The early Cape Hottentots
(1933)–Olfert Dapper, Johannes Gulielmus de Grevenbroek, Willem ten Rhyne–
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Incluto atque Inlustri Viro J. Jac. WepferoMedicae Artis Antistiti, Plur. Septemviror. Ducum, Principum, Comitum, Rerumpublicar., a Sanitate S.P.Q. Scafusiani Archiatro, Pio, felici, sapienti, has eruditas pagellas ex India Orient. advectas D.D.C.Q. Henr. Screta Schotn. a Zavorziz. III. Eidus Novembreis, MDCLXXXV.Quum nuper, Te apud exteros viros principes commorante, dilectissimus filius Tuus, haut infimae notae medicus convolutas praesentis libelli chartas e Belgio a Gaspare Sibelio a Goor, percelebrato Daventriensium medico, missas mecum amice communicaret; easdem, propter argumenti raritatem, litterarum mox prelo subjiciendas esse censebam: quod & reliqua auctoris hujus celeberrima scribta, cedro dignissima, ab omnibus sapientiae ingenuis professoribus permagni aestimari noverim. Impetrata igitur venia, nil prius mihi curae fuit, quam ut exemplum concreditum ab illabsis librariorum mendis repurgatum luci publicae sisterem, illudque nulli alii, quam Tibi, Vir plurimum Venerande, cui quoque transmissum erat, dedicarem: quem meum conatum aequi bonique consulas rogo. D.O.M. Te in longam senectam vegetum incolumemque servet; quo serus in coelum redeas, qui, ne innumeri mortalitatis senectutem immaturius exuant, auctor es. Vale. | |
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To the renowned and illustrious John James WepferGa naar voetnoot* Master of the Art of Medicine: Officer of Health to various Councils, Dukes, Princes, Counts and Commonwealths: Chief Physician to the Senate and People of Schaffhausen: Pious, Happy, Wise: These learned pages brought from the East Indies are dedicated by Henry Screta Schotn. a Zavorziz. November 11th, 1685.Lately when you were tarrying abroad at the homes of distinguished citizens of foreign States, your beloved son, a doctor of no mean repute, was so kind as to present me with the scroll which I now offer you in the shape of this little book. It had been sent from Belgium by a celebrated physician of Deventer, one Gasper Sibelius a Goor. The curiosity of the matter inclined me to have it printed forthwith; for I knew that the other renowned works of this author, which are most worth of immortality, are held in the highest esteem by all honest lovers of wisdom. I therefore, after obtaining permission, made it my first business to purge the copy that had been entrusted to me of the mistakes of the scribes and to put it before the public. And to whom should I dedicate it but to you, Most Venerable Sir, to whom also in the first instance the manuscript was sent? I pray that you will smile upon my attempt. And may the great and good God keep you in activity and health to a green old age, and may you who are the cause to so many mortal men that they have not fallen untimely on old age and death yourself return late to Heaven. Farewell. |