De Tweede Ronde. Jaargang 6
(1985)– [tijdschrift] Tweede Ronde, De–
[pagina 190]
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Grijze handschoen
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Gray GloveAmong branches
a bird lands fluttering,
a soft gray glove
with a heart.
The land at twilight.
Swamp of black mist.
A first planet. A swordtip.
The bird chanting
in a jail of darkness.
This is the last unclassified bird,
the one one never sees,
but hears when alone, walking.
You can see how far I've gone
not to speak of you.
Birds have made a simple bargain
with the land.
The only song I know
is the one I see with my eyes,
the one I'd give up my eyes
in order for you to hear.
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