Oeuvres complètes. Tome VII. Correspondance 1670-1675
(1897)–Christiaan Huygens–
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he had demonstrated (Schol. pr op. 38. Ar. Infin.) that the Particles which compose the Parabolical line, are in power equal to a Series of Squares increased by a series of Equals, suppose √ ∶ A2 + b2: And (prop. 35, 41. Conic. Sect.) that c the Ordinates to the Conjugate Diameter of an Hyperbola, (that is, the particles of which that Hyperbolical space consisteth,) are so also, viz. √∶ 1/4 T2 + T/L h2: (where A, T, L, are permanent quantities, and b, h, taken successively in Progression Arithmetical;) It was easie (for M. Heuraet, or M. Hugens, or any other,) to infer, That, if we can Rectifie the one, we may Square the other, & vice versa. But from whence soever M. Heuraet had it; we may, as before, reasonably conclude, that Mr. Neil had it before him: And M. Hugens is a person of that ingenuity, that, when he shall better consider of it, he will (I doubt not) be of the same mind. London, Oct. 8. 1673. |