weet niet of hy 't gedaan heeft, I do not know whether he hath done it.
Some will add a finall e to the Verb in the Indicative, thus, Ik weete dat het zo is I know it to be so; Ik verneeme dat hy t'huys is, I understand that he is at home; Ik hebbe hem nog niet gezien I have not seen him yet. But others, and I my self also, reject this, and say always in the Indicative Ik weet I know, Ik verneem I understand, Ik heb I have; leaving weete, verneeme, and hebbe, for the Optative or Subjunctive mood.
None but our best Authors take the words Opdat thatso, omdat because, for one word; since the vulgar way is to write op dat and om dat. Every body writes waarom why or wherefore, daarom therefore; and yet the most will divide (without any other reason than that is usuall) the words waar by whereby, waar in wherein, daar door thereby &c. But some few, observing this irregularity, will write now, waardoor whereby daarin therein, daarmede therewith.
It is very frequent to say, De gene die ons quamen zien Those that came to see us;