Oeuvres complètes. Tome VII. Correspondance 1670-1675
(1897)–Christiaan Huygens–No 1957.
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[pagina 333]
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apprehend by wt you wrote to him concerning me, yt I pretended to his Method of drawing tangents; untill I understood by M. Collins yt you signified to him yt you thought it here of a later date. ffor it seems to me that he was acquainted wth it some yeares before he printed his Mesolabum & consequently before I understood it. But if it had been otherwise, yet since he first imparted it to his friends & ye world, it ought deservedly to be accounted his. As for ye Methods they are ye same, though I believe derived from different principles. But I know not whether his Principles afford it so generall as mine whch extends to Equations affected wth surd terms, wthout reducing them to another form. But if you please let this passGa naar voetnoot2). The incongruities you speak of, I pass by. But I must, as formerly, signify to you yt I intend to be no further sollicitous about matters of Philosophy. And therefore I hope you will not take it ill if you find me cease from doing any thing more in yt kind, or rather yt you will favour me in my determination by preventing so far as you can conveniently any objections or other philosophical letters, that may concern me. For your profer about my Quarterly payments I thank you. But would not have you trouble yor self to get them excused if you have not done it already. And now being tired wth this long letter, I must in haste write my self.
Yor humble servant I. Newton.
Cambridg. June 23. 73. |