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Of the Declension.
Nouns are Declined Singularly and Plurally, with fix Cases, Viz. the Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Vocative and Ablative:
The Nominative being betokened by een, de or het, giveth the name and signification of the Noun, and cometh before the Verb, answering to the question who or what, as De Koning komt, the King cometh.
The Genitive being known by the tokens des or der, answereth to the question whose or whereof, as Des Konings goedertierenheyd, The clemency of the King, het zaad der vrouwe, the seed of the woman.
The Dative is known by the token den, der or aan de, and answereth to the question to whom or to what, as De zaak is den Koning en der Koninginne voorgedraagen, The matter is proposed to the King and the Queen.
The Accusative dependeth from the Verb, and may be known by the tokens den or de, answering to the question whom or what, as Zy hebben den Koning en de Koningin gezien, They have seen the King and the Queen.
The Vocative is known by calling or speaking to, as O Koning, O King.
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The Ablative may be known by the token van den or van de, as Daar is een order gekomen van den Koning en de Koninginne, There is an order come from the King and the Queen.
Note that van signifieth both of and from, of when it serves to the Genitive, and from when applied to the Ablative Case; which will best be learned by use.
Be it also observ'd, that den in the Dative case is Masculine, and der Feminine: and also den in the Accusative Masculine, and de Feminine.
Thus it appeares that the chiefest variation in the Declining of Dutch Nouns is made by the Particles that are placed before them. Yet most Nouns admit some distinct terminations, as the following Examples will shew.
| Singular. |
Nom. | De Man, de mensch The Man. |
Gen. | Des Mans, des menschen Of the man. |
Dat. | Den Man, den mensche To the man. |
Acc. | Den Man, den mensch The Man. |
Voc. | O Man, ô mensch O Man. |
Abl. | Van den Man, van den mensch From the man. |
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| Plural. |
Nom. | De Mannen, de menschen The Men. |
Gen. | Der Mannen, der menschen Of the men. |
Dat. | Den Mannen, den or aan de menschen To the men. |
Acc. | De Mannen, de menschen The Men. |
Voc. | O Mannen, ô menschen O Men. |
Abl. | Van de Mannen, van de menschen From the men. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | een Heer a Lord. |
Gen. | eens Heeren Of a Lord. |
Dat. | eenen Heere To a Lord. |
Acc. | eenen Heer a Lord. |
Voc. | O Heer or Heere O Lord. |
Abl. | Van den Heere From the Lord. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | de Heeren the Lords. |
Gen. | der Heeren Of the Lords. |
Dat. | den Heeren To the Lords. |
Acc. | de Heeren the Lords. |
Voc. | O Heeren O Lords. |
Abl. | Van de Heeren From the Lords. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | De Vader The Father. |
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Gen. | Des Vaders Of the Father. |
Dat. | den Vader To the Father. |
Acc. | den Vader the Father. |
Voc. | O Vader O Father. |
Abl. | Van den Vader From the Father. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De Vaders The Fathers. |
Gen. | Der váderen Of the Fathers. |
Dat. | Den vâderen To the Fathers. |
Acc. | De vaders The Fathers. |
Voc. | O Vaders O Fathers. |
Abl. | Van de váderen From the Fathers. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | De Hond the Dog. |
Gen. | Des Honds or van den hond of the Dog. |
Dat. | Den Hond or aan den hond to the Dog. |
Acc. | den Hond the Dog. |
Voc. | O Hond O Dog. |
Abl. | Van den hond From the Dog. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De Honden the Dogs. |
Gen. | Der or van de honden of the dogs. |
Dat. | Den or aan de honden to the dogs. |
Acc. | de Honden the dogs. |
Voc. | O Honden O dogs. |
Abl. | Van de honden from the dogs. |
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| Sing. |
Nom. | De Boom the Tree. |
Gen. | Des Boom or van den boom of the tree. |
Dat. | Den or aan den boom To the tree. |
Acc. | den Boom the tree. |
Voc. | O Boom O Tree. |
Abl. | Van den Boom from the tree. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De Boomen the Trees. |
Gen. | Der or van de boomen of the trees. |
Dat. | Den or aan de boomen To the trees. |
Acc. | de Boomen the Trees. |
Voc. | O Boomen O Trees. |
Abl. | van de Boomen from the trees. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | De Berg the Mount or hill. |
Gen. | des Bergs or van den berg of the mount. |
Dat. | Den or aan den berg to the mount. |
Acc. | den Berg the mount. |
Voc. | O Berg O mount. |
Abl. | Van den berg from the mount. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De Bergen the Mounts. |
Gen. | der or van de bergen of the mounts. |
Dat. | Den Bergen to the mounts. |
Acc. | de Bergen the mounts. |
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Voc. | O Bergen O mounts. |
Abl. | Van de bergen from the mounts. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | De Naam the Name. |
Gen. | Des Naams or van den naam Of the Name. |
Dat. | Den Naame to the Name. |
Acc. | den Naam the Name. |
Voc. | O Naam O Name. |
Abl. | Van den Naam from the Name. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De Naamen the Names. |
Gen. | Der or van de Naamen Of the Names. |
Dat. | den Naamen to the Names. |
Acc. | de Naamen the Names. |
Voc. | O Naamen O Names. |
Abl. | Van de Naamen from the Names. |
Note. Zon the Sun, which seemeth to be of the Masculine Gender, is nevertheless of the Feminine, and hath the Genitive der Zonne.
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Declension of Nouns of the Feminine Gender.
| Sing. |
Nom. | De Vrouw the Woman. |
Gen. | Der Vrouwe of the Woman. |
Dat. | Der Vrouwe or aan de Vrouwe to the Woman. |
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Acc. | de Vrouwe the Woman. |
Voc. | O Vrouw or vrouwe O Woman. |
Abl. | Van de Vrouwe from the Woman. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De Vrouwen the Women. |
Gen. | der Vrouwen of the Women. |
Dat. | den Vrouwen to the Women. |
Acc. | de Vrouwen the Women. |
Voc. | O Vrouwen O Women. |
Abl. | van deVrouwen from the Women. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | De dóchter The Daughter. |
Gen. | der dóchter or des dóchters of the daughter. |
Dat. | der or aan de dóchter to the daughter. |
Acc. | de dóchter the daughter. |
Voc. | O dóchter O daughter. |
Abl. | van de dóchter from the daughter. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De dóchters The daughters. |
Gen. | der dóchteren of the daughters. |
Dat. | den dóchteren to the daughters. |
Acc. | de dóchters or dóchteren the daughters. |
Voc. | O dóchters O daughters. |
Abl. | van de dóchteren from the daughters. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | De werreld The world. |
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Gen. | der werreld or van de werreld of the world. |
Dat. | der or aan de werreld to the world. |
Acc. | de werreld the world. |
Voc. | O werreld O world. |
Abl. | van de werreld from the world. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | Werrelden Worlds. |
Note. The other Cases in the Plural Number not being usual, are therefore omitted.
| Sing. |
N. | De waarheyd The truth. |
G. | der waarheyd or van de waarheyd of the truth. |
D. | der or aan de waarheyd to the truth. |
A. | de waarheyd the truth. |
V. | O waarheyd O truth. |
A. | van de waarheyd from the truth. |
| Plur. |
N. | De waarheden The truths. |
G. | der or van de waarheden of the truths. |
D. | den waarheden to the truths. |
A. | de waarheden the truths. |
V. | O waarheden O truths. |
A. | van de waarheden from the truths. |
And so all other Nouns ending in heyd.
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| Sing. |
N. | De dwaaling The error. |
G. | der or van de dwaalinge of the error. |
Dat. | der or aan de dwaaling to the error. |
Acc. | de dwaaling the error. |
Voc. | O dwaaling O error. |
Abl. | van de dwaaling from the error. |
| Plur. |
N. | De dwaalingen The errors. |
G. | der or van de dwaalingen of the errors. |
Dat. | den dwaalingen to the errors. |
Acc. | de dwaalingen the errors. |
Voc. | O dwaalingen O errors. |
Ab. | van de dwaalingen from the errors. |
Thus all other Nouns ending in ing, Except those in ling, as Leerling, &c. who are of the Masculine or Common gender, forming the Genitive thus, des Leerlings, the Dative den or aan den Leerling, the Accusative den Leerling, and the Ablative van den Leerling.
| Sing. |
Nom. | De kennis The knowledge. |
Gen. | der kennisse of the knowledge. |
Dat. | der kennisse or aan de kennisse to the knowledge. |
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Acc. | de kennis the knowledge. |
Voc. | O kennis O knowledge. |
Abl. | van de kennis or kennisse from the knowledge. |
This Noun wants the Plural; but Gevangenis Prison, and gelykenis similitude or parable, are in the Plural Gevangenissen and Gelykenissen; and thus are all other Nouns ending in nis declined.
Nouns ending in schap have in the Genitive der and des, as des gezelschaps of the company, der vrindschap of the friendship.
Nouns Feminine terminating in ry, ny, and te have in the Genitive, der, as Nom. de Tovery the Withcraft, de Slaaverny the Slavery. Gen. der Toverye of the Withcraft, der Slaavernye, of the Slavery, and likewise der Geboorte of the Birth, der Gemeente of the Church. But the Neuter Gebeente, hath des gebeente of the bones.
| Sing. |
Nom. | De stad The city. |
Gen. | der stad or stede, 's stads or van de stad of the cities. |
Dat. | aan de stad or der stede to the city. |
Acc. | de stad the city. |
Voc. | O stad O city. |
Abl. | van de stad from the city. |
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| Plur. |
Nom. | De steden The cities. |
Gen. | der or van de steden of the cities. |
Dat. | den or aan de steden to the cities. |
Acc. | de steden the cities. |
Voc. | O steden O cities. |
Abl. | van de steden from the cities. |
Maan the Moon, and Star Starr, have in the Genitive, der Maane and der Starre.
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Declension of Nouns of the Neuter Gender.
| Sing. |
Nom. | Het wyf The wife or woman. |
Gen. | des wyfs or van 't wyf of the wife. |
Dat. | aan 't wyf or den wyve to the wife. |
Acc. | het wyf the wife. |
Voc. | O wyf O wife. |
Abl. | van het wyf from the wife. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De wyven The wives or women. |
Gen. | der or van de wyven of the wives. |
Dat. | den or aan de wyven to the wives. |
Acc. | de wyven the wives. |
Voc. | O wyven O wives. |
Abl. | van de wyven from the wives. |
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| Sing. |
Nom. | Het kind The child. |
Gen. | des kinds or van 't kind of the child. |
Dat. | aan het kind to the child. |
Acc. | het kind the child. |
Voc. | O kind O child. |
Abl. | Van het kind or van kinde from the child. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De kinderen The children. |
Gen. | der or van de kinderen of the children. |
Dat. | den or aan de kinderen to the children. |
Acc. | de kinderen the children. |
Voc. | O kinderen O children. |
Abl. | van de kinderen from the children. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | Het vólk The people or nation. |
Gen. | des vólks or van 't vólk of the people. |
Dat. | den vólke or aan 't vólk to the people. |
Acc. | het vólk the people. |
Voc. | O vólk O people. |
Abl. | van het vólk from the people. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De vólken or vólkeren The people or Nations. |
Gen. | der vólkeren or van de vólken of the people. |
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Dat. | den vólken or aan de vólkeren to the people. |
Acc. | de vólken or vólkeren the people. |
Voc. | O vólken or vólkeren O People or nations. |
Abl. | van de vólken or vólkeren from the people. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | Het gemoed The mind. |
Gen. | des gemoeds or van 't gemoed of the mind. |
Dat. | aan 't gemoed to the mind. |
Acc. | het gemoed the mind. |
Voc. | O gemoed O mind. |
Abl. | van het gemoed from the mind. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De gemoederen The minds. |
Gen. | der or van de gemoederen of the minds. |
Dat. | den or aan de gemoederen to the minds. |
Acc. | de gemoederen the minds. |
Voc. | O gemoederen O minds. |
Abl. | van de gemoederen from the minds. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | Het land The country or land. |
Gen. | des lands or van 't land of the country. |
Dat. | den lande or aan 't land to the country. |
Acc. | het land the country. |
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Voc. | O land O country. |
Abl. | van het land, en in den lande from and in the country. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De landen The countries. |
Gen. | der or van de landen of the countries. |
Dat. | den or aan de landen to the countries. |
Acc. | de landen the countries. |
Voc. | O landen O countries. |
Abl. | van de landen from the countries. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | Het huys The house. |
Gen. | des huyzes or van 't huys of the house. |
Dat. | den huyze or aan 't huys to the house. |
Acc. | het huys the house |
Voc. | O huys O house. |
Abl. | van 't huys or van den huyze from the house. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De huyzen The houses. |
Gen. | der or van de huyzen of the houses. |
Dat. | den or aan de huyzen to the houses. |
Acc. | de huyzen the houses. |
Voc. | O huyzen O houses. |
Abl. | van de huyzen from the houses. |
Note. Ten huyze signifies at the house, and t'huys at home.
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| Sing. |
Nom. | Het schip The ship. |
Gen. | des schips or van het schip of the ship |
Dat. | aan 't schip or den schepe to the ship. |
Acc. | het schip the ship. |
Voc. | O schip O ship. |
Abl. | van 't schip from the ship. te schepe in the ship. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De schepen The ships. |
Gen. | der or van de schepen of the ships. |
Dat. | den or aan de schepen to the ships. |
Acc. | de schepen the ships. |
Voc. | O schepen O ships. |
Abl. | van de schepen from the ships. |
| Sing. |
Nom. | Het gedeelte The part. |
Gen. | des gedeeltens or van 't gedeelte of the part. |
Dat. | aan 't gedeelte to the part. |
Acc. | het gedeelte the part. |
Voc. | O gedeelte O part. |
Abl. | van 't gedeelte from the part. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De gedeelten The parts. |
Gen. | der or van de gedeelten of the parts. |
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Dat. | den or aan de gedeelten to the parts. |
Acc. | de gedeelten the parts. |
Voc. | O gedeelten O parts. |
Abl. | van de gedeelten from the parts. |
And so the other Neuters ending in te.
| Sing. |
Nom. | Het beginsel or begin the beginning. |
Gen. | des beginsels, or begins or van 't beginsel, from the beginning. |
Dat. | aan 't beginsel or begin tot he beginning. |
Acc. | het beginsel or begin the beginning. |
Voc. | O beginsel or begin O beginning. |
Abl. | van het beginsel or begin and in den beginne, from the beginning and in the beginning. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De beginselen The beginnings. |
Gen. | der or van de beginselen of the beginnings. |
Dat. | den or aan de beginselen to the beginnings. |
Acc. | de beginselen the beginnings. |
Voc. | O beginselen O beginnings. |
Abl. | van de beginselen from the beginnings. |
And so other Nouns ending in sel.
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| Sing. |
Nom. | Het vogeltje The little bird. |
Gen. | des vogeltjes or 't vogeltjes of the little bird or the little birds. |
Dat. | aan het vogeltje to the little bird. |
Acc. | het vogeltje the little bird. |
Voc. | O vogeltje O little bird. |
Abl. | van 't vogeltje from the little bird. |
| Plur. |
Nom. | De vogeltjes The little birds. |
Gen. | der vogeltjes of the little birds. |
Dat. | den or aan de vogeltjes to the little birds. |
Acc. | de vogeltjes the little birds. |
Voc. | O vogeltjes O little birds. |
Abl. | van de vogeltjes from the little birds. |
Note. That the Particle des or van het is often omitted with the Diminutives in the Genitive, as 't vrouwtjes man the little womans husband, 't scheepjes zeyl the sail of the little ship.
I have been some what prolix in giving Examples of Declension, because all other Dutch Grammars that ever I have seen, do not give sufficient instructions concerning the variations of the Cases. I shall now proced to the description