De Tweede Ronde. Jaargang 8
(1987)– [tijdschrift] Tweede Ronde, De–
[pagina 158]
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One-Way SongGa naar voetnoot*
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xxi.Linati, that fine critic of Milan,
Surveying authors ‘americo-anglican’,
Treats of Your's Truly in a sensible way.
A ‘poeta maladetto’ of today
Am I: he notes the suppressive tendency,
As what outsider would not? ‘Anthology
Excludes him’, I am even excluded too
From all official mention - all except Who's Who.
I am an ‘outcast’ and a man ‘maudit’.
But how romantic! Don't you envy me?
A sort of Villon, bar the gallows: but
Even there I may be accommodated yet.
Why yes it's very jolly to be picked
As the person not so much as to be kicked,
As the person who de facto is not there,
As the person relegated to the dark back-stair.
‘Outcast’ is good, in a system of shark and gull,
Where all that's ‘illustrious’ is also Untouchable!
A solitary honour. To be he
For whose benefit unmentionability
Has been invented, as a new order of the Dead
Who yet exist - an even forlorner head
Borne upon his trunk than the shorn skull
Of a monk vowed to his pastimes void and null.
Suffer embargo, live upon boycott, why
It's very jolly! But what's the wherefore, what the why?
So I get your meaning, but alas demur;
For, odd as it may seem, I'd much prefer
From time to time to earn a little cash -
The ‘necessary’ to work, not cut a dash.
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[pagina 159]
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XXIVHeel sterk ook is, wanneer men je miskent:
‘Man, 't is omdat jijzelf veel beter bent!
Goed schrijven is wat dwazen irriteert
En jij bevestigt deze regel weer!’
Dat is een knap gevonden argument,
Toepasbaar op haast ieder naar moment.
Chapeau voor deze truc, want daarmee scheidt
Men zeer probaat massa van kwaliteit.
Die ‘schrijfclubs’ waar Baum, Golding en Baerlein
Hun zaken, hun belang behartigen,
Terécht dat hun gedoe goed wordt verbloemd
Voor een pias die zich de ‘Vijand’ noemt.
Maar op die plekken wisselt geld van hand,
Poen, pegels, het onnozel koren van
Krakende molens voor het eerlijk brood
Van ‘schrijfmans’ die braaf blijft en uit de goot.
Maar toch, wij kennen de gevangenis
Waar elk verdwijnt wiens blik gevaarlijk is,
Abstracte kerkers van negatie die
Onzichtbaar zijn, gebouwd door coterie
Of een komplot tegen 't Individu
(Op 't best met lippendienst dood-vereerd). - U
Die van dat soort tactiek een kenner bent,
Die de historische gevallen kent,
Valt toch geen ‘Vijand’ hard die wat gebeurt
Anticipeert en zich alvast ommuurt?
Bent toch niet kwaad als een neutraal profeet
Zich tot knap pamflettist verdubbeld weet!
Hij heeft tenslotte ook zijn werk te doen,
Kweken en uitventen - Werk van de Zon!
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xxiv.Another cogent argument when one
Unmasks a slight, is - ‘You're too good my son!
Good writers naturally annoy the fool,
And you are no exception to the rule!’
This is a jolly clever argument.
It covers almost every incident.
To this trick I take off my hat. First class
For isolating merit from the mass.
The ‘penman's clubs’ where Baerleins, Baums and Goldings
Transact their business and stake out their holdings,
It is only fit should be shrouded from the eye
Of that strange sport the self-styled ‘Enemy’.
But in such haunts the money changes fists -
The ‘needful’ and the ‘ready’, harmless grists
For all those creaking mills that turn and give
Innocuous ‘penman’ wherewithal to live.
And still and all, we know the invisible prison
Where men are jailed off - men of dangerous vision -
In impalpable dark cages of neglect,
Invisible walls by self-protective sect
Or cabal against the Individual built,
(At best with honorifics and lip-service killed). -
Well understanding tactics such as these,
Conversant with historic instances,
You can hardly blame an ‘Enemy’ who forestalls
Such treatment and puts up his own high walls.
You can scarcely grumble if an impersonal seer
Is doubled with an efficient pamphleteer!
He has his business, too, all said and done,
To nurse and peddle - the Business of the Sun!Ga naar voetnoot*