b, ch (as in English ‘church’), d, dj, dy, f, g, gb, gy, h (as in English ‘house’), k, l, m, mb, n, ŋ, (as English ‘ng’ in ‘hang’), ny, p, r, s, sh, sy, t, ty, v, w, x, (as German ‘ch’ in ‘ach’), z.
Tone (for Saramaka tɔ̨ŋgo only) is indicated as follows:
á, high, a, middle, à, low, â, high to low, ǎ, low to high, ǎ, middle to high, â, middle to low, â, high to middle, ǎ, low to middle.
In the texts, the apostrophe is not a phonetic symbol, but indicates the elision of a letter or a syllable.