6367. Aan Lord Clarendon. (H.A.)
While I am following here our tedious Orenge business, of which there is some hope I may ere long be delivered one way or other, I cannot forbeare to look sometimes backward to my last English commission, which your Lordship having graciously promised me to remember at the meeting of this present Parliament, these lines are to intreate your Lordship to have so much goodness for his High.s, my Master, as to putt the King in mind of what his Ma.tie hath often done me the honour to assure me to be his most real intention towards the same purpose. I can tell your Lordship in truth that divers members of Parliament, both of the Lords and the House of Commons, declared unto me that for ought they could see, if it pleased his Ma.tie to propound the matter, it would proove a very acceptable motion, and that without question the reemburssement of the Prince of Orange would be agreed and resolved nemine contradicente both for capital and interest, there being, as they would confess, no reason why his High.s should beare the charges of what the Princes his father and grandfather have so generously furnished and bestowed upon their Majesties urgent necessities, the interests of those huge summes running still to our utmost loss and incommoditie. The particular accounts of our pretensions - God knoweth and mylord of S.t Albans can testifie, there was much more furnished at several occasions - with all the vouchers and verifications belonging there unto, I left, by ordre of His Ma.tie in secretarie Sir Henry Bennets hands. I have intreated him by a severall letter to communicate about all with your Lordship, who I hope will not lett pass this occasion without giving his High.s a testimonie of that noble affection we have allways found in your Lordship for the good and benefitt of the House of Orange, which ever shall be
mindfull and thankfull for so eminent a favour. For my particuler, Mylord, though I am sure Her High.s the Princes Dowager will have cure (?) to moove this business unto you, I hope your Lordship will vouchsafe to receave in good part these my private humble duties, since what I doe is but causam - non litem - coeptam prosequi. I