Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap 13
(1997)– [tijdschrift] Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap– Auteursrechtelijk beschermd
[pagina 260]
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-45-(45) 230 Chaussée de Vleurgat le 1 Décembre [1887]
My dear Mademoiselle Loveling,
Many thanks for your very kind note. I wish I could say that we could respond to your invitation, for I should very much like to see you again. But my husband says we must put off paying our visit until after the New Year. He is called away to London on urgent business next week, - but he goes very much against his will, for he still suffers from his eyes, and does not like to leave home while he is under treatment for them. However, we both look forward to being able to come and see you at Gand a little later, and make the acquaintance of Mr. Fr[e]d[e]ricq and his sisterGa naar eind(1). Pray do not let the postponement of our visit prevent your coming to see us, if you should find vacation to come to Brussels yourself. Any time that you will come and lunch with us ‘sans cérémonie’ it would give us great pleasure to see you. My mother left me soon after you saw us. I know she would wish to be very kindly remembered to you, and for myself I feel very grateful for your sympathetic appreciation of one so dear to me. I am very sorry to keep poor ‘Sophie’ waiting, but we must make up for lost time when we meet.
Yours affect[ionate] Jessie Couvreur |