De Zeventiende Eeuw. Jaargang 6
(1990)– [tijdschrift] Zeventiende Eeuw, De–
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The price of a bound xerox copy (100 gsm paper, A4) will be £17.00 plus postage. If you would like me to make you a copy (which may take some time), please let me know (no payment yet).
F.G.A.M. Smit 4, Glamis Gardens Longthorpe Peterborough PE3 6PQ England | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Society for the History of RhetoricCall for Papers ISHR 1991 Biennial Conference Baltimore/Washington, September 25-29
Papers on the history of rhetoric are solicited. Special sessions include: Quintilian in the history of education and rhetoric; rhetoric and science; orality/literacy; rhetoric and gender. It should be noted, however, that sessions will not be limited to the very short list of topics noted above. Papers on a wide range of rhetorical topics - provided that they are of historical interest - will be considered. The conference will take place, in the main, on the Johns Hopkins campus. However, there will be an entire day in Washington D.C. There are plans for lectures and panel discussions at the Folger Library; there are tentative plans for sessions at the Library of Congress and Dumbarton Oaks. The day will be con- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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cluded with a reception at the Great Hall, The Folger Library. If you wish to present a paper at the conference, please submit the abstract to Professor N.S. Streuver, Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Barockkongress Wolfenbüttel 1991
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SektionenSektion I: Kirche, Staat und religiöse Bewegungen Leitung: Prof. Dr. Heinz Schilling (Giessen)
Sektion II: Die religiösen Bewegungen in ihren Texten Leitung: Prof. Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino (Columbus/Ohio)
Sektion III: Konfessionelle Kultur und literarische Formen Leitung: Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Valentin (Paris) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Sektion IV: Erbauung, Meditation, Mystik in den Künsten Leitung: Privatdozentin Dr. Elke Axmacher (Berlin)
Sektion V: Bibel und Bibelauslegung in den Künsten Leitung: Prof. Dr. Heimo Reinitzer (Hamburg)
Sektion VI: Die Künste in Gottesdienst und Liturgie Leitung: Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Jürgensmeier (Osnabrück/Mainz)
Sektion VII: Religion und Wissenschaft Leitung: Prof. Dr. Walter Sparn (Bayreuth)
Das vollständige Programm mit Stichwortlisten zu den Sektionen kann bei der Herzog August Bibliothek angefordert werden. Referatangebote werden zusammen mit einem Exposé (1 Seite) bis zum 31.10.1990 erbeten an: Geschäftsstelle des Internationalen Arbeitskreises für Barockliteratur, Prof. Dr. Martin Bircher, Postfach 13 64, D-3340 Wolfenbüttel. |