Hollands Maandblad. Jaargang 2006 (698-709)
(2006)– [tijdschrift] Hollands Maandblad–
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Thunderbirds are Go
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Thunderbirds are GoThe island of the billionaire philanthropist
was made of plastic and his wonderful machines
were only toys. True, there were moments
when the colours brightened as we cut away
to focus on a tea cup or a herd of antelope
in flight, and everything seemed real.
But they were shots from other films,
rapidly replaced by trees and skies
which looked like trees and skies but never quite rang true
We had our brief adventures then relaxed
beside the pool, while in his mountain lair
our nemesis the foreign villain licked his wounds.
We filled the sky with vapour trails.
We braved the flaming rig and nursed the stricken jet
back home. We held our nerve and everyone was saved.
Now everything is real. This bungalow. The early train.
We mow the lawn and smoke a cigarette
and sit here waiting for the call that never comes.
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De FeitenOm eerlijk te zijn, werkte de dwerg in een gokhal
en droeg een orthopedische schoen. De lelijke zussen
waren geen familie, niet eens vrouwen, laat staan dat
ze ook maar enige interesse hadden voor de prins.
De lelijke bibliothecaresse zag er beter uit met haar bril
op, de bom was niet uitgerust met een tijdmechanisme
en toen de in beslag genomen landbouwtruck over
de tot op heden onvoltooide brug schoot, dook
hij met de neus naar beneden in het ravijn.
Door de explosie stierf zowel de knappe sheriff
als zijn lieve, maar achterlijke rechterhand, Bob.
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The FactsIn truth, the dwarf-worked in a betting shop
and wore an orthopaedic shoe.
the ugly sisters were neither sisters nor, indeed, women,
nor were they remotely interested in the prince.
The plain librarian looked better with her glasses on,
the bomb had not fitted with a clock
and when the requisitioned farm-truck shot
the as-yet-uncompleted bridge it nose-dived
into the ravine and blew up
killing both the handsome sheriff
and his lovable but stupid sidekick, Bob.
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