Fifth Workshop on Comparative Generative Syntax
Op 19-20 mei wordt er een workshop georganiseerd door de Groningse taalkunde-afdelingen Algemene Taalwetenschap, Duits, Engels, Scandinavisch en Nederlands. Onderwerp: formal syntax. Call for papers: Those who wish to present a 30 minute paper are requested to outline on a minimally one page, maximally two page, abstract their topic. This abstract is to highllght the issue to be dealt with, its background in the literature, and the theoretical status of the solution. Deadline for the abstract, of which we need to have 4 copies, is February 15, 1988. You will be notified about the decision no later than the middle of March.
Te versturen naar: Eric Reuland, Instituut ATW, Grote Rozenstraat 31, 9712 TG Groningen.