Raster. Jaargang 5
(1971-1972)– [tijdschrift] Raster–
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Nathaniel TarnFrom ‘The Persephones’The First Persephonefor P.R.T. Lying, face down, earth.
Pressed down with hands at the back of the skull
face into earth.
Pressed down as if with the weight of wings
a thing, winged, very heavy in the sky
that wd. perhaps have crashed and been ready to be
taken into the earth.
Weighed down with weight of fins
flukes, colossal weight of blubber
balleen, into the earth.
Weighed down with fur, scales, feathers, into the earth,
with branches, leaves, flowers, fruit
into the earth.
Pulled from below by hands of undergods
pulled down from below into the earth.
With fingers clutching at her neck, pulled down from below
with fingers clutching her armpits
with claws and pincers clutching at
pushing and prying into her
pulled down into the earth.
And like a ship sinking in an oily sea
slowly, down down down, she goes like a scarf, but a scarf of lead
in a sea of lead.
And the season saying no all the time
trying to bud and to leaf.
Where children wait.
The children who have never had a childhood
appearing miraculously young and beautiful
into the adult life of their parents
as if sprung fully-armed from their heads.
Where the daughter found again
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courted as was her mother in the season of willows and wands
in a slow swirl overhead like smoke
and all the great stores of the city open to her desires
a kiss on her mouth
and her loins working suddenly against his mouth
where she has turned the world over in his hands
and prised it apart.
The king of darkness in his habitation
invisible - a cloud nothing more but a great one
like the cloud of a squid surprised
giant squid from the deep
unnameably at the mother, lost in her clouds
while snows drown out the earth and the buds sleep.
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The Third PersephoneLooking out, the site of a mountain
the head of the lord of darkness
as if cradled
among the marigolds
what he cd. make of love
very little.
No infants in his kingdom, no eyes.
Only grown children in his kingdom
of whom he had seen
but the late seedlings, never the germ of emotion.
How was he to tell
(looking inside himself for an image
for a sliver of the imagination of the beloved)
who had never sucked at a breast
who had never kissed leaves
whose eyes had not been brushed by the sun?
All that he had of love was strained
through the minds of the dead as they reached him
and these figments never amounted to
the possibility of looking out
of looking out with a single heart on the flowers.
So that the yearning he thought
as he had thought so often
the yearning must come out of its pure self,
be self-engendered
no fucking of virgins for this
but -
the virgin turned in on herself
a snail looking for herself inside her house
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in the convolutions of the tunnel
and no holy spirit
and yet, such is the power of music,
the songs they have brought down with them
from the upper air
(where they heard them perhaps
in the mouths of children)
is it possible for this... to subsist
this nameless, self-inflicted passion
looking out like a hawk from a cloud
or a lighthouse keeper from his turret?
whereupon, with that thought,
his eyes swivelled
and among the flowers of the field lit on the fairest.
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The Tenth PersephoneWhy is the queen of the dead exalted among the dead being
only one among the dead and chosen by chance
and chosen by apparent chance and apparent predestination
both together in the unfathomable desire of the other gods?
her head being allowed to go through the upper air
into the perfection of seasons for some part of the year,
though her feet remain weighted down by slow snakes
stirring slowly in the onze of the trenches
and only her green hands in the upper sky
- the great oaks stretching their hands on waking -
giving sign of her life?
He who receives the many
even he who's used to reducing the dead to a common substance,
doesn't wish to single her out
will not give her more than a passing glance
a sign of recognition
of the small affections...
when he burns
when in fact he burns that the branch may break
that the long voyage may end for the planet
and the furthest point of death be returned from
the separation into dead and live
summer and winter, and only green be seen above ground
that he might go home
but she is taken up,
she is received with smiles and trumpets by the big-breasted
daughters of ocean and brought to her mother
and is taken up into the arms of the mother
into the fins of fish, into the wings of birds,
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and her hands are held outwards, and her arms
in the position of everything that breaks and shoots -
She is shown the marvelous city,
taken through its streets in triumph, spoken to,
welcomed at arches and doorways, asked to bless
the fountains where young girls wash clothes,
given the freedom of the city, told of the labyrinth.
He who receives the many being but
then one lost father of so many saved
the one who stays behind, growing much younger,
down from his age at last, golden in fire
his long night dipped him into and the royal mother
while the clouds of far heaven correct the fields of earth
and the dark kingdom is smothered.
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From ‘Lyrics for the Bride of God’:The KitchenI
I don't budge from this kitchen.
It's the only furnished part of a vast house
with tables and chaos apart from the usual appliances
and a recipe-book from a forgotten country.
I once saw that it was dark beyond the kitchen
in the basement and on the three floors
in all the various rooms smelling of carpet-cleaner and wall-wash.
I've been told it goes on being dark there by the visitors.
She doesn't live in this kitchen which is a solitary place
I know that on some nights she sits in the living-room
beyond darkness
with her own choice of books
and sometimes plays with her cosmetics in another
and there are other nights
she sleeps in the nude upstairs face down on the pillows
waiting for a surprise attack.
She has not yet made up her mind
whether or not to come into and occupy the house
she is empowered that is to say she has the means
to bring light into the house and turn on all the appliances
which would flush me from the kitchen where I live
as I've said to friends and students: like something out
of Beckett
perhaps she is afraid of the bills...
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Pieces of her occupy certain windowledges
I see her hands from time to time in the fireplace
her crotch and creases play havoc with the mirrors
and I eat the fruit of that tree as the cannibals did
in Atlantis
o ekeine periple!
the victim's body smoked and carved / upside down beside the door!
Eating and making love
in Eden:
one total complex.
The art, perhaps IS to forget
white clouds smoke in interstices
mist on the synapses linking thought to thought.
You will be killed my son: no one can last this way
but can you swear it matters?
There was ambition,
desire in coming here / a goal in sight
to write
the inches of Atlantis down before she drowned
(and to take on that journey some sort of homely Helen
not gone to whore in Troy, no stayed at home, and dull become
a little
until that wreck of Asia gone through the middle island
reached at last
these Western stuccoes):
but there'd been nothing in Atlantis to stitch thought to thought
about her
no coherence: the center had not held
and the circumference had gone crazy
even among the ones with kindly dispositions
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you will not get it out of my mind
that my ways are not your ways he said before
and this is an Israeli girl
and our frontiers won't give an inch.
After the age of revolutions / after the age of actions / into
the age of talk merely
so that what I do if she wants me on that trip
is accept her one day, refuse her the next, she is exasperated
into loving me far more extremely than she had ever loved
and cooking for me all day in the kitchen
by special dispensation
and washing all my shirts
and hanging herself up at night to be had all ways.
And I explain that I cannot explain
that I am not responsible
that we dichteren
have never been solid citizens at the best of times since Plato,
are chauvinist, fascist, sexist pigs
(vide Arendt on Dark Times and Bébé)
The chronology of that golden age escapes me
exactly when she ceased burning like a furnace upon me
and joy turned aside from me and forced me to hide
which is also to say:
between loving her and not loving her and forgetting her
there is some cultural as well as personal smoke
and my tragedy
or ours
is that of the time
and the time is also of Atlantis.Ga naar voetnoot+