Of Conjunctions.
A Conjunction is a part of speech coupling words and sentences together, yet they are of divers sorts.
Some are absolutely Copulative, as En, ende And, óf, ófte or, ook also, desgelyks likewise, beneffens besides, daarenboven moreover.
Some are Disjunctive, as Nóchte, Neither, nor, 't zy either, anders otherwise.
Causals, as Want For, vermids, omdat, because, derhalven, daarom therefore, opdat that, that so, nademaal since, whereas, voorzoveel forasmuch.
Adversatives, as Maar But, hoewel, schoon, thô, although, nógtans yet, echter however, daarentegen, on the contrary, on the otherhand, niettemin nevertheless, onaangezien notwithstanding.
Exceptives, as Uytgenomen Except, be-