Trotwaer. Jaargang 7
(1975)– [tijdschrift] Trotwaer– Auteursrechtelijk beschermd
[pagina 164]
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Otome HutheesingGa naar eind*)
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hiding in neighbor's. husband's
eagle, evil eye
Otome is tolve jier lyn ta doctor promovearre to Leiden. | |
[pagina 165]
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GrandmotherWisdom of Mount Fuji
words that rang lullabies bells
Now T.V. is she
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Shady lovesLoves on my palette,
purplish passion, green envy
ending in the red
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StarvationIn Chad thousands died -
World conference double talks
while vultures abide
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[pagina 166]
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HospitalWhy white the beds,
the faces, X-ray machines?
White-wash on death?
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Amazon highwayForests, fauna bieed -
Xingu's soil and soul is slashed
for mining and speed
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North-American indiansThey sang to the corn,
stamped damp feet on tearful trails,
their culture forlorn
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[pagina 167]
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IndiaCracked earth, yellow skies -
human oceans in between
shrill the vendor's cries
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Autumn maple treeCrown of blood and fire
sheds red carpet for king Fall.
Blue jays fly higher.
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Morning gloryOne day whims in blue
chalices of heavenly hues -
my eyes drink of you