Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap 13
(1997)– [tijdschrift] Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap–-44-(46) 230 Chau[s]sée de Vleurgat Bruxelles le 5 Novembre [1887]
Dear Mademoiselle Loveling,
I send you a line, according to my promise, to let you know we have returned to Brussels. The waters of Aix did my husband good service, and he and I enjoyed a ‘Nach-Kür’ at Rond-Chêne - a beautiful place, the country home of Monsieur & Madame Montépire. This month we shall be rather busy, but unless we have the pleasure of seeing you here- we might pay Gand a visit in a few weeks time, and you and I might experiment upon Sophie, as we did upon your other workGa naar eind(1). It would interest me very much to help you to array her in English dress, following the plan you have discovered. I am only sorry we live so far apart. With kind regards from my husband.
Believe me Sincerely yours Jessie Couvreur. |