Brieven 1888-1961
(1997)–Alexander Cohen–Aan Kaya BatutLa Haye, Hôtel Lion d'Or, 23.8.02
Kayouchka dear,Ga naar eindnoot1
Just arrived at the Hague - 1/2 past one - after a useless stay in Rotterdam. De MeesterGa naar eindnoot2 was not in - holiday. You forgot to put mustard on my sandwiches, which is the most damnable forgetfullness one can imagine. So, I'll never forgive that. Did sleep about 1 hour and 1/2, which is not much. Fine weather. - Went, of course, to the Golden Lion.Ga naar eindnoot3 I am now going to the printing-office, for my visiting cards. Afterwards I am going to Aarts. - Tomorrow try interviews. Two kisses on both your dear eyes. Don't forget the coupures. Greet la Roubairounne. |