Oeuvres complètes. Tome V. Correspondance 1664-1665
(1893)–Christiaan Huygens– Auteursrecht onbekendNo 1288.
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purpose; for though, when I last writ, I was promised, both by Master FaithorneGa naar voetnoot3)
and Master ThompsonGa naar voetnoot4), that I should have those things which they had in their hands, finished within three or four days; and though I have often called upon them, and urged them all I could, I have not been able to get them done. I have lately observed many circumstances in the height of the mercurial cylinder, which do very much cross my former observations; for at this very time the quicksilver is as high as I have a long time observed it, and I don't remember, that it has been higher: it has risen a little for these four or five days, and has continued so, notwithstanding the variety of winds, and the multitude of rain, that has lately fallen; and, I think, it rises a little yet, but it is but little. I have taken notice also of two or three other very odd particulars lately in it, which have crossed several other observations. The experiments we are now most busy aboutGa naar voetnoot5), are concerning the adjustening of the length of pendulums, thereby to settle a common standard for length; of which kind, Monsieur Zulichem has sent overGa naar voetnoot6) some very pretty theories; but upon very careful trial with several accurate and large pendulums, made with balls of lignum vitaeGa naar voetnoot7), some of which balls are six inches over, others no bigger than the head of a pin, or a small shot, and sus- | |
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pended by a very curious hair, which seems as likely a way as any to find out to what point of the globular body, hung at the end of a string, the length of such a pendulum is to be reckoned. Monsieur Zulichem says, it is ⅖ parts of a third proportional below the center of the ball c, the first of which proportionals are, ab + bc (that is, ac) and bc; namely, ab + bc, bc ∷ bc; bc bc/ab + bc, which we will suppose ce; ⅖ of which taken below the centre gives d the point, to which the length of the pendulum ad is to be measured from a, the point of suspension. Sure it is, that this point is below c, the center of the body; but whether at d, I cannot positively yet affirm. The plate for your bookGa naar voetnoot8) was graven before I received your last of Monsieur Evelyn's. I have only taken notice of seven instruments, which you in those sheets I looked on have described; and those I so put into one small plate, that they will fold out of the book, when there is occasion. This last of Monsieur EvelynGa naar voetnoot9) I have given a small draught of also to the engraver, who is not an Englishman, but one that I find a very good workman, and very punctual to his word; which was the reason I did not employ Master Faithorne, as you directed, he having so very often and often disappointed my expectation. I have since my last made an anatomy of a dog, and hope, that I have made a considerable new discovery; but this being the first time I have seen it, at least taken notice of it, I cannot, till further trial, positively affirm any thing, which, as soon as ever I am assured of it, you shall thereof receive an account from, Sir Your most faithful and most humble servant R. Hooke.
I hope, Sir, you will pardon this hasty scribble, for it was very near eleven a clock this night, before I could get from some company, metGa naar voetnoot10) about the business of Sir J. Cutler. |