Folium Librorum Vitae Deditum. Jaargang 3
(1953)– [tijdschrift] Folium– Gedeeltelijk auteursrechtelijk beschermd
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Oscar Wilde's ballad of Reading Gaol
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edition and could then arrive by simple addition at the total number published. Unfortunately the solution of our task is not quite as simple as that. Our researches have shown that separate editions of the Ballad were published by a number of firms, many of which have ceased to exist, while others have destroyed their records and are thus unable to give information. Nor is that all. Some publishers have issued several reprints, but have stated in their editions neither the number printed nor the year of publication. Moreover it was found, when the principal U.S. catalogue, the National Union Catalogue in Washington, was consulted, that the great scientific libraries which it covers have no copies of most of the American editions. The present writer's collection, though it contains a greater number of different editions than any public library, is by no means complete, while the details recorded in the American National Bibliography are also far from exhaustive. It was therefore thought best to proceed in the following way: using as a basis the material available in the New York Public Library, in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., and in our private collection, we first added the titles listed in the Wilde Catalogue of the Clark Library. (These were not at first accessible to us because the Clark Library is precluded by its statutes from lending books to other libraries; subsequently we were able, by a lucky chance, to visit Los Angeles and, with the kind assistance of Mrs. Edna C. Davis, the most cooperative librarian, to inspect the volumes collected by Clark.) A list of all these editions with detailed descriptions was then drawn up, duplicated and circulated to about 1450 public libraries in the United States, with the request to collate it with their copies and to report any discrepancies or supplementary material. A great number of libraries very kindly and readily complied with this requestGa naar eindnoot(118), and by means of the Inter-Library Loan we went on to examine any editions that we had been unable to inspect earlier. The results will be found in the following compilation. We are, however, fully aware that this bibliographical catalogue of the American editions of the Ballad is no more than a first attempt, which is bound to be incomplete. In some cases, bibliographical records have established the existence of editions of which no copies could be traced, while other editions have doubtless escaped our notice altogether, but may yet be discovered by later research or by a stroke of luck. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The most interesting single result of our research is the proof that the earliest American edition is not, as hitherto assumed, that published by Tucker, but one published by Brentano. It can be assumed that the mistaken belief hitherto prevailing originated in Stuart Mason's Bibliography of the Poems of Oscar Wilde (1908). Mason lists only the 1905 Brentano edition and was obviously unaware that there were several earlier issues of it. The Clark Catalogue appears to have simply copied the information given by Mason without verifying it. Details of each issue are noted in the description concerned. It should be pointed out, however, that the size given for each edition (always in millimetres, first depth and then width) is only approximative as deliveries made by the binder at different times show slight variations in the trim. Reprints of the Ballad in Wilde's Collected Works, in complete editions of his poems and in anthologies have been excluded for two reasons. First, this study would have had to cover an infinitely wider ground; and secondly, our purpose would not have been served. For while the sale of a seperate edition corresponds to a poem's popularity, the inclusion of the same poem in a Complete Edition or in an anthology is no measure of its influence. Very few copies of such an edition or volume can have been sold merely because it contained the Ballad. The same distinction governed the listing of periodicals. We have thought it necessary to include issues devoted exclusively or mainly to the Ballad because such numbers fulfil the same function as publications in book form. But there seemed to be no point in listing, e.g., the May 1905 number of ‘Papyrus’ (4th year, No. 5) which happens to contain inter alia an extract from the Ballad. The location of each copy described has been quoted at the end of the entry concerned; if no location is given, a copy of the edition is in the collection of the writer. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brentano [1898]-1918The | Ballad of Reading Gaol By | C. 3. 3. | [publisher's mark] | Published by Brentano's at | 31 Union Square New York [Initials of the title and the name Brentano's printed in red]. First printing: 1 leaf half-title; 1 leaf title, on verso of title: Press of J.J. Little & Co. | Astor Place, New York; 1 leaf Dedication, 39 numbered leaves, 3 blank leaves. Printed on recto only. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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New York, Brentano, [1898]. Sketch of the cover design of the first printing. Original size.
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New York, Brentano, [before August 1901]. Sketch of the cover design of the second and third printing. Original size.
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Binding: Brownish-grey cloth, ornamented throughout in brownish-grey, red and black on a light grey ground, title on front cover: ·THE·BALLAD·OF·READING· | ·GAOL· | ·C·3·3·, title on back in gold: THE | BALLAD | OF | READING | GAOL | [line] | ·C·3·3· Gilt top. Of this printing the Public Library of Haverhill, Mass. has a copy (P-W672, 1b) inscribed on the front fly leaf ‘C.H. Chase, Apr. 1899’. Miss Pauline F. Pulsifer, librarian of this library, informed me that ‘Clifford H. Chase was a Haverhill man most of whose library came to [the library] on his death’. Miss Loia E. Engleman, librarian of the Denison University Library, Granville, Ohio, sent me her copy for inspection, which is inscribed on the front fly-leaf ‘C.E. Nichols 1 Jan. '99’ (the third copy which I saw, the copy of the Sondley Reference Library at Ashville, N.C. (Ref. 821. W672) bears no inscription). The first Brentano edition must, therefore, have been printed before Jan. 1, 1899. This proves that the first American edition was this Brentano edition and not the Tucker edition which has hitherto been considered as such but which was published early in April 1899, as correctly stated by Stuart Mason (Bibliography of the Poems of Oscar Wilde, 1907, p. 84). In the Weekly Records of New Publications in The Publisher's Weekly Brentano's edition of the Ballad was never mentioned, while Tucker's edition is announced in the issue of April 8, 1899 (p. 618). One week earlier, on April 1, 1899, Tucker advertised his edition (P.W., p. 604). It seems safe to assume that Tucker's advertisement coincided with the date of publication. Brentano advertised his edition on April 8 (P.W., p. 637). But by this date the book had already long been published, as shown by the inscriptions mentioned above; moreover, we see that in the same advertisement Frederick W. Wendt's ‘Trans-Atlantics’ is advertised as ‘ready April 10’, which proves that the Ballad was published before. It seems that Brentano had thought it unnecessary to advertise the Ballad (perhaps because of its quick sale) and changed his mind after the publication of Tucker's edition. This is suggested also by the fact that Brentano hardly ever advertised the Ballad again. On looking through his announcements in the P.W. down to 1920 we came across the Ballad only once more - and that in a collective announcement of 23 titles (January 28, 1905, p. 126). Besides, titles which were new or still in production were shown as such in Brentano's advertissements, cf. his ad of June 4, 1898 (P.W. p. 919): Anatole | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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France, The Red City ‘just published’; Stendhal, Red and Black ‘in press’. The ornament on the binding of the first printing differs from those on the second and third printings (see illustrations). The odd number of leaves is due to the fact that the title page was printed separately and pasted in. This was done for a reason which is not difficult to guess: The title being the only page in two colors, it was probably cheaper to limit the double printing to the smallest possible forme and to pay an extra charge to the binder for the pasting of the leaf. Second printing: 1 leaf half-title, 1 leaf title (verso blank); 1 leaf Dedication; 39 numbered leaves; 2 leaves blank; 1 leaf Press of J.J. Little & Co. | Astor Place, New York (first line 27 mm, second 23 mm, as in the first printing). Printed on recto only. Binding: Light brown cloth, ornamented throughout in black, red and green, title on front cover: THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | C. 3. 3., title on back as in the first printing, but in black. Gilt top (author's collection; Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N.Y., PR5817-B2). Third printing: 1 leaf half-title; 1 leaf title; 1 leaf Dedication; 39 numbered leaves; 1 leaf Press of J.J. Little & Co. | Astor Place, New York (first line 23 mm, second 20 mm). Printed on recto only. Binding as second printing. The Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio, has a copy in light blue boards. The three printings of the undated edition and all further dated editions seem to have been printed from the same plates, except the title and the last line. The three undated printings were published before August 24, 1901, the date when Brentano's moved to 5, 7, and 9 Union Square (P.W., Aug. 24, 1901, p. 335). Dated editions: 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1918. The collation is the same as in the third issue of the undated edition, except the last leaf which is blank and does not contain the printer's name. Although all editions seem to be printed from the same plates, there are the following few differences: Half-title: a different letter type is used in the dated editions. Title: 1904: THE BALLAD | OF | READING GAOL | By C. 3. 3. [underlined] | BRENTANO'S | NEW YORK | 1904. 1905, 1906: the same type display on the title, but the initials and the name of Brentano's in red. 1907-1918: THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | By C. 33 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[sic] | BRENTANO'S | NEW YORK 1907 [initials and name of Brentano's in red]. Last line on last numbered leaf up to 1906: C. 3. 3.; from 1907 onward: C 33. Binding of all dated editions: grey boards, label on front cover: The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | By C. 3. 3. within a red border, label on spine containing title in 5 lines (lower case letters). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tucker 1899The | Ballad of Reading Gaol | BY C. 3. 3. | NEW YORK | BEN J.R. TUCKER. Publisher | MDCCCXCIX.
Advertisement in Publisher's Weekly, April 1, 1899, p. 604. Both editions, that printed on one side and that printed on both sides, are from the same type. It is therefore clear that they are not, as Clark assumes in his Catalogue, two independent editions, but the one-side issue constitutes merely a kind of de-luxe variety, while the two-sided is a cheaper, popular version of the same edition. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cornhill Booklet 1900OCTOBER MCM | THE | CORNHILL | BOOKLET [ 1 DOLLAR BY THE YEAR | 10 CENTS THE COPY | CONTENTS | The Ballad of Reading Gaol | BY | C. 3. 3. | <OSCAR WILDE> | [line] | First Detached Supplement | AN AUTUMN PRAYER | BY EDWIN OSGOOD GROVER | <Second Detached Supplement> | THE BOOK-LOVER'S CREED | Published by ALFRED | BARTLETT 21 Cornhill | BOSTON [Cover title printed in black and red]. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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175: 110. Pag. [97] - 128. Page 98-100, 125-128 advertisements. Page [101]: THE CORNHILL BOOKLET. Vol. 1. October, MCM. No. IV. Foreword signed G. Page 102: A review, by Jeanette L. Gilder, in The Critic. Pages 103-124 The Ballad of Reading Gaol. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Goose-Quill 1901In this Number ‘The Ballad of Reading Gaol’ by Ocar Wilde. | THE GOOSE-QUILL [pictorial frontispiece: woman sitting in an arm-chair, at her feet a pig] | 10 c. a Copy. $ 1.00 Yearly [within lines] | MEN MAKE PIGS AND GOATS OF THEMSELVES FOR WOMEN... YEA, MANY THERE BE | THAT HAVE RUN OUT OF THEIR WITS FOR WOMEN, AND BECOME SERVANTS FOR THEIR | SAKE. MANY ALSO HAVE PERISHED, HAVE ERRED, AND SINNED FOR WOMEN... | O YE MEN, HOW CAN IT BE BUT WOMEN SHOULD BE STRONG, SEEING THEY DO THUS? | Published on the First of Each Month at the AUDITORIUM BUILDING, CHICAGO. | [On the left side, from bottom to top:] CHICAGO DRAMATIC CRITICS CRITICISED. [On the right side, from top to bottom:] WHY THE ‘CHICAGO AMERICAN’ IS A CONSTANT HELL-BROTH OF VITUPERATION AND LIES. 204: 138. Page 2: The Goose-Quill [black letters] | Would to God my name were not so terrible to the ennemy [sic] as it is. | EDITED BY | JOHN STAPLETON COWLEY-BROWN. | Vol. 1. No. 1. New Series. November 1, 1901. Published Monthly. Price 10 Cents. $ 1.00 Yearly. Page 3-14: the complete Ballad (10 stanzas on a page). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bartlett 1902-19041902. The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | By | C. 3. 3. | [Aldine leaf] | Boston | ALFRED BARTLETT | MCMII. 170: 104. 32 leaves, no pagination, printed on recto only. [1] title; [2] Of this edition of THE BALLAD of | READING GAOL there have been | printed 550 copies, of which this is number [followed by facsimile of Wilde's signature:] Oscar Wilde; [3-4] Introduction, signed G. [5-32] text of the Ballad. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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At the beginning and end one 8 page section of blank paper, the first and last leaves serving as endpapers. Binding: light green boards with title (in lettering) on front cover: Ballad | of Reading | Gaol | [line] | Wilde | [printed in brown within ornamented border in different colors, below a flower garland]. (Clark Collection copy). 1904. The Ballad of Reading Gaol | By | Oscar Wilde [name in facsimile of Wilde's signature] Boston | ALFRED BARTLETT | MCMIV. 174: 110. 18 leaves, no pagination, first and last blank. [2] title (verso blank); [3] Introduction, signed G. Binding: grey cloth, title on front cover in black. - Also Boards (Austin, Texas, University Library).
Printed from the same plates as the 1902 edition with the following exceptions: name of author on title as stated; no colophon after the title page; the first page of the text begins with the heading The Ballad OF Reading | Gaol only, while the heading in the 1902 limited edition reads: The Ballad OF Reading | Gaol | BY C. 3. 3. Publisher's Weekly, Weekly Record of New Publications, Aug. 22, 1904, p. 308. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clode 1903The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | By C. 3. 3. | [Ornament with castle in center] | E.J. Clode | No. 156 Fifth Avenue | New York [title in lettering, within ornamented border, lettering red, ornament black]. 226: 164. 34 leaves. 1 blank; 2 half-title; 3 title; 4 Dedication. 5 part title; 6 - 34 r text of the Ballad, running titles in red, each page within ornamental border; 34 v: Of this edition of ‘The Ballad of Reading Gaol’ two hundred and fifty-nine copies were printed from types, of which Nos. 1 to 29 are on Japan vellum, for Edward J. Clode at the Heintzemann Press, in the month of July Mcmiij. This copy is Number... Binding: ivory paper boards, title in gold within gilt lines; The Ballad of | Reading Gaol. On spine in gold: [ornament] THE BALLAD OF READING GAOL [ornament] BY C. 3. 3. [orna- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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ment]. (Cornell University Library). The Japan vellum copies are bound in parchment. Clode started his publishing business in 1903, and only two books were advertised in P.W. in that year: Louis Tracy, The Wings of the Morning, on July 11, Holman Freeland, Trelawny, on October 3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mosher 1904-1919THE BALLAD OF READ- | ING GAOL BY OSCAR | WILDE | [Publisher's mark, printed in red] | PORTLAND MAINE | THOMAS B. MOSHER | MDCCCCIV. 179: 114. 2 blank leaves; 1 leaf half-title; 1 leaf title; 1 leaf Dedication; 33 numbered pages; p. 34: part VI of the Ballad; 1 leaf colophon [in black and red]; 3 blank leaves. Colophon: NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES OF | THIS BOOK PRINTED ON VAN GELDER | HAND-MADE PAPER AND THE TYPE | DISTRIBUTED. Binding: grey paper boards, paper label on front cover and on spine. Also 10 numbered copies on pure vellum, signed by the publisher, and 100 numbered copies on Japan vellum (Clark Collection). First edition March 1904, second November 1905, third November 1907, fourth December 1911 (all in 950 copies), fifth September 1919 (450 copies). Miss Marjorie Karlson sent us a slightly different collation of a copy of the fourth edition in the Louisiana State University Library, Baton Rouge, La.: 3 blank leaves, 4 leaves (half-title, title page, dedication, second half-title [advertisement on verso]), 3-33, [1] p., colophon leaf, 2 blank leaves. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literary Collector Press 1905The | Ballad of Reading Gaol [in red] | BY | OSCAR WILDE | [Publisher's mark] | GREENWICH, CONN. | THE LITERARY COLLECTOR PRESS [red] | 1905. 147: 112. 20 leaves. Leaf [1] r: COLLECTOR REPRINT NO. 3 | The Ballad of Reading Gaol; [1] v: OF THIS REPRINT 25 COPIES ON JAPANESE | VELLUM AND 275 COPIES ON AMERICAN | HAND-MADE PAPER HAVE BEEN PRINTED AND | THE TYPE DISTRIBUTED NO.; [2] r: title; [2] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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v blank; [3] r Dedication; [3] v blank; [4] - 20 text of the Ballad. (Clark Library, Los Angeles, California.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Roycrofters 1905THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | as written by Oscar Wilde, and done | into a book by THE ROYCROFTERS, | at their shop, which is in East Aurora, | Erie County, State of New York | [publisher's mark in red between ornaments]. 194: 147. No pag. 36 leaves of which first two and last two blank. Verso of title: Copyright | 1905 | by ELBERT HUBBARD. Leaf 33 verso colophon in red: So here then endeth The Ballad of Reading | Gaol. Done into a book by The Roycrofters, at | their shop, which is in East Aurora, Erie County, | New York, and finished this Sixteenth Day of | June, Nineteen Hundred Five, and the year of | the founding of The Roycroft Shop, the Tenth. Leaf 34 recto: ROYCROFT within ornamental border. Printed in black, with initials in red and gold throughout. Binding: limp leather, title in gold on front cover. Also: boards with leather back (Carnegie Public Library, Ishpening, Mich.). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luce 1906THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | BY | OSCAR WILDE | [Fleuron] | BOSTON | JOHN W. LUCE AND COMPANY | 1906. 136: 102. 4 leaves (half-title, title, Dedication, second title page), 42 pages, 1 blank leaf. Binding: cloth, red back, green boards, on front cover THE | BALLAD | OF | READING | GAOL | WILDE. Advertised in Publishers' Weekly on Sept. 29, 1906, p. 909. Weekly Record of New Publications: Dec. 8, 1906, p. 1762. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Putnam [1906-1911]The Ballad | of Reading Gaol | by | C. 3. 3. <Oscar Wilde> | [Publisher's mark] | New York and London | G.P. Putnam's Sons | The Knickerbocker Press. [Title in black letter, printed in black and red.] Ariel Booklets, No. 133. 142: 110. 4 leaves (1 blank, title, half-title, Dedication), 79 pages, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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frontispiece (portrait of Wilde), legend opposite on a leaf of tissue, 3 (later issue 4) leaves advertising Ariel Booklets. Text printed on recto only. The frontispiece, printed in photogravure, is a separate leaf opposite the title. On all fly leaves THE ARIEL BOOKLETS in a floral ornament. Binding: morocco grained leather, front cover and spine gilt (ornament and title). Of this edition we saw three different issues.
The first advertisement of the Ariel Booklets was published in Publishers' Weekly on January 26, 1907, p. 192, with the heading ‘Publications of 1906’. There were 12 titles. On Sept. 28, 1907 (p. 886) 18 new titles were advertised, on Sept. 26, 1908 (p. 830) this series was announced with 175 titles, on Sept. 24, 1910 (p. 1275) the numbers 186-189 were added, on Nov. 26, 1910 (p. 48) ‘nearly 200 titles’, on Sept. 30, 1911 (p. 1313) ‘10 new titles’ were advertised, ‘for complete list (200 titles) see separate circular’. This proves that the first two issues were published between September 1907 and September 1908, while the third has to be dated 1911. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Buckles (1907)The BALLAD of | READING GAOL | By OSCAR WILDE | Drawings by LATIMER J. WILSON | [line] | NEW YORK | F.M. BUCKLES & COMPANY [within pictorial border, see illustration in the second chapter]. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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[Boston, no publisher, after August 1907.] Cover of the copy in the Clark Library, Los Angeles. Original size.
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[Boston, no publisher, after August 1907.] Cover of the copy in the Newberry Library, Chicago. The name and the addressed of Holdaway is stamped by means of a rubber stamp. Original size.
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247: 165. 55 pages. [1] half-title: THE BALLAD OF READING | GAOL | MDCCCCVIII; [3] title; [4] Copyright 1907 | F.M. BUCKLES & CO.; [5] In memoriam; [7] PART I; [9] - 55 text of the Ballad; [56] blank. The book consists of 3½ sheets (p. 1-48 and 49-56). The paper of the last eight pages is much thicker than that of the first 48 pages. For details see chapter 2. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Boston, no publisher, after August 1907.]No title, pag. 251-285, [286] blank. 181: 138. Wrapper: Ivory paper. Front cover r: Read | the Greatest | Tragical Poem | in Literature | The | Ballad of Reading Gaol | [typographic ornament] | By | Oscar Wilde [within border]; front cover v: BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1907 | OSCAR WILDE REDIVIVUS | HIS WORKS EXPERIENCE A STRIK- | ING RETURNING OF POPULARITY | This Is Especially True on the Continent | - Germans, French and Italians Reading | His Plays and Novels as Never Before - | The Reason for This Re-Interest Lies Un- | doubtedly in the Perception of the Intellect- | ual Acuteness as Well as a Distinct Spiritual | Quality in His Books - His Peculiar Appeal | to the French - The Restoration of His | Name in London Play Bills a Significant | Fact. | <‘H.T.P.’ Special Correspondent of the Transcript, Paris, August 1.> Three Column Letter to the | Boston Evening Transcript, | Wednesday, August 28, 1907. Back cover, r and v, contains a quotation from Macaulay with a comment on English mock-modesty. Off-print of vol. 13 of ‘The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde, together with Essays and Stories by Lady Wilde. Illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley and other artists’. POEMS | INCLUDING | RAVEMA, [sic] | THE BALLAD OF READING GAOL, | THE SPHINX, ETC. | BY | OSCAR WILDE | WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY | RICHARD LE GALLIENNE | ILLUSTRATED | BOSTON: | THE ALDINE PUBLISHING COMPANY | 1910. Page [249]-285 The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Verso of title: COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY | ANGLO-AMERICAN AUTHOR'S ASSOCIATION. The editions of Wilde's Works published in New York by Keller | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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& Co. in 1907 and by The Pearson Publishing Company in 1909 were printed from the same plates. But there are two reasons for thinking that the present off-print is taken from the edition of the Aldine Publishing Company: the paper is the same whereas that of the other two editions is quite different; and the quotation from a Boston newspaper points to a publisher in that city. Our description covers the copy of the Clark Collection. A variant of this edition is in the Newberry Library, Chicago. Mr. Benedict K. Zobrist was kind enough to send us a photostat of the front cover. It differs from the Clark copy inasmuch the title and the name of the author are missing. Mr Zobrist writes: ‘Your attention is called to one peculiarity of the title page. The imprint of the publisher, H.E. Holdoway & Co., is stamped (apparently by means of a rubber stamp) on the page in greenish-blue ink. I have established the identity of Holdoway as a publisher from the Lakeside Directory of Chicago for 1907 and 1915. The former date was chosen because on the verso of the title page is inscribed “Boston Evening Transcript, Wednesday, August 28, 1907”, the latter date because it was in that year that The Newberry Library acquired the book.’ The Clark copy proves that not all copies bear the imprint of Holdoway. It seems very likely that the Aldine Company was the real publisher and that Holdoway bought a number of copies which he then distributed with his name stamped on the cover. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Caldwell (1907-[1913])The Ballad | of | READING GAOL | [Vignette] | Oscar Wilde | H.M. Caldwell Co. | New York and Boston. [Vignette and Oscar Wilde in red.] Remarque Series of Literary Masterpieces, No. 57. 141: 106. Frontispiece, title, XIII pages, page 5-83, 1 blank leaf, 2 leaves: Remarque Edition of | Literary Masterpieces | uniform with this | volume [containing 57 titles]. First issue: On verso of title: Copyright, 1907 | BY H.M. CALDWELL CO.; last four pages as described. Second issue: On verso of title: Copyright 1907 | By H.M. CALDWELL COMPANY; last two leaves: Remarque Edition of Liter- | ary Masterpieces uniform | with this volume [containing 64 titles]. Publishers' Weekly, Sept. 28, 1907, p. 899 (repeated on Nov. 30, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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1907, p. 237): Remarque Series of Literary Masterpieces. The new titles added to this well-known series are: 54... 55... 56 Salome, by Oscar Wilde. 57 The Ballad of Reading Gaol, by Oscar Wilde. All the volumes... printed on deckle-edge paper, with original etching frontispieces. Size 3⅞ × 5⅝, and bound in a variety of styles. Cloth. Price 40 c. Full limp, red paste grain. Price 75 c. Full limp chamois Price $ 1.25. Weekly Record of New Publications, Dec. 21, 1907, p. 1981. P.W., Nov. 27, 1909, p. 254: Remarque Series... now consists of 60 volumes. These quotations prove that the first issue of the Ballad was published in 1907, while the second issue must have been published in 1910 or 1911. Three different bindings are advertised; the author has in his collection two copies which have the following bindings: First issue: green cloth, on the front cover a landscape and flower painting on paper and inscription THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL. Second issue: red leather (morocco grain), on the front cover stamp with Aldus anchor, title and author's name in the upper left corner in gold. In both issues title on spine in gold (7 lines in capitals). Pages V-XIII contain an introduction, p. [51] - 83 ‘The Poet in Prison’, an extract from R.H. Sherard's ‘Life of Oscar Wilde’. The same plates were used by Caldwell in his later edition: Salome | and Ballad of | Reading Gaol | [fleuron] | OSCAR WILDE | H.M. CALDWELL CO | NEW YORK & BOSTON [within floral border, title and author's name in red]. But as there is neither a new titlepage nor a frontispiece to the Ballad, the pagination begins at page 5 (after the XIII pages with Roman pagination), and the pages 1-4 are missing. Binding: red boards, cloth back; a colored illustration (landscape with lake, castle, and moon) pasted on the front cover. On the spine in gold: SALOME | BALLAD OF | READING | GAOL | [ornament] | CALDWELL CO. Advertised in P.W., May 3, 1913, p. 1571 in two different series: Acorn Series of the Poets and Lotus Series of Handy Volume Classics. In the Reference List of New Publications in May 1914 the same title is recorded within the Berkeley Series. We have been unable to ascertain the differences between these three series. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Martin 1908THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | BY | OSCAR WILDE | R.A. MARTIN | The Book Shop | 155 West 23d Street | New York | [line] | 1908. 181: 121. 1 leaf (title), 28 pages, 1 blank leaf. Binding: blue cloth, title and name of author on front cover in gold. Manuscript inscription on first fly leaf: ‘only seven copies of this edition were made with white title pages and bound. The rest (1500) had no title page & a blue paper cover R.A.M. [artin]’. Ordinary edition: cover title as above, but type display different and within a double line border. 28 pages, blue wrappers. Publishers' Weekly: Weekly Record of New Publications, Oct. 26, 1907 (only the ordinary edition). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jacobs 1908Boston, George W. Jacobs & Co. 1908. Publishers' Weekly, Sept. 26, 1908, p. 874, advertised as follows: Dainty Gift Books. The Ballad of Reading Gaol. By Oscar Wilde. Beautifully printed on specially made paper. Bound in polished sheepskin, stamped in gold. Gilt top with ribbon marker. 75 cents net. Weekly Record of New Publications, Dec. 19, 1908, p. 1895: George W. Jacobs & Co. 1908. nar. 16o, shp. *75 c. net. No copy located. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Manhattan Book Company 1908THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | OSCAR WILDE | AND | THE VAMPIRE | RUDYARD KIPLING | [line] | PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS | [line] PUBLISHED BY | THE MANHATTAN BOOK CO. | 196 EAST BROADWAY | NEW YORK | 1908. 167: 125. 32 pages. [1] title; [2] blank; 3-30 text of the Ballad, 31-32 Kipling's The Vampire. Wrapper: grey paper, the same text and type display as on the title page, but within a double line border (New York Public Library). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Barse & Hopkins [1910-1928]The Ballad | of | Reading Gaol | Oscar Wilde | Barse & Hopkins | New York [within ornamental border, border in gold and brown, lettering in black]. 1 blank leaf, 1 leaf half-title, 30 pages, frontispiece (portrait of Wilde) preserved by leaf of tissue. The firm of Barse & Hopkins was established on Jan. 1, 1910 (Publishers' Weekly, Jan. 1, 1910, p. 2). On July 2, 1910, p. 6 they advertised: The Golden Books. This series of books chosen from the masterpieces of the world's greatest writers. Printed on genuine rag paper, deckle edges, with frontispiece and illuminated title-page printed on Japan vellum, bound in boards, with paper sides, vellum backs, title stamped in gold on side and back. Size 4 × 7 inches [= 178: 102 mm] Boxed, per volume, 50 c. [30 different titles, including the Ballad]. P.W., Sept. 30, 1911, p. 1120: Carleton Series. A very attractive series of gift books... printed on genuine rag paper, deckle edges, with photogravure frontispiece and illuminated title page printed on Japan vellum. Bound in velvet calf, gilt tops, silk ribbon marker. Size 4½ × 7 inches [= 178: 108 mm]. Boxed, per volume $ 1.00 [35 titles, including the Ballad]. Ibid. p. 1124: The Golden Books, Savoy Series. Relyea Classics. The following 5 new titles have been added to these series now embracing 35 titles in each [including the Ballad]... P.W., Sept. 28, 1912, p. 865: The Savoy Series (Persian Ooze). Relyea Classics (Velvet calf). Golden Books (Hammered vellum). Carleton Series (Velvet calf) [5 titles added, total 40 titles]. Ibid.: A novel and distinctive binding: Essex Series. 25 of the most popular titles in the English language... Strongly bound with cloth back. Sides of Japanese tree bark veneer... Colored photo inlay within gold stamp frame on front cover. Clear, legible type. Photogravure frontispiece. Pocket size. Boxed. 40 cents. [Includes the Ballad.] Reference List of New Publications, Recorded in June 1913: Wilde, Ballad of Reading Gaol. N.Y., Barse & Hopkins. '12. front. 16o. (Drexel ser.) $ 1 bxd., (Retlaw ser.) 75 c. bxd. P.W., Sept. 27, 1913, p. 855: Copley Series. A unique binding in heavy hammered vellum; the cover is made with a reinforced folded back and is tied with leather tong. Titles are gold stamped from especially designed pen-lettered plates with colored art- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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inlay... Mottled end boards. Printed from legible type on fine white laid paper. Size 4¼ × 7 inches [= 178: 108 mm], Vellum, gilt top, bxd. 40 c. [12 titles, including the Ballad]. Ibid., p. 856: New Relyea Classics, 4¼ × 7 inches. Velvet calf, gilt top, bxd. $ 1.00 [39 titles, including the Ballad]. The advertisements in P.W. and the quotation in ABP for 1928 show that Barse and Hopkins published the Ballad in ten different series, counting the Relyea Classics and the New Relyea Classics as one. The ten series are:
We have not succeeded in identifying any except the Essex Series which was easy to recognize as bound in ‘Japanese tree bark veneer’ (a copy in the collection of the writer, size 169 × 94 mm). Another copy in the same collection is identical except for the sides which are of marbled paper. A third copy of the same size is bound in velvet calf, the front is decorated with a gold stamped rectangle bearing the title BALLAD OF | READING | GAOL; in the lower right corner a narrow upright oval has been cut out of the leather and within it is a miniature landscape color print on paper. All these copies consist of two (typographically printed) sheets, of which the first comprises 1 blank leaf, pages [1]-14 (a sheet of 4 pages, containing portrait and calligraphic title, printed in rotogravure, is inserted after the half-title), while the second sheet contains pages 15-30. A fourth copy has the size of 177 × 105 mm., which corresponds approximately with the advertised size of 4¼ × 7 in. This is a new printing, as the two sheets are arranged in a different way: the first contains 1 blank leaf (followed by the calligraphic title inserted, no portrait), 1 leaf dedication, pages 5-16, the second contains pages 17-30 and a blank leaf. This copy is bound in brown morocco-grained leather, with a long rectangular ornament stamped in blind on the front, within the upper part of which the title BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | Wilde is stamped in gold. This copy bears on the first blank leaf the inscription Henry J. Benjamin 1921. The paper is better than in the other copies. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio, reports the following two copies: ‘Undated. No half-title, no frontispiece; floral ornament is in gilt only, no title on spine, green cloth’. Also: ‘Golden Book Series: copy has no title page. It is in gray boards, lettered on cover within ornamental border: The Golden Books Ballad of Reading Gaol By Oscar Wilde.’ In what respects the 1928 reprints of the Golden Books and Savoy Series are identical with the editions of 1910 and 1911 we cannot say. We have the impression that all series were printed from the same plates and differ mainly in the binding, but also occasionally in the paper. There were, however, at least two different printings up to 1921. We are unable to account for the difference in size between the three copies to hand (169 × 94 mm.) and the announcements (4 × 7 in. and 4¼ × 7 in., i.e. 178 × 102 mm. and 178 × 108 mm.). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Crowell [1911-1922]A. Miniature Series. Publishers' Weekly, August 12, 1911: Weekly Record of New Publications: ‘N.Y. Crowell '11 (Ag. 19) 95 p.T. (Crowell's Miniature ser.) leath. 35 c.’ T stands for 24mo (up to 15 cm.). In P.W. September 30, 1911, p. 1113: ‘Crowell's Miniature Series. Dainty little books (2 × 2½) bound in leather.’ Ten different titles advertised, one of them being the Ballad. The binding is reproduced in the ad. These quotations show that the Miniature Series Ballad was published on August 19, 1911, that its size was about 63 × 50 mm., and that it had 95 pages. We have been unable to locate a copy. B. Octavo edition. The | Ballad of | Reading | Gaol | Oscar Wilde | Thomas Y. Crowell | Company. New York [within ornamental border, printed in brown and green, calligraphic black letter design, not letterpress]. 178: 115. Frontispiece (portrait of Wilde), 1 leaf calligraphic title, 1 leaf typographic title: The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | BY | OSCAR WILDE | [fleuron] | NEW YORK | THOMAS Y. CROWELL COMPANY | PUBLISHERS [within typographical border, the 2 first lines in black letter]. 39 pages. Binding: cloth, on front cover ornament and title in gold. In P.W. we find the following advertisements. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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September 30, 1911, p. 1114: ‘The Tuscany Booklets. A choice series of inexpensive volumes finely printed on old Stratford paper, with illuminated titles, daintily bound, with gilt top. Boxed. Per vol. $ 0.50’ (47 different titles including the Ballad). The binding is reproduced in the ad. ‘Laurel Series. New volumes. This series has proved one of the most popular of our many effective lines of gift books. The binding is the popular ooze leather, special end leaves, chaste gold stamping. Gilt top, boxed. Per vol. $ 0.75’. Two new volumes are announced, one of them the Ballad. ‘Immortelles. New volumes. A series of dainty volumes chosen from the masterpieces of the greatest writers. Finely printed on old Stratford rag paper, deckle edges, with photogravure frontispiece and illuminated title-page printed on Japan vellum. Bound in ooze leather, gilt top, silk markers, boxed. Per vol. $ 1.00’. Two new volumes announced, one of them the Ballad. September 28, 1912, p. 871: The Elzevir series, announced with the same words as the Immortelles series, bound in gray velvet ooze leather, gilt top, boxed $ 1.00 (24 titles, including the Ballad). Miniature series. Dainty little books (2 × 2½), bound in ooze leather, per vol. $ 0.25 (10 titles, the same as in 1911). A.B.P.: Crowell's Miniature Series 1911 and 1912. Elzevir Series 1912. Avon Booklets (1913-1915). Laurel Series 1915. Hollywood Series 1922. San Rafael Series 1922. We have consulted the publisher who sent the following reply: ‘Replying to your enquiry of October 5, 1953 in reference to our editions of Wilde - Ballad of Reading Gaol 39 pages, we must depend on existing record which is principally catalogues. Sheets for following five bindings were printed on Old Stratford rag paper, illuminated titlepages printed on Japan vellum, gilt top, gold stamping, photogravure frontispiece of Wilde portrait. Tuscany Booklet - 1911, Price. 50, Cloth binding, square corners, size 7×4½, deckle edge. Laurel Series - 1911, Price. 75, ooze leather binding, round corners, size 7 × 4½. Immortelles - 1911, Price 1.00, ooze leather binding, square corners, silk marker, deckle edge, size 7 × 4½. Elzevir Series - 1912, Price 1.00, silver moire endleaves, grey velvet ooze leather binding, round corners, size 7 × 4½. Avon Booklets - 1913, Price. 35, brown paper sides over boards, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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cream backbone, deckle edge, size 7 × 4½. Miniature Series - 1911, brown ooze leather binding, price. 35, size 2 × 2½. Some of these editions were stocked for several years, the binding specifications changing practically each year. Since these books were published 42 years ago, we have made two moves and remodeled several times. File copies were discarded with each operation. We have none of these original editions now in our library.’ All this is rather confusing and our own inspection of the copies has not enabled us to quote the distinctive features of each series. It would appear that the six series published in 1911-1913 differ only in their binding. But the later series, as shown by the descriptions given below, were newly printed although from the old plates. We have seen the following copies:
The first copy seems to be the older. This is suggested by the ornament on the binding and also by the information from the publishers who state that all editions published in 1911-1913 had deckle edges. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Maisel 1911-[19??]Printing A: The | Ballad of Reading Gaol | BY | OSCAR WILDE | [fleuron] | NEW YORK | MAX N. MAISEL, Publisher | 422 GRAND STREET | 1911. 182: 122. 32 pages. Blue wrapper, on the front cover, within double line border, the same text as on the title, but with the date 1916 and in a different type face. This printing does not contain Part 6 of the Ballad, but ends with the last stanza of Part 5. There were obviously at least two issues; the first must have had a cover either with the date 1911 or undated. We have been unable to locate a copy. Printing B: The Ballad of Reading Gaol | BY | OSCAR WILDE | [fleuron] | MAX N. MAISEL, Publisher | 424 Grand Street | New York. 186: 124. 32 pages. Brown wrappers, title on front cover within treble line border: The | Ballad of Reading Gaol | BY | OSCAR WILDE | [fleuron] | PRICE TEN CENTS | MAX N. MAISEL, Publisher | 424 GRAND STREET | NEW YORK. In this printing the three lower lines of the title are in a different type face, while the upper part and the poem are in the same type as printing A. The 32 pages contain the whole Ballad. This was made possible by a different arrangement of the text: while in printing A each Part of the Ballad begins at a new page, in printing B the Parts are set continuously. Most curious is the pagination of printing B: it starts on the verso of the second leaf (the fourth page of the pamphlet) with number 5, so that the rectos bear even, the versos odd numers. The recto of the last leaf, numbered 32, contains the end of Part 5, the verso, which is the real 32nd page, is not numbered and contains Part 6. For this printing a good paper has been used, while printing A is on very poor wood pulp paper. (Copy of printing B in the Clark Library). We are unable to date this printing. The different address gives no clue, as the firm never changed its address, which is still 424 Grand Street. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Platt & Peck [about 1912]The Ballad | of Reading Gaol By | C. 3. 3. | <Oscar Wilde> | New York | The Platt & Peck Co. [in black letter]. 155: 103. 4 leaves (1 blank, title, half-title, Dedication), 79 pages, 1 blank leaf, frontispiece (portrait of Wilde), protected by a leaf of tissue. Printed on one side of leaf only. Binding: light brown paper boards, sides and spine fully ornamented, title on front cover. Letterpress identical with the Putnam edition, except the publisher's name, the missing text on the tissue and the pages containing the advertisements of the Ariel Booklets. In the Clark Catalogue the date of this edition is given as [1899?], in the catalogue of the Yale University Library (according to the National Union Catalogue) as [1910?]. 1899 is certainly wrong, as Platt & Peck did not start their book publishing business until 1910 (first advertisment in Publishers' Weekly on May 28, 1910, p. 2159). But the date of 1910 seems to be also erroneous, for the Ariel Booklets were advertised by Putnam as late as in September 1911, and the last Putnam issue must also date from that year. After September 1911 Putnam did no longer advertise the Ariel Booklets, and for that reason we date the Platt & Peck edition about 1912. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Duffield & Co. 1910THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | BY C. 33 [sic] | <OSCAR WILDE> | [Publisher's mark] | NEW YORK | DUFFIELD & Co. | 1910. Rubric Series. 186: 115. 37 pages, all of them (except the blank pages) within ornamental border printed in red. [1] Half-title THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL; [3] title; [4] Copyright, 1910, | By DUFFIELD & CO.; [5] In memoriam; 7-37 text of the Ballad; [38-40] blank. Binding: greyish-brown boards, canvas back, on front cover: THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | BY OSCAR WILDE | [Monogram RS in black and red on gold field. RS = Rubric Series]. (Library of Congress PR 5818. B2. 1910). Publishers' Weekly, Sept. 24, 1910, p. 1105. Weekly Record of New Publications Oct. 15, 1910, p. 1571. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Browne 1911The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | by | Oscar Wilde | [publisher's mark] | Chicago | Browne's Bookstore | MCMXI [title in lettering]. 173: 115. Leaf [1] half-title; 1.[2] title; 1.[3] Dedication; 1. [4] Note by Robert Ross. Page 1-58 text of the Ballad. p. [59] part title APPENDIX; p. [60] blank; p. [61] part title THE BALLAD OF READING GAOL | A VERSION BASED ON THE ORIGINAL | DRAFT OF THE POEM; p. [62] blank; p. 63-86 text of the abridged version; p. [87] Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, Printers to His Majesty | at the Edinburgh University Press; p. [88] blank. Note: At the end of the complete text, in | this new popular edition, will be | found a shorter version based on the original | draft of the poem. This is included for the | benefit of reciters and their audiences who | have found the entire poem too long for | declamation. I have tried to obviate a | difficulty, without officiously exercising the | ungrateful prerogatives of a literary executor, | by falling back on a text which represents | the author's first scheme for a poem - never | intended of course for recitation. | ROBERT ROSS. | Reform Club, | 25 May, 1910. Binding: Brown boards. Title on front cover: enlarged reproduction of the title page. Obviously the sheets of the identical edition published in London by Methuen in 1910 were supplied to Browne with a special title Page. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dodge [1915]The Ballad | of | READING GAOL [publisher's mark: initials DP ] | Oscar Wilde | New York | Dodge Publishing Company | 214-220 East 23rd Street Remarque Edition of Literary Masterpieces (according to A.B.P.). Cloister Craft Books? (according to Publishers' Weekly). 142: 100. Half-title, frontispiece, XIII pages, page 5-83, 1 blank leaf. Title in black and red. Printed from the same plates as the Caldwell edition. Binding: half morocco, lines on sides, on spine title in gold (5 lines in capitals, 2 fleurons). After 1914 the firm of Caldwell disappears from the advertise- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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ment pages of The Publishers' Weekly. The Dodge Publishing Company seems to have started operations at the beginning of 1915, the first announcement appearing on 24 April 1915, p. 287. The Remarque edition was not announced by Dodge in the P.W., but is found in the A.B.P. There is, however, an ad of 25 September 1915 ‘Cloister Craft Books, hand-made bindings in leathercraft style’; six titles are advertised in this series, among them the Ballad. The series is mentioned in the Reference List of New Publications for March 1916. The connection between the Remarque Series and the Cloister Craft Books is not clear, but a comparison of the binding of our copy with the description of the Cloister Craft bindings makes it very probable that Dodge took over the Remarque Series from Caldwell and reported it as such to the A.B.P. He then substituted a new title page, had the series bound in halfleather and distributed it under the name Cloister Craft Books so as to be able to advertise it as a novelty. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ishill 1916THE BALLAD OF READING | GAOL BY OSCAR WILDE C. 3. 3. | [Portrait of Wilde in collotype pasted on the page] | PUBLISHED AND PRINTED BY JOS. ISHILL | FERRER COLONY, STELTON, N.J. 1916 [The words The Ballad of Reading Gaol in red.] 218: 117. V, 39 pages. 1 blank leaf; p. [1] title; p. [2-4] blank; p. [I]-V Foreword by Frank Harris; p. [VI] blank; p. [5] Dedication; p. [6] blank; p. [7] half-title; p. [8] blank; p. 9-39 text of the Ballad; p. [40] blank. (New York Public Library *KL.) Only a small number of copies printed on the Oriole Press. This seems to be the rarest of all American editions of the Ballad. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Little Leather Library [1917-1918]THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | AND OTHER POEMS | BY OSCAR WILDE | LITTLE LEATHER LIBRARY | CORPORATION NEW YORK. Little Leather Library, No. [22]. 108: 82. Page [1] title; [3] Contents; [5] half title; p. 7-63 text of the Ballad; p. [65] part title MISCELLANEOUS POEMS; p. 67-93 text of the other poems; p. [2], [4], [6], [64], [66], [94-96] blank. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Binding: green limp leather, stamped in blind. On the front cover: BALLAD | OF | READING | GAOL |...| OSCAR WILDE [within ornamental border]; on the back cover in lettering: LITTLE [L]EATHER [L]IBRARY | Redcroft Edition. Contains in addition to the Ballad: Impressions, The Harlot's House, Theocritus, Helas!, Chanson, Ave Imperatrix, Requiescat. First printing: Type face a little bolder than in the second issue, the two lower lines of the title and the Contents on page [3] in a smaller type: the two lower lines of the title are 6 mm high, the type area of the Contents 33 mm high. (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard College Library XM 34). Second printing: The same collation and binding. Set in a different type face. The two lower lines of the title 7 mm high, the Contents 41 mm high. (Buffalo, N.Y., Grosvenor Library PR5818. B. 2.). Publishers' Weekly, Sept. 22, 1917, p. 917: 60 different titles (No. 22 Ballad of Reading Gaol), 25 c. each; Oct. 19, 1918, p. 1239: the same 60 titles, 30 c. each. The volumes of the Little Leather Library were intended for despatch to American troops on active service abroad. As the weight of such parcels was limited, it was clearly of advantage to send these booklets, which had a weight of only one oz. The fact that two different editions can be identified suggests that the publisher's scheme was successful. The higher price of the 1918 edition makes it likely that the second printing was issued in that year. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Haldeman-Julius [1919-19??]TEN CENT POCKET SERIES NO. 2 | Edited by E. Haldeman- Julius | The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | Oscar Wilde | HALDEMAN-JULIUS COMPANY | GIRARD, KANSAS. 122: 89. First (?) printing: p. [1] title; [2] blank; 3-59 text of the Ballad; verso of p. 59: p. I: OTHER TITLES IN POCKET SERIES (p. I-V). Last line on p. V: 167 Plutarch on Health; highest number: 239 Twenty-six Men and a Girl, Maxim Gorki (on p. II). Wrapper: blue paper, on front cover: TEN CENT POCKET SERIES NO. 2 | Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius | The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | Oscar Wilde | HALDEMAN-JULIUS COMPANY | GIRARD, KANSAS. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Latest printing: TEN CENT POCKET SERIES NO. 2 | Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius | The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | And Other Poems | Oscar Wilde | HALDEMAN-JULIUS COMPANY | GIRARD, KANSAS. Wrapper: ivory paper, on front cover: LITTLE BLUE BOOK NO. 2 | Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius | The Ballad of | Reading Gaol | and Other Poems | Oscar Wilde. 64 pages, p. 38-64: Miscellaneous poems (Impressions, The Harlot's House, Theocritus, Helas!, Chanson, Ave Imperatrix, Requiescat, Taedium Vitae, Athanasia, Impression du Matin, In the Gold Room, Serenade, Endymion, Sonnet to Liberty). The copy of the first edition inspected by us is that in the Clark Library. In the book it is stated that it was acquired in April 1923. According to information from Haldeman-Julius, their first edition was published on 15 March 1919. The other copy was purchased by the writer from the publisher in 1952. Whether other printings were made before 1923 or between 1923 and 1952 we cannot say, nor could the publishers give any information. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mulligan 1923THE | BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | BY | OSCAR WILDE | DRAWINGS | BY | LATIMER J. WILSON | PETER P. MULLIGAN, Ine. | NEW YORK | 1923 [printed in brown]. 245: 164. 53 pages. Reprint of the Buckles edition of 1907. Binding: blue cloth, ornament and title in gold on front cover, repeated on the grey jacket. For details see chapter II. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fenno [before 1924]Ballad of | Reading Gaol | Oscar Wilde | [Ornament: books, plate and two candlesticks on a shelf] | R.F. Fenno & Company | 18. East. 17. St. New York [lettering red, ornament black]. 183: 110. Page [1] half-title, [2] dedication, [3] title, [4] blank, 5-35 text of the Ballad, [36] blank. Next leaf blank, 10 leaves containing a part-title FLOWERS OF GOLD and the Contents, and the following poems: Impressions, The Grave of Keats, Theocritus, In the Gold Room, Ballade de Marguerite, The Dole of the King's Daughter, Amor Intellectualis, Santa Decca, A Vision, Impression de Voyage, The Grave of Shelley. By the Arno. These leaves have no pagination. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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We have no possibility of dating this edition. But it must have been published before 1924, as the publishing firm stopped its activities in that year. The Clark copy was purchased in 1924 at the Anderson sale 1818 (No. 572), as we are informed by Mrs. Edna C. Davis. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gold Medal Library [about 1924]The Ballad | of | Reading Gaol | and | Other Poems | OSCAR WILDE | The Gold Medal Library | London, NEW YORK, Calcutta | 122: 82. 95 pages. Page [1] half-title: The Ballad | of | Reading Gaol; p.[2] facsimile of manuscript page of the Ballad; p.[3] title; p.[4] Printed in the United States of America.; p. [5]-33 Ballad of Reading Gaol; p. 35-95 poems (Impressions, The Harlot's House, Helas!, Chanson, Ave Imperatrix, Requiescat, The Sphinx, Panthea, The New Helen, Magdalen Walks). In the pagination included 7 illustrations (none of them to the Ballad). Binding: red cloth, title on front side. The Golden Medal Library publishing firm was in business from 1922 to 1926, according to Trow's Directory. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nichols 1924THE | BALLAD | OF | READING GAOL | BY | OSCAR WILDE | [Vignette in red] | H.S. NICHOLS | NEW YORK. 129: 114. 141 p. frontispiece (portrait), 1 plate (monument over Wilde's grave) opposite page 15, 1 leaf advertisements. Page [1]: H.S. NICHOLS' | PRECIOUS TOMES | V | BALLAD OF READING GAOL | BY | OSCAR WILDE. Page [2]: EDITIONS. There are two editions of all of | these PRECIOUS TIMES; an ORDI- | NARY EDITION which is pocketsize; | and an EXTRA-ORDINARY EDITION, strictly limited in number, which is small quarto size. Each copy of the extra-ordinary edition is autographed by the publisher. Page [3]: INDORSEMENT | This is a genuine copy of | The Ballad of Reading Gaol by | Oscar Wilde, as printed and published by me in my COLLECTION | OF PRECIOUS TOMES. It has been | reprinted from the excessively | rare and almost unobtainable | second edition of 1898, which | was revised and | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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corrected by the | author, the text of which has been | scrupulously followed word by | word with absolute fidelity and | accuracy. A Foreword by my- | self has been prefixed. | [Facsimile of Nichols' signature] | Copyright, 1924, by H.S. Nichols. Page [4]: Hélas by Oscar Wilde. Between p. [4] and [5] 1 leaf with Wilde's portrait in collotype. Page [5]: Title. Page [6]: verso of title: COPYRIGHT, 1924, BY H.S. NICHOLS | Printed in the United States of America. Page [7]: IN MEMORIAM. Page [8]: The Dead Poet, poem by Alfred Douglas. Page 9 -15: Foreword by H.S. Nichols. Page [142]: THERE ARE TWO EDITIONS OF ALL OF | THESE ‘PRECIOUS TOMES’; AN | ORDINARY EDITION, WHICH IS | POCKET-SIZE; AND AN EXTRA- | ORDINARY EDITION, STRICTLY | LIMITED IN NUMBER, WHICH IS SMALL | QUARTO SIZE. EACH COPY OF THE | EXTRA-ORDINARY EDITION IS | AUTOGRAPHED BY THE PUBLISHER. | DESIGNED, PRINTED AND PRODUCED | BY | H.S. NICHOLS | PRINTER | BOOKBINDER | PUBLISHER | BOOKSELLER | 500 FIFTH AVENUE | NEW YORK CITY | N.Y. On verso of the advertisement leaf: H.S. NICHOLS' | Collection of ‘Precious Tomes’ | Size of the ORDINARY EDITION, 4 × 5 inches. | Size of the EXTRA-ORDINARY EDITION, 7 × 9 inches. (9 titles advertised). Binding: full goatskin, both sides gilt (fleurons and name of author), spine gilt (8 lines in capitals, fleuron), ornament repeated on fly leaves and on the case. That Nichols' prospectus mentioned in the Clark Catalogue (Wilde and Wildeiana IV, 17) refers to this edition is proved conclusively by the identical format and contents. We have been unable to trace a copy of the ‘extra-ordinary edition’ which is announced in the prospectus as follows: ‘A full description of the recherché [sic], superb and sumptuous EXTRA-ORDINARY EDITION of the same book, the best edition which has ever been published of this immortal Ballad, or that is ever likely to be published of it, and which is strictly limited in number, each copy being autographed by the publisher, will be sent on demand.’ Nichols was the former partner of Smithers, the publisher of the first edition of the Ballad (see note 31). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Haas [about 1925]THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | AND OTHER POEMS | BY OSCAR WILDE | ROBERT K. HAAS, INC., PUBLISHERS, | <Formerly Little Leather Library Corporation> | New York, N.Y. 102: 82. Collation exactly as the second issue of the edition published by the Little Leather Corporation. Binding: red limp imitation leather, stamped in blind as the former edition, but on back cover Little Luxart Library instead of Little Leather Library. The year of publication, about 1925, is quoted according to verbal Information from Mr. Haas. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shrewesbury Publishing Company [about 1927]THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | AND OTHER POEMS | BY OSCAR WILDE | SHREWESBURY PUBLISHING COMPANY | Chicago -Toronto. 115: 83. Collation exactly as the second printing of the edition published by The Little Leather Corporation, but on verso of title: Printed in U.S.A. The only copy we were able to locate is that in Cambridge, Mass., Harvard College Library (K.C. 4873). This copy is bound in plain cloth, but we cannot say if it is in its original binding or rebound. The first advertisement of the Shrewesbury Publishing Company which we found in The Publishers' Weekly appeared on Oct. 9, 1926, p. 1472 (not including the Ballad). Hence the date given here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dutton 1928 - 1930THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | BY OSCAR WILDE | CONCEPTIONS BY | JOHN VASSOS | [Vignette] | NEW YORK, E.P. DUTTON & CO., INC. MCMXXVIII. 240: 184 | leaf half-title, on verso: Mr. Vassos has also illustrated | SALOME | BY OSCAR WILDE | Published by E.P. DUTTON & CO., INC. 1 leaf frontispiece, 1 leaf title, on verso: THE BALLAD OF READING GAOL, COPYRIGHT 1928 | BY E.P. DUTTON & CO., INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN U.S.A. | KNUDSEN PROCESS. 1 leaf TO ALL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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PRISONERS J.V. 124 pages, the plates being included in the pagination. The plates are protected by leaves of tissue. Binding: blue-grey paper boards, in the right lower corner an ornament in black and gold, back with title. Jacket printed in blue and gold on black. Besides the trade edition an edition-de-luxe: 200 numbered copies, signed by the artist. On verso of the title of this edition: Of this edition, 200 copies were printed, and signed by John Vassos. This is copy Nr. Binding of the edition-de-luxe: blue buckram, title in gold on front cover and back. Second edition: 1930. Collation as 1928 edition, but no tissue leaves protecting the plates. Binding lacks ornament on front cover, otherwise as 1928. (Buffalo, N.Y., Grosvenor Library, PR 5818. B2). For details see chapter II. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Macy-Masius 1928OSCAR WILDE | / | THE | BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | / | illustrated | with mezzotints | by | LYND WARD | New York | Macy-Masius: The Vanguard Press | 1928 [within pictorial borders]. 262: 182. 104 pages, 1 leaf (plate), 2 blank leaves. In the pagination are included the first two blank leaves. Pictorial end papers. Binding: ivory paper boards, title on spine. Jacket with reproduction of an illustration. For details see chapter II. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Antioch Press 1932OSCAR WILDE | [line] | The Ballad of Reading Gaol | WITH A FOREWORD | BY ROBERT STRAKER | [line] | [drawing] | [line] | YELLOW SPRINGS | THE ANTIOCH PRESS | 1932. 222: 138. 1 leaf half-title; 1 leaf title, on the verso: Printed and Bound at | THE ANTIOCH PRESS, Yellow Springs, Ohio; 1 leaf containing: The two great turningpoints in my life | were when my father sent me to Oxford | and when society sent me to prison | WILDE: De Profundis. 41 pages. Page 1- 8 Foreword. Binding: orange paper boards, label on spine. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Grosset & Dunlap [1937]CAMEO CLASSICS | THE BALLAD | OF | READING GAOL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| BY | Oscar Wilde | [line] | GROSSET & DUNLAP | NEW YORK [within ornamental border]. 210: 138. Frontispiece, V, 120 pages. On verso of title: PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY | J.J. LITTLE AND IVES COMPANY, NEW YORK. Page III -V Introduction. Binding: black cloth, title in gold, cameo center piece, gilt title on spine. In slip case with the drawing of the frontispiece in blue. Published in 1937, according to the publisher's Information. For details see chapter II. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Limited Editions Club 1937THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | BY OSCAR WILDE | WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY | BURTON RASCOE | AND LITHOGRAPHS BY | ZHENYA GAY | New York: 1937 | Printed for the members of The Limited Editions Club | at The Harbor Press [printed in black and red]. 285: 190. 1 leaf half-title, 1 leaf frontispiece, XII, 42 pages, 1 leaf colophon, 8 lithographic plates not included in the pagination. For binding and other details see chapter II. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
McKay [1937]The Ballad | of Reading Gaol | BY | C. 3. 3. (OSCAR WILDE) | PHILADELPHIA | DAVID McKAY COMPANY | WASHINGTON SQUARE. 144: 105. 1 leaf, on verso (opposite the title) THE POCKET CLASSICS, (10 titles advertised). 1 leaf (title), 1 leaf (dedication: In Memoriam C.T.W. etc.), 1 leaf half-title, 79 pages, printed on recto only. Binding: ‘Artcraft’, on front cover and on the spine the title in capitals. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Peter Pauper Press [1947][Illustration] | OSCAR WILDE | THE BALLAD OF | READING |GAOL | & | OTHER POEMS | With Wood-engravings | by HANS ALEXANDER MUELLER | [line] | THE PETER PAUPER PRESS | MOUNT VERNON, NEW YORK. 227: 135. 1 blank leaf, 93 pages. On p. [94]: [Vignette] | THE TEXT OF THIS | EDITION IS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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SET IN | THE ESTIENNE TYPES; | THE PAPER IS MADE | SPECIALLY FOR THE PETER PAUPER PRESS. Binding: paper boards, ornamented throughout in a floral design (2 colors), title on spine. In slip case, on one side a large label: OSCAR WILDE | THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | [Illustration] | With wood-engravings | by HANS ALEXANDER MUELLER | [line] | THE PETER PAUPER PRESS. For details see chapter II. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Heritage Press [1952]THE BALLAD OF | READING GAOL | BY OSCAR WILDE | WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY | BURTON RASCOE | AND LITHOGRAPHS BY | ZHENYA GAY | THE HERITAGE PRESS | NEW YORK [the first two lines in black, the others in red]. Reprint of the Limited Editions Club edition, with the same collation, but without colophon.Ga naar eindnoot(119) |