No 1900.
H. Oldenburg à Christiaan Huygens.
28 juillet 1672.
La lettre se trouve à Leiden, coll. Huygens.
Elle fait suite au No. 1896. Chr. Huygens y répondit par le No. 1912.
A Londres le 18 juillet 1672.
Vous ayant escrit le 8me juillet et envoyé la copie de la lettre, de Monsieur SluseGa naar voetnoot1) ie ne vous eusse pas si tost importuné de nouveau, si quelques lignes de Monsieur Newton, qui regardent vne partie de la lettre, que vous me fistez l'honeur de m'escrire le 1. juillet, ne m'y eussent obligé. Je vous les donneray dans la mesme langue, que ie les ay receu. Il dit donc,
I am glad to find by ye abstract of Monsieur Hugenius his letter, which you transmitted to me, that he who hath done so much in Dioptricks hath been pleased to vndertake the improvement of Telescopes by Reflexions also; though without ye desired success. I hope, ye event of his next essay, if he shall think fit to attempt any thing further, will prove more happy by a litle altering ye manner of his proceding. As for me, I know not, whether I shall make any further tryals myself, being obliged to prosecute some other subjects.
As to y
e Theory of Light and Colors, I am apt to belieue, that some of the Experiments may seem obscure by reason of y
e brevity, where with I writ y
m, which should haue been described more largely, and explained with schemes, if they had been intended for the publick. But I see not, why the Aberration of a Telescope should be more than about 1/50 of y
e Glasses aperture. For, suppose DF be
e Lens, CD and EF two lines parallel to its Axis, in which or indesinitely near to which, all variety of difforme rays are successively incident on two opposite parts of its Perimeter: And of those rays let DH and FG be the most refracted, and DG and FH y
e least refracted, intersecting y
e former in G and H. Draw GH, and produce it both ways, till at M and N it occur with CD and EF, also produced. Now, since by my Principles y
e difference of Refraction of y
e most difforme rayes is about y
e 24
th or 25
th part of their whole refraction, y
e Angle GDH will be about a 25
th part of y
e Angle