Drama en toneel in Suid-Afrika. Deel 1. 1652-1855
(1928)–F.C.L. Bosman–§ 2. Port Elizabeth.In 1820 gestig, hoor ons eerste van toneel in hierdie opkomende stad in 1853. Dan bestaan daar 'n pasgeboude skouburg, sodat ons veilig kan aanneem dat tevore (amateurs) toneel sal beoefen gewees het. Onder ‘Port Elizabeth Theatre’ word vermeldGa naar voetnoot1) dat ‘The new Theatre which had been built by subscription opened on the 26th ult. Goldsmith's Comedy She Stoops to Conquer and Did you ever send your wife to Camberwell? (Coyne) were the pieces enacted. A second performance was announced. The Telegraph speaking of the performance says: - Altogether the first appearance of the new Amateur Company was so creditable that it is with regret that we assume to write a critique on their performances. The Theatre, the dresses, the acting, all were extremely creditable, and an overflowing house rewarded the efforts of the Amateurs.’ Onder 22 OktoberGa naar voetnoot2) vind ons die derde voorstelling van die Port Elizabethse liefhebberygeselskap vermeld. ‘The entertainment consisted of selections from “Shakespeare's Historical Play of Henry IV” expressly arranged for the occasion. Fox Cooper's petite comedy The Spare Bed, and J.M. Morton's farce An Unwarrantable Intrusion were the after pieces. The Telegraph speaks highly of the acting of the company generally, but particularly of the Falstaff, King Henry and the Prince. The wardrobe and general appointments are said to have reflected great credit on the enterprising and spirited management. In this as in most other things, it appears the frontier people are leaving the 'city of the mountain' behind them’. Port Elizabeth sou dus die Kaap vooruit wees! In 1854 gaan die geselskap op die ingeslae weg voort. Ons het 'n verslag van die voorstelling van Vrydag 7 JulieGa naar voetnoot3). ‘The Amateur Theatrical Society... performed Holcroft's Comedy The Road to Ruin and J.M. Morton's farce entitled The Thumping Legacy to an overflowing house.’ Die voorstuk het matige sukses gehad, waarskynlik deur onvoldoende studie van sommige spelers. Maar die nastuk ‘was performed with a spirit which would have done no discredit even to experienced professionals.’ Sodat dit meer as vergoed het vir die eerste deel van die aand. ‘The Amateur Musical Society | |
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were in attendance and played several beautiful pieces in a truly masterly style’. In 1855Ga naar voetnoot1) word gerapporteer dat ‘The Theatrical Amateurs have been amusing the playgoers. The Rivals (Sheridan) and The Fast Train (skrywer anoniem) were the last pieces announced, and they are not at all inappropriate with the last part “Little Elizabeth” has been forced into by some of her people. It is said that the Capt. Absolute on the stage did not exactly conceive his character. Most appropriate! It applies in two cases’. Het ons hier met allerlei steke te doen op die vooruitstrewendheid en aanmatiging van Port Elizabeth? Tenslotte 'n berig uit 1836Ga naar voetnoot2): ‘The Port Elizabeth playgoers appear to enjoy themselves much every evening at the Lycean Theatre. The Amateur performers of Port Elizabeth appear to be getting quite proficient’. Port Elizabeth was geen garnisoensplek soos Kaapstad of Grahamstad nie. Ons sal hier dus enkel met liefhebbers uit die burgery te doen hê. |