Heijermans, Herman: Berliner Skizzenbuch. M. Zeichngn. v. Ernst Pickardt. Berlin, Boll & Pickardt.
f 1.95; geb. f 2.75 |
Herbertson, Jessie L.: Junia. London, Chatto & Windus.
f 3.90 |
Herrick, Robert: Together. London, Macmillan & Co.
f 3.25 |
Hichens, Robert: A Spirit in prison. London, Hutchinson & Co.
f 3.90 |
Hilditch, J.: Fortaellinger fra folkelivet. Christiania, Gyldendalske Bkh.
f 3.25 |
Hill, Headon: Her splendid Sin. London, Ward, Lock & Co.
f 3.90 |
Hill, Headon: The Hate of Man. London, Cassell & Co.
f 3.90 |
Hirsch, Charles-Henry: Nini Godache. Roman. Paris, Eugène Fasquelle.
f 1.90 |
Holdsworth, Annie E.: Lady Letty Brandon. A novel. London, John Long.
f 3.90 |
Hope, Anthony: The great Miss Driver. London, Methuen & Co.
f 3.90 |
A story of modern English life, which centres round ‘the great Miss Driver’ of Breysgate Priory, only child and heiress of Nicholas Driver of Catsford. How she - a lady of high ambition, of strong feelings, and of many devices - rose to heights of power, how she slipped and fell from the summit, and by what means she regained her footing, is candidly recorded by her secretary and friend Austin Austin. |
Huch, Rudolf: Die Familie Hellmann. Roman. München, Georg Müller.
f 3.90; geb. f 4.55 |
Hume, Fergus: The rainbow Feather. London, Digby, Long & Co.
f 3.90 |
Hume, Fergus: The green Mummy. London, John Long.
f 3.90 |
d'Ivray, Jehan: Les Porteuses de torches. Roman orné de 22 compositions de Gottlob. Paris, Albert Méricant.
f 1.90 |
Johnston, Mary: Lewis Rand. London, Constable & Co.
f 3.90 |
This thrilling romance of the days of Thomas Jefferson is the first novel from the pen of Miss Johnston in the last four years. The plot centres about the Napoleonic character of Lewis Rand,
| |
who becomes one of the great men of his party and time, - a self-made hero, a man of achievement and overwhelming ambition, whose fortunes are followed by the reader with absorbing and even breathless interest. No novel yet written gives such a vivid picture of the exciting early years of the last century, - the years in which the contest for supremacy between the party of Jefferson and the aristocratic Federalists became most intense. The personal complications and dramatic, often tragic, situations resulting from this warfare of the parties have afforded Miss Johnston the material for a narrative of tremendous power. Her brilliant, masterly portrayal of Jefferson and of the trial of Aaron Burr would alone make the book notable, while the rich background of the suave old Virginia life, with its stately homes, its beautiful women, and rich, romantic ideals, has given her an opportunity to tell a moving love-story with all the fire and fervour that the readers of ‘By Order of the Company’, so well remember. |
Kaiser, Isabella: Die Friedensucherin. Roman aus dem Leben einer Frau. Köln, J.P. Bachem,
f 1.95; geb. f 2.60 |
Kenealy, Arabella: The whips of time. A novel. London, John Long.
f 3.90 |
Kernahan, Mrs. Coulson: The graven Image. London, J. Milne.
f 3.90 |
Kernahan, Mrs. Coulson: The Sin of Gabrielle. London, John Long.
f 3.90 |
Kinross, Albert: Joan of Garioch. London, Macmillan & Co.
f 3.90 |
Kolbenheyer, E.G.: Amor Dei. Ein Spinoza-Roman. München, Georg Müller.
f 3.90; geb. f 4.90 |
König, Ewald Aug.: Pistole u. Feder. Roman. Berlin, August Scherl. 2 Bde.
f 2.95; geb. f 3.90 |
Kyser, Hans: Der Blumenhiob. Roman. Berlin, S. Fischer.
f 2.30; geb. f 2.95 |
Lagerlöf, Selma: En saga von en saga, och andra sagor. Stockholm, A. Bonnier.
f 2.30 |
Landquist, J.: Viljan. Stockholm, A. Bonnier.
f 3.90 |
Lesueur, Daniel: Nietzschéenne. Paris, Calman-Lévy.
f 1.90 |
C'est le roman de l'énergie féminine, - l'énergie puisée dans la philosophie de Nietzsche, - maist c'est aussi le roman de la tendresse et de l'héroisme d'amour chez la femme. Ce roman, d'une actualité aiguë, analyse toutes les subtilités de l'âme moderne, partagée entre la hardiesse que lui donne sa pensée élargie et la pitié, la fraternité de douleur que nulle époque n'a connue si frémissante. De là des complications sentimentales, des scrupules, des audaces et des délicatesses, qu'incarne un type de femme où se reflète le temps présent. Quant aux hommes, nous les avons coudoyés dans les joutes fiévreuses de la spéculation et de l'industrie. Et la clarté philosophique dont s'éclaire cette étude puissante nous pénètre, elle aussi, de nouveaux frissons et de nouveaux reflets. |
London, Jack: The iron Heel. London, Everett & Co.
f 3.90 |
Lorimer, George H.: Jack Spurlock, prodigal. London, John Murray.
f 3.90 |
Lorraine, Rupert: The Woman and the Sword. London, T. Fischer Unwin.
f 3.90 |
Lorris, Claude: Les Nuages s'amoncellent. Roman. Paris, Bernard Grasset.
f 1.90 |
Loti, Pierre: La Mort de Philae. Paris, Calmann-Lévy.
f 1.90 |
Dans ces pages admirables ou la grandeur de la pensée et la puissance de l'imagination s'unissent à la poésie du rêve et à la magie du style, c'est tout le passé mystérieux de la terre antique et sacrée de l'Egypte qui semble nous être révélé par les évocations troublantes de Pierre Loti, par les témoignages du temps des Pharaons, qu'il oppose aux destructions sacrilèges d'aujourd'hui. - Revue des deux Mondes. |
Maartens, Maarten: Brothers All. More stories of Dutch peasant Life. London, Methuen & Co.
f 3.90 |
The Dutch peasant of to-day may be said to be as unknown to readers as the Dutch peasant of Ostade and Jan Steen are known to art critics. In his new book Mr. Maarten Maartens, the Dutch writer, who has, like Mr. Conrad, chosen English as his literary medium, has taken the Dutch peasant for his theme, and it will be impossible any more for wise readers to plead ignorance of that interesting personality. The title of the work ‘Brothers All’, indicates that Maarten Maartens comes to his task with sympathy and understanding. Maarten Maartens thus summarises the Dutch peasant of to day in a letter: ‘The Dutch peasant is a Saxon, with the religion of the Lowland Scotch. He is a cousin - but distinctly twice removed - of the “Boer”. He is as absolutely unlike his Flemish brother as two sons of one father - and different mothers - can possibly be’.
The volume contains a number of short stories, a medium, in the opinion of certain critics, in which Maarten Maartens's fine genius is perhaps best displayed. |
Maël, Pierre: César Borgia. Paris, Ernest Flammarion.
f 1.90 |
Malling, Matilda: Ninas Bryllupsreyse, Kjöbenhavn Gyldendalske Bkh.
f 1.65 |
Mandelstam, Valentin: Un Aviateur. Roman. Paris, Eugène Fasquelle.
f 1.90 |
Mansfield, Charlotte: Love and a Woman. London, T. Werner Laurie.
f 3.90 |
Margueritte, Paul: La Princesse noire. Roman d'aventures. Paris, Librairie Felix Juven
f 1.90 |
Margueritte, Victor: Le petit Roi d'ombre. Paris, Librairie des ‘Annales politiques et litteraires’.
f 1.90 |
Margueritte, Victor: Jeunes Filles. Paris, Fasquelle.
f 1.90 |
Dans cette étude de moeurs très vivante, pleine d'humour et d'entrain, Mons. Victor Margueritte a mis en scène des types de jeunes filles, un peu trop émancipées sans doute, qui ne demanderaient pas mieux que de se marier suivant leur coeur, mais que la dureté des temps, les nécessités sociales contraignent à abdiquer quelque peu de leur fierté et à se laisser aller dans la poursuite du fiancé, à plus d'un compromis avec leur conscience et leur idéal. - Revue des deux Mondes. |
Marie-Madeleine: Die Wegweiserin. Liebesroman. Berlin, Verlag Continent.
f 2.30; geb, f 2.95 |