's life. In all these times God's laborers are admonished to 33labor in the vineyard, that is, directed by the grace of God, to work the 34works of their salvation; | |
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1ende alle selen si eenen penninc ontfaen, dats die eeulekheit des toe comens 2leuens. Dese penninc werdt onderwilen eer gegheuen den lesten dan den 3irsten, want die om desen penninc hebben gharbeitt, in welker vren dat 4si hen bekiren te Gode, si ontfaen den eeuleken loen so wanneer dat si 5van derre werelt scheeden. Jn ere andre maniren so ontbenden de glosen 6dese tijde: De primetijt dat was de tijt van Adame tote Noe, de tercitijt 7van Noe tote Abrahame, de sexte tijt van Abrahame tote Moysese, de 8noentijt van Moysese toten tide Ihesu Christi, de ellefte ure dats uan der 9gheborten Ihesu Christi toten inde van der werelt. Alle dese werden gheloent 10metten penninghe eens eeulecs leuens. Desen penninc ontfinc eere deghene 11die ter rechter siden hinc Ihesu Christi, din was gheantwerdt: Heden 12soutu met mi sijn in den paradise, dan dandre daden die vore in den wijgart 13hadden gharbeitt. Desen penninc ontfaen eer die nu arbeiten in den wijn-14gart dan de patriarken ende de profeten daden, die dis verbeiden mosten - 15Lucas Dar na so gheuil dat en prinche van den Phariseusen noeddeGa naar margenoot+ 16Ihesum op enen saterdach tetene met hem. Ende alse Ihesus in dis princhen 17hus comen was, so wachtten ende spieden die IJoden ochte hi it doen 18soude dar sine of berespen mochten. Al dar so was en mensche die sik 19was van den watre. Doe sach Ihesus op die Phariseuse ende op die meestre 20van der wet, ende vragde hen ende sprac aldus: Mach men des saterdags 21it ghanssen? Ende si suegen. Doe nam (53r) Ihesus denghenen ende ghans-22dene ende liten gaen al ghesont. Doe sprac hi totin Phariseusen ende seide: 23Wie es van v allen, die sinen esel ochte sinen osse nin trekt uten putte daer 24hi in gheuallen es op den saterdach? Doe suegen si, want si hem nit en 25consten ghantwerden. Doe sprac Ihesus toten ghenen die daer ghenoedt 26waren, want hi merkde are hen dat si stonden na dat vor sitten ter taflen, 27ende seide aldus: Alse du ghenoedt best teere brulocht, en ghanc nit sitten 28in de vorste stat van der taflen, dat men di nin segge, es en ander daer 29ghenoedt die hersamer es dan du best: Stant op, laet desen daer sitten, 30ende du dan mosts met schanden gaen sitten in dechterste van der taflen. 31Mar alse du ghenoedt best, ghanc sitten talre echterst; so sal deghene comen 32die di heft ghenoedt, ende sal suggen: Vrint, ghanc opwert sitten; so soutus 33hebben eere vor alle deghene die daer sijn. Want so wie so hem seluen ver-34heft, hi sal ghenedert werden, endeGa naar margenoot* so wie so hem seluen nedert, hi sal 35ghehogt werden. DoeGa naar margenoot* sprac Ihesus toten ghenen diene hadde ghenoedt,Ga naar margenoot+ 36ende seide aldus: Alse du gheefs ere etentijt ochte des margens ochte des 37auons, en noed nit dine vrint noch dine naste noch dine maghe noch dine | |
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1and they shall all receive a penny, that is the eternity of the life to come. 2This penny is sometimes given sooner to the last than to the first; for those 3who have labored for this penny, at whatever hour they are converted 4to God, receive the eternal wage when they depart from this world. The 5glosses explain these times in a different manner: The first hour was the time 6from Adam to Noah, the third hour from Noah to Abraham, the sixth hour 7from Abraham to Moses, the ninth hour from Moses to the time of Jesus 8Christ, the eleventh hour from the nativity of Jesus Christ to the end of the 9world. All these are paid with the penny of an eternal life. He who hung 10on the right side of Jesus Christ (the one who was given the reply: To-day 11shalt thou be with me in paradise) received his penny sooner than did the 12others who had labored in the vineyard before him. Those who now labor 13in the vineyard receive this penny sooner than did the patriarchs and, the 14prophets, who had to wait long for it - 15Ga naar margenoot+ After that it happened that a chief of the Pharisees invited Jesus to eat 16with him on a Saturday. And when Jesus was come into this chief's house, 17the Jews ware watching and spying whether he should do anything for 18which they might rebuke him. There was a man there who was sick of the 19dropsy. Then Jesus looked at the Pharisees and at the masters of the law, 20and asked them and spoke thus: May one heal anything on Saturday? 21And they were silent. Then Jesus took that man and healed him, and let 22him go all whole. Then he spoke to the Pharisees and said: Who is there 23among you all that does not pull his ass or his ox out of the pit into which 24he has fallen on the Saturday? Then they were silent, for they could not 25answer him. Then Jesus spoke to those that were bidden there, for he marked 26in them that they were set on precedence at the table, and said thus: When 27thou art bidden to a wedding, do not go and sit in the foremost place of the 28table, lest thou be told, has another been bidden there, who is more hono-29rable than thou: Stand up, let him sit there; and then thou must go and sit 30with shame at the hindmost [end] of the table. But when thou art bidden, 31go and sit at the very hindmost [place]; then he who has bidden thee will 32come and will say: Friend, go and sit further up; then thou shalt have 33honor before all those who are there. For whosoever exalts himself, he 34Ga naar margenoot+ shall be abased; and whosoever abases himself, he shall be exalted. Then 35Jesus spoke to those who had bidden him, and said thus: When thou givest 36a feast either in the morning or in the evening, bid not thy friends nor thy 37nearest [kin], nor thy relatives, nor thy | |
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1gheburen die rike sijn, want si di weder noeden mogen, ende so ontfees 2tu hir dinen wederloen. Mar alse du ghefs eene etentijt, so doch comen die 3arm sijn, die cranc sijn, die manc sijn ende die blint sijn, ende dan soutu 4salegh sijn, want si nin hebben waermet dat sijt di verghelden moghen. 5Dan saelt di vergouden werden in de opherstannesse der gherechter. Alse 6dese wart hoerde een van den ghenen die daer aten, so sprac hi aldus: 7Salech sal de(53v)ghene sijn die dat eeuleke broet sal eten in den rike Gods. 8Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Jn din tide so gheuil dat nakendeGa naar margenoot+ 9was dat Paschen dat der IJoeden feeste dach es. Doe ghinc oc Ihesus te 10Iherusalem wert al dor dat lantschap uan Samarien. Ende alse hi quam 11in een dorp, so quamen iegen hem tine lazerse menschen, Lucas die ghingen 12staen van uerren ende ripen te hem wert ende seiden aldus: Jhesu, ghe-13biedere, ont farm di onss. Alse Ihesus die uersach, so sprac hi tote hen 14ende seide aldus: Ghaet ende vertoegt v den papen van der wet. Ende 15alse die lazerse dar wert henen ghinghen, so worden si gheghanst. Alse 16dat sach een van din tienen dat hi also ghenesen was, so quam hi weder 17met groter stemmen loeuende Gode. Ende alse hi quam daer Ihesus was, 18so uil hi hem te uoete met groten danke; ende deghene was en Samaritaen. 19Doe sprac Ihesus aldus: En warser tiene die ghesuuert worden, ende waer 20sijn de <neghene>? Van allen din en eser een nit die weder quam ende 21lofde Gode sonder dese vtlansche. Doe sprac Ihesus toten ghenen: Stant 22op <ende> ghanc, want dijn gheloeue heft di ghesont ghemakt. 23Lucas Matheus Marcus Doe nam Ihesus sine tuelef apostlen op hoerGa naar margenoot+ 24ende seide hen noch aldus: Nu gawi te Iherusalem wert, ende aldaer so 25selen veruult werden alle die scrifturen die ghescreuen sijn in den propheten 26van des menschen sonc. Want hi sal gheleuert werden den prinschen van 27den IJodschen papen ende den scriben, ende si selenne leueren den heidenen. 28Aldaer sal hi bespott werden ende ghegheecelt ende bespouuen ende ghe-29crust, ende des derds dags sal hi werden op herstaen. Matheus Marcus DoeGa naar margenoot* 30quam te hem de moeder van Zebedeus kindren met ha-(54r)ren sonen ende 31anebeddene ende bat hem ene bede. Doe vragde hare Ihesus ende seide: 32Wat weltu? Ende si sprac voert al dus: Seghe dat desen tueen, die mine 33sonen sijn, si ghegheuen dat Bitten, den enen te dire rechter siden ende 34den andren te dire slinker siden, in dinen rike. Doe antwerdde Ihesus din 35tueen ghebrudren ende sprac aldus: Ghine wet wat ghi bidt. Seldi mogen 36drinken van din kelke daer ic af drinken sal? ochteGa naar margenoot* seldi dat doepsel 37mogen ouerliden daer ic in ghedoept werden sal? Ende si antwerdden: | |
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1neighbours that are rich; for they may bid thee again, and thus thou receivest 2here thy recompense. But when thou givest a feast, make those come that are 3poor, that are sick, that are lame, arid that are blind; and then shalt thou be 4blessed; for they have not wherewith they may recompense thee; then shalt 5thou be recompensed in the resurrection of the just. When one of those who 6ate there, heard these words, he spoke thus: Blessed shall he be who shall eat 7the eternal bread in the kingdom of God. 8Ga naar margenoot+ At that time it happened that the passover was approaching, which is 8the feast day of the Jews. Then Jesus also went towards Jerusalem through 10the country of Samaria. And when he came into a village, ten leprous men 11met him. They went and stood from afar, and called towards him and said 12thus: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. When Jesus saw them, he spoke 13to them and said thus: Go and show yourselves to the priests of the law. 14And as the lepers went thither, they were healed. When one of those ten 15saw that he had been thus healed, he came back, prising God with a loud 16voice. And when he came where Jesus was, he fell down at his feet with 17great thanks: and he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus spoke thus: Were there 18not ten that were cleansed? and where are the nine? Of all those not one 19came back and praised God, except this outlander. Then Jesus spoke to him: 20Arise and go, for thy faith has made thee whole. 21Ga naar margenoot+ Then Jesus took his twelve apostles aside and said to them further thus: 22Now we go towards Jerusalem, and there shall be fulfilled all the Scriptures 23that are written in the prophets about the Son of man. For he shall be 24delivered to the chiefs of the Jewish priests and the scribes, and they shall 25deliver him to the heathen. There he shall be mocked, and scourged, and 26be spat upon, and be crucified; and on the third day he shall arise again. 27Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons, and 28worshipped him and begged him for a boon. Then Jesus asked her and 29said: What wilt thou? And she spoke on thus: Say that it be given to these 30two that are my sons, to sit, one on thy right side, and the other on thy 31left side, in thy kingdom. Then Jesus answered those two brothers and 32spoke thus: Ye know not what ye ask. Shall ye be able to drink of the cup 33that I shall drink of? or shall ye be able to endure the baptism in which I 34shall be baptized? And they answered: | |
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1IJawi. Doe sprac Ihesus noch tote hen ende seide: Van minen kelke seldi 2drinken ende in minen doepsele seldi ghedoep werden, mar dat sitten 3te mire rechter ochte te mire slinker siden dan behoert mi nit vGa naar margenoot* tegheuene, 4mar den ghenenGa naar margenoot** dint gheeghent es van minen vader. Matheus Marcus Lucas 5AlseGa naar margenoot* dit hoerden die tiene andre, so hadt hen ommaer van din 6tueen ghebruderen dat si dat vordeel hebben wouden. Doe ripse Ihesus 7te hem ende sprac aldus: En wetti nit dat de prinschen van der werelt 8hare heerheit plegen te doegene ouer dat uolc, ende die bouen dandre 9sijn hare machtegheit ouer deghene die onder hen sijn? Also en saelt nit 10sijn onder v. Mar so wie so de meeste welt sijn, dat si v garsun, endeGa naar margenoot* so 11wie so de vorste welt sijn, dat sal sijn v knecht; also ghelike alse des men-12schen sone in ertrike comen es nit om dat men hem dinen soude, mar om-13dat hi selue dienen woude ende leueren sine zile omme de verloessenesse 14der menschen. 15Lucas Marcus Doe sprac een van den ghenen die daer waren, te Ihesum:Ga naar margenoot+ 16Here, eser lettel die behouden selen bliuen? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hir op 17ende seide aldus: Stridt om dat vorgaen dor de inghe porte, want ic segg v 18dat vele der gher-(54v)re sal sijn, die selen willen inghaen, ende en selen nit 19in conen comen. Want alse de hushere in es ghegaen ende de doren besloten 20sijn, so seldi buten staen ende cloppen ende seggen: Here, ontpluc de dore 21ende laet ons in. Ende hi sal antwerdden: In kennu nit; ine weet waren 22ghi sijt; ghaet van mi, ghi die ghewarght hebt de werke van der boesheit. 23Dan seldi sien Abrahame ende Ysaake ende Iacope ende alle de profeten 24in hemelrike. Ende oc seldise sien comen van oest ende van west, van noert 25ende van sijt, die rosten selen int rike Gods; ende ghi selt gheleuert werden 26dar ghescrej sal sijn ende krijselinge van tanden. Ende aldus selen dechterste 27werden dirste [ende dirste] selen sijn dechterste. 28Lucas Doe gheschide dat Ihesus leet dor de stat die es ghenaemt Iherico.Ga naar margenoot+ 29Aldaer so was en man, die hit Zacheus, die prinche was der publicane, 30ende oc was hi en rike man. Dese begherde Ihesum te siene ende hine 31consts nit toe comen, om dat hi cleine was van lichamen ende om dis volkes 32wille, dat omtrent Ihesum ghinc so dikke dat hi nin conste gheweten welc 33dat Ihesus ware. Doe lip hi vore ende clam op enen sikomoer, omdat hi 34ne sien woude, want hem al daer stont te lidene. Ende alse Ihesus bi dire 35stat quam daer Zacheus op den boem stont, so sach hi op wert ende sprac | |
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1Yes, we are. Then Jesus spoke again to them and said: Ye shall drink of 2my cup and ye shall be baptized in my baptism; but to sit on my right or 3on my left side, that belongs not to me to give youGa naar voetnoota), but to themGa naar voetnootb) to whom 4it is granted by my Father. When the ten others heard this, they were 5displeased with the two brothers, because they would have that privilege. 6Then Jesus called them to him and spoke thus: Know ye not that the princes 7of the world are used to exercise their lordship over the people, and those 8who are above the others [are used to exercise] their power over those who 9are under them? It shall not be thus among you; but whosoever will be the 10greatest, shall be your subordinate; and whosoever will be foremost, shall 11be your servant; even as the Son of man has come on earth not in order 12to be ministered to, but because he himself would minister, and surrender 13his soul for the redemption of men. 14Ga naar margenoot+Then spoke one of those who were there to Jesus: Lord, are there few 15that shall be saved? And Jesus answered to this and said thus: Strive for 16precedence through the narrow gate; for I say unto you that there shall 17be many of those who will want to go in, and shall not be able to enter. 18For when the master of the house is gone in and the doors have been closed, 19ye shall stand outside and knock and say: Lord, open the door and let us in. 20And he shall answer: I know you not; I know not whence ye are; go from me, 21ye who have wrought the works of iniquity. Then ye shall see Abraham and 22Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of heaven. And ye shall 23also see them come from east and from west, from north and from south, 24such as shall rest in the kingdom of God; and ye shall be delivered where 25there shall be crying and gnashing of teeth. And thus the last shall be the 26first, [and the first] shall be the last. 27Ga naar margenoot+Then it happened that Jesus went through the town which is called 28Jericho. There was a man who was called Zacchaeus, who was the chief 29of the publicans, and he was also a rich man. He wanted to see Jesus; and 30he could not accomplish it, because he was little of stature, and because of 31the people that surrounded Jesus so closely that he could not tell which was 32Jesus. Then he ran before and climbed up a sycamore, because he wanted 33to see him; for he was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to that place 34where Zacchaeus stood on the tree, he looked upwards and spoke | |
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1hem toe ende seide aldus: Zachee, ghanc vollec af, want ic moet heden 2herberghen metti in dinen huse. Ende Zacheus ghinc vollec af, ende ontfinke-3ne met groter wrouden. Ende alse dat sagen de IJoden, so begonsten si te 4murmurne onder hen van din dat Ihesus woude gheherbergt sijn van din 5sundere. Doe stont voert Zacheus ende sprac tote Ihesum: Here, ic wille 6half mijn goet gheuen den armen; ende (55v) hebbic imene ueronrechtt, ic 7wilt hem uiruout uerstoeren. Doe sprac Ihesus te hem: Heden es dese 8herberghe ghesalegt ende de wert es worden Abrahams kint. Want des 9menschen sone es comen omme te sukene ende te behoudene dat uerloren 10was. 11Matheus Marcus Lucas Alse Ihesus ghinc ute Ihericho, so uolgdeGa naar margenoot+ 12hem ene grote schare van volke. Ende alse hi buten quam, so saten tuee 13blinde menschen an den weghe, direGa naar margenoot* een was Bartimeus, die Timeus sone 14was. Alse die blinde hoerden dat Ihesus Nazareus aldaer leet, so riepen 15se op hem ende seiden aldus: Here, ontfarmdi ons, Dauids sone! Doe bleef 16Ihesus staende ende ripse te hem ende seide: Wat wildi dat ic v doe? 17Ende si antwerdden: Here, doch dat onse oghen werden ontploken. Doe 18ontfarmde Ihesum hars ende leide sinen vinger op hare oghen ende si 19worden altehant siende, ende si volgden hem ende lofden Gode. Ende 20aldat volc dat daer was ende dat sach, gaf Gode groten lof van din mirakelle-21ken werke. 22Lucas Alse Ihesus quam bi der stat uan Iherusalem so na dat hise sach,Ga naar margenoot+ 23so begonste hi te weenne ende sprac al dus: Kennestu also wale wat di 24nakende es alse ic doe, du soust oc weennen, want nu op desen dach so 25hefstu dinen pais. Mar die daghe selen comen, dat di dine viende selen 26beliggen ende ommeringen ende anxteren in allen staden, ende selen di 27terneder werpen ende dine kinder die in di sijn, ende sine selen eenen 28steen nit laten liggen op den andren in di, om dat tu nit en wels kennen 29den tijt van dire <uisitacien>. 30EndeGa naar margenoot* alse Ihesus quam te Iherusalem in der stat, so wart alt folc vanGa naar margenoot+ 31der stat van hem spreken-(55v)de ende deen den andren vragende: Wie 32es dese? Ende deen antwerdde den andren: Dit es Ihesus, de profete van 33Nazareth Galilee. Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Doe ghinc Ihesus 34in den tempel, ende alse hi dar binnen quam, so makdeGa naar margenoot* hi van corden 35ene gheecele ende ijadeGa naar margenoot* alle die kochten ende uerkochten uteri templè, | |
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1to him and said thus: Zacchaeus, come down at once; for I must stay with 2thee to-day in thy house. And Zacchaeus went down quickly, and received 3him with great joy. And when the Jews saw that, they began to murmur 4among themselves, because Jesus would be given shelter by that sinner. 5Then Zacchaeus stood forth and spoke to Jesus: Lord, I will give half my 6property to the poor; and if I have done injustice to any one, I will make 7him fourfold amends for it. Then said Jesus to him: To-day this house is 8blessed, and the host has become Abraham's child. For the Son of man is 9come to seek and to preserve that which was lost. 10Ga naar margenoot+When Jesus went out of Jericho, a large crowd of people followed him. 11And when he came outside, there sat two blind men by the way, one of 12themGa naar voetnoota) was Bartimaeus, who was the son of Timaeus. When the blind men 13heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing there, they called on him and 14said thus: Lord, have pity on us, Son of David! Then Jesus remained standing 15and called them to him and said: What will ye that I do to you? And they 16answered, Lord, cause our eyes to be opened. Then Jesus took pity on them 17and laid his finger on their eyes; and they became seeing at once, and they 18followed him and praised God. And all the crowd that was there and saw 19that, gave great praise to God for that miraculous work. 20Ga naar margenoot+When Jesus came so near to the city of Jerusalem that he saw it, he began 21to weep, and spoke thus: If thou knewest what is coming to thee as well 22as I do, thou also wouldst weep; for now on this day thou hast thy peace. 23But the days shall come, when thy enemies shall besiege and surround thee, 24and press thee on all sides, and shall throw thee down and thy children 25that are in thee; and they shall not leave one stone lying upon the other in 26thee, because thou will not know the time of thy visitation. 27Ga naar margenoot+And when Jesus came to Jerusalem in the city, all the people of the city 28began to talk of him, and one to ask the other: Who is this? And one ans-29wered the other: This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth in Galilee. Then 30Jesus went into the temple; and when he came inside, he made a scourge 31of cords and drove all who bought and sold out of the temple; | |
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1ende de schaepGa naar margenoot* ende de ossen ijaghede hi vt; ende der wisseleren taflen warp 2hi v ter erden ende har ghelt dat quistte hi; ende derGa naar margenoot* gherre stoele die 3duuen verkochten warp hi omme ende seide aldus: Doet dit enweghe ende 4en makt nit van mijns vader huse ene halle, want hets ghescreuen: Mijn hus 5dat sal sijn en bede hus allen liedenGa naar margenoot*, ende ghi hebter of ghemakt enen 6dieue winkel. Ende ocGa naar margenoot* en lit hi nimene dragen en vat dor den tempel. 7DoeGa naar margenoot* ghedachte sinen ijongren dis wards dat ghescreuen es: Dijns huss 8ande heft mi gheten. AldaerGa naar margenoot* so quamen oc de blinde ende de manke te hem 9in den temple ende die ghanssede hi alle. AlseGa naar margenoot* dat sagen de princhen 10ende de Phariseuse, ende de kinder hoerden roepen in den temple: Osanna, 11Dauids sone! so hadt hen ommar, ende spraken aldus te hem: Hoerstu 12wat dese seggen? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: IJaic. EnGa naar margenoot* 13laisdi noit dat ghescreuen es: Vter kinder monde ende der gherre die 14noch sugen, hefstu volbracht den Gods lof? Johannes Matheus Marcus 15Doe antwerdden de IJoeden ende seiden: Wat teekene togstu ons dat te 16des macht hefs te doene? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Ontmakt 17desen tempel, ende ic salne in drin daghen weder op rechten. Doe spraken 18die IJoeden noch ende seiden: Dese tempel was ghemakt in sesse ende virtegh 19ijaren, ende du soudsten weder maken in drie (56r) daghen? Mar Ihesus 20meinde den tempel sijns lichamen. 21Marcus Lucas Al daer Ihesus stont in den tempel, so sach hi degheneGa naar margenoot+ 22die hare offerande offerden in den tempel, beide rike ende arme. Aldaer 23so quam en arm weduken ende leide tue cleine uirdonge in den bloc. Ende 24alse Ihesus dat sach, so sprac hi tote sinen ijongren: Ouer waer seggic v 25dat dese arme wedue heft meer ghoffert dan alle dandre, want alle dandre 26offerden van din dat hen ouer bliuende was, mar dese offerde van din dis 27hare ghebrekende es, ende al dat daer hare noetdorft van den daghe 28ane ghelach. 29Lucas Doe sprac hi noch uoert tote hen somen, die hen seluen voertGa naar margenoot+ 30setten alse ochte si allene gherecht waren ende versmedden dandre, ende 31<seide> aldus: Het gheuil dat tuee menschen quamen in den tempel; 32deen was en Phariseus ende dandre was en pubplicaen. De Phariseus hi 33stont ende dede aldus sijn ghebet: Here Got, ic danke di dat is nin ben 34alse dandre menschen die roeueren sijn, die ontghereght sijn ende onkusch 35van haren liue, ende oc also ghedaen alse dese pubplicaen es. Jc vaste tuee-36werf in de weke; jc gheue mine tinde van allen din dat ic hebbe. Mar die 37publicaen stont van verren ende en woude sine oghen nit op heffen ten | |
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1and he chased out the sheep and the oxen; and he threw the tables of the 2money-changers to the ground, and he scattered their money; and he upset 3the seats of those who sold pigeons, and said thus; Take this away, and do 4not make a market place of my Father's house. For it is written: My house 5shall be a house of prayer for all people; and ye have made of it a den of 6thieves. Nor did he allow any one to carry a vessel through the temple. 7Then his disciples remembered the word that is written: The zeal of thy 8house has eaten me. There the blind and the lame also came to him in the 9temple, and he healed them all. When the chiefs and the Pharisees saw 10that, and heard the children shout in the temple: Hosanna, Son of David, 11they took offence, and spoke thus to him: Hearest thou what these are 12saying? And Jesus answered back to them thus: Yes, I do; did ye never read 13that which is written: Out of the mouths of the children and of those that 14still suck thou hast accomplished the praise of God? Then the Jews answered 15and said: What tokens showest thou us that thou hast power to do this? 16And Jesus answered them back thus: Demolish this temple, and in three 17days I shall restore it. Then the Jews spoke again and said: This temple 18was made in forty-six years, and thou wouldst remake it in three days? 19But Jesus meant the temple of his body. 20Ga naar margenoot+Where Jesus stood in the temple he saw those who offered their offerings 21in the temple, both rich and poor. There came a poor little widow and 22laid two small farthings in the box. And when Jesus saw that, he spoke to 23his disciples: Verily I say unto you that this poor widow has offered more 24than all the others; for all the others offered from that which they had to 25spare; but this one offered from that which she was in need of, and all that 26her livelihood for the day depended on. 27Ga naar margenoot+Then he spoke still further to some of them who put themselves forward 28as if they alone were just, and despised the others; and said thus: It happened 29that two men came into the temple; one was a Pharisee and the other was a 30publican. The Pharisee stood and did his prayer thus: Lord God, I thank 31thee that I am not as the other people who are robbers, who are unrighteous 32and unchaste in their life, and also such as this publican is. I fast twice a 33week; I give my tithe of all that I have. But the publican stood far away 34and would not raise his eyes | |
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1hemele wert, mar hi sloch vor sijn herte ende seide aldus: Here Got, ontfarmdi 2mijns die en sundere ben. Jc seggv dat dese ghinc thus wert meer 3ghebetert dan dander dede, want so wie so hem seluen verheftt, die sal 4ghenedert werden, ende so wie so hem seluen oedmudegt, die sal ghehogt 5werden. Wie es oc van v die heft enen knecht die sijn lant akkert ochteGa naar margenoot+ 6die sijn quic hudt, din sijn here sal seggen, alse hi comt van den velde, (56v): 7Ghanc sitten eten, ende nin sal seggen: Ghereit mi tetene ende dine mi totire 8wilen dat ic hebbe gheten ende ghedronken; ende daer na soutu eten ende 9drinken? Ende alse die knecht heft ghedaen sijns heren ghebot, wat gracien 10heft hi daer ane uerdint? Also seggic v: alse ghi hebt ghedaen al dat v 11gheboden es, so segt: Wi sijn onnutte knechte; dat wi schuldech waren 12te doene, dat dade wj. 13Alse Ihesus dese wart ghesproken hadde, so schit hi van din volke, want 14het bi den auonde was, ende ghinc uter stat in en dorp, dat heett Bethania, 15ende daer bleef hi din nacht ouer. Ende enGa naar margenoot* ighewelc ghinc thus wert van 16den ghenen die daer versament hadden gheweestGa naar margenoot*. Ende alse dat ghemeine 17volc uernam dat hi uter stat was gegaen, so <volgden> [si] hem te Bethanien 18wert. Aldaer ontfinc se Ihesus die te hem quamen, ende ghansde deghene 19dis behouende waren. 20Johannes Jn din tide so was een uan din Phariseusen die NichodemusGa naar margenoot+ 21hit, ende was prinche van den IJoeden. Dese quam te Ihesum be nachte 22ende sprac aldus te hem: Rabbi, wi weten wale dat tu van Godshaluen 23best comen omme ons te leerne, want nimen en mach die werke werken 24die du werks, hen si dat Got met hem si. Doe antwerdde hem Ihesus ende 25sprac aldus: Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* seggic di: Hen si dat de mensche anderwerue 26gheboren <werde>, hi ne mach dat Gods rike nit beschowen. Doe dat 27hoerde Nichodemus, so sprac hi aldus: Hoe mach en mensche anderwerf 28gheboren werden alse hi out es? Mach hi weder crupen in sire moeder 29lichame ende weder werden gheboren? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem hir 30op: Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* seggic di: hen si dat de mensche weder gheboren werde so 31ouer mids den watre ende den Heilegen Gheeste, hi ne mach (57r) nit 32comen int rike Gods. Dat van den vleesche gheboren werdt, dat es vleesch, 33ende dat van den gheeste gheboren werdt, dat es gheest. <En> wondere 34di nit van din dat ic di seide dat gi moett werden gheboren anderwerue. 35De gheest spirert daer hi welt, ende sine stemme hoers du, ende du ne wets 36nit wanen hi comt noch warwert dat <hi> vaert: also est metten ghenen | |
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1heavenward, but he beat upon his heart and said thus: Lord God, have 2mercy upon me, who am a sinner. I say to you that this one went homeward 3more the better than did the other; for whosoever exalts himself shall be 4Ga naar margenoot+brought low; and whosoever humbles himself shall be exalted. And who is 5[there] among you that has a servant who tills his land or guards his cattle, 6to whom his master will say, when he comes from the field: Go sit down 7to eat, and will not say: Prepare for me to eat, and serve me until I have 8eaten and drunk; and after that thou shalt eat and drink? And when the 9servant has done his master's bidding, what thanks has he earned thereby? 10Even so I say unto you: when ye have done all that is ordered you, then ye 11should say: We are useless servants; we did that which we were in duty 12bound to do. 13When Jesus had spoken these words, he departed from those people, for 14it was nearly evening, and went out of the city into a village, which was 15called Bethania; and there he remained for that night. And every one of 16those who had been assembled there went home. And when the common 17people heard that he had gone out of the city, they followed him towards 18Bethania. There Jesus received them who came to him, and healed those 19who were in need of it. Ga naar margenoot+20At that time there was one of the Pharisees who was called Nicodemus, 21and was a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night, and spoke 22to him thus: Rabbi, we know well that thou hast come on God's behalf in 23order to teach us; for no one can do the works which thou doest, unless 24God be with him. Then Jesus answered him and spoke thus: Verily I say 25to thee, unless a man be born anew, he may not behold the kingdom of God. 26When Nicodemus heard that, he spoke thus: How may a man be born 27anew when he is old? Can he creep again into his mother's womb and be 28born again? And Jesus answered him to this: Verily I say to thee, unless 29a man be born anew through the water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot 30come into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh that is 31flesh, and that which is born of the spirit that is spirit. Wonder not at 32that which I said to thee, that ye must be born anew. The spirit blows 33wherever it will, and thou hearest its voice, and thou knowest not whence 34it comes, nor whither it goes; even so it is with him, | |
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1die gheboren es ouer mids den gheeste. Doe antwerdde noch Nichodemus 2ende sprac aldus: Hoe mach dit sijn? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder 3aldus: Du best en meester in Israhel, ende en wets tu des nit? Ouer waerGa naar margenoot* 4seggic di dat wi spreken van din dat wi weten, ende wi ghetugen dat wi 5hebben ghesien; ende ghi ne <ontfaet> onse ghetugnesse nit. Ochtic v 6van erderschen dingen hebbe ghesproken dis ghi nit ne gheloeft, hoe 7souddi dis gheloeuen dat ic v seide van hemelschen dingen? Ende nochtan 8seggic di dat nimen en es mechtegh op te varne ten hemeleGa naar margenoot* dan deghene 9die neder quam van hemele, dats des menschen sone, die es in den hemele. 10Ende noch seggic di dat also ghelike alse Moyses uerhif den serpent in 11der wustinen, also moet des menschen sone werden verheuenGa naar margenoot*, omme dat 12so wie so gheloeft an hem, nit ne werde verloren, mar dat eeuleke leuen 13<behoude>. WantGa naar margenoot* also minde Got de werelt, dat hi sinen eenegen sone 14sendde in de werelt omme den ghenen die ane hem gheloeuen selen, te 15gheuene dat eeuleke leuen. Want Got en heft sinen sone nit ghesendt in de 16werelt omme de werelt te ordeelne, mar omme dat de werelt werde behouden 17ouermids hem. Die ane hem gheloeft, hi ne sal nit gheordeelt werden, mar 18die ane home nin gheloeft, die es nu verordeelt, want hi nit en gheloeft in 19den name des eenegs Gods soens. Ende dat (57v) es die sake waromme dat 20de werelt sal gheordeelt sijn, om dat dat light es comen in de werelt, ende 21de menschen van der werelt hebben lieuer de demsternessen dan de clerheit 22des ligts, want hare werke die sijn boese. Ende alle deghene die quade 23werke werken, die haten dat light ende die comen noede ten ligchte, want 24si hen onssin dis dat si van haren werken berespinge souden ontfaen. Mar 25die werkt de werke van der ghewaregheit, die comt gherne ten lighte 26omme sine werke oppenbaer te makene ende omme te toegene dat si met 27Gode sijn ghewarghtt. 28Alse Ihesus dese wart hadde ghesproken, so ghinc hi vte Betanien ende 29ghinc op den bergh van Olyueten. Ende <des> anders margens vroch so 30quam hi weder in den tempel; ende aldaer so ghederde de ghemeinte van 31den volke om hem ende hi ghinc sitten leeren dat volk. 32Johannes Aldaer Ihesus gheseten was om dat volc te leerne, so quamenGa naar margenoot+ 33de scriben ende de Phariseuse ende brachten en wijf gheleidt die beuonden 34was met ouerhoere; ende si namen dat wijf ende seittense in midden onder 35dat volc vor Ihesum ende spraken aldus: Meester, dit wijf es nu betraept 36in ouerhoere, ende in de wet so ghebidt ons Moyses aldusghedane liede te 37steinne; wat segs tu hir toe? Dit spraken si om hem tebekorne ende omme | |
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1who is born through the spirit. Then Nicodemus answered again and spoke 2thus: How may this be? And Jesus answered him back thus: Thou art a 3master in Israel and knowest thou nothing of this? Verily I say to thee that 4we speak of that which we know, and we testify to that which we have 5seen; and ye do not accept our testimony. If I have spoken to you of earthly 6things, which ye do not believe, how should ye believe that which I said 7to you of heavenly things? And yet I say to thee, that no one is able to 8ascend to heavenGa naar voetnoota) except he who came down from heaven, that is, the 9Son of man, who is in heaven. And again I say to thee that even as Moses 10lifted up the serpent in the desert, even so must the Son of man be lifted 11upGa naar voetnootb); that whosoever believes in him be not lost, but may retain eternal 12life. For God so loved the world that he sent his only Son into the world 13in order to give eternal life to those who shall believe in him. For God has 14not sent his Son into the world in order to judge the world, but that the world 15might, be saved through him. He who believes in him shall not be judged; but 16he who does not believe in him is doomed now, because he does not believe in 17the name of God's only Son. And that is the reason why the world shall be 18judged; because the light is come into the world, and the people of the 19world would rather have the darknesses than the brightness of the light; 20for their works are evil. And all those who do evil works hate the light, 21and they come reluctantly to the light, for they are afraid lest they should 22receive rebuke for their works. But he who does the works of truth comes 23gladly to the light to make his works manifest, and to prove that they have 24been wrought with God. 25When Jesus had spoken these words, he went out of Bethania and went 26up the mount of Olives. And early the next morning he came again into 27the temple; and there assembled the community of the people around him, 28and he sat down to teach the people. 29Ga naar margenoot+As Jesus was seated there to teach the people, the scribes and the Pharisees 30came and brought a woman along who had been caught in adultery; and 31they took the woman and placed her in the midst of the people before 32Jesus, and spoke thus: Master, this woman has just been caught in adultery; 33and in the law Moses commands us to stone such people; what sayest thou 34to this? They said this to tempt him and to | |
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1oksun te uindene iegen hem dar sine of wrugen mochten. Alse Ihesus die 2wart hoerde, so nikde hi nederwert ende began te scriuene met sinen uingre 3op derde. Ende die Phariseuse stonden ende vragden met groter besegheit 4wat hi daer toe seide. Ende alse si lange met vragene besech hadden ghe-5west, so rechtte [hi] hem op ende sprac aldus: Die sonder sunde es van v, 6die werpe den irsten steen op hare. Ende alse dat ghesegt was, so nikde hi 7weder (58r) nederwert ende screef metten uingre op die erde. Alse dat 8hoerden die Phariseuse, so strekense en wege uten temple deen na den 9andren, ende die oudst waren onder hen die vlowen alre irst, so dat Ihesus 10allene daer bleef ende dat wijf dat daer vor hem stont. Doe reghtte hem lo 11Ihesus op ende sprac totin wive ende seide: Wijf, waer sijn die di wrugden? 12heft di imen uerordeelt? Ende si antwerdde: Neent, here. Doe sprac noch 13Ihesus tote hare: Noch in sal di nit uerordeelen; ghanc ende hut di van 14sunden voert ane meer. 15Matheus Marcus Op enen dach so ghinc Ihesus van buten in ter statGa naar margenoot+ 16wert in ere margenstonden ende hem hungerde. Aldaer hi ghinc, so uersach 17hi enen uigheboem die stont beneuen de weghe. Ende alse Ihesus totin 18boeme quam, so ne vant hire nit op tan allene loeuer, want het buten 19den tide was dat de uighen plegen te sine op den bome. Doe sprac Ihesus 20totin bome: Nemmermeer en wasse vrocht op di. Ende also saen alse dat 21ghesproken was, so verdrogde die boem. Alse dat sagen sine ijongren, so 22wonderde hen van din dat die boem so schire verdorret was. Ende des 23auondsGa naar margenoot* dar na so ghinc Ihesus uter stat. Ende des anders dags, alse hi 24weder quam lidende beneuen din boem, so sagen sine ijongren dat die 25boem verdrogt was tote in de vortle. Doe sprac Peter ende seide: Meester, 26[die boem] die du maledijes, es verdrogt. Doe antwerdde Ihesus hir op 27ende seide sinen ijongren: HebtGa naar margenoot* dat Gods gheloeue in v, wantGa naar margenoot** ouer waer 28séggic v: hebdi gheloue ende en comt enghene tuiuelinge in v, dit selue 29seldi mogen don, nit allene van den uighebome, mar segdi desen berghe: 30Uerheffe di ende worp di in der zee, het sal gheschin. DoeGa naar margenoot* spraken sine 31ijongren tote hem: Here, (58v) meerre ons onse gheloeue. Ende Ihesus 32antwerdde hen aldus: Al dat ghi bidt in ure <bedinghen>, hebt gheloeue, 33dat v ghegheuen sele werden, ende het sal also gheschin. Matheus Marcus 34Johannes Ende alse ghi ghestan sijt v ghebet te doene, so vergheft den 35ghenen die mesdadech sijn iegen v, so sal v v vader die in den hemele es, 36vwe sunden uergheuen. | |
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1find cause against him of which they might accuse him. As Jesus heard 2those words, he stooped down and began to write with his finger on the 3ground. And the Pharisees stood and asked with much insistence what he 4said thereto. And when they had long busied themselves with questioning, 5he raised himself up and spoke thus: He who is without sin among you, 6let him cast the first stone on her. And when that had been said, he stooped 7down again and wrote with his finger on the ground. When the Pharisees 8heard that, they slunk away out of the temple one after the other, and those 9who were oldest among them fled first of all, so that Jesus remained there 10alone, and the woman who stood there before him. Then Jesus raised himself 11up, and spoke to the woman and said: Woman, where are those who accused 12thee? has any one condemned thee? And she answered: No one has, Lord. 13Then Jesus again spoke to her: Neither shall I condemn thee, go and keep 14thyself from sins henceforth. 15Ga naar margenoot+ One day Jesus went from the country into the city in the early morning; 16and he was hungry. Where he went along he noticed a fig tree which stood 17by the side of the road. And when Jesus came to that tree, he found nothing 18on it but foliage only; for it was out of the season in which figs are wont 19to be on the tree. Then Jesus spoke to the tree: Let there never grow fruit 20on thee any more. And as soon as that was spoken, the tree withered. When 21his disciples saw that, they wondered at the tree becoming withered so 22quickly. And in the evening thereafter Jesus went out of the city; and the 23next day, when he came again past that tree, his disciples saw that the tree 24was withered down to the root. Then spoke Peter and said: Master, the tree 25which thou cursest has withered. Then Jesus answered hereto and said to 26his disciples: Have God's faith in you; for verily I say to you: If ye have 27faith and if no doubt come into you, ye shall be able to do the same, not 28only to the fig tree; but if ye say to this mountain, Rise up and throw thyself 29into the sea, it shall happen. Then his disciples spoke to him: Lord, increase 30to us our faith. And Jesus answered them thus: Have faith that all that 31ye pray for in your prayers shall be given to you, and it shall so happen. 32And when ye stand to make your prayer, forgive those who are doing evil 33to you; and your Father who is in heaven shall forgive you your sins. | |
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1Johannes Doe leerde hi hen dat si ernstelec altoes souden beden endeGa naar margenoot+ 2nit en souden hen laten vertregen, ende sprac in eere ghelikenessen ende 3seide aldus: Lucas En richtre was op enen tijt in ene stat die Gode nin 4onssach noch de menschen. In die selue stat s0 was ene wedue, die quam 5totin richtre ende seide aldus: Richt mi ouer minen aduersaris. Ende die 6richtre en wouds nit don, mar ontuerstet hare enen langen tijt. Dar na, alsen 7dat wijf persde met harre beden, so sprac hi iegen hem seluen ende seide 8aldus: Al es dat sake dat ic Gode nin onssie noch engheenen mensche reueren-9cie en doe, nochtan, om dat mi dese wedue nit met ureden en laett, so salic se 10berechten, dat sijt mi ten ijoncsten daghe nit en hebbe te uerwitene. Doe 11sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seide aldus: Hebdi gehoert wat die quade 12richtre dede? ende ochte hi din wiue recht dede, hi die so quaet was, en 13sal Got dan nit berechten sine ut uerkorne ende wreken dat onrecht dat 14men hen doet, ochte sal hijt al ongewroken ouer laten liden? Jc seggv 15dat hijt uele schire wreken sal. Mar alse des menschen sone comt, wat 16dunkt v, sal hi ghewarech gheloeue uinden in ertrike? 17Matheus Marcus Lucas Alse Ihesus in den tempel comen was endeGa naar margenoot+ 18hi gheseten was om dat volc te leerne, so quamen te hem die princhen 19(59r) uan den ijodschen papen ende de senioren van den uolke ende 20spraken aldus: Jn wat machte dustu al dese werke ende wie heft di ghe-21gheuen dese macht? Doe antwerdde Ihesus ende sprac aldus: Jc sal v oc 22vragen ene questie, ende berichtti mi dis ic v vrage, so salic v oc berechten 23in wat machte dat ic dese werke werke. IJan Baptists doepsele weder waest 24van den hemele ochte quamt van den menschen? Alse dat de ghene hoerden, 25so peinsden si in hen seluen aldus: Segge wi datt was van den hemele, so 26sal hi seggen: waromme en gheloeuedi dan ane hem nit? Ende segge wi dat 27het quam van menschen, so onssie wi dat gheruchte van den volke. Want 28aldat volc hilt IJanne Baptisten ouer enen profete: ende dar omme so 29<antwerddense> ende seiden: Wi ne weten warren dat het quam. Doe 30antwerdde hen Ihesus ende seide aldus: Jne seggu oc nit in wat machte 31dat ic dese werke werke. 32Matheus Doe sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seide aldus: Wat dunkt vGa naar margenoot+ 33van din dis ic v noch vragen sal? In enen tide was en man die hadde tuee 34sonen. Ende hi quam ten irsten ende seide: Sone, ghanc heden werken in 35minen wijngart. Ende deghene antwerdde: Jne does nit. Dar na so berau hem 36des ende hi ghinc werken in den wijngart. Doe quam de vader toten andren | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+ Then he taught them that they should always pray earnestly and should 2not let themselves be made slack; and spoke in a parable and said thus: 3There was once a judge in a city who feared neither God nor men. In that 4same city (there) was a widow, who came to the judge and said thus: Give 5me justice over my adversary. And the judge would not do it, but put her 6off a long time. After that, when the woman persisted in her requests, he 7spoke to himself and said thus: Although I fear not God nor do reverence 8to any man, nevertheless; because this widow does not leave me in peace, 9I will give her justice, lest on the last day she have anything to reproach 10me with. Then Jesus spoke still further and said thus: Have ye heard what 11the wicked judge did? and whether he did justice to that woman, he who 12was so wicked, will then God not do justice to his chosen, and avenge the 13injustice that one does to them, or will he let it all pass unavenged? I say 14to you that he will avenge it very quickly. But when the Son of man comes, 15what think ye, will he find true faith on earth? 16Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus was come into the temple, and, he was seated to teach the 17people, the chiefs of the Jewish priests and the elders of the people came 18to him and spoke thus: In what power doest thou all these works and who 19has given thee this power? Then Jesus answered and spoke thus: I will 20also ask you a question, and if ye tell me what I ask you, I will also tell 21you in what power I work these works. Was John the Baptist's baptism 22from heaven or did it come from men? When they heard that, they thought 23in themselves thus: If we say that it was from heaven, he will say: Why 24then do ye not believe in him? And if we say that it came from men, we 25dread the outcry of the people. For all the people held John the Baptist 26for a prophet; and therefore they answered and said: We do not know whence 27it came. Then Jesus answered them and said thus: I do not tell you either 28in what power I work these works. 29Ga naar margenoot+ Then Jesus spoke still further and said thus: What do ye think of that 30which I shall yet ask you? Once there was a man who had two sons; and 31he came to the first and said: Son, go and work to-day in my vineyard. 32And he answered: I will not do it. Afterwards he repented of this, and he 33went to work in the vineyard. Then the father came to the other one, | |
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1ende hiten gaen werken in den wijngart. Ende deghene antwerdde hem 2aldus: Here, ic saelt gherne don, ende nochtan en dede hijs nit. Welc van 3desen tueen dede sijns vader wille? Ende si antwerdden: Dirste. Doe sprac 4Ihesus noch voert: Ouer waer seggic v dat die publicane ende de ghememe 5wijf selen vor v gaen te hemelrike wert. Want IJan Baptiste quam totu in 6den weghe van gheregtegheiden, ende ghine (59Mv) gheloeuet hem nit, 7mar de publicane ende de ghemeine wijf, si gheloefden hem. Ende al 8sagdi dat, nochtan blefdi in ure stijfheit ende en hadt en gheen berowenesse 9van din dat ghi hem nin hadt gheloef. Hoert noch ene andre parabole. 10Matheus Marcus Lucas Een man was die plantte eenen wijngart,Ga naar margenoot+ 11ende omme din wijngart so loec hi enen tuun, ende hi groefer in enen 12putteGa naar margenoot* ende stichtter in een wijchhus; ende dar na so uerhurde <hine> 13wijngartlieden, ende vor uten lande ende merrdeGa naar margenoot* lange eer hi weder 14quam. Dar na, alse de tijt naekde dat men din wijn soude lesen, so sendde 15die here sine knechte totin wijngart liede om die vroch te nemene van din 16wijngarde. Ende die wijngart liede voeren sinen knechten ouer; ende den 17eenen blowen si, den andren doedden si, den derden steinden si. Doe 18sendde die here noch andre knechte, ende meer dan der irsten hadde 19ghewest, te hen, ende din daden si oc al die ghelike. Dar na so sendde 20hi <te> hen sijns selfs sone ende sprac aldus: Maschin selen si minen sone 21onssin. Alsen deghene saghen, so spraken si onderlinge ende seiden: Dits 22de sone dint gherfnesse ane behorrende es; comt ende lattene ons deeden, so 23sele wj hebben sijn gherfnesse. Doe gegrepensine ende doeddenne ende 24worpenne uten wijngarde. Alse die here comt, wat sal hi din wijngart 25lieden don? Ende si antwerdden: Hi sal den quaden qualec don har lijf 26verliesen ende sinen wijngart sal hi uermieden andren winnen die hem sine 27urocht in brengen te tide. Doe sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seide al dus: 28En laesdi noit in den scrifturen dat wart dat aldus sprekt: Die steen din 29reprobreerden die steen howaren, die es ghelegt int ouerste van den horneke 30teenen egghesteene; dit es van Gods haluen gheschit ende oc est wonderlec 31in der (60r) menschen oghen? Dar omme seggic v dat hemelrike v ghenomen 32sal werden ende sal werden ghegheuen den ghenen die de werke werken die 33daer toe behorlec sijn. Ende so wie so op desen steen ualt, die sal bersten ende 34op wien dat hi valt, hi salne don bersten. Matheus Marcus Lucas Ende 35alse die prinschen uan din ijodschen papen ende die Phariseuse hoerden sine 36parablen, so uerstonden si dat hise uan hen seide ende dat hi hen meinde 37ende dar omme so hadden sine gherne gheuaen ende ghehouden, mar si 38onssagen dat ghemeine volc, want alt volc hiltene ouer enen profete. | |
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1and ordered him to go work in the vineyard. And he answered him thus: 2Sir, I will do it gladly; and nevertheless he did not do it. Which of these 3two did his father's will? And they answered: The first. Then Jesus spoke 4still further: Verily I say to you that the publicans and the prostitutes 5shall go before you to the kingdom of heaven. For John the Baptist came 6to you in the way of righteousness, and ye did not believe him; but the 7publicans and the prostitutes, they believed him; and although ye saw that, 8yet ye persisted in your stubbornness, and had no repentance thereof, that 9ye had not believed him. Hear yet another parable. 10Ga naar margenoot+ There was a man who planted a vineyard, and that vineyard he enclosed 11with a wall; and he dug a well in it, and built a tower in [it]; and after 12that he let his vineyard to (vineyard-)men; and went out of the country, 13and tarried long before he returned. Later on, when the time approached 14that one should harvest the wine, the master sent his servants to the vineyard-15men to take the fruit of the vineyard. And the vineyard-men attacked his 16servants; and they beat one, they killed the second, they stoned the third. 17Then the master sent to them yet other servants, and more than there had 18been of the first; and to these they did likewise. After that he sent to them his 19own son, and spoke thus: Maybe they will respect my son. When they saw 20him, they conferred among themselves and said: This is the son to whom the 21heritage belongs; come and let us kill him; then shall we have his heritage. 22Thereupon they seized him and killed him and cast him out of the vineyard. 23When the master comes, what will he do to the vineyard-men? And they 24answered: He will make the evil lose their lives evilly, and he will let his 25vineyard to other labourers, who will bring in to him his fruit on time. Then 26Jesus spoke yet further, and said thus: Did ye never read in the scriptures 27the word which speaks thus: The stone which the stonecutters rejected has 28been laid at the top of the corner for a corner stone: this has happened 29through God, and it is also marvelous in the eyes of men? Therefore I say 30unto you, that the kingdom of heaven shall be taken from you, and shall 31be given to those who perform the works that belong thereto. And whosoever 32falls upon this stone shall be crushed; and upon whomsoever it falls, it 33shall crush him. And when the chiefs of the Jewish priests and the Pharisees 34heard his parables, they understood that he said them of them, and that 35he meant them; and therefore they would fain have seized and held him, 36but they feared the common people, for all the people took him for a prophet. | |
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1Matheus Lucas Dar na so vertrac Ihesus noch ene andre ghelijknesseGa naar margenoot+ 2ende seide aldus: Ghelijc es hemelrikeGa naar margenoot* enen here, enen coninc, die makde 3ene brulocht sinen sone ende stichtte ene grote maeltijt ende noeddeGa naar margenoot* 4uele liede. Ende alstGa naar margenoot* dire etentijt nakde, So sendde hi ut sine knechte 5ende ontboet deghene die ghenoedt waren, dat si quamen ter brulochtGa naar margenoot*, 6want dat eten ware al ghereet. EndeGa naar margenoot* sine wouden nit comen, marGa naar margenoot** si 7onschuldegden hen alle ghemeinlec. Dirste seide: Jc hebbe een dorp ghe-8kochtt, ende ic moet daer varen ende besien dat dorp; jc bidde di dat du 9mi onschuldegs. Ende dander seide: Jc hebbe ghekocht uif par ossen te 10vif ijoken, ende ic moet varen pruuen die ossen; ic bidde di dat du mi 11onsschuldegs. Ende de derde seide: Jc hebbe een wijf ghenomen, ende dar 12omme en magic nit comen. Ende die knechte quamen weder ende seiden 13dit haren here. Doe sendde die here andre knechte ende seide hen aldus: 14Ghaet [ende] segt den ghenoedden: Jc hebbe mine spise ghereet, mine 15ossen ende mine uoghele sijn gheslegen ende dat eten es al gereet; comt 16ter brulocht. Ende si ne wouden nit comen, mar deen ghinc te sinen dorpe 17wert ende dander te sire comanschap wert; ende dandre vingen sine knechte 18ende laidin-(60v)gridense ende doeddense. Alse dat die coninc vernam, so 19wart hi harde tornech ende <sendde> sijn volc in die stat daer die man-20slachtege woenden, ende dedse doeden ende hare stat uerbernen. Doe 21sprac hi noch tote sinen knechten: De brulocht es ghereet, mar die ghenoedt 22waren, die ne waren nit wert te comene te mire feesten. Nu gaet dan ten 23inden uan den wegen ende inGa naar margenoot* destraten ende in de dorpe ende in de 24stede, ende alle die gi vindt, armeGa naar margenoot* ende cranke, blinde ende manke, doet 25comen ter brulocht. Doe antwerddeGa naar margenoot* hem een sire knechte: Here, also alse du 26gebods so es ghedaen, ende nochtan en es dijn hus nit <vol>. Doe sprac 27die here noch totin knecht: Ghanc vt op den wegen ende beneuen den 28tunen, ende die du winds, duinc se te comene, dat mine hus werde gheuult. 29Mar ic seggu dat nimen van den ghenoedden en sal gesmaken mire 30spisen. Doe ghingen die knechte noch ut op den wegee ende ghederden 31alle die se vonden, quade ende goede, ende dadense in comen, ende also 32wart die brulocht ver uult. DoeGa naar margenoot* quam die koninc in die sale ende besach 33de ghene die daer aten. Aldaer so versach hi enen mensche die mettin 34brutcleede nit ne was gecleedt, ende hi sprac toten ghenen aldus: Vrint, 35hoe quamstu hir binnen sonder brutcleedt? Ende deghene en antwerdde hem 36nit. Doe sprac die koninc tote sinen knechten: Bindt hem hande ende | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+ After that Jesus told yet another parable and said thus: The kingdom 2of heavenGa naar margenoota) is like a lord, a king, who made a wedding-feast for his son, 3and prepared a great banquet and invited many people. And when it was 4near to dinner-time, he sent out his servants and summoned those who had 5been invited, that they should come to the wedding, as the fare was all 6ready. And they would not come; but they excused themselves with one 7accord. The first said: I have bought a farm, and I must go thither and 8inspect the farm: I pray thee that thou excuse me. And the second said: I 9have bought five pairs of oxen for five yokes, and I must go [and] test the 10oxen; I pray thee that thou excuse me. And the third said: I have taken a 11wife, and therefore I cannot come. And the servants came back and said 12this to their master. Then the master sent other servants and spoke to them 13thus: Go [and] say to the invited: I have my food ready, my oxen and my 14fowls have been killed and the fare is all ready; come to the wedding. And 15they would not come, but one went to his farm, and the second to his 16merchandise; and the others seized his servants and maltreated them and 17killed them. When the king heard that, he became very angry; and sent 18his people to the town where the murderers lived, and had them killed and 19their town burnt down. Then he spoke again to his servants: The wedding 20is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come to my feast. 21Now go to the ends of the roads and into the streets and into the villages 22and into the towns, and make all whom ye find, poor and sick, blind and 23cripple come to the wedding. Then one of his servants answered him 24Master, even so as thou badest, it has been done, and yet thy house is not 25full. Then spoke the master again to the servant: Go out on the roads and 26along the hedges, and those whom thou findest compel to come, that my 27house be filled. But I say unto you that no one of the invited shall taste of 28my dishes. Then the servants went out again upon the road, and gathered 29all whom they found, bad and good, and made them come in: and thus 30the wedding was filled. Then the king came into the hall and looked at 31those who were eating there. There he noticed a man who was not clothed 32with the bridal garb; and he spoke to him thus: Friend, how camest thou 33in here without bridal garb? And he answered him not. Then spoke the 34king to his servants: Bind him hands and | |
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1voete, ende worptene in dechterste demsternesse daer gescrei es ende krijsse-2linge van tanden. Dit seggic, om datter vele es die genoedt sijn, ende der 3gherre lettel die ut uerkoren sijn. 4Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe die Phariseuse dat horden, so ghingenGa naar margenoot+ 5si tegader ende sochten ene behendegheit in haren rade warmet dat sine 6beuaen mochten in sinen warden. Doe senddense te hem hare jjongre 7met Herodess lieden, die (61r) spraken aldus: Meester, wie weten dattu 8ghewaregh best ende dat tu den wech van den geboden Gods leers in 9ghewaregheiden ende dat du nimene <en> verdregs, want du en sies nit 10ane de persoenlekheit van den lieden. Seghe ons dan: wat dunkedi? Es 11ons ghorloft tsens tegheuene den keiser, ochte en est? Ende Ihesus, die 12wale wiste hare quaetheit, antwerdde <ende> sprac aldus: Ypocriten, 13waromme bekordi mi? Togt mi de munte daer men den tsens mede ghildt. 14Doe toegden si hem enen penninc. Ende Ihesus wragde hen: Wis es dese 15superscriptie ende dit belde? Ende si antwerdden: Des keisers. Ende hi 16sprac noch te hen ende seide aldus: Gheft dan den keiser dat des keisers es, 17ende Gode dat Gods es. Alse dat die IJoden horden, so wonderde hen ende 18ghingen en wege, ende litenne daer al onbeuaen. 19Matheus Marcus Lucas Op din dach so quamen te hem die Saduceuse,Ga naar margenoot+ 20die seggen dat enghene opherstannesse en es, ende vragden hem ende 21spraken aldus: Meester, Moyses gheboet in de wet, ware en man die storue 22sonder gheborte, dat sijn bruder soude sijn wijf nemen ende winnen ghe-23borte sinen bruder. Nu gheschide met ons dat seuen ghebrudre waren; 24ende dirste nam en wijf ende starf sonder ghebort, ende hi lit sijn wijf sinen 25bruder; ende deghene nam dat wijf, ende hi starf oc sonder kint. Doe nam 26se de derde, ende dar na alle dandre, so dat sise hadden alle seuene, ende 27alle storuen si sonder ghebort. Ende talre lesten so starf oc dat wijf. Nu 28berecht ons, meester: jn der ghemeinder opherstannessen welk hors sal 29dit wijf sijn? want alle hadden sise gehadt te wine. Doe antwerdde Ihesus 30hen: Ghi dolt, want gi nin verstaet de scrifturen noch de mogentheit Gods. 31De liede van derre werelt nemen wijf ende maken hiweleke, mar (61v) 32de ghene die werdech selen sijn dis leuens van dire andre werelt ende der 33opherstannessen der seleger, die en selen noch wijue nemen noch brulocht 34maken noch sine selen dar na nemmermeer steruen, mar si selen sijn alse 35de ingle Gods in den hemele ende dan selen si oc sijn Gods kinder, want si 36sijn kinder der opherstannessen. Mar dat de doede opherstaen, dat mogdi 37pruuen ute Moyses buken bi din warde dat God sprac te hem ende seide | |
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1feet, and cast him into the hindmost darkness, where there is weeping and 2gnashing of teeth. This I say, because there are many who are invited and 3of those few are chosen. 4Ga naar margenoot+ When the Pharisees heard this, they came togetber and sought a ruse in 5their council with which they might entrap him in his words. Then they 6sent to him their disciples with Herod's people, who spoke thus: Master, 7we know that thou art truthful, and that thou teachest the way of God's 8commandments in truth, and that thou art sparing with no one; for thou 9regardest not the person of men. Tell us then, what thinkest thou? Is it 10permitted to us to give tribute to the Caesar or is it not? And Jesus, who 11well knew their wickedness, answered and spoke thus: Hypocrites, why 12tempt ye me? Show me the coin with which one pays the tribute. Then 13they showed him a penny. And Jesus asked them: Whose is this superscription 14and this image? And they answered: The Caesar's. And he spoke 15again to them and said thus: Give then to the Caesar that which is the 16Caesar's, and to God that which is God's. When the Jews heard that, they 17marveled and went away, and left him there uncaught. 18Ga naar margenoot+ On that day came to him the Sadducees, who say that there is no resurrec-19tion; and they asked him and spoke thus: Master, Moses commanded in 20the law that, if a man died without offspring, his brother should take his 21wife, and beget offspring for his brother. Now it happened with us that 22there were seven brothers; and the first took a wife and died without offspring, 23and he left his wife to his brother; and the latter took the wife, and he also 24died without child. Then the third took her; and after that all the others, 25so that all seven had her, and all died without offspring; and at the very 26last the wife also died. Now instruct us, Master: in the common resurrection, 27whose of them shall this wife be? for they had all had her to wife. Then 28Jesus answered them: Ye err, for ye do not understand the Scriptures nor 29the power of God. The people of this world take wife and make marriages; 30but they who shall be worthy of the life of that other world and of the 31resurrection of the blessed, will neither take wives nor make wedding-feast; 32nor shall they any more die thereafter, but they will be as the angels of God 33in heaven; and then they will be also children of God, for they are children 34of the resurrection. But that the dead arise again, that ye may prove from 35Moses' books by the words that God spoke to him, saying | |
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1aldus: Jc ben Abrahams Got ende Ysaacs Got ende IJacops Got. Hine es nit 2Got der doeder mar der leuender, want alle leuen si hem, ende dar omme 3so doldi sere. Alse dat hoerden dat ghemeine volc, so wonderde hen allen van 4dire leeringen. Doe antwerdden some van din scriben ende seiden: Meester, 5du hefst wale ghesegt. 6Matheus Marcus AlseGa naar margenoot* de Phariseuse sagen dat hi die SaduceuseGa naar margenoot+ 7hadde don suigen, so quamen si met eere ghesamentheit te hem. EndeGa naar margenoot* 8een van din scriben, die en meester was van der wet, stont voert om hemGa naar margenoot* 9te pruuene ende sprac aldus: Meester, welc es en groet ghebot in der wet? 10Ende Ihesus antwerdde den ghenen aldus: DatGa naar margenoot* irste van allen den ghe-11boden dats dit: Hoer, Israhel, dijn Here dijn Got es een Got, ende din soutu 12minnen uan alle dire herten, elide van alle dire zilen cracht, ende met 13alle dire bedachtegheit, ende met alle dire macht. Dit est irste ende dat 14meeste geboet. Dat ander gebot dats ghelijc desen: Du sout minnen dinen 15naesten ghelijc di seluen. JnGa naar margenoot* desen tueen geboden so es gefundeert al de 16wet ende de propheten. DoeGa naar margenoot* antwerdde die meester ende sprac aldus: 17Ghewarlec, meester, du hefst wale ghesegt dat een Got es elide ander Got 18en es en gheen; ende dats recht dat minne minne van al der herten, ende 19met al der uer-(62r) stannessen, ende met alder cracht van der zilen, ende 20met alle der macht; ende den naesten ghelijc hem seluen minnen dats meerre 21dan alle offerande ende alle sacrificien. Alse Ihesus hoerde dat hi wislec hadde 22ghandwerdt, so antwerdde hi hem oc ende seide aldus: Du ne best nit 23uerre uan den rike Gods: du hefst wale ghandwerdt; doch dit, so soutu 24eeulec leuen. DoeGa naar margenoot* woude deghene hem seluen uerschonen ende sprac 25noch voert tote Ihesum: Nu sege mi, wie es mijn naeste? Ende Ihesus 26sach op hem ende antwerdde aldus: Ens tijds ghinc en mensche uan Iherusa-27lem te Jericho wert, ende onder wegen so quamen schackeren ane hem, 28diene beroefden ende diene wondden, so dat sine liten liggen ouer doet. 29Doe gheschide dat en pape quam gaende al din seluen wech; ende alse hi 30denghenen sach, so leet hi ouer. Ende also ghelike so dede en Leuite, die 31al daer quam gaende; hi leet oc ouer. Doe gheschide dat en Samaritaen 32quam gaende al din seluen wech; ende alse hi denghenen sach, so ontfarmets 33hem, elide hi ghinc ten ghenen daer hi lath ende bant hem sine wonden 34ende ghoeter in olie ende wijn; ende dar na so sette hine op sijn part ende 35vurdene in ene herberge ende plach sijns. Des anders dags so nam hi tuee 36penninge ende gaf se den wert ende seide hem aldus: Plegh des menschen 37wale, ende al dat tu hir ouer ane hem legs, dat salic di verghelden, alsic 38weder come. Wat dunkt di, welc de naste was van din drien den ghenen | |
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1thus: I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. 2He is not God of the dead, but of the living; for they all live to him, and 3therefore ye err greatly. When the common people heard that, they were 4all astonished at that doctrine. Then some of the scribes answered and 5said: Master, thou hast well said. 6Ga naar margenoot+ When the Pharisees saw, that he had silenced the Sadducees, they came 7to him in a body. And one of the scribes, who was a master of the law, 8stood forth to test him, and spoke thus: Master, which is a great command-9ment in the law? And Jesus answered him thus: The first of all the com-10mandments is this: Hear Israel, thy Lord thy God is one God; and him 11shalt thou love with all thy heart, and with all the strength of thy soul, 12and with all thy thought, and with all thy power. This is the first and the 13greatest commandment. The second commandment is like this: Thou shalt 14love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments is founded all 15the law and the prophets. Then the master answered and spoke thus: Truly, 16Master, thou hast well said that there is one God, and that there is no other 17God; and that is right that one love him with all the heart and with all 18the understanding, and with all the strength of the soul, and with all the 19power; and to love one's neighbor as oneself, that is greater than all offerings 20and all sacrifices. When Jesus heard that he had answered wisely, he answered 21him also and said thus: Thou art not far from the kingdom of God: thou 22hast answered well; do this, so shalt thou live eternally. Then that man 23wished to excuse himself and spoke still further to Jesus: Now tell me, who 24is my neighbour? And Jesus [looked] on him and answered thus: One time 25a man went from Jerusalem towards Jericho; and on the way robbers came 26upon him who plundered him and wounded him, so that they left him 27lying for dead. Then it happened that a priest came going along that same 28road. And when he saw that man, he passed by. And likewise did a Levite 29who came going along; he also passed by. Then it happened that a Samaritan 30came going along that same road. And when he saw that man, he took 31pity on him, and he went to the man where he lay, and bandaged his 32wounds, and poured oil and wine into them. And after that he set him on 33his horse and carried him into an inn, and took care of him. The next day 34he took two pence and gave them to the host and said to him thus: Take 35care of the man well; and all that thou spendest on him above this, I shall 36repay thee when I come back. What thinkest thou, which of those three 37was neighbour to the man | |
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1die onder die schaekeren was gherakt? Ende deghene antwerdde: Die sijns 2ontfarmde. Ende Ihesus sprac noch woert te hem: So ghanc dan ende 3doch oc also. 4Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes In din tide so quam Ihesus alleGa naar margenoot+ 5daghe (62v) in den tempel ende leerde dat volc. Ende de princhen van den 6ijodschen papen ende describen ende de princhen van den volke sochten 7alle dage oksun iegen hem om hem te doedene, ende sine constens nit toe 8comen, want alt gemeine volk hoerde ghenne sine leeringeGa naar margenoot*. Ende de Phariseuse 9hadden vernomen dat dat gemeine volc om din selven oksun murmurde 10iegen hen. Johannes OpGa naar margenoot* enen dach so sendden die princhen ende de 11Phariseuse om Ihesum te vane hare knechte ende hare boden. Ende alse 12deghene quamen dar Ihesus was, so sprac hi te hen ende seide aldus: 13Johannes Noch motic en lettel tijds met u bliven, ende dar na so sal ic 14varen ten ghenen die mi ghesendt heft. Dan seldi mi suken, ende ghi en selt 15mi nit vinden, ende daer ic sijn sal, daer en seldi nit mogen comen. Doe 16spraken die IJoeden onderlinge: Warwert sal dese varen daer wijs nin selen 17mogen vinden? Sal hi varen onder de heidene ende leeren dat heidene 18volt? Wat meint hi dar mede dat hi segt: gi selt mi suken, ende gi en selt mi 19nit vinden, ende daer ic sal sijn, daer en seldi nit mogen comen? Op din dach, 20dat was op din lesten feeste dach, so stont Ihesus ende rip ende seide aldus: 21Din dorstt, hi come te mi ende drinke. Die ane mi gheloeft, alse de scrifture 22segt, ut sinen lichame selen vloijen de vloede van din levenden borne. Dat 23seide hi van den Heilgen Gheeste, din si tontfaene hadden deghene die 24ane hem gheloeven souden, want de Heilge Gheest en was noch doe nit 25gegheven, om dat Ihesus noch doe nit en was op ghevaren in sire glorien. 26AlseGa naar margenoot* die wart die Ihesus sprac, de somege hoerden van din boden, so 27spraken si onderlinge ende seide aldus: Ghewarechlec, dits en profete. Ende 28dandre seiden: Dit es Christus. Ende dander sei-(63r)den dar iegen ende 29spraken aldus: Sal Christus comen van Galileen? En segt de scrifture nit dat 30Christus van Davids gheslechte comen sal ende ute Bethleem, Davids 31stat? Ende aldus so tuistte dat volc onderlinge omme hem. Ende alse die 32boden weder quamen toten princhen ende totin Phariseusen, so vragden 33hen die heren: Warumme en brengdis nit met u? Ende die boden antwerdden 34hen: Also en sprac noit mensche alse dese mensche sprekt. Doe antwerdden 35hen die Phariseuse ende seiden aldus: Si di oc bedrogen? Mar dit volc dat | |
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1who had fallen among the robbers? And the other answered: He who took 2pity on him. And Jesus spoke still further to him: Go then and do likewise. 3Ga naar margenoot+ At that time Jesus came every day into the temple and taught the people. 4And the chiefs of the Jewish priests and the scribes, and the chiefs of the 5people sought every day a cause against him in order to kill him. And they 6could not accomplish it, for all the common people gladly listened to his 7teaching. And the Pharisees had heard that the common people grumbled 8against them on account of that same cause. One day the chiefs and the 9Pharisees sent their servants and their officers in order to seize Jesus. And 10when they came where Jesus was, he spoke to them and said thus: Yet a 11little while I must remain with you, and after that I shall go to him who 12has sent me. Then ye will seek me and ye shall not find me, and where I 13shall be, there ye will not be able to come. Then said the Jews among themselves: 14Whither will he go where we shall not be able to find him? Will he 15go among the heathen and teach the heathen people? What does he mean 16by his saying: Ye shall seek me and ye shall not find me, and where I shall 17be, there ye will not be able to come? On that day, which was on the last 18feast- day, Jesus arose, and cried and said thus: He who thirsts come to me 19and drink. He who believes in me, as the Scripture says, out of his body 20shall flow the floods of the living well. He said that of the Holy Spirit, 21which they who should believe in him were to receive, for the Holy Spirit 22had not then as yet been given, because Jesus had not then as yet ascended 23in his glory. When some of the officers heard the words that Jesus spoke, 24they spoke among themselves and said thus: Verily, this is a prophet. And 25the others said: This is Christ. And the others contradicted that and spoke 26thus: Shall Christ come from Galilee? Does not the Scripture say that 27Christ shall come from David's kin and out of Bethlehem, David's town? 28And thus the people quarreled about him among themselves. And when 29the officers came back to the chiefs and to the Pharisees, the masters asked 30them: Why do ye not bring him with you? And the officers answered them: 31Never did man speak so as this man speaks. Then the Pharisees answered 32them and said thus: Are ye also deceived? But this people, which | |
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1der scrifturen van der wet nin versteet, dats vermaledijt. Doe sprac Nicho-2demus, deghene die te Iherusalem benachte quam, die een was van din 3princhen: Plegt onse wet enen mensche tordeelne, hinc verdins tirst met 4warden ochte met werken? Doe antwerdden hem die andre ende spraken al-5dus: Bestu oc en Galileus? Besuk de scrifture ende sich dat engheen profete 6van Galileen comen en mach. Ende alse dat gesproken was, so schit igelic 7van den andren, ende elec ghinc te sire herbergen wert. 8Matheus Marcus Lucas Op enen dach so gherderden die PhariseuseGa naar margenoot+ 9omtrent Ihesum, ende Ihesus vragde hen ende sprac al dus: Wat dunkt u 10van Kerste, wis sone es hi? Ende si antwerdden: Davids. Doe vragde hen 11Ihesus noch voert: Hoe comt dan datten David in den soutre Heere heet, 12daer hi sprekt aldus: Dat seide de Vader tote minen Here: com ende sete 13te mire rechter siden tote din tide dat ic dine viende sal leggen tenen schemele 14onder dine voete? Ende wanen David in den gheeste Here heett, hoe mach 15hi dan sijn sone sijn? Ende nimen van hen allen en conste hem en wart 16ghantwerdden nit. Ende van dire uren, sone dorste hem harre (63v) engheen 17emmeer vragen. 18Johannes Op enen dach so sat Ihesus ende leerde dat volcende sprac 19aldus: Ic ben dat lich van der werelt; die mi volgt, hi ne wandelt in demster-Ga naar margenoot+20nessen nit, mar sal hebben dat licht des levens. Alse dat hoerden die Phari-21seuse, so antwerdden si hem al dus: Du ghetugs van di selven, dijn ghetuge 22en [es] nit waer. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Ende al ghetugic 23van mi selven, nochtan es mijn ghetughnesse waer, want ic weet wanen ic 24comen ben ende warwert ic varen sal, mar ghine weett nit noch wanen ic 25comen ben noch warwert ic varen sal. Ghi ordeelt na den vleesche, ende 26ine ordeele noch nimene. Ende al ordeele ic, mijn ordeel es gherecht, want 27ine ben allene nit, mar wij sijn tesamen, ic ende de vader die mi ghesendt 28heft. Ende in uwe wet es gescreven dat tweer menschen getuge waer es. 29Ic ben die ghetuge van mi selven, ende de vader die mi ghesendt heft, 30ghetugt oc van mj. Doe vragden hem die IJoden al dus: Waer es dijn 31vader? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen: Noch mi en kendi, noch miner vader 32en kendi. Kennedi mi, so souddi maschin oc miner vader kennen. IcEgo vado et queretis me sal 33varen ende gi selt mi suken, mar gi selt sterven in uwen sunden. Dar ic henen 34vare, dar en mog di nit comen. Doe spraken die IJoden onderlinge: Sal hi 35dan hem selven doeden, want hi segt: daer ic vare, dar en mogdi nit comen? 36Doe sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seide aldus: Ghi sijt van hir neder, mar ic 37ben van ghinder boven. Ghi sijt van derre werelt, mar ine ben van derre | |
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1does not understand the scripture of the law, is cursed. Then spoke Nico-2demus, he who came to Jerusalem by night [and] who was one of the chiefs: 3Is our law accustomed to judge a man unless he has deserved it with words 4or with works? Then the others answered him and spoke thus: Art thou 5also a Galilean? Search the Scripture and see that no prophet can come from 6Galilee. And when that was spoken they parted from each other; and each 7Ga naar margenoot+ one went to his house. 8One day the Pharisees gathered around Jesus; and Jesus asked them and 9spoke thus: What think ye of Christ? Whose son is he? And they answered: 10David's. Then Jesus asked them yet further: How then does it happen that 11David, in the Psalter, calls him Lord, where he speaks thus: That said the 12Father to my Lord: Come and sit on my right side until the time when I shall 13lay thy enemies for a footstool under thy feet? And, since David in the spirit 14calls him Lord, how then can he be his son? And none of them all could 15answer him a word; and from that hour none of them dared question 16him any more. 17Ga naar margenoot+ One day Jesus sat and taught the people and spoke thus: I am the light 18of the world; he who follows me does not walk in darkness, but shall have 19the light of life. When the Pharisees heard that, they answered him thus: 20Thou testifiest of thyself; thy testimony is not true. And Jesus answered them 21back thus: And although I testify of myself, yet is my testimony true; for I 22know whence I have come, and whither I shall go; but ye know neither 23whence I have come, nor whither I shall go. Ye judge after the flesh, and 24I judge no one yet. And although I judge, my judgment is just; for I am 25not alone, but we are together, I and the father who has sent me. And 26in your law it is written that the testimony of two men is true. I am [one] 27who testify of myself, and the father who has sent me also testifies of me. 28Then the Jews asked him thus: Where is thy father? And Jesus answered 29them: Ye know neither me, nor know ye my father. If ye knew me, ye 30would, maybe, also know my father. I shall go and ye will seek me; but ye 31shall die in your sins: whither I go, thither ye cannot come. Then the Jews 32spoke among themselves: Will he then kill himself? For he says: Whither 33I go, thither ye cannot come. Then Jesus spoke yet further and said thus: 34Ye are from here below, but I am from yonder above; ye are of this world, 35but I am not of this | |
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1werelt nit. Dar omme seidic u dat gi sterven selt in uwen sunden, want 2en gheloefdi ane mi nit, so seldi sterven in uwen sunden. Doe vragden 3(64r) hem die IJoeden: Wie bestu dan? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder 4aldus: Ic ben dat beghinsele, die spreke iegen u. Ic hebbe vele van u te 5seggene ende te ordeelne, mar di mi ghesendt heft, die es ghewarech, ende 6dat ic van hem gehoert hebbe, dat sprekic in de werelt. Ende sine verstonden 7nit dat hi seide dat Got sijn vader ware. Doe sprac hi noch voert ende 8seide aldus: Alse gi des menschen sone selt gheheven hebben van der 9erden, dan seldi weten wie ic ben; want van mijns selves halven en doe 10ic, nit, mar also alse mi de vader gheleert heft, also sprekic. Ende die mi 11ghesendt heft, hi es met mi, ende hi en heft mi allene nit ghelaten, want dat 12hem behaglec es, dat doe ic altoes. Alse Ihesus dese wart ghesproken hadde, 13so begonster ane hem te gheloevene vele der gherre die die wart hadden 14gehoert. 15Doe sprac Ihesus noch totin IJoeden ende seide aldus: Wildi mine leeringeGa naar margenoot+ 16onthouden, so seldi ghewareghlec mine ijongren sijn, ende so seldi bekennen 17de warheit ende de warheit sal u vrj maken. Doe antwerdden hem die 18IJoden: Wi sijn van Abrahams gheslechte ende wi ne dinden noit nimene. 19Wat meins du dar met dat du segs: gi selt vri sijn? Ende Ihesus antwerdde 20hen al dus: Over waer seggic u: so wie so sunde doet, die es knecht der 21sunden. Mar de knecht en blijft gedaeds nit wonende metten here in sinen 22huse; dat dut de sone: die blijft gedaeds metten vader wonende. Es dan 23dat sake dat u de sone vri makt, so seldi ghewareghleke vrj sijn. Ic weet wale 24dat gi Abrahams kinder sijt, mar gi sukt oksun omme mi te doedene, want 25mine redene die ne valt in u herte nit. Ic spreke van din dat ic te mijns 26vader hebbe ghesien, ende gi werkt na din (64v) dat gi tus vader hebt 27gesien. Doe antwerdden hem die IJoeden: Onse vader es Abraham. Ende 28Ihesus antwerdde hen weder ende seide aldus: Ochte gi Abrahams kinder 29sijt, so weret Abrahams werke. Mar nu sukdi oksun omme mi te doedene, 30die u altoes de warheit hebbe ghesegt, die ic van Gode hebbe ghehoert; dat 31ne dede Abraham nit. Mar gi werkt de werke us vader. Doe spraken die 32IJoden noch te Ihesum ende seiden aldus: Wie ne sijn nit van kefsdome 33geboren; wj hebben Gode tenen vader. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder 34aldus: Ware Got u vader, so minnedi mi, want van Gods halven so benic 35comen. Ine ben nit comen van mijns selves halven, mar hi heft mi ghesendt. 36War omme en ontfadi dan mine redene nit? Omme dat se u svar es te 37horne. Gi sijt van den duvel die u vader es, ende na sinen wille werkdi 38die werke die gi doet. Hi was manslachtegh van den irsten tide ende hi ne 39volstont in der warheit nit, want enghene warheit en es in hem. Alse hi ene | |
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1world. Therefore I said to you that ye shall die in your sins. For if ye do not 2believe in me, ye shall die in your sins. Then the Jews asked him: Who art 3thou then? And Jesus answered them back thus: I am the beginning, [I] who 4speak unto you. I have much to say and to judge of you, but he who has sent 5me, is true; and that which I have heard of him I speak in the world. And 6they did not understand that he said that God was his Father. Then he spoke 7yet further and said thus: When ye shall have lifted up the Son of man from 8the earth, then shall ye know who I am, for I do nothing of myself, but 9even as the Father has taught me, so I speak. And he who has sent me, is 10with me; and he has not left me alone; for I always do that which is pleasing 11to him. When Jesus had spoken these words, many of those who had heard 12those words began to believe in him. 13Then Jesus spoke again to the Jews and said thus: If ye will keep my 14Ga naar margenoot+ teaching, ye shall truly be my disciples; and thus ye shall recognize the 15truth, and the truth shall make you free. Then the Jews answered him: 16We are of Abraham's kin, and we never served any one; what meanest 17thou by the saying: Ye shall be free? And Jesus answered them thus: Verily 18I say unto you: Whosoever commits sin ic a servant of the sin. But the 19servant does not for ever remain dwelling with the master in his house; 20that does the son, who remains for ever dwelling with the father. If it 21happens then, that the Son makes you free, ye shall be truly free. I know 22indeed that ye are Abraham's children; but ye seek a pretext for killing me. 23For my speech does not fall into your heart[s]. I speak of that which I have 24seen at my Father's, and ye act according to that which ye have seen at 25your father's. Then the Jews answered him: Our father is Abraham And 26Jesus answered them back and said thus: If ye are Abraham's children, 27do the works of Abraham. But now you seek a pretext for killing me, who 28have always told you the truth which I have heard from God: that did not 29Abraham; but ye do the works of your father. Then the Jews again spoke 30to Jesus and said thus: We are not born of fornication; we have God for a 31Father. And Jesus answered them back thus: If God were your Father, 32ye would love me; for I have come from God: I have not come on my own 33account, but he has sent me. Why then do ye not accept my speech? Because 34it is hard for you to hear. Ye are of the devil, who is your father; and after 35his will ye do the works that ye do. He was murderous from the first time, 36and he did not persist in the truth, for no truth is in him. When he say | |
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1loegene segt, so segt hise van sijns selves halven, want hi es loegenere ende 2vader der loegenen. Mar mi en gheloefdi nit, om dat ic u de warheit segge. 3Wie es van u allen die mi berespen mach van sunden? Ende ochtic u deGa naar margenoot+ 4warheit segge, warumme en gheloefdi mi nit? Die van Gods halven es, 5hi hoert die Gods wart, mar dar omme en hoerdire nit, om dat gi van 6Gods halven min sijt. Doe antwerdden die IJoeden ende seiden aldus: 7En segge wi niet waer, alse wi seggen dat tu en Samaritaen best ende den 8duvel binnen hefs? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Ine hebbe 9den duvel ni binnen, mar ic eere minen vader ende gi hebt mi laster 10ghedaen. Ine suke mine gloriacie nit; en ander es (65r) these sukt ende 11dire op ordeelen sal. Nochtan so seggic u over waerGa naar margenoot+: die mine redene 12onthoudt, hi en sal nemmermeer der doet ghesmaken. Alse dat die IJoeden 13hoerden, so spraken si al dus: Nu wete wi wale dat tu den duvel binnen hefs 14Abraham es doet ende de profeten, ende du segs: die mine redene onthoudt, 15hi en sal der doet niet ghesmaken. Bestu dan meere dan onse vader Abraham 16was die doet es ende de profeten die doet sijn? Win makstu van di selven? 17Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Wille ic mi selven eeren, so nes 18mine eere niwents wert. Mar de vader es die mi eert, din gi segt dat u 19Got es, mar ghine kennes nit. Je kenne. Ende seidic dat ics min kende, 20so waric en logenere gheliker wijs dat gi loegeneren sijt. Mar ic kennene 21ende sine redene die houdic. Abraham u vader begerde minen dach te sine, 22ende hi saghene ende warter of verblijscht. Doe spraken die IJoeden ende 23seiden: Du en hefst noch nit viftegh ijar, ende du sagst Abrahame? Ende 24Ihesus antwerdde hen weder al dus: Over waer seggic u: eer Abraham 25was, so was ic. Doe namen die IJoden steene omme hem te steine, mar 26Ihesus ontginc hen ende barch hem, ende ghinc uten temple. 27Johannes Aldaer Ihesus ghinc, so versach hi enen mensche die blintGa naar margenoot+ 28geboren wart. Doe vragden hem sine ijongren ende spraken aldus: Meester, 29warmet verdinde dese mensche ochte sine vordren dis, dat hi blint gheboren 30moste werden? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Noch dese en 31verdineds noch sine vordren, mar dar omme gheschidt also, om dat de 32werke Gods vertogt mosten werden ane hem. Mi behort te werkene de 33werke des gheens die mi ghesendt heft even lanc dadt dach es. De nacht 34sal co-(65v)men, dat nimen werden en sal molten. Also lange alsic in de 35werelt ben, so benic der werelt licht. Alse hi dit gesproken hadde, so spau 36hi op derde ende makde goor van sire speeklen ende van der erden, ende 37dat goer street hi op des ghens ogen ende sprac aldus: Ghanc ende dvach | |
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1a lie, he says it from himself, for he is [a] liar, and father of lies. But ye do not 2believe me, because I tell you the truth. Who is [there] among you all 3Ga naar margenoot+ who can reproach me with sins? And if I tell you the truth, why do ye not 4believe me? He who is from God hears the words of God, but ye do not 5listen to them, because ye are not from God. Then the Jews answered and 6said thus: Do we not tell the truth when we say that thou art a Samaritan 7and hast the devil within? And Jesus answered them back thus: I have 8not the devil within; but I honor my Father, and ye have done me dishonor. 9I do not seek my glorífication; [there] is another who seeks it and who 10shall judge of it. Yet I say to you verily: He who keeps my saying shall 11never taste death. When the Jews heard that, they spoke thus: Now we 12know well that thou hast the devil within. Abraham is dead and the prophets, 13and thou sayest: He who keeps my saying shall not taste death. Art thou 14then greater than our father Abraham was, who is dead, and [than] the 15prophets, who are dead? Whom makest thou of thyself? And Jesus answered 16them back thus: If I want to honor myself, my honor is worth nothing. 17But it is the Father who honors me, whom ye say to be your God; but 18ye know him not. I know him, and if I said that I knew him not, I should 19be a liar, just as ye are liars; but I know him, and I keep his saying. Abraham, 20your father, longed to see my day; and he saw it, and he was gladdened 21by it. Then the Jews spoke and said: Thou hast not yet fifty years, and 22thou sawest Abraham? And Jesus answered them back thus: Verily I 23say unto you, before Abraham was, I was. Then the Jews took stones to 24stone him; but Jesus escaped them and hid himself, and went out of the 25temple. 26Ga naar margenoot+There where Jesus went, he noticed a man who was born blind. Then 27his disciples asked him and spoke thus: Master, how did this man or his 28ancestors deserve that he should be born blind? And Jesus answered them 29back thus: Neither he nor his ancestors deserved it; but it happens thus 30for this reason that the works of God must be made manifest in him. It 31behoves me to work the works of him who has sent me as long as it is day; 32the night shall come, when no one will be able to work. As long as I am 33in the world I am the light of the world. When he had spoken this he spat 34upon the earth and made mud of his spittle and of the earth, and he smeared 35the mud on that man's eyes and spoke thus: Go and wash | |
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1dit ave in die rivire die comt uten borne die heett Syloa. Ende de ghene 2dede also ende duoch sine ogen ende quam weder al siende. Ende alsen 3sine gebure ende deghene diene te voren hadden ghekent, al siende sagen 4weder comen, so spraken si onderlinge ende seiden aldus: En es dit nit de 5ghene die sat al blint ende bat der liede almosne? Ende some seidense 6dat hijt ware, ende some seidense dat hijs nin ware, mar dat hi hem ghelijc 7ware. Mar deghene seide dat hi die selve mensche ware. Doe vragden hem 8deghene ende spraken aldus: Hoe worden di dine ogen ontploken? Ende 9deghene antwerdde: Die mensche die heett Ihesus hi makde goer van 10sire speeklen ende streekt op mine ogen ende seide mi: Ghanc ter beken 11van Syola ende dvach dit ave, ende ic ghinc ende duogt ave ende altehant 12wardic siende. Doe vragden die liede den ghenen die siende was worden: 13Waer es deghene? Ende dander antwerdde: In weett waer hi es. Doe 14namense den ghenen die blint hadde ghewest [ende] leiddenne ten Pharisew-15sen, want het was op enen saterdach dat Ihesus dat goer hadde gemakt 16ende dis menschen ogen hadde ontploken. Doe vragden hem oc die Phari-17seuse hoe hi siende ware worden. Ende deghene antwerdde hen weder 18aldus: Deghene die Ihesus heet, leide mi goer op mine ogen ende hitt 19mi ave dvaen, ende ic dvogt ave ende waert siende. Doe spraken some 20die Phariseuse: Dese mensche en es van Gods halven nit, die nin houdt 21de virte van den sa-(66r)terdage. Ende de some antwerdde weder aldus: 22Hoe mach en sundere aldosgedane werke werken? Ende aldus twistten si 23onderlinge. Doe vragden si noch din blinden ende spraken aldus: Wat 24segstu van den ghenen die di dine ogen ontploec? Ende deghene antwerdde: 25Het es en prophete. Doe en wouden die IJoeden nit geloeven van den 26ghenen dat hi blint hadde ghewest, tote din male dat si ontboden sinen 27vader ende sire moeder ende dat sijs hen vragden, ende spraken aldus: 28Es dit u sone daer gi af segt dat hi blint geboren wart? Hoe es hi dan nu 29siende worden? Ende si antwerdden weder aldus: Wi weten wale dat dit 30es onse sone ende dat hi blint geboren wart, mar hoe hi nu siende worden 31[es] ende wie hem sine ogen heft ontploken, dis en wete wi nit. Vragets 32hem selven: hi es te sinen tide comen, hi spreke vor hem selven. Dit seiden 33si om dat si die IJoeden onssagen, want de IJoeden hadden doe over een 34gedregen, so wie beghide dat hi Christus ware, dat hi ware verbannen uter 35synagogen. Dar omme seide de moeder ende de vader des gheens die siende 36worden was: hi es te sinen tide comen, hi spreke vor hem selven. Doe 37ripense noch te hen denghenen die blint hadde ghweest, ende seiden aldus: | |
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1this off in the river which comes out of the spring that is called Syloa. And 2he did so and washed his eyes and came back seeing. And when his neigh-3bours and those who had known him before saw him come back seeing, they 4spoke among themselves and said thus: Is this not the one who sat completely 5blind and begged the people's alms? And some of them said that it was 6he and some said that he was not the one but that he was like him; but 7the man said that he was that selfsame man. Then those people asked him 8and spoke thus: How were thine eyes opened? And he answered: The man 9who is called Jesus, he made mud of his spittle and smeared it on my eyes 10and said to me: Go to the brook of Syloa and wash this off, and I went 11and washed it off and presently I became seeing. Then the people asked him 12who had become seeing: Where is that man? And the other answered: I 13don't know where he is. Then they took him who had been blind [and] 14led him to the Pharisees. For it was on a Saturday that Jesus had made 15that mud and had opened this man's eyes. Then the Pharisees also asked 16him how he had become seeing. And he answered them back thus: He who 17is called Jesus laid mud upon my eyes and told me to wash it off and I 18washed it off and became seeing. Then some of the Pharisees spoke: This 19man is not from God, who does not keep the celebration of the sabbath day. 20And some answered back thus: How can a sinner work such works? And 21thus they debated among themselves. Then they also asked the blind one 22and spoke thus: What sayest thou of him who opened thine eyes? And he 23answered: He is a prophet. Then the Jews would not believe of him that 24he had been blind until the time that they summoned his father and his 25mother and asked them, and spoke thus: Is this your son of whom ye say 26that he was born blind? How then has he now become seeing? And they 27answered back thus: We know well that this is our son and that he was 28born blind; but how he now [has] become seeing and who has opened his 29eyes for him, thereof we know nothing. Ask himself. He has come of age; 30let him speak for himself. They said this, because they feared the Jews; 31for the Jews had at that time agreed that whosoever confessed that he was 32Christ would be banned from the synagogue. Therefore said the mother 33and the father of the one who had become seeing: He has come of age; 34let him speak for himself. Then they called yet to them the one who had 35been blind and said thus: | |
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1Eere Gode; wi weten wale dat dese mensche en sundere es. Ende deghene 2antwerdde weder aldus: Ine weet och hi sundere es, mar ene dint weetic, dat 3is blint was ende dat [ic] nu sie. Doe vragden hem noch die IJoeden: Wat 4dede hi di? Hoe ontploec hi di dine ogen? Ende deghene antwerdde hen 5weder aldus: Ic hebt u gesegt ende gi hebbet gehoert. War toe begherdijt 6noch te hoerne? Wildi oc sine ijongren werden? Doe maledijdense den 7ghenen ende spraken aldus: Du (66v) sijs sijn ijongre, wi sijn Moysess 8ijongren; wi weten dat Got sprac iegen Moysese, mar des en kenne wi nit, 9noch en weten wie hi es. Ende deghene antwerdde hen weder aldus: Dats 10wonderlec van u, dat gi nin weet wie hi es die aldus mine ogen heft ont-11ploken. Wi weten dat Got de sunderen nin hoert, mar denghenen die Gode 12dint ende sinen wille doet, din hoert hi. Noit en wart ghehoert dat imen 13ontploec des gheens ogen die blint geboren wart. En ware hi van Gods 14halven nit, hine mochte aldusgedane werke nit werden. Doe spraken 15die IJoden ende seiden aldus: Du words altemale in sunden geboren, 16ende du welt ons leeren? Doe verbinen si denghenen ende worpenne uter 17synagogen. Alse Ihesus vernam dat sine uter synagogen hadden gedaen, so 18quam hi ane hem ende seide aldus: Gheloefstu ane den Gods sone? Ende 19deghene antwerdde: Wie es, Here, de Gods sone daer ic ane gheloeven 20moet? Ende Ihesus seide: Du hefsten gesien, ende die sprekt iegen di, hi 21est. Ende deghene antwerdde: Here, ic gheloeve ane di. Ende mettin 22warrde uil hi neder ende anebeddene op sine knin. 23Doe sprac Ihesus noch toten ghenen ende seide aldus: Op dat ordeelGa naar margenoot+ 24benic comen in de werelt, dat deghene die nit ne sien, werden siende, ende 25die sien, werden blint. Alse dat hoerden some die Phariseuse die daer 26waren, so antwerdden si aldus: Si wi oc dan blint? Ende Ihesus sprac 27noch voert ende seide: Wardi blint, so wradijs sonder sunde, mar want 28gi segt dat gi siet, so bliven uwe sunden ane u. Over waerGa naar margenoot* seggic u: soGa naar margenoot** 29wie [so] nit in en gheet ter doere in de schaep koije, mar besiden over 30climt, dats en dief ende en roevere, mar die ter lore in gheet, dats de 31herde die de schaep hudt. Desen ontplukt de dorewerdre de dore ende 32(67r) de schaep verstaen sine stemme. Ende sine schaep numt hi bi namen 33ende hi leidse ut, ende alse hise ut heft brachtt, so gheet hi vor hen ende 34de schaep volgen hem, want si kennen sine stemme. Mar den vremden 35en volgense nit, mar si vlien van hem, want der vremden stemmen en 36kennen si nit. Dese ghelikenesse seide hen Ihesus, mar sine verstonden | |
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1Honor to God; we know well that this man is a sinner. And he answered 2back thus: I don't know if he is [a] sinner; but one thing I know, that I 3was blind and that now I see. Then the Jews asked him again: What did 4he to thee? How did he open thine eyes? And he answered them back thus: 5I have told it you and ye have heard it; wherefore do ye wish to hear it 6again? Do ye wish to become his disciples? Then they cursed him and 7spoke thus: Thou art his disciple; we are Moses' disciples. We know that 8God spoke to Moses; but of this one we know nothing, nor do we know 9who he is. And he answered them back thus: That is strange of you that ye 10know not who he is who thus has opened my eyes. We know that God does 11not hear the sinners; but the man who serves God and does his will, that 12man he hears. Never was heard that any one opened the eyes of him who 13was born blind. Unless he were from God, he could not work such miracles. 14Then the Jews spoke and said thus: Thou werst altogether born in sins, 15and thou willt teach us? Then they excommunicated him and cast him 16out of the synagogue. When Jesus heard that they had turned him out of 17the synagogue, he came to him and said thus: Believest thou in the son of 18God? And he answered: Lord, who is the son of God in whom I must believe? 19And Jesus said: Thou bast seen him, and he who speaks to thee, he is it. 20And he answered: Lord, I believe in thee. And with that word he fell 21down and worshipped him on his knees. 22Ga naar margenoot+Then Jesus spoke once more to him and said thus: For this judgment 23am I come into the world, that they who do not see become seeing, and those 24who see become blind. When some Pharisees who were there heard that, 25they answered thus: Are we then blind too? And Jesus spoke on and said: 26If ye were blind; ye would be without sin. But because ye say that ye see, 27your sins remain with you. Verily I say unto you: He who goes not through 28the door into the sheepfold but climbs over on the side, is a thief and a 29robber. But he who goes in through the door is the shepherd who keeps 30the sheep. For him the doorkeeper opens the door, and the sheep hear his 31voice. And he calls his sheep by name and he leads them out. And when 32he has brought them out, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, 33for they know his voice. But the stranger they follow not, but they flee from 34him, for the voices of strangers they know not. This parable Jesus said to 35them, but they did not understand | |
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1nit wat si bedide. Dar omme so sprac [hi] noch voert ende seide aldus: 2Over waer seggic u dat ic ben die dore van der koijen. Alle deghene die 3tote noch comen sijn, dat waren dieve ende roeveren, mar de schaep en 4hoerdense nit. Ic ben de dore; so wie so overmids mi in gheet, die sal behou-5den bliven, ende die sal in gaen ende ut gaen, ende die sal de wedde vinden.6De dief en comt mar omme te steelne ende omme te doedene ende te ver-7dervene, mar ic ben comen omme hen dat leven te ghevene ende te meerrne. 8c ben en goet herde. De goede herde leuert sine zile ouer sine schaep.Ga naar margenoot+ 9Mar de gemidde knecht ende die nin es herde ende dis proper dat de 10schaep nin sijn, alse hi den wolf siet comen, so vliet hi ende begeft de schaep, 11ende dan grijpt die wolf ende schedt die schaep. Mar die gemidde knecht 12vliet, om dat hi gemidt es ende om dat hem die schaep nit ane en gaen. 13Ic ben die goede herde ende ic kenne mine schaep ende mine schaep kennen 14mi, also alse de vader mi kent, ende ic kenne den vader. Ende mine zile 15lever ic over mine schaep. Ende oc hebbic andre schaep die van derre 16koijen nin sijn, ende die motic versamenen mettesen; ende dan sal van 17beiden werden ene koije ende een herde salse huden. Dar omme mint mi 18de vader, om dat ic mine sile levere om mine schaep. Ic salse leveren ende 19is salse weder nemen. Nimen en salse mi nemen, mar ic salse leveren van 20mijns selves halven. Ic hebbe macht die te leverne, ende ic hebbe macht die 21weder te nemene. (67v) Dit gebot hebbic ontfaen van minen vader. 22Alse Ihesus dese wart gesproken hadde, so wart echt en tuist onder de IJoeden 23van desen warden, want de menege seiden: Hi heft den duvel binnen 24ende hi es verwudt; wat lustt u sine wart te hoerne? Ende dandre antwerd-25den: Dese wart en sijn nit eens die den duvel binnen heft. Heft de duuel 26macht der blinder ogen tontplukene? 27Johannes Op enen tijt so was ene feeste te Iherusalem, die die IJoedenGa naar margenoot+ 28heten Encenia, ende dat was in den wintre. Ende Ihesus wandelde in den 29temple, in Salomoens pardijs. Aldaer omme vingdenne die IJoeden ende 30spraken aldus: Hoe lange soutu ons onse sile benemen? ochtu Christus best, so 31segd ons oppenbare. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Ic segt u, 32ende ghi ne gheloeves mi nit. De werke die ic werke in mijns vader 33name, die ghetugent mi; mar gi ne gheloeves nit, want gi nin sijt van 34minen schapen. Mine schaep horen mine stemme; ende ic kense, ende 35si volgen mi; ende ic sal hen gheven dat eeuleke leven, ende sine mo-36gen nemmermer verloren werden, want nimen en machse prenden ut 37minen handen. Dat mi de vader heft gegheven, dats meerre dan alle | |
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1what it meant. Therefore he spoke yet further and said thus: Verily I say 2unto you that I am the door of the fold. All those who came until now were 3thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; 4whosoever goes in through me; he shall be saved, and he shall go in and go 5out, and shall find the pasture. The thief comes only to steal and to kill 6and to destroy; but I am come to give them life and to increase it. I am 7Ga naar margenoot+ a good shepherd. The good shepherd surrenders his soul for his sheep. But 8the hired servant and he who is not a shepherd and whose property the 9sheep are not, when he sees the wolf coming, he flees and forsakes the sheep, 10and then the wolf seizes the sheep and scatters them. But the hired servant 11flees, because he is hired and because the sheep do not concern him. I am 12the good shepherd, and I know my sheep and my sheep know me even as 13the Father knows me. And I know the Father and I surrender my soul for 14my sheep. And I have also other sheep which are not of this fold, and those I 15must bring together with these. And then one fold will become of both, and 16one shepherd shall keep them. Therefore the Father loves me, because I 17surrender my soul for my sheep. I shall surrender it and I shall take it again. 18No one shall take it from me, but I shall surrender it of myself. I have 19power to surrender it and I [have] power to take it again. This commandment 20have I received from my Father. 21When Jesus had spoken these words there arose again a quarrel among the 22Jews on account of these words. For many said: He has the devil in and he is 23mad. Why do you care to hear his words? And the others answered: These 24words are not of one who has the devil in. Has the devil power to open 25the eyes of the blind? 26Ga naar margenoot+ One time there was a feast at Jerusalem, which the Jews call Encenia, 27and that was in the winter. And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon's 28porch. And there the Jews surrounded him and spoke thus: How long 29wouldst thou deprive us of our soul[s]? If thou art Christ, tell us openly. 30And Jesus answered them back thus: I tell it you and ye do not believe me. 31The works that I do in my Father's name, those bear witness of it for me. 32But ye do not believe it, for ye are not of my sheep. My sheep hear my 33voice, and I know them and they follow me. And I shall give them eternal 34life and they may nevermore be lost, for no one can seize them out of my 35hands. That which the Father has given me, that is greater than all | |
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1dinc, ende dat ne mach nimen prenden ute mijns vader harden: Ic ende de 2vader sijn al een. Alse die IJoeden hoerden dese wart, so namen si steene 3ende wouden ne steinen. Doe sprac Ihesus te hen ende seide aldus: Vele 4goeder werke hebbic u ghetoegt van mijns vader halven; om welc van al 5din werken wildi mi steinen? Ende de IJoeden antwerdden hem al dus: Omme 6en gheen goet werc en steine wi di, mar omme de blasphemie die du spreks, 7ende om dat te die en mensche best, maks van di selven enen Got. Doe 8sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seide aldus: En es nit gescreven in uwe wet dit 9wart: Ic seide dat gi sijt (68r) gode ende kinder des hoegsts allegader? 10Ende ochte de scrifture die nit faijlliren en mach, deghene heett gode, 11daer dat Gods wart toe comen es, mi dien de vader geheilegt heft ende 12in de werelt gesendt heft, war omme tijdi mi are, dat ic blasphemie spreke? 13Om dat ic segge dat ic Gods sone ben? En werkic mijns vader werke nit, 14so ne gheloeft mi nit. Mar werkic sine werke, ende al en gheloefdi mi nit, 15gheloeft doch den werken; so mogdi te bat kennen ende gheloeven dat in 16mi es de vader ende ic in den vader. Alse dit gesproken was, so haddenne 17die IJoeden gerne gevaen, mar hi ontghinc hen ende ghinc weder over de 18Iordane in die stat daer IJan Baptiste plach tirst te doepene; ende daer bleef 19hi enen tijt. Aldaer so quamen vele liede te hem ende spraken onderlinge 20van IJanne Baptisten ende van hem ende seiden aldus: IJan Baptiste en 21warchte noit mirakellec werc, ende al dat IJan Baptiste getugde van desen, 22dat was waer. Ende hir bi prufden si dat Ihesus meerre ware dan IJan 23Baptiste, ende tar omme gheloefder vele are hem. 24Johannes In din tide dat Ihesus daer was, so vil Lazarus in ere sikheit,Ga naar margenoot+ 25die van Betanien was, van den <kasteele> dat was Marien ende Marten, 26die sine sustre waren. Dat was die selve Marie die Ihesum eens tids bestreec 27met unguente ende drogde sine voete met haren hare. Dire bruder was 28dese Lazarus die daer sik was. Dese sendden te Ihesum ende ontboden 29hem aldus: Here, dijn vrint Lazarus es sik. Alse Ihesus dese boschap hoerde, 30so antwerdde hi aldus: Dit en es engheene doetlec sikheit, mar si es gegheven 31om de glorie Gods ende omme dat de Gods sone tar bi werke geglorificeert. 32Ende alse Ihesus, die minde Marien ende Marten ende Lazarum, van dire 33sikheit hadde vernomen, so bleef hi aldaer (68v) tvee dage na din dat hem 34die bodschap comen was. Dar na so sprac hi tote sinen ijongren: Ghawj 35weder ten lande went van Judeen. Ende sine ijongren antwerdden hem: 36Meester, dis es noch onlanc dat di de IJoeden wouden steinen, ende du 37wels nu weder darwert gaen? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen aldus: En sijn 38nit tvelef vren in den dage? Die be dage wandelt, hine mesgheet nit, want | |
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1things and no one can seize that out of my Father's hands. I and the Father 2are all one. When the Jews heard these words, they took stones and wanted 3to stone him. Then spoke Jesus to them and said thus: Many good works 4have I shown you from my Father; for which of all those works do ye want 5to stone me? And the Jews answered him thus: For no good work do we 6stone thee, but for the blasphemy which thou speakest and because thou 7who art a man, makest of thyself a god. Then spoke Jesus yet further and 8said thus: Is this word not written in your law: I said that ye are gods and 9children of the highest altogether? And if the Scripture which cannot fail 10calls them gods to whom the word of God has come, why do ye accuse me, 11whom the Father has sanctified and has sent into the world, of speaking 12blasphemy? Because I say that I am God's Son? If I work not his works, 13believe me not. But if I work his works, though ye believe not me, believe 14yet the works; then ye may know the better and believe that in me is the 15Father and I in the Father. When this had been spoken the Jews would 16fain have seized him. But he escaped them, and went back across the 17Jordan into the place where John the Baptist used to baptize at first. And 18there he remained for a time. Many people came to him there and spoke 19among themselves of John the Baptist and of him and said thus: John the 20Baptist never wrought miraculous work, and all that John the Baptist testified 21of this one, that was true. And thus they proved that Jesus was greater than 22John the Baptist. And therefore many of them believed in him. 23Ga naar margenoot+ At the time that Jesus was there, Lazarus fell sick, he who was of Bethany, 24of the town that was Mary's and Martha's, who were his sisters. That was 25the same Mary who one time had anointed Jesus with ointment and dried 26his feet with her hair. The brother of these was this Lazarus who was sick 27there. These sent to Jesus and summoned him thus: Lord, thy friend Lazarus 28is sick. When Jesus heard this message, he answered thus: This is not a 29deadly sickness, but it is given for the glory of God, and in order that the 30Son of God be glorified thereby. And when Jesus, who loved Mary and 31Martha and Lazarus, had heard of that sickness, he stayed on in that place 32two days after the message had come to him. After that he spoke to his 33disciples: Let us go again towards the land of Judaea. And his disciples 34answered him: Master, it is not long ago that the Jews wanted to stone thee, 35and now thou wilt go thither again? And Jesus answered them thus: Are 36there not twelve hours in the day? He who walks by day does not go wrong, 37for | |
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1hi wandelt bi den lichte dat hi siet; mar die wandelt benachte, hi mesgheet, 2want hine heft des ligts nit. Alse hi dit gesegt hadde, so seide hi hen noch 3voert aldus: Lazarus onse vrint slaept, ende ic salne gaen wekken ut sinen 4slaepe. Doe spraken sine ijongren te hem ende seiden: Here, slaept hi, so 5sal hi ghenesen. Mar Ihesus meinde van sire doet, ende si wanden dat hi 6hadde gesproken van den gewonleken slape. Doe seide hen Ihesus oppen-7bare: Lazarus es doet, ende dats mi lief omme uwen wille, dat ghijs te 8bat gheloeven selt, want ic daer nit en was. Doe sprac Thomas, die oc 9genamt es Didimus, toten andren sinen ghesellen: Ghawi ende sterve wi 10met hem. Doe ghinc Ihesus tote Betanien wert ende vant Lazarum doet; 11ende dat was de virde dach dat hi ghelegt was in sinen grave. Ende Bethania 12was bi Iherusalem alse op virdendeel van der milen. Aldaer so waren comen 13vele van din ijoedschen volke te Marien ende te Marthen omme hen te 14vreden te settene van hars bruder doede. Alse Martha vernam dat Ihesus 15comen was, so ghinc si iegen hem, ende Maria bleef thus sittende. DoeGa naar margenoot* 16ad sprac Martha tote Ihesum: Here, hads du hir gewest, mijn bruder en 17ware nit ghestorven, mar alnoch weetic wale dat di Got gheven sal al dat du 18hem bids. Doe sprac Ihesus ende seide aldus: Dijn bruder sal weder op 19herstaen. Ende Martha antwerdde hem ende seide: Ic weet wale dat 20(69r) hi op herstaen sal in der opherstannessen ten ijoncsten dage. Doe 21sprac noch Ihesus: Ic ben die opherstannesse ende dat leven. Die ane mi 22gheloeft, al ware hi doet, hi soude levende werden; ende alle die leven ende 23anc mi gheloeven, die ne sterven nemmermeer. Gheloefstu dis? Ende si 24antwerdde: IJaic, here, ic gheloeve dat tu best Christus, Gods sone, die 25in dese werelt comen best. Ende alse Martha dit hadde gesproken, so ghinc 26se tote Marien harre suster al heimelec ende sprac aldus: De meester es 27hir ende eischt di. Alse Maria dat hoerde, so stont si vollec op ende ghinc 28te hem wert; want nochtoe en was Ihesus nit comen in den kasteel, mar 29hi was noch in die stat daer Martha te hem comen was. Ende alse de IJoeden 30die met hare waren omme hare te solaciene, sagen dat si met hasten op 31stont ende henen ghinc, so volgden si hare ende spraken onderlinge al dus: 32Si gheet ten grave wert omme daer har seer te verniwene. Ende alse Maria 33quam daer Ihesus was, ende sine sach, so vil si op sine voete ende sprac 34aldus: Here, hads tu hir gewest, mijn bruder en ware nit doet. Ende alse 35Ihesus Marien weenen sach ende de IJoeden die met hare quamen, so 36versuchtte hi ende turbeerde hem selven ende seide aldus: Waer hebdine | |
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1he walks by the light that he sees. But he who walks by night, he goes 2wrong, for he has no light. When he had said this, he said to them yet further 3in this way: Lazarus our friend sleeps and I shall go [and] wake him out of 4his sleep. Then his disciples spoke to him and said: Lord, if he sleeps, he 5will get better. But Jesus referred to his death, and they thought that he 6had spoken of the usual sleep. Then said Jesus to them openly: Lazarus is 7dead, and I am pleased for your sake that I was not there, so that ye shall 8believe it the better. Then spoke Thomas, who is also called Didimus, to the 9others, his fellow disciples: Let us go and die with him. Then Jesus went 10to Bethany and found Lazarus dead, and that was the fourth day since he 11was laid in his grave. And Bethany was near Jerusalem about one fourth 12of a mile. Many of the Jewish people were come there to Mary and to 13Martha in order to console them over their brother's death. When Martha 14heard that Jesus was come, she went towards him and Mary remained 15seated in the house. Then spoke Martha to Jesus: Lord, if thou hadst been 16here, my brother would not have died. But yet I know well that God will 17give thee all that thou askest him. Then spoke Jesus and said thus: Thy 18brother shall rise again. And Martha answered him and said: I know surely 19that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Then spoke Jesus 20again: I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though 21he were dead, would become living. And all who live and believe in me shall 22never die. Believest thou this? And she answered: Yes, I do, Lord. I believe 23that thou art Christ, God's Son, who art come into this world. And when 24Martha had spoken this, she went to Mary her sister all secretly and spoke 25thus: The master is here and asks [for] thee. When Mary heard that, she 26rose readily and went towards him. For Jesus was not yet come into the 27town, but he was still in the place where Martha had come to him. And 28when the Jews who were with her to solace her, saw that she rose up in 29haste and went away, they followed her and spoke among themselves thus 30She goes towards the grave to renew there her grief. And when Mary came 31where Jesus was and [when] she saw him, she fell at his feet and spoke thus: 32Lord, hadst thou been here, my brother would not be dead. And when 33Jesus saw Mary weeping and the Jews who came with her, he sighed and 34was troubled and said thus; Where have ye | |
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1gelegt? Ende si seiden: Here, com ende sigs. Doe weende oc Ihesus. Alse 2dat sagen die IJoeden, so spraken si onderlingen ende seiden: Siet hoe 3hine minde. Ende dandre spraken aldus: En conste dese die ontploec des 4blinds ogen, nit gedon dat dese nit ne ware gestorven? Ende Ihesus ver-5suchtte noch anderwerf, ende also quam hi tin grave. Ende dat graf was en 6putte, ende op din putte was en steen gelegt. Doe sprac Ihesus: Doet af 7den Steen. Ende Martha die des gheens suster was, antwerdde aldus: 8Here, die lichame es itoe al uul, want hi heft uir dage gelegen in den grave. 9(69v Doe sprac Ihesus noch te Marthen: En hebbic di nit gelegt, gheloefstu, 10dat te sout sien de glorie Gods? Ende mettin laden si din steen ave. Doe 11hif Ihesus sine ogen op te hemele wert ende sprac aldus: Vader, ic danke di 12want du mine bede hefst gehoert. Ic weet wale dat te mi altoes hoers, mar 13dat seggic om dis volts wille dat hir al omme steet, dat si tebat gheloeven 14dat tu mi hefs gesendt. Alse Ihesus dat hadde gesproken, so rip hi met ere 15groter stemmen: Lazare, com hare ut! Doe quam altehant ut tin grave 16deghene die doet hadde ghewest, verbonden met lenementen ane voete 17ende ane hande ende oc was sijn anschin verbonden met enen linenen 18cleede. Doe sprac Ihesus: Ontbindttene ende laettene gaen. Alse dat sagen 19de menege van din IJoeden die comen waren te Marien ende te Marthen, 20so gheloefden si ane hem. Ende de somege ghingen ten Phariseusen ende ver-21trokken hen dat werk dat Ihesus hadde gewarchtt. 22Johannes Doe ghederden de beschope van der ijodscher wet ende deGa naar margenoot+ 23Phariseuse haren raet tesamen ende spraken aldus: Wat sele wi don, want 24dese mensche werkt vele mirakelleker werke? Latewine aldus, alt folc sal 25ane hem gheloeven; so selen comen de Romaine ende selen ons nemen onse 26stat ende onse volc. Doe sprac een van hen, die Cayphas hit ende die beschop 27was op dat ijar, ende seide aldus: Ghine wett nit noch ghine bepeinst u nit 28datt u orborlec es, dat een mensche sterve vor alt volk, [ende] dat al dat volc 29van der werelt nit ne blive verloren. Dit en sprac deghene van sijns selves 30halven nit, mar want 'hi beschop was op dat ijar, so profeteerde hi dat 31Ihesus moste sterven omme de verloessenesse des volks van ertrike ende 32omme de kinder Gods die van een ghescheeden waren, weder te versamenne. 33Van (70r) din dage vorwert so bleven si gheenradegt in din dat sine doeden 34souden. Ende Ihesus en wandelde nemmeer oppenbare onder de IJoeden, 35mar hi ghinc ten lanschape wert dat legt bi der wustinen, <ende> quam in 36ene stat die heett Effrem, ende daer bleef hi met sinen ijongren. 37Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas In din tide so was der IJoedenGa naar margenoot+ | |
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1laid him? And they said: Lord, come and see it. Then Jesus also wept. When 2the Jews saw that, they spoke among themselves and said: See how [much] 3he loved him. And the others spoke thus: Could not he who opened the 4blind man's eyes, bring about that this one had not died? And Jesus sighed 5yet a second time and thus he came to the grave, and the grave was a pit, 6and on top of that pit a stone had been laid. Then spoke Jesus: Take off 7the stone. And Martha, who was his sister, answered thus: Lord, the body 8is already completely rotten, for he has lain four days in the grave. Then 9spoke Jesus again to Martha: Have I not said to thee, believest thou, that 10thou shouldst see the glory of God? And presently they did off the stone. 11Then Jesus lifted up his eyes towards heaven and spoke thus: Father, I 12thank thee because thou hast heard my prayer. I know indeed that thou 13always hearest me, but I say that for the sake of the crowd which stands 14around here, that they believe the better that thou hast sent me. When 15Jesus had spoken that, he called with a loud voice: Lazarus, come here out! 16Then he who had been dead came immediately out of the grave, bound 17with wrappings on feet and on hands, and also his face was bound with a 18linen cloth. Then Jesus spoke: Unbind him and let him go. When the 19crowd of those Jews who had come to Mary and Martha saw that, they 20believed in him. And some went to the Pharisees and told them the miracle 21that Jesus had wrought. 22Ga naar margenoot+Then the bishops of the Jewish law and the Pharisees gathered their 23council together and spoke thus: What shall we do? for this man performs 24many miraculous works. If we let him [do] thus, all the people will believe 25in him. Then the Romans will come and will take from us our place and 26our nation. Then spoke one of them, who was called Caiaphas and who 27was bishop that year, and said thus: Ye know nothing, nor do ye consider 28that it is useful for you that one man die for all the people, [and] that all the 29people of the world perish not. He did not say this of himself; but because he 30was bishop for that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for the salvation 31of the people of the earth, and in order to gather again the children of God 32who were scattered apart. From that day forth they became of one mind 33in this that they would kill him. And Jesus did not walk openly anymore 34among the Jews, but he went toward the country that lies near the wilderness 35and came into a place that is called Ephraim. And there he stayed with 36his disciples. 37Ga naar margenoot+At that time the passover of the Jews | |
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1Paschen nakende ende vele liede van din ijodschen volke ghingen te Iheru-2salem wert vor din Paschen omme hen te suverne van haren sunden. Doe 3sohten die IJoeden Ihesum ende spraken onderlingen aldaer si stonden 4in den temple ende seiden aldus: Waromme waendi dat hi nit ne comt 5ter feesten? Ende oc hadden de bescope ende dephariseuse geboden dat 6so wie so wiste waer hi ware, dat hive hilde ende vinge. 7Lucas In din dagen so was naekende de tijt van sire passien, ende dar 8omme so gheenraedegde hem Ihesus met vasten wille te gane te Iherusalem 9went. Doe sendde hi boden vore hem, ende die boden quamen in eene der 10stade van den samaritaenschen lande omme hem tegereidene sine herberge. 11Ende sine woudens nit ontfaen in hare stat, om dat sijn anschinGa naar margenoot* was alse 12des gheens die ginc te Iherusalem wertGa naar margenoot*. Alse dat dagen sine ijongren 13IJacob ende IJan, so spraken si aldus: Here, weltu dat wi seggen dat dat 14uir come van den hemele ende verbernse? Ende Ihesus kirde hem, te hen 15wert ende schout se ende seide aldus: Ghine wett nit met wis gheeste dat 16gi geteekent sijt. Des menschen sone en es nit comen om de silen te ver-17liesene, mar ornme die tebehoudene. Doe ghingen si <ende> namen hare 18herberge in en ander dorp. 19Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Dar na so quam Ihesus te Bethanien, 186 20daer Lazarus doet hadde ghewest, din hi op dede staen van der doet; ende 21dat Ihesus daer quam (70v) dat was ses dage vor den Paschen. Ende alse 22daer was Ihesus in ens mans hus, die hit Symon de lazerse, so vernam dat 23ijodsche volc dat Ihesus daer was. Ende vele dis volts quam aldar nit allene 24omme Ihesum te siene, mar omme Lazarum te siene din hi hadde don 25op herstaen van der doet. Doe drogen oc die prinschen over een dat si 26Lazarum souden doeden, want omme sire opherstannessen wille so bekirden 27hen vele liede van din ijodschen volke te Ihesum wert ende gheloefden 28ane hem. Aldaer so makden si hem en avont mael, ende Martha dinde 29daer. Ende Lazarus was een van denghenen die daer aten. Matheus Marcus 30Lucas Johannes Ende Maria die hadde ene viole vol ungements dat was so 31gemakt van spika nardi dat harde precieus was. Si brac die viole ende goet 32dat ungement op Ihesuss hoeft al daer hi sat, ende bestreec sine voete dar 33mede ende nettese met haren tranen ende drogese met haren hare; <ende> 34aldat hus wart vervult van din goeden roeke dis ungements. DoeGa naar margenoot* sprac 35een van sinen ijongren, dat was Iudas Schariothis, diene verrit: Warumme 36en verkochte men dit ungement nit omme drie hondert peinnighe ende | |
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1was approaching and many people of the Jewish nation went toward 2Jerusalem before the passover in order to purify themselves of their sins. 3Then the Jews sought Jesus and spoke among themselves where they stood 4in the temple and said thus: Why do ye think that he is not coming to the 5feast? And the bishops and Pharisees had also given orders that whosoever 6knew where he was, should hold and seize him. 7In those days the time was approaching of his passion and therefore 8Jesus made up his mind with a firm will to go to Jerusalem. Then he sent 9messengers before him and the messengers came into one of the places of 10the Samaritan country in order to prepare his lodging for him. And they 11would not receive him in their place, because his faceGa naar voetnoota) was as of one 12who went to JerusalemGa naar voetnootb). When his disciples Jacob and John saw that, 13they spoke thus: Lord, wilt thou that we say that (the) fire come from heaven 14and burn them up? And Jesus turned towards them and scolded them and 15said thus: Ye know not with whose spirit ye are marked. The Son of man is 16not come to destroy souls but to save them. Then they went and took 17lodging in another village. 18Ga naar margenoot+After that Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus had been dead, whom 19he made rise from death. And when Jesus came there, it was six days before 20the passover. And when Jesus was there in the house of a man who was 21called Simon the leper, the Jewish people heard that Jesus was there. And 22many of the people came there not only to see Jesus, but to see Lazarus, 23whom he had caused to rise from death. Then the chief priests agreed among 24themselves that they should kill Lazarus, for because of his resurrection 25many people of the Jewish nation were converted to Jesus and believed 26in him. There they made a supper for him, and Martha served there. And 27Lazarus was one of those who ate there. And Mary had a vial full of ointments 28made of spikenard, which was very precious. She broke the vial and poured 29the ointment on Jesus' head where he sat and anointed his feet with it, 30and wetted them with her tears and dried them with her hair and all the 31house was filled with the good fragrance of that ointment. Then spoke one 32of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him: Why was this ointment 33not sold for three hundred pence and | |
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1hadt tgelt geven den armen? Dat seide hi, nit om dat datt versien van den 2armen hem toe behoerde, mar omme dat hi en dief was ende properteit 3hadde, ende dat ter gemeinder borsen behoerde, dat plach hi te steelne. 4AldaerGa naar margenoot* so waren oc de somege din dat ommaer hadde in har herte, ende 5spraken iegen hen selven aldus: Waroumme werdt dit goede ungement 6aldus gequist ende verloren? MarGa naar margenoot* Ihesus die dat wale wiste, antwerdde 7hen ende seide aldus: Waromme si di dos ongenadech desen wive? Si heft 8en goet werc gewarchtt ane mi, want altoes hebdi die arme met u, ende 9alse gi (71r) wilt, so mogdi hen goet don; mar mi en seldi altoes nit hebben. 10Want dat dit wijf gegoten heft dit ungement op minen lichame, dat heft 11si gedaen omme mi dar mede te gravene. Over waer seggic u dat so waer 12dat men dese ewangelie predeken sal in alder werelt, al daer salmen gewagen 13dis, dat dit wijf heft gedaen in gedinkenessen hars wercs ende hars selves. 14EndeGa naar margenoot* alse die Phariseus diene hadde ghenoedt, din wive dat sach don, 15so sprac hi iegen hem selven aldus: Ware dese en prophete, so soude hi 16wale weten wie ende hoegedaen dit wijf es die ne gherijnt, want si ene 17sundersse es. Ende Ihesus die wale wiste sijn ghepins, hi antwerdde hem 18ende sprac aldus: Symon, ic hebbe di en lettel dings te seggene. Ende 19deghene antwerdde: Mester, seghe. Ende Ihesus sprac voert ende seide 20aldus: Een persemir hadde twee schulderen; deen was hem schuldech 21vif hondert peinnige ende dander viftegh. Ende want si nin hadden daer si 22met hare schout verghelden mochten, so lit hise beiden varen. Welc van 23desen tween sal denghenen <liever> hebben? Ende Symon antwerdde ende 24seide: Ic wane datten de ghene sal liever hebben din hi meest heft laten 25varen. Ende Ihesus antwerdde weder aldus: Du <hefste> wale ghordeelt. 26Doe kirde hi hem tin wive were ende sprac aldus: Symon, siestu dat wijf? 27Ic quam in dijn hus, ende du en dwogs mi mine voete nit met watre, mar dese 28nettese met haren tranen ende drogese met haren hare. Du en ghafs mi nit 29en cussen vor minen mont, mar dese, sider dat si hir binnen quam, so ne 30fineerde si noit van minen voeten te cussene. Du en bestreks nit mijn hoeft 31met olien, mar dese heft ghesalft mine voete met ungement. Dar omme 32seggic di dat hare vele sunden sijn vergheven, want si sere (71v) mint. 33Mar din men min vergheft, die mint alre minst. Doe sprac Ihesus totin 34wive: Din sunden sijn di vergheven. Doe begonsten deghene die daer saten 35ter taflen, iegen hen selven te seggene: Wie es dese die hem oc onderwint | |
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1the money given to the poor? He did not say that because the provision 2for the poor belonged to him, but because he was a thief and had property, 3and that which belonged to the common purse he used to steal. There were 4also some who were annoyed in their hearts and spoke to themselves thus 5Why is this good ointment thus wasted and lost? Jesus who knew it well 6answered them and said thus: Why are ye thus merciless to this woman? 7She has done a good work on me, for ye have the poor always with you, 8and when ye will, ye can do them good. But me ye shall not have always. 9This woman who has poured this ointment on my body has done this in 10order to bury me therewith. Verily I say unto you, wheresoever this gospel 11shall be preached in all the world, there mention shall be made of this that 12this woman has done, in memory of her work and herself. And when the 13Pharisee who had invited him saw the woman do that he spoke by himself 14thus: If this were a prophet, he would know surely who and of what sort this 15woman is who touches him; for she is a sinner. And Jesus, who knew his 16thought, answered him and spoke thus: Simon, I have a little thing to say 17to you. And he answered: Master, say [it]. And Jesus spoke again and said 18thus: A usurer had two debtors; one owed him five hundred pence and 19the other fifty. And because they had not wherewith they might repay their 20debt, he let them both go. Which of those two shall love him [more]? And 21Simon answered and said: I believe that the one whom he forgave most, 22will love him more. And Jesus answered again thus: Thou hast judged 23rightly. Then he turned towards the woman and spoke thus: Simon, seest 24thou that woman? I came into thy house and thou didst not wash my feet 25with water. But she wetted them with her tears and dried them with her 26hair. Thou didst not give me a kiss on my mouth, but she, since she entered 27here, never ceased to kiss my feet. Thou didst not anoint my head with oil, 28but she has anointed my feet with ointment. Therefore I say to thee that 29many sins are forgiven her, for she loves much. But he to whom less is 30forgiven, loves least. Then Jesus spoke to the woman: Thy sins are forgiven 31thee. Then those who sat there at the table began to say to themselves: 32Who is this [man] who presumes | |
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1de sunden te verghevene? Ende Ihesus sprac noch totin wive: Dijn ghe-2loefue heft di geholpen: ghanc in paise. 3Matheus Marcus Lucas Des anders dags dar na so ghinc Ihesus toGa naar margenoot+ 4Iherusalem wert. Ende alse hi naekde der stat ende hi wasGa naar margenoot* comen te 5Bethphage ten berge van Oliveten, so sendde hi twee sire ijongren vore ende 6seide hen aldus: Ghaet in din kasteel die iegen u steet, ende altehant seldi 7uinden ene eselinne ghebonden ende hare ijonc daer biGa naar margenoot* gebonden, daer 8noit mensche op en sat; ontbindt se ende brengt se te mi. Ende es imen 9<die> daer iegen it seggen welt, so antwerdt aldus: Onse Here hefter te 10doene, ende altehant so sal mense u laten nemen. Doe ghingen die ijongren 11ende daden also alse hen gheheeten was, ende ontbonden die esele. Ende 12deghene dis si waren, vragden hen waromme si dat daden. Ende si ant-13werdden aldus: Onse Here hefter te doene. Ende doe swegen dandre ende 14lieten se hen enwege leiden. Doe brachten die ijongren dinGa naar margenoot* ijongen esel te 15Ihesum ende leiden sine cleeder dar op ende dadenne sitten daer op. Dit 16was al gedaen omme te vervulne de profecieGa naar margenoot* die wilen dat hande vorgesegt, 17die sprekt aldus: Segt der dochter van Syon: dijn koninc comt te di oedmu-18deghlec sittende op ere eselinnen ijonc. DitGa naar margenoot* en verstonden doe sine ijongren 19nit, mar namals, alse Ihesus was op verresen van der doet, doe gedachte 20hen dat dit ghescreven was van hem. EndeGa naar margenoot* aldaer Ihesus voer, so quamen 21vele van din ijoedschen volkeGa naar margenoot* ende spreidden hare cleeder in den weghe. 22Ende dandreGa naar margenoot* hiwen riser van den bomen ende worpense (72r) in den 23weghe. EndeGa naar margenoot* alse Ihesus naekde den hangenden vanden berghe van Oliveten, 24so begonste aldat volc dat dar versament was, te lovene Gode met hoger 25stemmen. Ende descharen die vore ghingen ende die achter quamen, 26ripen ende songen: Osanna Davids sone, gebenedijtGa naar margenoot* si die coninc die 27comt in den Gods name! Pais in den hemele ende glorie in den hogen 28trone ende gebenedijtGa naar margenoot* si dat rike dat ons toe comt, Davids onss vader! 29Osanna in den hogen trone, gebenedijt! EndeGa naar margenoot* vele van din volke dat 30comen was ter feesten, alsi horden seggen dat Ihesus quam te Iherusalem, 31so namen si riser van palmen in hare hande ende ghingen iegen hem ut 32ende ripen oc: Osanna, gebenedijt si die comt in den name Gods, coninc 33van Israhel! AlseGa naar margenoot* dat hoerden de somege van din Phariseusen die daer 34waren, so spraken si te Ihesum ende seiden: Meester, schilt dine ijongren 35dieGa naar margenoot* dat volc aldus don roepen. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder aldus: 36Ic seggu over waer, swegen dese, dat de steene roepen selen. Doe sprakenGa naar margenoot+ | |
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1to forgive sins? And Jesus spoke again to the woman: Thy faith has helped 2thee. Go in peace. 3Ga naar margenoot+The next day after that Jesus went toward Jerusalem, and when he 4approached the city and came to Bethphage to the mount of olives, he 5sent two of his disciples ahead and said to them thus: Go into the town 6that is opposite you and presently ye shall find an ass tied and her colt 7tied with her, on which no man ever sat. Untie them and bring them to me, 8and if there be any one who wants to say anything against it, ye shall answer 9thus: Our Lord has need of them, and at once they will let you take them. 10Then the disciples went and did as they had been ordered and untied the 11asses and those whose they were asked them why they did that, and they 12answered thus: Our Lord has need of them, and then the others were silent 13and let them lead him away. Then the disciples brought that young ass 14to Jesus and laid his garments upon it and made him sit thereon. This was 15all done in order to fulfil the prophecy which formerly had predicted it 16[and] which speaks thus: Tell the daughter of Zion, thy king comes unto 17thee meekly sitting upon an ass's colt. His disciples did not understand this 18at that time, but afterwards, when Jesus had arisen from death, they 19remembered that this had been written of him. And where Jesus rode, 20many of the Jewish people came and spread their garments in the way. 21And the others cut branches from the trees and threw them in the way. 22And when Jesus approached the descent of the mount of olives, all that 23multitude that was gathered there began to praise God with a loud voice. 24And the crowds that went before and that came after cried and sang: 25Hosanna, David's son, blessed be the king who comes in the name of God. 26Peace in heaven and glory in the highest. And blessed be the kingdom that 27is coming to us of David our father. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed! And 28many of that multitude that was come to the feast, hearing it said that 29Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palms in their hands and 30went out to meet him and cried also: Hosanna, blessed be he who comes in 31the name of God, king of Israel! When some of the Pharisees who were 32there heard that, they spoke to Jesus and said: Master, rebuke thy disciples, 33who make the people cry thus. And Jesus answered them back thus: I say to 34Ga naar margenoot+ you verily, if these be silent, the stones will cry out. Then the Pharisees spoke | |
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1die Phariseuse onderlinge ende seiden: Al dat wi don, en didt nit, want 2al de werelt volgt hem. 3Johannes Aldaer so waren oc vremde liede comen ter feesten, die nin 4behoerden tin ijodschen volke; dese quamen te Philippum, die was van 5Betsaida Galilee, ende spraken aldus: Here, wi souden gherne Ihesum sien. 6Doe quam Philippus tote Andrise ende seidt hem voert; ende dar na so 7quamen Andreas ende Philippus tote Ihesum ende seident hem. Ende 8Ihesus antwerdde hen ende sprac aldus: Nu comt die vre dat des menschen 9sone sal werden glorificert. Over waerGa naar margenoot* seggic u: henGa naar margenoot** si dat dat tarven 10coren dat valt in der erden, daer in versterve, het blijft allene ende sonder 11vrocht; mar alst versterft in der erden, brenget grote vrocht. (72v) Die 12sine zile mint, hi salse verliesen, <ende> die sine zile haett in dese werelt, 13hi salse behouden in den eeuleken levene. Die mi dienen welt, hi volge mi, 14ende daer ic sijn sal, daer sal oc sijn deghene die mi dint. Ende so wie so 15mi dint, den ghenen sal eren mjn vader die in den hemele es. Nu es mine 16zile geturbert, ende wat salic seggen? Vader, nu woud mins van derre 17vren vorwert, want dar omme hebbic verbeidt derre vren. Vader, verclere 18dinen name. Doe quam ene stemme van den hemele, die sprac aldus: Ic 19hebbene vercleert, ende ic salne noch vercleren. Ende alse dat volc dat 20daer stont omtrent, die stemme hoerde, so seiden desomege dat en donre-21slach hadde gewest; ende dandre seiden aldus: het was en ingel, die sprac 22iegen hem. Ende Ihesus antwerdde ende sprac al dus: Nit omme minen 23wille en quam dese stemme, mar omme uwen wille. NuGa naar margenoot* nekt dat ordeel 24van der werelt; nu sal de prinsche van derre werelt ut gestoten werden; 25ende alsic sal sijn ghehogt van der erden, so salic alle dinc te mi trekken. 26Dit sprac Ihesus omme te vertoegene welkerhande doede dat hi sterven 27soude. Doe antwerdde hem de somege van din volke ende spraken aldus: 28Wi hebben ghehoert uter wet dat Christus eeulec duren sal; wat meinstu 29dan dar met dat tu segs: des menschen sone moet gehogt sijn van der 30erden? Wie es dese menschen sone? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hen weder 31aldus: Noch es lettel lights in u. Wandelt al die wile dat gi dat light hebt, 32dat u die demsternessen nin betrapen; want die in demsternessen wandelt, hi 33ne weet warwert hi gheet. Al dewile dat gi dat light hebt, So geloeft an 34dat light; so seldi sijn kinder des lights. Doe vragden hem die PhariseuseGa naar margenoot+ 35wanneer dat comen soude dat rike Gods. Ende Ihesus antwerd-(73r)de 36hen aldus: Lucas Matheus Dat toe comen van den rike Gods en es nit te 37merkene bi den tide, noch men sal nit seggen: het es hir, ochte, het es ghinder, | |
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1among themselves and said: All that we do signifies nothing, for all the 2world follows him. 3There were also foreign people come to the feast who did not belong to 4the Jewish nation. These came to Philip who was of Bethsaida [of] Galilee 5and spoke thus: Lord, we would fain see Jesus. Then Philip came to Andrew 6and told him that. And after that Andrew and Philip came to Jesus and 7told it to him. And Jesus answered them and spoke thus: Now comes the 8hour that the Son of man shall be glorified. Verily, I say unto you: Unless 9the grain of wheat that falls into the earth die therein, it remains alone and 10without fruit. But when it dies in the earth, it brings [forth] much fruit. He 11who loves his soul shall lose it and he who hates his soul in this world shall 12keep it in eternal life. He who wishes to serve me, follow me. And where I 13shall be, there also shall be the one who serves me. And whosoever serves 14me, him will my Father honor who is in heaven. Now is my soul troubled; 15and what shall I say? Father, now take care of me from this hour on. For 16therefore have I awaited this hour. Father, glorify thy name. Then came 17a voice from heaven, which spoke thus: I have glorified it and shall glorify 18it again. And when the people who stood there about heard that voice, 19some said that it had been a thunder clap, and others said thus: It was an 20angel who spoke to him. And Jesus answered and spoke thus: Not for my 21sake came this voice, but for your sakes. Now the judgment of the world 22is at hand. Now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And when I 23shall have been lifted from the earth, I shall draw all things unto me. Jesus 24spoke this in order to signify what manner of death he should die. Then 25some of that multitude answered him and spoke thus: We have heard out 26of the law that Christ shall endure for ever. What dost thou mean then 27with that which thou sayest: The Son of man must be lifted from the earth? 28Who is this Son of man? And Jesus answered them back thus: A little light 29is yet in you. Walk all the while that ye have the light, that the darkness 30overtake you not. For he who walks in darkness knows not whither he goes. 31All the while that ye have the light, believe in the light; then ye shall be 32Ga naar margenoot+ children of the light. Then the Pharisees asked him when the kingdom of 33God was to come. And Jesus answered them thus: The coming of the kingdom 34of God is not be noticed by the time, neither shall they say: It is here or it is 35yonder, | |
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1want gi hebt dat rike Gods onder u. AldosGa naar margenoot* so leerde Ihesus dat volc des 2dags in den temple. Ende des avonds so ghinc hi uter stat ende vernachte op 3den berch van Oliveten. Ende des margens so ghederde alt folc in den 4temple om sine leeringe te hoerne. 5Matheus In enen dire daghe so sat Ihesus ende leerde dat volc endeGa naar margenoot+ 6sprac totin volke ende tote sinen ijongren ende seide aldus: Op Moysess 7stoel so sijn geseten de scriben ende de Phariseuse. Al dat si u leeren, dat 8houdt ende dat doet, mar na hare werke en werkt nit, want dat si leeren, 9dis en don si selve nit. Want si binder sware bordenen ende ondrachleke 10ende leggense op der liede hals, mar sine willense nit verporren met hars 11selves vingre. EndeGa naar margenoot* alle hare werke werden si, om dat si willen sijn ghesien 12van lieden, want si widen hare philaterien ende si dragen groten vesen 13ende lange <ende> siGa naar margenoot* gaen gecleedt met stolen, ende si minnenGa naar margenoot** dat 14vorsitten ten etene ende de vorste stoele in den synagogen ende der liede 15grueten op de markt ende wesen gheheeten vanden volke rabbi. Mar gi 16en selt nit begheren geheeten te sine rabbi, wan een allen es u mester ende 17ghi alle sijt ghebrudere. Ende nimene en heett vader op ertrike, want een 18allene es u vader, die in den hemele es. Noch en laett u nit heeten meester, 19want een allene es u meester, dat es Christus. Die de meeste es onder u, 20dat sal u knecht sijn. Ende die hem selven verheft, hi sal genedert werden, 21ende die hem selven nedert, hi sal verheven werden. WeeGa naar margenoot* u Phariseusen,Ga naar margenoot+ 22die mint dat vorsitten in den synagogen ende dat groten in der markt; 23wee u scriben ende Phariseusen, die de weet leert, ypocriten, die den sloetel 24van der const hebt ge-(73v)nomen ende hebt den lieden hemelrike vore 25gesloeten, ende noch gi en comter in noch gi en laett andre daer in comen. 26WeeGa naar margenoot* u Phariseusen, ypocriten, die verslindt der weduen huse in ere ghe-27veinstheiden van langen bedingen, daer gi swar ordeel ende verdumnesse 28af selt ontfaen. WeeGa naar margenoot* u scriben ende Phariseuse, ypocriten, die omme gaet 29de zee ende derde omme te makene enen bekirden mensche, ende alse 30ghine hebt gemakt, so makdine der hellen kint twevout meer dan gi selve 31sijt. Wee u blinde leideren, die segt: So wie so swert bi den temple, dan es 32nit, mar die swert bi den goude dat in den temple es, die es schuldech te 33houdene dat hi swert. Doere ende blinde, welec es meerre, so dat gout, so 34die temple diet in reverentien wesen doet? Ende so wie so swert bi den 35outare, dan es nit, mar die swert bi der offranden dire op legt, die es sine 36eet schuldech te houdene. Blinde liede, welt es meerre, so doffrande, so | |
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1for ye have the kingdom of God among you. Thus Jesus taught the people 2by day in the temple and at night he went out of the town and passed the 3night in the mount of olives. And in the morning all the people forgathered 4in the temple to hear his teaching. 5Ga naar margenoot+ On one of those days Jesus sat and taught the people and spoke to the 6multitude and to his disciples and said thus: The scribes and the Pharisees 7are seated upon Moses' seat. All that they teach you, keep that and do it. 8But do not work after their works, for they do not themselves what they 9teach. For they bind heavy burdens and unfit to be borne and lay them 10on the people's necks, but they will not move them with their own finger. 11And they work all their works, because they want to be seen by people for 12they make broad their philacteries, and they wear big and long fringes, 13and they go dressed in stoles. And they love to preside at the meal, and the 14foremost seats in the synagogues, and the people's salutations in the market, 15and to be called by the people rabbi. But ye shall not desire to be called 16rabbi, for one alone is your teacher and ye are all brethren. And call no 17one father on earth, for one alone is your Father, who is in heaven. Neither 18let yourselves be called master, for one alone is your master, that is Christ. 19He who is greatest among you shall be your servant, and he who exalts 20himself shall be humbled; and he who humbles himself shall be exalted. 21Ga naar margenoot+ Woe unto you, Pharisees, who love the presiding in the synagogues and the 22saluting in the market. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, who teach 23the law, hypocrites, who have taken the key of knowledge and have closed 24the kingdom of heaven to the people, and neither do ye enter into it nor do 25ye let others enter therein. Woe to you, Pharisees, hypocrites, who devour 26the widows' houses in a pretence of long prayers, for which ye shall receive 27heavy judgment and damnation. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo-28crites who compass the sea and the earth to make one convert, and when 29ye have made him, ye make him a child of hell twofold more than ye are 30yourselves. Woe to you, blind leaders, who say: Whosoever swear by the 31temple, that is nothing, but he who swears by the gold that is in the temple, 32that man is obliged to keep what he swears. Fools and blind ones: which 33is greater, the gold or the temple which causes it to be revered? And who-34soever swears by the altar, that is nothing; but he who swears by the offering 35which lies upon it, that man is obliged to keep his oath. Blind people, which 36is greater, the offering or | |
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1de outare, die die ofrande ontfanklec makt? Die dan swert bi den outare, 2hi swert bi din ende bi allen din datter op es. Ende die swert bi den temple, 3hi swert bi din <ende> bi den ghenen diere in woent. Ende die swert bi 4den hemele, hi swert bi den trone Gods ende bi den ghenen dire op sett. 5Wee u scriber ende Phariseuse, ypocriten, die tinde gheft van menten 6ende van anise ende van comine ende van rutenGa naar margenoot* ende van alrehande 7crude, ende achter laett de swarre gebode van der wet: gherechtegheit 8ende ontfarmegheit ende gheloeve ende trowe ende karitate GodsGa naar margenoot*. Dit 9mostti tirst volbracht hebben, ende dander nit achter gelaten hebben. 10BlindeGa naar margenoot* leideren, gi sijt de moesieGa naar margenoot** ende gi verswelgt den kemelGa naar margenoot**** . WeeGa naar margenoot* 11u scriber ende Phariseuse, ypocriten, die swert dat butenste van den 12nappe ende van der schotelen, ende u binnenste es vol van roeve ende van 13alrehande onsuverheide. (74r) Blinde Phariseus, suver tirst dat binnenste 14van den nappe, so mach dat butenste oc gesuvert werden. Wee u, die 15ghelijc sijt den graven daer de liede op wandelen, ende en weten nit watter 16binnen legt. Wee u scriber ende Phariseuse, ypocriten, die ghelijc sijt 17den ghewitten graven die van buten dunken den lieden schone, mar binnen 18sijn si vol van doeder liede ghebinte ende van alre onsuverheit. Also ghe-19like so schindi oc van buten gerecht vor de menschen, mar binnen si di 20al vol van ypocrsien ende van guaetheiden. Alse dit hoerde een van din 21meestren, die de wet leerde, so sprac hi te Ihesum ende seide aldus: Meester, 22alse du aldus spreks, so dustu ons oc laster. Ende Ihesus antwerdde aldus: 23Ende u, meesteren die de wet leert, seggic oc wee, want gi laedt de men-24schen met bordenen die si nit gedragen en conen, ende gi selve en wilt 25uwen vinger are die bordenen nit don. WeeGa naar margenoot* u, scriber ende Phariseuse, ypo-26criten, die temmert der profeten grave ende cirt de tomben van den ge-27reghten ende segt: Hadde wi ghewest in din tide dat onse vordren doedden 28die propheten, wi ne hadden nit deelechtech gewest ane hare sundeleke 29werke. Ende aldus getugdi iegen u selven dat gi dergherre kinder sijt, 30die de propheten doeden. MATHEUS Nu vervult dan dat overdeel van derGa naar margenoot+ 31maten die uwen vordren te vervulne ontbleef. Serpenten slangen kinder, 32hoe seldi ontflin <den toekomenden> ordeele dat u ter hellen went wisen 33sal? Lucas Matheus Dar omme sprac de wijsheit Gods wilen aldus: IcGa naar margenoot* 34sal te sender mine profeten ende mine apostlen ende mine scriber; ende 35die seldi sum doeden, sum <crucen>, ende die seldi gheecelen in Uwen 36synagogen ende die seldi ijagen van stade te state, so dat alle die wrake | |
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1the altar which makes the offering acceptable? He then who swears by 2the altar swears by it and by all that is on it. And he who swears by the 3temple swears by it and by him who dwells in it. And he who swears by 4heaven swears -by the throne of God and by him who sits on it. Woe to 5you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who give tithes of mint and of anise 6and of cummin and of rue and of all sorts of herbs, and neglect the heavier 7commandments of the law, justice and charity and faith and fidelity and 8love of God. Ye should have accomplished this first, and not have neglected 9the other. Blind leaders, ye sieve the gnatGa naar margenoota) and ye swallow the camelGa naar voetnootb). 10Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who cleanse the outside of 11the cup and of the platter, and your inside is full of robbery and of all sorts 12of uncleanliness. Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup; thus 13may the outside also be cleansed. Woe to you who are like the graves on 14which people walk and know not what lies inside. Woe to you, scribes and 15Pharisees, hypocrites, who are like the whited sepulchres, which outwardly 16seem beautiful to the people, but inwardly they are full of dead men's bones 17and of all uncleanliness. Even so ye also outwardly seem righteous before 18men, but inwardly ye are full of hypocrisy and of iniquity. When one of the 19masters who taught the law heard this, he spoke to Jesus and said thus: 20Master, when thou speakest thus, thou doest harm to us also. And Jesus 21answered thus: And to you masters who teach the law, I say woe also. For 22ye load men with burdens which they cannot carry and ye yourselves will 23not put your finger to those burdens. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, 24hypocrites, who build the sepulchres of the prophets and garnish the tombs 25of the righteous and say: Had we been in the days when our ancestors 26killed the prophets, we should not have been participants of their sinful 27works. And thus ye testify against yourselves that ye are children of those 28Ga naar margenoot+ who killed the prophets. Fill ye then the remaining part of the measure 29that was left to your ancestors to fill. Serpents, vipers' children, how shall 30ye escape the forthcoming judgment that will condemn you to hell? Therefore 31the wisdom of God spoke formerly tnus: I shall send to you my prophets 32and my apostles and my scribes, and ye shall kill some of them, and crucify 33others, and these ye shall scourge in your synagogues and those ye shall 34chase from city to city, so that all the vengeance | |
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1op u sal vallen van al din bloede dat ghestortt es op (74v) der erden, van 2den bloede Abels des gherechts toten bloede Zacharie, die sone was Barachie, 3din gi doedet tuschen den tempel ende den outare. Also seggic u over waer 4dat alle die werke sal vallen op dese generacie. JherusalemGa naar margenoot*, Iherusalem, 5die doeds die profeten ende steins die Gods boden die te di ghesendt sijn, 6hoe menechwerf hebbic willen ghedren dine kinder, also ghelike alse ene 7hinne ghedert hare kikene onder hare vlochgele, ende du ne woudes nit 8ghestaden. Dar omme soutu gedestrueert werden ende dine hus [sal] al idel 9bliven, want ic seggu dat gi mi nemmeer en selt mogen sien totir wilen 10dat gi selt seggen: Gebenedijt si die ons comt in den Gods name. 11Johannes Alse Ihesus dese wart sprac, so hoerdense some van din prin-Ga naar margenoot+ 12chen gherne, ende vele gheloefder ane hem, mar sine dorstens nit lijen om 13de vreese van den Phariseusen, dat mense nit ne biene uter synagoghen, 14want si hadden de glorie van den menschen liever dan de glorie Gods. 15Iohannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Daer omme sprac Ihesus op enen tijt met 16hoeger stemmen ende seide aldus: DieGa naar margenoot* ane mi gheloeft, hine gheloeft allene 17ane mi nit, mar ane denghenen die mi ghesendt heft. Ende die mi siet, 18hi siet den ghenen die mi ghesendt heft. IcGa naar margenoot* ben dat licht dat in de werelt 19comen es, omme dat alle deghene die ane mi gheloeven, nin bliven in 20demsternessen. Ende es imen die mine wart hoert ende dar na nin werkt, 21ire ordeels nit, want ine ben nit comen omme die werelt tordeelne, mar 22om de werelt te behoudene. Die mi versmedt ende mine leeringe nin ontfeet, 23sal wale vinden dine ordeelen sal: die redene die is ghesproken hebbe, 24die salne ordeelen in den ijoncsten daghe. Want is van mijns selfs halven 25nit gesproken en hebbe, mar de vader die mi sendde, hi ghaf mi dat gheboet 26van den (75r) sprekene ende leerde mi wat is seggen soude ende wat 27ic spreken soude. Ende ic weet dat sijn gebot es dat ewlek leven. Dar omme, 28dat ic spreke, dat seggic also alst mj de vader vore gesegt heft. 29Alse Ihesus dese wart gesproken hadde, so ghinc hi ende brach hem vor 30hen. Ende al hadde hi al so vele mirakelleker werke ghewarghtt, nochtan 31sone gheloefden si nit ane hem; ende daer bi so wart veruult de prophecie 32die Ysaias willen sprac, die segt aldus: Here, wie sal onsen warden ghe-33loeuen? ende win sal de Gods mogentheit gheoppenbart werden? Dit 34sprac Ysaias, doe hi sach de glorie Gods ende propheteerde van den Gods 35sone. 36Matheus Marcus Lucas Op enen dire daghe so ghinc Ihesus vtenGa naar margenoot+ 37temple. Ende aldaer so quam een sire ijongren te hem ende <Sprac> aldus: 38Meester, sick, wat steene dit sijn ende wat werke. Ende Ihesus antwerdde | |
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1shall fall upon you for all the blood that has been shed on the earth, from 2the blood of Abel, the righteous, unto the blood of Zachariah, who was 3the son of Barachiah [and] whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. 4Hence I say to you, verily, that all the vengeance shall fall on this generation. 5Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who killest the prophets and stonest God's messengers 6who have been sent to thee, how often have I wished to gather thy children, 7even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and thou wouldst not 8allow it. Therefore shalt thou be destroyed and thy house shall remain all 9empty. For I say to you that ye shall never more be able to see me until the 10time when ye shall say: Blessed be he who comes to us in the name of God. 11Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus spoke these words, some of the rulers heard them with 12pleasure. And many believed in him but they dared not confess it from 13fear of the Pharisees, lest they were ordered out of the synagogue, for they 14loved the glory of men more than the glory of God. Therefore Jesus spoke 15one time with a loud voice And said thus: He who believes in me believes 16not alone in me, but in him who has sent me. And he who sees me, sees 17him who has sent me. I am the light that is come into the world, that all 18those who believe in me do not remain in darkness. And if there be one 19who hears my words and does not work accordingly, I do not judge him on 20that account; for I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 21He who rejects me and does not receive my teaching shall surely find one 22who shall judge him. The words that I have spoken, shall judge him in the 23last clay, for I have not spoken on my own behalf; but the Father who sent 24me, (he) gave me the commandment of speaking and taught me what I 25Should say and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is 26eternal life. Therefore, that which I speak, I say it as the Father has prompted 27me. 28When Jesus had spoken these words, he went and hid himself from them. 29And although he had wrought so many miraculous works, yet they did 30not believe in him. And thereby was fulfilled the prophecy which Isaiah 31spoke whilom, who says thus: Lord, who shall believe our words, and to 32whom shall the power of God be revealed? Isaiah spoke this when he saw 33the glory of God and prophesied of the Son of God. 34Ga naar margenoot+ On one of those days Jesus went out of the temple, and one of his disciples 35came to him there and spoke thus: Master, see what stones these are and 36what works! And Jesus answered | |
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1hem aldus: Siestu al dit grote ghestichte? Over waer seggic di dat die 2dage selen comen, in welken dat men eenen steen op den andren nin sal 3laten liggen, die nit gedestrueert en sal werden. EndeGa naar margenoot* alse hi quam op 4den berch van Oliveten ende hi geseten was iegen den tempel, so quamen 5sine ijongren te hem ende vragden hem al heimelec ende spraken aldus: 6Meester, seghe ons, welken tijt dat dit gehschin sal ende wat <teekene> sijn 7van dire toecomsten, alse al dit sal inde nemen ende beghinnen te vergane? 8EndeGa naar margenoot* Ihesus antwerdde sinen ijongren ende sprac aldus: Die dage selen 9comen dat gi selt begheren te siene enen dach des menschen sone, ende 10gi ne seles nit mogen sien. SietGa naar margenoot* vor u, dat u nimen en bedrige, want vele 195 11drogeneren selen comen in minen name ende selen seggen dat si Christus 12sijn, ende selen vele liede bedriegen. Ende alse gi hoert seggen van den 13striden ende die niemerden vernemt van din volkewighen ende van din 14sleghtinghen, en ververt (75v) u nit, want die selen moten geschin, mar 15dat ne sal noch nit sijn. WantGa naar margenoot* deen volc sal orlogen iegen dander ende 16deen koningrike iegen dander, ende plaghen ende sterften van lieden selen 17grott sijn, ende grote dire tide. Ende derde sal bouen in vele staden, ende 18van boven selen comen grote tekene die men sien sal an den hemele, die 19den lieden selen maken grote vreese ende groten vaer. Ende al ditGa naar margenoot* sal en 20beghinsel sijn van den toecomenden leede. MarGa naar margenoot* eer dit gheschin sal, so 21sal men u vaen ende sal u leveren in groter tribulatien ende salGa naar margenoot* u gheecelen 22in den synagogen, ende dan seldi moten staen vor koninge ende vor richtren 23in ghetugnesse harre quaetheit, ende dan seldi van alder werelt gehaett sijn 24ende dan sal men u doeden om minen wille. MarGa naar margenoot* een haer van uwen 25hoefde en sal nit verloren werden. Ende alse men u levert din gherichte, 26en bepeinst u nit hoe gi mogt antwerdden, want is sal u geven redene 27ende die wijsheit, die alle uwe, adversarise nin selen molten wederseggen 28noch wedermaken. DanGa naar margenoot* selen vele liede werden gheschandalizeert, ende deen 29sal den andren haten ende verraden, ende dan selen comen vele valscher 30propheten ende selen vele liede bedriegen. Ende om de overtollege quaet-31heit die dan sijn sal, so sal oc verculen de karitate in der meneger herte. 32Mar die vol staen sal toten inde, die sal behouden bliven. EndeGa naar margenoot* dese 196 33ewangelie moet tirst gepredekt sijn in al de werelt in getugnesse der ver-34dumnessen der quader, ende dan sal comen der werelt inde. Ende alse gi siet 35die ommeregheitGa naar margenoot* - daer Daniel de profete of sprac dat teken sal sijn van 36der werelt destructien - staen inGa naar margenoot* de heilege stat, daertGa naar margenoot** nit behoerlec en sal 37sijn, dan late hem des ghedinken, die lit lesen sal. Ende alse gi Iherusalem | |
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1him thus: Seest thou all this large edifice? Verily, I say to thee that the days 2shall come in which they will not leave one stone laying upon the other which 3shall not be destroyed. And when he came upon the mount of olives and 4was seated opposite the temple, his disciples came to him and asked him 5privately and spoke thus: Master, tell us at which time shall this happen 6and what signs are there of that future, when all this shall come to an end 7and begin to perish? And Jesus answered his disciples and spoke thus: The 8days shall come when ye shall desire to see a day the Son of man, and ye 9Ga naar margenoot+shall not be able to see him. Take heed that no man deceive you. For many 10impostors shall come in my name and shall say that they are Christ and 11shall deceive many people. And when you hear talk of the battles and hear the 12rumours of the wars between nations and of the massacres, do not be afraid. 13For those shall have to happen. But that shall not be yet. For one nation 14shall war against the other, and one kingdom against the other. And plagues 15and deaths of people shall be great, and great dearth. And the earth shall 16quake in many places, and from above shall come great signs which shall 17be seen in the sky, which shall cause the people great dread and great fear. 18And all this shall be a beginning of the future travail. But ere this shall 19happen you shall be seized and delivered to great tribulations. And ye 20shall be scourged in the synagogues. And then ye shall have to stand before 21kings and before judges in testimony of their iniquity. And then ye shall be 22hated by all the world, and then ye shall be killed for my sake. But not a hair 23of your head shall be lost. And when ye are delivered to the court of justice, 24do not hesitate how ye may answer, for I shall give you speech and the 25wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or gainsay. 26Then shall many people be scandalized, and one shall hate and betray the 27other. And then many false prophets shall come and shall deceive many 28people. And because of the excessive iniquity which then shall be, charity 29also shall grow cold in the hearts of the many. But he who shall persist to 30Ga naar margenoot+ the end, shall be saved. And this gospel must first be preached in all the 31world in testimony of the damnation of the wicked. And then shall come 32the end of the world. And when ye see the abominationGa naar voetnoota) of which Daniel 33the prophet said that it shall be a sign of the world's destruction, prevail 34in the holy city where it shall not be proper, then let him who shall read 35this, remember it. And when ye see Jerusalem | |
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1siet ommeringt van grote hare, dan seldi weten dat bare destructie nakende 2es. Dan radic dat die in lant van ludeen sijn, vlien op den berch, ende die 3inde stat sijn, dat sire ut (76r) vlien, ende die buten opt lant sijn, dat sire nit 4in en comen, endeGa naar margenoot* die op bar hus sitten, dat si nit of en gaen omme it ut 5haren bus te dragene, ende die in den velde sijn, dat si nit weder en kiren 6omme hare cleder te beschuddene. Want dan selen comen die daghe van 7wraken ende dan selen vervult werden die scrifturen die daer of gescreven 8sijn. Wee dan din wiven die in kindelbedden selen liggenGa naar margenoot* ende die kinder 9selen voestrenGa naar margenoot* in din daghen. Want dan sal sijn ene grote ijammergheit 10ende bedruktheit in ertrike, ende ene grote gheecele ende abolghe sal 11comen over alt volc van der werelt, ende dan sal sijn ene grote tribulacie 12in ertrike, die so grott sal sijn, dat noit en gheene so grote en was, noch 13nemmermeer daerna so grote comen en sal. EndeGa naar margenoot* dat volc sal gelevert 14sijn den swerde ende den ghevanknesse. Ende danGa naar margenoot* sal dat ijodsche volc 15gescheeden sijn van een al ertrike dore ende Iherusalem sal vertorden 16werden van den heidenen ende van den ongheloevegen, tote din male dat 17al de werelt gheloevegh sal werden ende al dat Israhels geslechte behouden 18sal werden. BidtGa naar margenoot* dan <Gode> dat uwe vlecht nin come in den wintreGa naar margenoot** 19ochte op den saterdachGa naar margenoot*, want dire <tribulacie> en sal en ghene andre ghe-20liken, noch die vore was, noch die na tecomene es. Ende dan sal men sienGa naar margenoot+ 21teekene in de sonne ende in den mane ende in den sterren, ende in den 22ertrike sal groet anxt sijn onder de liede van confusileken luden die selen 23comen uter zee ende uten riviren, ende dan selen de menschen verdoren 24van groten vare ende van vreesen ende van dis te verbeidene dat dan over 25al de werelt comen sal, want de hemelsche kracht sal dan goppenbart 26werden. Ende oc seggic u: en werden die dage nit gekortt, so souden lettel 27liede behouden bliven; mar omme der ut verkorender wille so selen die 28daghe werden ghekortt. Dan en <gheloeft> nit, al segt u imen: (76v) Christus 29es hir, ochte: hi es ghinder, want dan selen op comen vele valscher kerste 30ende valscher profeten ende selen toegen vele teekene ende vele wonder-31leker dinge werken, so dat daer bi die utvercorne oc souden bedrogen 32werden, waert mogenlec ende mochtt gheschin. Dit seggic u te voren, om 33dat ghijs te bat gheloeft, alse ghijt siet. Mathieus Marcus Ende al segt men u 34dan: Christus es in der wustinen, <en> ghaet darwert nit; ende al segt men 35u : Christus es in den huse, en gheloeues nit. Want also ghelike alse die 36blixeme, die comt van daer de sonne op gheet ende vertoegt hare tote daer | |
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1surrounded by large armies, then ye shall know that her destruction is 2approaching. Then I counsel that those who are in the land of Judaea flee 3up the mountain, and those who are in the city, that they flee out of it, 4and those who are out in the country, that they not enter therein, and 5those who sit on their house, that they not come down to carry something 6out of their house, and those who are in the field, that they do not return 7to put in security their clothes. For then shall come the days of vengeance, 8and then shall be fulfilled the books that have been written thereof. Woe to 9the womenGa naar voetnoota) who shall lie in childbed and shall nourish the childrenGa naar voetnootb) in 10those days. For then shall be a great misery and distress upon earth and a 11great scourge and wrath shall come over all the people of the world. And then 12a great tribulation shall happen upon earth, which shall be so great that 13none was as great nor ever shall come thereafter. And the people shall be 14delivered to the sword and the prison, and thenGa naar voetnootc) the Jewish nation shall 15be severed apart throughout the earth. And Jerusalem shall be trampled 16upon by the Gentiles and the unbelievers until the time when all the world 17shall become faithful and all the race of Israel shall be saved. Pray then 18God that your flight do not come in the winterGa naar voetnootd) or on the SaturdayGa naar voetnoote), for 19no other tribulation shall resemble this one, neither one that came before 20Ga naar margenoot+nor one that is to come. And then signs shall be seen in the sun and in the 21moon and in the stars, and upon earth shall be great fright among the people 22of confused noises that shall come out of the sea and out of the rivers, and 23then the people shall go mad from great fear and from dread and from 24expecting that which is to come over all the world. For the power of heaven 25shall then be revealed. And I say to you also, if those days were not shortened, 26few people would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days shall be 27shortened. Then do not believe it although some one says to you: Christ 28is here or he is yonder. For then shall arise many false Christs and false 29prophets and shall show many signs and work many marvelous things, so 30that thereby the elect also should be deceived, if that were possible and 31might happen. I tell you this beforehand that ye believe it the better when 32ye see it. And although they say to you: Christ is in the wilderness, do not 33go thither, and although they say to you: Christ is in the house, do not 34believe it. For even so as the lightning which comes from where the sun 35rises and shows itself as far as where | |
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1de sonne onder gheet, also sal sijn dat toe comen van des menschen sone. 2EndeGa naar margenoot* daer na altehant na die tribulacie so sal die sonne verdonkren ende 3de <mane> <en> sal engheen light gheven ende de sterren selen vallen van 4den hemeleGa naar margenoot*, want de hemelsche cracht sal dan werden berurt. Ende dan 5sal hem vertoegen dat teeken des menschen soensGa naar margenoot* in den hemele, ende 6dan selen alle de menschen van ertrike suchten ende karmen, want si selen 7des menschen sone sien comen metten wolken hir neder, met groter macht 8ende met groter mogentheit. Ende dan sal hi senden sine ingle met businen 9ende met groten ghelude; die selen ghedren sine ut verkorne van dell vire 10inden van ertrike ende van boven tote beneden. EndeGa naar margenoot* alse gi al dit wonder 11beghinnen siet, so heft op u hoeft ende sijt vro, want dan de tijt van vre 12verloessenessen nakende es. Hir afGa naar margenoot* so nemt ere ghelikenesse an den vighe-13boem. Want alse sijn rijs <ut gesprut> es ende sine blader ut comen ende 14alse de bome beghinnen vrocht te dragene, dan wetti dat de somer nekende 15es. Also ghelike alse gi al dit wonder siet gheschin, so seldi weten dat de 16tijt van vre verloessenessen nakende es. Over waer seggic u dat dese generacie 17nin sal tegaen vor din tijt dat dit al sal geschin. De hemel ende derde selen 18tegaen, mar mine wart en selen nit tegaen. Daer (77r) ommeGa naar margenoot* siet vor uGa naar margenoot+ 19selven, dat uwe herten nin werden verswart van overate ende van over-20dranke noch van sorfeghtegheiden des <levens>, dat u die dach onversielec 21nit over en come, want hi sal comen alse en stric over alle deghene die in 22ertrike dan selen sijn. Dar omme pijnt u te wakene in allen tide, dat gi werdech 23mogt werden tontfline allen desen tribulatien ende te stare vor des men-24schen sone, want gi ne weet nit op welken tijt dit sal geschin. Want din dach 25ende die vre dat dit geschin sal, en weet nimen, noch de sone noch dingle 26Ga naar margenoot+ in den hemele, dan allene de vader - Dit wart van den sone exponeert de 27glose ens heilegs mans, die Hylarius hit, die segt aldus: De Sone ende de 28Heilege Gheest die van hen selven nin sijn mar van den Vader, sine 29weten oc din dach van hen selven nit, mar de Vader die es van hem selven, 30hi weetene van hem selven. 31Matheus Marcus Dar na so continuert Ihesus sine materie ende segt 199 32aldus: - Also ghelike alst was in den tide dat Noe was op ertrike, so saelt 33sijn, alse des menschen sone comen sal. Want also ghelike alse de liede waren 34etende ende drinkende ende hiweleke makende totin dage dat Noe ghinc 35in die arke, ende sine vermoedden hen nit args, totin male dat dedeluuie 36quam ende verdranc se alle, also saelt sijn in din daghen dat des menschen | |
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1the sun sets, even so shall be the coming of the Son of man. And thereafter, 2immediately after that tribulation, the sun shall darken and the moon shall 3give no light, and the starsGa naar voetnoota) shall fall from heaven, for the heavenly power 4shall then be shaken. And then shall appear the signGa naar voetnootb) of the Son of man in 5heaven. And then shall all the people of earth sigh and cry, for they shall 6see the Son of man come down here with the clouds, with great power and 7with great authority. And then shall he send his angels with trumpets and 8with great sound, who shall gather his elect from the four ends of the earth 9and from above unto below. And when ye see all this wonder begin, raise up 10your heads and be cheerful, for then the time of your redemption is approach-11ing. Hereof take a parable from the figtree. For when its wood has sprouted 12and its leaves come out, and when the trees begin to bear fruit, then ye 13know that the summer is approaching. Even so, when ye see all this wonder 14happen, then shall ye know that the time of your salvation is approaching. 15Verily I say to you that this generation shall not perish before that time 16when all this shall occur. Heaven and earth shall perish, but my words 17Ga naar margenoot+ shall not perish. Therefore take heed for yourselves lest your hearts be 18overcharged with over-eating and with over-drinking nor with solicitudes 19of life, lest the day come on you unexpectedly. For it shall come as a snare 20on all those who then shall be on earth. Therefore take pains to watch at 21all times that ye may become worthy to escape all these tribulations and 22to stand before the Son of man. For you know not at which time this shall 23happen. For no one knows the day and the hour when this shall happen, 24neither the Son nor the angels in heaven, but only the Father - This word 25about the Son is explained by the gloss of a holy man who is called Hilarius, 26who says thus: The Son and the Holy Ghost, who are not of themselves 27either, but of the Father, they know not the day of themselves either, but 28the Father, who is of himself, he knows it of himself. 29Ga naar margenoot+ After that Jesus continues his subject matter and says thus: - As it was 30at the time, when Noah was upon earth, so shall it be when the Son of man 31shall come. For just as when the people were eating and drinking and 32making marriages, until the day that Noah went into the ark and they 33did not suspect any evil until the time that the deluge came and drowned 34them all, even so shall it be in the days that the Son of man | |
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1sone comen sal. EndeGa naar margenoot* also ghelike alst was in din tide dat Loth was, so 2saelt dan sijn. De liede aten ende dronken ende cochten ende verkoghten 3ende plantten ende husden, ende op din selven dach dat Loth ghinc uter 4stat van Sodomen, so reghende uir ende solpher van den hemele ende 5verbernedse alle. Al so saelt sijn op welken dach dat des menschen sone 6vertoegt werden sal. Daer omme seggic u noch: die op sijn dac sett alse die 7tijt comt, hi ne ga nit of omme it te beschuddene dat in sijn hus es. LaettGa naar margenoot* u 8gedinken wat geschide Loths wive. (77v) DanGa naar margenoot* selen si twee sijn in den akker; 9deen sal ontfurt werden ende dander sal bliven. Ende twee wijf malende 10teere molen; deene sal op genomen werden ende dandre sal daer gelaten 11werden. Ende si tue in enen bedde slapende; deen sal op ghenomen werden 12ende dander sal daer gelaten werden. DoeGa naar margenoot* vragden hem sine ijongren 13warwert souden varen, die op genomen werden. Ende hi antwerdde hen 14weder aldus: So waer de lichame sal sijn, daer selen verghedren die are. 15Marcus Matheus Lucas Dits also alse en man die vert in pelegrinagenGa naar margenoot+ 16ende laett sijn hus, ende beveelt elken van sinen knechten te werkene sijn 17werk ende den dorewerdre beveelt hi dat hi wake. Dar omme so radic u 18dat gi waktGa naar margenoot*, want gi nin wett welken tijt die here comen sal, ochte des 19avonds ochte te middernachte ochte na der middernacht ochte des margens, 20dat hi nin come onversienlec over u ende vinde u slapende. Ende oc seggie 21v: wisteGa naar margenoot* de hushere te voren op welken tijt dat de dief comen soude, hi 22soude waken ende en soude nit laten dorgraven sijn hus. Dar omme sijt 23altoes gereet, want gi nin wett op welken tijt dat des menschen sone comen 24sal. Matheus Lucas Doe vragde hem Peter ende sprac al dus: Here, 25segstu dese ghelikenesse ons allene ochte allen den andren? Ende Ihesus 26antwerdde: Dat ic u segge, dat seggic allen lieden. Pijnt u te wakeneGa naar margenoot*. 27Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe sprac hi noch voert ende seide aldus: Wie 28wendi dat die getrowe knecht sal sijn ende die wise dispenseerre din die 29here heft gesett boven sine familie, omme hen te ghevene hare noeddorfte 30te tide? Matheus Lucas Salech sal die knecht sijn, din die here also sal 31vinden dispenserende ende doende, alse hi comt. Over waer seggic u dat 32hine sal dispenseerre maken over al sijn goet ende setten ouer al dat hi heft. 33Mar de quade knecht die segt iegen hem selven: Mjn here sal large merren, 34ende want hi hem daer op verlaett, so sleet hi sine ghesellen, ende ett ende 35drinkt metten (78r) lekkeren. Mar ic seggu dat sijn here comen sal, alse 36hijs nit moeden en sal, ende op die vre dat hijs nit weten en sal, ende salne 37scheeden - vanGa naar margenoot* der <gheselschap> der gherechteger - ende salne setter | |
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1shall come. And as it was at the time that Lot was, so shall it be then. The 2people ate and drank and bought and sold and planted and built houses, 3and on the same day that Lot went out of the city of Sodom it rained fire 4and sulphur from heaven and burnt them all. Even so shall it be on the 5day that the Son of man shall be revealed. Therefore I say to you yet, he 6who sits on his roof when that time comes, let him not go down to protect 7that which is in his house. Call to mind what happened to Lot's wife. Then 8shall two be in the field; one shall be taken away, and the other shall remain. 9And two women grinding at a mill; one shall be taken up and the other 10shall be left there. And two sleeping in one bed, one shall be taken up and 11the other shall be left there. Then his disciples asked him whither should 12go those who are taken up and he answered them back thus: Wheresoever 13Ga naar margenoot+ the body shall be, there shall gather the eagles. This is even as a man who 14goes on a pilgrimage and leaves his house, and commands each of his 15servants to work his work, and he commands the doorkeeper that he watch. 16Therefore I advise you that ye watch. For ye know not at what time the 17lord shall come, whether in the evening or at midnight or after midnight 18or in the morning, lest he come unexpectedly upon you and find you 19sleeping. And also I say to you, if the master of the house knew in advance 20at what time the thief would come, he would watch and would not let his 21house be broken through. Therefore be always ready, for ye know not at 22what time the Son of man shall come. Then Peter asked him and spoke thus: 23Lord, sayest thou this parable to us alone or to all the others? And Jesus 24answered: That which I say to you I say to all people. Take pains to watch. 25Then he spoke yet further and said thus: Who, do ye think, shall be the faithful 26servant and the wise dispenser whom the lord has set over his family to 27give them their food in season? Blessed shall be that servant whom the lord 28shall find thus dispensing and doing when he comes. Verily I say to you 29that he shall make him dispenser of all his good and set him over all that 30he has. But the evil servant says to himself: My lord shall tarry long and 31because he relies thereon, he beats his fellows and eats and drinks with the 32gluttons. But I say to you that his lord shall come when he does not expect 33him and in that hour when he shall not know it, and shall sever him - from 34the company of the righteous - and shall put him | |
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1metten ypocriten ende metten ongeloevegen, daer ghescrej sal sijn ende 2krijselinge van tanden. 3Matheus Dan sal hemelrike gelijc sijn tin magden, die namen hareGa naar margenoot+ 4lampden in hare hant ende ghingen ut iegen den brudegoem ende iegen 5de brut. Dene viue wares onwijs ende dandre viue wares wijs. Ende die 6viue onwise, al namen si hare lampden, sine names engheene olie dar in, 7mar die wise namen olie in hare vate metten lampden. Ende binnen din 8dat de brudegoem merrede, so onssuimelden die magde ende onssliepen. 9Ende alst quam te middernachte, so quam en gheroep ende ene stemme, 10die sprac al dus: De brudegoem comt! Gaet iegen hem ut! Doe stonden 11op alle die magde ende parerden hare lampden. Doe spraken die onwise 12toten wisen: Ghaet ons van vre olien, want onse lampden gaen ut. Ende de 13wise antwerdden al dus: Ghaet ten ghenen die olie verkoepen ende coepter, 14dat ter sin gebreke beide ons ende u. Ende aldie wile dat si ghingen olie 15koepen, So quam die brudegoem, ende die gheret wares, ghingen met hem 16in ter brulocht, ende alse si in waren, so wart de doere toe geloken. Talre 17lesten so quame die andre magde ende seiden: Here, here, ontpluc ons 18ende laet ons in! Ende die here antwerdde: Ic seggu over waer: ire kenne 19u nit. Daer omme radic u dat gi waekt, want gi nin wett den dach noch die vre. 20Lucas Matheus Dar na so sprac Ihesus noch ene ghelikenesse endeGa naar margenoot+ 21seide aldus: EnGa naar margenoot* edel man wilen was, die voer in en vremt lant ontfaenGa naar margenoot* 22en koningrike. Ende eer hi henen voer, so rip hi te hem sine tin knechte 23ende gafGa naar margenoot* hen tin besante ende 24sprac al dus: Wint ende werft 25hir met tote din male dat is 26weder (78v) come. EndeGa naar margenoot* alse 27die here en wege was, sine port-28ren die ne haetten, sendden 29hare boden na hem ende ont-30boden hem aldus: Wine willen nit dat desen emmeer regnere boven onsGa naar margenoot*. 31Ende dar na, alse die here sijn konincrikeGa naar margenoot* hadde ontfaen ende hi weder 32comen was, so geboet hi dat men hem dade comes sine knechte, din hi 33sijn goet hadde gegheven, omme te wetene hoe vele ighewelc hadde ge-34wonnen. Doe quam die irste ende seide: Here, dijn besant heft gewonnen 35tin besanteGa naar margenoot*. Ende die here 36antwerdde: Danc heve, goede 37knecht ende getrowe, ende | |
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1with the hypocrites and the unfaithful, where shall be weeping and gnashing 2of teeth. 3Ga naar margenoot+ Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like ten virgins, who took their 4lamps in their hands and went out towards the bridegroom and towards 5the bride. One half were unwise and the other five were wise. And the five 6unwise ones, although they took their lamps, they took no oil therein; but 7the wise ones took oil in their vessels with their lamps. And while the bride-8groom tarried the virgins became drowsy and fell asleep. And when it came 9to midnight there came a cry and a voice which spoke thus: The bridegroom 10cometh; go to meet him. Then all the virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 11Then the unwise ones spoke to the wise ones: Give us of your oil, for our 12lamps are going out. And the wise ones answered thus: Go to those who 13sell oil and buy there, lest there be any wanting to both us and you. And 14while they went to buy oil, the bridegroom came and those who were ready 15went in with him to the wedding, and when they were inside the door was 16locked. At last the other virgins came and said: Lord, lord, open to us and 17let us in. And the lord answered: I say to you, verily, I know you not. 18Therefore I advise you that ye watch, for ye know not the day nor the hour. 19Ga naar margenoot+ After that Jesus spoke another parable and said thus: There was whilom 20a nobleman who journeyed into a foreign country to receive a kingdom. 21And before he departed he called his ten servants to him and gaveGa naar voetnoota) them 22ten gold pieces and spoke thus: Trade and gain with these until I come 23back. And when the lord was gone his citizens, who hated him, sent their 24messengers after him and challenged him thus: We do not wish that this 25one henceforth reign over us. And thereafter, when the lord had received 26his kingdom and he was come back, he commanded that one made his 27servants come to him, to whom he had given his good in order to know how 28much each had gained. Then came the first and said: Lord, thy gold piece 29has gained ten gold piecesGa naar voetnootb). And the lord answered: Have thanks, good and 30faithful servant, and | |
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1want du in cleinen dinge getrowe hefs gewest, so soutu mechtech sijn 2boven tin stadeGa naar margenoot*. Ende dan-3der quam ende seide: Here, 4dijn besant heft gewonnen vif 5besanteGa naar margenoot*. Ende die here ant-6werdde den ghenen aldusGa naar margenoot*: 7Ende du sout wesen boven vif 8stade. Ende dander quam ende 9seide: Here, sigh hir dinen 10Ga naar margenoot* besant din ic hadde geborgen in een cleetGa naar margenoot**, want ic onssagh di, om 11dat te en vreeslee man best, want du nems dar du <nin> leids, ende 12du ogsts dar du nin saijes. Doe antwerdde hem dic here: utins selves 13monde ordeelic di, quade knecht. Du wist wale dat ic en vreeslec man 14ben ende dat ic neme daer ic nin leide, ende dat ic ogste daer ic nin saide. 15Ende waromme en gafstu min goet nit ter taflen daert gepersemt hadde? 16ende ic hadt nu gheischt weder al metter persemen. Doe sprac die here 17tote den ghenen die daer bi stonden: Nemt hem den besant ende gheften 18den ghenen die tin besante heft. Ende si antwerdden: Here, hi heft tin 19besante! Ende die here seide weder aldus: Ic seggu dat men allen den 20ghenen die hebben, gheven sal; ende den ghenen die nit ne heft, dat selve 21dat hi schint hebbende, dat sal men hem nemen. Ende mine viende, deghene 22die nit ne wouden dat ic regnerde boven hen, die leidt hare ende doedt se 23vor mine ogen. Ende din onnutten knecht werpt in de utterste demster-24nessen, daer gescrei sal sijn ende krijselinge van tanden. 25Lucas Dar na so sprac Ihesus ende seide aldus: Hebt uwe linden altoesGa naar margenoot+ 26(79r) begordt ende bernende lichte in uwen harden. Ende gi moett sijn gelijc 27din lieden die beiden na haren here tote din male dat hi van der brulocht 28comt, dat si hem altehant mogen ontpluken, alse hi comt ende clopt. Salech 29sijn die knechte die die here vindt wakende, alse hi comt. Over waer 30seggic u dat hi hem begorden sal ende sal hem dienen. Ende comt hi in 31dandre vigilie van der nach ochte in de derde, ende hi se also ghelike 32vindt wakende, salech sijn die knechte. 33Matheus Doe sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seide aldus: Alse des men-Ga naar margenoot+34schen sone sal comen met sire mechtegheit ende alle sine ingle met hem, 35dan sal hi sitten op den stoel van sire mogentheit. Ende dar sal men brengen 36vor hem alle die menschen die iegeworden, ende hi salse dar van een 37scheeden, also gelike alse en herde scheedt sine schaept uten hukenen, | |
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1because thou hast been faithful in little things, thou shalt be powerful 2over ten citiesGa naar voetnoota). And the second came and said: Lord, thy gold piece has 3gained five gold piecesGa naar voetnootb), and the lord answered him thusGa naar voetnootc): And thou shalt 4be over five cities. And the other came and said thus: Look here, Lord, thy 5gold pieceGa naar voetnootd) which I had put away in a clothGa naar voetnoote), for I feared thee, because thou 6art a terrible man, for thou takest where thou layst not down, and thou 7reapest where thou sowest not. Then the lord answered him: Out of thy own 8mouth I judge thee, wicked servant. Thou knewest, to be sure, that I am a 9terrible man and that I take f where I laid not down and that I reap where 10I sowed not. And why gavest thou not my property into the bank, where 11it would have yielded interest and I would now have required it back with 12the interest? Then spoke the lord to those who stood by: Take the gold 13piece from him and give it to him who has ten gold pieces. And they ans-14wered: Lord, he has ten gold pieces! And the lord said again thus: I say 15to you that one shall give to all those who have, and the one who has not, 16even that which he seems to have, shall be taken from him. And my enemies, 17those who did not wish that I should reign over them, lead them here and 18slay them before my eyes. And cast that unprofitable servant into the 19extreme darkness where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 20203 After that Jesus spoke and said thus: Have your loins always girded and 21burning lights in your hands. And ye must be like the people who wait 22for their lord until the time that he comes from the wedding, that they may 23open to him at once when he comes and knocks. Blessed are those servants 24whom the lord finds watching, when he comes. Verily I say to you that he 25shall gird himself and shall serve them. And if he comes in the second vigil 26of the night, or in the third, and finds them watching in the same way, 27blessed are those servants. 28Ga naar margenoot+ Then Jesus spoke still further and said thus: When the Son of mail shall 29come with his power and all his angels with him, then shall he sit on the 30throne of his power. And then shall one bring before him all the people 31who were ever created, and he shall separate them, even as a shepherd 32separates his sheep from the goats. | |
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1ende dan sal hi setten de schaept te sire rechter siden ende de hukene te 2sire slinker siden. Dan sal die coninc seggen den ghenen die te sire rechter 3siden selen staen: Comt, gebenedijde mijns vader, ende besijtt dat rike 4dat u ghereet es van din tide dat de werelt wart gemakt. Want mi hungerde 5ende gi ghaft mi teetene, mj dorste ende gi ghaft mi te drinkene, ic was gast 6ende gi herberget mi, ic was naekt ende gi cleedet mi, ic was siec ende gi 7uisiteret mi, ic was in den kerkre ende gi quaemt te mi. Dan selen hem die 8gherechte antwerdden ende seggen: Here, weltijt saghe wi di hungrech 9ende gauen di tetene? dorstech ende gauen di te drinkene? ende weltijt 10sage wi di ghast ende herbergden di, ochte naekt ende cleedden di? ende 11weltijt sage wi di siek ochte in den kerkre ende quamen te di? Ende dan sal 12hen die coninc antwerden ende seggen aldus: Over waer so seggic u, even 13lanc dat gi dit daedt eenen van minen brudren, desen minsten, so daedt 14dijt mi selven. Dan sal hi oc toe spreken den ghenen die te sire slinker siden 15selen sijn (79v), ende seggen aldus: Ghaet van mi, vermaledijde, in dat 16eeuleke uir dat ghereet es den duvel ende sinen inglen. Want mi hungerde 17ende ghine ghaft mi nit tetene, mi <dorste> ende ghine ghaft mi nit te 18drinkene, ic was ghast ende ghine herberget mi nit, naekt ende ghine 19cleedet mi nit, sik ende in den kerkre ende ghi ne uisiteret mi nit. Dan 20selen deghene oc antwerdden ende seggen aldus: Here, weltijt saghe wi 21di hongrech ochte dorstech ochte ghast ochte naekt ochte siekt ochte in 22den kerkre, ende en dienden di nit? Ende hi sal hen weder antwerdden 23ende seggen aldus: Over waer seggic u, even lanc dat gi des <nin> doedt 24eenen van desen minsten, so ne doeddijs mi oc nit. Ende dan selen dese 25gaen in de eeuleke pine, ende de gherechte in deeulec leven. 26Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Alse Ihesus alle dese wart gesprokenGa naar margenoot+ 27hadde, so seide hi noch voert te sinen ijongren: <En> wetti nit dat over 28tue daghe Paschen sal sijn ende des menschen sone sal ghelevert werden 29den IJoeden, die ne crucen selen? Matheus Marcus Lucas Op die wile 30so waren verghedert die princhen van den ijodschen papen ende de seniore 31van den volke ende de scriben in eenen hof die des beschops was, die 32Cayphas was genaemt, ende daer hadden si haren raet dat si Ihesum met 33loesheiden souden vaen ende doeden. Mar si droegen over een dat dit 34nin soude sijn op din feeste dach, omme dis geruchts wille van den ghe-35meinen volke. Doe ghinc een van den twelef ijongren, die genamt was 36Iudas Scharioth, ende sprac iegen die prinschen van din ijoedschen papen 37ende iegen dat meesterschap ende seide aldus: Wat wildi mi ghenen, ende | |
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1And then shall he set the sheep on his right side, and the goats on his left 2side. Then shall the king say to those who shall stand on his right side: 3Come; blessed of my father and possess the kingdom that has been prepared 4for you from the time when the world was made, for I was hungry and ye 5gave me to eat; I thirsted and ye gave me to drink; I was a stranger and 6ye sheltered me; I was naked and ye clothed me; I was sick and ye visited 7me; I was in prison and ye came to me. Then shall the righteous answer 8him and say: Lord, when saw we thee hungry and gave thee to eat; thirsty 9and gave thee to drink? and when saw we thee a stranger and sheltered 10thee; or naked and clothed thee? and when saw we thee sick or in prison 11and came to thee? And then shall the king answer them and say thus: 12Verily I say to you, as long as ye did this to one of my brethren, these least 13ones, ye did it to me. Then shall he also speak to those who shall be on his 14left side and say thus: Go from me, cursed ones, into the eternal fire which 15is is prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and ye gave me 16not to eat; I was thirsty and ye gave me not to drink; I was a stranger and 17ye sheltered me not; naked and ye clothed me not; sick and in prison and 18ye visited me not. Then shall those also answer and say: Lord, when saw 19we thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and 20served thee not? And he shall answer them back and say thus: Verily I 21say to you, as long as ye do this not to one of these least ones, ye do it not to 22me either. And then shall these go into the eternal pain, and the righteous 23ones into the eternal life. 24Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had spoken all these words, he said still further to his disciples: 25Know ye not that after two days it will be Passover and the Son of man shall 26be delivered to the Jews, who shall crucify him? At that time the chiefs 27of the Jewish priests and the elders of the people and the scribes were 28gathered in a court which was the bishop's, who was called Caiaphas, and 29there they had their counsel that they would seize Jesus with subtilty and 30kill him. But they agreed that this should not be on that feast- day, because 31of the tumult of the common people. Then one of the twelve disciples, who 32was called Judas Iscariot, went and spoke to the chiefs of those Jewish priests 33and to the mastership and said thus: What will ye give me, and | |
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1is salne u leveren? Alse deghene dat hoerden, so werden si blide ende 2ghelofden hem dertech selverne penninghe. Ende van dire vren so sochte 3hi stade dat hine leveren mochte sonder gheruchte van din volke. Ende 4op den irsten dach dat die feeste was beginnende ende dat men dat pa -(80r) 5sche lamp soude eten ende dat broet sonder heve na den gebode van der 6wet, so quamen die <ijongren> te Ihesum ende vragden hem ende spraken 7aldus: Waer weltu dat wi di ghereiden tetene dijn paschlamp? Ende 8Ihesus antwerdde hen ende seide: Ghaet in destat ende alse [ghi] daer 9binnen comt, so sal iegen u comen en mensche, die sal brengen gedregen 10eenen eemer vol borns. Den ghenen volgt tote in dat hus daer hi in gheet. 11Ende alse ghi daer binnen comt, so segt din here dis dat hus es: De meester 12ontbiedt di ende segt aldus: Mijn tijt es nakende ende in dijn hus herberge 13willic houden minen Paschen met minen ijongren. EndeGa naar margenoot* dan sal u die 14wert wisen ene grote kemenade ende wale gepareert; ende daer ghereidt 15ons. DoeGa naar margenoot* <ghingen> die ijongren in de stat ende vonden die dinc also 16gheschapt alse hen Ihesus hadde ghesegt, ende ghereidden haren pasch mael. 17Ende des avonds so quam Ihesus met sinen twelof ijongren ende ghinc 18sitten eten met hen. Ende over etene so sprac hi te sinen ijongren ende 19seide aldus: MetGa naar margenoot* groter begherten hebbic beghert dit Paschen met u te-20tene, eer is gepassijt werde. Want ic seggu dat [ic] na dit Paschen nemmeer-21meer en sal Paschen eten tote din male dat ict sal eten in den rike mijns 22vader. 23Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Ende over etene so nam JhesusGa naar margenoot+ 24en broet ende benediet ende braekt ende ghaeft sinen ijongren ende seide 25aldus: Nemt ende ett daer of alle, want dit es mijn lichame, die vore u 26ghelevert sal werden. Dar na so nam hi din kelc ende dankde Gode ende 27benedijdene ende ghaffen sinen ijongren ende seide al dus: Drinkt hir of 28alle, want dit es mijn bloet van den niwen testamente, dat vor u ende vore 29meneghen mensche sal gestort werden in verlaetnessen van haren sunden. 30Ende oc seggic u dat is nemmeermeer en <sal drinken> hir na van wijn-31gards vrochte totin tide dat is sal drinken (80v) met u niwen dranc in den 32rike mijns vader. Ende also dikke alse gi dit doet, so doedt in gedinkenessen 33mijns. Doe sprac Ihesus tote Peetre ende seide aldus: Symon, Sathanas 34heft dar na ghestaen, dat <hi> u mochte temsen alse tarwen mele, mar ic 35hebbe ghebeden vor di, dat dijn gheloeue nin faillere. Ende op welken 36tijt dat du gesterkt best, so confirmeer dine brudere. | |
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1I shall deliver him up to you? When they heard that they became glad and 2promised him thirty silver pennies. And from that hour on he sought steadily 3that he might deliver him up without tumult of the people. And on the first 4day that the feast was beginning and the paschal lamb should be eaten and 5the bread without leaven according to the commandment of the law, the 6Jews came to Jesus and asked him and spoke thus: Where wilt thou that 7we prepare for thee to eat thy paschal lamb? And Jesus answered them 8and said: Go into the city and when ye enter there, a man shall meet you 9who shall bring carried a pitcher full of well water; follow him into the 10house into which he goes. And when ye enter there say to the man whose 11the house is: The master greets thee and says thus: My time is approaching, 12and in thy inn I will hold my passover with my disciples. And then the 13landlord will show you a large room and well furnished and there prepare 14for us. Then the disciples went into the city and found things so shaped as 15Jesus had said to them, and prepared their passover. And in the evening 16Jesus came with his twelve disciples and sat down to eat with them. And 17during the meal he spoke to his disciples and said thus: With great desire 18I have desired to eat this passover with you, before I am made to suffer. 19For I say to you that after this passover I shall never more eat the passover 20until the time that I shall eat it in the kingdom of my Father. 21Ga naar margenoot+And during the meal Jesus took a loaf and blessed it and broke it and 22gave it to his disciples and said thus: Take and eat of it, all of you, for this 23is my body, which shall be delivered for you. After that he took the chalice 24and thanked God and blessed it and gave it to his disciples and said thus: 25Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the new testament that shall 26be shed for you and for many a man in remission of their sins. And I say 27to you also that I shall never more drink hereafter of the fruit of the vineyard 28until the time when I shall drink with you new vintage in the kingdom of my 29Father. And as often as ye do this, do it in remembrance of me. Then Jesus 30spoke to Peter and said thus: Simon, Satan has tried hard that he might 31sift you as flour of wheat, but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not. 32And when thou art strengthened, confirm thy brethren. | |
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1Johannes Op din selven tijt die vor din hogen Paschedach was, Ihesus,Ga naar margenoot+ 2die wale wiste dat sine ure nakende was dat hi soude liden van derre werelt 3ten vader wert, want hi de sine die in de werelt bleven altoes hadde gemint, 4so minde hise oc toten inde. Ende na dat avont mael, doe de quade gheeste 5in Iudas Scharioths herte din raet ghevest hadde dat hine den IJoeden s 6leveren soude, al wiste hi wale dat hem de vader alle dinc hadde gegheven 7in sire ghewout ende dat [hi] van Gods halven comen was ende dat hi oc 8te Gode wert weder voer, nochtan so stont hi op van din avont male ende 9ontcleedde hem ende nam en linen laken ende begordde hem daer met. 10Daer na so goet hi water in en bekken ende begonste te duane sire ijongren 11voete ende dar na te droegene mettin lakene daer hi met was ommegordt. 12Doe quam hi te Symon Petre omme sine voete te duane. Ende Peter sprac 13hem toe ende seide aldus: Here, weltu mine voete duaen? Ende Ihesus ant-14werdde hem weder al dus: Dat ic doe, dan wetstu nu nit waromme ict 15doe, mar namals souttut weten. Doe sprac Peter te Ihesum: Du en sout 16nemmermeer mine voete duaen. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder aldus: 17En duaic di nit, so ne soutu nit deelechtegh sijn met mi. Doe sprac noch 18Symon Petrus ende seide: Here, duach dan nit allene mine voete, mar mine 19hande ende mijn hoeft. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder al dus: Die ghe-20duegen es, hine behoeft mar sine voete te duane, want hi es suuer altemale; 21ende gi sijt suuer, (81r) mar nit alle. Want hi wiste wale welc deghene 22was diene verraden soude; ende dar omme seide hi: Ghine sijt nit suuer 23alle. Ende alse hi hare voete hadde geduegen ende hi weder ghecleedt was, 24so ghinc hi weder sitten ende sprac aldus: Wetti wat ic u gedaen hebbe? Ghi 25heett mi meester ende here, ende gi segt wale, want ic bent. Ende ochic 26dan hebbe uwe voete geduegen, die here ben ende meester, so motti dan 27deen den andren sine voete met rechte duaen, want en exempel hebbic u 28gegheven, dat gi oc also doet alsic u hebbe gedaen. Ic seggu over waer 29dat de knecht nin es meerre dan sijn here, noch dapostle meerre dan deghene 30diene ghesendt heft. Alse gi dit wett, salech si di, werkdire na. Dit en seggic 31van u <allen> nit; ic weet wale welc die sijn, die ic ut verkoren hebbe. 32Mar de scirfture moet vervult werden, die sprekt aldus: Die mijn broet ett, 33hi sal op heffen sine verssene iegen mi. Dit seggic u tevoren, eert geschit, 34om dat gi te bat ane mi gheloeuen selt, alst geschit es. Oc seggic u: So wie 35ontfeet den ghenen din ic <sendde>, hi ontfeet mi, ende die mi ontfeet, 36hi ontfeet den ghenen die mi heft gesendt. | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+At that same time, which was before the high Passover day, Jesus, who 2well knew that his hour was approaching when he should go from this 3world to the Father, since he had always loved his own who remained in 4the world, loved them also until the end. And after the supper, when the 5evil spirit had fastened that counsel in Judas Iscariot's heart that he should 6deliver him up to the Jews, [Jesus,] though he well knew that the Father 7had given all things into his power and that he was come from God and 8that he would also go again toward God, arose nevertheless from the supper 9and unrobed himself and took a linen cloth and girded himself therewith. 10After that he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet 11and after that to wipe them with the cloth with which he was girded. 12Then he came to Simon Peter to wash his feet. And Peter spoke to him and 13said thus: Lord, wilt thou wash my feet? And Jesus answered him again 14thus: That which I do, thou knowest not now why I do it, but afterwards 15thou shalt know it. Then Peter spoke to Jesus: Thou shalt never wash my 16feet. And Jesus answered him back thus: If I wash thee not, thou shalt 17never be participant with me. Then Simon Peter spoke yet and said: Lord, 18wash then not only my feet, but my hands and my head. And Jesus answered 19him again thus: He who has been washed need only to wash his feet, for he 20is clean all over. And thou art clean but not all. For he well knew which 21was the one who should betray him and therefore he said: Ye are not all 22clean. And when he had washed their feet and he was clothed again, he 23sat down again and spoke thus: Know ye what I have done to you? Ye 24call me master and lord, and ye say well; for so I am. And if then I, who 25am lord and master, have washed your feet, then must ye wash each other's 26feet with reason. For I have given you an example that ye also do as I have 27done to you. I say to you, verily, that the servant is not greater than his 28lord, nor the apostle greater than he who has sent him. If ye know this, 29blessed are ye if ye work accordingly. I say not this of you alone. I know 30well which they are whom I have chosen. But the Scripture must be fulfilled, 31which speaks thus: He who eats my bread shall lift up his heel against me. 32I say this to you in advance, before it happens, that ye shall believe in me 33the better, when it has happened. I also say to you, whosoever receives 34him whom I have sent, receives me and he who receives me receives him 35who has sent me. | |
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1Alse Ihesus dit hadde gesproken, so wart hi geturbeert in den gheesteGa naar margenoot+ 2ende seide aldus: Over waer seggic u dat vre een mi sal verraden ende 3leveren den IJoeden. Alse dat hoerden die ijongren, so worden si bedruft, 4ende elc vragde hem sonderlingen: Ben ic dat, Here? Ende Ihesus antwerdde 5weder al dus: Matheus Marcus Lucas Een van u allen, die sine hant 6met mi stekt in dese schotele, sal mi den IJoeden leveren. Des menschen 7sone moet varen also alse gescreven es van hem, mar so <wee> din mensche 8bi welken <dat> hi gelevert werden sal: het ware din mensche goet dat 9hi nit geboren en hadde gewest. Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe 10sagen die ijongren deen op den andren, want sine wisten (81v) nit win hi 11meinde. Ende dar omme vragde deen den andren, wie de gene ware die dat 12doen soude. Aldaer so lach een der ijongren in Ihesus schoet, din Ihesus 13minde; den ghenen winkde Symon Petrus ende ruunde hem [ende] sprac 14aldus: Wie es deghene dar hi of segt? Ende deghene die lach op Ihesus 15borst, vragde voert Ihesum ende seide aldus: Here, welc es deghene din 16du meins? Ende Ihesus antwerdde den ghenen weder ende seide: Het es 17de ghene din ic dit genette broet gheven sal. Ende alse hi dat broet hadde 18genett, so ghaf hijt Iudase Symonis Scariothis. Ende na der montfollen 19so voer Satanas in hem. Doe sprac Ihesus te hem ende seide aldus: Doch 20vollec dat du doen sout. Mar nimen van din ijongren <en> wiste waromme 21Ihesus dat seide; want deselke waenden, om dat Iudas proper hadde, dat 22hem Ihesus it hadde geheeten copen dis men bedorvende soude sijn ter 23feesten, ochte dat hi den armen it soude gheven. Doe antwerdde hem 24Iudas diene verrijt, ende seide aldus: Benic dat, meester? Ende Ihesus 25antwerdde hem ende seide al dus: Du segs dat dut best. Ende also schire alse 26deghene die montfolle hadde ghenomen, so ghinc hi enweghe uten hus. 27Doe waest nach. Ende alse deghene en weghe was, so sprac Ihesus ende 28seide: Nu es verclert dis menschen sone ende Got es verclert in hem. Ende 29want Got es verclert in hem, so heften oc Got verclert in hem selven, ende 30altehant daer na so wart hi verclert van Gode. Doe sprac Ihesus noch voert 31ende seide aldus: Mine kinderkeneGa naar margenoot*, eenen onlangen tijt salic noch met u 32sijn. Ghi selt mi suken, ende also alsic den IJoeden seide: Darwert ic henen 33vare, en mogdi mi nit volgen, mar ic seggu nu wis gi plegen selt. Ic gheve u 34en niwe geboet, dats dat gi u onder-(82r)linge ondermint; also ghelike 35alse ic u hebbe ghemint, also motti u onderminnen. Daer ane selen alle 36deliede bekennen dat gi mine ijongren sijt, dat gi u onderlinge ondermint. | |
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1208 When Jesus has spoken this he became troubled in the spirit and said 2thus: Verily, I say to you that one of you shall betray me and deliver up 3to the Jews. When the disciples heard that they became sorrowful, and each 4asked him separately: Is it I, Lord? And Jesus answered back thus: One 5of you all, who dips his hand with me in this dish, shall deliver me to the 6Jews. The Son of man must go as has been written of him. But woe that 7man by whom he shall be delivered. It would be good for that man that 8he had not been born. Then the disciples looked one on the other, for 9they knew not whom he meant, and therefore one asked the other which 10was the one who should do that. There lay one, of the disciples in Jesus' 11bosom whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter beckoned him and whispered [and] 12spoke thus: Which is the one of whom he speaks? And he who lay on Jesus' 13breast asked thereupon Jesus and said thus: Lord, which is the one whom 14thou meanest? And Jesus answered him back and said: It is the one to 15whom I shall give this soaked bread. And when he had soaked the bread 16he gave it to Judas, [the son] of Simon Iscariot, and after the mouthful 17Satan entered into him. Then Jesus spoke to him and said thus: Do quickly 18that which thou shouldst do. But none of the disciples knew why Jesus 19said that, for some thought because Judas had money that Jesus had ordered 20him to buy what one should be needing for the feast or that he should give 21it to the poor. Then answered him Judas who betrayed him and said thus: 22Is it I, master? And Jesus answered him and said thus: Thou sayest that 23thou art. And as soon as he had taken that mouthful, he went away out 24of the house. It was then night. And when he was gone, Jesus spoke and 25said: Now is the Son of man glorified and God is glorified in him, and because 26God is glorified in him, God has glorified him also in himself. And straightway 27thereafter he was glorified by God. Then spoke Jesus yet further and said 28thus: My little children, yet a short while shall I be with you. Ye shall 29seek me, and as I said to the Jews: Whither I go hence ye may not follow 30so me. But I say to you now what ye shall do. I give you a new commandment, 31that is that ye love one another; even as I have loved you, even so must ye 32love one another. Thereby shall all people know that ye are my disciples, 33that ye love one another. | |
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1Doe sprac Symon Petrus ende vragde Ihesum aldus: Here, warwert soutu 2varen? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder ende sprac aldus: Darwert ic 3henen vare, en mach stu mi nu nit volgen, mar namaels soutu mi darwert 4volgen. Doe antwerdde hem Peter: Waromme en magic di nu nit volgen? 5Jc leuere mine zile vor di. 6Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe sprac Ihesus tallen sinen ijongren endeGa naar margenoot+ 7seide aldus: Ghi allegader selt in derre nacht geschandalizeert werden ane 8mi, want het es gescreven: Men sal slaen den herde ende de schaep selen 9werden gheschedt. Mar alsic opherstaen sal sijn, So sal ic vor u gaen int 10lant van <Galileen>. Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Doe antwerdde 11Peeter ende sprac aldus: Ende al werden alle dandre gheschandalizeert 12ane di, ine werde nochtan nemmermeer ane di gheschandalizeert, want 13ic ben <gereet> betti in den kerkre ende in de doet te gane. Doe antwerdde 14hem Ihesus ende seide aldus: Leverstu dan dine zile vor mi? Over waer seggic 15di dat te noch in derre selver nacht, eerde hane tueewarf singen sal, mijns 16driewerf loghenen sout. Ende Peeter antwerdde weder aldus: Ende al soudic 17sterven metti, in sal dijns nit loeghenen. Ende dat selve seiden alle dandre 18ijongren. 19Doe sprac Ihesus noch voert ende seide aldus: En laett u herte nit bedruftGa naar margenoot+ 20werden noch en onssiet u nit. Gheloefdi ane Gode, So gheloeft oc ane mi. 21Jn mijns vader hus sijn vele woningen, ende wart anders, ic hadt u <ge-22segt>, want ic vare u ghereiden vwe stat. Ende al varic en wege uwe 23stat gereiden, ic sal weder comen ende sal u ontfaen te mi selven, omme u te 24brengen (82v) daer is ben ende met mi te sine. Ende warwert ic henen vare. 25dat wetti, ende den wech wetti. Doe antwerdde hem Thomas al dus: Here, 26wine weten nit warwert du vaers, ende hoe mogte wj den wech gheweten? 27Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder aldus: Jc ben die wech ende die warheit 28ende dat leven; nimen en comt ten vader, hen si ouermids mi. Haddi mi 29ghekent, So haddi oc minen vader gheken. Ende voert anemeer sel dine 30kennen, ende oc hebdine ghesien. Doe sprac Phylippus te hem ende seide: 31Toegh ons den vader ende dat sal ons ghenugen. Ende Ihesus antwerdde 32hem ende sprac aldus: Ic hebbe aldos langen tijt met u gewest, ende en 33kendi mi noch nit, Phylippe? Die mi siet, hi siet den vader. Hoe comt dan 34dat te segs: Toegh ons den vader? En gheloefstu nit dat ic ben in den 35vader ende de vader in mi? De wart die ic u spreke, die en sprekic van 36mijns selves halven nit; mar de vader die in mi woent, hi werkt de werke. 37En gheloefstu nit dat ic ben in den vader ende de vader in mi es? Ende | |
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1Then spoke Simon Peter and asked Jesus thus: Lord, whither shalt thou go? 2And Jesus answered him back and spoke thus: Whither I go hence, thou 3canst not follow me now, but afterwards shalt thou follow me thither. Then 4answered him Peter: Why may I not follow thee now? I deliver my soul 5for thee. 6Ga naar margenoot+ Then spoke Jesus to all his disciples and said thus: Ye altogether shall be 7offended in me in this night; for it is written: The shepherd shall be slain 8and the sheep shall be parted. But when I shall have risen I shall go before 9you into the land of Galilee. Then answered Peter and spoke thus: And 10although all the others be offended in thee, I shall never be offended in 11thee, for I am ready to go with thee into prison and into death. Then 12answered him Jesus and said thus: Deliverest thou then thy soul for me? 13Verily I say to thee that thou, yet in this very night, ere the cock shall sing 14twice, shalt deny me three times. And Peter answered back thus: And 15although I should die with thee, I shall not deny thee, and all the other 16disciples said the same. 17Ga naar margenoot+Then Jesus spoke yet further and said thus: Let not your heart be troubled 18and fear not. If ye believe in God, believe ye also in me. In my Father's house 19are many mansions. And were it otherwise, I would have said so to you, for I 20go to prepare your place for you. And though I go away to prepare your 21place, I shall come back and shall receive you unto myself in order to bring 22you where I am, that ye be with me. And whither I go hence ye know, and ye 23know the way. Then answered him Thomas thus: Lord, we know not 24whither thou goest, and how might we know the way? And Jesus answered 25him back thus: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to 26the Father, except through me. Had ye known me, ye had known my 27Father also. And henceforth ye shall know him, and ye have seen him also. 28Then spoke Philip to him and said: Show us the Father and that shall 29suffice us. And Jesus answered him and spoke thus: I have been with you 30so So long a time and ye know me not yet, Philip? He who sees me, sees the 31Father. How comes it then that thou sayest: Show us the Father? Believest 32thou not that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I 33speak to you, I speak not from myself, but the Father who abides in me, 34he works the works. Believest thou not that I am in the Father and the 35Father is in me? And | |
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6 ende, ms. en 6 enen andren, ms. andren 8 kenne, l. kentene of kennes? S. kentene 27 En, ms. Ende 32 hine heft nit ane mi, ms. hine heft ane mi, Joh. 14:31 in me non habet quicquam, S hi en heift niet an mi 1al en gheloefdijs elre omme nit, gheloeves doch omme de werke, die ic 2werke. Over waer seggic u: die ane mi gheloeft, hi sal die werke werken 3die ic werke, ende meerre sal hi werken, want is vare ten vader wert; ende 4al dat gi bidt in minen name, dat salic don, dat de vader werke gheert 5in den sone. Mindi mi, so houdt mijn gebode. Ende ic sal den vader biddenGa naar margenoot+ 6vor u, <ende> hi sal u gheven [enen] andren troestre omme eeulec met u 7tebliuene; dat sal sijn de gheest der warheit, din de werelt nin mach ontfaen, 8want de werelt en saghen noit noch sine kenne nit; mar gi selten kennen, 9want hi sal met u woenen ende in u sijn. Jne sal u nit weesen laten; is sal 10weder te (83 r) comen. Noch sal en lettel tijs liden ende dar na en sal mi de 11werelt nemmeer sien, mar gi selt mi sien, want ic leve ende gi selt leven met 12mi. Jn din daghe so seldi kennen dat ic ben in den vader ende gi in mi 13ende ic in u. Die mine gebode heft ende die houdt, dat es deghene die mi 14mijnt; ende die mi mint, die sal gemint sijn van minen vader ende ic salne 15minnen ende sal hem vertoegen mi selven. 16Doe sprac Iudas, nit Schariothis, mar en ander: Here, war bi comt 17dat te di ons vertoegen sout ende nit der werelt? Ende Ihesus antwerdde 18hem weder ende seide aldus: Es imen die mi mint, die sal mine leeringeGa naar margenoot+ 19onthouden ende mijn vader salne minnen, ende wi selen te hem comen 20ende onse woninge sele wj maken met hem. Die mi nit ne mint, hi ne houdt 21mire leeringen nit; ende die leeringe die gi hebt gehoert, die en es mine 22nit, mar des gheens die mi gesendt heft, dats de vader. De wart van dire 23leeringen hebbic u gesegt die wile dat ic met u hebbe ghewest. Mar die 24troestere, dats die Heilige Gheest din de vader sal senden in minen name, 25die sal u leeren alle dinc ende sal v raden alle dinc ende don verstaen al dat 26is v leere. Pais ende vrede latic v, pais ende vrede gheuic v; nit also alse 27de werelt haren pais gheeft, en gheviken v. <En> laett v herte nit geturbeert 28werken noch en onssit u nit, want gi hebt gehoert dat ic u gesegt hebbe: 29Ic vare ende is come tote u. Minne di mi, so souddi blide ende vro sijn, 30om dat is vare ten vader wert, want hi meerre es dan ic ben. Jne sal schire 31nit vele meer spreken iegen v, want de prinche van derre werelt comt, 32mar hine heft [nit] ane mi. 33Lucas Doe sprac hi noch te sinen ijongren ende seide aldus: Doe is uGa naar margenoot+ 34sendde achter lande (83v) sonder sac ende sonder scherpe ende sonder 35gheschoite, wat gebrac u? Ende si antwerdden: Nit. Doe sprac Ihesus 36noch voert ende seide: Mar die nu heft enen sac, hi neme oc ene scherpe, | |
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1though ye believe it for nothing else, believe it yet for the works that I 2perform. Verily I say to you, he who believes in me, shall work the works that 3I work and he shall work greater ones; for I go toward the Father. And all 4that ye ask in my name, that shall I do, that the Father be honored in the Son. 5Ga naar margenoot+ If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I shall pray the Father for 6you and he shall give you another Comforter to remain with you for ever. 7That shall be the spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive. For the 8world never saw him, nor does it know him. But ye shall know him, for he 9shall abide with you and be in you. I shall not leave you orphans; I shall 10come back to you. Yet a little time shall pass and after that the world shall not 11see me any more. But ye shall see me, for I live and ye shall live with me. In 12that clay ye shall know that I am in the Father and ye in me and I in you. 13He who has my commandments and keeps them, he is the one who loves 14me. And he who loves me shall be loved by my Father, and I shall love him 15and shall manifest myself to him. 16Then spoke Judas, not Iscariot but another: Lord, how does it happen 17that thou shalt manifest thyself to us and not to the world? And Jesus 18Ga naar margenoot+ answered him back and said thus: If there is one who loves me, he shall 19remember my teaching, and my father shall love him, and we shall come 20to him and we shall make our abode with him. He who loves me not, he 21does not keep my teaching. And the teaching that ye have heard is not 22mine, but his who has sent me, that is the Father. The words of that teaching 23I have said to you, while I was with you. But the Comforter, that is the 24Holy Spirit, whom the Father shall send in my name, he shall teach you 25all things and shall counsel you all things and make you understand all 26that I teach you. Quiet and peace I leave you; quiet and peace I give to 27you; not so as the world gives its peace, do I give it to you. Let not your 28heart be troubled, nor be afraid, for ye have heard that I have said to you: 29I go and I come to you. If ye love me, ye should be glad and rejoiced, 30so because I go toward the Father For he is greater than I am. I shall presently 31not speak much more to you for the prince of this world is coming, but 32he has in me not any thing. 33Ga naar margenoot+ Then spoke he yet to his disciples and said thus: When I sent you across 34country without purse and without wallet and without shoes, what was 35lacking to you? And they answered: Nothing. Then spoke Jesus yet further 36and said: But he who has a purse, let him take also a wallet, | |
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1ende dis nin heft, hi verkoepe sinen roc ende koepe <en> suert. Want ic 2seggu dat die scrifture die gescreven es van mi, die aldos sprekt: Hi sal 3ghesellet werden met quadijen, die moet volcomen. Ende aldat van mi 4ghescreuen ende vorghesegt es, dat sal schire inde nemen. Doe antwerdden 5sine ijongren ende seiden: Here, hir sijn tuee suert. Ende Ihesus antwerdde 6weder aldus: Hets gnoch. Dar na so sprac hi noch voert ende seide: OmmeGa naar margenoot* 7dat ic der werelt wille don bekennen dat ic den vader minne ende dat ic 8also doe, alse mi de vader geboden heft, so staet op ende ghawi henen. 9Ende alse dat gesproken was, so ghinc hi ut ende quam op den berch van 10Oliueten na sine gewoente. Ende aldaer so sprac Ihesus noch te sinen 11ijongren ende seide al dus: 12JcGa naar margenoot* ben die gewarege wijngart ende mijn vader es akkerman dieneGa naar margenoot+ 13wijnt. Alle die ranken die engheene vrocht en dragen in mi, die sal hi af 14howen, ende alle die vrocht dragen, die sal hi purgeren omme bat vrocht 15te dragene. Nu sidi ghesuuert bi den warden die ic u gesproken hebbe; 16blijft in mi, ende ic sal bliven in u. Also ghelike alse de ranke en gheene 17vrocht en mach dragen, hine blive ane den wijngart, also en modi oc, 18ghine blijft in mi. Jc ben de wijngart, ende gi sijt de ranke. Die in mi blijft 19ende ic in hem, die dregt groete vrocht, want sonder mi en mogdi nit 20don. Die in mi nin blijft, die sal ut geworpen werden ende sal verdorren 21alse de ranke die verdorret es; ende din sal men nemen ende salne in uir 22worpen, daer hi bernen sal. BlijfdiGa naar margenoot* in mi ende bliven mine wart in u, al 23dat gi wilt, seldi bidden ende dat sal v geschin. Jn din es mijn vader ver-24clert, dat gi (84r) mine ijongren blijft ende grote vrocht dregt. Also ghelike 25alse mi de vader ghemint heft, so hebbic v ghemint; dar omme radic v 26dat gi blijft in mire minnen. Houddi mine gebode, so seldi bliuen in mire 27minnen, also ghelike alsic hebbe gehouden de gebode mijns vader ende in 28sire minnen bleven ben. Dit hebbic u gesegt, omme dat mine blischap 29in u si ende uwe blischap verde vervult. Dats mijn gebot, dat gi onderlingeGa naar margenoot+ 30u ondermint, gelikerwijs dat ic u hebbe ghemint. Meerre vrinschap en 31mach nimen hebben dan dat hi sine zile levere vor sine vrint. Ghi sijt 32mine vrint, op dat gi doet dat ic u gebiede. Tsarmeer en sal ic u nit heeten 33knechte, want de knecht en weet nit wat sine here doet; mar u hectic mine 34vrint, want al dat is hebbe gehoert van minen vader, dat hebbic u cont 35gemakt. Ghine hebt mi nit gekoren, mar ic hebbe u gekoren, dat gi selt gaen 36ende vrocht beijagen ende dat vwe vrocht blive gestedelec, ende u al dat 37gegheven werde dat gi den vader bidt in minen name. Dat gebiedic u dat 216 | |
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1and he who has none, let him sell his cloak and buy a sword. For I say 2to you that the Scripture which is written of me [and] which speaks thus: 3He shall be accompanied with miscreants, must be fulfilled, and all that 4has been written of me and foretold, that shall soon take an end. Then 5answered his disciples and said: Lord, here are two swords. And Jesus 6answered back thus: It is enough. After that he spoke yet further and said: 7Because I want to make the world know that I love the Father and that I 8do as the Father has commanded me, therefore arise and let us go hence. 9And when that had been spoken, he went out and came on the mount of 10olives according to his custom. And there Jesus spoke yet to his disciples 11and said thus: 12214 I am the true vine (yard), and my Father is (the) husbandman, who tills it. 13All the branches that bear no fruit in me, he shall cut off, and all that bear 14fruit, he shall cleanse in order to bear more fruit. Now ye have been cleansed 15by the words that I have spoken to you. Abide in me and I shall abide in 16you. Even as the branch cannot bear any fruit, unless it abide on the vine 17neither can ye, unless ye abide in me. I am the vine and ye are the branches. 18He who abides in me and I in him, bears much fruit, for without me ye 19cannot do anything. He who abides not in me, shall be cast out and shall 20wither like the branch that is withered; and they shall take it and cast 21it into the fire, where it shall burn. If ye abide in me and if my words abide 22in you, all that ye want ye shall ask and it shall happen to you. Therein is 23my Father glorified that ye remain my disciples and bear much fruit. Even 24as the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Therefore I counsel you 25that ye abide in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in 26my love, even as I have kept the commandments of my Father and have 27abided in his love. I have said this to you that my joy be in you and your 28Ga naar margenoot+ joy be fulfilled. That is my commandment that ye love one another, even 29as I have loved you. Greater friendship may no one have than that he 30surrender his soul for his friends. Ye are my friends if ye do that which I 31command you. Henceforth I shall not call you servants. For the servant 32knows not what his lord does. But I call you my friends, for all that I have 33heard from my Father that have I made known to you. Ye have not chosen 34me, but I have chosen you, that ye should go and win fruit and that your 35fruit remain permanent, and that ye be given everything that ye ask theGa naar margenoot+ Father in my name. This I command you that | |
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1gi u ondermint. Al haett u de werelt, gi selt weten dat si mi eer haetten 2dan u, die u vorste ben. Haddi van der werelt ghewest, so hadde de werelt 3har deel ghemint ane u, mar want gi van der werelt nin sijt ende ic u uter 4werelt gecoren hebbe, dar omme haett u de werelt. Laett u gedinken dis 5wards dat is u seide, dat de knecht en es nit meerre dan sijn here. Hebben 6si mi persecucie gedaen, so selense u persecucie don; hebbense mine leeringe 7gehouden, so selense oc duwe houden. Mar al dit selense u don om minen 8wille, want sine kennen des gheens nit die mi heft ghesendt. En waric 9selve nit comen ende hadde hen toe gesproken, so waren (84v) sijs sonder 10plecht, mar nu en hebben si enghene onschout van harre plecht. Die mi 11haett, hi haett minen vader. En haddic die werke nit gewarchtt, die nie 12mensche en warchte, si warens sonder plecht; mar nu hebbensi se gesien 13ende hebben verhaett beide mi ende minen vader. Mar die prophecie 14die [in] hare wet gescreven es, moet werden vervult, die aldus sprekt: Si 15haten mi sonder schout. Alse die troestere din is u senden sal van desGa naar margenoot+ 16vader halven, comen sal, deghene sal getuge gheven van mi; ende gi selve 17selt oc getugen van mi, want gi van beginsele hebt gewest met mi. Dit 18hebbic u gesegt, dat gi nit geschandalizeert en werdt, want men sal u uter 19synagogen don; mar die ure comt in welker dat alle die u doeden, selen 20wenen Gode enen lieven dinst don. Ende dit selense u don, want si nin 21kennen den vader noch mj. Mar dit seggic u tevoren, dats u gedinke, alse 22die vre comt datt gheschit, dat ict u hebbe gesegt. Dit en seidic u nit van 23irst, omme dat ic met u was. Mar nu varic ten ghenen went die mi gesendtGa naar margenoot+ 24heft, ende ure negheen en vragt mi warwert ic vare. Mar omme dat ic u 25dit hebbe ghesegt, so sijn uwe haeten bedruft. Mar in der waerheit seggic u 26dat u orborlec es, dat ic ware. Want en varic nit, so ne sal die troestere nit 27comen tote u, mar varic en wege, so salic u din senden. Ende alse hi comt, 28so sal hi die werelt berespen van sunden ende van gherechtegheiden ende 29van ordeele; van sunden, omme dat de liede van der werelt nin gheloeven 30ane mi; van gherechtegheiden, want ic ten vader wert vare, ende schire 31en seldi mi nemmeer sien; van ordeele, want de <prinsche> van derre 32Ga naar margenoot+ werelt emmer toe verordeelt es - Dits also to verstane na der glosen, dat 33de Heilege Gheest de werelt berespt van haren sunden, omme dat si ane 34den Gods sone nin (85r) woude gheloven, want dat ene oppenbare mesdaet 35was, dat si nin gheloeveden an den ghenen die omme hare te verloessene 36comen was. Van gherechtegheiden berespt hi se, nit van dire die si heft, | |
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1ye love one another. Although the world hates you, ye shall know that they 2hated me, who am your lord, before you. Had ye been of the world, the 3world would have loved its part in you. But because ye are not of the world 4and I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 5Remember the word which I said to you that the servant is not greater 6than his lord. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they have 7kept my teaching, they will also keep yours. But they will do all this to you 8for my sake, for they know not him who has sent me. If I had not come 9myself and had not spoken to them, they would be without fautherein; 10but now they have no excuse for their fault. He who hates me, hates my 11Father. If I had not wrought the works which no man ever wrought, they 12would not be at fault. But now they have seen them and have hated both 13me and my Father. But the prophecy which is written [in] their law must 14Ga naar margenoot+ be fulfilled, which speaks thus: They hated me without cause. When the 15Comforter, whom I shall send to you on behalf of the Father shall come, he 16shall bear witness of me. And ye yourselves shall also testify of me, for ye 17have been with me from the beginning. This have I said to you, that ye be 18not offended. For they shall put you out of the synagogue, but the hour 19comes in which all who kill you shall think that they do a precious service 20to God. And they will do this because they know neither the Father nor me. 21But I say this to you in advance that ye remember it when the hour comes, 22when it happens what I have told you. This I said not to you at first, because 23Ga naar margenoot+ I was with you. But now I go to him who has sent me, and none of you asks 24me whither I go. But because I have said this to you your hearts are sad. 25But I say to you truthfully that it is good for you that I go. For if I do not 26go, the Comforter shall not come to you; but if I go away, I shall send him 27to you. And when he comes he shall accuse the world of sins and of righteous-28ness and of judgment; of sins because the people of the world believe not in 29me; of righteousness, because I go to the Father and soon ye shall not see 30me any more; of judgment, because the prince of this world has already 31been judged - This must be understood thus according to the gloss, that 32the Holy Ghost rebukes the world for its sins, because it would not believe 33in the Son of God. For that was a manifest crime that they did not believe 34in Him who was come to redeem them. He rebukes it for its righteousness, not 35for that which it has, | |
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1mar die si nin heft. Want gherechtegheit dats igewelken gheven dat hem 2behoert. Dese gherechtegheit leerde Ihesus Christus in de werelt, want 3hi ghaf den vader dat hem behoerde, dat was reverencie ende eere; 4hi gaf oc ons menschen dat ons behoerde, dat was sine minne; hi gaf oc 5hem selven dat hem behoerde om ons te verloessene, dat was sine verwor-6penheit ende sine passie. Deghene dan die dese gherechtegheit also houden, 7dat si den vader gheven eere, den evenkersten minne ende hen selven 8verworpenheit ende afflictie, die selen ten vader varen ende selen Gode 9sien. Mar want de werelt dese gherechtegheit nin heft, so salse de Heilege 10Gheest dar of berespen; dats te verstane also dat deghene diese nin hebben, 11te Gode nin selen comen noch Gode sien. Van ordeele sal hise berespen, 12want de prinche van derre werelt verordeelt es; dats also te verstane: 13sidermeer dat Lucifer ende sine ingle worden verordeelt omme hare mes-14daet, so mach hare de werrelt wale dis onssin dat si oc selen ghordeelt 15werden omme hare mesdaet, ende want si dat ordeel nin onssit, so salse 16de Heilege Gheest berespen alse van ordeele, dat si nin onssit. Dar na 17so continueert hi noch voert sine redene ende segt aldus: - Noch hebbic 18u vele te seggene, mar gi ne conet nu al nit onthouden. Mar alse de gheest 19der waerheit comt, die sal u leeren alle die wareit, want hine sal van sijns 20selves halven nit spreken, mar dat hi hoeren sal, dat sal hi seggen, ende 21dat te gheschines, dat sal hi u verwisen. Die sal, mi vercleren, want hi saelt 22(85v) van den mijns selues nemen ende saelt v uertoegen. Alle dat de uader 23heft, dats mijn; dar omme seidic dat hijt van den mijns selves nemen 24soude ende soudt u vertoegen. En lettel tijs sal liden, ende dan en seldi miGa naar margenoot+ 25nit sien, ende daer na sal echt en lettel tijs liden, ende dan seldi mi noch 26sien, want is vare ten vader wert. Doe spraken some sine ijongren onder-27lingen ende seiden aldus: Wat meint hi daer met dat hi segt: En lettel 28tijs sal lieden, ende dan en seldi mi nit sien, ende daer na sal echt en lettel 29tijds liden, ende dan seldi mi weder sien, want ic vare ten vader wert? 30Wat meint hi met tin lettelen tide? Wine weten nit wat hire mede meint. 31Mar Ihesus, die wiste dat si hem begerden te vragene van din warden, 32hi sprac hen tirst ane ende seide al dus: Gi vragt onder u van din warden 33die ic seide: En lettel tijds sal lieden, ende dan en seldi mi nit sien, ende 34daer na sal echt en lettel tijds lieden, ende dan seldi mi weder sien. Over 35waer seggic u dat gi selt weenen ende screijen, ende de werelt sal ver-36blischen; ghi selt moten bedruft werden, mar uwe drufheit sal in blischap 37gewandelt werden. En wijf die ens kinds blijft, die es in drufheiden, omme | |
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1but that which it has not. For righteousness has been given to everyone 2who belongs to him. Jesus Christ taught this righteousness in the world, 3for he gave to the Father what belonged to him, that was reverence and 4honor. He gave also to us men that which belonged to us, that was his love. 5He gave also to himself what belonged to him in order to redeem us, that 6was his rejection and his passion. Those then who thus keep this righteousness 7that they give to the Father honor, to the fellow-christian love and to 8themselves rejection and affliction, those shall go to the Father and shall 9see God. But because the world does not possess this righteousness, therefore 10shall the Holy Ghost rebuke it; that is to be understood thus: that those 11who do not have it shall not come to God nor see God. He shall rebuke them 12for judgment, for the prince of this world has been condemned. That is to 13be understood thus: since Lucifer and his angels were condemned for their 14crime, therefore may the world well be afraid of this, lest they also be 15condemned for their crime, and because it does not fear the judgment, the 16Holy Ghost shall rebuke it as for judgment that it does not fear. Thereafter 17he yet continues his speech and says thus: - I have yet much to say to you, 18but ye cannot remember it all now. But when the spirit of truth comes, he 19shall teach you all the truth. For he shall not speak on his own behalf, but 20what he shall hear, that shall he say, and what is to happen, that shall he 21show you. He shall glorify me, for he shall take it of that which is of my 22own, and shall declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine. Therefore 23said I that he shall take it of that which is of my own and shall declare it 24Ga naar margenoot+ to you. A little time shall pass and then shall ye see me not. And after that 25again a little time shall pass and then shall ye see me yet. For I go toward 26the Father. Then some of his disciples spoke to each other and said thus: 27What does he mean with his saying: A little time shall pass and then ye 28shall not see me, and after that again a little time shall pass and then ye 29shall see me again, for I go to the Father? What does he mean with that 30little time? We know not what he means therewith. But Jesus, who knew 31that they desired to ask him concerning those words, he spoke to them 32first and said thus: Ye ask among yourselves concerning those words which 33I said: a little time shall pass and then shall ye see me not, and after that 34again a little time shall pass and then shall ye see me again. Verily I say 35to you that ye shall weep and cry and the world shall rejoice. Ye shall have 36to be saddened, but your sadness shall be turned into joy. A woman who 37is confined of a child is in sorrow, because | |
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1dat die ure van din blivene naekende es, mar alse si dis kinds bleven es, 2so en ghedinkt hare nemmeer dire perssen noch dis arebeits omme die 3blischap die si heft van din dat en mensche in de werelt geboren es. Also 4ghelike si di oc nu bedruft, mar ic sal u noch comen sien, ende dan sal u 5herte verblischen ende nimen en sal die blischap mogen nemen van u. 6In din dage en seldi mi nit dorven bidden. Ouer waer seggic u so wat soGa naar margenoot+ 7gi den vader bidt in minen name, dat sal hi u gheven. Tote nu en hebdi 8nit gebeden in minen (86r) name. Bidt ende gi selt ontfaen, dat uwe blischap 9volcomen si. Tote nu hebic u in ghelikenessen gesproken, mar nu comt 10die ure dat is in ghelikenessen u nemmeer toe spreken en sal, mar dat ic u 11oppenbare van den vader spreken sal. In din dage seldi bidden in minen 12name, ende <nin> seggic u dat ic den vader sal bidden vor u, want de 13vader selve mint u, omme dat gi mi mint ende gheloeft dat ic van Gods 14halven comen ben. Jc quam van den vader in dese werelt; nu latic de 15werelt ende vare weder ten vader wert. Doe spraken die ijongren ende 16seiden aldus: Nu spreks te oppenbare ende en segs en gheune ghelikenesse. 17Nu wete wi dat tu alle dinc wets ende dat engheene noet en es dat di 18imen it vrege; jn desen gheloeve wi dat tu ute Gode comen best. Doe 19antwerdde hen Ihesus ende sprac aldus: Nu gheloefdi. Ic seggu dat die ure 20nakt ende schire comen sal, dat gi van een gescheeden selt werden ende 21vre igelic sal gaen sire straten ende selt mi allene laeten. Mar ine ben 22allene nit, want de vader met mi es. Dit hebbic u gesegt, omme dat gi 23pais selt hebben in mi. Jn de werelt seldi persse ende arbeit hebben, mar 24getroest u, want ic hebbe de werelt werwonnen. 25Dit sprac Ihesus ende dar na hif hi sine ogen op te hemele wert endeGa naar margenoot+ 26seide aldus: Vader, die vre nakt. Verclere dinen sone, dat ti dijn sone weder 27verclere. Also gelike verclerne alse du hem hefs macht gegeven ende ge-28weldechheit alre creaturen ende allen den ghenen die du hem gegeven 29hefs, macht hefs verleent te geuene dat eeuleke leven. Ende dat es dat 30eeuleke leuen, dat si di allene bekennen, enen gewarege Got, ende din du 31gesendt hefs, Ihesum Christum. Jc hebbe di verclert op ertrike; dat . 32were hebbic volwarcht, dat (86v) tu mi hads bevolen te werkene. Ende nu, 33vader, verclere mi du selve met dire clerheit die ic hadde, eer de werelt 34was gemakt. Jc hebbe oppenbart dinen name din menschen, die du mi hefs 35gegeven uter werelt. Si waren dijn, ende du gafsse mi, ende dine leeringen 36hebben si gehouden. Nu bekennense dat al dat du mi gegheven hefs, van di | |
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1the hour of the confinement is approaching. But when she has been confined 2of the child, she remembers no more the anguish and the labor because of 3the joy that she has therefrom that a man is born into the world. Even so 4are ye now saddened, but I shall yet come and see you, and then your heart 5Ga naar margenoot+ shall rejoice, and no one shall be able to take that joy from you. In that 6day ye shall not need to ask me anything. Verily, I say to you: Whatsoever 7ye ask the Father in my name, that shall he give you. Until now ye have 8not asked anything in my name. Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy 9be complete. Until now I have spoken in parables, but now the hour comes 10that I shall never more speak to you in parables, but shall speak to you 11plainly of the Father. In that day ye shall ask in my name, and not I say 12to you that I shall pray the Father for you. For the Father himself loves you, 13because ye love me and believe that I am come from God. I came from the 14Father into this world, Now I leave the world and go back toward the 15Father. Then the disciples spoke and said thus: Now thou speakest plainly 16and sayest no parables. Now we know that thou knowest all things and that 17there is no need that anyone ask thee something. In this we believe that 18thou art come out of God. Then Jesus answered them and spoke thus: 19Now ye believe. I say to you that the hour approaches and shall come soon, 20when ye shall be scattered and each of you shall go his way and leave me 21alone. But I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said this to you 22that ye shall have peace in me. In the world ye shall have anguish and 23labor. But be comforted, for I have overcome the world. 24Ga naar margenoot+ This spoke Jesus, and after that he lifted his eyes up to heaven and said 25thus: Father, the hour approaches; glorify thy Son that thy Son again 26glorify thee. Glorify him even so as thou hast given him power and authority 27over all creatures, and hast given him power to give eternal life to all those 28whom thou hast given him. And that is the eternal life that they confess 29thee alone a true God and him thou hast sent, Jesus Christ. I have glorified 30thee upon earth. I have accomplished the work that thou hadst commanded 31me to do. And now, Father, glorify me thyself with that glory that I had 32ere the world was made. I have manifested thy name to the people whom 33thou hast given to me out of the world. They were thine, and thou gavest 34them to me, and they have kept thy teachings. Now they know that all 35that thou hast given me is from thee. | |
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1es, want die wart die du mi gafs, die hebbic hen voert gegheven ende si 2hebbense ontfaen ende bekennen ghewareghlec dat is van dinen haluen 3comen ben, ende geloeven oc dat tu mi hefs gesendt. Jc bidde vor hen, 4nit vor de werelt, mar vor de ghene die du mi gegheven hefs, want si dine 5sijn, ende al dat is hebbe dats tijn ende dat te hefs dats mijn, ende ic ben 6verclert in hen. Ende al saen en benic in de werelt nit, mar dese bliuen 7in de werelt, ende ic come tote di. Heilege vader, hout se in dinen name,Ga naar margenoot+ 8die du mi gegheven hefs, dat se een sijn ghelijkerwijs dat wi een sijn. Doe 9ic met hen was, doe hildicse in dinen name. Die du mi gafs, die huddeic 10ende engheen van din en bleef verloren dan de sone der verdurnnessen, 11omme descrifture te veruulne. Nu comic te di, ende dit seggic hen die 12wile dat ic in de werelt ben, dat si mine blischap behouden in hen. Jc 13hebbe hen gegheven dine leeringe, ende de werelt heft se gehaet, om dat 14si van der werelt nin sijn. Jne bidde nit dat duse nems uter werelt, mar 15dat duse behuds van arghe. Sine sijn van der werelt nit, ghelijc dat is 16van der werelt nin ben. Makse heilech in der warheit; dine leeringe dats te 17waerheit. Also gelike alse du mi in de werelt hefs gesendt, also hebbic se 18in de werelt gesent; ende omme haren wille heileghe ic mi selven, (87r) 19dat si oc werden geheilegt in der waerheit. Ende nit allene en biddic ouer 20hen; mar ouer degene oc die ane mi gheloeven selen ouermids hare leeringe, 21dat se alle een werden, gelijc dat du, vader, in mi best ende ic in di, ende 22si in ons een werden, dat de werelt geloeve dat te mi hefs gesendt. Ende 23die clerheit die du mi ghafs, hebbic hen gegheven, dat si allene werden, 24ghelijc dat wi een sijn: ic in hen ende du in mi, dat si werden volmakt in 25een ende de werelt bekennen dat du mi hefs gesendt ende ic se gemint 26hebbe, gelikerwijs dat tu mi hefs gemint. Vader, die du mi hefs gegheuen, 27die willic dat daer met mi sijn, daer ic wesen sal, dat si mogen sien die 28clerheit die du mi gegheven hefs, want du mi minnes, eer de werelt was 29gemakt. Gherechte Vader, ende de werelt en heft di nit bekent, mar ic 30bekenne di. Ende dese bekennen dat tu mi gesendt hefs; ende dinen name 31hebbic hen cont gemakt ende sal noch cont maken dat die minne <dar> 32du mi met hefs gemint, in hen si blivende ende is oc blive in hen. 33Matheus Marcus Lucas Alse Ihesus dese wart gesproken hadde, soGa naar margenoot+ 34ghinc hi met sinen ijongren in een dorp, dat hit Gethsemani, overGa naar margenoot* dat 35gewat dat heett Cedron. Al daer so stont en hof, daer hi in ghinc met sinen 36EndeGa naar margenoot* Iudas dine verrit, wish vale die stat, want hi dikke plach | |
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1For the words which thou gavest me I have passed on to them, and they 2have received them, and know veritably that I have come from thee, and 3believe also that thou hast sent me. I pray for them, not for the world but 4for those whom thou hast given me, for they are thine, and all that I have 5that is thine, and that which thou hast that is mine. And I am glorified in 6them. And presently I am not in the world, but these remain in the world 7Ga naar margenoot+ and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep them in thy name whom thou hast 8given to me, that they be one even as we are one. When I was with them 9I kept them in thy name. I guarded them whom thou gavest me, and not 10one of them was lost, except the son of damnation in order to fulfil the 11Scripture. Now I come to thee, and this I say to them while I am in the 12world, that they retain my joy within themselves. I have given them thy 13teaching, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world. 14I do not pray that thou take them out of the world, but that thou guard 15them from evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 16Make them holy in truth; thy teaching, that is the truth. As thou halt sent 17me into the world, even so have I sent them into the world. And for their 18sakes I sanctify myself, that they also be sanctified in truth. And I pray 19not only for them but for those also who shall believe in me because of their 20teaching, that they all become one as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee, 21and they become one in us, that the world believe that thou hast sent me. 22And the glory which thou gavest me I have given to them, that they become 23all one as we are one, I in them and thou in me, that they become perfect 24in one, and confess to the world that thou hast sent me, and I have loved 25them even as thou hast loved me. Father, I wish that those whom thou 26hast given me be with me there where I shall be, that they may see the 27glory that thou hast given me. For thou lovedst me ere the world was made, 28righteous Father, and the world has not known thee. But I know thee, and 29these know that thou hast sent me, and I have made thy name known to 30them and will make it known yet, that the love with which thou hast loved 31me be remaining in them and I also remain in them. 32Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had spoken these words he went with his disciples into a 33village which was called Gethsemane, across the brook which is called 34Cedron. There stood a garden into which he went with his disciples. And 35Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place well, for he often used | |
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1al daer te comene met sinen ijongren. Lucas Matheus Marcus Ende alse 2Ihesus daer quam, soGa naar margenoot* seide hi tote sinen iongheren: SittGa naar margenoot** Lucas hir ende sprect u 3gebet, dat gi nin ualt in koringen, ende ontbeidt mijns, toteGa naar margenoot* din male dat 4ic ga ende doe mijn gebet ende weder come. Doe nam hi Peetre ende tuee 5Zebedeuss kinder, IJacops ende IJanne, ende ghinc voert, ende hi begonste 6te (87v) uerseereghene ende bedruft te sine. DoeGa naar margenoot* sprac hi tote hen ende 7seide: Mine zile es bedruft toter doet; beidt hir mijns ende waekt met mi. 8Doe ghinc hi uan [hen] also uerre alse men enen steen werpen mochte ende 9leideGa naar margenoot* sine knin ter erden ende uil op sijn anschin ende bat, ochtt sijn 10mochte, dat die ure moste liden uan hem, ende seide aldus: AbbaGa naar margenoot*, mijn 11vaderGa naar margenoot*, alle dinc sijn di moghenlec; magtGa naar margenoot** sijn, so nem desenGa naar margenoot*** kelk of 12van mi; mar nochtan mote geschin nit dat ic wille marGa naar margenoot* dat du wels. 13EndeGa naar margenoot* alse hi op stont van sire bedinghen, so quam hi te sinen ijongren 14Ga naar margenoot+ende vant se slapende. Ende hi sprac hen ane ende seide: PetreGa naar margenoot* Symon, 15slapstu? WatGa naar margenoot* slaepdi? En constti ene ure nit gewaken [met] mi? Waekt 16ende bedt, dat gi nin valt in koringen; mijn gheest es willech, mar dat 17vleesch es treghe. Doe ghinc hi noch anderwerf endeGa naar margenoot* bedde. EndeGa naar margenoot** 18aldaer so quam oc die inghel van den hemele ende troesttene. Ende mettire 19bedruftheit daer hi in was, so wart hi langer bedende ende seideGa naar margenoot*: 20Vader, <en> mach dese kelc nit liden, mine behorne te drinkene, so mote 21dijn wille geschin. Doe wart sijn sueet geschapt alse druppen bloeds neder 22Iopende ter erden wert. EndeGa naar margenoot* alse hi op stont, so quamGa naar margenoot** hi noch te sinenGa naar margenoot+ 23ijongren ende vant se echt slapende vanGa naar margenoot* seregheiden, wantGa naar margenoot** hare oghen 24waren al vakerech, ende sine wistenGa naar margenoot* wat si mochten antwerdden. DoeGa naar margenoot** 25lithise liggen ende ghinc derdewerf don sijn gebet endeGa naar margenoot* bat alse hi teuoren 26hadde ghedaen. DarGa naar margenoot** na so quam hiweder te sinen ijongeren ende spracGa naar margenoot* 27Ga naar margenoot*al Ga naar margenoot+dus: NuGa naar margenoot* slapt ende rustt v; hetsGa naar margenoot** gnoch. NuGa naar margenoot*** comt die ure dat des 28menschen sone sal gheleuert werden in der sunderen hande. Staet op ende 29ghawi: hi beghint ons te naekene, die mi leueren sal. 30Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Al die wille dat Ihesus sprac, soGa naar margenoot+ 31quam Iudas die een hadde geweest van den tueluen, ende met hem so ene 32grote schare volks met lanternen ende met wipen, (88r) met wapenen ende 33met suerden ende met vusten, die ghesendt waren van den princhen der 34ijodscher papen ende vanden senioren des volcs. Matheus Marcus Ende 35deghene diene uerrit, hadde hen ghegheuen en teeken ende hadde ghesegt | |
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1to come there with his disciples. And when Jesus came there he said to his 2disciples: Sit here and say your prayer lest ye fall into temptation, and wait 3for me until I go and do my prayer and come back. Then he took Peter and 4two children of Zebedeus, Jacob and John, and went away and began to 5be sorrowful and troubled. Then he spoke to them and said: My soul is 6troubled unto death. Wait here for me and watch with me. Then he went 7thence as far as one might throw a stone and laid his knees on the earth, 8and fell on his face and prayed if it might be that the hour might pass 9from him and said thus: Abba, my Father, all things are possible to thee, 10if it may be, take this cup away from me. Nevertheless, may not, that which 11I will, but that which thou willst happen. And when he stood up from his 12praying he came to his disciples and found them sleeping. And he spoke 13to them and said: Peter Simon, sleepest thou? Why sleep ye? Could ye not 14watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that ye fall not into temptation. 15My spirit is willing but the flesh is slow. Then he went yet another time and 16prayed, and there came also the angel from heaven and comforted him, 17and with the sadness in which he was he started praying longer and said: 18Father, if this cup may not pass unless I must drink it, thy will be done. 19Then his sweat became shaped like drops of blood running down to earth, 20and when he rose he came again to his disciples and found them sleeping 21yet for sorrow, for their eyes were all drowsy and they knew not what they 22might answer. Then he let them lie and went a third time to do his prayer 23and prayed as he had done before. After that he came again to his disciples 24and spoke thus: Sleep now and rest yourselves. It is enough. Now comes the 25hour when the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of the sinners. 26Rise and let us go. He begins to approach us who shall deliver me. 27While Jesus was speaking Judas came who had been one of the twelve 28and with him a large crowd of people with lanterns and with torches, 29with weapons and with cudgels, who were sent by the chiefs of the Jewish 30priests and by the elders of the people. And he who betrayed him had given 31them a token and had said | |
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1aldus: So wien dat ic cusse, die est; houdtene ende leidteneGa naar margenoot* wijsslec. 2DoeGa naar margenoot* ghinc hi altehant tote Ihesum ende seide: Willecome, rabbi, ende 3mettinGa naar margenoot* trat hi voert omme hem te cussene. Ende Ihesus seide aldus: Juda, 4Ga naar margenoot*leuerstu des menschen sone met enen cussene? Urint, watGa naar margenoot* sukstu hir? 5Doe cusdene Iudas vor sinen mont. EndeGa naar margenoot* Ihesus die wale wijste al dat 6hem te gheschinne was, hi tart voert ende seide aldus: Win sukdi? Ende si 7antwerdden: Ihesum Nazarenum. Ende Ihesus sprac aldus: Jc bent. Al 8daer so stont oc Iudas met hen. Ende also saen alse Ihesus hadde ghesegt: 9Ic bent, so vlowen si achterwert ende uilen neder ter erden. Doe vragde 10hen Ihesus noch anderwerf ende seide aldus: Win sukdi? Ende si antwerdden 11hem noch weder: Ihesum Nazarenum. Ende Ihesus sprac aldus: Jc hebbe 12u gesedt dat ict ben. Sukdi mi dan, so laett dese henen gaen. Dat sprac 13hi omme te volbrengene dat wart dat hi gesegt hadde, doe hi sprac aldus: 14Vader, die du mi gegheuen hefs, dire en es engheen verloren. Matheus 15Marcus Lucas Doe torden si voert ende daden hare hant ane hem ende 16hildenne. Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Alse dat sagen sine ijongren 17die bi hem stonden ende vernamen wat daer te geschine was, so spraken 18si tote Ihesum: Here, wille wj slaen metten suerde? Doe tracGa naar margenoot* Symon 19Petrus en suert ut dat hi hadde, ende sloch enen van des beschops knechten 20ende sneet hem af sine rechte ore; die selue knecht was Malcus genamt. 21Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe sprac Ihesus te Petre ende seide al-22dus: Din kelc din mi de vader gegheuen heft te (88v) drinkene, en weltu 23nit dat ikken drinke? Stec dijn suert in sine scheide, wantGa naar margenoot* igewelc die 24sleet metten suerde, sal metten suerde uerslegen werden. En wetstu nit 25dat ic mach uerbidden den vader dat hi mi sende meer dan tuelef legien 26uan inglen? Hoe selen dan de scrifturen werden ueruult, die seggen dat 27dit moet sijn? Laett u slaen hir met. Doe nam Ihesus sine hant ende ghereen 28des ghens ore, ende altehant so wart hi geghanst. 29Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Dar na so sprac Ihesus totin volkeGa naar margenoot+ 30dat daer iegen hem uersament was, ende seide aldus: Ghelijc dat [ic] en 31dief ware, so com di iegen mi met suerden ende met vusten omme mi te uane. 32Jc was alle daghe met u in den temple, ende ghi ne uingt mi nit, marGa naar margenoot* dits 33uwe ure ende nu toent die prinche van den demsternessen sine macht. 34Dit gheschide aldaer, om dat de scrifturen van den profeten aldus mosten 35werden ueruult. Alse die ijongren dat gheruchte sagen, so beghauen si alle 36Ihesum ende vlowen enwege. Doe grepen dire IJoeden knechte ende die 37vorstre ende dat volc dat daer uersament was, Ihesum, ende bondene ende 38leiddenne tote Annam. Dese Annas was Cayphass sueer, die beschop was | |
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1thus: Whomsoever I kiss, that is he; hold him and lead him carefully. 2Then he went presently to Jesus and said: welcome, Rabbi, and with that 3he stepped forward to kiss him. And Jesus said thus: Judas, betrayest thou 4the Son of man with a kiss? Friend, what seekest thou here? Then Judas 5kissed him on his mouth. And Jesus, who well knew all that was to happen 6to him stepped forth and said thus: Whom seek ye? and they answered: 7Jesus of Nazareth. And Jesus spoke thus: I am he. Judas also stood there 8with them. And as soon as Jesus had said, I am he, they fled backward 9and fell down on the ground. Then Jesus asked them yet a second time 10and said thus: Whom seek ye? and they answered him again: Jesus of 11Nazareth. And Jesus spoke thus: I have said to you that I am he. If ye 12seek me, let then these go hence. He said that in order to fulfil the word 13that he had said when he spoke thus: Father, of those whom thou hast 14given me not one is lost. Then they stepped forth and laid their hand on 15him and held him. When his disciples, who stood near him and saw what 16was to happen there, saw that, they spoke to Jesus: Lord, shall we smite 17with the sword? Then Simon Peter pulled out a sword that he had and 18struck one of the bishop's servants and cut off his right ear. That servant 19was named Malchus. Then Jesus spoke to Peter and said thus: That cup 20which the Father has given me to drink, willt thou not that I drink it? 21Put thy sword into its sheath; for everyone who slays with the sword shall 22be slain with the sword. Knowest thou not that I can persuade the Father 23by prayer that he send me more than twelve legions of angels? How shall 24then the scriptures be fulfilled which say that this must be? Let yourselves 25be smitten herewith. Then Jesus took (stretched out) his hand and touched 26that man's ear, and presently he was healed. 27After that Jesus spoke to the crowd which there was assembled against 28him and said thus: As if I were a thief ye come against me with swords 29and with cudgels to seize me. I was every day with you in the temple and 30ye seized me not. But this is your hour and now the prince of darkness 31shows his power. This happened there because the scriptures of the prophets 32must thus be fulfilled. When the disciples saw that uproar they all forsook 33Jesus and fled away. Then the servants of the Jews and the officers and 34the people who were assembled there seized Jesus and bound him and led 35him to Annas. This Annas was father-in-law to Caiaphas who was bishop | |
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1op dat ijaer; ende dese Cayphass was deghene die den raet gaf den IJoeden, 2dat men enen mensche soude doeden omme de verloessenesse des volks. 3Alse men Ihesum enwech leidde, so volgde hem en ijongelinc die me enen 4linen cleede was gecleedt ende nemmeer cleeder en hadde ane. Denghenen 5gegrepen die IJoeden ende woudenne uaen, mar deghene lit hen dat linen 6cleet ende vlo al naekt uan hen. Johannes Matheus Marcus Ende alse 7Symon Petrus sach dat men Ihesum en weghe leidde, so volgde hi hem 8van verren ende nochGa naar margenoot* en ander van Ihesus ijongren tote vor dis bischops 9hof. Ende want (89r) die ander ijongre conschap hadde mettin beschop, 10so ghinc hi in ende volgde Ihesum tote in dire hof ende Peeter bleef buten 11staende vor die porte. Doe ghinc in die ander ijongre die conschap hadde 12mettin beschop, ende sprac iegen die portenersse ende dede Petre dar 13binnen comen. Ende also saen alse dat ijonc wijf die portenersse was Petre 14versach, so sprac si te hem ende seide: En bestu nit een van des menschen 15ijongren? Ende Peter antwerdde hare: Wijf, ine kenne des me nschen nit, 16noch ine weet wat tu meins. Aldaer binnen des hoefs so stonden oc knechte 17bi enen uire ende wermden hen, want het cout was. Ende Peeter ghinc 18hem staen wermen met hen, om dat hi woude sien dat inde. DoeGa naar margenoot* vragde 19die beschop Ihesum van sinen ijongren ende van sire leeringen. Ende 20Ihesus antwerdde hem aldus: Jc hebbe oppenbere gesproken in de werelt 21ende ic hebbe altoes geleert in de synagoghen ende in den temple daer 22alle de IJoeden plagen te uerghederne, ende in den heimeleken staden en 23hebbic ni gesproken. Wat vregstu mi dan? Vregh den ghenen diet hebben 24gehoert, wat ic hen hebbe ghesegt. Alse Ihesus dit hadde gesproken, een 25van din knechten die daer stont ende dat hoerde, gaf Ihesu enen kinnebac 26slach ende seide aldus: Antwerdstu dos den beschop? Ende Ihesus antwerdde 27den ghenen weder ende seide aldus: Hebbic qualec gesegt, so ghef prufnesse 28van din quade, ende hebbic wale gesegt, waromme sleestu mi dan? Doe 29seidde Annas Ihesum al gebonden tote Caypham den beschop. 30Johannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Ende Symon Petrus stont nochtoe op 31den hof buten ende wermede hem. Aldaer so quam en ander ijonc wijf, 32ende alse deghene Petre sach, so sprac si toten ghenen die daer stonden, 33ende seide aldus: Ende dese was met Ihesu Nazareno! Doe <spraken> oc 34die daer stonden, ende seiden Petre: Ghewarechlec, du best een van den 35ghenen, want dine tale doet ons bekinnen dat du en Galileus best. Doe 36loeghende echt Peter sijns met (89v) groten eede ende seide dat hi dis 37menschen nin kende. Ende dar na ouer en stukkelken tijds alse omtrent | |
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1that year and this Caiaphas was the man who gave the counsel to the Jews 2that one should kill one man for the redemption of the people. As Jesus was 3being led away a youth followed him who was clothed with a linen cloth 4and had no more clothes on. The Jews seized him and would imprison him, 5but he left them the linen cloth and fled all naked from them. And when 6Simon Peter saw that they led Jesus away, he followed him from after and 7yet another of Jesus' disciples unto in front of the bishop's court, and because 8the other disciple had acquaintance with the bishop he went in and followed 9Jesus inside the court and Peter remained standing outside in front of the 10gate. Then the other disciple who had acquaintance with the bishop went 11in and spoke to the woman gatekeeper and made Peter enter there. And 12as soon as that young woman the gatekeeper noticed Peter, she spoke to 13him and said: Art thou not one of the man's disciples? and Peter answered 14her: Woman, I don't know the man, nor do I know what thou meanest. 15There inside the court were also servants standing by a fire and warmed 16themselves, for it was cold, and Peter went and stood warming himself with 17them, because he wanted to see the end. Then the bishop questioned Jesus 18about his disciples and his teachings. And Jesus answered him thus: I have 19openly spoken in the world, and I have always taught in the synagogues 20and in the temple where all the Jews are accustomed to assemble, and in 21the secret places I have never spoken. Why then askest thou me? Ask those 22who have heard what I have said to them. When Jesus had spoken this, 23one of those servants who stood there and heard that struck Jesus on the 24cheek and said thus: Answerest thou the bishop thus? And Jesus answered 25him and said thus: If I have spoken evil, give proof of that evil, and if I 26have said well, why then smitest thou me? Then Annas sent Jesus all bound 27to Caiaphas the bishop. 28And Simon Peter was still standing in the court outside and warming 29himself. Then came another young woman, and when she saw Peter, she 30spoke to those who were standing there and said thus: And this one was 31with Jesus the Nazarene. Then those who were standing there spoke also and 32said to Peter: Verily, thou art one of them, for thy speech makes us know 33that thou art a Galilean. Then Peter again denied him with a great oath 34and said that he did not know the man. And after that, after a little while, 35as about | |
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1ene ure uan den daghe so sprac een van des besschops knechten, die maech 2was des gheens din Peter die ore af sloch, ende seide: Ghewarlec, dese 3was metten ghenen, want hi es en Ghalileus. Doe sprac hi voert tote Petre 4ende seide aldus: En sagic di nit in den hof metten ghenen? Doe begonste 5Peter te vloekene ende te suerne ende te seggene: Jne kens nit, noch ine 6weet wat du segts, noch ine weet wie hi es. Ende daer na altehant so sanc de 7hane tuewerf. Lucas Matheus Marcus Doe kirde hem Ihesus omme ende 8sach op Petre, ende mettin so gedachte Petre dis wards dat hem Ihesus 9hadde gesegt: Eer nemmer die hane singt tuewerf, soutu mijns driewerf 10loechgenenGa naar margenoot* noch heden. DoeGa naar margenoot** ghinc Peter daer buten ende begonsteGa naar margenoot*** 11bitterlec te weenne. 12Ga naar margenoot+Matheus Marcus Lucas DesGa naar margenoot* anders dags vruch so uerghederdenGa naar margenoot**Ga naar margenoot+ 13alle de princhen van den ijoedschen papen metten senioren van den volke 14ende metten scriben; ende aldaer sochten si alle valsche getugnesse iegen 15Ihesum, daer <sine> mede uerordeelen mochten ende leueren ter doet. 16Ende sin consten engheen uinden, nochtan dat vele valscher getugen voert 17quamen ende vele getugden, mar hare getugnessen en waren niwens wert. 18Te lesten so quamen tuee valsche getugen ende spraken aldus: WiGa naar margenoot* hoerden 19desen seggen: Jc hebbeGa naar margenoot* macht te destrueerne den tempel Gods, desenGa naar margenoot* 20die met handen gemakt es, ende binnen drin dagen enen anderen temakene 21sonder toedoen van handen. EndeGa naar margenoot* Ihesus sueech ende en antwerdde hen 22nit. Doe stont op die prinche van din ijoedschen papen ende ghinc staen 23in midden vor Ihesum ende vragde hem ende sprac al dus: Waromme en 24antwerds tu nit (901) te din dat dese getugen iegen di? Ende Ihesus sueech 25al stille ende en antwerdde hem nit. Doe sprac noch die beschop ende 26seide: Ic besuere di ende bemane bi den leuende n Got dat tu ons segs 27ochtu best Christus, Gods sone. Ende Ihesus antwerdde ende sprac aldus: 28Du segest dat ictGa naar margenoot* ben, want al seidict v, ghine gheloeueds mi nit; ende al 29vregdic v it, ghine antwerdet mi nit noch en litt mi nit gaen. Nochtan 30seggic v dat gi vorwert meer selt sien des menschen sone sitten ter rechter 31siden der mogentheit Gods endeGa naar margenoot* weder comen in den wolken van den 32hemele. Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe schoerde die prinsche van din 33ijodschen papen sine cleeder ende sprac aldus: Hi heft blasphemie ghesegt! 34Wat suke wi andre getugen? Nu hebdi alle gehoert die blasphemie ute 35sijnsGa naar margenoot* selues monde. Wat dunkt v nu? Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes 36Ende si antwerdden allegader: Hi heft der doet verdint. Doe ghingen hem 37die IJoeden toe ende spowen hem in sijn anschin; ende diene hilden, si | |
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1one hour of the day, one of the bishop's servants who was a kinsman of the 2one whose ear Peter smote off spoke and said: Verily, this one was with 3them, for he is a Galilean. Then he spoke presently to Peter and said thus: 4Did I not see thee in the garden with him? Then Peter began to curse 5and to swear and to say: I know him not, nor do I know what thou sayest, 6nor do I know who he is. And immediately after the cock crew twice. Then 7Jesus turned round and looked upon Peter, and at once Peter remembered 8that word that Jesus had said to him: Before the cock crows twice, thou 9shalt deny me twice yet today Then Peter went out from there and began 10to weep bitterly. 11Ga naar margenoot+Early the next day all the heads of the Jewish priests with the elders of 12the people and with the scribes came together and there they sought all 13false testimonies against Jesus with which they might condemn him and 14deliver him to death, and they could not find any, although many false 15witnesses came forward and many testified. But their depositions were 16not worth anything. At last came two false witnesses and spoke thus: We 17heard this man say: I have power to destroy the temple of God, this one 18which has been made with hands, and to make another within three days 19without action of hands. And Jesus was silent and answered them not. Then 20the chief of those Jewish priests stood up and took his stand in the centre 21before Jesus and asked him and spoke thus: Why answerest thou not what 22these testify against thee? And Jesus was silent and answered him not. Then 23the bishop spoke again and said: I adjure thee and admonish thee by the 24living God that thou tellest us whether thou art Christ, the Son of God. 25And Jesus answered and spoke thus: Thou sayest that I am he, for although 26I said it to you, you would not believe me, and although I asked it you, 27ye answered me not nor would let me go. Nevertheless I say to you that 28henceforth ye shall see the Son of man sit at the right side of the power 29of God and come back on the clouds of heaven. Then the chief of the Jewish 30priests rent his garments and spoke thus: He has said blasphemy, what 31seek we other witnesses? now ye have all heard the blasphemy out of his 32own mouth. What think ye now? And they answered altogether: He has 33deserved death. Then the Jews went towards him and spat in his face, 34and those who held him | |
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1bespottenne ende dekden hem sijn anschin ende ghauen hem halsslaghe. 2Ende alsen die bespott hadden, so quamen andre ende ghauen hem kinnebac 3slage in sijn anschin ende spotten met hem ende seiden: Profeteere ons, 4Christe, wie was deghene die di sloch? ende andre vele blasphemien so 5seiden si van hem. Matheus Marcus Lucas Iohannes Ende alse sine 6gnoch hadden bespott ende gehalsslagt, so namen sine ende leiddenne al 7gebonden in de virschare ende leuerdenne Pontio Pylato den rechtre, 8marGa naar margenoot* sine ghingen nit mede in die uirschare, om dat si hen nin wouden 9beulekken, mar suuer wouden bliuen omme har paschen tetene. Alse 10Iudas doe sach, dine vercohtt hadde, dat hi ten ordeele geleuert was, so berau 11hem dat hine vercohtt hadde. Doe ghinc hi toten princhen van den ijoed-12schen papen ende toten (90v) senioren ende brachte hen die dertech seluerne 13penninge weder ende sprac aldus: Jc hebbe mesdaen in din dat ic v ens 14gherechts menschen bloet hebbe vercochtt. Ende si antwerdden hem 15weder aldus: Wat gheet ons dis ane? Wale gewerds di! Doe warp hi die 16seluerne penninghe in den tempel ende ghinc en weghe ende verhinc hem 17seluen met enen strikke. Doe namen die princhen van din ijodschen papen 18die dertech seluerne penninghe ende spraken onderlinge ende seiden 19aldus: Ons en es nit ghorloft dat wise leggen in de trisorie, om dat ter ens 20menschen bloet met was ghecochtt. Doe drogen si ouer een in haren redde 21ende coghten daer mede en stukke lans dat ens porters was, ende uisirdent 22daer toe dat men vremde liede die storuen in die stat, daer op grauen 23soude. Ende om die sake so was dat lant geheeten Acheldemach, dat ludt 24also vele alse bloedech lant; ende also est bleuen heetende tote op desen 25dach. Hir met so wart veruult die profecie die wilen een profeteGa naar margenoot* [sprac] 26ende seideGa naar margenoot* aldus: Si namen dertech seluerne penninghe, dar ic omme 27gekochtt was van den israhelschen volke, ende ghauen se omme des porters 28lant also ghelike alst mi van Gode was vertoent. 29Johannes Alse die IJoeden Ihesum Pylatus hadden geleuert, so ghincGa naar margenoot+ 30Pylatus daer buten tote hen ende sprac aldus: Wat wrughnessen brengdi 31mi iegen desen mensche? Ende die IJoeden antwerdden hem weder ende 32seiden: En ware dese nit en ondadech mensche, wine haddenne di nit 33gheleuert, want wi hebben desen vonden verkirende onse volc ende ver-34biedende dat men den keiser engheenen tsens en gheue, ende hem beromende 35dat hi Christus de coninc ware. Doe antwerdde hen Pylatus ende sprac 36aldus: Nemdine ende (91r) ordeeltene na de uonnessen van vre weet. | |
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1mocked him and blindfolded him and struck him in the neck, and when 2these had mocked him others came and struck him in the face, and made 3fun of him and said: Prophesy us, Christ, who was the one who struck 4thee? and many other blasphemies they said of him. And when they had 5mocked him and beaten his neck enough, they took him and led him bound 6into court and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the judge. But they did not 7go with him into the court, because they would not defile themselves, but 8wanted to remain clean in order to eat their passover. When Judas, who 9had sold him, saw that he was delivered into judgment, he repented that 10he had sold him. Then he went to the chiefs of the Jewish priests and to the 11elders and returned to them the thirty pieces of silver and spoke thus: I 12have misdone in that I have sold to you the blood of a just man. And they 13answered him back thus: What is that to us? good luck to thee! Then he 14threw the pieces of silver into the temple and went away and hanged 15himself with a noose. Then the chiefs of the Jewish priests took the thirty 16pieces of silver and spoke among themselves and said thus: We are not 17allowed to lay them into the treasury because a man's blood was bought 18with them. Then they agreed in their council and bought therewith a 19piece of land that belonged to a potter and destined it thereto that strangers 20who died in the town should be buried there, and for that reason that land 21was called Acheldemach, that means as much as bloody land, and thus it 22has been called until this day. Herewith was fulfilled the prophecy which 23formerly a prophet [spoke] and said thus: They took thirty pieces of silver 24for which I was bought by the Israelitish people and gave them for the 25potter's land even as it was appointed to me by God. 26Ga naar margenoot+When the Jews had delivered Jesus to Pilate, Pilate went out to them and 27spoke thus: What accusation bring ye me against this man? And the Jews 28answered him and said: If he were not an evil-doer, we would not have 29delivered him to you, for we have found him misleading our people and 30commanding that they give no tax to the emperor, and boasting that he 31was Christ the King. Then Pilate answered them and spoke thus: Take 32him and judge him according to the findings of your law. | |
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1Ende die IJoeden antwerdden hem weder aldus: Ons en is nit ghorlof 2imene te doedene. Dit geschide also om dat wart te ueruulne dat Ihesus 3hadde gesproken, doe hi seide welkerhande doede dat hi steruen soude. 4Doe ghinc Pylatus weder in te Ihesum ende sprac aldus: Johannes Mathe-5us Marcus Lucas Bestu der IJoeden coninc? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem 6weder aldus: Seghstu dit van dijns selues haluen ochte hebbent di andre 7leide van mi gesegt? Ende Pylatus sprac noch voert ende seide aldus: 8Benic dan oc en IJoede? Dine liede ende dine beschope hebben di mi 9geleuert; wat hefstu mesdaen? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder aldus: 10Mijn rike en es van derre werelt nit; ware <mijn> rike van derre werelt, 11so souden mine liede vor mi striden, dat ic den IJoeden geleuert nin worde; 12mar mijn rike en es hir nit. Doe sprac Pylatus noch voert ende seide: So 13bestu dan coninc? Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder ende sprac aldus 14Du segest dat ic koninc ben. Jc ben daer toe geboren ende daertoe benic 15in de werelt comen, dat ic getuge sal gheuen van der warheit; alle die de 16warheit minnen, die hoeren gherne mine wart. Doe vragde hem Pylatus 17ende sprac aldus: Wat es de warheit? Ende alse hi dat gesproken hadde, so 18ghinc hi weder ut totin IJoeden ende sprac totin princhen van den ijodschen 19papen ende totin volke: Jne vinde en ghene cause van der doet in desen 20mensche. Mar die IJoeden riepen sere dar iegen ende seiden: Hi heuet 21tfolc in dolingen brachtt ende heft geleert alt ijodschen lant dore van 22Galileen tote hir. Alse Pylatus hoerde Galileen numen, so vragde hi ochte 23hi van Galileen ware, ende alse hi uernam dat hi van Herodess gherichte 24was, so sendde hine tote Herodem, die oc op din (91v) tijt te Iherusalem 25was. Ende alse Herodes Ihesum sach, so wart hi harde blide, want langen 26tijt hadde hine beghert te siene, om dat hi vele van hem hadde horen 27seggen ende om dat hi hopde enech teeken van hem te siene. Ende vragde 28hem Herodes vele dings, mar Ihesus en antwerdde hem nit en tuint. Aldaer 29so stonden oc die princhen van din ijodschen papen ende wrugdene harde 30degherlec. Doe vercuschdene Herodes ende sine liede ende bespottenne, 31ende daden hem are en wit cleet ende senddenne weder te Pylatum. Op 32din dach so worden gheurinde Herodes ende Pylatus, want teuoren hadden 33si onderlinge onurinde ghewest. AlsGa naar margenoot* Ihesus weder te Pylatum comen was, | |
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1And the Jews answered him back thus: We are not allowed to kill anyone. 2This happened thus in order to fulfil the word that Jesus had spoken when he 3said what manner of death he should die. Then Pilate went again inside 4to Jesus and spoke thus: Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus answered 5him thus: Sayest thou this of thyself or have other people said it to thee of 6me? And Pilate spoke on and said thus: Am I then also a Jew? Thy people 7and thy bishops have delivered thee to me. What hast thou misdone? And 8Jesus answered him back thus: My kingdom is not of this world. If my king-9dom were of this world, then my people would fight for me that I be not 10delivered to the Jews; but my kingdom is not here. Then Pilate spoke yet 11further and said: Art thou king then? And Jesus answered him back and 12spoke thus: Thou sayest that I am king. To this end have I been born and to 13this end am I come into the world that I shall give witness of the truth. All 14who love truth are glad to hear my words. Then Pilate asked him and spoke 15thus: What is truth? And when he had spoken that he went outside again 16to the Jews and spoke to the chiefs of the Jewish priests and to the people: 17I find no cause for death in this man. But the Jews cried loud against that 18and said: He has led the people astray and has taught throughout all the 19Jewish land from Galilee to here. When Pilate heard Galilee mentioned he 20asked whether he were from Galilee, and when he learnt that he was of 21Herod's jurisdiction, he sent him to Herod, who also was at Jerusalem at that 22time. And when Herod saw Jesus he was very glad, for he had long desired to 23see him because he had heard much talk about him and because he hoped 24to see some miracle from him. And Herod asked him many things, but Jesus 25answered him not a thing. The chiefs of the Jewish priests stood also there 26and accused him very bitterly. Then Herod and his people reviled and 27mocked him and put a white garment on him and sent him back to Pilate. 28On that day Herod and Pilate became friends, for before they had been 29inimical to each other. When Jesus had come back to Pilate, | |
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1so ghinc ut Pylatus ende rip tesamen die princhen van dijn ijodschen 2papen ende dat meesterschap ende dat volc ende sprac aldus: Ghi hebt 3mi gheleuert desen mensche alse ouer eenen verkirre des volkes, mar ic 4salne v hir ut weder leueren, omme v cont temakene dat is engheene cause 5en vinde ane hem van allen din daer ghine of wrugt, ende sone dede oc 6Herodes, want: ic sendde v te hem, ende aldaer <en> wart nit gepruft op 7desen warumme dat hi der doet hadde verdint. Dar omme salikken gheece-8len ende also laten gaen. Doe rip aldat volc alse ut enen monde ende sprac 9aldus: Doch desen van den wege ende hanken vollec an den cruce! Ende 10Pylatus antwerdde hen weder ende seide: Nemdine ende crusttene, want 11ine uinde ane hem engheene cause. Doe antwerdden hem die IJoeden 12ende spraken aldus: Wie hebben ene wet, ende na dat ordeel van onser 13wet so moet hi steruen, want hi makt hem seluen Gods sone. Alse Pylatus 14dat hoerde, so wart hi verssagt. Lucas Matheus Marcus Ende altehant 15so ghinc hi weder in, daer Ihesus was, ende sprac aldus: Wanen bestu? 16(92r) Ende Ihesus en antwerdde hem nit. Doe sprac noch Pylatus tote 17hem ende seide aldus: En sprekstu iegen mi nit? En wetstu nit dat ic mach 18hebbe di te crucene ende macht di laten te gaene? Doe antwerdde hem 19Ihesus ende seide: Du ne hads engheene macht ouer mi, en waresi di nit 20van bouen ghegheuen. Dar omme seggic di dat deghene die mi di hef 21geleuert, die heues meerre sunde. Van dire vren so sochte Pylatus oksun 22van sire uerloessnesse om hem laten te gane. Ende alse die IJoeden dat 23uernamen, so riepen si met groten ghelude ende spraken aldus: Laetstu 24desen gaen, sone bestu des keisers vrint nit, want so wie so hem seluen 25coninc makt, die duet iegen den keiser. Alse Pylatus dat hoerde, so nam 26hi Ihesum ende leiddene ut, ende dede hem ghereiden sinen stoel daer hi 27op soude sitten te gherichte, in ene stat, die heett Lycostratos ende in 28Hebreeuscher talen Gabatha. Dat was op den vridach vor den Paschen 29omtrent den middage. Ende alse hi Ihesum ut brachte, so sprac hi toten 30IJoeden ende seide: Sit hir vwen coninc. Ende alsene die IJoeden saghen, 31so ripen si alle ghemeinlec: Doch wech! Doch wech! ende: Hanken ane 32den cruce! DoeGa naar margenoot* sprac Pylatus: Salic vwen coninc crucen? Ende die ijoed-33schen papen antwerdden: Wine hebben engheenen coninc meer dan den 34keiser. Matheus Marcus Johannes DoeGa naar margenoot* begonstenne die ijoedschen 35papen ende die beschope te wrugene van harden vele dingen, mar Ihesus 36en antwerdde hen nit en tuint. DoeGa naar margenoot* sprac Pylatus tote Ihesum ende seide: 37En hoerstu nit hoe vele getugenessen dat si brengen iegen di? Ende Ihesus 38en antwerdde hem een wart nit, so dat den rechtre sere wonderde. | |
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1Pilate went outside and called the chiefs of the Jewish priests and the rulers 2and the people together and spoke thus: Ye have delivered to me this 3man as a perverter of the people, but I shall deliver him here back to you 4so as to make known to you that I find no fault in him as to all that of which 5ye accuse him, and neither did Herod, for I sent you to him, and there was 6nothing proved against him for which he had deserved death. I shall 7therefore scourge him and let him go. Then all the people cried as out of 8one mouth and spoke thus: Do him away and hang him at once on the cross! 9And Pilate answered them back and said: Take him and crucify him, for I 10find no fault in him. Then the Jews answered him and spoke thus: We have a 11law and according to the judgment of our law he must die, for he makes 12himself the Son of God. When Pilate heard that he became afraid, and 13presently he went in again where Jesus was and spoke thus: Whence art 14thou? And Jesus answered him not. Then Pilate spoke again to him and 15said thus: Speakest thou not to me? Knowest thou not that I have power 16to crucify thee and power to let thee go? Then Jesus answered him and 17said: Thou wouldst have no power against me, unless it were given thee from 18above. Therefore I say to thee that he who has delivered me to thee has 19greater sin. From that hour on Pilate sought an opportunity for his release in 20order to let him go. And when the Jews perceived that, they cried with great 21clamor and spoke thus: If thou letst this man go, thou art not the emperor's 22friend, for whosoever makes himself king acts against the emperor. When 23Pilate heard that, he took Jesus and led him out and had his chair prepared 24for him on which he should sit in judgment in a place which is called 25Lycostratos, and in Hebrew language Gabbatha. That was on the Friday 26before the Passover around midday. And as he brought Jesus out he spoke 27to the Jews and said: See here your King. And when the Jews saw him 28they cried all in common: Do away, do away, and, hang him on the cross! 29Then Pilate spoke: Shall I crucify your King? And the Jewish priests ans-30wered: We have no king except the emperor. Then the Jewish priests and 31the bishops began to accuse him of very many things, but Jesus answered 32them not a thing. Then Pilate spoke to Jesus and said: Hearest thou not 33how many testimonies they bring against thee? And Jesus answered him 34not a word, so that the judge marveled greatly. | |
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1Matheus Marcus Lucas Op die feeste van den Paschen so was ghe-Ga naar margenoot+2woente dat die richtre (92v) plach eenen van sinen gheuangenen laten te 3gaene, so welken dadt volc hebben woude. EndeGa naar margenoot* op die wille so hilt hi eenen 4gheuaen, die hit Barrabas. Doe rip hi die IJoeden te samen ende sprac 5aldus: HetGa naar margenoot* es costume dat ic v eenen gheuangenen late gheen op de 6feeste van den Paschen. WienGa naar margenoot* wildi dan dat ic v late gaen, so Barrabam, 7so Ihesum, din men heett Christus? WantGa naar margenoot* hi wiste wale dat sine omme 8haettschap ende omme nijt hem, hadden gheleuert. AldaerGa naar margenoot* hi sat te sinen 9gherichte, so sendde sijn wijf eenen bode te hem, die van harenthaluen hem 10seide aldus: En onderwint di nit dis gherechts menschen noch en gheene 11plecht en uerdiene ane hem, want ic hebbe heden vele ghedoegt in drome 12om sinen wille. Ende alse Pylatus din IJoeden hadde geuragt win si wouden 13ghelaeten hebben, so rieden die ijoedschen besschope ende die seniore 14din gemeinen volke, dat si ischen Barrabam. Doe vragede hen die richtre 15noch anderwerf, welken dat si verloest wouden hebben van din tueen. 16Ende si ripen alle: Barnabam! Dese Barrabas was en mordenere, ende 17omme enen manslacht din hi hadde ghedaen in de stat, so was hi geuaen 18ende gelegt in den kerker. Matheus Marcus Lucas Iohannes Doe ant-19werdde hem Pylatus ende sprac aldus: Wat salic dan don met Ihesum, 20din men heett Christus? Ende si antwerdden hem weder aldus: Hankene 21an den cruce! Ende Pylatus vragde hen ende sprac aldus: Wat heft hi 22mesdaen? Ende si ripen noch anderwerft: Hankene an den cruce! Alse 23Pylatus sach datt nin didde al dat hi dede ende seide, mar dat dat gheruchte 24meerrede ilanc so meer onder dat volc, so nam hi water ende duoch sine 25hande vor al dat volc ende sprac aldus: Jc ben sonder plecht van den 26ploede (93r) des gherechts menschen; wale ghewerds v. Doe antwerdde 27al dat volc alse ut eenen monde ende seide: Sijn bloet bliue op ons ende 28op onse nacomelinge. Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Doe lit hi hen 29Barrabam gaen ende Ihesum dede hi gheecelen. Ende alse hi ghegheecelt 30was, so leuerdene Pylatus sinen riddren ende denghenen die met hem waren, 31dat sine souden crucen. AlseGa naar margenoot* Ihesus din riddren ende din soudiren geleuert 32was, so namen sine ende leiddenne weder in die virschare, ende uersamenden 33aldat volc om hem ende daden hem sine cleeder ut ende daden hem ane enen 34roc van porpre ende hingen om hem enen mantel van ghelen samite ende 35vlochten ene crone van dornen ende settense hem op sijn hoeft ende ghauen 36hem enen staf van eenen riete in sine hant ende <knilden> vor hem ende sei-37den te haren spotte: Got houddi, der IJoeden coninc! Matheus Marcus DarGa naar margenoot* | |
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Ga naar margenoot*1At the feast of the Passover it was the custom that the judge used to let 2go one of his prisoners whom the people wanted to have. And at that time 3he held one imprisoned who was called Barabbas. Then he called the Jews 4together and spoke thus: It is the custom that I release to you one prisoner 5at the feast of the Passover. Whom will ye then that I release to you, either 6Barabbas or Jesus whom they call Christ? For he well knew that they had 7delivered him to him out of hatred and envy. As he sat there on his judgment 8seat, his wife sent a messenger to him who on her behalf said to him thus: 9Have nothing to do with that righteous man nor incur any guilt by him, 10for I have suffered much today in a dream for his sake. And when Pilate 11had asked the Jews whom they wanted to have released, the Jewish bishops 12and the elders advised the common people that they should demand Barab-13bas. Then the judge asked them yet a second time which they wanted to 14have released of those two. And they all cried: Barabbas. This Barabbas 15was a murderer and he had been seized and put into prison for a manslaugh-16ter he had done in the city. Then Pilate answered them and spoke thus: 17What shall I do then with Jesus whom they call Christ? And they answered 18him again thus: Hang him on the cross. And Pilate asked them and spoke 19thus: What has he misdone? And they cried yet a second time: Hang him 20on the cross. When Pilate saw that all that he did and said was of no use, 21but that the tumult grew ever greater among the people, he took water and 22washed his hands before all the people and spoke thus: I am without guilt 23for the blood of the righteous man. I wish you well. Then all the people 24answered as out of one mouth and said: His blood remain on us and on 25our posterity. Then he released Barabbas to them and caused Jesus to be 26scourged, and when he had been scourged, Pilate handed him over to his 27soldiers and those who were with him, that they should crucify him. When 28Jesus had been handed over to those soldiers and sergeants, they took him 29and led him back into the courtroom, and gathered all the people around 30him, and stripped him of his clothes and put on him a robe of purple, and 31hung on him a mantle of yellow samite, and plaited a crown of thorns and 32put it on his head, and gave him a staff of reed in his hand and kneeled 33before him and said in their mockery: God keep thee, king of the Jews! | |
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1na spiwense in sijn anschin ende namen dat rit ende slogenne daer mede 2op sijn hoeft. Ende alse sine gnoch bespott hadden, so namense hem af din 3mantel ende daden hem ut din roc van porpre ende daden hem sine cleeder 4weder ane ende leiden hem sijn cruce op sinen hals ende leiddenne ut ter 5stat weder, daer sine souden crucen. Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes 6Ende alse si daer buten quamen, so vonden si enen man, die was genamt 7Symon Cyreneus, die uader was Alexandri ende Rufi, die van den dorpe 8wert quam gaende. Desen duongen si daer toe dat hi dat cruce moeste 9dragen na Ihesum. Aldaer Ihesus te sire passien wert ghinc, so volgde en 10groet volc van mannen ende van wiuen, die screiden <ende> weenden 11omme hem. Doe kirde hem Ihesus omme te hen wert ende <sprac> aldus: 12Dochter van Iherusalem, en weent omme mi nit, mar omme v seluen 13(93v) ende omme vwe kinder, want de daghe selen comen, dat men sal 14seggen: Salech sijn die ondrechteghe ende die lichamen die nin ontfingen 15van manne, ende die borste die nin soeghden. Dan selen seggen die dat 16selen ghebiden, toten berghen ende toten hoeuelen: Valt op ons ende 17bedekt ons, want ochte men den grunen houte aldostene ghewout doet, 18wat sal dis droegs houts dan ghewerden? Op die vre so leiddemen oc tuee 19andre die quadijen hadden gheweest, ut vert met Ihesum, die men met hem 20crucen soude. EndeGa naar margenoot* alse Ihesus quam tire stat daer men die ondaedeghe 21plach te verdoene, die in hebreeuscher talen was ghenaemt Golgatha, 22daer hinc men Ihesum aneGa naar margenoot* den cruce, ende die dieue, den eenen te sire 23rechter siden ende den andren te sire slinker siden, ende in midden Ihesum. 24EndeGa naar margenoot* alse Ihesus ghecrust was, so ghaf men hem drinken wijn met gallen 25ghemingt, ende alse hijs ghesmakde, so ne woude hijs nit drinken. Aldar 26Ihesus an den cruce hinc, so sprac hi aldus: Vader, verghef hen dese mes-27daet, want si nin weten wat si don. Ende na din dat die soudire Ihesum 28an den cruce gehangen hadden, so namen si sine cleeder ende deildese in 29uiren, ende igewelc nam sijn deel. Mar die roc was sonder naet ende ghe-30weuen van eenen stukke, ende dar omme so spraken si onderlinge ende 31seiden: En schore wi din roc nit, mar worpe wj kauelen, wis hi sal sijn. Dar 32met so wart die scrifture ueruult die sprakt aldus: Si deilden onder hen 33mine cleeder ende omme minen roc worpen si kauelen. Die dit daeden, 34dat waxen die ssoudire; dese waren oc diene hudden, daer hi an den cruce 35hinc. Iohannes Matheus Marcus Lucas Doe screef Pylatus sinen titel 36ende deden slaen an den cruce bouen Ihesus hoeft; (94r) die titel was | |
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1Ga naar margenoot*After that they spat in his face and took the reed and smote him with it 2on his head. And when they had mocked him enough they took the mantle 3from him and pulled off his robe of purple and dressed him again in his 4clothes and laid his cross upon his neck, and led him again out of the city 5where they would crucify him. And as they came outside they found a 6man who was called Simon of Cirene, who was the father of Alexander 7and Rufus, coming from the field. They compelled him to carry the cross 8after Jesus. Where Jesus went along to his passion there followed a great mul-9titude of men and of women who cried and wept for him. Then Jesus turned 10round towards them and spoke thus: Daughter of Jerusalem, weep not for 11me but for yourselves and for your children, for the days shall come when 12they shall say: Blessed are the barren and the bodies that did not conceive 13from man, and the breasts that did not give suck. Then shall they who 14shall live to see it say to the mountains and to the hills: Fall on us and cover 15us, for if they do such harm to the green wood, what then shall become of the 16dry wood? At that hour they led also two others who had committed crimes 17out of town with Jesus, whom they would crucify with him. And when 18Jesus came to the place where they used to execute the criminals, which 19in Hebrew language was called Golgotha, they hanged Jesus there on the 20cross, and the robbers, the one of them on his right side and the other on his 21left side, and Jesus in the middle. And when Jesus had been crucified, they 22gave him wine to drink mingled with gall. And when he had tasted of it he 23would not drink it. Where Jesus hung on the cross he spoke thus: Father, 24forgive them this crime, for they know not what they do. And after the soldiers 25had hanged Jesus on the cross, they took his clothes and divided them into 26four parts. And each took his share. But the coat was without seam and 27woven of one piece, and therefore they spoke among each other and said: 28Let us not rend that coat but cast lots whose it shall be. Therewith was ful-29filled the Scripture which speaks thus: They parted my garments among 30them and for my coat they cast lots. Those who did that were the soldiers. 31They were also those who guarded him where he hung on the cross. Then 32Pilate wrote his title and had it nailed on the cross over Jesus' head. 33The title was | |
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1gescreuen met tesen warden: Ihesus Nazarenus, der IJoeden coninc. Desen 2titel lasen vele IJoeden die quamen ende ghingen, want die stede daer 3Ihesus gecrust was, nit verre en was van derre stat. Ende oc was die titel 4gescreuen in Hebreuschen, in Grikschen ende in Latinen. Ende alsei die 5ijodschen besschope lasen, so spraken si tote Pylatum <ende> seiden aldus: 6En scrijf nit: Der IJoeden coninc, mar scrijf dat hi seide: Ic ben der IJoeden 7coninc. Ende Pylatus antwerdde hen weder aldus: Dat ic gescreuen hebbe, 8dat hebbic gescreuen. AldaerGa naar margenoot* Ihesus hinc, so blasphemeerdenne die 9IJoeden die ghingen ende quamen, ende spraken aldus: Wach die destrueert 10den tempel Gods ende binnen drin daghen din weder makt, <verloesse> 11di seluen, ende ochtu Gods sone best, so ghanc van den cruce! MatheusGa naar margenoot+ 12Marcus Lucas Doe quamen oc voert die princhen ende die scriben ende 13die seniore ende hilden har spot met hem ende spraken aldus: Andre leide 14heft hi verloest ende hem <seluen> en can hi nit verloessen! Es hi coninc 15van Israhel, so gha [hi] van den cruce, daer wi toe sien; so moge wi an hem 16gheloeuen. Hi verlaett hem op Gode; nu verloessene Got, ocht sijn wille es, 17want hi beroemede hem dat hi Gods sone ware. Also ghelike so bespottene 18oc een van den ghenen die beneuen hem hingen, ende sprac aldus: Bestu 19Christus, so verloesse di seluen ende ons oc. Doe antwerdde die ander ende 20schout den ghenen ende seide: Du best in der seluer verdumnessen daer 21hi in es, ende nochtan en onssistu Gode nit? Wi sijn met rechte uerordeelt, 22want wi hebbens wale verdint, mar dese en hadde nit mesdaen. Doe sprac 23deghene tote Ihesum ende seide aldus: Here, ghedinc mijns, alse du coms 24in dinen rike. Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder (94v) aldus: Jc segge di 25ouer waer dat tu noch heden met mi sout sijn in den paradyse. AldaerGa naar margenoot* 26so stont beneuen Ihesuss cruce sijn moeder ende sire moeder suster, Maria 27Cleophe, ende Maria Magdalene. Ende alse Ihesus sach sire moeder ende 28din ijongre din hi minde daer staen, so sprac hi tote sire moeder ende 29seide aldus: Wijf, sich hir dinen sone. Dar na so sprac hi tote tin ijongre: 30<Sich> hir dire moeder. Ende van dire uren vorwert so hilt se die ijongre 31ouer sire moeder. Matheus Marcus Alse Ihesus aldus anden cruce ghe-32hangen was omtrent den middaghe, so verghinc de sonne ende al de werelt 33was in demsternessen toter noenen. Ende omtrent der noenen rip Ihesus 34met hoger stemmen ende seide aldus: Hely, Hely, lemazabactani? dat 35didt also uele alse: Mijn Got, mijn Got, waromme hefstu mj begheuen? 36Ende de somege die daer stonden ende hoerden die wart, si spraken aldus | |
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1written in these words: Jesus Nazarenus King of the Jews. This title was 2read by many Jews who came and went, for the place where Jesus had 3been crucified was not far from the city. And the title was also written in 4Hebrew, in Greek, and in Latin. And when the Jewish bishops read it, 5they spoke to Pilate and said thus: Write not king of the Jews but write 6that he said I am king of the Jews. And Pilate answered them back thus: 7What I have written I have written. Where Jesus hung he was blasphemed by 8the Jews who went and came and spoke thus: Woe thou, who destroyest 9the temple of God and remakest it within three days, release thyself, and 10if thou art God's Son, go from the cross. Then came forth also the chief 11Ga naar margenoot+ priests and the scribes and the elders and mocked him and spoke thus: 12He has saved other people and he cannot save himself. If he is king of 13Israel, let him go from the cross, while we are watching; then we may 14believe in him. He relies upon God; let God now save him if it be his will, 15for he boasted that he was the Son of God. In like manner one of those who 16hung beside him mocked him and spoke thus: If thou art Christ, save thyself 17and us also. Then the other answered and rebuked him and said: Thou 18art in the same condemnation that he is in, and yet thou fearest not God? 19We have been justly condemned, for we have well deserved it, but he had 20done nothing amiss. Then he spoke to Jesus and said thus: Lord, remember 21me when thou comest in thy kingdom. And Jesus answered him back thus: I 22say to thee, verily, that thou shalt be with me in Paradise even today. 23There were standing by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's 24sister Mary [the wife] of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. And when Jesus 25saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he spoke 26to his mother and said thus: Woman, see here thy son. After that he spoke 27to the disciple: See here thy mother. And from that hour on the disciple 28regarded her as his mother. When Jesus thus was hanged on the cross about 29midday, the sun vanished and all the world was in darkness until the ninth 30hour, and about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice and said thus: 31Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That means, my God, my God, why hast thou 32forsaken me? And some who stood there and heard those words spoke thus: | |
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1Dese roept Helyam! Iohannes Matheus Marcus Ende alse Ihesus sachGa naar margenoot+ 2dat al dat <volcomen> was, dat van hem gescreuen was, so sprac hi aldus: 3Mi dorst. Al daer so stont en vat vol edeks. Ende een van den ghenen die 4daer stonden, lip ende nam [ene] spongie ende bant se omme enen schacht 5van ride ende uulledse met edeke ende boet hem drinken. Doe ripen die 6andre die daer stonden: Beide, laet sien ochte Helyas sal comen omme 7hem te verloessene. DoeGa naar margenoot* sprac noch Ihesus met hoger stemmen ende seide: 8Vader, in dinen handen beuelic minen gheest. Ende alse Ihesus dis edeks 9gesmakde, so sprac hi aldus: Nu est al voldaen. Doe heldde hi sijn hoeft 10nederwert ende gaf sinen gheest ende verschit. Op die selue wille so schorde 11die cortine van den temple van bouen tote beneden in tueen stukken ende 12derde beuede ende de steene clouen ende [de] graue ontploken ende vele 13(95r) lichamen der heilegher leiden die begrauen waren, stonden op ende 14ghingen ut hardn grauen ende uertoegden hen na sire opherstannessen uele 15lieden in der stat uan Iherusalem. Aldaer bi den cruce so stont en edel 16man die hondert riddren hadde onder hem, ende alse hi sach die erde 17beuen ende aldat wonder dat daer geschide, so wart hi harde sere ueruert 18ende oc alle deghene die bi hem stonden ende hudden Ihesum. Ende die 19hoge man lofde Gode ende sprac aldus: Ghewarechlec, dese mensche was 20gherecht ende Gods sone. Ende aldat volc dat daer stont ende dat wonder 21ane sach, wart ueruert ende igewelc sloch vor sijn herte; ende also kirden 22si weder ter stat wert. Ende alle deghene die sine vrint hadden gheweest 23ende die sine conde hadden gehat, ende vele vrowen die met hem waren 24comen uten lande van Galileen tote Iherusalem, stonden van verren ende 25sagen toe. OnderGa naar margenoot* die so stont oc Maria Magdalene ende Maria, des 26mijnders IJacobs moeder ende Josephs, elide Salome ende de moeder van 27Zebedeuss kindren. Dese plagen hem te volghene, alse hi was int lant van 28Galileen, ende hem te dinne. Doe quamen die IJoeden, want het op den vri-29dach was vor den Paschen ende vor din hogen saterdach, ende baden 30Pylatum dat men hare been soude breken, om dat si teer steruen souden 31ende dat mense enwege don mochte vor din hogen dach, ende dat si nin 32bleuen hangende an den cruce op din dach van der feesten. Doe quamen 33ssoudire toten irsten ende braken hem sine been, ende dar na ten andren 34ende braken hem oc de sine; ende doe si quamen te Ihesum, so vonden 35sine doet ende daer omme en braken si hem sine been nit, mar een dire 36ssoudire nam ene glauie ende stac Ihesum in sine side ende ontploec hem | |
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Ga naar margenoot+1This man calls Elyah! And when Jesus saw that all that had been written 2of him had been fulfilled, he spoke thus: I am thirsty. There stood a vessel 3full of vinegar, and one of those who stood there ran and took a sponge and 4bound it round a reed stalk and filled it with vinegar and offered him 5drink. Then the others who stood there cried: Wait, let [us] see if Elijah 6will come to save him. Then Jesus spoke again with a loud voice and said: 7Father, into thy hand I commend my spirit. And when Jesus had tasted 8of the vinegar, he spoke thus: Now all is finished. Then he bowed down 9his head and gave up his spirit and died. At that same moment the veil 10of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom in two pieces, and the 11earth quaked, and the rocks were rent, and tombs were opened and many 12bodies of the holy people who were buried arose and went out of their 13graves and showed themselves after his resurrection to many people in 14the city of Jerusalem. There by the cross stood a noble man who had a 15hundred soldiers under him, and when he saw the earth quake and all 16the wonder that happened there, he became very much frightened and 17also all those who stood by him and guarded Jesus. And that noble man 18praised God and spoke thus: Verily, this man was righteous and the Son 19of God. And all the people who stood there and beheld that wonder be-20came frightened and everyone smote his breast and thus they returned 21to the city. And all those who had been his friends and had had his acquaint-22ance and many women who had come with him out of the land of Galilee 23to Jerusalem stood from afar and looked on. Among those stood also Mary 24Magdalen and Mary, the mother of the lesser Jacob and of Joseph, and 25Salome, and the mother of Zebedeus' children. These used to follow him 26when he was in the land of Galilee and to serve him. Then the Jews came, 27for it was on the Friday before the Passover, and before the high Saturday, 28and asked Pilate that their legs should be broken so that they should die 29the sooner, and that they might be done away before the high day, and 30not remain hanging on the cross on the day of the feast. Then the soldiers 31came to the first and broke his legs and after that to the other one and 32broke his also, and when they came to Jesus they found him dead, and 33therefore they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers took a lance 34and pierced Jesus in his side and opened up | |
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1die side, ende altehant so lip uttire siden bloet ende water. Ende deghene 2die dat sach, (95v) hi ghetuget, ende sijn getugnesse es waer ende deghene 3weet selue wale dat hi waer segt, ende daer omme getugt hijt, dat ghijs 4te bat gheloeuen selt. Want dit geschide omme die scrifture te ueruulne, die 5sprect aldus: Men ne sal en gheen been breken ane sinen lichame. Ende 6ene andre scrifture sprect aldus: Si selen noch den ghenen ane sien din si 7dorstaken. 8Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Alst den auonde naekde, so quam 232 9en rike man ende en edel die tine riddren hadde onder hem, die was van 10eere stat uten ijodschen lande <die> hit Arimatia - ende die man was 11genamt <Ioseph> - ende en goet man was ende en gherecht ende Ihesuss 12ijongre was al verholenlec om de vreese van den IJoeden ende hakende 13was na dat rike Gods, noch en consenteerde nit mettin IJoeden met rade 14noch met dade. Dese quam te Pylatum ende bat hem dat hi hem gaue 15Ihesuss lichameGa naar margenoot*; ende Pylatus vragde ochte Ihesus so saen doet ware. 16Ende alse hem die centurioGa naar margenoot* seide dat hi doet ware, so beual hi dat men 17Iosephe din lichame gaue. Doe quam oc Nichodemus, dat was deghene 18die te Ihesum be nachte comen was, ende brachte ene mixture van mirren 19ende van aloe, dis was omtrent hondert pont. Dese namen Ihesus lichame 20ende leidenne in linen laken ende wondenne daer in, ghelikerwijs dat de 21IJoeden hare doede plagen te grauene. Aldaer bider stat daer Ihesus was 22gecrust, so stont en hoef, ende in din hoef stont en niwe graf daerGa naar margenoot* noit 23nimen in ghelegt en was. DoeGa naar margenoot* nam Ioseph din lichame ende leidene in din ni-24wen graue dat ut enen steene gehowen was; ende vor din mont van din 25graue leide hi enen groten steen, ende alse dat gedaen was, so ghinc hi en 26weghe. AldaerGa naar margenoot* bi so sat Maria Magdalene ende ene andre Marie, ende 27sagenGa naar margenoot* toe daer men din lichame leide in din graue. Ende alse si te her-28berghen quamen, (96r) so begonsten si te gereidene hare ungemente 29daer Ga naar margenoot* si Ihesum met bestriken souden. Ende al din saterdach so bleuen si 30thus na den gebode van der weet. 31DesGa naar margenoot* anders dags na din uridach din die IJoeden heten Parasceuen, so 233 32quamen die princhen van din ijodschen papen ende die Phariseuse, ende 33spraken Pylatum ane ende seiden aldus: Here, ons ghedinkt ens vards 34dat die droghenere seide, doe hi leuede: Jc sal na drie daghe weder op 35staen. Daer omme so gebiet dat men dat graf huede toten derden dage, 36dat sine ijongren nin comen ende stelenne ende seggen den volke: Hi es 37op herstaen van der doet, want dan souden dechterste dolinghe quader | |
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1his side and presently blood and water ran out of the side. And he who 2saw that testifies it, and his testimony is true, and he knows well himself 3that he tells the truth, and therefore he testifies it that ye shall believe it 4the better. For this happened in order to fulfil the Scripture, which speaks 5thus: No bone shall be broken on his body. And another Scripture speaks 6thus: They shall yet look on him whom they pierced. 7Ga naar margenoot+When the evening approached there came a rich and noble man, who 8had ten soldiers under him. He was of a town from the Jewish country 9that is called Arimathea, and that man was called Joseph, and was a good 10man and righteous and was a disciple of Jesus all secretly out of fear of the 11Jews, and was yearning for the kingdom of God and did not agree with 12the Jews neither in thought nor in deed. He came to Pilate and asked him 13that he gave him the body of Jesus and Pilate asked if Jesus were dead so soon. 14And when the centurionGa naar voetnoota said to him that he was dead, he gave order that 15the body be given to Joseph. Then came also Nicodemus, who was the one 16who by night had come to Jesus and brought a mixture of myrrh and of 17aloe, about a hundred pound of it. These took the body of Jesus and laid 18it in linen cloth, and wound it therein even as the Jews used to bury their 19dead. Near the place where Jesus had been crucified, there stood a garden, 20and in that garden was a new tomb in which no one had been laid. Then 21Joseph took the body and laid it in that new tomb, which had been hewn 22out of a rock, and before the mouth of the tomb he laid a great stone. And 23when that had been done, he went away. Mary Magdalen and another 24Mary were sitting there, and looked on as they laid the body in the tomb. 25And when they came to the inn, they began to prepare their ointments 26with which they would anoint Jesus, and all that Saturday they remained 27indoors according to the commandment of the law. 28233 The next day after that Friday which the Jews call parasceven, the chiefs 29of the Jewish priests and the Pharisees came and spoke to Pilate and said 30thus: Sir, we remember a word which that deceiver said when he was 31alive: I shall arise again after three days. Command therefore that the 32sepulchre be guarded until the third day, lest his disciples come and steal 33him and say to the people that he is arisen from death. For then the last 34errors would be worse | |
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1sijn dan dirste. Doe antwerdde hen Pylatus: Ghaet ende nemt hoeden ende 2huedtene also alse gi wilt. Doe ghingen si en weege ende leiden hoeden 3bi din graue ende beseghelden den steen ende beualen din hoeden dat graf 4wale te huedene. 5Matheus Marcus Lucas Johannes Des nachts na den saterdach in deGa naar margenoot+ 6margenstonde van den sondaghe, doetGa naar margenoot* noch donker was, soGa naar margenoot* quam Maria 7Magdalene ende die andre Maria ende SalomeGa naar margenoot*ten graue, ende brachten 8har ungement dat si hadden gereidt. Ende te sonneGa naar margenoot* opgange, alst begonste 9te clerne van den daghe, so spraken si onderlingen ende seiden aldus: Wie 10sal ons din steen don van den graue? want hi was harde groet. DoeMatheus tire 11seluer vren so beuede derde sere, want die ingel quam van den hemele 12ende ghinc voert ende kirde din steen van din graue. Ende alse die vrowen 13totin graue quamen, so sagen si din steen af gedaen van den graue ende 14din ingel sitten op din steen, ende dis ingels anschin was gelijc der blixemen 15ende sine cleeder wit alse snee. EndeMatheus Marcus Lucas omme de vreese van din ingel so 16worden die hoeden sere ver-(96v)uert ende worden gheschaept alse doede 17leide. DoeMatheus Marcus sprac die ingel totin vrowen: En veruert v nit, ghi liede, want 18ic weet wale dat gi Ihesum sukt die gecrust was. Hine es hir nit, want hi 19es op herstaen, also gelike alse hi teuoren seide. Comt ende besiet die stat 20daer hi ghelegt was. Ende alse die vrowen dit hoerden ende vernamen, 21so vorden si verdarnt ende verssagt. Ende aldaer si stonden in dire ver-22darntheit, so quamen tuee andre ingle alse tue menschen bi hen staen met 23witten cleedren ende met cleren. Doe veruerden hen die vrowen ende kirden 24danschin ter erden wert. Ende die ingle spraken hen ane ende seiden aldus: 25Wat sukt di den leuenden metten doeden? Hine es hir nit, din gi sukt, 26mar hi es op herstaen. Laett v gedinken dire wart die hi seide, doe hi in Gali-27leen was, dat des menschen sone moste werden gheleuert in der sunderen 28hande ende ghecrustt werden, ende des derds dags soude op herstaen. Nu 29gaet dan vollec ende segt sinen ijongren ende Petre dat hi op herstaen es 30ende dat hi vor v vert te Galileen wert; daer seldine sien, geliker wijs dat v 31teuoren ontheiten was. Doe ghingen die vrowen met hasten van din graue 235 32ende liepen met vreesen ende met groter blischapt din ijongren bodschapen 33dat si hadden gehoert. Ende aldaer si ghingen, so quam Ihesus selue iegen 34hen ende sprac aldus: Jc grute v. Doe vielen hem die vrowen te voete ende 35anebeddenne ende hildenne metten voeten. Doe sprac Ihesus tote hen 36ende seide aldus: En onssit v nit, mar gaet ende segt minen brudren dat 37si gaen in Galileen; daer selen si mi sien. Doe ghingen si en wege ende | |
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1than the first. Then Pilate answered them: Go and keep guard and watch 2him as ye will. Then they went away and laid guards by the tomb and 3sealed the stone and ordered the guards to watch the tomb well. 4Ga naar margenoot+ In the night after the Saturday, in the dawn of the Sunday, when it was 5still dark, Mary Magdalen and the other Mary and Salome came to the 6tomb and brought their ointment that they had prepared. And at sunrise, 7as it began to clear with daylight, they spoke among themselves and said 8thus: Who shall move that stone for us from the tomb? For it was very 9great. Then at that very hour the earth quaked exceedingly, for the angel 10came from heaven and went forth and turned the stone from the tomb. 11And when the women came to the tomb, they saw the stone taken away 12from the tomb and the angel sitting on the stone; and the angel's face was 13like the lightning and his raiments white as snow. And for fear of the angel 14the guards became greatly frightened and looked like dead men. Then 15the angel spoke to the women: Fear not, ye people; for I know well that 16ye seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he is risen even as he 17said before. Come and see the place where he was laid. And when the 18women heard this and took it in, they became stupefied and afraid. And as 19they stood in that stupefaction, two other angels, like two men, came and 20stood by them, in white and shining raiments. Then the women were 21frightened and turned their faces down to earth. And the angels spoke to 22them and said thus: Why seek ye the living among the dead? He whom ye 23seek is not here, but he is risen. Remember those words which he said when 24he was in Galilee, that the Son of man must be delivered up into the hands 25of the sinners and be crucified, and on the third day rise again. Go now 26at once and say to his disciples and to Peter that he is risen and that he 27goes before you toward Galilee. There ye shall see him, as it was promised 28Ga naar margenoot+ to you before. Then the women went in haste from the tomb and ran with 29fear and with great joy to tell the disciples what they had heard. And 30where they went Jesus himself met them and spoke thus: I greet you. Then 31the women fell at his feet and worshipped him and held him by the feet. 32Then Jesus spoke to them and said thus: Fear not, but go and tell my 33brethren that they go into Galilee. There they shall see me. Then they 34went away and | |
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1seiden dit algader din ellef apostelen, aldaer si saten ende weenden, (97r) 2endeGa naar margenoot* allen den andren die metGa naar margenoot** hem plagen te sine. Ende alse die ijongren 3dit hoerden, so dochtt hen doerheit ende geduesnesse ende en gheloefdens 4nit. Doe quam Maria Magdalena tote Symonem Petrum ende totin andrenGa naar margenoot+ 5ijongre din Ihesus minde, ende seide <aldus>: Si hebben onsen Here uten 6graue gedragen, ende <wine> connen nit geweten waer sine hebben gelegt! 7Doe lip Peter ende die ander ijongre ende quamen tin graue; dese tuee 8lipen te samen daer henen, mar die andre ijongre lip volleker dan Peter ende 9quam eer ten graue. Ende alse hi inwert sach, so sach hi dat lijnwaet liggen 10daer besiden, mar hine ghinc nit in. Doe quam Symon Petrus na hem ende 11ghinc in dat graf ende sach dat lijnwaet daer liggen ende dat laken daer 12sijn hoeft met was bedekt, nit met tin lijnwade, mar besonderne ende 13ouer een gewonden. Doe ghinc oc in die andre ijongre die tirst comen 14was, ende sacht ende geloeuets, want nochtoe <en> verstonden si die scrifturen 15nit, die dat seggen dat Ihesus moste opherstaen van der doet. Doe ghingen 16die ijongren en wege, alse si dit hadden gesien. Mar Maria <Magdalene>Ga naar margenoot+ 17die hen geuolgt was, darGa naar margenoot* Ihesus seuen quade gheeste ut hadde gheworpen, 18siGa naar margenoot* blef staende buten din graue al weenende. Aldar si stont ende weende, 19so sach si inwert ende sach tuee ingle sitten, gecleedt met witten cleedren, 20den eenen ten hoefden ende den andren ten voeten, daer Ihesuss lichame 21was gelegt. Doe spraken hare ane die ingle ende seiden aldus: Wijf, waromme 22weens tu? Ende si antwerdde: Omme dat si minen Here genomen hebben 23ende ic nin weet waer sine gelegt hebben. Alse Maria dat gesegt hadde, so 24kirde si hare omme ende sach Ihesum staen, mar sine wiste nit datt Ihesus 25was. (97v) Doe sprac hare Ihesus ane ende seide aldus: Wijf, waromme 26weenstu? Win sukstu? Ende Maria, die waende datt en hof winne ghewest 27hadde, antwerdde hem aldus: Here, hefstune enwech gedaen, so seghe mi 28waer dune hefs gelegt, ende ic salne weder brengen. Doe sprac Ihesus 29ende seide: Maria! Due uerkendene Maria ende seide: Rabboni! dat 30bedidt also vele [alse]: meester. Ende Ihesus sprac noch voert ende seide 31aldus: En <gherine> mi nit, want ine ben noch te minen vader nit geuaren, 32mar ghanc te minen brudren ende seghe hen: Jc vare te minen vader ende 33tuwen vader, te minen Got ende tuwen Got. Do ghinc Maria Magdalene 34totin ijongren ende seide hen: Jc hebbe onsen Here gesien ende dese wart 35heft hi mi gesegt! 36Matheus Alse Ihesus op herstaen was van derdoet, so quamen dieGa naar margenoot+ | |
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1told all this to the eleven apostles where they sat and wept, and to all the 2others who used to be with him. And when the disciples heard this, it 3Ga naar margenoot+ seemed to them foolishness and delusion and they did not believe it. Then 4Mary Magdalen came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom 5Jesus loved and said thus: They have carried our Lord out of the tomb, 6and we cannot find out where they have laid him. Then Peter ran, and the 7other disciple, and came to the tomb. These two ran thither together, but 8the other disciple ran faster than Peter and came sooner to the tomb, and 9when he looked inside, he saw the linen there aside, but he did not go in. Then 10Simon Peter came after him and went into the tomb and saw the linen 11lying there and the cloth with which his head had been covered, not 12[together] with the linen but separately all rolled up. Then the other disciple 13who had come first also went in and saw it and believed. For as yet they 14understood not the scriptures which say that Jesus must rise again from 15death. Then the disciples went away when they had seen this. But Mary 16Ga naar margenoot+ Magdalen, who had followed them, she from whom Jesus had cast out 17seven evil spirits, she remained standing outside the tomb all in tears. As 18she stood there and wept, she looked inside and saw two angels sitting clothed 19with white raiments, one at the head and the other at the feet where the 20body of Jesus had been laid. Then the angels spoke to her and said thus: 21Woman, why weepest thou? And she answered: Because they have taken 22my Lord and I know not where they have laid him. When Mary had said 23that she turned round and saw Jesus standing but she knew not that it was 24Jesus. Then Jesus spoke to her and said thus: Woman, why weepest thou? 25Whom seekest thou? And Mary, who supposed that it was a gardener, 26answered him thus: Sir, if thou hast put him away, tell me where thou hast 27laid him, and I shall bring him back. Then Jesus spoke and said: Mary! 28Then Mary recognised him and said: Rabbonit! hat is to say Master. And 29Jesus spoke still further and said thus: Touch me not, for I am not yet 30gone to my Father. But go to my brethren and say to them, I am going 31to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God. Then Mary 32Magdalen went to the disciples and told them: I have seen our Lord, and 33he has said these words to me! 34Ga naar margenoot+ When Jesus had risen from death, the soldiers who had guarded the | |
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1riddren die dat graf hadden gehudt, in de stat ende seiden din princhen 2van din ijodschen papen al dat tin graue was geschit. Doe ghingen si te 3samen mettin senioren ende hadden haren raet wat si hir toe mochten 4don. Aldaer warden si te raede dat si din riddren ghauen ene grote somme 5van ghelde, ende spraken aldus: Segt dat sine ijongren bet nachte quamen 6ende stalen din lichame, al die wille dat gi lagt ende slipt. Ende vernemet de 7richtre, wie selen v onsschuldegen ende don versekren van hem. Ende die 8riddren namen dat ghelt ende daden also alse <gheheetten> was. Ende aldos 9wart dit verkundegt onder de IJoeden tote op desen dach. 10Lucas Op din seluen dach dat Ihesus op herstaen was van der doet,Ga naar margenoot+ 11so vertoegde hi hem tueen sinen ijongren in ere gelikenessen. Dese tuee 12ghingen dis selues dags van Iherusalem te Emaus wert, dat van Iherusalem 13stont omtrent van ere milen. Aldaer si (98r) ghingen, so spraken si onderlinge 14van din dat daer was geschit. Aldie wile dat si aldos te gader spraken, so 15quam Ihesus ende ghinc met hen, mar dat sien van haren ogen wart so 16verwisselt, dat sijs nin bekenden. Doe sprac Ihesus tote hen ende vragde 17aldus: Wat bedieden dese wart die gi gaet als prekende onderlinge, ende 18waromme sidi dus seregh? Ende een van din tueen ijongren, die Cleophas 19was genamt, antwerdde hem weder ende sprac aldus: Du best allene en 20pelegrim ende toms van Iherusalem, ende en weestu nit wat daer geschit 21es in desen dagen? Ende Ihesus vragde noch voert ende seide: Wat es dat? 22Ende si antwerdden: Van Ihesum Nazarene die en mechtegh prophete 23was beide in warden ende in werken vor Gode ende vor al de werelt, 24hoegedaenre wijs datten onse besschope ende onse princhen leuerden ter 25doet ende hingenne an den cruce. Ende wi hopen dat hi verloest soude 26hebben dat volc van Israhel, ende heden op desen dach so est de derde 27dach dat dit geschide. Mar selke vrowen van din die te ons behoeren, 28hebben ons verssagt, die in die dagraet waren geghaen ten graue ende en 29vonden sijns lichamen nit, mar si quamen weder ende seiden dat si uisione 30van inglen hadden gesien, die hen seiden dat hi noch left. Ende oc ghinghen 31de selke van den ghenen die te ons behoren, ende vonden die dint also 32geschapt alse die vrowen hadden gesegt, mar hem en vonden si nit. Doe 33sprac Ihesus noch voert te hen ende seide aldus: O doren ende trege van 34herten te gheloeuene alle dis dat te propheten hebben gesproken! <En> 35moste Christus tirst nit doegen de doet, ende also varen te sire gelorien 36wert? Doe ontploec hi hen haren sin omme die scrifturen te verstane. Dar | |
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1tomb came into the city and told the chiefs of the Jewish priests all that had 2happened at the tomb. Then they came together with the elders and took 3counsel what they might do about this. There they agreed to give the soldiers 4a large sum of money and spoke thus: Say that his disciples came by night 5and stole the body while ye lay asleep. And if the governor hears of it, we 6shall excuse you and relieve you of responsibility to him. And the soldiers 7took the money and did as they were told. And thus was this spread abroad 8among the Jews until this day. 9Ga naar margenoot+ On that same day when Jesus was risen from death, he showed himself 10to two of his disciples in a human shape. These two were going that very 11day from Jerusalem toward Emmaus, which stood about one mile from 12Jerusalem. As they went they spoke to each other of that which had happened 13there. While they were thus talking together Jesus came and went with 14them, but the vision of their eyes was so changed that they knew him not. 15Then Jesus spoke to them and asked thus: What is the meaning of these 16words that ye speak to each other as ye go? And why are ye thus sad? 17And one of the two disciples, who was called Cleophas, answered him back 18and said thus: Thou art alone a pilgrim and comest from Jerusalem, and 19knowest thou not what has happened there in these days? And Jesus asked 20yet further and said: What is it? And they answered: Concerning Jesus 21Nazarene, who was a mighty prophet both in words and in works before 22God and before all the world, in what way that our bishops and our chiefs 23delivered him up to death and hanged him on the cross. And we hope that 24he would have redeemed the people of Israel, and now on this day it is 25the third day since this happened. But some women of those who belong 26to us, have frightened us; they were gone, at dawn, to the tomb and did not 27find his body, but they came back and said, that they had seen visions of 28angels, who told them that he is still alive. And some of those who belong 29to us also went and found things so conditioned as the women had said, 30but him they found not. Then Jesus spoke still further to them and said 31thus: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 32Had Christ not first to suffer death and thus go toward his glory? Then 33he opened their minds that they might understand the scriptures. | |
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1na begonste hi (98v) ane Moysen ende ane alle de propheten ende ontbant 2hen alle die scrifturen die van hem gescreuen waxen. Al die wille so begon-3sten si te nakene din kasteele daer si toe ghingen. Ende alse si daer quamen, 4so dede Ihesus ene ghelikenesse alse ochte hi voerder woude gaen. Doe 5noedden sine ende duongenne met hen te gaene ende spraken aldus: Blijf 6met ons, want het naekt den auonde ende de dach sal schire ouer leden 7sijn. Ende Ihesus ghinc met hen in hare herberghe. Ende alse hi sat ouer 8tafle met hen, so nam hi en broet ende benedijet ende braeckt ende boet 9hen. Doe worden hare ogen ontploken ende si wordenne kennende. Ende 10also schire alse sine bekenden, so ontfoer hi hen uten ogen ende sine sagens 11nemmeer. Doe spraken si onderlingen ende seiden al dus: <En> waren 12onse herten nit bernende in ons seluen, doe hi sprac iegen ons op den 13weghe ende hi ons die scrifturen ontploec? Do stonden si op in dire seluer 14vren ende ghingen te Iherusalem went. Ende alse si daer quamen, so vonden 15si uersament die apostolen ende deghene die met hen waren, die hen seiden 16ghewareghlec dat Ihesus ware op herstaen ende dat hi hem Petre hadde 17vertoegt. Doe uertrokken si oc dat si vernomen hadden in de weghe ende hoe 18sine bekenden in dat broken van din broede. 19Johannes Lucas Jn dire auontstonden van din sondaghe, alst spadeGa naar margenoot+ 20was ende de doeren beloken waxen, al dar die ijongren waren verghedert 21om de vreese van den IJoeden, ende si saten ende spraken van dire ver-22toegenesse die hen was vertogt, so quam Ihesus ende stont in midden onder 23sine ijongren ende seide: Pais si onder v. Jc bent. En veruert v nit. Doe 24worden si geturbeert ende veruert, want si waenden enen (99r) gheest sien. 25Doe sprac Ihesus noch tote hen: Waromme sidi geturbert ende waromme 26laetti wonderleke peinsingen in vwe herte comen? Besiet mine hande ende 27mine voete, ende bekent dat ict selue ben. Tastt ende siet, want en gheest 28en heft noch vleesch noch been, gelijc dat gi mi siet hebben. Ende alse hi 29dit gesegt hadde, so toegde hi hen sine hande ende sine voete ende sine 30side. Lucas Johannes Ende nochtoe en consten sijs nit gheloeuen, so sere 31wonderde hen ende so sere vorden si verdrant van blischapen. Doe sprac 32Ihesus: Hebdi hir it dat men eten mach? Ende die ijongren leiden vor hem 33en deel van enen ghebradenen vesche ende ene rate honegs. Ende alse hi 34gheten hadde vor hen, so nam hi dat relif ende ghaft hen. Dar na so sprac 35hi aldus: Dit waren die wart die ic v seide, doe ic met v was, dat alle die 36scrifturen die van mi waren gescreuen in Moyses wet ende in den propheten 37ende in den salmen, mosten worden veruult. Doe ontploec hi hen den sin | |
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1After that he started from Moses and from all the prophets and explained 2to them all the scriptures that had been written concerning him. Meanwhile 3they began to approach the borough whither they were going. And when 4they arrived there Jesus made a pretence of intending to go on. Then they 5invited him and urged him to go with them and spoke thus: Stay with us, 6for the evening is near and the day will soon be over. And Jesus went with 7them into their inn. And as he sat at table with them, he took a loaf and 8blessed it and broke it, and offered it to them. Then their eyes were opened 9and they recognized him. And as soon as they knew him, he vanished from 10their eyes and they saw him no more. Then they spoke to each other and 11said thus: Were our hearts not burning within ourselves when he spoke to 12us on the way and opened to us the scriptures? Then they rose up in that 13very hour and went toward Jerusalem. And when they came there they 14found the apostles and those who were with them gathered together, who 15said to them verily that Jesus had risen and that he had shown himself to 16Peter. Then they also told what they had learnt on the way and how they 17knew him in the breaking of the bread. 18Ga naar margenoot+ In the evening of that Sunday, when it was late and the doors locked 19where the disciples were gathered for fear of the Jews and they sat talking 20of the apparition that had been shown to them, Jesus came and stood in 21the midst of his disciples and said: Peace be among you. It am I. Be not 22afraid. Then they became troubled and frightened, for they thought they 23saw a spirit. Then Jesus spoke to them yet: Why are ye troubled? And 24why do ye let strange reasonings come into your hearts? Look at my hands 25and my feet, and see that it is I myself. Touch and see, for a spirit has neither 26flesh nor bone as ye see that I have. And when he had said this, he showed 27them his hands and his feet and his side. And even then they could not 28believe it, so greatly did they wonder, and so greatly were they overwhelmed 29with joy. Then Jesus spoke: Have ye here anything that one may eat? 30And the disciples laid before him a piece of a broiled fish and a honeycomb. 31And when he had eaten before them, he took the remainder and gave it 32them. After that he spoke thus: These were the words that I said to you 33when I was with you, that all the scriptures that had been written of me in 34the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms, had to be fulfilled. 35Then he opened their minds | |
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1omme die screfturen te uerstaene ende sprac aldus: Also est gescreuen 2ende also mostt geschin, dat Christus moste bekoren de doet ende des derds 3dags weder opherstaen, ende dat men moet predeken in sinen name peniten-4cie ende afflaet vanden sunden al de werelt dore ende beghinnen te Iheru-5salem. Ende gi selt des mine getugen sijn, want ic sal senden dat gelof 6mijns vader in v. Alse die ijongren dit hoerden ende sagen, so worden 7si verblijscht. Doe sprac Ihesus noch anderwarf: Pais si onder v. Also 8gelike alse mi de vader sendde, so sendic v. Alse hi dit gesproken hadde, 9so blis hi ende sprac aldus: Ontfaet den Heilegen Gheest. Dire sunden 10gi vergheft, die selen vergheuen sijn, ende dire sunden gi onthoudt, die selen 11onthouden sijn. 12Johannes (99v) OpGa naar margenoot* die wile dat Ihesus hem uertoegde aldus sinen 13ijongren, so ne was Thomas, die oc Didimus es genamt, daer nit met hen. 14Ende alse hi quam, so seiden hem die andre ijongren: Wi hebben onsen 15Here gesien! Ende Thomas antwerdde hen weder ende seide aldus: Hen 16si dat ic sie in sine hande die steken van den nagglen ende hen si dat ic 17steke minen vinger in de gate van den nachgglen ende hen si dat ic mine 18hant steke in sine side, so ne gheloeuics nit. Ende oueracht dage dar na 19so waxen noch sine ijongren daer binnen ende Thomas met hen. Doe 20quam Ihesus belokender doerren ende ghinc staen in midden onder hen 21ende sprac aldus: Pais si onder v. Dar na so sprac hi tote Thomase: Brenc 22here dinen vinger ende betaste ende besich mine hande ende breng hare 23dine hant ende stecse in mine side, ende en wes nit ongheloeuech, mar 24geloeuech. Doe antwerdde Thomas ende seide: Du best mijn Here ende 25mijn Got! Ende Ihesus antwerdde hem weder aldus: Omme dat tu mi 26gesien hefs, so gheloefs stu. Mar salech sijn de ghene die mi nin sien, ende 27gheloeuen. Ende noch so vertoegde Ihesus uele andre teekene sinen ijongren, 28die nit gescreuen en sijn [in] desen boeke, mar dese sijn gescreuen, om dat 29gi gheloeuen selt dat Ihesus es Gods sone, ende dat gi ouermids de gheloeue 30beijagt dat eeuleke leuen in sinen name. 31Johannes Lucas Daer na so uertoegde hem Ihesus noch op der zee,Ga naar margenoot+ 32die es genamt Marethiberiadis; aldaer so vertoegde hi hem in derre wijs: Het 33geuil dat te samen waren Symon Petrus ende Thomas, die oc es genamt 34Didimus, ende Nathanael die was van Chana Galileen, ende beide 35Zebedeuss kindere ende andre tuee van sinen ijongren. Aldaer si tesamen 36waren, so sprac Symon (100r) Petrus: Jc wille gaen veschen. Ende die 37andre spraken ende seiden aldus: Wi willen metti gaen. Doe ghingen si | |
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1that they might understand the scriptures, and spoke thus: Thus it is written 2and thus it was bound to happen, that Christ must experience death and 3rise again on the third day; and that one must preach in his name repentance 4and remission of sins throughout the world and begin at Jerusalem. And 5ye shall be my witnesses of that, for I shall send that promise of my Father 6in you. When the disciples heard and saw this, they were gladdened. Then 7Jesus spoke yet a second time: Peace be among you. Even as the Father sent 8me, even so send I you. When he had spoken this, he blew [his breath] and 9spoke thus: Receive the Holy Ghost. Whose sins ye forgive shall be forgiven, 10and whose sins ye retain shall be retained. 11At that time that Jesus thus showed himself to his disciples, Thomas, 12who is also called Didymus, was not there with them, and when he came 13the other disciples told him: We have seen our Lord! And Thomas answered 14them back and said thus: Unless I see in his hands the pricks of the nails 15and unless I stick my finger into the holes of the nails and unless I stick 16my hand into his side, I do not believe it. And eight days after that, his 17disciples were still there within, and Thomas with them. Then Jesus came, 18the doors being locked, and went and stood in the midst of them and spoke 19thus: Peace be among you. After that he spoke to Thomas: Bring here 20thy finger and feel and examine my hands and bring here thy hand and 21put it into my side, and be not unbelieving but believing. Then Thomas 22answered and said: Thou art my Lord and my God! And Jesus answered 23him back thus: Because thou hast seen me, thou believest. But blessed 24are those who see me not and believe. And Jesus showed yet many other 25signs to his disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are 26written so that ye shall believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that, because 27of your belief, ye shall earn eternal life in his name. 28Ga naar margenoot+ After that Jesus showed himself yet on the sea that is called Mare Tiberiadis. 29There he showed himself in this wise: It happened that together were 30Simon Peter, and Thomas, who is also called Didymus, and Nathanael, who 31was from Cana in Galilee, and the two children of Zebedeus, and two 32others of his disciples. As they were there together, Simon Peter said: I 33want to go fishing. And the others spoke and said thus: We want to go 34with you. Then they went | |
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1in en schep, ende op din nacht so ne uingen si nit. Ende alst quam des 2margens, so stont Ihesus in den oeuere, mar die ijongren en wisten nit 3dat Ihesus was. Doe sprac hen Ihesus ane ende seide aldus: Kinder, hebdi 4it geuaen? Ende si antwerdden: Neen wi. Doe sprac Ihesus: Worpt v 5nette in de rechte side vanden schepe ende gi selt vaen. Ende si deden 6also ende vingen so vele uesche, dat si dat nette cume consten getrekken 7na hen. Doe sprac die ijongee din Ihesus minde, tote Petre: Het es onse 8Here. Alse Symon Petrus dat hoerde, so warp hi enen roc ane, want hi bloet 9was, ende spranc in de zee; mar dandre ijongren quamen te schepe, want 10sine waren nit verre van den lande mar omtrent toe hondert voete, ende 11trokken har nette na hen. Ende alse si te lande quamen, so sagen si liggen 12kolen op dat oeuer ende op die kolen enen visch ende daer bi en broet. 13Doe sprac Ihesus ende seide: Ghaet ende haelt van din veschen die gi 14nu hebt geuaen. Doe ghinc Symon Petrus ende trac dat nette te lande 15dat vol was van groten veschen; ende dire vesche was hondert ende drie 16en viftogh, ende nochtan datter so vele was, sone schorde har nette nit. 17Doe sprac Ihesus: Comt eten. Ende aldaer si saten ende aten, sone dorste 18hem harre nie negheen vargen: Wie bestu? want si wisten alle wale datt 19onse Here was. Doe nam Ihesus dat broet ende brakt ende ghaft hen, ende 20dar na din vesch. Ende dit was ten derden male dat hem Ihesus vertoegde 21sinen ijongren, na din dat hi op was herstaen van der doet. Ende alseGa naar margenoot+ 22Ihesus gheten hadde; so sprac hi tote Symonem Petrum: Symon, IJans 23sone, mins du mi meer (100v) dan dese andre? Ende Peter antwerdde: 24IJaic, Here, du wets dat ic di minne. Doe sprac Ihesus ende seide: So uoestre 25mine lammer. Ende dar na so vragde hi hem noch anderwerf: Symon, 26IJans sone, minstu mi? Ende Peter antwerdde: IJaic, Here, di es cont 27dat ic di <minne>. Doe sprac Ihesus noch anderwerf ende seide: So uoestre 28mine lammer. Ende dar [na] so vragde hi hem, noch derdewerf:Symon, 29IJans sone, minstu mi? Doe wart Peter bedruft, om dat hi hem derdewerf 30vragde: Minstu mi? ende antwerdde weder aldus: Here, du wets alle dinc; 31di es con dat ic di minne. Doe sprac Ihesus noch derdewerf: So uoestre 32mine schaep. Ouer waer seggic di dat tu, doe du ijonger wars, di seluen 33gorddes ende wandeles daer du woods, mar alse du te dinen ouden dagen 34comen souts, so soutu dine arme ende dine hande rekken ende en ander 35sal di gordden ende sal di leiden daer du nin souts willen sijn. Dit seide hi 36omme hem te verwisene met welkenhande doede dat hi Gode eeren soude. | |
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1into a ship and in that night they caught nothing. And when morning came 2Jesus stood on the bank but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus 3then spoke to them and said thus: Children, have ye caught anything? 4And they answered: No. Then Jesus spoke: Cast your nets on the right 5side of the ship and ye shall catch. And they did so and caught so many 6fish that they could hardly draw the net towards them. Then spoke the 7disciple whom Jesus loved to Peter: It is our Lord. When Simon Peter 8heard that, he put on a coat, for he was naked, and jumped into the sea. 9But the other disciples came by ship, for they were not far from the land, 10only about two hundred feet, and dragged their nets after them. And when 11they came to land they saw coals lying on the bank and on those coals a 12fish and with it a loaf. Then Jesus spoke and said: Go and get [some] of 13the fish that ye have now caught. Then Simon Peter went and drew the 14net to land, which was full of great fishes. And there were a hundred and 15fifty three of those fishes, and although there were so many, yet did their 16net not tear. Then Jesus spoke: Come [and] eat. And as they sat there and 17ate none of them durst ask, who art thou? for they all knew that it was our 18Lord. Then Jesus took the bread and broke it and gave it to them, and 19after that the fish. And this was for the third time that Jesus showed himself 20Ga naar margenoot+ to his disciples after he was risen from death. And when Jesus had eaten, 21he spoke to Simon Peter: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me more than 22these others? And Peter answered: Yes, Lord. Thou knowest that I love 23thee. Then Jesus spoke and said: Then feed my lambs. And after that he 24asked him yet a second time: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? And 25Peter answered: Yes, Lord, it is known to thee that I love thee. Then Jesus 26spoke yet another time: Then feed my lambs. And after that he asked him 27yet a third time: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? Then Peter became 28sad, because he asked him a third time: Lovest thou me? and answered 29back thus: Lord, thou knowest all things. It is known to thee that I love 30thee. Then Jesus spoke yet a third time: Then feed my sheep. Verily I say 31to thee that when thou werest younger thou girdedst thyself and walkedst 32whither thou wouldest, but when thou shalt come to thine old days, thou 33shalt stretch thy arms and thy hands and another shall gird thee and shall 34lead thee where thou wouldest not be. He said this in order to signify to 35him with what kind of death he should glorify God. | |
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1Ende alse Ihesus dat gesproken hadde, so seide hi tote Petre: VolghGa naar margenoot+ 2mi. Doe kirde hem Peter omme ende sach din ijongre volgen, din Ihesus 3minde ende die op sine borst lach binnen din <auontmale> ende hem 4vragde: Here, wie es degene die di verraden sal? Alse Peter denghenen 5sach, so sprac hi te Ihesum ende seide: Here, wat sal dese don? Ende Ihesus 6antwerdde hem weder aldus: Jc wille dat hi aldos bliue totin male dat ic 7weder comen sal; wat gheet di des ane? Du volgh mi. Alse Ihesus dit gespro-8ken hadde, so werden die andre ijongren waenende bi derre talen, dat dese 9ijongre daer Ihesus dit af seide, nit steruen en soude; ende nochtan en 10seide Ihesus nit dat hi nit steruen en soude, mar: Aldos willic, dat hi 11bliue totin male dat ic weder come; wat gheet di des ane? Dit es die selue 12ijongre die ghetuge es van de-(101r)sen ende die dit screef. Noch vele werke 13warchte Ihesus, die nit ghescreuen en sijn in desen boeke; want soude ment 14al bescriuen dat hi dede ende dat hi leerde, die bueke die men daer af 15maken soude, en souden na minen wane van der werelt nit mogen werden 16alle onthouden - Hir nemt inde die euwangelie sente IJans - 17Matheus Dar na so ghingen die ellef ijongren int lant van GalileenGa naar margenoot+ 18op din berch din hen Ihesus hadde ghenoemt. Aldaer so vertoegde hem 19Ihesus sinen ijongren, ende alse sine sagen, so anebedden sine; nochtan so 20tuiuelde hen somen. Doe sprac Ihesus tote hen ende seide: Mi es gegheuen 21volcomene macht beide in hemelrike ende in ertrike. Ghaet ende leert dat 22volc van ertrike, ende doept se alle in den name des Vader ende des Soens 23ende des Heilegs Gheests, ende leert hen te houdene al dat is v hebbe ghe-24segt. Ende is gheloue v dat is met v bliuen sal toten inde van der werelt. 25Marcus Onlange dar na so vertoegde hem noch Ihesus sinen ijongrenGa naar margenoot+ 26ouer tafle, daer si saten ende aten. Aldaer so berespde hise van hare onge-27loeuegheit ende van der <hartheit> hars herten, om dat si nit geloeuen 28en wouden den ghenen die ne <hadden> sien op herstaen van der doet. 29Dar na so sprac [hi] aldos: Ghaet alde werelt dore ende predect dewangelie 30allen creaturenGa naar margenoot*. Die gheloeftGa naar margenoot** ende gedoept werelt, die sal behouden 31bliuen, mar die nin gheloeft, die sal verdoemt werden. Ende denghenen 32die gheloeuen, selen dese teekene volgen: si selen in minen name de quade 33gheeste verijagen ende si selen prediken met niwen tongen ende si selen 34macht hebben ouer de serpenten; ende al drinken si oc it dat gevenijnt es, 35hen sal hen nit schaden; si selen oc hare hande leggen op de sieke ende die 36selen alle ghenesen. Nu blijft sittende in de stat, totin male dat gi veruult | |
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1Ga naar margenoot+ And when Jesus had spoken that, he said to Peter: Follow me. Then Peter 2turned round and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved follow, the one who 3lay on his breast during the supper and asked him: Lord, which is he who 4shall betray thee? When Peter saw him he spoke to Jesus and said: Lord, 5what shall this one do? And Jesus answered him back thus: I will that he 6thus tarry until the time that I shall come back. What does it concern thee? 7Follow thou me. When Jesus had spoken this, the other disciples began to 8think, because of that speech, that this disciple of whom Jesus said this 9should not die. And yet Jesus did not say that he should not die, but ‘thus 10I will that he tarry till the time I come back. What does it concern thee?’ 11This is the same disciple who is witness of this and who wrote this. Jesus 12wrought yet many works which are not written in this book, for if one should 13describe all that he did and that he taught, the books that one would make 14thereof could, in my opinion, not be all contained by the world - Here 15ends the gospel of Saint John - 16Ga naar margenoot+ After that the eleven disciples went into the land of Galilee, on the 17mountain which Jesus had mentioned to them. There Jesus showed himself 18to his disciples, and when they caw him they worshipped him; yet some of 19them doubted. Then Jesus spoke to them and said: To me is given complete 20power both in heaven and on earth. Go and teach the people of the earth, 21and baptize them all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the 22Holy Ghost, and teach them to keep all that I have told you. And I promise 23you that I shall abide with you till the end of the world. 24Ga naar margenoot+ Shortly thereafter Jesus showed himself yet to his disciples at table as 25they sat and ate. There he upbraided them with their unbelief and the 26hardness of their hearts, because they would not believe those who had seen 27him risen from death. After that he spoke thus: Go through all the world, 28and preach the gospel to all creaturesGa naar voetnoota). He who believesGa naar voetnootb) and is baptized 29shall be saved; but he who believes not shall be damned. And these signs 30shall follow them who believe: they shall in my name cast out the evil spirits, 31and they shall preach with new tongues, and they shall have power over 32the serpents, and although they drink something that is poisoned, it shall 33not harm them. They shall also lay their hands upon the sick, and they 34shall all recover. Now remain in the city until ye be filled | |
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1werdt metter Gods cracht van bouen. Ende alse Ihesus dese wart hadde 2(101v) gesproken, so leidde hise ut te Bethanien wert. Aldaer so hif hi sine 3hande op ende benedijedse. Ende alse hise hadde gebenedijt, so schit hi 4van hen ende voer op te hemele wert. Ende alse hi hen ontfaren was, so 5ghingen si weder te Iherusalem wert met groter vrouden. Aldaer so bleuen 6si ghestadelec in den temple, louende ende benedijende Gode. Domine, labia mea aperies | |
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1with the power of God from above. And when Jesus had spoken these words 2he led them out toward Bethany. There he raised his hands and blessed 3them. And when he had blessed them he parted from them and went up 4toward heaven. And when he was gone from them, they went back toward 5Jerusalem with great joy. There they remained continually in the temple 6praising and blessing God. |