het aangevangen onderzoek naar Duitschlands betalingsvermogen niet tot een grap zal laten ontzielen; hij heeft onmiddellijk gelegenheid te doen uitkomen dat er een nieuwe wil uitgaat van Downing Street en dat die zich van nieuwe methoden durft bedienen.
In afwachting van wat komen gaat, kan men zekere paragraphen opslaan van het boekje dat Ramsay Macdonald in September 1920 verschijnen deed: A Policy for the Labour Party: ‘Can Labour govern?’ vraagt hij daar. Ten opzichte der buitenlandsche zaken, meent hij, wordt het ten onrechte betwijfeld. Buitenlandsche regeerkunst zal niet ontbreken; zij zal echter een geheel anderen inhoud hebben dan de regeerkunst der oude diplomatie:
‘Every military genius has emphasised the necessity of directing in time of war an offensive against the public opinions as well as against the armies of enemy countries. Such an offensive is still more necessary in times of peace. The sound and just policy needs the support of opinion, the doubtful one needs its criticism, the bad one needs its correction. Peace and goodwill are maintained in the forum not in the arsenal... The ideal Foreign Secretary must be in touch with the democratic movements abroad, must have a personal knowledge of their leaders, their influence, their strength and their weakness, must understand the people with whom he has tot deal. And it would be a great advantage if he were known hinself - if he were not merely a familiar name but a familiar person. He must represent not merely the rivalries and conflicting ambitions of his nation but its neighbourliness, its desire to co-operate, its international spirit. He must be a known man of two qualities, one who is not tot be imposed upon and one who does not wish to impose upon anyone else... In such men, the Labour Party is far richer than any other Party... Labour is best fitted to lay the foundations of that policy which will send disputes into courts and not battlefields, which will give the League of Nations a chance of operating, which will bring disarmament into the sphere of practical politics, and which will end for ever the dangers and the unrealities of the old diplomacy’.
Het zelfbewustzijn is hier klaarblijkelijk uitgegroeid tot zelfbehagen. For ever! Alsof, wanneer hun ‘rivalries’ maar