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Adams, J.T., The Epic of America, 1941. (vert.: De geschiedenis van Amerika, 1946); Bassett, J.S., A Short History of the United States, 1920; Beard, C.A. en M.R., A Basic History of the United States, 1944; Beard, C.A. en M.R., History of the United States, 1942; Benians, E.A., The United States, a Historical Sketch, 1943; Brown, R.H., Historical Geography of the United States, 1948; Butterfield, R., The American Past. A History of the United States from Concord to Hiroshima, 1775-1945, 1947; Channing, E., History of the United States, 7 dln, 1906-1932; Colenbrander, H.T., De geschiedenis der Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika, z.j.; Commager, H.S., (ed.), Documents of American History, 2 dln, 1940; Dictionary of American Biography, 20 dln, 1928-1936; Dictionary of American History, 6 dln, 1942; Elson, H.W., History of the United States of America, 1918; Faulkner, H.U., A Short History of the American People, 1938; Forman, J.E., A History of the American People, 1922; Gabriel, R.H., (ed.), The Pageant of America, 15 dln, 1925-1929; Hart, A.B., (ed.), Source Book of American History, 1925; Johnson, E., (ed.), The Chronicles of America Series, 50 dln, 1918-1921; McMaster, J.B., A History of the People of the United States, 8 dln, 1890-1913; Morison, S.E., The Oxford History of the United States, 1783-1917, 2 dln, 1927; Muzzey, D.S., The American Adventure, 2 dln, 1927; Nevins, A., en H.S. Commager, The Pocket History of the United States, 1942 (vert.: Beknopte geschiedenis der Verenigde Staten van Amerika, 1948); Paullin, C.O., Atlas of the Historical
Geography of the United States, 1932; Schlesinger, A.M., en D.R. Fox (eds), A History of American Life, 12 dln, 1927-1944; Smith, J.R., North America, 1924; Winsor, J., Narrative and criticai History of America, 7 dln, 1884-1889; Wood, C., A Complete History of the United States, 1942; Woodward, W.E., A New American History, 1938; Zucker, M., The Philosophy of American History, 2 dln, 1945. |
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Balen, W.J. van, De ontdekking van de wereld, 2 dln, 1932; Bolton, H.E., The Spanish Borderlands, 1921; Bourne, E.G., Spain in America, 1450-1850, 1904; Brebner, J.B., The Explorers of North America, 1937; Brouwer, J., Hernán Cortés en Monteczuma, 1933; Crow, J.A., The Epic of Latin America, 1946; Cunow, H., Geschichte und Kultur des Inkareiches, 1937; Diffie, B.W., Latin-American Civilization. Colonial Period, 1945; Friederici, G., Der Charakter der Entdeckung und Eroberung Amerikas durch die Europäer, 3 dln, 1925-1936; Hamilton, E.J., American Treasure and the Prize Revolution in Spain, 1501-1650, 1935; Haring, C.H., The Spanish Empire in America, 1947; Haugen, E., Voyages to Vinland, 1942; Hildebrandt, A.S., Magellan, 1925; Howe, S.E., In Quest of Spices, 1946; Kirkpatrick, F.A., The Spanish Conquistadors, 1934; Kretschmer, K., Die Entdeckung Amerikas in ihrer Bedeutung für die Geschichte des Weltbildes, 1892; Lynam, E., (ed.), Richard Hakluyt and his Successors, 1946; Madariaga, S. de, The Rise of the Spanish American Empire, 1947; Madariaga, S. de, Vida del muy magnífico señor Don Cristóbal Colón, 1947; Morison, S.E., Columbus, 1942; Ortiz, F., Cuban counterpoint: tobacco and sugar, 1947; Pohl, F.J., Amerigo Vespucci, Pilot Major, 1944; Quinn, D.B., Raleigh and the British Empire, 1948; Richman, I.B., The Spanish Conquerors, 1919; Shepherd, W.R., The Hispanic Nations of the New World, 1919; Verhoog,
P., Guanahaní again, 1947; Williamson, J.A., The Age of Drake, 1946; Wood, W., Elizabethan Sea-Dogs, 1919; Wright, L.B., Religion and Empire: The Alliance between Piety and Commerce in English Expansion, 1558-1625, 1943. |
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III. | ± 1600-1763.
Andrews, C.M., The Colonial Period of American History, 4 dln, 1934-1938; Andrews, C.M., The Fathers of New England, 1919; Andrews, C.M., Colonial Folkways, 1919; Bishop, M., Champlain: The Life of Fortitude, 1948; Bonner, W.H., Pirate Laureate. The Life and Legends of Captain Kidd, 1947; Campbell, D., The Puritan in Holland, England and America, 2 dln, 1899; Clark, C.U., Voyageurs, robes noires et coureurs de bois, 1934; Coulter, E.M., Georgia. A Short History, 1947; Ettinger, A.A.,
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| James Edward Oglethorpe, Imperial Idealist, 1936; Fisher, S.G., The Quaker Colonies, 1919; Fiske, J., New France and New England, 1902; Goodwin, M.W., Dutch and English on the Hudson, 1919; l'Honoré Naber, S.P., Henry Hudson's Reize etc. 1609, 1921; Hull, W.I., William Penn and the Dutch Quaker-migration to Pennsylvania, 1935; Johnston, M., Pioneers of the Old South, 1918; Lower, A.R.M., Colony to Nation. A history of Canada, 1946; Miller, P., The Puritans, 1938; Munro, W.B., Crusaders of New France, 1918; Nettels, P., The Roots of American Civilization: A History of American Colonial Life, 1938; Plooij, D., The Pilgrim Fathers from A Dutch Point of View, 1932; Smith, A.E., Colonists in Bondage, 1948; Wertenbaker, T.J., The Puritan Oligarchy, 1947; Wieder, F.C., De stichting van New York in Juli 1625, 1925; Willison, G.F., Saints and Strangers, 1946; Wrong, G.M., The Conquest of New France, 1918. |
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Becker, C.L., The Declaration of Independence, 1922; Becker, C.L., The Eve of the Revolution, 1918; Bowman, A., The Morale of the American Revolutionary Army, 1943; Ford, H.J., Washington and his Colleagues, 1921; Gipson, L.H., The Great War for the Empire. The Years of Defeat, 1754-1757, 1946; Gottschalk, L., Lafayette comes to America, 1935; Gottschalk, L., Lafayette and the Close of the American Revolution, 1942; Greene, E.B., The Revolutionary Generation 1763-1790, 1943; Jameson, J.F., The American Revolution considered as a Social Movement, 1926; Miller, J.C., Origins of the American Revolution, 1943; Miller, J.C., Triumph of Freedom, 1948; Palmer, J.M., General von Steuben, 1937; Schlesinger, A.M., The Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution 1763-1776, 1917; Spiegel, K., Kulturgeschichtliche Grundlagen der Amerikanischen Revolution, 1931; Van Tyne, C.H., The American Revolution 1776-1783, 1905; Van Tyne, C.H., The Founding of the American Republic, 1922; Wrong, G.M., Washington and his Comrades in Arms, 1918. |
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V. | 1783-1860
Armstrong, M.K., The Early Empire Builders of the Great West, 1901; Bill, A.H., Rehearsal for conflict: The War with Mexico, 1846-1848, 1947; Johnson, A., Jefferson and his Colleagues, 1919; Kemble, J.H., The Panama Route, 1848-1869, 1943; Ogg, F.A., The Old Northwest, 1919; Ogg, F.A., The Reign of Andrew Jackson, 1919; Paine, R.D., The old merchant marine, 1921; Paine, R.D., The fight for a free sea, 1921; Paul, R.W., California Gold, 1947; Schlesinger Jr., A.M., The Age of Jackson, 1945; Stephenson, N.W., Texas and the Mexican War, 1919; Walworth, A., Black Ships off Japan, 1946. |
VI. | 1860-1865
Bagley, W.C., Soil Exhaustion and the Civil War, 1942; Belperron, P., La Guerre de Sécession, 1861-1865, 1947; Cole, A.C., The Irrepressible Conflict 1850-1865, 1934; Dodd, W.E., The Cotton Kingdom, 1919; Fite, E.D., Social and Industrial Conditions in the North during the Civil War, 1910; Foner, P.S., Business and Slavery: the New York Merchants and the Irrepressible Conflict, 1941; Hendrick, B.J., Lincoln's War Cabinet, 1946; Macy, J., The Anti-Slavery Crusade, 1919; Martin, E.W., The Standard of Living in 1860, 1942; Meade, R.D., J.P. Benjamin, 1943; Nevins, A., Ordeal of the Union, 2 dln, 1947; Nichols, R.F., The Disruption of American Democracy, 1948; Paxson, F.L., The American Civil War, 1912; Stephenson, N.W., Abraham Lincoln and the Union, 1918; Stephenson, N.W., The Day of the Confederacy, 1919; Wood, W., Captains of the Civil War, 1921; Wright, E.N., Conscientious Objectors in the Civil War, 1931. |
VII. | 1865-1914
Allen, J.S., Reconstruction, the Battle for Democracy, 1865-1876, 1937; Faulkner, H.U., The Quest for Social Justice, 1931; Ferguson, E., Cuba, 1946; Fish, C.R., The Path of Empire, 1919; Fleming, W.L., A Chronicle of the Reunion of the States, 1919; Ford, H.J., The Cleveland Era, 1919; Hacker, L.M., en B.B. Kendrick, The United States since 1865, 1932; Haworth, P.L., The United States in Our Own Times, 1865-1920, 1920; Hicks, J.D., The American Nation, a History of the United States from 1865 to the Present, 1945; Howland, H., Theodore Roosevelt and His Times, 1921; Hyde, H.M., Mexican Empire. The History of Maximilian and Carlota of Mexico, 1946; Kouwenhoven, J.A., Adventures of America 1857-1900. A Pictorial Record from Harper's Weekly, 1938; Mack, G., The Land Divided: A History of the Panama Canal and other Isthmian canal Projects, 1944; Miner, C., The Fight for the Panama Route, 1940; Nevins, A., The Emergence of Modern America, 1865-1878, 1927; Oberholtzer, E.P., A History of the United States Since the Civil War, 5 dln, 1918-1937; Pratt, J.W., Expansionists of 1898, 1936; Randall, J.G., The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1937; Regier, C.C., The Era of the Muckrakers, 1932; Simkins, F.B., The South, old and new, 1948; Stewart, W., Henry Meiggs, Yankee Pizarro, 1946. |
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VIII. | 1914-1939
Adams, S.H., Incredible Era. The Life and Times of Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1939; Allen, F.L., Only Yesterday, (Pocket Book Ed.) 1946; Allen, F.L., Since Yesterday, 1940; Bonsal, S., Unfinished Business, 1944; Crane, M., The Roosevelt Era, 1947; Dulles, F.R., Twentieth Century America, 1945; Dumond, D.L., America in Our Time, 1896-1946, 1947; Hacker, L.M., American Problems of today, History of the United States since the World War, 1938; Hacker, L.M., A Short History of the New Deal, 1935; Hugh-Jones, E.M. en E.A. Radice, An American Experiment, 1936; Hull, C., Memoirs of -, 2 dln, 1948; Lechartier, G., Intrigues et diplomatie à Washington, 1914-1917, 1919; Lilienthal, D.E., TVA. Democracy on the March, 1944; Mitchell, B., Depression Decade. From New Era through New Deal, 1929-1941, 1947; Morison, S.E., The Rising Sun in the Pacific 1931-1942, 1948; Odegard, P.H., Pressure Politics, the Story of the Anti-Saloon League, 1928; Paxson, F.L., Postwar Years, 1918-1923, 1948; Rogers, A., en F.L. Allen, I Remember Distinctly. A Family Album of the American People, 1918-1941, 1947; Schriftgieser, K., This Was Normalcy, 1948; Seymour, C., Woodrow Wilson and the World War, 1921; Soule, G., Prosperity Decade. From War to Depression, 1917-1929, 1947; Wecter, D., The Age of the Great Depression, 1948; White, W.A., A Puritan in Babylon. The Story of Calvin Coolidge, 1938. |
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Advances in Military Medicine (Science in World War II), 2 dln. 1948; Beard, C.A., President Roosevelt and the Coming of War 1941, 1948; Butcher, H.C., My Three Years with Eisenhower, 1946; Byrnes, J.F., Speaking Frankly, 1947; Catton, B., The War Lords of Washington. The Inside History of Big Business versus the People in World War II, 1948; Davis, F., en E.K. Lindley, How War Came, 1942; Douglass, F., Ten Eventful Years. A Record of Events of the Years preceding, including and following World War II, 4 dln, 1947; Eisenhower, D.D., Crusade in Europe, 1948; Goodman, J., (ed.), While You Were Gone, 1946; Greenfield, K.R., R.R. Palmer, en B.I. Wiley, The Organisation of Ground Combat Troops, 1947. United States Army in World War II; Palmer, R.R., B.I. Wiley en W.R. Keast, The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops, 1948, United States Army in World War II; Puleston, W.D., The Influence of Sea Power in World War II, 1947; Pyle, E., Here is Your War, 1945; Sherwood, R.E., Roosevelt and Hopkins. An Intimate History, 1948; Stettinius Jr., E.R., Lend-Lease, 1944; Stimson, H.L. en McG. Bundy, On Active Service in Peace and War, 1948. |
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Beard, C.A., American Goverment and Politics, 1941; Beard, C.A., An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, 1913 (nieuwe ed. 1935); Beard, C.A., The Enduring Federalist, 1947; Beard, C.A. en W., The American Leviathan. The Republic in the Machine Age, 1930; Beck, J.M., The Constitution of the United States, 1922; Binkley, W.E., American Political Parties: Their Natural History, 1945; Binkley, W.E., President and Congress, 1947; Brogan, D.W., The American Political System, 1943; Brogan, D.W., Politics and Law in the U.S., 1941; Corwin, E.S., John Marshall and the Constitution, 1919; Corwin, E.S., The President, Office and Powers, 1941; Curtis Jr., C.P., Lions under the Throne, 1947; Farrand, M., The Fathers of the Constitution, 1921; Ferguson, J.H., en E. McHenry, The American System of Government, 1947; Flynn, E.J., You're the Boss, 1947; Galloway, G.B., Congress at the Crossroads, 1946; Gooch, R.K., Manual of Government in the United States, 1939; Haines, C.G., The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government and Politics, 1789-1835, 1944; Hendrick, B.J., Bulwark of the Republic. A Biography of the Constitution, 1937; Hermans, J.L., Het aandeel van Engeland aan de vorming van het staatswezen der Noord-Amerikaanse Unie, 1941; Hesseltine, W.B., The Rise and Fall of Third Parties, 1948; Kecskemeti, P., Political Thought in America (in: Political Thought The European tradition by J.P. Mayer, X, 367-428), 1939; Kelly, A.H. en W.A. Herbison, The American Constitution, 1948;
Key, V.O., Political Parties and Pressure Groups, 1942; Laski, H.J., The American Presidency, 1940; Milligan, M, M., The Inside Story of the Pendergast Machine, 1948; Orth, S.P., The Boss and the Machine, 1919; Ostrogorski, M., Democracy and the Party System in the United States, 1910; Polak, M.V., Schets van het Amerikaansche Uniestaatsrecht, 1940; Pritchett, C.H., The Roosevelt Court; a Study in Judicial Politics and Values, 1937-1947, 1948; Reddig, W.M., Tom's Town, 1947; Robinson, E.E., The Evolution of American Political Parties. A Sketch of Party Development, 1924; Stein, C.W., The Third Term Tradition, 1943; Swisher, C.B., The Growth of Constitutional Power in the United States, 1945; Van Doren, C., The Great Rehearsal. The Story of the Making and Ratifying of the Constitution of the United States, 1947; Warren, C., The Supreme Court in United States History, 2 dln, 1935; Zeller, B., Pressure Politics in New York, 1937. |
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Bailey, T.A., A Diplomatic History of the American People, 1946; Bailey, T.A., The Man in the Street. The Impact of American Public Opinion on Foreign Policy, 1948; Beard, C.A., American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1946; Beard, C.A., The Idea of National Interest. An Analytical Study in American Foreign
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| Policy, 1934; Bemis, S.F., A Diplomatic History of the United States, 1937; Bernstein, D., The Philippine Story, 1947; Blanshard, P., Democracy and Empire in the Caribbean, 1947; Childs, J.R., American Foreign Service, 1947; Davies, J.E., Mission to Moscow, 1944; Denison, J.H., Emotional Currents in American History, 1932; Denny, L., We fight for oil, 1930; Dulles, F.R., China and America. The Story of their Relations since 1784, 1946; Dulles, F.R., The Road to Teheran. The Story of Russia and America 1781-1943, 1945; Harris, S.E., The European Recovery Program, 1948; Latane, J.H., A history of American foreign policy, 1927; Latourette, K.S., The United States Moves Across the Pacific, 1946; Lippmann, W., United States Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic, 1943; Morgan, T., Hawaii. A Century of Economic Change 1778-1876, 1948; Nearing, S., en J. Freeman, Dollar Diplomacy, 1929; Nicolson, H., Peacemaking 1919, 1944; Perkins, D., The Monroe Doctrine 1823-1907, 3 dln, 1932-1937; Rostow, W.W., The American Diplomatic Revolution, 1946; Shepardson, W.H., The United States in World Affairs, 1939; Weinberg, A.K., Manifest Destiny. A Study of Nationalist Expansionism in American History, 1935; Welles, S., The Time for Decision, 1944; Willkie, W., One World, 1943; Wright, Q., (ed.), A Foreign Policy for the United States, 1947. |
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Adams, J.T., Big Business in a Democracy, 1945; Allen, W.H., Rockefeller; Giant, Dwarf, Symbol, 1930; Andrews, W., The Vanderbilt Legend. The Story of the Vanderbilt Family, 1794-1940, 1941; Arnold, T.W., The Folklore of Capitalism, 1948 (1e dr. 1937); Biehl, M., Die Wirtschaft des Fernen Westens, 1929; Bogart, E.L., Economic History of the American People, 1930; Bogart, E.L. en C.M. Thompson, Reading in the Economic History of the United States of America, 1916; Botsford, H., The Valley of Oil, 1946; Buck, S.J., The Agrarian Crusade: a Chronicle of the Farmer in Politics, 1920; Carnegie, A., Autobiography of......, 1920; Cochran, T.C. en W. Miller, The Age of Enterprise: a Social History of Industrial America, 1942; Coman, K., The Industrial History of the United States, 1917; Corey, L., The Decline of American Capitalism, 1935; Dana, J., A.P. Giannini: Giant in the West, 1947; Dutton, W.S., Du Pont: one hundred and forty years, 1942; Edison, T.A., The Diary and Sundry Observations of -, 1948; Elliott, C.N., Conservation of American Resources, 1940; Faulkner, H.U., American Economic History, 1929; Giedion, S., Mechanization Takes Command, 1948; Hansen, A.H., Amerika's Rol in de wereldhuishouding, 1947; Hendrick, B.J., The Age of Big Business, 1919; Hicks, J.D., The Populist Revolt: a History of the Farmer's Alliance and the People's Party, 1931; Hulbert, A.B., The Paths of Inland Commerce, 1919; Jacks, G.V. en R.O. White, Vanishing Lands,
1939; Jennings, W.W., A History of Economic Progress in the United States, 1925; Josephson, M., The Robber Barons, 1934; Lane, W.J., Commodore Vanderbilt, 1942; Larson, H.M., Guide for the Study of American Business History and Suggestions for their Use, 1948; Lippincott, I., Economic Development of the United States, 1921; Lodge, R.C., Philosophy of Business, 1945; Lundberg, F., America's Sixty Families, 1940; Lundberg, F., Imperial Hearst, 1936; Moody, J., The Masters of Capital, 1919; Moody, J., The Railroad Builders, 1919; Morus, R.L., Wie sie grosz und reich wurden, 1927; Myers, G., History of the great American Fortunes, 1936; Nevins, A., John D. Rockefeller. The Heroic Age of American Enterprise, 2 dln, 1941; Ogburn, W.F., The Social Effects of Aviation, 1946; Richards, W.C., The Last Billionaire: Henry Ford, 1947; Shepard, W., Food or Famine; the Challenge of Erosion, 1945; Simons, A.M., The American Farmer, 1902; Sward, K., The Legend of Henry Ford, 1948; Tait Jr., S.W., The Wildcatters: An Informal History of Oilhunting in America, 1946; Taussig, F.W., Tariff History of the United States, 1931; Thompson, H., The Age of Invention, 1919; Vogt, W., Road to Survival, 1948; Wildes, H.E., Lonely Midas: The Story of Stephen Girard, 1943; Wright, C.W., Economic History of the United States, 1941. |
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Allen, R.S., Our Fair City, 1947; Asbury, H., Misdaad en bendewezen in New York, bew. door Luc Willink, 1930; Asbury, H., Sucker's Progress. An Informal History of Gambling in America from the Colonies to Canfield, 1938; Brearley, H.C., Homicide in the United States, 1932; Calhoun, A.W., A Social History of the American Family, 2 dln, 1917-1918; Carlson, J.R., The Plotters, 1946; Deutsch, A., The Shame of the States, 1948; Gunther, J., Inside U.S.A., 1947 (Ned. vert. 1948); Heberle, R., Über die Mobilität der Bevölkerung in den Vereinigten Staaten, 1929; Hollander, A.N.J. den, De landelijke arme blanken in het Zuiden der Vereenigde Staten, 1933; Hutton, G., Midwest at Noon, 1946; Lütkens, C., Staat und Gesellschaft in Amerika. Zur Soziologie des amerikanischen Kapitalismus, 1929; Lynd, R.S. en H.M., Middletown, 1929; Lynd, R.S. en H.M., Middletown in Transition, 1937; McWilliams, C., A Mask for Privilege: Anti-Semitism in America, 1948; Odum, H.W., Southern regions of the United States, 1936; Odum H.W., The Way of the South, 1947; Our Cities, their Role in the National Economy, 1937, (United States National Resources Committee); The Problems of a Changing Population, 1938; Queen, S.A. en L.F. Thomas, The city. A study of Urbanism in the United States, 1939; Reckless, W.C., Vice in Chicago, 1933; Recent Social Trends, 2 dln, 1933; Shaler, N.S., Nature and Man in America, 1916; Shannon, F.A., The Farmer's Last Frontier, 1945; Simons, A.M.,
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| Social Forces in American History, 1913; Simons, A.M., Class Struggles in America, 1906; Veblen, T., Absentee Ownership and Business Enterprise in Recent Times. The Case of America, 1923; Warner, W.L. en P.S. Lunt, The Social Life of a Modern Community, 1946; Zorbaugh, H.W., The Gold Coast and the Slum, 1944. |
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Barnes, N., American Indian Verse; Characteristics of Style, 1922; Bissell, B., The American Indian in English Literature of the Eighteenth Century, 1925; Friederici, G., Indianer und Anglo-Amerikaner, 1900; H.H. (Helen Hunt Jackson), A Century of Dishonor, 1881; Huntingdon, E., The Red Man's Continent, 1919; Kroeber, A.L., Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America, 1939; Lindquist, G.E.C., The Red Man in the United States, 1923; Martin, P.S., G.I. Quimby en D. Collier, Indians before Columbus: Twenty Thousand Years of North American History Revealed by Archaeology, 1947; Morgan, L.H., The American Beaver and his Works, 1868; Morgan, L.H., The League of the Iroquois, 1851; Morley, S.G., The Ancient Maya, 1946; Peckham, H.H., Pontiac and the Indian Uprising, 1947; Radin, P., The Story of the American Indian 1928; Schmitt, M.F. en D. Brown, Fighting Indians of the West, 1948; Seymour, F.W., The Story of the Red Man, 1929; Starkey, M.L., The Cherokee Nation, 1946; Wissler, C., The American Indian, 1922; Wissler, C., Indians of the United States; Four Centuries of Their History and Culture, 1940. |
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Aptheker, H., American Negro Slave Revolts, 1943; Aptheker, H., Essays in the History of the American Negro, 1945; Bontemps, A. en L. Hughes (eds.), The Poetry of the Negro 1746-1949, 1949; Botkin, B.A., Lay My Burden Down, 1945; Brawley, B., Paul Lawrence Dunbar, 1937; Brawley, B., A Social History of the American Negro, 1921; Chadbourn, J.H., Lynching and the Law, 1933; Cox, O.C., Caste, Class and Race, 1948; Davis, A., B.B. en M.R. Gardner, Deep South, 1946; Donnan. E., Documents illustrative of the Slave Trade to America, dl. I, 1441-1700, 1930; Drake, St. Clair en H. Cayton Black Metropolis, 1945; Douglass, F., The Life and Time of Frederick Douglass, Written by Himself, 1881; DuBois, W.E.B., Color and Democracy: Colonies and Peace, 1945; DuBois, W.E.B., The Gift of Black Folk. The Negroes in the Making of America, 1924; Embree, E.R., American Negroes: a Handbook, 1942; Ford, J.W., The Negro and the Democratic Front, 1933; Fuller, E., A Star Pointed North, 1946; Furr, A., Democracy's Negroes, 1947; Gaines, F.P., The Southern Plantation, 1928; Graham, S., Children of the Slaves, 1920; Greene, L.J., The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1776, 1942; Gysin, B., To Master - A long Goodnight, 1947; Harris, A.L., The Negro as Capitalist: a Study of Banking and Business among American Negroes, 1936; Haywood, H., Negro Liberation, 1948; Herskovits, M.J., The Myth of the Negro Past, 1941; Holt, R., George Washington Carver,
1945; Huberich, C.H., The Political and Legislative History of Liberia, 1947; Isaacs, E.J.R., The Negro in the American Theatre, 1947; Johnson, C.S., The Negro in American Civilization, 1931; Johnson, C.S., Patterns of Negro Segregation, 1943; Jones, L.G.E., Negro Schools in the Southern States, 1928; Kane, H.T., Plantation Parade, 1945; Logan, R.W., What the Negro Wants, 1944; Logan, S., A Negro's Faith in America, 1946; Mathews, B., Booker T. Washington: Educator and Interracial Interpreter 1948; Mellon, M.T., Early American Views on Negro Slavery, 1934; Moon, H.L., Balance of Power. The Negro Vote, 1948; Myrdal, G., An American Dilemma, 1944; Ottley, R., Black Odyssey, 1948; Ottley, R., Inside Black America, 1948; Phillips, U.B., Plantation and Frontier 1649-1863, 2 dln, 1910; Raper, A.F., The Tragedy of Lynching, 1933; Washington, B.T., Up from Slavery, 1910; Watkins, S.C., (ed.), Anthology of American Negro Literature, 1944; Weaver, R.C., The Negro Ghetto, 1948; Wesley, C.H., Negro Labor in the United States, 1850-1925, 1927; White, W., Rope and Faggot. A Biography of Judge Lynch, 1929; Wiley, B.I., Southern Negroes, 1861-1865, 1938; Williams, E., Capitalism and Slavery, 1945; Wilson, C.M., Liberia, 1947; Woodson, C.G., The Negro in Our History, 1922; Wyndham, H.A., The Atlantic and Slavery, 1935. |
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Adamic, L., A Nation of Nations, 1945; Bercovici, K., Around the World in New York, 1924; Bok, E., The Americanization of Edward Bok, 1920; Bowen, F.C., A Century of Atlantic Travel, 1830-1930, 1930; Bowers, D.F., (ed.), Foreign influences in American Life: Essays and Critical Bibliographies, 1944; Brown, L.G., Immigration, Cultural Conflicts and Social Adjustments, 1933; Commons, J.R., Races and Immigrants in America, 1920; Davie, M.R., Refugees in America, 1947; Duggan, S. en B. Drury, The Rescue of Science and Learning, 1948; Hansen, M.L., The Immigrant in American History, 1942; Hansen, M.L., The Atlantic Migration, 1607-1860, 1945; Hinte, J. van, Nederlanders in Amerika, 2 dln, 1928; Hyma, A. Albertus C. van Raalte and his Dutch Settlements in the U.S., 1947; Orth, S.P., Our Foreigners, 1920; Stephenson, G.M., A History of American Immigration, 1926; Wätjen, H., Aus der Frühzeit des Nordatlantikverkehrs, 1932. |
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Brissenden, P.F., The I.W.W.: A Study of American Syndicalism, 1920; Chaplin, R., Wobbly, 1948; Commons, J.R., (e.a.), History of Labor in the United States, 4 dln, 1918-1935; Foner, P.S., History of the Labor Movement in the U.S.A., 1947; Frankfurter, F. en N. Greene, The Labor Injunction, 1930; Hillquit, M., History of Socialism in the United States, 1903; Huberman, L., The Labor Spy Racket, 1937; Joughin, G.L., en E.M. Morgan, The Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti, 1948; Kuczynski, J. en M., Der Fabrikarbeiter in der amerikanischen Wirtschaft, 1930; Levenbach, M.G., Arbeid in Amerika. De sociale beweging in de Vereenigde Staten, 1926; Levinson, E., I Break Strikes, 1935; Lindsey, A., The Pullman Strike, 1942; Morais, H.M. en W. Cahn, Gene Debs, 1948; Orth, S.P., The Armies of Labor, 1919; Seidman, H., Labor Czars, 1938; Stolberg, B., The Story of the C.I.O., 1938. |
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Bakeless, J., Lewis and Clark, Partners in Discovery, 1947; Gagern, F., von, Das Grenzerbuch, 1927; Hammer, L.V., Short Grass and Longhorns, 1945; Hough, E., The Passing of the Frontier, 1918; Kincaid, R.L., The Wilderness Road, 1947; Lemonnier, L., Cavelier de la Salle et l'exploration du Mississipi, 1942; Mora, J., Trail Dust and Saddle Leather. A Book about the American Cowboy, 1946; Paxson, F.L., History of the American Frontier, 1763-1893, 1929; Skinner, C.L., Adventurers of Oregon, 1919; Skinner, C.L., Pioneers of the Old Southwest, 1918; Turner, F.J., The Frontier in American History, 1920; Webb, W.P., The Great Plains, 1931; White, S.E., The Forty-Niners, 1918. |
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Agar, H., Land of the Free, 1935; Beale, H.K., Are American Teachers Free? Analysis of Restraints upon the Freedom of Teaching in American Schools, 1936; Beard, C.A. en M.R., The Rise of American Civilization, 4 dln, 1927-1942; Boer, Tj. de, Amerikaansche Denkers, 1934; Botkin, B.A., The American People in Their Stories, Legends, Tales, Traditions, Ballads and Songs, 1946; Botkin, B.A., A Treasury of American Folklore, 1944; Bowman, C.C., The College Professor in America, 1938; Boynton, P.H., A History of American Literature, 1919; Bromberg, P., Amerikaanse Architectuur, 1946; Crowther, J.G., Famous American Men of Science, 2 dln, 1944; Curti, M., The Growth of American Thought, 1943; Dell, F., Upton Sinclair, A Study in Social Protest, 1927; Flexner, J.Th., American Painting. First Flowers of Our Wilderness, 1947; Frank, W., The New America, 1922; Hacker, L.M., The Shaping of the American Tradition, 2 dln, 1947; Hocking, W.E., Freedom of the Press in America, 1947; Hofstadter, R., Social Darwinism in American Thought, 1860-1915, 1945; Huetig, M.D., Economic Control of the Motion Picture Industry, 1944; Jaffe, B., Men of Science in America, 1944; Kazin, A., On Native Grounds, 1942; Kimball, Th., Jefferson and the First Monuments of the Classical Revival in America, z.j.; Kranendonk, A.G. van, Geschiedenis van de Amerikaanse Literatuur, 2 dln, 1946-1947; Lehmann-Haupt, H., Das Amerikanische Buchwesen, 1907; Lewisohn, L., The Story of American Literature, 1939; Mack, E.M., Mark
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1947. |
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Anderson, E.H., A Brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, 1925; Bates, E.S. en J.V. Dittemore, Mary Baker Eddy: The Truth and the Tradition, 1932; Brodie, F.M., No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, 1945; Does, L.P. van der, Christian Science als Sociaal Verschijnsel, 1933; Grinstein, H., The Rise of the Jewish Community of New York 1654-1860, 1945; Hall, T.C., The Religious Background of American Culture, 1930; Hunter, M.R., Brigham Young, The Colonizer, 1941; James, W., The Varieties of Religious Experience, 1913; Kaplan, M., The Future of the American Jew, 1948; Linn, W.A., The Story of the Mormons, 1902; Lonkhuyzen, J. van, Billy Sunday, z.j.; Maynard, Th., The Story of American Catholicism, 1941; Meyer, E., Ursprung und
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Bonn, M.J., Die Kultur der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, 1930; Boutmy, E., Eléments d'une psychologie politique du peuple américain, 1920; Brogan, D.W., The American Character, 1944; Brogan, D.W., U.S.A., 1944; Bryce, J., The American Commonwealth, 2 dln. 1914 (berdruk); Casseres, J.M. de, Het Andere Amerika, 1939; Feiler, A., Amerika-Europa. Erfahrungen einer Reise, 1926; Goldberger, L.M., Das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten, 1905; Gijsen, M., Ontdek Amerika, z.j.; Huizinga, J., Mensch en Menigte in Amerika, 1918; Huizinga, J., Amerika Levend en Denkend. Losse Opmerkingen, 1926; Keyserling, H., Amerika. Der Aufgang einer neuen Welt. 1930; Lamprecht, K., Americana, 1906; Leroy-Beaulieu, P., Les Etats-Unis au XXe siècle, 1904; Meyer, E., Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Geschichte, Kultur, Verfassung und Politik, 1920; Mourik Broekman, M.C., van, De Yankee in Denken en Doen, 1914; Münsterberg, H., Die Amerikaner, 2 dln., 1912; Polak, M.V., Amerika, 1946; Rougemont, D. de, Vivre en Amérique, 1947; Roy, C., Clefs pour l'Amérique, 1947; Siegfried, A., Amerika, 1927; Spoerri, W.T., The Old World and the New, 1937; Steinmetz, R., Menschenleven in Amerika, 1939. |
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Adams, H., The Education of Henry Adams, 1918; Chinard, G., Thomas Jefferson, The Apostle of Americanism, 1929; Cranston, R., The Story of Woodrow Wilson, 1945; Cresson, W.P., James Monroe, 1947; Current, R.N., Old Thad Stevens. A Story of Ambition, 1942; Franklin, B., Autobiographical Writings, (ed. C. Van Doren), 1945; Freeman, D.S., George Washington, 2 dln., 1948; Jefferson, Th., Autobiography, 1743-1790 (ed. P.L. Ford), 1914; Kimball, M., Jefferson, 1943; Lewis, J., Th. Paine, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 1947; Lewis, L., Sherman: Fighting Prophet, 1932; Lewis, M.S., Legends that Libel Lincoln, 1946; Link, A.S., Wilson: The Road to the White House, 1947; Malone, D., Jefferson, the Virginian, 1948; Mayo, B., Jefferson Himself, 1942; Meredith, R., Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man, 1946; Padover, S.K., Jefferson, 1942; Paine, Th., The Complete Writing of -, 2 dln. (ed. P.S. Foner), 1945; Pringle, H.F., Theodore Roosevelt, 1931; Randall, J.G., Lincoln, the President: Springfield to Gettysburg, 2 dln, 1945; Randall, J.G., Lincoln and the South, 1946; Randall, J.G., Lincoln, the Liberal Statesman, 1947; Reinhardt, W., George Washington, 1931; Roosevelt, F.D., His Personal Letters, 1905-1928, 1948; Santayana, G., Persons and Places, 1944; Schachner, N., Alexander Hamilton, 1946; Vandenberg, A.H., Alexander Hamilton, the Greatest American, 1924; Van Doren, C., Benjamin Franklin, 1938; Washington, G., Basic Writings of -,
1948; Werner, M.R., P.T. Barnum, 1923; Whitman, W., David Lilienthal, 1947; Woodward, W.E., Tom Paine, America's Godfather, 1945; Woodward, W.E., George Washington: The Image and the Man, 1926. |
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Becker, C.L., How New Will the Better World Be, 1944; Becker, C.L., Freedom and Responsability in the American Way of Life, 1945; Brie, F., Die Anfänge des Amerikanismus, 1939; Chafee Jr., Z., Free Speech in the United States, 1946; Cohen, M., The Faith of a Liberal, 1946; Dewey, J., Problems of Men, 1946; Dunham, B., Man Against Myth, 1947; Hallgren, M.A., Landscape of Freedom. A Story of American Liberty and Bigotry, 1941; Hofstadter, R., The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It, 1948; Laski, H.J., The American Democracy, 1948; Madison, Ch.A., Critics and Crusaders: A Century of American Protest, 1946; Vossler, O., Die amerikanischen Revolutionsideale in ihrem Verhältnis zu den europäischen, 1929; Wiltse, Ch.M., The Jeffersonian Tradition in American Democracy, 1935. |