De internationale jury motiveerde haar keuze als volgt:
‘Max Velthuijs is a brilliant storyteller and artist whose lifetime dedication to children's literature has been recognized by the jury. Velthuijs has proven many times over that he understands children: their doubts, fears and exhilarations. His books are little jewels of image and text that come together to comfort children and reassure them as they venture out into the world around them.’
De gouden medaille en het diploma, waaruit de prijs bestaat, zullen plechtig worden uitgereikt aan Waddell en Velthuijs tijdens de feestelijke openingsceremonie van het IBBY-Congres in september 2004 in Kaapstad, Zuid-Afrika.
Weblocaties: Hans Christian Andersen Award www.ibby.org/Seiten/03_news.htm#andersen_winners
Max Velthuijs www.kikkerfeest.nl