Lijst van geraadpleegde boeken en uitgaven
Mrs. Shelley, The Works of P.B. Shelley, E. Moxon, London 1854. |
Thomas Hutchinson, The Poetical Works of P.B. Shelley, University Press, Oxford 1905. |
The World's Classics, The Poetical Works of P.B. Shelley, University Press, Oxford. |
Dr. Richard Garnett, The Poetical Works of P.B. Shelley, Ward, Lock and Co, London z.j. |
Bennett Weaver, Towards the Understanding of Shelley, Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press 1932. |
Edward Dowden, The Life of P.B. Shelley, Kegen Paul, London 1896. |
Edmunds E.W., Shelley and his Poetry, George G. Harrap and Co, London 1911. |
M. Suddard, Keats, Shelley and Shakespeare Studies, University Press, Cambridge 1912. |
Jeaffreson, The Real Shelley, London 1885. |
A. Roland Holst, Shelley: Een Afscheid, Stols, Brussel 1928. |
H. Richter, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Verlag Felber, Weimar 1898. |
I. Clarke (trad. G. D'Estensan), Byron et Shelley, Hachette, Paris 1935. |
André Maurois, Ariël, Calmann-Lévy, Paris 1939. |
W. Kloos, Shelley-Sonnetten, Nieuwe Gids 1921. |
Dr. G. Dekkers, Die Invloed van Keats en Shelley in Nederland, Wolters, Groningen 1926. (Zuidafrikaansch.) |
Heinz Brandt, Das protestierende Element in der Dichtung Shelleys, Priebatsch, Breslau 1934. |
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B. Verhagen, De Tragische Maskers van Hellas, Van Munster, A'dam 1923. |
P. Dijkhuis, Vondel's Faëton, Tjeenk Willink, Haarlem 1938. |
Padberg, De Mooie Taal, Malmberg, 's Bosch I 1924. |
Petrus Canisius, De Heilige Schrift, R.K. Boek-Centrale, A'dam 1940. |
C. van Bruggen, Prometheus (2 dl.), Nijgh en Van Ditmar, Rotterdam 1919. |