I feel obliged tot point out that no such ‘unexpressed conclusion’ should be inferred from the passage. It is one thing to state that a certain situation constitutes a definite strategic handicap. It is quite another thing to claim a ‘right’ to remove it. The latter was Herr Hitler's doctrine with regard tot Czecho-Slovakia. I should like tot say with all the force at my command that neither the writer of the article nor any responsible Englishman would dream of applying that doctrine tot Belgium, Holland or Switzerland.
May I add a word of appreciation of the generous terms in wich Professor Telders alluded tot the ‘Round Table’?
Yours sincerely,
R. Coupland
Acting Editor, ‘Round Table’.
Aan het verzoek tot plaatsing voldoen wij gaarne, want niets kan ons aangenamer zijn dan te kunnen constateeren, dat wij uit de woorden ‘the two western democracies, upon whom, in the last analysis, the maintenance of (Holland's) independence rests’ eene onjuiste conclusie hebben getrokken. Zoo ooit, dan is men hier verheugd zich te hebben vergist!