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Of the Gender of Nouns.
The Dutch have three Genders whereby Nouns may be distinguished from one another, viz. The Masculine, Feminine and Neuter, of which having allready given some instructions, where I treated concerning the Particles, De, die, deeze, het, dat, dit, the Reader is referred thereto. However since I said there, that it is oftentimes hard to determine whether a Noun be of the Masculine or Feminine Gender, (for a great many are of both) I'll lay down here as a general rule, that those Nouns, where the Particle de is alter'd into den in the Accusative Case, are of the Masculine gender, as Berg a Hill, boom tree, vogel bird, naam name, dood death, &c. as also that the Genitive of the Masculine and Neuter is des, as des mans of the man, des bergs of the hill, des booms of the tree, | |
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des vogels of the bird, des lands of the land, des huyzes of the house. And that the Genitive of the Feminine is, der, as der vrouwe of the woman, der Koninginne of the Queen, der zee of the sea, der werreld of the world, der waarheyd, of the truth, der dwaalinge of the error. It is true we say sometimes des vrouws voorzoon, the wifes son of the first mariage, zyn dóchters kind, his daughters child, and ʼs werrelds eere, the honour of the world; but it is lookt upon by our best Authors to be irregular.
But it must be confessed, that many Writers amongst us do not observe this distinction, yet our best Authors do, and our Translators of the Bible have given heed to it. And to satisfy the Learners, this will be demonstrated at large with several examples, when I treat of the Declension, and will be further explained in the description of the Adjectives.
Thô never any Rules, how to know the Gender of a Noun, were given by any (that I know of), yet I will venture to lay down some general ones, which may be of a very great help to Learners. Be it observed therefore that:
All Nouns signifying the Doer or Actor of any thing, and ending in er or aar, as Aanhanger adherer, aanlókker enticer, bakker baker, brenger bringer or carrier, daader doer, | |
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geever giver, handelaar actor or merchant, hengelaar angler, hoester cougher, kaekelaar tattler, kiezer chooser, leezer reader, maaker maker, maakelaar broker, neemer taker, prediker preacher, schepper creator or drawer, tapper tapster, visscher fisher, vechter fighter, wagenaar waggoner, zinger singer, &c. are of the Masculine gender and therefore require the Particles, De, die or deeze.
Exc. But words ending in ster are generally of the Feminine gender as Naaister seamster, vryster a lass; yet meester master, is of the masculine gender.
All Nouns ending in heyd, as Argheyd cunningness, behendigheyd dexterity, dankbaarheyd thankfulness, heyligheyd holiness, snoodheyd enormity, vroomigheyd piety, waarheyd truth, &c, are of the Feminine gender, and require the Particles, De, die or deeze.
All Nouns deriv'd from verbs, and ending in ing, as Aandryving promoting, aanlókking enticing, begraaving burying, dwaaling error, futseling trifling, grondlegging foundation, handeling dealing, inbeelding imagination, kastyding chastisement, naavólging imitation, persing pressing, reyniging cleansing, ritseling a buzzing noise, ruyling bartring, soorteering sorting, tim- | |
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mering building, voering lining or carrying, zwymeling giddiness, &c. are of the Feminine gender, and require the Particles, De, die or deeze.
Whereunto may be added some Nouns ending in ling, that are either of the Masculine or Common gender, as Edelling gentleman, leerling disciple, steedeling citizen, sterveling mortal, uytwykeling outcast, and require also the Particles, De, die or deeze.
Nouns terminating in schap, as Boodschap message, blydschap joy, broederschap brotherhood, eygenschap attribute, gemeenschap communion, maatschap fellowship, meesterschap mastership, vrindschap friendship, vroedschap the Common Council, ridderschap knighthood, rekenschap account &c. are generally of the Feminine gender and require the Particles, De, die or deeze: Yet we say het Admiraalschap Admiralship, het Apostelschap, Apostelship, het Burgerschap Citizens freedom, het Gereedschap Instruments or tools, het Priesterschap Priesthood, het Gezelschap Company, het genootschap society, het Gezantschap Embassage, het schoutschap sheriffalty, het maagschap kindred, het zwagerschap affinity, het Landschap, Province or Landsip: for these are of the Neuter gender.
Nouns ending in ry or ny, as Boevery kna- | |
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very, guytery roguery, huyghelery hypocrisy, jaagery venery, kancelery chancery, praatery talking, specery spices, talmery tautology, tovery witchcraft, verwery a dyers-workhouse, gekkerny foolery, jókkerny jest, spótterny mockery, slaaverny slavery, &c. are of the Feminine gender, and require the Particles, De, die or deeze.
Nouns terminating in te, as Diepte depth, dikte thickness, drukte much business, geboorte birth, gestalte shape, gemeente church, grootte greatness, gedaante shape or form, hoogte highth, krankte weakness, laagte lowness, moeite pains, scherpte sharpness, sterkte strength, steylte precipice, ziekte sickness &c. are generally of the Feminine gender, and require the Particles. De, die or deeze.
Exc. The words, Gebeente bones, gedeelte part, gedierte animals, geraamte skeleton, gestoelte pew, gesteente precious stones, gesternte starrs, gevogelte fowls, gebergte mountains, geboefte a Roguish crew, gedarmte Guts or bowels, and perhaps some few more, are of the Neuter gender, and require the Particles. Het, dat or dit.
Nouns terminating in nis as Behoudenis safety, betékenis signification, beeltenis image, besnydenis circumcision, ergernis offence, erffenis heritage, erkentenis acknowledge- | |
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ment, gelykenis likeness, gevangenis prison, kennis knowledge, ontroerenis disturbance, ontsteltenis astonishment, schennis violation, vergiffenis pardon, vergeetenis oblivion, &c. are of the Feminine gender, and require the Particles, De, die or deeze. Except Vonnis judgement, Getuygenis testimony, which are of the Neuter gender.
Nouns endingh in sel, as Aanlóksel allurement, Afspruytsel Derivative, beduydsel signification, beginsel beginning, beletsel hindrance, beschutsel fence, bórduursel embroidered work, druksel print, insteeksel an inserted piece, maaksel fabrik, naaisel seam, olisel extreme unction, soudeersel soder, tooisel attire, verdichtsel fable, verfoeisel abomination, voegsel joint, weefsel woven work, zweemsel likeness, &c. are of the Neuter gender, and require the Particles, Het, dat or dit. Exc. Fronsel, a plait or wrinkle, styfsel starch, geessel a whip, which assume the Particles, De, die, deeze.
Nouns ending in dom are generally of the Neuter gender, and require the particles Het, dat or dit, as, Bisdom Bishoprick, Pausdom Popery, Hertogdom Dukedom, Christendom Christendom, Heydendom Heathenism, Joodendom Judaicism, Menschdom mankind.
But Rykdom riches, ouderdom age, and | |
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wasdom growth, are of the masculine gender, and require the particles de, die or deeze.
All Diminutives which formerly did terminate in ken, but now generally in tje, or je, as Mannetje a little man, mandtje a little basket, vrouwtje a little woman, wyfje a little wife, huysje a little house, scheepje a little ship, paerdtje a little horse, vogeltje a little bird, &c. are of the Neuter gender, and require the Particles, Het, dat or dit.
All Verbs of the Infinitive Mood, when used instead of Substantives, are of the Neuter Gender, as het gaan, the going, het drinken, the drinking, het eeten, the eating or victuals, het spreeken the speaking.
To these Rules I shall add, that when we will express the Female, we use the Terminations ster, in, es; as for instance, to turn the words Man man, vrind friend, beer bear, leeuw lion, kooper buyer, maaker maker, praater talker, bédelaar begger, vryer batchelor, leeraar teacher, meester master, martelaar martyr, into the Female gender, we say Mannin woman, vrindin a woman frind, beerin a female bear, leeuwin a lioness, koopster a she buyer, maakster a she maker, praatster a talkative woman or girl, bedelaarster or bedelaarés a she begger, vryster a lass or spinster, leeraarés a woman teacher, mee- | |
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sterés mistress, martelaarés a woman martyr.
Whereunto may be added these following words:
Koning King. | Koningin Queen. |
Hertóg Duke. | Hertógin Dutchess |
Gód God. | Godin or Godés Goddes. |
Prins Prince. | Prinsés Princess. |
Keyzer Emperor. | Keyzerin Empress. |
Priester Priest. | Priesterin Priestess. |
Profeet Prophet. | Profeetés Prophetess. |
Some are Irregular in respect of this rule, as
Man Man. | Vrouw Woman. |
Jongen Boy. | Meysje Girl. |
Neef a He-cousin, nephew. | Nicht a She-cousin, neece. |
Knecht a Man servant. | Meyd a Maid servant. |
Hengst a Stone-horse. | Merry a Mare. |
Reu a Male dog. | Teef a Bitch. |
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Kater a He-cat. | Kat a She-cat. |
Hert a Deer, buk. | Hinde a Doe, hind. |
Rammelaar a Buck-rabbit. | Voedster a Doe rabbit. |
Haan a Cock. | Hen, hoen a Hen. |