Briefwisseling en aantekeningen. Deel 1
(1934)–Willem Bentinck–
[pagina 84]
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Whitehall, 30 Jan./10 Febr., 1744/4.(Most secret.)
The Paper, which you lately sent to be put into my hands, has been safely delivered, and attentively considered. You may rest assured, that the secret will be inviolably kept, as to your name. I shall be glad to receive further lights from you, and thro' the same channel you have made use of to convey the Paper to me, by which I shall return my future answers, as I do the present. I have laid it before the King, and have acquainted His Majestey how and from whom I had reveived it, and what caution you desired might be used concerning your name. His Majesty liked the substance, and some of the appearances, which are mention'd. There can be no doubt, as to the Quaestio An? No conjuncture ever seem'd to require the application of such a remedy, more than the present. The Quomodo is not so clear, or so easily to be determin'd. That wants further Eclaircissements, with your opinion. If the Quomodo can be explain'd to His Majesty's satisfaction, nothing will be wanting on His part, that is reasonable and practicable, to promote the success of your overture. You will agree with me, that as the stirring a matter of this delicate nature, without very probable grounds of success, might be attended with more harm than good to what we wish; so there cannot be too much prudence and circumspection recommended and used in the conduct of this affair. |