the same colors but more omber:
Small bice masticut blewblack indian red toobackco pipe claye and whiteing;
the same but a littell rosset:
the same but less blewblack and more rosset and less mastick:
Blewblack rosset and broune ocker:
Yellow ocker mastick and rosset:
Yellow ocker rosset and indian red:
the same but more white:
Indian red and masticut:
Yellow ocker indian red and mastick:
Rosset and white:
the same but more white:
Yellow ocker burnt omber and blewblack:
the same but more white and yellow:
the same but more yellow and indian red:
the same but more white:
Bice and white:
The same but more white:
Masticut and white:
the same but more white:
the same but more yellow and white and a littell indian red:
Yellow ocker and rosset:
Burnt ocker and white: