| door Maria Heyns. t'Aemsteldam, gedrukt by J. Lescaille. Tot Delf, voor S.v. Someren, 1647. 4to. pp. (VIII) + 376.
8 emblematical engravings in the text.
Contains one of the earliest Dutch translations of Montaigne. |
2 | Castrum Doloris, quod J.mo Acr.mo Archiepiscopo Salisburgensi S. Sedis Apostolicae Legato, S.R.I. Principi Paridi e comitibus Lodroni. De Patria & Litteris meritissimo XVI. Decembris... defuncto... struxit... Moesta Academia Benedictina Salisburgensis Anno M. DC. LIV. Folio. 3 blank leaves, 32 leaves, 3 blank leaves.
Title page, verso dedication, folding frontispiece (Christian Zäch fecit; Wolfg. Kilian sculp.), 24 emblematical engravings and 5 pages text (Oratio funebris). |
3 | CHARTARIUS, Vincentius. Theatrum ethnico idololatricum politicohistoricum Ethnicorum Idololatrias, simulacra, Templa, sacrificia et Deos, Illorum Origines, Ritus et Caeremonias, quae in perficiendis sacris, fuerunt observata, quidque illis Indicare voluerint, Representans. Ad cujus majorem Intellectum Aeneae figurae LXXXVIII adjectae, ad Veterum numismatum cognitionem necessariae. Opus Cuivis Hominum Statui, sed praesertim Politico-Historicis et antiquitatis Amatoribus valde utile et lectu-jucundum. Postea à Paulo Hachemberg, quondam Electoris Palatini Consiliario Intimo auctum, et multorum desiderio editum. Moguntiae, Sumptibus Lud. Bourgeat, 1699. 4to. pp. (VIII), 228, (XVI).
88 ngravings. |
4 | (JOCELYN-BROOK, Elisabeth). Uyterste wille van een moeder aan haar toekomende kind, toegeeigent aan de volmaaktste huysmoeder. Den tweden druk. Met vaarzen en koopere platen versiert. t'Amsterdam, by Jacobus van Nieweveen... Small 8vo. pp. (VIII) + 260.
Engraved frontispiece, 16 whole-page engravings by J. Luyken and 6 little engravings in the text by J. van den Aveele(?).
12 of these plates are emblematical.
The book consists of 7 parts, with different titles and continuous pagination.
Two parts mention on the title the year 1699.
Other editions: 1698, 1702 and 1748.
The poems are by G. Brit and A. Spinniker.
Van Eeghen-van der Kellen 339; van Doorninck II, 4285 and I, p. 36. |
5 | SCHIEBEL, Johann Georg. Neu-erbauter Schausaal, Darinnen Vermittelst dreyhundert wol-ausgesonnener und künstlich-eingerichteter Sinn-Bilder, Auf eine gar sonderbare und zu jedermans verhoffentlicher Vergnügung gedeyende Art der Laster; dess menschlichen Hertzens; frommer Christen; dess Göttlichen Trosts, Scheusal, Irsal, Drangsal, Labsal, Durch Poetische Erläuterung aus geist- und weltlichen Schrifften, mit sonderm Fleiss und Mühe hervor gesuchten Anmerck= und wohlkommenden Erinnerungen, mit anbey gefügten fünffachen Register, vorgestellet werden. Nürnberg, Verlegts Johann Felssecker, 1684. Small 8vo. pp. (XVIII) + 403.
Engraved portrait, 1 folding allegorical engraving and 300 emblematical engravings. Title printed in red and black. |
6 | Verzameling van zinspreuken, zinnebeelden, en zinnebeeldige vercieringen enz. Door order van zyn Czaarsche Majesteit Peter Alexis, bygenaamd de Groote, Keizer van Rusland, getekend en gesneden... met verklaaringen van die zinnebeelden, in agt verscheide taalen. Amsterdam, A.v. Huissteen en S.v. Esveldt, 1741. 4to. engraved title with portrait and Russian text, title-page, half-title included in the pagination, pp. 281 + 5 leaves of index.
This is an unknown edition of the emblem book mentioned by Praz, p. 162: Symbola et Emblemata Jussu atque auspiciis Sacerrimae suae Majestatis Augustissimi Serenissimi Imperatoris
| |
Corrections and additions
Praz, p. 2: |
ABRAHAM A SANCTA CLARA. De Kapelle der Dooden, Amsterdam 1741: there is an edition Amsterdam 1737.
ABRICHT. Divine Emblems: there is an edition with address: Tims, Dublin: Bagster and Sons, Londen. 1839. |
Praz, p. 10: |
Amoris divini et humani antipathia. Third edition 1648 or 1670: Bridel (List 1, 1950, no. 14) mentions an issue of the third edition dated Antwerpen, Mich., Snyders, 1636.
Les emblemes d'Amour Divin et Humain ensemble: there is an edition with a printed title: Enblesmes sacrés avec leurs explications nouvelles. Auxerre 1687, with other engravings than are found in the Latin edition. |
Praz, p. 37: |
CATS. Maechden-plicht: there is a German edition: Neueröffnete Schule / vor das noch ledige Frauenzimmer; worinnen... 45... Sinn-Bilder. Zu finden: Auf denen Franckfurter und Leipziger Messen. (18th century). |
Praz, p. 55: |
ENGELGRAVE. Lucis Evangelicae Pars Tertia: there is an edition Antwerpen, vidua et haeredes Cnobbart, 1658. 4to. (Unknown to Brunet and to de Backer). |
Praz, p. 82: |
HOUBRAKEN. Stichtelyke Zinnebeelden: the same edition appeared with a new title page: Dichtkundige bespiegelingen op LVII gepaste... zinnebeelden. 2e druk. Amsterdam, L. Groenewoud, 1782. |
Praz, p. 94: |
LASSENIUS. De Hemelsche Morgendauw. 1754: there is an edition Amsterdam, J. Romberg, 1737. |
Among the booksellers the antiquarian booksellers are the aristocracy proper. Everywhere in the world the standing of the trade with antiquarian books shows the literary culture of the place.
Deens citaat, (overgenomen uit ‘Antiquarian Bookman’ VI/12.)