De Nieuwe Gids. Jaargang 33
(1918)– [tijdschrift] Nieuwe Gids, De– Gedeeltelijk auteursrechtelijk beschermd
[pagina 113]
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(All rights preserved) | |
Into the Silent Land
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[pagina 114]
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eve-ning-sky more dark - ly ga - ther.
shattered wrecks lie thick-er on the strand,
Who leads us
with a gen - tle hand.
Yon - der o yon - der
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[pagina 115]
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In - to the si - lent Land.
In - to the si - lent Land,
you ye bound - less re-gions of all per-fec - tion
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[pagina 116]
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Ten - der mor - ning vi - - sions
Of beau-ti-ous souls
Fu - tures pledge and band
Who in Life's bat - tle
firm doth stand.
Shall bear Hope's ten - der blos - som.
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[pagina 117]
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In-to the si-lent Land.
O Land, o Land, For
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[pagina 118]
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all the bro-ken heart-ed,
The mild-est he-rald by our
fate al - - lot - ted,
Beck - ons and with in-
vert-ed torch doth stand,
To lead us with a gen - tle
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[pagina 119]
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To the land of the great De-
part - ed,
In - to the si - lent Land,
In - to the si - - lent Land.