De Gids. Jaargang 134
(1971)– [tijdschrift] Gids, De–
[pagina 545]
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Peter Harper
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A. Problemen die ontstaan uit wijdverbreide industriële activiteiten. (cijfers verwijzen naar de literatuuropgave)
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[pagina 546]
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[pagina 547]
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B. Problemen die ontstaan uit specifieke van technologie afhankelijke projecten
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C. Problemen voortkomend uit zuiver wetenschappelijk onderzoek
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[pagina 548]
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(vertaling G. van Benthem van den Bergh) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literatuur1. Study of Critical Environmental Problems. Man's impact on the global environment. MIT Press, 1970. 2. Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich, Population resources environment. Freeman, 1970. 3. Vincent J. Schaeffer, ‘Auto exhaust, pollution and weather patterns’. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Oktober 1970. 4. W. Modell, ‘Mass drug catastrophes and the role of science and technology’. Science, 156, 346, 1967. 5. S. Hollon, The great american desert: then and now. Oxford. U.P. 1966. 6. Sheldon Judson, ‘Erosion of the land.’ Am. Sci., 56, 356, 1968. 7. Smithsonian Institution, Centre for Short-Lived Phenomena. Annual Report 1970. 8. V. Zisweiler, Extinct and vanishing animals, Longmans, London, 1968. 9. Max Blumer, ‘Oil pollution of the ocean’. Paper presented at symp. on ‘Man's Chemical Invasion of the Ocean’, La Jolla, Calif. Feb., 1969. 10. Lawrence B. Slobodkin, ‘Aspects of the future of ecology’. General Systems 13, 115, 1968. 11. R.H. Checher, ‘Destruction of the Pacific corals by the sea-star Acanthaster Planci’. Science, 165, 280, 1969. 12. Frank Graham Jr., Disaster by default, Curtis Books, NY, 1966. 13. Jorgen Randers, Unpublished study of DDT decay time, MIT. 14. Richard Curtis and Elisabeth Hogan, Perils of the peaceful atom, Gollancz, London, 1969. 15. R. Williams et al. ‘Fire Damage’. Environment, February 1970. 16. Deborah Shapley, ‘Plutonium: reactor proliferation threatens a nuclear black market’. Science, 172, 143, 1971. 17. B. Jordan, Physics today, May 1970. 18. Robert Gilette, ‘Nuclear reactor safety: a skeleton at the feat?’ Science, 172, 918, 1971. 19. Milton Leitenberg, ‘So far, so good’. Environment, 12, (6) 26, 1970. 20. James P. Lodge (ed), The smoke of London: two prophesies, Maxwell Reprint Co., 1970. 21. Richard A. Falk, This endangered planet, Random House, 1971. 22. Steven Rose (Ed), Chemical and biological warfare, Harrap, London, 1968. 23. E.W. Pfeiffer, The destruction of Indochina, Department of Biology, Stanford Univ. 1969. 24. Thomas Whiteside, Defoliation, Ballantine, NY. 1970. 25. C. Elton, The ecology of invasions by animals and plants, Methuen, London, 1966. 26. G.R. Taylor, The doomsday book, Thames and Hudson, London, 1970. 27. J.H. Healy et al., ‘The Denver earthquakes’. Science, 161, 1301, 1968. 28. Douglas H. Hamilton and Richard L. Meehan, ‘Ground rupture in the Baldwin Hills’. Science, 172, 333, 1971. 29. F.J. Donahoe, ‘Anomalous water’. Nature, 224, October 11, 1969. 30. Barclay Kamb, ‘Hydrogen-bond sterochemistry and “anomalous water”’, Science, 172, 231, 1971. 31. R.E. Kissling et al., ‘Agent of disease contracted from green monkeys’. Science 160, 888, 1968. 32. R.P. Hanson et al., ‘Arbovirus infection of laboratory workers’. Science, 159, 1283, 1967. 33. Richard S. Lewis, ‘The Radioactive salt-mine’. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June, 1971. |