Qualifying Function, III, is not a subjective purpose, 143, 146, 425, 432. |
Qualitates Occultae, I, rejected in modern science, 201. |
Qualitative Difference, I, is quantified in Leibniz according to their degree of clarity, 233. |
Qualities, I, objective qualities of things in naïve experience, 43; primary and secondary, in Locke, discarded by Berkeley, 274. |
Quantum Mechanics, I, in physics, 212. |
Quantum Mechanics, II, many typical numbers in nature are only to be explained from their anticipatory coherence with typical physical and chemical relations, e.g., the typical constant -h- in quantum mechanics, 425. |
Quantum Mechanics, III, Rutherford's exploded conception that an atom is a kind of solar system, 706. |
Quantum Theory, I, in modern physics, 557. |
Quantum Theory, II, the classical view of the continuous character of physical space does not completely agree with the modern quantum-theory of energy, 101. |
Quaternian Calculus, II, the imaginary function of number found recognition through Graszmann's ‘Ausdehnungslehre’ in close connection with Hamilton's quaternian calculus, 171, 174. |
Quietism, II, in V. Stahl's view of God's guidance in history, 249. |
Quintilianus, III,
Instit. orat., 3, 6.-7. |
Quintilianus, III, was the first writer who used the term ‘substance’, 7. |
Quirites, III, in ancient Rome, 370. |