Briefwisseling. Deel 3: 1640-1644
(1914)–Constantijn Huygens–3347. W. SandysGa naar voetnoot2). (L.B.)aant.‘By the greate favour of his highnesse my passage was safe and speedy hither, and am to acknowledge it to his highnesse protection, wherein your particular respects are te be rememberd with a just sense thereof, and as I shall have opportunity, shal be so manifested as may assure you that I shal be very entirely disposed by you. The Prince was pleased to aske me whither I knew M.r Vankocke (?), but further intimated not his requeste, otherwise then for a licence for which I went in to Holland, but since I came hither haveing spoken with him, am informd that he hath propounded more. I therefore intreate that the Prince may know, I knew not of his comeing nor of his requeste, though he hath beene employed by me for buying of armes who I send over with them, and whose zeale to theyr Ma.tyes service have prevayled with him to importune the Prince. What I uppon review cannot approve, but rather [am] afflicted for the same, and have therefore thought fytt to earnestly praye, his highnesse may understand, I am more sensible of the carefull regardes, due for the prevention of any misunderstanding that may happen from any | |
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sollicitation, and therefore have sought by these to vindicate myselfe therein, as being without my privety done, and now knowne dislisked; not but that which was desired conduced much to his matys service, but yet cannot approve anything that may renew further discourse of the Prince, for any his particular respects to his matye, and I conceive this likewes will be the sense of their maties’. Wilt gij den inliggenden brief aan Z.H. geven? Als ik Z.H. ergens in kan dienen, zeg het mij dan. Dunckerque, this 4th of Aug. (1643)Ga naar voetnoot1). |