Alle de brieven. Deel 14: 1701-1704
(1996)–Anthoni van Leeuwenhoek–Korte inhoud:Dankzegging voor het na L.'s dood te verwachten legaat bestaande uit 26 microscopen met verwijzing naar een afzonderlijke bedankbrief van de president van de Royal Society, John Somers, welke verloren is gegaan. | |
Opmerkingen:Een kladversie van de brief bevindt zich te Londen, British Museum, Sloane MS, No. 4068, fol. 32v; 1 kwartobladzijde, welke hier is afgedrukt. Een conceptbrief werd door Sloane voorgelezen op de vergadering van de Royal Society van 22 oktober 1701, O.S. (Royal Society, Journal Book Original, Dl. 10, blz. 228). Zie voor de Oude Stijl (O.S.) de opmerkingen bij Brief 228 [140] van 2 augustus 1701, in dit deel. Een afschrift van de brief van Somers is te vinden in Royal Society, Letter Book Copy, Dl. 13, blz. 296-297. | |
Letter from Hans Sloane
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Summary:Expression of thanks for the bequest to be expected after L.'s death consisting of 26 microscopes, with reference to a separate letter of thanks of the president of the Royal Society, John Somers, which has been lost. | |
Remarks:A rough draft of the letter is to be found in London, British Museum, Sloane MS, No. 4068, fol. 32v; 1 quarto page, which is printed here. A draft of the letter was read by Sloane in the meeting of the Royal Society of 22 October 1701, O.S. (Royal Society, Journal Book Original, vol. 10, p. 228). For the Old Style (O.S.) see the remarks on Letter 228 [140] of 2 August 1701, in this volume. A copy of the letter of Somers is to be found in Royal Society, Letter Book Copy, vol. 13, pp. 296-297. | |
London Nov. 7. 1701.
I acquainted you in my last that so soon as the Royall Society were reassembled I would lay before them Yo.r letter of the of the 2d of Aug lastGa naar voetnoot1 which I accordingly didGa naar voetnoot2. The society are extreamely sensible of all Yo.r favours & more especially of this last of Yo.r intended legacy they desire their President my Lord SommersGa naar voetnoot3 to return you their thanks for all Yo.r favours in a most particular manner which he has done by the enclosed letterGa naar voetnoot4. The society would not have troubled a person of his Qualities had not they desired very heartily to show you the respect they bear you. I am Yo.r most obedt. & most humble serv.t